From 06266ab9f5f5491fed858a1cee668d37d2b3a44c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ting-Wei Lan <>
Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2019 16:17:06 +0800
Subject: code backup 20

 core/vm/sqlvm/checker/actions.go      |  147 +++
 core/vm/sqlvm/checker/checker.go      | 1714 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 core/vm/sqlvm/checker/utils.go        |  493 ++++++++++
 core/vm/sqlvm/checkers/actions.go     |  147 ---
 core/vm/sqlvm/checkers/checkers.go    | 1579 ------------------------------
 core/vm/sqlvm/checkers/utils.go       |  471 ---------
 core/vm/sqlvm/cmd/ast-checker/main.go |   45 +-
 7 files changed, 2380 insertions(+), 2216 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 core/vm/sqlvm/checker/actions.go
 create mode 100644 core/vm/sqlvm/checker/checker.go
 create mode 100644 core/vm/sqlvm/checker/utils.go
 delete mode 100644 core/vm/sqlvm/checkers/actions.go
 delete mode 100644 core/vm/sqlvm/checkers/checkers.go
 delete mode 100644 core/vm/sqlvm/checkers/utils.go

(limited to 'core')

diff --git a/core/vm/sqlvm/checker/actions.go b/core/vm/sqlvm/checker/actions.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6adb9b912
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/vm/sqlvm/checker/actions.go
@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
+package checker
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	""
+	""
+	""
+// CheckOptions stores boolean options for Check* functions.
+type CheckOptions uint32
+const (
+	// CheckWithSafeMath enables overflow and underflow checks during expression
+	// evaluation. An error will be thrown when the result is out of range.
+	CheckWithSafeMath CheckOptions = 1 << iota
+	// CheckWithSafeCast enables overflow and underflow checks during casting.
+	// An error will be thrown if the value does not fit in the target type.
+	CheckWithSafeCast
+	// CheckWithConstantOnly restricts the expression to be a constant. An error
+	// will be thrown if the expression cannot be folded into a constant.
+	CheckWithConstantOnly
+// CheckCreate runs CREATE commands to generate a database schema. It modifies
+// AST in-place during evaluation of expressions.
+func CheckCreate(ss []ast.StmtNode, o CheckOptions) (schema.Schema, error) {
+	fn := "CheckCreate"
+	s := schema.Schema{}
+	c := newSchemaCache()
+	el := errors.ErrorList{}
+	for idx := range ss {
+		if ss[idx] == nil {
+			continue
+		}
+		switch n := ss[idx].(type) {
+		case *ast.CreateTableStmtNode:
+			checkCreateTableStmt(n, &s, o, c, &el)
+		case *ast.CreateIndexStmtNode:
+			checkCreateIndexStmt(n, &s, o, c, &el)
+		default:
+			el.Append(errors.Error{
+				Position: ss[idx].GetPosition(),
+				Length:   ss[idx].GetLength(),
+				Category: errors.ErrorCategoryCommand,
+				Code:     errors.ErrorCodeDisallowedCommand,
+				Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+				Prefix:   fn,
+				Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+					"command %s is not allowed when creating a contract",
+					ast.QuoteIdentifier(ss[idx].GetVerb())),
+			}, nil)
+		}
+	}
+	if len(s) == 0 && len(el) == 0 {
+		el.Append(errors.Error{
+			Position: 0,
+			Length:   0,
+			Category: errors.ErrorCategoryCommand,
+			Code:     errors.ErrorCodeNoCommand,
+			Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+			Prefix:   fn,
+			Message:  "creating a contract without a table is not allowed",
+		}, nil)
+	}
+	if len(el) != 0 {
+		return s, el
+	}
+	return s, nil
+// CheckQuery checks and modifies SELECT commands with a given database schema.
+func CheckQuery(ss []ast.StmtNode, s schema.Schema, o CheckOptions) error {
+	fn := "CheckQuery"
+	c := newSchemaCache()
+	el := errors.ErrorList{}
+	for idx := range ss {
+		if ss[idx] == nil {
+			continue
+		}
+		switch n := ss[idx].(type) {
+		case *ast.SelectStmtNode:
+			checkSelectStmt(n, s, o, c, &el)
+		default:
+			el.Append(errors.Error{
+				Position: ss[idx].GetPosition(),
+				Length:   ss[idx].GetLength(),
+				Category: errors.ErrorCategoryCommand,
+				Code:     errors.ErrorCodeDisallowedCommand,
+				Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+				Prefix:   fn,
+				Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+					"command %s is not allowed when calling query",
+					ast.QuoteIdentifier(ss[idx].GetVerb())),
+			}, nil)
+		}
+	}
+	if len(el) != 0 {
+		return el
+	}
+	return nil
+// CheckExec checks and modifies UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT commands with a given
+// database schema.
+func CheckExec(ss []ast.StmtNode, s schema.Schema, o CheckOptions) error {
+	fn := "CheckExec"
+	c := newSchemaCache()
+	el := errors.ErrorList{}
+	for idx := range ss {
+		if ss[idx] == nil {
+			continue
+		}
+		switch n := ss[idx].(type) {
+		case *ast.UpdateStmtNode:
+			checkUpdateStmt(n, s, o, c, &el)
+		case *ast.DeleteStmtNode:
+			checkDeleteStmt(n, s, o, c, &el)
+		case *ast.InsertStmtNode:
+			checkInsertStmt(n, s, o, c, &el)
+		default:
+			el.Append(errors.Error{
+				Position: ss[idx].GetPosition(),
+				Length:   ss[idx].GetLength(),
+				Category: errors.ErrorCategoryCommand,
+				Code:     errors.ErrorCodeDisallowedCommand,
+				Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+				Prefix:   fn,
+				Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+					"command %s is not allowed when calling exec",
+					ast.QuoteIdentifier(ss[idx].GetVerb())),
+			}, nil)
+		}
+	}
+	if len(el) != 0 {
+		return el
+	}
+	return nil
diff --git a/core/vm/sqlvm/checker/checker.go b/core/vm/sqlvm/checker/checker.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..dbdad68fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/vm/sqlvm/checker/checker.go
@@ -0,0 +1,1714 @@
+package checker
+import (
+	"fmt"
+	"sort"
+	""
+	""
+	""
+	""
+// In addition to the convention mentioned in utils.go, we have these variable
+// names in this file:
+//   ftd -> foreign table descriptor
+//   ftn -> foreign table name
+//   fcd -> foreign column descriptor
+//   fcn -> foreign column name
+//   fid -> foreign index descriptor
+//   fin -> foreign index name
+//   fmid -> first matching index descriptor
+//   fmir -> first matching index reference
+//   fmin -> first matching index name
+// findFirstMatchingIndex finds the first index in 'haystack' matching the
+// declaration of 'needle' with attributes specified in 'attrDontCare' ignored.
+// This function is considered as a part of the interface, so it have to work
+// deterministically.
+func findFirstMatchingIndex(haystack []schema.Index, needle schema.Index,
+	attrDontCare schema.IndexAttr) (schema.IndexRef, bool) {
+	compareAttr := func(a1, a2 schema.IndexAttr) bool {
+		a1 = a1.GetDeclaredFlags() | attrDontCare
+		a2 = a2.GetDeclaredFlags() | attrDontCare
+		return a1 == a2
+	}
+	compareColumns := func(c1, c2 []schema.ColumnRef) bool {
+		if len(c1) != len(c2) {
+			return false
+		}
+		for ci := range c1 {
+			if c1[ci] != c2[ci] {
+				return false
+			}
+		}
+		return true
+	}
+	for ii := range haystack {
+		if compareAttr(haystack[ii].Attr, needle.Attr) &&
+			compareColumns(haystack[ii].Columns, needle.Columns) {
+			ir := schema.IndexRef(ii)
+			return ir, true
+		}
+	}
+	return 0, false
+func checkCreateTableStmt(n *ast.CreateTableStmtNode, s *schema.Schema,
+	o CheckOptions, c *schemaCache, el *errors.ErrorList) {
+	fn := "CheckCreateTableStmt"
+	hasError := false
+	if c.Begin() != 0 {
+		panic("schema cache must not have any open scope")
+	}
+	defer func() {
+		if hasError {
+			c.Rollback()
+			return
+		}
+		c.Commit()
+	}()
+	// Return early if there are too many tables. We cannot ignore this error
+	// because it will overflow schema.TableRef, which is used as a part of
+	// column key in schemaCache.
+	if len(*s) > schema.MaxTableRef {
+		el.Append(errors.Error{
+			Position: n.GetPosition(),
+			Length:   n.GetLength(),
+			Category: errors.ErrorCategoryLimit,
+			Code:     errors.ErrorCodeTooManyTables,
+			Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+			Prefix:   fn,
+			Message: fmt.Sprintf("cannot have more than %d tables",
+				schema.MaxTableRef+1),
+		}, &hasError)
+		return
+	}
+	table := schema.Table{}
+	tr := schema.TableRef(len(*s))
+	td := schema.TableDescriptor{Table: tr}
+	if len(n.Table.Name) == 0 {
+		el.Append(errors.Error{
+			Position: n.Table.GetPosition(),
+			Length:   n.Table.GetLength(),
+			Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+			Code:     errors.ErrorCodeEmptyTableName,
+			Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+			Prefix:   fn,
+			Message:  "cannot create a table with an empty name",
+		}, &hasError)
+	}
+	tn := n.Table.Name
+	if !c.AddTable(string(tn), td) {
+		el.Append(errors.Error{
+			Position: n.Table.GetPosition(),
+			Length:   n.Table.GetLength(),
+			Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+			Code:     errors.ErrorCodeDuplicateTableName,
+			Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+			Prefix:   fn,
+			Message: fmt.Sprintf("table %s already exists",
+				ast.QuoteIdentifier(tn)),
+		}, &hasError)
+	}
+	table.Name = n.Table.Name
+	table.Columns = make([]schema.Column, 0, len(n.Column))
+	// Handle the primary key index.
+	pk := []schema.ColumnRef{}
+	// Handle sequences.
+	seq := 0
+	// Handle indices for unique constraints.
+	type localIndex struct {
+		index schema.Index
+		node  ast.Node
+	}
+	localIndices := []localIndex{}
+	// Handle indices for foreign key constraints.
+	type foreignNewIndex struct {
+		table schema.TableDescriptor
+		index schema.Index
+		node  ast.Node
+	}
+	foreignNewIndices := []foreignNewIndex{}
+	type foreignExistingIndex struct {
+		index schema.IndexDescriptor
+		node  ast.Node
+	}
+	foreignExistingIndices := []foreignExistingIndex{}
+	for ci := range n.Column {
+		if len(table.Columns) > schema.MaxColumnRef {
+			el.Append(errors.Error{
+				Position: n.Column[ci].GetPosition(),
+				Length:   n.Column[ci].GetLength(),
+				Category: errors.ErrorCategoryLimit,
+				Code:     errors.ErrorCodeTooManyColumns,
+				Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+				Prefix:   fn,
+				Message: fmt.Sprintf("cannot have more than %d columns",
+					schema.MaxColumnRef+1),
+			}, &hasError)
+			return
+		}
+		column := schema.Column{}
+		ok := func() (ok bool) {
+			innerHasError := false
+			defer func() { ok = !innerHasError }()
+			// Block access to the outer hasError variable.
+			hasError := struct{}{}
+			// Suppress “declared and not used” error.
+			_ = hasError
+			c.Begin()
+			defer func() {
+				if innerHasError {
+					c.Rollback()
+					return
+				}
+				c.Commit()
+			}()
+			cr := schema.ColumnRef(len(table.Columns))
+			cd := schema.ColumnDescriptor{Table: tr, Column: cr}
+			if len(n.Column[ci].Column.Name) == 0 {
+				el.Append(errors.Error{
+					Position: n.Column[ci].Column.GetPosition(),
+					Length:   n.Column[ci].Column.GetLength(),
+					Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+					Code:     errors.ErrorCodeEmptyColumnName,
+					Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+					Prefix:   fn,
+					Message:  "cannot declare a column with an empty name",
+				}, &innerHasError)
+			}
+			cn := n.Column[ci].Column.Name
+			if !c.AddColumn(string(cn), cd) {
+				el.Append(errors.Error{
+					Position: n.Column[ci].Column.GetPosition(),
+					Length:   n.Column[ci].Column.GetLength(),
+					Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+					Code:     errors.ErrorCodeDuplicateColumnName,
+					Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+					Prefix:   fn,
+					Message: fmt.Sprintf("column %s already exists",
+						ast.QuoteIdentifier(cn)),
+				}, &innerHasError)
+			} else {
+				column.Name = n.Column[ci].Column.Name
+			}
+			dt, code, message := n.Column[ci].DataType.GetType()
+			if code == errors.ErrorCodeNil {
+				if !dt.ValidColumn() {
+					el.Append(errors.Error{
+						Position: n.Column[ci].DataType.GetPosition(),
+						Length:   n.Column[ci].DataType.GetLength(),
+						Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+						Code:     errors.ErrorCodeInvalidColumnDataType,
+						Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+						Prefix:   fn,
+						Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+							"cannot declare a column with type %s", dt.String()),
+					}, &innerHasError)
+				}
+			} else {
+				el.Append(errors.Error{
+					Position: n.Column[ci].DataType.GetPosition(),
+					Length:   n.Column[ci].DataType.GetLength(),
+					Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+					Code:     code,
+					Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+					Prefix:   fn,
+					Message:  message,
+				}, &innerHasError)
+			}
+			column.Type = dt
+			// Backup lengths of slices in case we have to rollback. We don't
+			// have to copy slice headers or data stored in underlying arrays
+			// because we always append data at the end.
+			defer func(LPK, SEQ, LLI, LFNI, LFEI int) {
+				if innerHasError {
+					pk = pk[:LPK]
+					seq = SEQ
+					localIndices = localIndices[:LLI]
+					foreignNewIndices = foreignNewIndices[:LFNI]
+					foreignExistingIndices = foreignExistingIndices[:LFEI]
+				}
+			}(
+				len(pk), seq, len(localIndices), len(foreignNewIndices),
+				len(foreignExistingIndices),
+			)
+			// cs  -> constraint
+			// csi -> constraint index
+			for csi := range n.Column[ci].Constraint {
+				// Cases are sorted in the same order as internal/grammar.peg.
+			cs:
+				switch cs := n.Column[ci].Constraint[csi].(type) {
+				case *ast.PrimaryOptionNode:
+					pk = append(pk, cr)
+					column.Attr |= schema.ColumnAttrPrimaryKey
+				case *ast.NotNullOptionNode:
+					column.Attr |= schema.ColumnAttrNotNull
+				case *ast.UniqueOptionNode:
+					if (column.Attr & schema.ColumnAttrUnique) != 0 {
+						// Don't create duplicate indices on a column.
+						break cs
+					}
+					column.Attr |= schema.ColumnAttrUnique
+					indexName := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_unique",
+						table.Name, column.Name)
+					idx := schema.Index{
+						Name:    []byte(indexName),
+						Attr:    schema.IndexAttrUnique,
+						Columns: []schema.ColumnRef{cr},
+					}
+					localIndices = append(localIndices, localIndex{
+						index: idx,
+						node:  cs,
+					})
+				case *ast.DefaultOptionNode:
+					if (column.Attr & schema.ColumnAttrHasDefault) != 0 {
+						el.Append(errors.Error{
+							Position: cs.GetPosition(),
+							Length:   cs.GetLength(),
+							Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+							Code:     errors.ErrorCodeMultipleDefaultValues,
+							Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+							Prefix:   fn,
+							Message:  "cannot have multiple default values",
+						}, &innerHasError)
+						break cs
+					}
+					column.Attr |= schema.ColumnAttrHasDefault
+					value := cs.Value
+					value = checkExpr(cs.Value, *s, o|CheckWithConstantOnly,
+						c, el, 0, newTypeActionAssign(column.Type))
+					if value == nil {
+						innerHasError = true
+						break cs
+					}
+					cs.Value = value
+					switch v := cs.Value.(ast.Valuer).(type) {
+					case *ast.BoolValueNode:
+						sb := v.V.NullBool()
+						if !sb.Valid {
+							el.Append(errors.Error{
+								Position: cs.GetPosition(),
+								Length:   cs.GetLength(),
+								Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+								Code:     errors.ErrorCodeNullDefaultValue,
+								Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+								Prefix:   fn,
+								Message:  "default value must not be NULL",
+							}, &innerHasError)
+							break cs
+						}
+						column.Default = sb.Bool
+					case *ast.AddressValueNode:
+						column.Default = v.V
+					case *ast.IntegerValueNode:
+						column.Default = v.V
+					case *ast.DecimalValueNode:
+						column.Default = v.V
+					case *ast.BytesValueNode:
+						column.Default = v.V
+					case *ast.NullValueNode:
+						el.Append(errors.Error{
+							Position: cs.GetPosition(),
+							Length:   cs.GetLength(),
+							Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+							Code:     errors.ErrorCodeNullDefaultValue,
+							Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+							Prefix:   fn,
+							Message:  "default value must not be NULL",
+						}, &innerHasError)
+						break cs
+					default:
+						panic(unknownValueNodeType(v))
+					}
+				case *ast.ForeignOptionNode:
+					if len(column.ForeignKeys) > schema.MaxForeignKeys {
+						el.Append(errors.Error{
+							Position: cs.GetPosition(),
+							Length:   cs.GetLength(),
+							Category: errors.ErrorCategoryLimit,
+							Code:     errors.ErrorCodeTooManyForeignKeys,
+							Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+							Prefix:   fn,
+							Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+								"cannot have more than %d foreign key "+
+									"constraints in a column",
+								schema.MaxForeignKeys+1),
+						}, &innerHasError)
+						break cs
+					}
+					column.Attr |= schema.ColumnAttrHasForeignKey
+					ftn := cs.Table.Name
+					ftd, found := c.FindTableInBase(string(ftn))
+					if !found {
+						el.Append(errors.Error{
+							Position: cs.Table.GetPosition(),
+							Length:   cs.Table.GetLength(),
+							Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+							Code:     errors.ErrorCodeTableNotFound,
+							Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+							Prefix:   fn,
+							Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+								"foreign table %s does not exist",
+								ast.QuoteIdentifier(ftn)),
+						}, &innerHasError)
+						break cs
+					}
+					fcn := cs.Column.Name
+					fcd, found := c.FindColumnInBase(ftd.Table, string(fcn))
+					if !found {
+						el.Append(errors.Error{
+							Position: cs.Column.GetPosition(),
+							Length:   cs.Column.GetLength(),
+							Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+							Code:     errors.ErrorCodeColumnNotFound,
+							Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+							Prefix:   fn,
+							Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+								"column %s does not exist in foreign table %s",
+								ast.QuoteIdentifier(fcn),
+								ast.QuoteIdentifier(ftn)),
+						}, &innerHasError)
+						break cs
+					}
+					foreignType := (*s)[fcd.Table].Columns[fcd.Column].Type
+					if !foreignType.Equal(column.Type) {
+						el.Append(errors.Error{
+							Position: n.Column[ci].DataType.GetPosition(),
+							Length:   n.Column[ci].DataType.GetLength(),
+							Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+							Code:     errors.ErrorCodeForeignKeyDataTypeMismatch,
+							Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+							Prefix:   fn,
+							Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+								"foreign column has type %s (%04x), but "+
+									"this column has type %s (%04x)",
+								foreignType.String(), uint16(foreignType),
+								column.Type.String(), uint16(column.Type)),
+						}, &innerHasError)
+						break cs
+					}
+					idx := schema.Index{
+						Attr:    schema.IndexAttrReferenced,
+						Columns: []schema.ColumnRef{fcd.Column},
+					}
+					fmir, found := findFirstMatchingIndex(
+						(*s)[ftd.Table].Indices, idx, schema.IndexAttrUnique)
+					if found {
+						fmid := schema.IndexDescriptor{
+							Table: ftd.Table,
+							Index: fmir,
+						}
+						foreignExistingIndices = append(
+							foreignExistingIndices, foreignExistingIndex{
+								index: fmid,
+								node:  cs,
+							})
+					} else {
+						if len(column.ForeignKeys) > 0 {
+							idx.Name = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_foreign_key_%d",
+								table.Name, column.Name, len(column.ForeignKeys)))
+						} else {
+							idx.Name = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_foreign_key",
+								table.Name, column.Name))
+						}
+						foreignNewIndices = append(
+							foreignNewIndices, foreignNewIndex{
+								table: ftd,
+								index: idx,
+								node:  cs,
+							})
+					}
+					column.ForeignKeys = append(column.ForeignKeys, fcd)
+				case *ast.AutoIncrementOptionNode:
+					if (column.Attr & schema.ColumnAttrHasSequence) != 0 {
+						// Don't process AUTOINCREMENT twice.
