path: root/cmd/geth/chaincmd.go
blob: c1bbbd8dcf03d4c6237ff392f9706397774f1ede (plain) (tree)















































// Copyright 2015 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of go-ethereum.
// go-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// go-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with go-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package main

import (


var (
    importCommand = cli.Command{
        Action: importChain,
        Name:   "import",
        Usage:  `import a blockchain file`,
    exportCommand = cli.Command{
        Action: exportChain,
        Name:   "export",
        Usage:  `export blockchain into file`,
        Description: `
Requires a first argument of the file to write to.
Optional second and third arguments control the first and
last block to write. In this mode, the file will be appended
if already existing.
    upgradedbCommand = cli.Command{
        Action: upgradeDB,
        Name:   "upgradedb",
        Usage:  "upgrade chainblock database",
    removedbCommand = cli.Command{
        Action: removeDB,
        Name:   "removedb",
        Usage:  "Remove blockchain and state databases",
    dumpCommand = cli.Command{
        Action: dump,
        Name:   "dump",
        Usage:  `dump a specific block from storage`,
        Description: `
The arguments are interpreted as block numbers or hashes.
Use "ethereum dump 0" to dump the genesis block.

func importChain(ctx *cli.Context) error {
    if len(ctx.Args()) != 1 {
        utils.Fatalf("This command requires an argument.")
    if ctx.GlobalBool(utils.TestNetFlag.Name) {
        state.StartingNonce = 1048576 // (2**20)
    stack := makeFullNode(ctx)
    chain, chainDb := utils.MakeChain(ctx, stack)
    defer chainDb.Close()

    // Start periodically gathering memory profiles
    var peakMemAlloc, peakMemSys uint64
    go func() {
        stats := new(runtime.MemStats)
        for {
            if atomic.LoadUint64(&peakMemAlloc) < stats.Alloc {
                atomic.StoreUint64(&peakMemAlloc, stats.Alloc)
            if atomic.LoadUint64(&peakMemSys) < stats.Sys {
                atomic.StoreUint64(&peakMemSys, stats.Sys)
            time.Sleep(5 * time.Second)
    // Import the chain
    start := time.Now()
    if err := utils.ImportChain(chain, ctx.Args().First()); err != nil {
        utils.Fatalf("Import error: %v", err)
    fmt.Printf("Import done in %v.\n\n", time.Since(start))

    // Output pre-compaction stats mostly to see the import trashing
    db := chainDb.(*ethdb.LDBDatabase)

    stats, err := db.LDB().GetProperty("leveldb.stats")
    if err != nil {
        utils.Fatalf("Failed to read database stats: %v", err)
    fmt.Printf("Trie cache misses:  %d\n", trie.CacheMisses())
    fmt.Printf("Trie cache unloads: %d\n\n", trie.CacheUnloads())

    // Print the memory statistics used by the importing
    mem := new(runtime.MemStats)

    fmt.Printf("Object memory: %.3f MB current, %.3f MB peak\n", float64(mem.Alloc)/1024/1024, float64(atomic.LoadUint64(&peakMemAlloc))/1024/1024)
    fmt.Printf("System memory: %.3f MB current, %.3f MB peak\n", float64(mem.Sys)/1024/1024, float64(atomic.LoadUint64(&peakMemSys))/1024/1024)
    fmt.Printf("Allocations:   %.3f million\n", float64(mem.Mallocs)/1000000)
    fmt.Printf("GC pause:      %v\n\n", time.Duration(mem.PauseTotalNs))

