path: root/ethchain/block.go
blob: d42aa7d83ef7211af63db4c74a67a4e3d4fa7b57 (plain) (tree)























package ethchain

import (

type BlockInfo struct {
    Number uint64
    Hash   []byte
    Parent []byte

func (bi *BlockInfo) RlpDecode(data []byte) {
    decoder := ethutil.NewValueFromBytes(data)

    bi.Number = decoder.Get(0).Uint()
    bi.Hash = decoder.Get(1).Bytes()
    bi.Parent = decoder.Get(2).Bytes()

func (bi *BlockInfo) RlpEncode() []byte {
    return ethutil.Encode([]interface{}{bi.Number, bi.Hash, bi.Parent})

type Block struct {
    // Hash to the previous block
    PrevHash []byte
    // Uncles of this block
    Uncles   []*Block
    UncleSha []byte
    // The coin base address
    Coinbase []byte
    // Block Trie state
    //state *ethutil.Trie
    state *State
    // Difficulty for the current block
    Difficulty *big.Int
    // Creation time
    Time int64
    // Extra data
    Extra string
    // Block Nonce for verification
    Nonce []byte
    // List of transactions and/or contracts
    transactions []*Transaction
    TxSha        []byte

    contractStates map[string]*ethutil.Trie

// New block takes a raw encoded string
func NewBlockFromData(raw []byte) *Block {
    return NewBlockFromBytes(raw)

func NewBlockFromBytes(raw []byte) *Block {
    block := &Block{}

    return block

// New block takes a raw encoded string
func NewBlockFromRlpValue(rlpValue *ethutil.Value) *Block {
    block := &Block{}

    return block

func CreateBlock(root interface{},
    prevHash []byte,
    base []byte,
    Difficulty *big.Int,
    Nonce []byte,
    extra string,
    txes []*Transaction) *Block {

    block := &Block{
        // Slice of transactions to include in this block
        transactions:   txes,
        PrevHash:       prevHash,
        Coinbase:       base,
        Difficulty:     Difficulty,
        Nonce:          Nonce,
        Time:           time.Now().Unix(),
        Extra:          extra,
        UncleSha:       EmptyShaList,
        contractStates: make(map[string]*ethutil.Trie),

    block.state = NewState(ethutil.NewTrie(ethutil.Config.Db, root))

    for _, tx := range txes {

    return block

// Returns a hash of the block
func (block *Block) Hash() []byte {
    return ethutil.Sha3Bin(block.Value().Encode())

func (block *Block) HashNoNonce() []byte {
    return ethutil.Sha3Bin(ethutil.Encode([]interface{}{block.PrevHash, block.UncleSha, block.Coinbase, block.state.trie.Root, block.TxSha, block.Difficulty, block.Time, block.Extra}))

func (block *Block) PrintHash() {
    fmt.Println(ethutil.NewValue(ethutil.Encode([]interface{}{block.PrevHash, block.UncleSha, block.Coinbase, block.state.trie.Root, block.TxSha, block.Difficulty, block.Time, block.Extra, block.Nonce})))

func (block *Block) State() *State {
    return block.state

func (block *Block) Transactions() []*Transaction {
    return block.transactions

func (block *Block) PayFee(addr []byte, fee *big.Int) bool {
    contract := block.state.GetContract(addr)
    // If we can't pay the fee return
    if contract == nil || contract.Amount.Cmp(fee) < 0 /* amount < fee */ {
        fmt.Println("Contract has insufficient funds", contract.Amount, fee)

        return false

    base := new(big.Int)
    contract.Amount = base.Sub(contract.Amount, fee)
    block.state.trie.Update(string(addr), string(contract.RlpEncode()))

    data := block.state.trie.Get(string(block.Coinbase))

    // Get the ether (Coinbase) and add the fee (gief fee to miner)
    ether := NewAccountFromData([]byte(data))

    base = new(big.Int)
    ether.Amount = base.Add(ether.Amount, fee)

    block.state.trie.Update(string(block.Coinbase), string(ether.RlpEncode()))

    return true

func (block *Block) BlockInfo() BlockInfo {
    bi := BlockInfo{}
    data, _ := ethutil.Config.Db.Get(append(block.Hash(), []byte("Info")...))

    return bi

// Sync the block's state and contract respectively
func (block *Block) Sync() {

func (block *Block) Undo() {
    // Sync the block state itself

func (block *Block) MakeContract(tx *Transaction) {
    contract := MakeContract(tx, block.state)
    if contract != nil {
        block.state.states[string(tx.Hash()[12:])] = contract.state