+						break cs
+					}
+					// We set the flag regardless of the error because we
+					// don't want to produce duplicate errors.
+					column.Attr |= schema.ColumnAttrHasSequence
+					if seq > schema.MaxSequenceRef {
+						el.Append(errors.Error{
+							Position: cs.GetPosition(),
+							Length:   cs.GetLength(),
+							Category: errors.ErrorCategoryLimit,
+							Code:     errors.ErrorCodeTooManySequences,
+							Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+							Prefix:   fn,
+							Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+								"cannot have more than %d sequences",
+								schema.MaxSequenceRef+1),
+						}, &innerHasError)
+						break cs
+					}
+					major, _ := ast.DecomposeDataType(column.Type)
+					switch major {
+					case ast.DataTypeMajorInt, ast.DataTypeMajorUint:
+					default:
+						el.Append(errors.Error{
+							Position: cs.GetPosition(),
+							Length:   cs.GetLength(),
+							Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+							Code:     errors.ErrorCodeInvalidAutoIncrementDataType,
+							Prefix:   fn,
+							Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+								"AUTOINCREMENT is only supported on "+
+									"INT and UINT types, but this column "+
+									"has type %s (%04x)",
+								column.Type.String(), uint16(column.Type)),
+						}, &innerHasError)
+						break cs
+					}
+					column.Sequence = schema.SequenceRef(seq)
+					seq++
+				default:
+					panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown constraint type %T", c))
+				}
+			}
+			// The return value will be set by the first defer function.
+			return
+		}()
+		// If an error occurs in the function, stop here and continue
+		// processing the next column.
+		if !ok {
+			hasError = true
+			continue
+		}
+		// Commit the column.
+		table.Columns = append(table.Columns, column)
+	}
+	// Return early if there is any error.
+	if hasError {
+		return
+	}
+	mustAddIndex := func(name *[]byte, id schema.IndexDescriptor) {
+		for !c.AddIndex(string(*name), id, true) {
+			*name = append(*name, '_')
+		}
+	}
+	// Create the primary key index. This is the first index on the table, so
+	// it is not possible to exceed the limit on the number of indices.
+	ir := schema.IndexRef(len(table.Indices))
+	if len(pk) > 0 {
+		idx := schema.Index{
+			Name:    []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s_primary_key", table.Name)),
+			Attr:    schema.IndexAttrUnique,
+			Columns: pk,
+		}
+		id := schema.IndexDescriptor{Table: tr, Index: ir}
+		mustAddIndex(&idx.Name, id)
+		table.Indices = append(table.Indices, idx)
+	}
+	// Create indices for the current table.
+	for ii := range localIndices {
+		if len(table.Indices) > schema.MaxIndexRef {
+			el.Append(errors.Error{
+				Position: localIndices[ii].node.GetPosition(),
+				Length:   localIndices[ii].node.GetLength(),
+				Category: errors.ErrorCategoryLimit,
+				Code:     errors.ErrorCodeTooManyIndices,
+				Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+				Prefix:   fn,
+				Message: fmt.Sprintf("cannot have more than %d indices",
+					schema.MaxIndexRef+1),
+			}, &hasError)
+			return
+		}
+		idx := localIndices[ii].index
+		ir := schema.IndexRef(len(table.Indices))
+		id := schema.IndexDescriptor{Table: tr, Index: ir}
+		mustAddIndex(&idx.Name, id)
+		table.Indices = append(table.Indices, idx)
+	}
+	// Create indices for foreign tables.
+	for ii := range foreignNewIndices {
+		ftd := foreignNewIndices[ii].table
+		if len((*s)[ftd.Table].Indices) > schema.MaxIndexRef {
+			el.Append(errors.Error{
+				Position: foreignNewIndices[ii].node.GetPosition(),
+				Length:   foreignNewIndices[ii].node.GetLength(),
+				Category: errors.ErrorCategoryLimit,
+				Code:     errors.ErrorCodeTooManyIndices,
+				Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+				Prefix:   fn,
+				Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+					"table %s already has %d indices",
+					ast.QuoteIdentifier((*s)[ftd.Table].Name),
+					schema.MaxIndexRef+1),
+			}, &hasError)
+			return
+		}
+		idx := foreignNewIndices[ii].index
+		ir := schema.IndexRef(len((*s)[ftd.Table].Indices))
+		id := schema.IndexDescriptor{Table: ftd.Table, Index: ir}
+		mustAddIndex(&idx.Name, id)
+		(*s)[ftd.Table].Indices = append((*s)[ftd.Table].Indices, idx)
+		defer func(tr schema.TableRef, length schema.IndexRef) {
+			if hasError {
+				(*s)[tr].Indices = (*s)[tr].Indices[:ir]
+			}
+		}(ftd.Table, ir)
+	}
+	// Mark existing indices as referenced.
+	for ii := range foreignExistingIndices {
+		fid := foreignExistingIndices[ii].index
+		(*s)[fid.Table].Indices[fid.Index].Attr |= schema.IndexAttrReferenced
+	}
+	// Finally, we can commit the table definition to the schema.
+	*s = append(*s, table)
+func checkCreateIndexStmt(n *ast.CreateIndexStmtNode, s *schema.Schema,
+	o CheckOptions, c *schemaCache, el *errors.ErrorList) {
+	fn := "CheckCreateIndexStmt"
+	hasError := false
+	if c.Begin() != 0 {
+		panic("schema cache must not have any open scope")
+	}
+	defer func() {
+		if hasError {
+			c.Rollback()
+			return
+		}
+		c.Commit()
+	}()
+	tn := n.Table.Name
+	td, found := c.FindTableInBase(string(tn))
+	if !found {
+		el.Append(errors.Error{
+			Position: n.Table.GetPosition(),
+			Length:   n.Table.GetLength(),
+			Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+			Code:     errors.ErrorCodeTableNotFound,
+			Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+			Prefix:   fn,
+			Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+				"index table %s does not exist",
+				ast.QuoteIdentifier(tn)),
+		}, &hasError)
+		return
+	}
+	if len(n.Column) > schema.MaxColumnRef {
+		begin := n.Column[0].GetPosition()
+		last := len(n.Column) - 1
+		end := n.Column[last].GetPosition() + n.Column[last].GetLength()
+		el.Append(errors.Error{
+			Position: begin,
+			Length:   end - begin,
+			Category: errors.ErrorCategoryLimit,
+			Code:     errors.ErrorCodeTooManyColumns,
+			Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+			Prefix:   fn,
+			Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+				"cannot create an index on more than %d columns",
+				schema.MaxColumnRef+1),
+		}, &hasError)
+		return
+	}
+	columnRefs := newColumnRefSlice(uint8(len(n.Column)))
+	for ci := range n.Column {
+		cn := n.Column[ci].Name
+		cd, found := c.FindColumnInBase(td.Table, string(cn))
+		if !found {
+			el.Append(errors.Error{
+				Position: n.Column[ci].GetPosition(),
+				Length:   n.Column[ci].GetLength(),
+				Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+				Code:     errors.ErrorCodeColumnNotFound,
+				Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+				Prefix:   fn,
+				Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+					"column %s does not exist in index table %s",
+					ast.QuoteIdentifier(cn),
+					ast.QuoteIdentifier(tn)),
+			}, &hasError)
+			continue
+		}
+		columnRefs.Append(cd.Column, uint8(ci))
+	}
+	if hasError {
+		return
+	}
+	sort.Stable(columnRefs)
+	for ci := 1; ci < len(n.Column); ci++ {
+		if columnRefs.columns[ci] == columnRefs.columns[ci-1] {
+			el.Append(errors.Error{
+				Position: n.Column[columnRefs.nodes[ci]].GetPosition(),
+				Length:   n.Column[columnRefs.nodes[ci]].GetLength(),
+				Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+				Code:     errors.ErrorCodeDuplicateIndexColumn,
+				Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+				Prefix:   fn,
+				Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+					"column %s already exists in the column list",
+					ast.QuoteIdentifier(n.Column[columnRefs.nodes[ci]].Name)),
+			}, &hasError)
+			return
+		}
+	}
+	index := schema.Index{}
+	index.Columns = columnRefs.columns
+	if len((*s)[td.Table].Indices) > schema.MaxIndexRef {
+		el.Append(errors.Error{
+			Position: n.GetPosition(),
+			Length:   n.GetLength(),
+			Category: errors.ErrorCategoryLimit,
+			Code:     errors.ErrorCodeTooManyIndices,
+			Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+			Prefix:   fn,
+			Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+				"cannot have more than %d indices in table %s",
+				schema.MaxIndexRef+1,
+				ast.QuoteIdentifier(tn)),
+		}, &hasError)
+		return
+	}
+	ir := schema.IndexRef(len((*s)[td.Table].Indices))
+	id := schema.IndexDescriptor{Table: td.Table, Index: ir}
+	if n.Unique != nil {
+		index.Attr |= schema.IndexAttrUnique
+	}
+	if len(n.Index.Name) == 0 {
+		el.Append(errors.Error{
+			Position: n.Index.GetPosition(),
+			Length:   n.Table.GetLength(),
+			Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+			Code:     errors.ErrorCodeEmptyIndexName,
+			Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+			Prefix:   fn,
+			Message:  "cannot create an index with an empty name",
+		}, &hasError)
+		return
+	}
+	// If there is an existing index that is automatically created, rename it
+	// instead of creating a new one.
+	rename := false
+	fmir, found := findFirstMatchingIndex((*s)[id.Table].Indices, index, 0)
+	if found {
+		fmid := schema.IndexDescriptor{Table: id.Table, Index: fmir}
+		fmin := (*s)[id.Table].Indices[fmir].Name
+		fminString := string(fmin)
+		fmidCache, auto, found := c.FindIndexInBase(fminString)
+		if !found {
+			panic(fmt.Sprintf("index %s exists in the schema, "+
+				"but it cannot be found in the schema cache",
+				ast.QuoteIdentifier(fmin)))
+		}
+		if fmidCache != fmid {
+			panic(fmt.Sprintf("index %s has descriptor %+v, "+
+				"but the schema cache records it as %+v",
+				ast.QuoteIdentifier(fmin), fmid, fmidCache))
+		}
+		if auto {
+			if !c.DeleteIndex(fminString) {
+				panic(fmt.Sprintf("unable to mark index %s for deletion",
+					ast.QuoteIdentifier(fmin)))
+			}
+			rename = true
+			id = fmid
+			ir = id.Index
+		}
+	}
+	in := n.Index.Name
+	if !c.AddIndex(string(in), id, false) {
+		el.Append(errors.Error{
+			Position: n.Index.GetPosition(),
+			Length:   n.Index.GetLength(),
+			Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+			Code:     errors.ErrorCodeDuplicateIndexName,
+			Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+			Prefix:   fn,
+			Message: fmt.Sprintf("index %s already exists",
+				ast.QuoteIdentifier(in)),
+		}, &hasError)
+		return
+	}
+	// Commit the change into the schema.
