package p2p

import (


const (
	handshakeTimeout     = 5 * time.Second
	defaultDialTimeout   = 10 * time.Second
	refreshPeersInterval = 30 * time.Second

var srvlog = logger.NewLogger("P2P Server")

// MakeName creates a node name that follows the ethereum convention
// for such names. It adds the operation system name and Go runtime version
// the name.
func MakeName(name, version string) string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s/v%s/%s/%s", name, version, runtime.GOOS, runtime.Version())

// Server manages all peer connections.
// The fields of Server are used as configuration parameters.
// You should set them before starting the Server. Fields may not be
// modified while the server is running.
type Server struct {
	// This field must be set to a valid secp256k1 private key.
	PrivateKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey

	// MaxPeers is the maximum number of peers that can be
	// connected. It must be greater than zero.
	MaxPeers int

	// Name sets the node name of this server.
	// Use MakeName to create a name that follows existing conventions.
	Name string

	// Bootstrap nodes are used to establish connectivity
	// with the rest of the network.
	BootstrapNodes []*discover.Node

	// Protocols should contain the protocols supported
	// by the server. Matching protocols are launched for
	// each peer.
	Protocols []Protocol

	// If Blacklist is set to a non-nil value, the given Blacklist
	// is used to verify peer connections.
	Blacklist Blacklist

	// If ListenAddr is set to a non-nil address, the server
	// will listen for incoming connections.
	// If the port is zero, the operating system will pick a port. The
	// ListenAddr field will be updated with the actual address when
	// the server is started.
	ListenAddr string

	// If set to a non-nil value, the given NAT port mapper
	// is used to make the listening port available to the
	// Internet.
	NAT nat.Interface

	// If Dialer is set to a non-nil value, the given Dialer
	// is used to dial outbound peer connections.
	Dialer *net.Dialer

	// If NoDial is true, the server will not dial any peers.
	NoDial bool

	// Hooks for testing. These are useful because we can inhibit
	// the whole protocol stack.

	lock     sync.RWMutex
	running  bool
	listener net.Listener
	peers    map[discover.NodeID]*Peer

	ntab *discover.Table

	quit        chan struct{}
	loopWG      sync.WaitGroup // {dial,listen,nat}Loop
	peerWG      sync.WaitGroup // active peer goroutines
	peerConnect chan *discover.Node

type handshakeFunc func(io.ReadWriter, *ecdsa.PrivateKey, *discover.Node) (discover.NodeID, []byte, error)
type newPeerHook func(*Peer)

// Peers returns all connected peers.
func (srv *Server) Peers() (peers []*Peer) {
	defer srv.lock.RUnlock()
	for _, peer := range srv.peers {
		if peer != nil {
			peers = append(peers, peer)

// PeerCount returns the number of connected peers.
func (srv *Server) PeerCount() int {
	n := len(srv.peers)
	return n

// SuggestPeer creates a connection to the given Node if it
// is not already connected.
func (srv *Server) SuggestPeer(n *discover.Node) {
	srv.peerConnect <- n

// Broadcast sends an RLP-encoded message to all connected peers.
// This method is deprecated and will be removed later.
func (srv *Server) Broadcast(protocol string, code uint64, data ...interface{}) {
	var payload []byte
	if data != nil {
		payload = encodePayload(data...)
	defer srv.lock.RUnlock()
	for _, peer := range srv.peers {
		if peer != nil {
			var msg = Msg{Code: code}
			if data != nil {
				msg.Payload = bytes.NewReader(payload)
				msg.Size = uint32(len(payload))
			peer.writeProtoMsg(protocol, msg)

// Start starts running the server.
// Servers can be re-used and started again after stopping.
func (srv *Server) Start() (err error) {
	defer srv.lock.Unlock()
	if srv.running {
		return errors.New("server already running")
	srvlog.Infoln("Starting Server")

	// initialize all the fields
	if srv.PrivateKey == nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("Server.PrivateKey must be set to a non-nil key")
	if srv.MaxPeers <= 0 {
		return fmt.Errorf("Server.MaxPeers must be > 0")
	srv.quit = make(chan struct{})
	srv.peers = make(map[discover.NodeID]*Peer)
	srv.peerConnect = make(chan *discover.Node)

	if srv.handshakeFunc == nil {
		srv.handshakeFunc = encHandshake
	if srv.Blacklist == nil {
		srv.Blacklist = NewBlacklist()
	if srv.ListenAddr != "" {
		if err := srv.startListening(); err != nil {
			return err

	// dial stuff
	dt, err := discover.ListenUDP(srv.PrivateKey, srv.ListenAddr, srv.NAT)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	srv.ntab = dt
	if srv.Dialer == nil {
		srv.Dialer = &net.Dialer{Timeout: defaultDialTimeout}
	if !srv.NoDial {
		go srv.dialLoop()
	if srv.NoDial && srv.ListenAddr == "" {
		srvlog.Warnln("I will be kind-of useless, neither dialing nor listening.")

	srv.running = true
	return nil

func (srv *Server) startListening() error {
	listener, err := net.Listen("tcp", srv.ListenAddr)
	if err != nil {
		return err
	laddr := listener.Addr().(*net.TCPAddr)
	srv.ListenAddr = laddr.String()
	srv.listener = listener
	go srv.listenLoop()
	if !laddr.IP.IsLoopback() && srv.NAT != nil {
		go func() {
			nat.Map(srv.NAT, srv.quit, "tcp", laddr.Port, laddr.Port, "ethereum p2p")
	return nil

