// Copyright 2015 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

// Contains the active peer-set of the downloader, maintaining both failures
// as well as reputation metrics to prioritize the block retrievals.

package downloader

import (


// Maximum number of entries allowed on the list or lacking items.
const maxLackingHashes = 4096

// Hash and block fetchers belonging to eth/61 and below
type relativeHashFetcherFn func(common.Hash) error
type absoluteHashFetcherFn func(uint64, int) error
type blockFetcherFn func([]common.Hash) error

// Block header and body fetchers belonging to eth/62 and above
type relativeHeaderFetcherFn func(common.Hash, int, int, bool) error
type absoluteHeaderFetcherFn func(uint64, int, int, bool) error
type blockBodyFetcherFn func([]common.Hash) error
type receiptFetcherFn func([]common.Hash) error
type stateFetcherFn func([]common.Hash) error

var (
	errAlreadyFetching   = errors.New("already fetching blocks from peer")
	errAlreadyRegistered = errors.New("peer is already registered")
	errNotRegistered     = errors.New("peer is not registered")

// peer represents an active peer from which hashes and blocks are retrieved.
type peer struct {
	id   string      // Unique identifier of the peer
	head common.Hash // Hash of the peers latest known block

	blockIdle   int32 // Current block activity state of the peer (idle = 0, active = 1)
	receiptIdle int32 // Current receipt activity state of the peer (idle = 0, active = 1)
	stateIdle   int32 // Current node data activity state of the peer (idle = 0, active = 1)
	rep         int32 // Simple peer reputation

	blockCapacity   int32 // Number of blocks (bodies) allowed to fetch per request
	receiptCapacity int32 // Number of receipts allowed to fetch per request
	stateCapacity   int32 // Number of node data pieces allowed to fetch per request

	blockStarted   time.Time // Time instance when the last block (body)fetch was started
	receiptStarted time.Time // Time instance when the last receipt fetch was started
	stateStarted   time.Time // Time instance when the last node data fetch was started

	lacking     map[common.Hash]struct{} // Set of hashes not to request (didn't have previously)
	lackingLock sync.RWMutex             // Lock protecting the lacking hashes list

	getRelHashes relativeHashFetcherFn // [eth/61] Method to retrieve a batch of hashes from an origin hash
	getAbsHashes absoluteHashFetcherFn // [eth/61] Method to retrieve a batch of hashes from an absolute position
	getBlocks    blockFetcherFn        // [eth/61] Method to retrieve a batch of blocks

	getRelHeaders  relativeHeaderFetcherFn // [eth/62] Method to retrieve a batch of headers from an origin hash
	getAbsHeaders  absoluteHeaderFetcherFn // [eth/62] Method to retrieve a batch of headers from an absolute position
	getBlockBodies blockBodyFetcherFn      // [eth/62] Method to retrieve a batch of block bodies

	getReceipts receiptFetcherFn // [eth/63] Method to retrieve a batch of block transaction receipts
	getNodeData stateFetcherFn   // [eth/63] Method to retrieve a batch of state trie data

	version int // Eth protocol version number to switch strategies

// newPeer create a new downloader peer, with specific hash and block retrieval
// mechanisms.
func newPeer(id string, version int, head common.Hash,
	getRelHashes relativeHashFetcherFn, getAbsHashes absoluteHashFetcherFn, getBlocks blockFetcherFn, // eth/61 callbacks, remove when upgrading
	getRelHeaders relativeHeaderFetcherFn, getAbsHeaders absoluteHeaderFetcherFn, getBlockBodies blockBodyFetcherFn,
	getReceipts receiptFetcherFn, getNodeData stateFetcherFn) *peer {
	return &peer{
		id:              id,
		head:            head,
		blockCapacity:   1,
		receiptCapacity: 1,
		stateCapacity:   1,
		lacking:         make(map[common.Hash]struct{}),

		getRelHashes: getRelHashes,
		getAbsHashes: getAbsHashes,
		getBlocks:    getBlocks,

		getRelHeaders:  getRelHeaders,
		getAbsHeaders:  getAbsHeaders,
		getBlockBodies: getBlockBodies,

		getReceipts: getReceipts,
		getNodeData: getNodeData,

		version: version,

// Reset clears the internal state of a peer entity.
func (p *peer) Reset() {
	atomic.StoreInt32(&p.blockIdle, 0)
	atomic.StoreInt32(&p.receiptIdle, 0)
	atomic.StoreInt32(&p.blockCapacity, 1)
	atomic.StoreInt32(&p.receiptCapacity, 1)
	atomic.StoreInt32(&p.stateCapacity, 1)

	p.lacking = make(map[common.Hash]struct{})