+	if rename {
+		(*s)[id.Table].Indices[id.Index].Name = n.Index.Name
+	} else {
+		index.Name = n.Index.Name
+		(*s)[id.Table].Indices = append((*s)[id.Table].Indices, index)
+	}
+func checkSelectStmt(n *ast.SelectStmtNode, s schema.Schema,
+	o CheckOptions, c *schemaCache, el *errors.ErrorList) {
+func checkUpdateStmt(n *ast.UpdateStmtNode, s schema.Schema,
+	o CheckOptions, c *schemaCache, el *errors.ErrorList) {
+func checkDeleteStmt(n *ast.DeleteStmtNode, s schema.Schema,
+	o CheckOptions, c *schemaCache, el *errors.ErrorList) {
+func checkInsertStmt(n *ast.InsertStmtNode, s schema.Schema,
+	o CheckOptions, c *schemaCache, el *errors.ErrorList) {
+func checkExpr(n ast.ExprNode,
+	s schema.Schema, o CheckOptions, c *schemaCache, el *errors.ErrorList,
+	tr schema.TableRef, ta typeAction) ast.ExprNode {
+	switch n := n.(type) {
+	case *ast.IdentifierNode:
+		return checkVariable(n, s, o, c, el, tr, ta)
+	case *ast.BoolValueNode:
+		return checkBoolValue(n, o, el, ta)
+	case *ast.AddressValueNode:
+		return checkAddressValue(n, o, el, ta)
+	case *ast.IntegerValueNode:
+		return checkIntegerValue(n, o, el, ta)
+	case *ast.DecimalValueNode:
+		return checkDecimalValue(n, o, el, ta)
+	case *ast.BytesValueNode:
+		return checkBytesValue(n, o, el, ta)
+	case *ast.NullValueNode:
+		return checkNullValue(n, o, el, ta)
+	case *ast.PosOperatorNode:
+		return checkPosOperator(n, s, o, c, el, tr, ta)
+	case *ast.NegOperatorNode:
+		return checkNegOperator(n, s, o, c, el, tr, ta)
+	case *ast.NotOperatorNode:
+		return n
+	case *ast.ParenOperatorNode:
+		return n
+	case *ast.AndOperatorNode:
+		return n
+	case *ast.OrOperatorNode:
+		return n
+	case *ast.GreaterOrEqualOperatorNode:
+		return n
+	case *ast.LessOrEqualOperatorNode:
+		return n
+	case *ast.NotEqualOperatorNode:
+		return n
+	case *ast.EqualOperatorNode:
+		return n
+	case *ast.GreaterOperatorNode:
+		return n
+	case *ast.LessOperatorNode:
+		return n
+	case *ast.ConcatOperatorNode:
+		return n
+	case *ast.AddOperatorNode:
+		return n
+	case *ast.SubOperatorNode:
+		return n
+	case *ast.MulOperatorNode:
+		return n
+	case *ast.DivOperatorNode:
+		return n
+	case *ast.ModOperatorNode:
+		return n
+	case *ast.IsOperatorNode:
+		return n
+	case *ast.LikeOperatorNode:
+		return n
+	case *ast.CastOperatorNode:
+		return n
+	case *ast.InOperatorNode:
+		return n
+	case *ast.FunctionOperatorNode:
+		return n
+	default:
+		panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown expression type %T", n))
+	}
+func elAppendTypeErrorMismatch(el *errors.ErrorList, n ast.ExprNode,
+	fn string, dtExpected, dtGiven ast.DataType) {
+	el.Append(errors.Error{
+		Position: n.GetPosition(),
+		Length:   n.GetLength(),
+		Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+		Code:     errors.ErrorCodeTypeError,
+		Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+		Prefix:   fn,
+		Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+			"expect %s (%04x), but %s (%04x) is given",
+			dtExpected.String(), uint16(dtExpected),
+			dtGiven.String(), uint16(dtGiven)),
+	}, nil)
+func checkVariable(n *ast.IdentifierNode,
+	s schema.Schema, o CheckOptions, c *schemaCache, el *errors.ErrorList,
+	tr schema.TableRef, ta typeAction) ast.ExprNode {
+	fn := "CheckVariable"
+	if (o & CheckWithConstantOnly) != 0 {
+		el.Append(errors.Error{
+			Position: n.GetPosition(),
+			Length:   n.GetLength(),
+			Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+			Code:     errors.ErrorCodeNonConstantExpression,
+			Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+			Prefix:   fn,
+			Message: fmt.Sprintf("%s is not a constant",
+				ast.QuoteIdentifier(n.Name)),
+		}, nil)
+		return nil
+	}
+	cn := string(n.Name)
+	cd, found := c.FindColumnInBaseWithFallback(tr, cn, s)
+	if !found {
+		el.Append(errors.Error{
+			Position: n.GetPosition(),
+			Length:   n.GetLength(),
+			Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+			Code:     errors.ErrorCodeColumnNotFound,
+			Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+			Prefix:   fn,
+			Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+				"cannot find column %s in table %s",
+				ast.QuoteIdentifier(n.Name),
+				ast.QuoteIdentifier(s[tr].Name)),
+		}, nil)
+		return nil
+	}
+	cr := cd.Column
+	dt := s[tr].Columns[cr].Type
+	switch a := ta.(type) {
+	case typeActionInferDefault:
+	case typeActionInferWithSize:
+	case typeActionAssign:
+		if !dt.Equal(a.dt) {
+			elAppendTypeErrorMismatch(el, n, fn, a.dt, dt)
+			return nil
+		}
+	}
+	n.SetType(dt)
+	n.Desc = cd
+	return n
+func unknownValueNodeType(n ast.Valuer) string {
+	return fmt.Sprintf("unknown constant type %T", n)
+func describeValueNodeType(n ast.Valuer) string {
+	switch n.(type) {
+	case *ast.BoolValueNode:
+		return "boolean constant"
+	case *ast.AddressValueNode:
+		return "address constant"
+	case *ast.IntegerValueNode, *ast.DecimalValueNode:
+		return "number constant"
+	case *ast.BytesValueNode:
+		return "bytes constant"
+	case *ast.NullValueNode:
+		return "null constant"
+	default:
+		panic(unknownValueNodeType(n))
+	}
+func elAppendTypeErrorValueNode(el *errors.ErrorList, n ast.Valuer,
+	fn string, dt ast.DataType) {
+	el.Append(errors.Error{
+		Position: n.GetPosition(),
+		Length:   n.GetLength(),
+		Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+		Code:     errors.ErrorCodeTypeError,
+		Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+		Prefix:   fn,
+		Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+			"expect %s (%04x), but %s is given",
+			dt.String(), uint16(dt), describeValueNodeType(n)),
+	}, nil)
+func checkBoolValue(n *ast.BoolValueNode,
+	o CheckOptions, el *errors.ErrorList, ta typeAction) ast.ExprNode {
+	fn := "CheckBoolValue"
+	switch a := ta.(type) {
+	case typeActionInferDefault:
+	case typeActionInferWithSize:
+	case typeActionAssign:
+		major, _ := ast.DecomposeDataType(a.dt)
+		if major != ast.DataTypeMajorBool {
+			elAppendTypeErrorValueNode(el, n, fn, a.dt)
+			return nil
+		}
+	}
+	return n
+func checkAddressValue(n *ast.AddressValueNode,
+	o CheckOptions, el *errors.ErrorList, ta typeAction) ast.ExprNode {
+	fn := "CheckAddressValue"
+	switch a := ta.(type) {
+	case typeActionInferDefault:
+	case typeActionInferWithSize:
+	case typeActionAssign:
+		major, _ := ast.DecomposeDataType(a.dt)
+		if major != ast.DataTypeMajorAddress {
+			elAppendTypeErrorValueNode(el, n, fn, a.dt)
+			return nil
+		}
+	}
+	return n
+func mustGetMinMax(dt ast.DataType) (decimal.Decimal, decimal.Decimal) {
+	min, max, ok := dt.GetMinMax()
+	if !ok {
+		panic(fmt.Sprintf("GetMinMax does not handle %v", dt))
+	}
+	return min, max
+func mustDecimalEncode(dt ast.DataType, d decimal.Decimal) []byte {
+	b, ok := ast.DecimalEncode(dt, d)
+	if !ok {
+		panic(fmt.Sprintf("DecimalEncode does not handle %v", dt))
+	}
+	return b
+func mustDecimalDecode(dt ast.DataType, b []byte) decimal.Decimal {
+	d, ok := ast.DecimalDecode(dt, b)
+	if !ok {
+		panic(fmt.Sprintf("DecimalDecode does not handle %v", dt))
+	}
+	return d
+func cropDecimal(dt ast.DataType, d decimal.Decimal) decimal.Decimal {
+	b := mustDecimalEncode(dt, d)
+	return mustDecimalDecode(dt, b)
+func elAppendConstantTooLongError(el *errors.ErrorList, n ast.Valuer,
+	fn string, v decimal.Decimal) {
+	el.Append(errors.Error{
+		Position: n.GetPosition(),
+		Length:   n.GetLength(),
+		Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+		Code:     errors.ErrorCodeConstantTooLong,
+		Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+		Prefix:   fn,
+		Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+			"constant expression %s has more than %d digits",
+			ast.QuoteString(n.GetToken()), MaxIntegerPartDigits),
+	}, nil)
+func elAppendOverflowError(el *errors.ErrorList, n ast.Valuer,
+	fn string, dt ast.DataType, v, min, max decimal.Decimal) {
+	el.Append(errors.Error{
+		Position: n.GetPosition(),
+		Length:   n.GetLength(),
+		Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+		Code:     errors.ErrorCodeOverflow,
+		Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+		Prefix:   fn,
+		Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+			"number %s (%s) overflows %s (%04x)",
+			ast.QuoteString(n.GetToken()), v.String(),
+			dt.String(), uint16(dt)),
+	}, nil)
+	el.Append(errors.Error{
+		Position: n.GetPosition(),
+		Length:   n.GetLength(),
+		Category: 0,
+		Code:     0,
+		Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityNote,
+		Prefix:   fn,
+		Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+			"the range of %s is [%s, %s]",
+			dt.String(), min.String(), max.String()),
+	}, nil)
+func elAppendOverflowWarning(el *errors.ErrorList, n ast.Valuer,
+	fn string, dt ast.DataType, from, to decimal.Decimal) {
+	el.Append(errors.Error{
+		Position: n.GetPosition(),
+		Length:   n.GetLength(),
+		Category: 0,
+		Code:     0,
+		Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityWarning,
+		Prefix:   fn,
+		Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+			"number %s (%s) overflows %s (%04x), converted to %s",
+			ast.QuoteString(n.GetToken()), from.String(),
+			dt.String(), uint16(dt), to.String()),
+	}, nil)
+func checkIntegerValue(n *ast.IntegerValueNode,
+	o CheckOptions, el *errors.ErrorList, ta typeAction) ast.ExprNode {
+	fn := "CheckIntegerValue"
+	normalizeDecimal(&n.V)
+	if !safeDecimalRange(n.V) {
+		elAppendConstantTooLongError(el, n, fn, n.V)
+		return nil
+	}
+	infer := func(size int) (ast.DataType, bool) {
+		// The first case: assume V fits in the signed integer.
+		minor := ast.DataTypeMinor(size - 1)
+		dt := ast.ComposeDataType(ast.DataTypeMajorInt, minor)
+		min, max := mustGetMinMax(dt)
+		// Return if V < min. V must be negative so it must be signed.
+		if n.V.LessThan(min) {
+			if (o & CheckWithSafeMath) != 0 {
+				elAppendOverflowError(el, n, fn, dt, n.V, min, max)
+				return dt, false
+			}
+			cropped := cropDecimal(dt, n.V)
+			elAppendOverflowWarning(el, n, fn, dt, n.V, cropped)
+			normalizeDecimal(&cropped)
+			n.V = cropped
+			return dt, true
+		}
+		// We are done if V fits in the signed integer.
+		if n.V.LessThanOrEqual(max) {
+			return dt, true
+		}
+		// The second case: V is a non-negative integer, but it does not fit
+		// in the signed integer. Test whether the unsigned integer works.
+		dt = ast.ComposeDataType(ast.DataTypeMajorUint, minor)
+		min, max = mustGetMinMax(dt)
+		// Return if V > max. We don't have to test whether V < min because min
+		// is always zero and we already know V is non-negative.
+		if n.V.GreaterThan(max) {
+			if (o & CheckWithSafeMath) != 0 {
+				elAppendOverflowError(el, n, fn, dt, n.V, min, max)
+				return dt, false
+			}
+			cropped := cropDecimal(dt, n.V)
+			elAppendOverflowWarning(el, n, fn, dt, n.V, cropped)
+			normalizeDecimal(&cropped)
+			n.V = cropped
+			return dt, true
+		}
+		return dt, true
+	}
+	dt := ast.DataTypePending
+	switch a := ta.(type) {
+	case typeActionInferDefault:
+		// Default to int256 or uint256.
+		var ok bool
+		dt, ok = infer(256 / 8)
+		if !ok {
+			return nil
+		}
+	case typeActionInferWithSize:
+		var ok bool
+		dt, ok = infer(a.size)
+		if !ok {
+			return nil
+		}
+	case typeActionAssign:
+		dt = a.dt
+		major, _ := ast.DecomposeDataType(dt)
+		switch {
+		case major == ast.DataTypeMajorAddress:
+			if !n.IsAddress {
+				el.Append(errors.Error{
+					Position: n.GetPosition(),
+					Length:   n.GetLength(),
+					Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+					Code:     errors.ErrorCodeInvalidAddressChecksum,
+					Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+					Prefix:   fn,
+					Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+						"expect %s (%04x), but %s is not an address constant",
+						dt.String(), uint16(dt), n.GetToken()),
+				}, nil)
+				return nil
+			}
+			// Redirect to checkAddressValue if it becomes an address.
+			addrNode := &ast.AddressValueNode{}
+			addrNode.SetPosition(addrNode.GetPosition())
+			addrNode.SetLength(addrNode.GetLength())
+			addrNode.SetToken(addrNode.GetToken())
+			addrNode.V = mustDecimalEncode(ast.ComposeDataType(
+				ast.DataTypeMajorUint, ast.DataTypeMinor(160/8-1)), n.V)
+			return checkAddressValue(addrNode, o, el, ta)
+		case major == ast.DataTypeMajorInt,
+			major == ast.DataTypeMajorUint,
+			major.IsFixedRange(),
+			major.IsUfixedRange():
+			min, max := mustGetMinMax(dt)
+			if n.V.LessThan(min) || n.V.GreaterThan(max) {
+				if (o & CheckWithSafeMath) != 0 {
+					elAppendOverflowError(el, n, fn, dt, n.V, min, max)
+					return nil
+				}
+				cropped := cropDecimal(dt, n.V)
+				elAppendOverflowWarning(el, n, fn, dt, n.V, cropped)
+				normalizeDecimal(&cropped)
+				n.V = cropped
+			}
+		default:
+			elAppendTypeErrorValueNode(el, n, fn, dt)
+			return nil
+		}
+	}
+	if !dt.Pending() {
+		n.SetType(dt)
+	}
+	return n
+func checkDecimalValue(n *ast.DecimalValueNode,
+	o CheckOptions, el *errors.ErrorList, ta typeAction) ast.ExprNode {
+	fn := "CheckDecimalValue"
+	normalizeDecimal(&n.V)
+	if !safeDecimalRange(n.V) {
+		elAppendConstantTooLongError(el, n, fn, n.V)
+		return nil
+	}
+	// Redirect to checkIntegerValue if the value is an integer.
+	if intPart := n.V.Truncate(0); n.V.Equal(intPart) {
+		intNode := &ast.IntegerValueNode{}
+		intNode.SetPosition(n.GetPosition())
+		intNode.SetLength(n.GetLength())
+		intNode.SetToken(n.GetToken())
+		intNode.SetType(n.GetType())
+		intNode.IsAddress = false
+		intNode.V = n.V
+		return checkIntegerValue(intNode, o, el, ta)
+	}
+	infer := func(size, fractionalDigits int) (ast.DataType, bool) {
+		major := ast.DataTypeMajorFixed + ast.DataTypeMajor(size-1)
+		minor := ast.DataTypeMinor(fractionalDigits)
+		dt := ast.ComposeDataType(major, minor)
+		min, max := mustGetMinMax(dt)
+		if n.V.LessThan(min) {
+			if (o & CheckWithSafeMath) != 0 {
+				elAppendOverflowError(el, n, fn, dt, n.V, min, max)
+				return dt, false
+			}
+			cropped := cropDecimal(dt, n.V)
+			elAppendOverflowWarning(el, n, fn, dt, n.V, cropped)
+			normalizeDecimal(&cropped)
+			n.V = cropped
+			return dt, false
+		}
+		if n.V.LessThanOrEqual(max) {
+			return dt, true
+		}
+		major = ast.DataTypeMajorUfixed + ast.DataTypeMajor(size-1)
+		minor = ast.DataTypeMinor(fractionalDigits)
+		dt = ast.ComposeDataType(major, minor)
+		min, max = mustGetMinMax(dt)
+		if n.V.GreaterThan(max) {
+			if (o & CheckWithSafeMath) != 0 {
+				elAppendOverflowError(el, n, fn, dt, n.V, min, max)
+				return dt, false
+			}
+			cropped := cropDecimal(dt, n.V)
+			elAppendOverflowWarning(el, n, fn, dt, n.V, cropped)
+			normalizeDecimal(&cropped)
+			n.V = cropped
+			return dt, true
+		}
+		return dt, true
+	}
+	// Now we are sure the number we are dealing has fractional part.
+	dt := ast.DataTypePending
+	switch a := ta.(type) {
+	case typeActionInferDefault:
+		// Default to fixed128x18 and ufixed128x18.
+		var ok bool
+		dt, ok = infer(128/8, 18)
+		if !ok {
+			return nil
+		}
+	case typeActionInferWithSize:
+		// It is unclear that what the size hint means for fixed-point numbers,
+		// so we just ignore it and do the same thing as the above case.
+		var ok bool
+		dt, ok = infer(128/8, 18)
+		if !ok {
+			return nil
+		}
+	case typeActionAssign:
+		dt = a.dt
+		major, _ := ast.DecomposeDataType(dt)
+		switch {
+		case major.IsFixedRange(),
+			major.IsUfixedRange():
+			min, max := mustGetMinMax(dt)
+			if n.V.LessThan(min) || n.V.GreaterThan(max) {
+				if (o & CheckWithSafeMath) != 0 {
+					elAppendOverflowError(el, n, fn, dt, n.V, min, max)
+					return nil
+				}
+				cropped := cropDecimal(dt, n.V)
+				elAppendOverflowWarning(el, n, fn, dt, n.V, cropped)
+				normalizeDecimal(&cropped)
+				n.V = cropped
+			}
+		case major == ast.DataTypeMajorInt,
+			major == ast.DataTypeMajorUint:
+			el.Append(errors.Error{
+				Position: n.GetPosition(),
+				Length:   n.GetLength(),
+				Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+				Code:     errors.ErrorCodeTypeError,
+				Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+				Prefix:   fn,
+				Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+					"expect %s (%04x), but the number %s has fractional part",
+					dt.String(), uint16(dt), n.V.String()),
+			}, nil)
+			return nil
+		default:
+			elAppendTypeErrorValueNode(el, n, fn, dt)
+			return nil
+		}
+	}
+	if !dt.Pending() {
+		n.SetType(dt)
+		_, minor := ast.DecomposeDataType(dt)
+		fractionalDigits := int32(minor)
+		n.V = n.V.Round(fractionalDigits)
+		normalizeDecimal(&n.V)
+	}
+	return n
+func checkBytesValue(n *ast.BytesValueNode,
+	o CheckOptions, el *errors.ErrorList, ta typeAction) ast.ExprNode {
+	fn := "CheckBytesValue"
+	dt := ast.DataTypePending
+	switch a := ta.(type) {
+	case typeActionInferDefault:
+		// Default to bytes.
+		major := ast.DataTypeMajorDynamicBytes
+		minor := ast.DataTypeMinorDontCare
+		dt = ast.ComposeDataType(major, minor)
+		ta = newTypeActionAssign(dt)
+		goto executeTypeAction
+	case typeActionInferWithSize:
+		major := ast.DataTypeMajorFixedBytes
+		minor := ast.DataTypeMinor(a.size - 1)
+		dt = ast.ComposeDataType(major, minor)
+		ta = newTypeActionAssign(dt)
+		goto executeTypeAction
+	case typeActionAssign:
+		dt = a.dt
+		major, minor := ast.DecomposeDataType(dt)
+		switch major {
+		case ast.DataTypeMajorDynamicBytes:
+			// Do nothing because it is always valid.
