// Copyright 2018 The go-ethereum Authors // This file is part of go-ethereum. // // go-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // go-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with go-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // package core import ( "bytes" "context" "errors" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "math/big" "os" "path/filepath" "testing" "time" "github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon/accounts/keystore" "github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon/cmd/utils" "github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon/common" "github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon/common/hexutil" "github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon/core/types" "github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon/internal/ethapi" "github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon/rlp" ) //Used for testing type HeadlessUI struct { controller chan string } func (ui *HeadlessUI) OnInputRequired(info UserInputRequest) (UserInputResponse, error) { return UserInputResponse{}, errors.New("not implemented") } func (ui *HeadlessUI) OnSignerStartup(info StartupInfo) { } func (ui *HeadlessUI) OnApprovedTx(tx ethapi.SignTransactionResult) { fmt.Printf("OnApproved()\n") } func (ui *HeadlessUI) ApproveTx(request *SignTxRequest) (SignTxResponse, error) { switch <-ui.controller { case "Y": return SignTxResponse{request.Transaction, true, <-ui.controller}, nil case "M": //Modify old := big.Int(request.Transaction.Value) newVal := big.NewInt(0).Add(&old, big.NewInt(1)) request.Transaction.Value = hexutil.Big(*newVal) return SignTxResponse{request.Transaction, true, <-ui.controller}, nil default: return SignTxResponse{request.Transaction, false, ""}, nil } } func (ui *HeadlessUI) ApproveSignData(request *SignDataRequest) (SignDataResponse, error) { if "Y" == <-ui.controller { return SignDataResponse{true, <-ui.controller}, nil } return SignDataResponse{false, ""}, nil } func (ui *HeadlessUI) ApproveExport(request *ExportRequest) (ExportResponse, error) { return ExportResponse{<-ui.controller == "Y"}, nil } func (ui *HeadlessUI) ApproveImport(request *ImportRequest) (ImportResponse, error) { if "Y" == <-ui.controller { return ImportResponse{true, <-ui.controller, <-ui.controller}, nil } return ImportResponse{false, "", ""}, nil } func (ui *HeadlessUI) ApproveListing(request *ListRequest) (ListResponse, error) { switch <-ui.controller { case "A": return ListResponse{request.Accounts}, nil case "1": l := make([]Account, 1) l[0] = request.Accounts[1] return ListResponse{l}, nil default: return ListResponse{nil}, nil } } func (ui *HeadlessUI) ApproveNewAccount(request *NewAccountRequest) (NewAccountResponse, error) { if "Y" == <-ui.controller { return NewAccountResponse{true, <-ui.controller}, nil } return NewAccountResponse{false, ""}, nil } func (ui *HeadlessUI) ShowError(message string) { //stdout is used by communication fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, message) } func (ui *HeadlessUI) ShowInfo(message string) { //stdout is used by communication fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, message) } func tmpDirName(t *testing.T) string { d, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "eth-keystore-test") if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } d, err = filepath.EvalSymlinks(d) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } return d } func setup(t *testing.T) (*SignerAPI, chan string) { controller := make(chan string, 20) db, err := NewAbiDBFromFile("../../cmd/clef/4byte.json") if err != nil { utils.Fatalf(err.Error()) } var ( ui = &HeadlessUI{controller} api = NewSignerAPI( 1, tmpDirName(t), true, ui, db, true, true) ) return api, controller } func createAccount(control chan string, api *SignerAPI, t *testing.T) { control <- "Y" control <- "a_long_password" _, err := api.New(context.Background()) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } // Some time to allow changes to propagate time.Sleep(250 * time.Millisecond) } func failCreateAccountWithPassword(control chan string, api *SignerAPI, password string, t *testing.T) { control <- "Y" control <- password control <- "Y" control <- password control <- "Y" control <- password acc, err := api.New(context.Background()) if err == nil { t.Fatal("Should have returned an error") } if acc.Address != (common.Address{}) { t.Fatal("Empty address should be returned") } } func failCreateAccount(control chan string, api *SignerAPI, t *testing.T) { control <- "N" acc, err := api.New(context.Background()) if err != ErrRequestDenied { t.Fatal(err) } if acc.Address != (common.Address{}) { t.Fatal("Empty address should be returned") } } func list(control chan string, api *SignerAPI, t *testing.T) []common.Address { control <- "A" list, err := api.List(context.Background()) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } return list } func TestNewAcc(t *testing.T) { api, control := setup(t) verifyNum := func(num int) { if list := list(control, api, t); len(list) != num { t.Errorf("Expected %d accounts, got %d", num, len(list)) } } // Testing create and create-deny createAccount(control, api, t) createAccount(control, api, t) failCreateAccount(control, api, t) failCreateAccount(control, api, t) createAccount(control, api, t) failCreateAccount(control, api, t) createAccount(control, api, t) failCreateAccount(control, api, t) verifyNum(4) // Fail to create this, due to bad password failCreateAccountWithPassword(control, api, "short", t) failCreateAccountWithPassword(control, api, "longerbutbad\rfoo", t) verifyNum(4) // Testing listing: // Listing one Account control <- "1" list, err := api.List(context.Background()) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if len(list) != 1 { t.Fatalf("List should only show one Account") } // Listing denied control <- "Nope" list, err = api.List(context.Background()) if len(list) != 0 { t.Fatalf("List should be empty") } if err != ErrRequestDenied { t.Fatal("Expected deny") } } func TestSignData(t *testing.T) { api, control := setup(t) //Create two accounts createAccount(control, api, t) createAccount(control, api, t) control <- "1" list, err := api.List(context.Background()) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } a := common.NewMixedcaseAddress(list[0]) control <- "Y" control <- "wrongpassword" h, err := api.Sign(context.Background(), a, []byte("EHLO world")) if h != nil { t.Errorf("Expected nil-data, got %x", h) } if err != keystore.ErrDecrypt { t.Errorf("Expected ErrLocked! %v", err) } control <- "No way" h, err = api.Sign(context.Background(), a, []byte("EHLO world")) if h != nil { t.Errorf("Expected nil-data, got %x", h) } if err != ErrRequestDenied { t.Errorf("Expected ErrRequestDenied! %v", err) } control <- "Y" control <- "a_long_password" h, err = api.Sign(context.Background(), a, []byte("EHLO world")) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if h == nil || len(h) != 65 { t.Errorf("Expected 65 byte signature (got %d bytes)", len(h)) } } func mkTestTx(from common.MixedcaseAddress) SendTxArgs { to := common.NewMixedcaseAddress(common.HexToAddress("0x1337")) gas := hexutil.Uint64(21000) gasPrice := (hexutil.Big)(*big.NewInt(2000000000)) value := (hexutil.Big)(*big.NewInt(1e18)) nonce := (hexutil.Uint64)(0) data := hexutil.Bytes(common.Hex2Bytes("01020304050607080a")) tx := SendTxArgs{ From: from, To: &to, Gas: gas, GasPrice: gasPrice, Value: value, Data: &data, Nonce: nonce} return tx } func TestSignTx(t *testing.T) { var ( list []common.Address res, res2 *ethapi.SignTransactionResult err error ) api, control := setup(t) createAccount(control, api, t) control <- "A" list, err = api.List(context.Background()) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } a := common.NewMixedcaseAddress(list[0]) methodSig := "test(uint)" tx := mkTestTx(a) control <- "Y" control <- "wrongpassword" res, err = api.SignTransaction(context.Background(), tx, &methodSig) if res != nil { t.Errorf("Expected nil-response, got %v", res) } if err != keystore.ErrDecrypt { t.Errorf("Expected ErrLocked! %v", err) } control <- "No way" res, err = api.SignTransaction(context.Background(), tx, &methodSig) if res != nil { t.Errorf("Expected nil-response, got %v", res) } if err != ErrRequestDenied { t.Errorf("Expected ErrRequestDenied! %v", err) } control <- "Y" control <- "a_long_password" res, err = api.SignTransaction(context.Background(), tx, &methodSig) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } parsedTx := &types.Transaction{} rlp.Decode(bytes.NewReader(res.Raw), parsedTx) //The tx should NOT be modified by the UI if parsedTx.Value().Cmp(tx.Value.ToInt()) != 0 { t.Errorf("Expected value to be unchanged, expected %v got %v", tx.Value, parsedTx.Value()) } control <- "Y" control <- "a_long_password" res2, err = api.SignTransaction(context.Background(), tx, &methodSig) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if !bytes.Equal(res.Raw, res2.Raw) { t.Error("Expected tx to be unmodified by UI") } //The tx is modified by the UI control <- "M" control <- "a_long_password" res2, err = api.SignTransaction(context.Background(), tx, &methodSig) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } parsedTx2 := &types.Transaction{} rlp.Decode(bytes.NewReader(res.Raw), parsedTx2) //The tx should be modified by the UI if parsedTx2.Value().Cmp(tx.Value.ToInt()) != 0 { t.Errorf("Expected value to be unchanged, got %v", parsedTx.Value()) } if bytes.Equal(res.Raw, res2.Raw) { t.Error("Expected tx to be modified by UI") } } /* func TestAsyncronousResponses(t *testing.T){ //Set up one account api, control := setup(t) createAccount(control, api, t) // Two transactions, the second one with larger value than the first tx1 := mkTestTx() newVal := big.NewInt(0).Add((*big.Int) (tx1.Value), big.NewInt(1)) tx2 := mkTestTx() tx2.Value = (*hexutil.Big)(newVal) control <- "W" //wait control <- "Y" // control <- "a_long_password" control <- "Y" // control <- "a_long_password" var err error h1, err := api.SignTransaction(context.Background(), common.HexToAddress("1111"), tx1, nil) h2, err := api.SignTransaction(context.Background(), common.HexToAddress("2222"), tx2, nil) } */