/////// Block Encoding
func (block *Block) encodedUncles() interface{} {
    uncles := make([]interface{}, len(block.Uncles))
    for i, uncle := range block.Uncles {
        uncles[i] = uncle.RlpEncode()

    return uncles

func (block *Block) encodedTxs() interface{} {
    // Marshal the transactions of this block
    encTx := make([]interface{}, len(block.transactions))
    for i, tx := range block.transactions {
        // Cast it to a string (safe)
        encTx[i] = tx.RlpData()

    return encTx

func (block *Block) rlpTxs() interface{} {
    // Marshal the transactions of this block
    encTx := make([]interface{}, len(block.transactions))
    for i, tx := range block.transactions {
        // Cast it to a string (safe)
        encTx[i] = tx.RlpData()

    return encTx

func (block *Block) rlpUncles() interface{} {
    // Marshal the transactions of this block
    uncles := make([]interface{}, len(block.Uncles))
    for i, uncle := range block.Uncles {
        // Cast it to a string (safe)
        uncles[i] = uncle.header()

    return uncles

func (block *Block) SetUncles(uncles []*Block) {
    block.Uncles = uncles

    // Sha of the concatenated uncles
    block.UncleSha = ethutil.Sha3Bin(ethutil.Encode(block.rlpUncles()))

func (block *Block) SetTransactions(txs []*Transaction) {
    block.transactions = txs

    block.TxSha = ethutil.Sha3Bin(ethutil.Encode(block.rlpTxs()))

func (block *Block) Value() *ethutil.Value {
    return ethutil.NewValue([]interface{}{block.header(), block.rlpTxs(), block.rlpUncles()})

func (block *Block) RlpEncode() []byte {
    // Encode a slice interface which contains the header and the list of
    // transactions.
    return block.Value().Encode()

func (block *Block) RlpDecode(data []byte) {
    rlpValue := ethutil.NewValueFromBytes(data)

func (block *Block) RlpValueDecode(decoder *ethutil.Value) {
    header := decoder.Get(0)

    block.PrevHash = header.Get(0).Bytes()
    block.UncleSha = header.Get(1).Bytes()
    block.Coinbase = header.Get(2).Bytes()
    block.state = NewState(ethutil.NewTrie(ethutil.Config.Db, header.Get(3).Val))
    block.TxSha = header.Get(4).Bytes()
    block.Difficulty = header.Get(5).BigInt()
    block.Time = int64(header.Get(6).BigInt().Uint64())
    block.Extra = header.Get(7).Str()
    block.Nonce = header.Get(8).Bytes()
    block.contractStates = make(map[string]*ethutil.Trie)

    // Tx list might be empty if this is an uncle. Uncles only have their
    // header set.
    if decoder.Get(1).IsNil() == false { // Yes explicitness
        txes := decoder.Get(1)
        block.transactions = make([]*Transaction, txes.Len())
        for i := 0; i < txes.Len(); i++ {
            tx := NewTransactionFromValue(txes.Get(i))

            block.transactions[i] = tx


    if decoder.Get(2).IsNil() == false { // Yes explicitness
        uncles := decoder.Get(2)
        block.Uncles = make([]*Block, uncles.Len())
        for i := 0; i < uncles.Len(); i++ {
            block.Uncles[i] = NewUncleBlockFromValue(uncles.Get(i))


func NewUncleBlockFromValue(header *ethutil.Value) *Block {
    block := &Block{}

    block.PrevHash = header.Get(0).Bytes()
    block.UncleSha = header.Get(1).Bytes()
    block.Coinbase = header.Get(2).Bytes()
    block.state = NewState(ethutil.NewTrie(ethutil.Config.Db, header.Get(3).Val))
    block.TxSha = header.Get(4).Bytes()
    block.Difficulty = header.Get(5).BigInt()
    block.Time = int64(header.Get(6).BigInt().Uint64())
    block.Extra = header.Get(7).Str()
    block.Nonce = header.Get(8).Bytes()

    return block

func (block *Block) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("Block(%x):\nPrevHash:%x\nUncleSha:%x\nCoinbase:%x\nRoot:%x\nTxSha:%x\nDiff:%v\nTime:%d\nNonce:%x\nTxs:%d\n", block.Hash(), block.PrevHash, block.UncleSha, block.Coinbase, block.state.trie.Root, block.TxSha, block.Difficulty, block.Time, block.Nonce, len(block.transactions))
func (block *Block) GetRoot() interface{} {
    return block.state.trie.Root

//////////// UNEXPORTED /////////////////
func (block *Block) header() []interface{} {
    return []interface{}{
        // Sha of the previous block
        // Sha of uncles
        // Coinbase address
        // root state
        // Sha of tx
        // Current block Difficulty
        // Time the block was found?
        // Extra data
        // Block's Nonce for validation