+		case ast.DataTypeMajorFixedBytes:
+			sizeGiven := len(n.V)
+			sizeExpected := int(minor) + 1
+			if sizeGiven != sizeExpected {
+				el.Append(errors.Error{
+					Position: n.GetPosition(),
+					Length:   n.GetLength(),
+					Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+					Code:     errors.ErrorCodeTypeError,
+					Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+					Prefix:   fn,
+					Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+						"expect %s (%04x), but %s has %d bytes",
+						dt.String(), uint16(dt),
+						ast.QuoteString(n.V), sizeGiven),
+				}, nil)
+				return nil
+			}
+		default:
+			elAppendTypeErrorValueNode(el, n, fn, dt)
+			return nil
+		}
+	}
+	if !dt.Pending() {
+		n.SetType(dt)
+	}
+	return n
+func checkNullValue(n *ast.NullValueNode,
+	o CheckOptions, el *errors.ErrorList, ta typeAction) ast.ExprNode {
+	dt := ast.DataTypePending
+	switch a := ta.(type) {
+	case typeActionInferDefault:
+		dt = ast.DataTypeNull
+	case typeActionInferWithSize:
+		dt = ast.DataTypeNull
+	case typeActionAssign:
+		dt = a.dt
+	}
+	if !dt.Pending() {
+		n.SetType(dt)
+	}
+	return n
+func elAppendTypeErrorOperatorValueNode(el *errors.ErrorList, n ast.Valuer,
+	fn string, op string) {
+	el.Append(errors.Error{
+		Position: n.GetPosition(),
+		Length:   n.GetLength(),
+		Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+		Code:     errors.ErrorCodeTypeError,
+		Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+		Prefix:   fn,
+		Message: fmt.Sprintf("%s is not defined for %s",
+			op, describeValueNodeType(n)),
+	}, nil)
+func elAppendTypeErrorOperatorDataType(el *errors.ErrorList, n ast.ExprNode,
+	fn string, op string, dt ast.DataType) {
+	el.Append(errors.Error{
+		Position: n.GetPosition(),
+		Length:   n.GetLength(),
+		Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+		Code:     errors.ErrorCodeTypeError,
+		Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+		Prefix:   fn,
+		Message: fmt.Sprintf("%s is not defined for %s (%04x)",
+			op, dt.String(), uint16(dt)),
+	}, nil)
+func checkPosOperator(n *ast.PosOperatorNode,
+	s schema.Schema, o CheckOptions, c *schemaCache, el *errors.ErrorList,
+	tr schema.TableRef, ta typeAction) ast.ExprNode {
+	fn := "CheckPosOperator"
+	op := "unary operator +"
+	target := n.GetTarget()
+	target = checkExpr(target, s, o, c, el, tr, nil)
+	if target == nil {
+		return nil
+	}
+	r := ast.ExprNode(target)
+	dtTarget := target.GetType()
+	if !dtTarget.Pending() {
+		major, _ := ast.DecomposeDataType(dtTarget)
+		switch {
+		case major == ast.DataTypeMajorInt,
+			major == ast.DataTypeMajorUint,
+			major.IsFixedRange(),
+			major.IsUfixedRange():
+		default:
+			elAppendTypeErrorOperatorDataType(el, target, fn, op, dtTarget)
+			return nil
+		}
+	}
+	dt := dtTarget
+	if target, ok := target.(ast.Valuer); ok {
+		switch v := target.(type) {
+		case *ast.IntegerValueNode:
+			node := &ast.IntegerValueNode{}
+			node.SetPosition(n.GetPosition())
+			node.SetLength(n.GetLength())
+			node.SetToken(n.GetToken())
+			node.SetType(dt)
+			node.IsAddress = false
+			node.V = v.V
+			r = node
+		case *ast.DecimalValueNode:
+			node := &ast.DecimalValueNode{}
+			node.SetPosition(n.GetPosition())
+			node.SetLength(n.GetLength())
+			node.SetToken(n.GetToken())
+			node.SetType(dt)
+			node.V = v.V
+			r = node
+		case *ast.NullValueNode:
+			if dt.Pending() {
+				elAppendTypeErrorOperatorValueNode(el, v, fn, op)
+				return nil
+			}
+			node := &ast.NullValueNode{}
+			node.SetPosition(n.GetPosition())
+			node.SetLength(n.GetLength())
+			node.SetToken(n.GetToken())
+			node.SetType(dt)
+			r = node
+		case *ast.BoolValueNode:
+			elAppendTypeErrorOperatorValueNode(el, v, fn, op)
+			return nil
+		case *ast.AddressValueNode:
+			elAppendTypeErrorOperatorValueNode(el, v, fn, op)
+			return nil
+		case *ast.BytesValueNode:
+			elAppendTypeErrorOperatorValueNode(el, v, fn, op)
+			return nil
+		default:
+			panic(unknownValueNodeType(v))
+		}
+	}
+	if dt.Pending() {
+		r = checkExpr(r, s, o, c, el, tr, ta)
+	} else {
+		switch a := ta.(type) {
+		case typeActionInferDefault:
+		case typeActionInferWithSize:
+		case typeActionAssign:
+			if !dt.Equal(a.dt) {
+				elAppendTypeErrorMismatch(el, n, fn, a.dt, dt)
+				return nil
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return r
+func checkNegOperator(n *ast.NegOperatorNode,
+	s schema.Schema, o CheckOptions, c *schemaCache, el *errors.ErrorList,
+	tr schema.TableRef, ta typeAction) ast.ExprNode {
+	fn := "CheckNegOperator"
+	op := "unary operator -"
+	target := n.GetTarget()
+	target = checkExpr(target, s, o, c, el, tr, nil)
+	if target == nil {
+		return nil
+	}
+	n.SetTarget(target)
+	r := ast.ExprNode(n)
+	dtTarget := target.GetType()
+	if !dtTarget.Pending() {
+		major, _ := ast.DecomposeDataType(dtTarget)
+		switch {
+		case major == ast.DataTypeMajorInt,
+			major == ast.DataTypeMajorUint,
+			major.IsFixedRange(),
+			major.IsUfixedRange():
+		default:
+			elAppendTypeErrorOperatorDataType(el, target, fn, op, dtTarget)
+			return nil
+		}
+	}
+	dt := dtTarget
+	eval := func(n ast.Valuer, v decimal.Decimal) (decimal.Decimal, bool) {
+		r := v.Neg()
+		if !dt.Pending() {
+			min, max := mustGetMinMax(dt)
+			if r.LessThan(min) || r.GreaterThan(max) {
+				if (o & CheckWithSafeMath) != 0 {
+					elAppendOverflowError(el, n, fn, dt, r, min, max)
+					return r, false
+				}
+				cropped := cropDecimal(dt, r)
+				elAppendOverflowWarning(el, n, fn, dt, r, cropped)
+				r = cropped
+			}
+		}
+		normalizeDecimal(&r)
+		return r, true
+	}
+	if target, ok := target.(ast.Valuer); ok {
+		switch v := target.(type) {
+		case *ast.IntegerValueNode:
+			node := &ast.IntegerValueNode{}
+			node.SetPosition(n.GetPosition())
+			node.SetLength(n.GetLength())
+			node.SetToken(n.GetToken())
+			node.SetType(dt)
+			node.IsAddress = false
+			node.V, ok = eval(node, v.V)
+			if !ok {
+				return nil
+			}
+			r = node
+		case *ast.DecimalValueNode:
+			node := &ast.DecimalValueNode{}
+			node.SetPosition(n.GetPosition())
+			node.SetLength(n.GetLength())
+			node.SetToken(n.GetToken())
+			node.SetType(dt)
+			node.V, ok = eval(node, v.V)
+			if !ok {
+				return nil
+			}
+			r = node
+		case *ast.NullValueNode:
+			if dt.Pending() {
+				elAppendTypeErrorOperatorValueNode(el, v, fn, op)
+				return nil
+			}
+			node := &ast.NullValueNode{}
+			node.SetPosition(n.GetPosition())
+			node.SetLength(n.GetLength())
+			node.SetToken(n.GetToken())
+			node.SetType(dt)
+			r = node
+		case *ast.BoolValueNode:
+			elAppendTypeErrorOperatorValueNode(el, v, fn, op)
+			return nil
+		case *ast.AddressValueNode:
+			elAppendTypeErrorOperatorValueNode(el, v, fn, op)
+			return nil
+		case *ast.BytesValueNode:
+			elAppendTypeErrorOperatorValueNode(el, v, fn, op)
+			return nil
+		default:
+			panic(unknownValueNodeType(v))
+		}
+	}
+	if dt.Pending() {
+		r = checkExpr(r, s, o, c, el, tr, ta)
+	} else {
+		switch a := ta.(type) {
+		case typeActionInferDefault:
+		case typeActionInferWithSize:
+		case typeActionAssign:
+			if !dt.Equal(a.dt) {
+				elAppendTypeErrorMismatch(el, n, fn, a.dt, dt)
+				return nil
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return r
diff --git a/core/vm/sqlvm/checker/utils.go b/core/vm/sqlvm/checker/utils.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..34b73af4a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/vm/sqlvm/checker/utils.go
@@ -0,0 +1,493 @@
+package checker
+import (
+	""
+	""
+	""
+// Variable name convention:
+//   fn -> function name
+//   el -> error list
+//   td -> table descriptor
+//   tr -> table reference
+//   ti -> table index
+//   tn -< table name
+//   cd -> column descriptor
+//   cr -> column reference
+//   ci -> column index
+//   cn -> column name
+//   id -> index descriptor
+//   ir -> index reference
+//   ii -> index index
+//   in -> index name
+const (
+	MaxIntegerPartDigits    int32 = 200
+	MaxFractionalPartDigits int32 = 200
+var (
+	MaxConstant = func() decimal.Decimal {
+		max := (decimal.New(1, MaxIntegerPartDigits).
+			Sub(decimal.New(1, -MaxFractionalPartDigits)))
+		normalizeDecimal(&max)
+		return max
+	}()
+	MinConstant = MaxConstant.Neg()
+func normalizeDecimal(d *decimal.Decimal) {
+	if d.Exponent() != -MaxFractionalPartDigits {
+		*d = d.Rescale(-MaxFractionalPartDigits)
+	}
+func safeDecimalRange(d decimal.Decimal) bool {
+	return d.GreaterThanOrEqual(MinConstant) && d.LessThanOrEqual(MaxConstant)
+// schemaCache is a multi-layer symbol table used to support the checker.
+// It allows changes to be easily rolled back by keeping modifications in a
+// separate layer, providing an experience similar to a database transaction.
+type schemaCache struct {
+	base   schemaCacheBase
+	scopes []schemaCacheScope
+type schemaCacheIndexValue struct {
+	id   schema.IndexDescriptor
+	auto bool
+type schemaCacheColumnKey struct {
+	tr schema.TableRef
+	n  string
+type schemaCacheBase struct {
+	table  map[string]schema.TableDescriptor
+	index  map[string]schemaCacheIndexValue
+	column map[schemaCacheColumnKey]schema.ColumnDescriptor
+func (lower *schemaCacheBase) Merge(upper schemaCacheScope) {
+	// Process deletions.
+	for n := range upper.tableDeleted {
+		delete(lower.table, n)
+	}
+	for n := range upper.indexDeleted {
+		delete(lower.index, n)
+	}
+	for ck := range upper.columnDeleted {
+		delete(lower.column, ck)
+	}
+	// Process additions.
+	for n, td := range upper.table {
+		lower.table[n] = td
+	}
+	for n, iv := range upper.index {
+		lower.index[n] = iv
+	}
+	for ck, cd := range upper.column {
+		lower.column[ck] = cd
+	}
+type schemaCacheScope struct {
+	table         map[string]schema.TableDescriptor
+	tableDeleted  map[string]struct{}
+	index         map[string]schemaCacheIndexValue
+	indexDeleted  map[string]struct{}
+	column        map[schemaCacheColumnKey]schema.ColumnDescriptor
+	columnDeleted map[schemaCacheColumnKey]struct{}
+func (lower *schemaCacheScope) Merge(upper schemaCacheScope) {
+	// Process deletions.
+	for n := range upper.tableDeleted {
+		delete(lower.table, n)
+		lower.tableDeleted[n] = struct{}{}
+	}
+	for n := range upper.indexDeleted {
+		delete(lower.index, n)
+		lower.indexDeleted[n] = struct{}{}
+	}
+	for ck := range upper.columnDeleted {
+		delete(lower.column, ck)
+		lower.columnDeleted[ck] = struct{}{}
+	}
+	// Process additions.
+	for n, td := range upper.table {
+		lower.table[n] = td
+	}
+	for n, iv := range upper.index {
+		lower.index[n] = iv
+	}
+	for ck, cd := range upper.column {
+		lower.column[ck] = cd
+	}
+func newSchemaCache() *schemaCache {
+	return &schemaCache{
+		base: schemaCacheBase{
+			table:  map[string]schema.TableDescriptor{},
+			index:  map[string]schemaCacheIndexValue{},
+			column: map[schemaCacheColumnKey]schema.ColumnDescriptor{},
+		},
+	}
+func (c *schemaCache) Begin() int {
+	position := len(c.scopes)
+	scope := schemaCacheScope{
+		table:         map[string]schema.TableDescriptor{},
+		tableDeleted:  map[string]struct{}{},
+		index:         map[string]schemaCacheIndexValue{},
+		indexDeleted:  map[string]struct{}{},
+		column:        map[schemaCacheColumnKey]schema.ColumnDescriptor{},
+		columnDeleted: map[schemaCacheColumnKey]struct{}{},
+	}
+	c.scopes = append(c.scopes, scope)
+	return position
+func (c *schemaCache) Rollback() {
+	if len(c.scopes) == 0 {
+		panic("there is no scope to rollback")
+	}
+	c.scopes = c.scopes[:len(c.scopes)-1]
+func (c *schemaCache) RollbackTo(position int) {
+	for position <= len(c.scopes) {
+		c.Rollback()
+	}
+func (c *schemaCache) Commit() {
+	if len(c.scopes) == 0 {
+		panic("there is no scope to commit")
+	}
+	if len(c.scopes) == 1 {
+		c.base.Merge(c.scopes[0])
+	} else {
+		src := len(c.scopes) - 1
+		dst := len(c.scopes) - 2
+		c.scopes[dst].Merge(c.scopes[src])
+	}
+	c.scopes = c.scopes[:len(c.scopes)-1]
+func (c *schemaCache) CommitTo(position int) {
+	for position <= len(c.scopes) {
+		c.Commit()
+	}
+func (c *schemaCache) FindTableInBase(n string) (
+	schema.TableDescriptor, bool) {
+	td, exists := c.base.table[n]
+	return td, exists
+func (c *schemaCache) FindTableInScope(n string) (
+	schema.TableDescriptor, bool) {
+	for si := range c.scopes {
+		si = len(c.scopes) - si - 1
+		if td, exists := c.scopes[si].table[n]; exists {
+			return td, true
+		}
+		if _, exists := c.scopes[si].tableDeleted[n]; exists {
+			return schema.TableDescriptor{}, false
+		}
+	}
+	return c.FindTableInBase(n)
+func (c *schemaCache) FindTableInBaseWithFallback(n string,
+	fallback schema.Schema) (schema.TableDescriptor, bool) {
+	if td, found := c.FindTableInBase(n); found {
+		return td, true
+	}
+	if fallback == nil {
+		return schema.TableDescriptor{}, false
+	}
+	s := fallback
+	for ti := range s {
+		if n == string(s[ti].Name) {
+			tr := schema.TableRef(ti)
+			td := schema.TableDescriptor{Table: tr}
+			c.base.table[n] = td
+			return td, true
+		}
+	}
+	return schema.TableDescriptor{}, false
+func (c *schemaCache) FindIndexInBase(n string) (
+	schema.IndexDescriptor, bool, bool) {
+	iv, exists := c.base.index[n]
+	return,, exists
+func (c *schemaCache) FindIndexInScope(n string) (
+	schema.IndexDescriptor, bool, bool) {
+	for si := range c.scopes {
+		si = len(c.scopes) - si - 1
+		if iv, exists := c.scopes[si].index[n]; exists {
+			return,, true
+		}
+		if _, exists := c.scopes[si].indexDeleted[n]; exists {
+			return schema.IndexDescriptor{}, false, false
+		}
+	}
+	return c.FindIndexInBase(n)
+func (c *schemaCache) FindIndexInBaseWithFallback(n string,
+	fallback schema.Schema) (schema.IndexDescriptor, bool, bool) {
+	if id, auto, found := c.FindIndexInBase(n); found {
+		return id, auto, true
+	}
+	if fallback == nil {
+		return schema.IndexDescriptor{}, false, false
+	}
+	s := fallback
+	for ti := range s {
+		for ii := range s[ti].Indices {
+			if n == string(s[ti].Indices[ii].Name) {
+				tr := schema.TableRef(ti)
+				ir := schema.IndexRef(ii)
+				id := schema.IndexDescriptor{Table: tr, Index: ir}
+				iv := schemaCacheIndexValue{id: id, auto: false}
+				c.base.index[n] = iv
+				return id, false, true
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return schema.IndexDescriptor{}, false, false
+func (c *schemaCache) FindColumnInBase(tr schema.TableRef, n string) (
+	schema.ColumnDescriptor, bool) {
+	cd, exists := c.base.column[schemaCacheColumnKey{tr: tr, n: n}]
+	return cd, exists
+func (c *schemaCache) FindColumnInScope(tr schema.TableRef, n string) (
+	schema.ColumnDescriptor, bool) {
+	ck := schemaCacheColumnKey{tr: tr, n: n}
+	for si := range c.scopes {
+		si = len(c.scopes) - si - 1
+		if cd, exists := c.scopes[si].column[ck]; exists {
+			return cd, true
+		}
+		if _, exists := c.scopes[si].columnDeleted[ck]; exists {
+			return schema.ColumnDescriptor{}, false
+		}
+	}
+	return c.FindColumnInBase(tr, n)
+func (c *schemaCache) FindColumnInBaseWithFallback(tr schema.TableRef, n string,
+	fallback schema.Schema) (schema.ColumnDescriptor, bool) {
+	if cd, found := c.FindColumnInBase(tr, n); found {
+		return cd, true
+	}
+	if fallback == nil {
+		return schema.ColumnDescriptor{}, false
+	}
+	s := fallback
+	for ci := range s[tr].Columns {
+		if n == string(s[tr].Columns[ci].Name) {
+			cr := schema.ColumnRef(ci)
+			cd := schema.ColumnDescriptor{Table: tr, Column: cr}
+			ck := schemaCacheColumnKey{tr: tr, n: n}
+			c.base.column[ck] = cd
+			return cd, true
+		}
+	}
+	return schema.ColumnDescriptor{}, false
+func (c *schemaCache) AddTable(n string,
+	td schema.TableDescriptor) bool {
+	top := len(c.scopes) - 1
+	if _, found := c.FindTableInScope(n); found {
+		return false
+	}
+	c.scopes[top].table[n] = td
+	return true
+func (c *schemaCache) AddIndex(n string,
+	id schema.IndexDescriptor, auto bool) bool {
+	top := len(c.scopes) - 1
+	if _, _, found := c.FindIndexInScope(n); found {
+		return false
+	}
+	iv := schemaCacheIndexValue{id: id, auto: auto}
+	c.scopes[top].index[n] = iv
+	return true
+func (c *schemaCache) AddColumn(n string,
+	cd schema.ColumnDescriptor) bool {
+	top := len(c.scopes) - 1
+	tr := cd.Table
+	if _, found := c.FindColumnInScope(tr, n); found {
+		return false
+	}
+	ck := schemaCacheColumnKey{tr: tr, n: n}
+	c.scopes[top].column[ck] = cd
+	return true
+func (c *schemaCache) DeleteTable(n string) bool {
+	top := len(c.scopes) - 1
+	if _, found := c.FindTableInScope(n); !found {
+		return false
+	}
+	delete(c.scopes[top].table, n)
+	c.scopes[top].tableDeleted[n] = struct{}{}
+	return true
+func (c *schemaCache) DeleteIndex(n string) bool {
+	top := len(c.scopes) - 1
+	if _, _, found := c.FindIndexInScope(n); !found {
+		return false
+	}
+	delete(c.scopes[top].index, n)
+	c.scopes[top].indexDeleted[n] = struct{}{}
+	return true
+func (c *schemaCache) DeleteColumn(tr schema.TableRef, n string) bool {
+	top := len(c.scopes) - 1
+	if _, found := c.FindColumnInScope(tr, n); !found {
+		return false
+	}
+	ck := schemaCacheColumnKey{tr: tr, n: n}
+	delete(c.scopes[top].column, ck)
+	c.scopes[top].columnDeleted[ck] = struct{}{}
+	return true
+// columnRefSlice implements sort.Interface. It allows sorting a slice of
+// schema.ColumnRef while keeping references to AST nodes they originate from.