    // Compact the entire database to more accurately measure disk io and print the stats
    start = time.Now()
    fmt.Println("Compacting entire database...")
    if err = db.LDB().CompactRange(util.Range{}); err != nil {
        utils.Fatalf("Compaction failed: %v", err)
    fmt.Printf("Compaction done in %v.\n\n", time.Since(start))

    stats, err = db.LDB().GetProperty("leveldb.stats")
    if err != nil {
        utils.Fatalf("Failed to read database stats: %v", err)

    return nil

func exportChain(ctx *cli.Context) error {
    if len(ctx.Args()) < 1 {
        utils.Fatalf("This command requires an argument.")
    stack := makeFullNode(ctx)
    chain, _ := utils.MakeChain(ctx, stack)
    start := time.Now()

    var err error
    fp := ctx.Args().First()
    if len(ctx.Args()) < 3 {
        err = utils.ExportChain(chain, fp)
    } else {
        // This can be improved to allow for numbers larger than 9223372036854775807
        first, ferr := strconv.ParseInt(ctx.Args().Get(1), 10, 64)
        last, lerr := strconv.ParseInt(ctx.Args().Get(2), 10, 64)
        if ferr != nil || lerr != nil {
            utils.Fatalf("Export error in parsing parameters: block number not an integer\n")
        if first < 0 || last < 0 {
            utils.Fatalf("Export error: block number must be greater than 0\n")
        err = utils.ExportAppendChain(chain, fp, uint64(first), uint64(last))

    if err != nil {
        utils.Fatalf("Export error: %v\n", err)
    fmt.Printf("Export done in %v", time.Since(start))
    return nil

func removeDB(ctx *cli.Context) error {
    stack := utils.MakeNode(ctx, clientIdentifier, gitCommit)
    dbdir := stack.ResolvePath("chaindata")
    if !common.FileExist(dbdir) {
        fmt.Println(dbdir, "does not exist")
        return nil

    confirm, err := console.Stdin.PromptConfirm("Remove this database?")
    switch {
    case err != nil:
        utils.Fatalf("%v", err)
    case !confirm:
        fmt.Println("Operation aborted")
        start := time.Now()
        fmt.Printf("Removed in %v\n", time.Since(start))
    return nil

func upgradeDB(ctx *cli.Context) error {
    glog.Infoln("Upgrading blockchain database")

    stack := utils.MakeNode(ctx, clientIdentifier, gitCommit)
    chain, chainDb := utils.MakeChain(ctx, stack)
    bcVersion := core.GetBlockChainVersion(chainDb)
    if bcVersion == 0 {
        bcVersion = core.BlockChainVersion

    // Export the current chain.
    filename := fmt.Sprintf("blockchain_%d_%s.chain", bcVersion, time.Now().Format("20060102_150405"))
    exportFile := filepath.Join(ctx.GlobalString(utils.DataDirFlag.Name), filename)
    if err := utils.ExportChain(chain, exportFile); err != nil {
        utils.Fatalf("Unable to export chain for reimport %s", err)
    if dir := dbDirectory(chainDb); dir != "" {

    // Import the chain file.
    chain, chainDb = utils.MakeChain(ctx, stack)
    core.WriteBlockChainVersion(chainDb, core.BlockChainVersion)
    err := utils.ImportChain(chain, exportFile)
    if err != nil {
        utils.Fatalf("Import error %v (a backup is made in %s, use the import command to import it)", err, exportFile)
    } else {
        glog.Infoln("Import finished")
    return nil

func dbDirectory(db ethdb.Database) string {
    ldb, ok := db.(*ethdb.LDBDatabase)
    if !ok {
        return ""
    return ldb.Path()

func dump(ctx *cli.Context) error {
    stack := makeFullNode(ctx)
    chain, chainDb := utils.MakeChain(ctx, stack)
    for _, arg := range ctx.Args() {
        var block *types.Block
        if hashish(arg) {
            block = chain.GetBlockByHash(common.HexToHash(arg))
        } else {
            num, _ := strconv.Atoi(arg)
            block = chain.GetBlockByNumber(uint64(num))
        if block == nil {
            utils.Fatalf("block not found")
        } else {
            state, err := state.New(block.Root(), chainDb)
            if err != nil {
                utils.Fatalf("could not create new state: %v", err)
            fmt.Printf("%s\n", state.Dump())
    return nil

// hashish returns true for strings that look like hashes.
func hashish(x string) bool {
    _, err := strconv.Atoi(x)
    return err != nil

func closeAll(dbs ...ethdb.Database) {
    for _, db := range dbs {