// Fetch61 sends a block retrieval request to the remote peer.
func (p *peer) Fetch61(request *fetchRequest) error {
	// Sanity check the protocol version
	if p.version != 61 {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("block fetch [eth/61] requested on eth/%d", p.version))
	// Short circuit if the peer is already fetching
	if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&p.blockIdle, 0, 1) {
		return errAlreadyFetching
	p.blockStarted = time.Now()

	// Convert the hash set to a retrievable slice
	hashes := make([]common.Hash, 0, len(request.Hashes))
	for hash, _ := range request.Hashes {
		hashes = append(hashes, hash)
	go p.getBlocks(hashes)

	return nil

// FetchBodies sends a block body retrieval request to the remote peer.
func (p *peer) FetchBodies(request *fetchRequest) error {
	// Sanity check the protocol version
	if p.version < 62 {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("body fetch [eth/62+] requested on eth/%d", p.version))
	// Short circuit if the peer is already fetching
	if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&p.blockIdle, 0, 1) {
		return errAlreadyFetching
	p.blockStarted = time.Now()

	// Convert the header set to a retrievable slice
	hashes := make([]common.Hash, 0, len(request.Headers))
	for _, header := range request.Headers {
		hashes = append(hashes, header.Hash())
	go p.getBlockBodies(hashes)

	return nil

// FetchReceipts sends a receipt retrieval request to the remote peer.
func (p *peer) FetchReceipts(request *fetchRequest) error {
	// Sanity check the protocol version
	if p.version < 63 {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("body fetch [eth/63+] requested on eth/%d", p.version))
	// Short circuit if the peer is already fetching
	if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&p.receiptIdle, 0, 1) {
		return errAlreadyFetching
	p.receiptStarted = time.Now()

	// Convert the header set to a retrievable slice
	hashes := make([]common.Hash, 0, len(request.Headers))
	for _, header := range request.Headers {
		hashes = append(hashes, header.Hash())
	go p.getReceipts(hashes)

	return nil

// FetchNodeData sends a node state data retrieval request to the remote peer.
func (p *peer) FetchNodeData(request *fetchRequest) error {
	// Sanity check the protocol version
	if p.version < 63 {
		panic(fmt.Sprintf("node data fetch [eth/63+] requested on eth/%d", p.version))
	// Short circuit if the peer is already fetching
	if !atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&p.stateIdle, 0, 1) {
		return errAlreadyFetching
	p.stateStarted = time.Now()

	// Convert the hash set to a retrievable slice
	hashes := make([]common.Hash, 0, len(request.Hashes))
	for hash, _ := range request.Hashes {
		hashes = append(hashes, hash)
	go p.getNodeData(hashes)

	return nil

// SetBlocksIdle sets the peer to idle, allowing it to execute new retrieval requests.
// Its block retrieval allowance will also be updated either up- or downwards,
// depending on whether the previous fetch completed in time.
func (p *peer) SetBlocksIdle() {
	p.setIdle(p.blockStarted, blockSoftTTL, blockHardTTL, MaxBlockFetch, &p.blockCapacity, &p.blockIdle)

// SetBodiesIdle sets the peer to idle, allowing it to execute new retrieval requests.
// Its block body retrieval allowance will also be updated either up- or downwards,
// depending on whether the previous fetch completed in time.
func (p *peer) SetBodiesIdle() {
	p.setIdle(p.blockStarted, bodySoftTTL, bodyHardTTL, MaxBodyFetch, &p.blockCapacity, &p.blockIdle)