+type columnRefSlice struct {
+	columns []schema.ColumnRef
+	nodes   []uint8
+func newColumnRefSlice(c uint8) columnRefSlice {
+	return columnRefSlice{
+		columns: make([]schema.ColumnRef, 0, c),
+		nodes:   make([]uint8, 0, c),
+	}
+func (s *columnRefSlice) Append(c schema.ColumnRef, i uint8) {
+	s.columns = append(s.columns, c)
+	s.nodes = append(s.nodes, i)
+func (s columnRefSlice) Len() int {
+	return len(s.columns)
+func (s columnRefSlice) Less(i, j int) bool {
+	return s.columns[i] < s.columns[j]
+func (s columnRefSlice) Swap(i, j int) {
+	s.columns[i], s.columns[j] = s.columns[j], s.columns[i]
+	s.nodes[i], s.nodes[j] = s.nodes[j], s.nodes[i]
+// typeAction represents an action on type inference requested from the parent
+// node. An action is usually only applied on a single node. It is seldom
+// propagated to child nodes because we want to delay the assignment of types
+// until it is necessary, making constant operations easier to use without
+// being restricted by data types.
+//go-sumtype:decl typeAction
+type typeAction interface {
+	ˉtypeAction()
+// typeActionInferDefault requests the node to infer the type using its default
+// rule. It usually means that the parent node does not care the data type,
+// such as the select list in a SELECT statement. It is an advisory request.
+// If the type of the node is already determined, it should ignore the request.
+type typeActionInferDefault struct{}
+func newTypeActionInferDefaultSize() typeActionInferDefault {
+	return typeActionInferDefault{}
+var _ typeAction = typeActionInferDefault{}
+func (typeActionInferDefault) ˉtypeAction() {}
+// typeActionInferWithSize requests the node to infer the type with size
+// requirement. The size is measured in bytes. It is indented to be used in
+// CAST to support conversion between integer and fixed-size bytes types.
+// It is an advisory request. If the type is already determined, the request is
+// ignored and the parent node should be able to handle the problem by itself.
+type typeActionInferWithSize struct {
+	size int
+func newTypeActionInferWithSize(bytes int) typeActionInferWithSize {
+	return typeActionInferWithSize{size: bytes}
+var _ typeAction = typeActionInferWithSize{}
+func (typeActionInferWithSize) ˉtypeAction() {}
+type typeActionAssign struct {
+	dt ast.DataType
+// newTypeActionAssign requests the node to have a specific type. It is a
+// mandatory request. If the node is unable to meet the requirement, it should
+// throw an error. It is not allowed to ignore the request.
+func newTypeActionAssign(expected ast.DataType) typeActionAssign {
+	return typeActionAssign{dt: expected}
+var _ typeAction = typeActionAssign{}
+func (typeActionAssign) ˉtypeAction() {}
diff --git a/core/vm/sqlvm/checkers/actions.go b/core/vm/sqlvm/checkers/actions.go
deleted file mode 100644
index c15029d9a..000000000
--- a/core/vm/sqlvm/checkers/actions.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
-package checkers
-import (
-	"fmt"
-	""
-	""
-	""
-// CheckOptions stores boolean options for Check* functions.
-type CheckOptions uint32
-const (
-	// CheckWithSafeMath enables overflow and underflow checks during expression
-	// evaluation. An error will be thrown when the result is out of range.
-	CheckWithSafeMath CheckOptions = 1 << iota
-	// CheckWithSafeCast enables overflow and underflow checks during casting.
-	// An error will be thrown if the value does not fit in the target type.
-	CheckWithSafeCast
-	// CheckWithConstantOnly restricts the expression to be a constant. An error
-	// will be thrown if the expression cannot be folded into a constant.
-	CheckWithConstantOnly
-// CheckCreate runs CREATE commands to generate a database schema. It modifies
-// AST in-place during evaluation of expressions.
-func CheckCreate(ss []ast.StmtNode, o CheckOptions) (schema.Schema, error) {
-	fn := "CheckCreate"
-	s := schema.Schema{}
-	c := newSchemaCache()
-	el := errors.ErrorList{}
-	for idx := range ss {
-		if ss[idx] == nil {
-			continue
-		}
-		switch n := ss[idx].(type) {
-		case *ast.CreateTableStmtNode:
-			checkCreateTableStmt(n, &s, o, c, &el)
-		case *ast.CreateIndexStmtNode:
-			checkCreateIndexStmt(n, &s, o, c, &el)
-		default:
-			el.Append(errors.Error{
-				Position: ss[idx].GetPosition(),
-				Length:   ss[idx].GetLength(),
-				Category: errors.ErrorCategoryCommand,
-				Code:     errors.ErrorCodeDisallowedCommand,
-				Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-				Prefix:   fn,
-				Message: fmt.Sprintf(
-					"command %s is not allowed when creating a contract",
-					ast.QuoteIdentifier(ss[idx].GetVerb())),
-			}, nil)
-		}
-	}
-	if len(s) == 0 && len(el) == 0 {
-		el.Append(errors.Error{
-			Position: 0,
-			Length:   0,
-			Category: errors.ErrorCategoryCommand,
-			Code:     errors.ErrorCodeNoCommand,
-			Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-			Prefix:   fn,
-			Message:  "creating a contract without a table is not allowed",
-		}, nil)
-	}
-	if len(el) != 0 {
-		return s, el
-	}
-	return s, nil
-// CheckQuery checks and modifies SELECT commands with a given database schema.
-func CheckQuery(ss []ast.StmtNode, s schema.Schema, o CheckOptions) error {
-	fn := "CheckQuery"
-	c := newSchemaCache()
-	el := errors.ErrorList{}
-	for idx := range ss {
-		if ss[idx] == nil {
-			continue
-		}
-		switch n := ss[idx].(type) {
-		case *ast.SelectStmtNode:
-			checkSelectStmt(n, s, o, c, &el)
-		default:
-			el.Append(errors.Error{
-				Position: ss[idx].GetPosition(),
-				Length:   ss[idx].GetLength(),
-				Category: errors.ErrorCategoryCommand,
-				Code:     errors.ErrorCodeDisallowedCommand,
-				Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-				Prefix:   fn,
-				Message: fmt.Sprintf(
-					"command %s is not allowed when calling query",
-					ast.QuoteIdentifier(ss[idx].GetVerb())),
-			}, nil)
-		}
-	}
-	if len(el) != 0 {
-		return el
-	}
-	return nil
-// CheckExec checks and modifies UPDATE, DELETE, INSERT commands with a given
-// database schema.
-func CheckExec(ss []ast.StmtNode, s schema.Schema, o CheckOptions) error {
-	fn := "CheckExec"
-	c := newSchemaCache()
-	el := errors.ErrorList{}
-	for idx := range ss {
-		if ss[idx] == nil {
-			continue
-		}
-		switch n := ss[idx].(type) {
-		case *ast.UpdateStmtNode:
-			checkUpdateStmt(n, s, o, c, &el)
-		case *ast.DeleteStmtNode:
-			checkDeleteStmt(n, s, o, c, &el)
-		case *ast.InsertStmtNode:
-			checkInsertStmt(n, s, o, c, &el)
-		default:
-			el.Append(errors.Error{
-				Position: ss[idx].GetPosition(),
-				Length:   ss[idx].GetLength(),
-				Category: errors.ErrorCategoryCommand,
-				Code:     errors.ErrorCodeDisallowedCommand,
-				Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-				Prefix:   fn,
-				Message: fmt.Sprintf(
-					"command %s is not allowed when calling exec",
-					ast.QuoteIdentifier(ss[idx].GetVerb())),
-			}, nil)
-		}
-	}
-	if len(el) != 0 {
-		return el
-	}
-	return nil
diff --git a/core/vm/sqlvm/checkers/checkers.go b/core/vm/sqlvm/checkers/checkers.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 7881aa149..000000000
--- a/core/vm/sqlvm/checkers/checkers.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1579 +0,0 @@
-package checkers
-import (
-	"fmt"
-	"sort"
-	""
-	""
-	""
-	""
-// In addition to the convention mentioned in utils.go, we have these variable
-// names in this file:
-//   ftd -> foreign table descriptor
-//   ftn -> foreign table name
-//   fcd -> foreign column descriptor
-//   fcn -> foreign column name
-//   fid -> foreign index descriptor
-//   fin -> foreign index name
-//   fmid -> first matching index descriptor
-//   fmir -> first matching index reference
-//   fmin -> first matching index name
-// findFirstMatchingIndex finds the first index in 'haystack' matching the
-// declaration of 'needle' with attributes specified in 'attrDontCare' ignored.
-// This function is considered as a part of the interface, so it have to work
-// deterministically.
-func findFirstMatchingIndex(haystack []schema.Index, needle schema.Index,
-	attrDontCare schema.IndexAttr) (schema.IndexRef, bool) {
-	compareAttr := func(a1, a2 schema.IndexAttr) bool {
-		a1 = a1.GetDeclaredFlags() | attrDontCare
-		a2 = a2.GetDeclaredFlags() | attrDontCare
-		return a1 == a2
-	}
-	compareColumns := func(c1, c2 []schema.ColumnRef) bool {
-		if len(c1) != len(c2) {
-			return false
-		}
-		for ci := range c1 {
-			if c1[ci] != c2[ci] {
-				return false
-			}
-		}
-		return true
-	}
-	for ii := range haystack {
-		if compareAttr(haystack[ii].Attr, needle.Attr) &&
-			compareColumns(haystack[ii].Columns, needle.Columns) {
-			ir := schema.IndexRef(ii)
-			return ir, true
-		}
-	}
-	return 0, false
-func checkCreateTableStmt(n *ast.CreateTableStmtNode, s *schema.Schema,
-	o CheckOptions, c *schemaCache, el *errors.ErrorList) {
-	fn := "CheckCreateTableStmt"
-	hasError := false
-	if c.Begin() != 0 {
-		panic("schema cache must not have any open scope")
-	}
-	defer func() {
-		if hasError {
-			c.Rollback()
-			return
-		}
-		c.Commit()
-	}()
-	// Return early if there are too many tables. We cannot ignore this error
-	// because it will overflow schema.TableRef, which is used as a part of
-	// column key in schemaCache.
-	if len(*s) > schema.MaxTableRef {
-		el.Append(errors.Error{
-			Position: n.GetPosition(),
-			Length:   n.GetLength(),
-			Category: errors.ErrorCategoryLimit,
-			Code:     errors.ErrorCodeTooManyTables,
-			Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-			Prefix:   fn,
-			Message: fmt.Sprintf("cannot have more than %d tables",
-				schema.MaxTableRef+1),
-		}, &hasError)
-		return
-	}
-	table := schema.Table{}
-	tr := schema.TableRef(len(*s))
-	td := schema.TableDescriptor{Table: tr}
-	if len(n.Table.Name) == 0 {
-		el.Append(errors.Error{
-			Position: n.Table.GetPosition(),
-			Length:   n.Table.GetLength(),
-			Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
-			Code:     errors.ErrorCodeEmptyTableName,
-			Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-			Prefix:   fn,
-			Message:  "cannot create a table with an empty name",
-		}, &hasError)
-	}
-	tn := n.Table.Name
-	if !c.AddTable(string(tn), td) {
-		el.Append(errors.Error{
-			Position: n.Table.GetPosition(),
-			Length:   n.Table.GetLength(),
-			Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
-			Code:     errors.ErrorCodeDuplicateTableName,
-			Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-			Prefix:   fn,
-			Message: fmt.Sprintf("table %s already exists",
-				ast.QuoteIdentifier(tn)),
-		}, &hasError)
-	}
-	table.Name = n.Table.Name
-	table.Columns = make([]schema.Column, 0, len(n.Column))
-	// Handle the primary key index.
-	pk := []schema.ColumnRef{}
-	// Handle sequences.
-	seq := 0
-	// Handle indices for unique constraints.
-	type localIndex struct {
-		index schema.Index
-		node  ast.Node
-	}
-	localIndices := []localIndex{}
-	// Handle indices for foreign key constraints.
-	type foreignNewIndex struct {
-		table schema.TableDescriptor
-		index schema.Index
-		node  ast.Node
-	}
-	foreignNewIndices := []foreignNewIndex{}
-	type foreignExistingIndex struct {
-		index schema.IndexDescriptor
-		node  ast.Node
-	}
-	foreignExistingIndices := []foreignExistingIndex{}
-	for ci := range n.Column {
-		if len(table.Columns) > schema.MaxColumnRef {
-			el.Append(errors.Error{
-				Position: n.Column[ci].GetPosition(),
-				Length:   n.Column[ci].GetLength(),
-				Category: errors.ErrorCategoryLimit,
-				Code:     errors.ErrorCodeTooManyColumns,
-				Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-				Prefix:   fn,
-				Message: fmt.Sprintf("cannot have more than %d columns",
-					schema.MaxColumnRef+1),
-			}, &hasError)
-			return
-		}
-		column := schema.Column{}
-		ok := func() (ok bool) {
-			innerHasError := false
-			defer func() { ok = !innerHasError }()
-			// Block access to the outer hasError variable.
-			hasError := struct{}{}
-			// Suppress “declared and not used” error.
-			_ = hasError
-			c.Begin()
-			defer func() {
-				if innerHasError {
-					c.Rollback()
-					return
-				}
-				c.Commit()
-			}()
-			cr := schema.ColumnRef(len(table.Columns))
-			cd := schema.ColumnDescriptor{Table: tr, Column: cr}
-			if len(n.Column[ci].Column.Name) == 0 {
-				el.Append(errors.Error{
-					Position: n.Column[ci].Column.GetPosition(),
-					Length:   n.Column[ci].Column.GetLength(),
-					Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
-					Code:     errors.ErrorCodeEmptyColumnName,
-					Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-					Prefix:   fn,
-					Message:  "cannot declare a column with an empty name",
-				}, &innerHasError)
-			}
-			cn := n.Column[ci].Column.Name
-			if !c.AddColumn(string(cn), cd) {
-				el.Append(errors.Error{
-					Position: n.Column[ci].Column.GetPosition(),
-					Length:   n.Column[ci].Column.GetLength(),
-					Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
-					Code:     errors.ErrorCodeDuplicateColumnName,
-					Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-					Prefix:   fn,
-					Message: fmt.Sprintf("column %s already exists",
-						ast.QuoteIdentifier(cn)),
-				}, &innerHasError)
-			} else {
-				column.Name = n.Column[ci].Column.Name
-			}
-			dt, code, message := n.Column[ci].DataType.GetType()
-			if code == errors.ErrorCodeNil {
-				if !dt.ValidColumn() {
-					el.Append(errors.Error{
-						Position: n.Column[ci].DataType.GetPosition(),
-						Length:   n.Column[ci].DataType.GetLength(),
-						Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
-						Code:     errors.ErrorCodeInvalidColumnDataType,
-						Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-						Prefix:   fn,
-						Message: fmt.Sprintf(
-							"cannot declare a column with type %s", dt.String()),
-					}, &innerHasError)
-				}
-			} else {
-				el.Append(errors.Error{
-					Position: n.Column[ci].DataType.GetPosition(),
-					Length:   n.Column[ci].DataType.GetLength(),
-					Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
-					Code:     code,
-					Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-					Prefix:   fn,
-					Message:  message,
-				}, &innerHasError)
-			}
-			column.Type = dt
-			// Backup lengths of slices in case we have to rollback. We don't
-			// have to copy slice headers or data stored in underlying arrays
-			// because we always append data at the end.
-			defer func(LPK, SEQ, LLI, LFNI, LFEI int) {
-				if innerHasError {
-					pk = pk[:LPK]
-					seq = SEQ
-					localIndices = localIndices[:LLI]
-					foreignNewIndices = foreignNewIndices[:LFNI]
-					foreignExistingIndices = foreignExistingIndices[:LFEI]
-				}
-			}(
-				len(pk), seq, len(localIndices), len(foreignNewIndices),
-				len(foreignExistingIndices),
-			)
-			// cs  -> constraint
-			// csi -> constraint index
-			for csi := range n.Column[ci].Constraint {
-				// Cases are sorted in the same order as internal/grammar.peg.
-			cs:
-				switch cs := n.Column[ci].Constraint[csi].(type) {
-				case *ast.PrimaryOptionNode:
-					pk = append(pk, cr)
-					column.Attr |= schema.ColumnAttrPrimaryKey
-				case *ast.NotNullOptionNode:
-					column.Attr |= schema.ColumnAttrNotNull
-				case *ast.UniqueOptionNode:
-					if (column.Attr & schema.ColumnAttrUnique) != 0 {
-						// Don't create duplicate indices on a column.