// Stop terminates the server and all active peer connections.
// It blocks until all active connections have been closed.
func (srv *Server) Stop() {
	if !srv.running {
	srv.running = false

	srvlog.Infoln("Stopping Server")
	if srv.listener != nil {
		// this unblocks listener Accept

	// No new peers can be added at this point because dialLoop and
	// listenLoop are down. It is safe to call peerWG.Wait because
	// peerWG.Add is not called outside of those loops.
	for _, peer := range srv.peers {

// main loop for adding connections via listening
func (srv *Server) listenLoop() {
	defer srv.loopWG.Done()
	srvlog.Infoln("Listening on", srv.listener.Addr())
	for {
		conn, err := srv.listener.Accept()
		if err != nil {
		srvlog.Debugf("Accepted conn %v\n", conn.RemoteAddr())
		go srv.startPeer(conn, nil)

func (srv *Server) dialLoop() {
	defer srv.loopWG.Done()
	refresh := time.NewTicker(refreshPeersInterval)
	defer refresh.Stop()

	go srv.findPeers()

	dialed := make(chan *discover.Node)
	dialing := make(map[discover.NodeID]bool)

	// TODO: limit number of active dials
	// TODO: ensure only one findPeers goroutine is running
	// TODO: pause findPeers when we're at capacity

	for {
		select {
		case <-refresh.C:

			go srv.findPeers()

		case dest := <-srv.peerConnect:
			// avoid dialing nodes that are already connected.
			// there is another check for this in addPeer,
			// which runs after the handshake.
			_, isconnected := srv.peers[dest.ID]
			if isconnected || dialing[dest.ID] || dest.ID == srv.ntab.Self() {

			dialing[dest.ID] = true
			go func() {
				// at this point, the peer has been added
				// or discarded. either way, we're not dialing it anymore.
				dialed <- dest

		case dest := <-dialed:
			delete(dialing, dest.ID)

		case <-srv.quit:
			// TODO: maybe wait for active dials

func (srv *Server) dialNode(dest *discover.Node) {
	addr := &net.TCPAddr{IP: dest.IP, Port: dest.TCPPort}
	srvlog.Debugf("Dialing %v\n", dest)
	conn, err := srv.Dialer.Dial("tcp", addr.String())
	if err != nil {
		srvlog.DebugDetailf("dial error: %v", err)
	srv.startPeer(conn, dest)

func (srv *Server) findPeers() {
	far := srv.ntab.Self()
	for i := range far {
		far[i] = ^far[i]
	closeToSelf := srv.ntab.Lookup(srv.ntab.Self())
	farFromSelf := srv.ntab.Lookup(far)

	for i := 0; i < len(closeToSelf) || i < len(farFromSelf); i++ {
		if i < len(closeToSelf) {
			srv.peerConnect <- closeToSelf[i]
		if i < len(farFromSelf) {
			srv.peerConnect <- farFromSelf[i]

func (srv *Server) startPeer(conn net.Conn, dest *discover.Node) {
	// TODO: handle/store session token
	remoteID, _, err := srv.handshakeFunc(conn, srv.PrivateKey, dest)
	if err != nil {
		srvlog.Debugf("Encryption Handshake with %v failed: %v", conn.RemoteAddr(), err)
	ourID := srv.ntab.Self()
	p := newPeer(conn, srv.Protocols, srv.Name, &ourID, &remoteID)
	if ok, reason := srv.addPeer(remoteID, p); !ok {
		srvlog.DebugDetailf("Not adding %v (%v)\n", p, reason)
	srvlog.Debugf("Added %v\n", p)

	if srv.newPeerHook != nil {
	discreason :=
	srvlog.Debugf("Removed %v (%v)\n", p, discreason)

func (srv *Server) addPeer(id discover.NodeID, p *Peer) (bool, DiscReason) {
	defer srv.lock.Unlock()
	switch {
	case !srv.running:
		return false, DiscQuitting
	case len(srv.peers) >= srv.MaxPeers:
		return false, DiscTooManyPeers
	case srv.peers[id] != nil:
		return false, DiscAlreadyConnected
	case srv.Blacklist.Exists(id[:]):
		return false, DiscUselessPeer
	case id == srv.ntab.Self():
		return false, DiscSelf
	srv.peers[id] = p
	return true, 0

func (srv *Server) removePeer(p *Peer) {
	delete(srv.peers, *p.remoteID)

type Blacklist interface {
	Get([]byte) (bool, error)
	Put([]byte) error
	Delete([]byte) error
	Exists(pubkey []byte) (ok bool)

type BlacklistMap struct {
	blacklist map[string]bool
	lock      sync.RWMutex

func NewBlacklist() *BlacklistMap {
	return &BlacklistMap{
		blacklist: make(map[string]bool),

func (self *BlacklistMap) Get(pubkey []byte) (bool, error) {
	defer self.lock.RUnlock()
	v, ok := self.blacklist[string(pubkey)]
	var err error
	if !ok {
		err = fmt.Errorf("not found")
	return v, err

func (self *BlacklistMap) Exists(pubkey []byte) (ok bool) {
	defer self.lock.RUnlock()
	_, ok = self.blacklist[string(pubkey)]

func (self *BlacklistMap) Put(pubkey []byte) error {
	defer self.lock.Unlock()
	self.blacklist[string(pubkey)] = true
	return nil

func (self *BlacklistMap) Delete(pubkey []byte) error {
	defer self.lock.Unlock()
	delete(self.blacklist, string(pubkey))
	return nil