// SetReceiptsIdle sets the peer to idle, allowing it to execute new retrieval requests.
// Its receipt retrieval allowance will also be updated either up- or downwards,
// depending on whether the previous fetch completed in time.
func (p *peer) SetReceiptsIdle() {
	p.setIdle(p.receiptStarted, receiptSoftTTL, receiptHardTTL, MaxReceiptFetch, &p.receiptCapacity, &p.receiptIdle)

// SetNodeDataIdle sets the peer to idle, allowing it to execute new retrieval
// requests. Its node data retrieval allowance will also be updated either up- or
// downwards, depending on whether the previous fetch completed in time.
func (p *peer) SetNodeDataIdle() {
	p.setIdle(p.stateStarted, stateSoftTTL, stateSoftTTL, MaxStateFetch, &p.stateCapacity, &p.stateIdle)

// setIdle sets the peer to idle, allowing it to execute new retrieval requests.
// Its data retrieval allowance will also be updated either up- or downwards,
// depending on whether the previous fetch completed in time.
func (p *peer) setIdle(started time.Time, softTTL, hardTTL time.Duration, maxFetch int, capacity, idle *int32) {
	// Update the peer's download allowance based on previous performance
	scale := 2.0
	if time.Since(started) > softTTL {
		scale = 0.5
		if time.Since(started) > hardTTL {
			scale = 1 / float64(maxFetch) // reduces capacity to 1
	for {
		// Calculate the new download bandwidth allowance
		prev := atomic.LoadInt32(capacity)
		next := int32(math.Max(1, math.Min(float64(maxFetch), float64(prev)*scale)))

		// Try to update the old value
		if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(capacity, prev, next) {
			// If we're having problems at 1 capacity, try to find better peers
			if next == 1 {
	// Set the peer to idle to allow further fetch requests
	atomic.StoreInt32(idle, 0)

// BlockCapacity retrieves the peers block download allowance based on its
// previously discovered bandwidth capacity.
func (p *peer) BlockCapacity() int {
	return int(atomic.LoadInt32(&p.blockCapacity))

// ReceiptCapacity retrieves the peers block download allowance based on its
// previously discovered bandwidth capacity.
func (p *peer) ReceiptCapacity() int {
	return int(atomic.LoadInt32(&p.receiptCapacity))

// NodeDataCapacity retrieves the peers block download allowance based on its
// previously discovered bandwidth capacity.
func (p *peer) NodeDataCapacity() int {
	return int(atomic.LoadInt32(&p.stateCapacity))

// Promote increases the peer's reputation.
func (p *peer) Promote() {
	atomic.AddInt32(&p.rep, 1)

// Demote decreases the peer's reputation or leaves it at 0.
func (p *peer) Demote() {
	for {
		// Calculate the new reputation value
		prev := atomic.LoadInt32(&p.rep)
		next := prev / 2

		// Try to update the old value
		if atomic.CompareAndSwapInt32(&p.rep, prev, next) {

// MarkLacking appends a new entity to the set of items (blocks, receipts, states)
// that a peer is known not to have (i.e. have been requested before). If the
// set reaches its maximum allowed capacity, items are randomly dropped off.
func (p *peer) MarkLacking(hash common.Hash) {
	defer p.lackingLock.Unlock()

	for len(p.lacking) >= maxLackingHashes {
		for drop, _ := range p.lacking {
			delete(p.lacking, drop)
	p.lacking[hash] = struct{}{}

// Lacks retrieves whether the hash of a blockchain item is on the peers lacking
// list (i.e. whether we know that the peer does not have it).
func (p *peer) Lacks(hash common.Hash) bool {
	defer p.lackingLock.RUnlock()

	_, ok := p.lacking[hash]
	return ok

// String implements fmt.Stringer.
func (p *peer) String() string {
	defer p.lackingLock.RUnlock()

	return fmt.Sprintf("Peer %s [%s]", p.id,
		fmt.Sprintf("reputation %3d, ", atomic.LoadInt32(&p.rep))+
			fmt.Sprintf("block cap %3d, ", atomic.LoadInt32(&p.blockCapacity))+
			fmt.Sprintf("receipt cap %3d, ", atomic.LoadInt32(&p.receiptCapacity))+
			fmt.Sprintf("lacking %4d", len(p.lacking)),