-						break cs
-					}
-					column.Attr |= schema.ColumnAttrUnique
-					indexName := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_unique",
-						table.Name, column.Name)
-					idx := schema.Index{
-						Name:    []byte(indexName),
-						Attr:    schema.IndexAttrUnique,
-						Columns: []schema.ColumnRef{cr},
-					}
-					localIndices = append(localIndices, localIndex{
-						index: idx,
-						node:  cs,
-					})
-				case *ast.DefaultOptionNode:
-					if (column.Attr & schema.ColumnAttrHasDefault) != 0 {
-						el.Append(errors.Error{
-							Position: cs.GetPosition(),
-							Length:   cs.GetLength(),
-							Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
-							Code:     errors.ErrorCodeMultipleDefaultValues,
-							Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-							Prefix:   fn,
-							Message:  "cannot have multiple default values",
-						}, &innerHasError)
-						break cs
-					}
-					column.Attr |= schema.ColumnAttrHasDefault
-					value := cs.Value
-					value = checkExpr(cs.Value, *s, o|CheckWithConstantOnly,
-						c, el, 0, newTypeActionAssign(column.Type))
-					if value == nil {
-						innerHasError = true
-						break cs
-					}
-					cs.Value = value
-					switch v := cs.Value.(ast.Valuer).(type) {
-					case *ast.BoolValueNode:
-						sb := v.V.NullBool()
-						if !sb.Valid {
-							el.Append(errors.Error{
-								Position: cs.GetPosition(),
-								Length:   cs.GetLength(),
-								Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
-								Code:     errors.ErrorCodeNullDefaultValue,
-								Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-								Prefix:   fn,
-								Message:  "default value must not be NULL",
-							}, &innerHasError)
-							break cs
-						}
-						column.Default = sb.Bool
-					case *ast.AddressValueNode:
-						column.Default = v.V
-					case *ast.IntegerValueNode:
-						column.Default = v.V
-					case *ast.DecimalValueNode:
-						column.Default = v.V
-					case *ast.BytesValueNode:
-						column.Default = v.V
-					case *ast.NullValueNode:
-						el.Append(errors.Error{
-							Position: cs.GetPosition(),
-							Length:   cs.GetLength(),
-							Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
-							Code:     errors.ErrorCodeNullDefaultValue,
-							Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-							Prefix:   fn,
-							Message:  "default value must not be NULL",
-						}, &innerHasError)
-						break cs
-					default:
-						panic(unknownValueNodeType(v))
-					}
-				case *ast.ForeignOptionNode:
-					if len(column.ForeignKeys) > schema.MaxForeignKeys {
-						el.Append(errors.Error{
-							Position: cs.GetPosition(),
-							Length:   cs.GetLength(),
-							Category: errors.ErrorCategoryLimit,
-							Code:     errors.ErrorCodeTooManyForeignKeys,
-							Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-							Prefix:   fn,
-							Message: fmt.Sprintf(
-								"cannot have more than %d foreign key "+
-									"constraints in a column",
-								schema.MaxForeignKeys+1),
-						}, &innerHasError)
-						break cs
-					}
-					column.Attr |= schema.ColumnAttrHasForeignKey
-					ftn := cs.Table.Name
-					ftd, found := c.FindTableInBase(string(ftn))
-					if !found {
-						el.Append(errors.Error{
-							Position: cs.Table.GetPosition(),
-							Length:   cs.Table.GetLength(),
-							Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
-							Code:     errors.ErrorCodeTableNotFound,
-							Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-							Prefix:   fn,
-							Message: fmt.Sprintf(
-								"foreign table %s does not exist",
-								ast.QuoteIdentifier(ftn)),
-						}, &innerHasError)
-						break cs
-					}
-					fcn := cs.Column.Name
-					fcd, found := c.FindColumnInBase(ftd.Table, string(fcn))
-					if !found {
-						el.Append(errors.Error{
-							Position: cs.Column.GetPosition(),
-							Length:   cs.Column.GetLength(),
-							Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
-							Code:     errors.ErrorCodeColumnNotFound,
-							Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-							Prefix:   fn,
-							Message: fmt.Sprintf(
-								"column %s does not exist in foreign table %s",
-								ast.QuoteIdentifier(fcn),
-								ast.QuoteIdentifier(ftn)),
-						}, &innerHasError)
-						break cs
-					}
-					foreignType := (*s)[fcd.Table].Columns[fcd.Column].Type
-					if !foreignType.Equal(column.Type) {
-						el.Append(errors.Error{
-							Position: n.Column[ci].DataType.GetPosition(),
-							Length:   n.Column[ci].DataType.GetLength(),
-							Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
-							Code:     errors.ErrorCodeForeignKeyDataTypeMismatch,
-							Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-							Prefix:   fn,
-							Message: fmt.Sprintf(
-								"foreign column has type %s (%04x), but "+
-									"this column has type %s (%04x)",
-								foreignType.String(), uint16(foreignType),
-								column.Type.String(), uint16(column.Type)),
-						}, &innerHasError)
-						break cs
-					}
-					idx := schema.Index{
-						Attr:    schema.IndexAttrReferenced,
-						Columns: []schema.ColumnRef{fcd.Column},
-					}
-					fmir, found := findFirstMatchingIndex(
-						(*s)[ftd.Table].Indices, idx, schema.IndexAttrUnique)
-					if found {
-						fmid := schema.IndexDescriptor{
-							Table: ftd.Table,
-							Index: fmir,
-						}
-						foreignExistingIndices = append(
-							foreignExistingIndices, foreignExistingIndex{
-								index: fmid,
-								node:  cs,
-							})
-					} else {
-						if len(column.ForeignKeys) > 0 {
-							idx.Name = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_foreign_key_%d",
-								table.Name, column.Name, len(column.ForeignKeys)))
-						} else {
-							idx.Name = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_foreign_key",
-								table.Name, column.Name))
-						}
-						foreignNewIndices = append(
-							foreignNewIndices, foreignNewIndex{
-								table: ftd,
-								index: idx,
-								node:  cs,
-							})
-					}
-					column.ForeignKeys = append(column.ForeignKeys, fcd)
-				case *ast.AutoIncrementOptionNode:
-					if (column.Attr & schema.ColumnAttrHasSequence) != 0 {
-						// Don't process AUTOINCREMENT twice.
-						break cs
-					}
-					// We set the flag regardless of the error because we
-					// don't want to produce duplicate errors.
-					column.Attr |= schema.ColumnAttrHasSequence
-					if seq > schema.MaxSequenceRef {
-						el.Append(errors.Error{
-							Position: cs.GetPosition(),
-							Length:   cs.GetLength(),
-							Category: errors.ErrorCategoryLimit,
-							Code:     errors.ErrorCodeTooManySequences,
-							Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-							Prefix:   fn,
-							Message: fmt.Sprintf(
-								"cannot have more than %d sequences",
-								schema.MaxSequenceRef+1),
-						}, &innerHasError)
-						break cs
-					}
-					major, _ := ast.DecomposeDataType(column.Type)
-					switch major {
-					case ast.DataTypeMajorInt, ast.DataTypeMajorUint:
-					default:
-						el.Append(errors.Error{
-							Position: cs.GetPosition(),
-							Length:   cs.GetLength(),
-							Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
-							Code:     errors.ErrorCodeInvalidAutoIncrementDataType,
-							Prefix:   fn,
-							Message: fmt.Sprintf(
-								"AUTOINCREMENT is only supported on "+
-									"INT and UINT types, but this column "+
-									"has type %s (%04x)",
-								column.Type.String(), uint16(column.Type)),
-						}, &innerHasError)
-						break cs
-					}
-					column.Sequence = schema.SequenceRef(seq)
-					seq++
-				default:
-					panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown constraint type %T", c))
-				}
-			}
-			// The return value will be set by the first defer function.
-			return
-		}()
-		// If an error occurs in the function, stop here and continue
-		// processing the next column.
-		if !ok {
-			hasError = true
-			continue
-		}
-		// Commit the column.
-		table.Columns = append(table.Columns, column)
-	}
-	// Return early if there is any error.
-	if hasError {
-		return
-	}
-	mustAddIndex := func(name *[]byte, id schema.IndexDescriptor) {
-		for !c.AddIndex(string(*name), id, true) {
-			*name = append(*name, '_')
-		}
-	}
-	// Create the primary key index. This is the first index on the table, so
-	// it is not possible to exceed the limit on the number of indices.
-	ir := schema.IndexRef(len(table.Indices))
-	if len(pk) > 0 {
-		idx := schema.Index{
-			Name:    []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s_primary_key", table.Name)),
-			Attr:    schema.IndexAttrUnique,
-			Columns: pk,
-		}
-		id := schema.IndexDescriptor{Table: tr, Index: ir}
-		mustAddIndex(&idx.Name, id)
-		table.Indices = append(table.Indices, idx)
-	}
-	// Create indices for the current table.
-	for ii := range localIndices {
-		if len(table.Indices) > schema.MaxIndexRef {
-			el.Append(errors.Error{
-				Position: localIndices[ii].node.GetPosition(),
-				Length:   localIndices[ii].node.GetLength(),
-				Category: errors.ErrorCategoryLimit,
-				Code:     errors.ErrorCodeTooManyIndices,
-				Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-				Prefix:   fn,
-				Message: fmt.Sprintf("cannot have more than %d indices",
-					schema.MaxIndexRef+1),
-			}, &hasError)
-			return
-		}
-		idx := localIndices[ii].index
-		ir := schema.IndexRef(len(table.Indices))
-		id := schema.IndexDescriptor{Table: tr, Index: ir}
-		mustAddIndex(&idx.Name, id)
-		table.Indices = append(table.Indices, idx)
-	}
-	// Create indices for foreign tables.
-	for ii := range foreignNewIndices {
-		ftd := foreignNewIndices[ii].table
-		if len((*s)[ftd.Table].Indices) > schema.MaxIndexRef {
-			el.Append(errors.Error{
-				Position: foreignNewIndices[ii].node.GetPosition(),
-				Length:   foreignNewIndices[ii].node.GetLength(),
-				Category: errors.ErrorCategoryLimit,
-				Code:     errors.ErrorCodeTooManyIndices,
-				Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-				Prefix:   fn,
-				Message: fmt.Sprintf(
-					"table %s already has %d indices",
-					ast.QuoteIdentifier((*s)[ftd.Table].Name),
-					schema.MaxIndexRef+1),
-			}, &hasError)
-			return
-		}
-		idx := foreignNewIndices[ii].index
-		ir := schema.IndexRef(len((*s)[ftd.Table].Indices))
-		id := schema.IndexDescriptor{Table: ftd.Table, Index: ir}
-		mustAddIndex(&idx.Name, id)
-		(*s)[ftd.Table].Indices = append((*s)[ftd.Table].Indices, idx)
-		defer func(tr schema.TableRef, length schema.IndexRef) {
-			if hasError {
-				(*s)[tr].Indices = (*s)[tr].Indices[:ir]
-			}
-		}(ftd.Table, ir)
-	}
-	// Mark existing indices as referenced.
-	for ii := range foreignExistingIndices {
-		fid := foreignExistingIndices[ii].index
-		(*s)[fid.Table].Indices[fid.Index].Attr |= schema.IndexAttrReferenced
-	}
-	// Finally, we can commit the table definition to the schema.
-	*s = append(*s, table)
-func checkCreateIndexStmt(n *ast.CreateIndexStmtNode, s *schema.Schema,
-	o CheckOptions, c *schemaCache, el *errors.ErrorList) {
-	fn := "CheckCreateIndexStmt"
-	hasError := false
-	if c.Begin() != 0 {
-		panic("schema cache must not have any open scope")
-	}
-	defer func() {
-		if hasError {
-			c.Rollback()
-			return
-		}
-		c.Commit()
-	}()
-	tn := n.Table.Name
-	td, found := c.FindTableInBase(string(tn))
-	if !found {
-		el.Append(errors.Error{
-			Position: n.Table.GetPosition(),
-			Length:   n.Table.GetLength(),
-			Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
-			Code:     errors.ErrorCodeTableNotFound,
-			Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-			Prefix:   fn,
-			Message: fmt.Sprintf(
-				"index table %s does not exist",
-				ast.QuoteIdentifier(tn)),
-		}, &hasError)
-		return
-	}
-	if len(n.Column) > schema.MaxColumnRef {
-		begin := n.Column[0].GetPosition()
-		last := len(n.Column) - 1
-		end := n.Column[last].GetPosition() + n.Column[last].GetLength()
-		el.Append(errors.Error{
-			Position: begin,
-			Length:   end - begin,
-			Category: errors.ErrorCategoryLimit,
-			Code:     errors.ErrorCodeTooManyColumns,
-			Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-			Prefix:   fn,
-			Message: fmt.Sprintf(
-				"cannot create an index on more than %d columns",
-				schema.MaxColumnRef+1),
-		}, &hasError)
-		return
-	}
-	columnRefs := newColumnRefSlice(uint8(len(n.Column)))
-	for ci := range n.Column {
-		cn := n.Column[ci].Name
-		cd, found := c.FindColumnInBase(td.Table, string(cn))
-		if !found {
-			el.Append(errors.Error{
-				Position: n.Column[ci].GetPosition(),
-				Length:   n.Column[ci].GetLength(),
-				Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
-				Code:     errors.ErrorCodeColumnNotFound,
-				Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-				Prefix:   fn,
-				Message: fmt.Sprintf(
-					"column %s does not exist in index table %s",
-					ast.QuoteIdentifier(cn),
-					ast.QuoteIdentifier(tn)),
-			}, &hasError)
-			continue
-		}
-		columnRefs.Append(cd.Column, uint8(ci))
-	}
-	if hasError {
-		return
-	}
-	sort.Stable(columnRefs)
-	for ci := 1; ci < len(n.Column); ci++ {
-		if columnRefs.columns[ci] == columnRefs.columns[ci-1] {
-			el.Append(errors.Error{
-				Position: n.Column[columnRefs.nodes[ci]].GetPosition(),
-				Length:   n.Column[columnRefs.nodes[ci]].GetLength(),
-				Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
-				Code:     errors.ErrorCodeDuplicateIndexColumn,
-				Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-				Prefix:   fn,
-				Message: fmt.Sprintf(
-					"column %s already exists in the column list",
-					ast.QuoteIdentifier(n.Column[columnRefs.nodes[ci]].Name)),
-			}, &hasError)
-			return
-		}
-	}
-	index := schema.Index{}
-	index.Columns = columnRefs.columns
-	if len((*s)[td.Table].Indices) > schema.MaxIndexRef {
-		el.Append(errors.Error{
-			Position: n.GetPosition(),
-			Length:   n.GetLength(),
-			Category: errors.ErrorCategoryLimit,
-			Code:     errors.ErrorCodeTooManyIndices,
-			Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-			Prefix:   fn,
-			Message: fmt.Sprintf(
-				"cannot have more than %d indices in table %s",
-				schema.MaxIndexRef+1,
-				ast.QuoteIdentifier(tn)),
-		}, &hasError)
-		return
-	}
-	ir := schema.IndexRef(len((*s)[td.Table].Indices))
-	id := schema.IndexDescriptor{Table: td.Table, Index: ir}
-	if n.Unique != nil {
-		index.Attr |= schema.IndexAttrUnique
-	}
-	if len(n.Index.Name) == 0 {
-		el.Append(errors.Error{
-			Position: n.Index.GetPosition(),
-			Length:   n.Table.GetLength(),
-			Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
-			Code:     errors.ErrorCodeEmptyIndexName,
-			Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-			Prefix:   fn,
-			Message:  "cannot create an index with an empty name",
-		}, &hasError)
-		return
-	}
-	// If there is an existing index that is automatically created, rename it
-	// instead of creating a new one.
-	rename := false
-	fmir, found := findFirstMatchingIndex((*s)[id.Table].Indices, index, 0)
-	if found {
-		fmid := schema.IndexDescriptor{Table: id.Table, Index: fmir}
-		fmin := (*s)[id.Table].Indices[fmir].Name
-		fminString := string(fmin)
-		fmidCache, auto, found := c.FindIndexInBase(fminString)
-		if !found {
-			panic(fmt.Sprintf("index %s exists in the schema, "+
-				"but it cannot be found in the schema cache",
-				ast.QuoteIdentifier(fmin)))
-		}
-		if fmidCache != fmid {
-			panic(fmt.Sprintf("index %s has descriptor %+v, "+
-				"but the schema cache records it as %+v",
-				ast.QuoteIdentifier(fmin), fmid, fmidCache))
-		}
-		if auto {
-			if !c.DeleteIndex(fminString) {
-				panic(fmt.Sprintf("unable to mark index %s for deletion",
-					ast.QuoteIdentifier(fmin)))
-			}
-			rename = true
-			id = fmid
-			ir = id.Index
-		}
-	}
-	in := n.Index.Name
-	if !c.AddIndex(string(in), id, false) {
-		el.Append(errors.Error{
-			Position: n.Index.GetPosition(),
-			Length:   n.Index.GetLength(),
-			Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
-			Code:     errors.ErrorCodeDuplicateIndexName,
-			Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-			Prefix:   fn,
-			Message: fmt.Sprintf("index %s already exists",
-				ast.QuoteIdentifier(in)),
-		}, &hasError)
-		return
-	}
-	// Commit the change into the schema.
-	if rename {
-		(*s)[id.Table].Indices[id.Index].Name = n.Index.Name
-	} else {
-		index.Name = n.Index.Name
-		(*s)[id.Table].Indices = append((*s)[id.Table].Indices, index)
-	}
-func checkSelectStmt(n *ast.SelectStmtNode, s schema.Schema,
-	o CheckOptions, c *schemaCache, el *errors.ErrorList) {
-func checkUpdateStmt(n *ast.UpdateStmtNode, s schema.Schema,
-	o CheckOptions, c *schemaCache, el *errors.ErrorList) {
-func checkDeleteStmt(n *ast.DeleteStmtNode, s schema.Schema,
-	o CheckOptions, c *schemaCache, el *errors.ErrorList) {
-func checkInsertStmt(n *ast.InsertStmtNode, s schema.Schema,
-	o CheckOptions, c *schemaCache, el *errors.ErrorList) {
-func checkExpr(n ast.ExprNode,
-	s schema.Schema, o CheckOptions, c *schemaCache, el *errors.ErrorList,
-	tr schema.TableRef, ta typeAction) ast.ExprNode {
-	switch n := n.(type) {
-	case *ast.IdentifierNode:
-		return checkVariable(n, s, o, c, el, tr, ta)
-	case *ast.BoolValueNode:
-		return checkBoolValue(n, o, el, ta)
-	case *ast.AddressValueNode:
-		return checkAddressValue(n, o, el, ta)
-	case *ast.IntegerValueNode:
-		return checkIntegerValue(n, o, el, ta)
-	case *ast.DecimalValueNode:
-		return checkDecimalValue(n, o, el, ta)
-	case *ast.BytesValueNode:
-		return checkBytesValue(n, o, el, ta)
-	case *ast.NullValueNode:
-		return checkNullValue(n, o, el, ta)
-	case *ast.PosOperatorNode:
-		return checkPosOperator(n, s, o, c, el, tr, ta)
-	case *ast.NegOperatorNode:
-		return n
-	case *ast.NotOperatorNode:
-		return n
-	case *ast.ParenOperatorNode:
-		return n
-	case *ast.AndOperatorNode:
-		return n
-	case *ast.OrOperatorNode:
-		return n
-	case *ast.GreaterOrEqualOperatorNode:
-		return n
-	case *ast.LessOrEqualOperatorNode:
-		return n
-	case *ast.NotEqualOperatorNode:
-		return n
-	case *ast.EqualOperatorNode:
-		return n
-	case *ast.GreaterOperatorNode:
-		return n
-	case *ast.LessOperatorNode:
-		return n
-	case *ast.ConcatOperatorNode:
-		return n
-	case *ast.AddOperatorNode:
-		return n
-	case *ast.SubOperatorNode:
-		return n
-	case *ast.MulOperatorNode:
-		return n
-	case *ast.DivOperatorNode:
-		return n
-	case *ast.ModOperatorNode:
-		return n
-	case *ast.IsOperatorNode:
-		return n
-	case *ast.LikeOperatorNode:
-		return n
-	case *ast.CastOperatorNode:
-		return n
-	case *ast.InOperatorNode:
-		return n
-	case *ast.FunctionOperatorNode:
-		return n
-	default:
-		panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown expression type %T", n))
-	}
-func elAppendTypeErrorMismatch(el *errors.ErrorList, n ast.ExprNode,
-	fn string, dtExpected, dtGiven ast.DataType) {
-	el.Append(errors.Error{
-		Position: n.GetPosition(),
-		Length:   n.GetLength(),
-		Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
-		Code:     errors.ErrorCodeTypeError,
-		Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-		Prefix:   fn,
-		Message: fmt.Sprintf(
-			"expect %s (%04x), but %s (%04x) is given",
-			dtExpected.String(), uint16(dtExpected),
-			dtGiven.String(), uint16(dtGiven)),
-	}, nil)
-func checkVariable(n *ast.IdentifierNode,
-	s schema.Schema, o CheckOptions, c *schemaCache, el *errors.ErrorList,
-	tr schema.TableRef, ta typeAction) ast.ExprNode {
-	fn := "CheckVariable"
-	if (o & CheckWithConstantOnly) != 0 {
-		el.Append(errors.Error{
-			Position: n.GetPosition(),
-			Length:   n.GetLength(),
-			Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
-			Code:     errors.ErrorCodeNonConstantExpression,
-			Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-			Prefix:   fn,
-			Message: fmt.Sprintf("%s is not a constant",
-				ast.QuoteIdentifier(n.Name)),
-		}, nil)
-		return nil
-	}
-	cn := string(n.Name)
-	cd, found := c.FindColumnInBase(tr, cn)
-	if !found {
-		el.Append(errors.Error{
-			Position: n.GetPosition(),
-			Length:   n.GetLength(),
-			Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
-			Code:     errors.ErrorCodeColumnNotFound,
-			Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-			Prefix:   fn,
-			Message: fmt.Sprintf(
-				"cannot find column %s in table %s",
-				ast.QuoteIdentifier(n.Name),
-				ast.QuoteIdentifier(s[tr].Name)),
-		}, nil)
-		return nil
-	}
-	cr := cd.Column
-	dt := s[tr].Columns[cr].Type
-	switch a := ta.(type) {
-	case typeActionInferDefault:
-	case typeActionInferWithSize:
-	case typeActionAssign:
-		if !dt.Equal(a.dt) {
-			elAppendTypeErrorMismatch(el, n, fn, a.dt, dt)
-			return nil
-		}
-	}
-	n.SetType(dt)
-	n.Desc = cd
-	return n
-func unknownValueNodeType(n ast.Valuer) string {
-	return fmt.Sprintf("unknown constant type %T", n)
-func describeValueNodeType(n ast.Valuer) string {
-	switch n.(type) {
-	case *ast.BoolValueNode:
-		return "boolean constant"
-	case *ast.AddressValueNode:
-		return "address constant"
-	case *ast.IntegerValueNode, *ast.DecimalValueNode:
-		return "number constant"
-	case *ast.BytesValueNode:
-		return "bytes constant"
-	case *ast.NullValueNode:
-		return "null constant"
-	default:
-		panic(unknownValueNodeType(n))
-	}
-func elAppendTypeErrorValueNode(el *errors.ErrorList, n ast.Valuer,
-	fn string, dt ast.DataType) {
-	el.Append(errors.Error{
-		Position: n.GetPosition(),
-		Length:   n.GetLength(),
-		Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
-		Code:     errors.ErrorCodeTypeError,
-		Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-		Prefix:   fn,
-		Message: fmt.Sprintf(
-			"expect %s (%04x), but %s is given",
-			dt.String(), uint16(dt), describeValueNodeType(n)),
-	}, nil)
-func checkBoolValue(n *ast.BoolValueNode,
-	o CheckOptions, el *errors.ErrorList, ta typeAction) ast.ExprNode {
-	fn := "CheckBoolValue"
-	switch a := ta.(type) {
-	case typeActionInferDefault:
-	case typeActionInferWithSize:
-	case typeActionAssign:
-		major, _ := ast.DecomposeDataType(a.dt)
-		if major != ast.DataTypeMajorBool {
-			elAppendTypeErrorValueNode(el, n, fn, a.dt)
-			return nil
-		}
-	}
-	return n
-func checkAddressValue(n *ast.AddressValueNode,
-	o CheckOptions, el *errors.ErrorList, ta typeAction) ast.ExprNode {
-	fn := "CheckAddressValue"
-	switch a := ta.(type) {
-	case typeActionInferDefault:
-	case typeActionInferWithSize:
-	case typeActionAssign:
-		major, _ := ast.DecomposeDataType(a.dt)
-		if major != ast.DataTypeMajorAddress {
-			elAppendTypeErrorValueNode(el, n, fn, a.dt)
-			return nil
-		}
-	}
-	return n
-func mustGetMinMax(dt ast.DataType) (decimal.Decimal, decimal.Decimal) {
-	min, max, ok := dt.GetMinMax()
-	if !ok {
-		panic(fmt.Sprintf("GetMinMax does not handle %v", dt))
-	}
-	return min, max
-func mustDecimalEncode(dt ast.DataType, d decimal.Decimal) []byte {
-	b, ok := ast.DecimalEncode(dt, d)
-	if !ok {
-		panic(fmt.Sprintf("DecimalEncode does not handle %v", dt))
-	}
-	return b
-func mustDecimalDecode(dt ast.DataType, b []byte) decimal.Decimal {
-	d, ok := ast.DecimalDecode(dt, b)
-	if !ok {
-		panic(fmt.Sprintf("DecimalDecode does not handle %v", dt))
-	}
-	return d
-func cropDecimal(dt ast.DataType, d decimal.Decimal) decimal.Decimal {
-	b := mustDecimalEncode(dt, d)
-	return mustDecimalDecode(dt, b)
-func elAppendConstantTooLongError(el *errors.ErrorList, n ast.Valuer,
-	fn string, v decimal.Decimal) {
-	el.Append(errors.Error{
-		Position: n.GetPosition(),
-		Length:   n.GetLength(),
-		Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
-		Code:     errors.ErrorCodeConstantTooLong,
-		Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-		Prefix:   fn,
-		Message: fmt.Sprintf(
-			"constant expression %s has more than %d digits",
-			ast.QuoteString(n.GetToken()), MaxIntegerPartDigits),
-	}, nil)
-func elAppendOverflowError(el *errors.ErrorList, n ast.Valuer,
-	fn string, dt ast.DataType, v, min, max decimal.Decimal) {
-	el.Append(errors.Error{
-		Position: n.GetPosition(),
-		Length:   n.GetLength(),
-		Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
-		Code:     errors.ErrorCodeOverflow,
-		Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-		Prefix:   fn,
-		Message: fmt.Sprintf(
-			"number %s (%s) overflows %s (%04x)",
-			ast.QuoteString(n.GetToken()), v.String(),
-			dt.String(), uint16(dt)),
-	}, nil)
-	el.Append(errors.Error{
-		Position: n.GetPosition(),
-		Length:   n.GetLength(),
-		Category: 0,
-		Code:     0,
-		Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityNote,
-		Prefix:   fn,
-		Message: fmt.Sprintf(
-			"the range of %s is [%s, %s]",
-			dt.String(), min.String(), max.String()),
-	}, nil)
-func elAppendOverflowWarning(el *errors.ErrorList, n ast.Valuer,
-	fn string, dt ast.DataType, from, to decimal.Decimal) {
-	el.Append(errors.Error{
-		Position: n.GetPosition(),
-		Length:   n.GetLength(),
-		Category: 0,
-		Code:     0,
-		Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityWarning,
-		Prefix:   fn,
-		Message: fmt.Sprintf(
-			"number %s (%s) overflows %s (%04x), converted to %s",
-			ast.QuoteString(n.GetToken()), from.String(),
-			dt.String(), uint16(dt), to.String()),
-	}, nil)
-func checkIntegerValue(n *ast.IntegerValueNode,
-	o CheckOptions, el *errors.ErrorList, ta typeAction) ast.ExprNode {
-	fn := "CheckIntegerValue"
-	normalizeDecimal(&n.V)
-	if !safeDecimalRange(n.V) {
-		elAppendConstantTooLongError(el, n, fn, n.V)
-		return nil
-	}
-	infer := func(size int) (ast.DataType, bool) {
-		// The first case: assume V fits in the signed integer.
-		minor := ast.DataTypeMinor(size - 1)
-		dt := ast.ComposeDataType(ast.DataTypeMajorInt, minor)
-		min, max := mustGetMinMax(dt)
-		// Return if V < min. V must be negative so it must be signed.
-		if n.V.LessThan(min) {
-			if (o & CheckWithSafeMath) != 0 {
-				elAppendOverflowError(el, n, fn, dt, n.V, min, max)
-				return dt, false
-			}
-			cropped := cropDecimal(dt, n.V)
-			elAppendOverflowWarning(el, n, fn, dt, n.V, cropped)
-			normalizeDecimal(&cropped)
-			n.V = cropped
-			return dt, true
-		}
-		// We are done if V fits in the signed integer.
-		if n.V.LessThanOrEqual(max) {
-			return dt, true
-		}
-		// The second case: V is a non-negative integer, but it does not fit
-		// in the signed integer. Test whether the unsigned integer works.
-		dt = ast.ComposeDataType(ast.DataTypeMajorUint, minor)
-		min, max = mustGetMinMax(dt)
-		// Return if V > max. We don't have to test whether V < min because min
-		// is always zero and we already know V is non-negative.
-		if n.V.GreaterThan(max) {
-			if (o & CheckWithSafeMath) != 0 {
-				elAppendOverflowError(el, n, fn, dt, n.V, min, max)
-				return dt, false
-			}
-			cropped := cropDecimal(dt, n.V)
-			elAppendOverflowWarning(el, n, fn, dt, n.V, cropped)
-			normalizeDecimal(&cropped)
-			n.V = cropped
-			return dt, true
-		}
-		return dt, true
-	}
-	dt := ast.DataTypePending
-	switch a := ta.(type) {
-	case typeActionInferDefault:
-		// Default to int256 or uint256.
-		var ok bool
-		dt, ok = infer(256 / 8)
-		if !ok {
-			return nil
-		}
-	case typeActionInferWithSize:
-		var ok bool
-		dt, ok = infer(a.size)
-		if !ok {
-			return nil
-		}
-	case typeActionAssign:
-		dt = a.dt
-		major, _ := ast.DecomposeDataType(dt)
-		switch {
-		case major == ast.DataTypeMajorAddress:
-			if !n.IsAddress {
-				el.Append(errors.Error{
-					Position: n.GetPosition(),
-					Length:   n.GetLength(),
-					Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
-					Code:     errors.ErrorCodeInvalidAddressChecksum,
-					Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-					Prefix:   fn,
-					Message: fmt.Sprintf(
-						"expect %s (%04x), but %s is not an address constant",
-						dt.String(), uint16(dt), n.GetToken()),
-				}, nil)
-				return nil
-			}
-			// Redirect to checkAddressValue if it becomes an address.
-			addrNode := &ast.AddressValueNode{}
-			addrNode.SetPosition(addrNode.GetPosition())
-			addrNode.SetLength(addrNode.GetLength())
-			addrNode.SetToken(addrNode.GetToken())
-			addrNode.V = mustDecimalEncode(ast.ComposeDataType(
-				ast.DataTypeMajorUint, ast.DataTypeMinor(160/8-1)), n.V)
-			return checkAddressValue(addrNode, o, el, ta)
-		case major == ast.DataTypeMajorInt,
-			major == ast.DataTypeMajorUint,
-			major.IsFixedRange(),
-			major.IsUfixedRange():
-			min, max := mustGetMinMax(dt)
-			if n.V.LessThan(min) || n.V.GreaterThan(max) {
-				if (o & CheckWithSafeMath) != 0 {
-					elAppendOverflowError(el, n, fn, dt, n.V, min, max)
-					return nil
-				}
-				cropped := cropDecimal(dt, n.V)
-				elAppendOverflowWarning(el, n, fn, dt, n.V, cropped)
-				normalizeDecimal(&cropped)
-				n.V = cropped
-			}
-		default:
-			elAppendTypeErrorValueNode(el, n, fn, dt)
-			return nil
-		}
-	}
-	if !dt.Pending() {
-		n.SetType(dt)
-	}
-	return n
-func checkDecimalValue(n *ast.DecimalValueNode,
-	o CheckOptions, el *errors.ErrorList, ta typeAction) ast.ExprNode {
-	fn := "CheckDecimalValue"
-	normalizeDecimal(&n.V)
-	if !safeDecimalRange(n.V) {
-		elAppendConstantTooLongError(el, n, fn, n.V)
-		return nil
-	}
-	// Redirect to checkIntegerValue if the value is an integer.
-	if intPart := n.V.Truncate(0); n.V.Equal(intPart) {
-		intNode := &ast.IntegerValueNode{}
-		intNode.SetPosition(n.GetPosition())
-		intNode.SetLength(n.GetLength())
-		intNode.SetToken(n.GetToken())
-		intNode.SetType(n.GetType())
-		intNode.IsAddress = false
-		intNode.V = n.V
-		return checkIntegerValue(intNode, o, el, ta)
-	}
-	infer := func(size, fractionalDigits int) (ast.DataType, bool) {
-		major := ast.DataTypeMajorFixed + ast.DataTypeMajor(size-1)
-		minor := ast.DataTypeMinor(fractionalDigits)
-		dt := ast.ComposeDataType(major, minor)
-		min, max := mustGetMinMax(dt)
-		if n.V.LessThan(min) {
-			if (o & CheckWithSafeMath) != 0 {
-				elAppendOverflowError(el, n, fn, dt, n.V, min, max)
-				return dt, false
-			}
-			cropped := cropDecimal(dt, n.V)
-			elAppendOverflowWarning(el, n, fn, dt, n.V, cropped)
-			normalizeDecimal(&cropped)
-			n.V = cropped
-			return dt, false
-		}
-		if n.V.LessThanOrEqual(max) {
-			return dt, true
-		}
-		major = ast.DataTypeMajorUfixed + ast.DataTypeMajor(size-1)
-		minor = ast.DataTypeMinor(fractionalDigits)
-		dt = ast.ComposeDataType(major, minor)
-		min, max = mustGetMinMax(dt)
-		if n.V.GreaterThan(max) {
-			if (o & CheckWithSafeMath) != 0 {
-				elAppendOverflowError(el, n, fn, dt, n.V, min, max)
-				return dt, false
-			}
-			cropped := cropDecimal(dt, n.V)
-			elAppendOverflowWarning(el, n, fn, dt, n.V, cropped)
-			normalizeDecimal(&cropped)
-			n.V = cropped
-			return dt, true
-		}
-		return dt, true
-	}
-	// Now we are sure the number we are dealing has fractional part.
-	dt := ast.DataTypePending
-	switch a := ta.(type) {
-	case typeActionInferDefault:
-		// Default to fixed128x18 and ufixed128x18.
-		var ok bool
-		dt, ok = infer(128/8, 18)
-		if !ok {
-			return nil
-		}
-	case typeActionInferWithSize:
-		// It is unclear that what the size hint means for fixed-point numbers,
-		// so we just ignore it and do the same thing as the above case.