// peerSet represents the collection of active peer participating in the block
// download procedure.
type peerSet struct {
	peers map[string]*peer
	lock  sync.RWMutex

// newPeerSet creates a new peer set top track the active download sources.
func newPeerSet() *peerSet {
	return &peerSet{
		peers: make(map[string]*peer),

// Reset iterates over the current peer set, and resets each of the known peers
// to prepare for a next batch of block retrieval.
func (ps *peerSet) Reset() {
	defer ps.lock.RUnlock()

	for _, peer := range ps.peers {

// Register injects a new peer into the working set, or returns an error if the
// peer is already known.
func (ps *peerSet) Register(p *peer) error {
	defer ps.lock.Unlock()

	if _, ok := ps.peers[p.id]; ok {
		return errAlreadyRegistered
	ps.peers[p.id] = p
	return nil

// Unregister removes a remote peer from the active set, disabling any further
// actions to/from that particular entity.
func (ps *peerSet) Unregister(id string) error {
	defer ps.lock.Unlock()

	if _, ok := ps.peers[id]; !ok {
		return errNotRegistered
	delete(ps.peers, id)
	return nil

// Peer retrieves the registered peer with the given id.
func (ps *peerSet) Peer(id string) *peer {
	defer ps.lock.RUnlock()

	return ps.peers[id]

// Len returns if the current number of peers in the set.
func (ps *peerSet) Len() int {
	defer ps.lock.RUnlock()

	return len(ps.peers)

// AllPeers retrieves a flat list of all the peers within the set.
func (ps *peerSet) AllPeers() []*peer {
	defer ps.lock.RUnlock()

	list := make([]*peer, 0, len(ps.peers))
	for _, p := range ps.peers {
		list = append(list, p)
	return list

// BlockIdlePeers retrieves a flat list of all the currently idle peers within the
// active peer set, ordered by their reputation.
func (ps *peerSet) BlockIdlePeers() ([]*peer, int) {
	idle := func(p *peer) bool {
		return atomic.LoadInt32(&p.blockIdle) == 0
	return ps.idlePeers(61, 61, idle)

// BodyIdlePeers retrieves a flat list of all the currently body-idle peers within
// the active peer set, ordered by their reputation.
func (ps *peerSet) BodyIdlePeers() ([]*peer, int) {
	idle := func(p *peer) bool {
		return atomic.LoadInt32(&p.blockIdle) == 0
	return ps.idlePeers(62, 64, idle)

// ReceiptIdlePeers retrieves a flat list of all the currently receipt-idle peers
// within the active peer set, ordered by their reputation.
func (ps *peerSet) ReceiptIdlePeers() ([]*peer, int) {
	idle := func(p *peer) bool {
		return atomic.LoadInt32(&p.receiptIdle) == 0
	return ps.idlePeers(63, 64, idle)

// NodeDataIdlePeers retrieves a flat list of all the currently node-data-idle
// peers within the active peer set, ordered by their reputation.
func (ps *peerSet) NodeDataIdlePeers() ([]*peer, int) {
	idle := func(p *peer) bool {
		return atomic.LoadInt32(&p.stateIdle) == 0
	return ps.idlePeers(63, 64, idle)

// idlePeers retrieves a flat list of all currently idle peers satisfying the
// protocol version constraints, using the provided function to check idleness.
func (ps *peerSet) idlePeers(minProtocol, maxProtocol int, idleCheck func(*peer) bool) ([]*peer, int) {
	defer ps.lock.RUnlock()

	idle, total := make([]*peer, 0, len(ps.peers)), 0
	for _, p := range ps.peers {
		if p.version >= minProtocol && p.version <= maxProtocol {
			if idleCheck(p) {
				idle = append(idle, p)
	for i := 0; i < len(idle); i++ {
		for j := i + 1; j < len(idle); j++ {
			if atomic.LoadInt32(&idle[i].rep) < atomic.LoadInt32(&idle[j].rep) {
				idle[i], idle[j] = idle[j], idle[i]
	return idle, total