-		var ok bool
-		dt, ok = infer(128/8, 18)
-		if !ok {
-			return nil
-		}
-	case typeActionAssign:
-		dt = a.dt
-		major, _ := ast.DecomposeDataType(dt)
-		switch {
-		case major.IsFixedRange(),
-			major.IsUfixedRange():
-			min, max := mustGetMinMax(dt)
-			if n.V.LessThan(min) || n.V.GreaterThan(max) {
-				if (o & CheckWithSafeMath) != 0 {
-					elAppendOverflowError(el, n, fn, dt, n.V, min, max)
-					return nil
-				}
-				cropped := cropDecimal(dt, n.V)
-				elAppendOverflowWarning(el, n, fn, dt, n.V, cropped)
-				normalizeDecimal(&cropped)
-				n.V = cropped
-			}
-		case major == ast.DataTypeMajorInt,
-			major == ast.DataTypeMajorUint:
-			el.Append(errors.Error{
-				Position: n.GetPosition(),
-				Length:   n.GetLength(),
-				Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
-				Code:     errors.ErrorCodeTypeError,
-				Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-				Prefix:   fn,
-				Message: fmt.Sprintf(
-					"expect %s (%04x), but the number %s has fractional part",
-					dt.String(), uint16(dt), n.V.String()),
-			}, nil)
-			return nil
-		default:
-			elAppendTypeErrorValueNode(el, n, fn, dt)
-			return nil
-		}
-	}
-	if !dt.Pending() {
-		n.SetType(dt)
-		_, minor := ast.DecomposeDataType(dt)
-		fractionalDigits := int32(minor)
-		n.V = n.V.Round(fractionalDigits)
-		normalizeDecimal(&n.V)
-	}
-	return n
-func checkBytesValue(n *ast.BytesValueNode,
-	o CheckOptions, el *errors.ErrorList, ta typeAction) ast.ExprNode {
-	fn := "CheckBytesValue"
-	dt := ast.DataTypePending
-	switch a := ta.(type) {
-	case typeActionInferDefault:
-		// Default to bytes.
-		major := ast.DataTypeMajorDynamicBytes
-		minor := ast.DataTypeMinorDontCare
-		dt = ast.ComposeDataType(major, minor)
-		ta = newTypeActionAssign(dt)
-		goto executeTypeAction
-	case typeActionInferWithSize:
-		major := ast.DataTypeMajorFixedBytes
-		minor := ast.DataTypeMinor(a.size - 1)
-		dt = ast.ComposeDataType(major, minor)
-		ta = newTypeActionAssign(dt)
-		goto executeTypeAction
-	case typeActionAssign:
-		dt = a.dt
-		major, minor := ast.DecomposeDataType(dt)
-		switch major {
-		case ast.DataTypeMajorDynamicBytes:
-			// Do nothing because it is always valid.
-		case ast.DataTypeMajorFixedBytes:
-			sizeGiven := len(n.V)
-			sizeExpected := int(minor) + 1
-			if sizeGiven != sizeExpected {
-				el.Append(errors.Error{
-					Position: n.GetPosition(),
-					Length:   n.GetLength(),
-					Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
-					Code:     errors.ErrorCodeTypeError,
-					Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-					Prefix:   fn,
-					Message: fmt.Sprintf(
-						"expect %s (%04x), but %s has %d bytes",
-						dt.String(), uint16(dt),
-						ast.QuoteString(n.V), sizeGiven),
-				}, nil)
-				return nil
-			}
-		default:
-			elAppendTypeErrorValueNode(el, n, fn, dt)
-			return nil
-		}
-	}
-	if !dt.Pending() {
-		n.SetType(dt)
-	}
-	return n
-func checkNullValue(n *ast.NullValueNode,
-	o CheckOptions, el *errors.ErrorList, ta typeAction) ast.ExprNode {
-	dt := ast.DataTypePending
-	switch a := ta.(type) {
-	case typeActionInferDefault:
-		dt = ast.DataTypeNull
-	case typeActionInferWithSize:
-		dt = ast.DataTypeNull
-	case typeActionAssign:
-		dt = a.dt
-	}
-	if !dt.Pending() {
-		n.SetType(dt)
-	}
-	return n
-func elAppendTypeErrorOperatorValueNode(el *errors.ErrorList, n ast.Valuer,
-	fn string, op string) {
-	el.Append(errors.Error{
-		Position: n.GetPosition(),
-		Length:   n.GetLength(),
-		Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
-		Code:     errors.ErrorCodeTypeError,
-		Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-		Prefix:   fn,
-		Message: fmt.Sprintf("%s is not defined for %s",
-			op, describeValueNodeType(n)),
-	}, nil)
-func elAppendTypeErrorOperatorDataType(el *errors.ErrorList, n ast.ExprNode,
-	fn string, op string) {
-	dt := n.GetType()
-	el.Append(errors.Error{
-		Position: n.GetPosition(),
-		Length:   n.GetLength(),
-		Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
-		Code:     errors.ErrorCodeTypeError,
-		Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
-		Prefix:   fn,
-		Message: fmt.Sprintf("%s is not defined for %s (%04x)",
-			op, dt.String(), uint16(dt)),
-	}, nil)
-func checkPosOperator(n *ast.PosOperatorNode,
-	s schema.Schema, o CheckOptions, c *schemaCache, el *errors.ErrorList,
-	tr schema.TableRef, ta typeAction) ast.ExprNode {
-	fn := "CheckPosOperator"
-	op := "unary operator +"
-	target := n.GetTarget()
-	target = checkExpr(target, s, o, c, el, tr, nil)
-	if target == nil {
-		return nil
-	}
-	if v, ok := target.(ast.Valuer); ok {
-		switch v := v.(type) {
-		case *ast.IntegerValueNode:
-			// Clone the node to reset IsAddress to false.
-			if v.IsAddress {
-				result := &ast.IntegerValueNode{}
-				result.SetPosition(v.GetPosition())
-				result.SetLength(v.GetLength())
-				result.SetToken(v.GetToken())
-				result.SetType(v.GetType())
-				result.IsAddress = false
-				result.V = v.V
-				target = result
-			}
-		case *ast.DecimalValueNode:
-			// Do nothing because the result is the same as the input.
-		case *ast.BoolValueNode:
-			elAppendTypeErrorOperatorValueNode(el, v, fn, op)
-			return nil
-		case *ast.AddressValueNode:
-			elAppendTypeErrorOperatorValueNode(el, v, fn, op)
-			return nil
-		case *ast.BytesValueNode:
-			elAppendTypeErrorOperatorValueNode(el, v, fn, op)
-			return nil
-		case *ast.NullValueNode:
-			elAppendTypeErrorOperatorValueNode(el, v, fn, op)
-			return nil
-		default:
-			panic(unknownValueNodeType(v))
-		}
-	}
-	dt := target.GetType()
-	if dt.Pending() {
-		target = checkExpr(target, s, o, c, el, tr, ta)
-	} else {
-		major, _ := ast.DecomposeDataType(dt)
-		switch {
-		case major == ast.DataTypeMajorInt,
-			major == ast.DataTypeMajorUint,
-			major.IsFixedRange(),
-			major.IsUfixedRange():
-		default:
-			elAppendTypeErrorOperatorDataType(el, target, fn, op)
-			return nil
-		}
-		switch a := ta.(type) {
-		case typeActionInferDefault:
-		case typeActionInferWithSize:
-		case typeActionAssign:
-			if !dt.Equal(a.dt) {
-				elAppendTypeErrorMismatch(el, n, fn, a.dt, dt)
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return target
diff --git a/core/vm/sqlvm/checkers/utils.go b/core/vm/sqlvm/checkers/utils.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 4a8bbd96e..000000000
--- a/core/vm/sqlvm/checkers/utils.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,471 +0,0 @@
-package checkers
-import (
-	""
-	""
-	""
-// Variable name convention:
-//   fn -> function name
-//   el -> error list
-//   td -> table descriptor
-//   tr -> table reference
-//   ti -> table index
-//   tn -< table name
-//   cd -> column descriptor
-//   cr -> column reference
-//   ci -> column index
-//   cn -> column name
-//   id -> index descriptor
-//   ir -> index reference
-//   ii -> index index
-//   in -> index name
-const (
-	MaxIntegerPartDigits    int32 = 200
-	MaxFractionalPartDigits int32 = 200
-var (
-	MaxConstant = func() decimal.Decimal {
-		max := (decimal.New(1, MaxIntegerPartDigits).
-			Sub(decimal.New(1, -MaxFractionalPartDigits)))
-		normalizeDecimal(&max)
-		return max
-	}()
-	MinConstant = MaxConstant.Neg()
-func normalizeDecimal(d *decimal.Decimal) {
-	if d.Exponent() != -MaxFractionalPartDigits {
-		*d = d.Rescale(-MaxFractionalPartDigits)
-	}
-func safeDecimalRange(d decimal.Decimal) bool {
-	return d.GreaterThanOrEqual(MinConstant) && d.LessThanOrEqual(MaxConstant)
-type schemaCache struct {
-	base   schemaCacheBase
-	scopes []schemaCacheScope
-type schemaCacheIndexValue struct {
-	id   schema.IndexDescriptor
-	auto bool
-type schemaCacheColumnKey struct {
-	tr schema.TableRef
-	n  string
-type schemaCacheBase struct {
-	table  map[string]schema.TableDescriptor
-	index  map[string]schemaCacheIndexValue
-	column map[schemaCacheColumnKey]schema.ColumnDescriptor
-func (lower *schemaCacheBase) Merge(upper schemaCacheScope) {
-	// Process deletions.
-	for n := range upper.tableDeleted {
-		delete(lower.table, n)
-	}
-	for n := range upper.indexDeleted {
-		delete(lower.index, n)
-	}
-	for ck := range upper.columnDeleted {
-		delete(lower.column, ck)
-	}
-	// Process additions.
-	for n, td := range upper.table {
-		lower.table[n] = td
-	}
-	for n, iv := range upper.index {
-		lower.index[n] = iv
-	}
-	for ck, cd := range upper.column {
-		lower.column[ck] = cd
-	}
-type schemaCacheScope struct {
-	table         map[string]schema.TableDescriptor
-	tableDeleted  map[string]struct{}
-	index         map[string]schemaCacheIndexValue
-	indexDeleted  map[string]struct{}
-	column        map[schemaCacheColumnKey]schema.ColumnDescriptor
-	columnDeleted map[schemaCacheColumnKey]struct{}
-func (lower *schemaCacheScope) Merge(upper schemaCacheScope) {
-	// Process deletions.
-	for n := range upper.tableDeleted {
-		delete(lower.table, n)
-		lower.tableDeleted[n] = struct{}{}
-	}
-	for n := range upper.indexDeleted {
-		delete(lower.index, n)
-		lower.indexDeleted[n] = struct{}{}
-	}
-	for ck := range upper.columnDeleted {
-		delete(lower.column, ck)
-		lower.columnDeleted[ck] = struct{}{}
-	}
-	// Process additions.
-	for n, td := range upper.table {
-		lower.table[n] = td
-	}
-	for n, iv := range upper.index {
-		lower.index[n] = iv
-	}
-	for ck, cd := range upper.column {
-		lower.column[ck] = cd
-	}
-func newSchemaCache() *schemaCache {
-	return &schemaCache{
-		base: schemaCacheBase{
-			table:  map[string]schema.TableDescriptor{},
-			index:  map[string]schemaCacheIndexValue{},
-			column: map[schemaCacheColumnKey]schema.ColumnDescriptor{},
-		},
-	}
-func (c *schemaCache) Begin() int {
-	position := len(c.scopes)
-	scope := schemaCacheScope{
-		table:         map[string]schema.TableDescriptor{},
-		tableDeleted:  map[string]struct{}{},
-		index:         map[string]schemaCacheIndexValue{},
-		indexDeleted:  map[string]struct{}{},
-		column:        map[schemaCacheColumnKey]schema.ColumnDescriptor{},
-		columnDeleted: map[schemaCacheColumnKey]struct{}{},
-	}
-	c.scopes = append(c.scopes, scope)
-	return position
-func (c *schemaCache) Rollback() {
-	if len(c.scopes) == 0 {
-		panic("there is no scope to rollback")
-	}
-	c.scopes = c.scopes[:len(c.scopes)-1]
-func (c *schemaCache) RollbackTo(position int) {
-	for position <= len(c.scopes) {
-		c.Rollback()
-	}
-func (c *schemaCache) Commit() {
-	if len(c.scopes) == 0 {
-		panic("there is no scope to commit")
-	}
-	if len(c.scopes) == 1 {
-		c.base.Merge(c.scopes[0])
-	} else {
-		src := len(c.scopes) - 1
-		dst := len(c.scopes) - 2
-		c.scopes[dst].Merge(c.scopes[src])
-	}
-	c.scopes = c.scopes[:len(c.scopes)-1]
-func (c *schemaCache) CommitTo(position int) {
-	for position <= len(c.scopes) {
-		c.Commit()
-	}
-func (c *schemaCache) FindTableInBase(n string) (
-	schema.TableDescriptor, bool) {
-	td, exists := c.base.table[n]
-	return td, exists
-func (c *schemaCache) FindTableInScope(n string) (
-	schema.TableDescriptor, bool) {
-	for si := range c.scopes {
-		si = len(c.scopes) - si - 1
-		if td, exists := c.scopes[si].table[n]; exists {
-			return td, true
-		}
-		if _, exists := c.scopes[si].tableDeleted[n]; exists {
-			return schema.TableDescriptor{}, false
-		}
-	}
-	return c.FindTableInBase(n)
-func (c *schemaCache) FindTableInBaseWithFallback(n string,
-	fallback schema.Schema) (schema.TableDescriptor, bool) {
-	if td, found := c.FindTableInBase(n); found {
-		return td, true
-	}
-	if fallback == nil {
-		return schema.TableDescriptor{}, false
-	}
-	s := fallback
-	for ti := range s {
-		if n == string(s[ti].Name) {
-			tr := schema.TableRef(ti)
-			td := schema.TableDescriptor{Table: tr}
-			c.base.table[n] = td
-			return td, true
-		}
-	}
-	return schema.TableDescriptor{}, false
-func (c *schemaCache) FindIndexInBase(n string) (
-	schema.IndexDescriptor, bool, bool) {
-	iv, exists := c.base.index[n]
-	return,, exists
-func (c *schemaCache) FindIndexInScope(n string) (
-	schema.IndexDescriptor, bool, bool) {
-	for si := range c.scopes {
-		si = len(c.scopes) - si - 1
-		if iv, exists := c.scopes[si].index[n]; exists {
-			return,, true
-		}
-		if _, exists := c.scopes[si].indexDeleted[n]; exists {
-			return schema.IndexDescriptor{}, false, false
-		}
-	}
-	return c.FindIndexInBase(n)
-func (c *schemaCache) FindIndexInBaseWithFallback(n string,
-	fallback schema.Schema) (schema.IndexDescriptor, bool, bool) {
-	if id, auto, found := c.FindIndexInBase(n); found {
-		return id, auto, true
-	}
-	if fallback == nil {
-		return schema.IndexDescriptor{}, false, false
-	}
-	s := fallback
-	for ti := range s {
-		for ii := range s[ti].Indices {
-			if n == string(s[ti].Indices[ii].Name) {
-				tr := schema.TableRef(ti)
-				ir := schema.IndexRef(ii)
-				id := schema.IndexDescriptor{Table: tr, Index: ir}
-				iv := schemaCacheIndexValue{id: id, auto: false}
-				c.base.index[n] = iv
-				return id, false, true
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return schema.IndexDescriptor{}, false, false
-func (c *schemaCache) FindColumnInBase(tr schema.TableRef, n string) (
-	schema.ColumnDescriptor, bool) {
-	cd, exists := c.base.column[schemaCacheColumnKey{tr: tr, n: n}]
-	return cd, exists
-func (c *schemaCache) FindColumnInScope(tr schema.TableRef, n string) (
-	schema.ColumnDescriptor, bool) {
-	ck := schemaCacheColumnKey{tr: tr, n: n}
-	for si := range c.scopes {
-		si = len(c.scopes) - si - 1
-		if cd, exists := c.scopes[si].column[ck]; exists {
-			return cd, true
-		}
-		if _, exists := c.scopes[si].columnDeleted[ck]; exists {
-			return schema.ColumnDescriptor{}, false
-		}
-	}
-	return c.FindColumnInBase(tr, n)
-func (c *schemaCache) FindColumnInBaseWithFallback(tr schema.TableRef, n string,
-	fallback schema.Schema) (schema.ColumnDescriptor, bool) {
-	if cd, found := c.FindColumnInBase(tr, n); found {
-		return cd, true
-	}
-	if fallback == nil {
-		return schema.ColumnDescriptor{}, false
-	}
-	s := fallback
-	for ci := range s[tr].Columns {
-		if n == string(s[tr].Columns[ci].Name) {
-			cr := schema.ColumnRef(ci)
-			cd := schema.ColumnDescriptor{Table: tr, Column: cr}
-			ck := schemaCacheColumnKey{tr: tr, n: n}
-			c.base.column[ck] = cd
-			return cd, true
-		}
-	}
-	return schema.ColumnDescriptor{}, false
-func (c *schemaCache) AddTable(n string,
-	td schema.TableDescriptor) bool {
-	top := len(c.scopes) - 1
-	if _, found := c.FindTableInScope(n); found {
-		return false
-	}
-	c.scopes[top].table[n] = td
-	return true
-func (c *schemaCache) AddIndex(n string,
-	id schema.IndexDescriptor, auto bool) bool {
-	top := len(c.scopes) - 1
-	if _, _, found := c.FindIndexInScope(n); found {
-		return false
-	}
-	iv := schemaCacheIndexValue{id: id, auto: auto}
-	c.scopes[top].index[n] = iv
-	return true
-func (c *schemaCache) AddColumn(n string,
-	cd schema.ColumnDescriptor) bool {
-	top := len(c.scopes) - 1
-	tr := cd.Table
-	if _, found := c.FindColumnInScope(tr, n); found {
-		return false
-	}
-	ck := schemaCacheColumnKey{tr: tr, n: n}
-	c.scopes[top].column[ck] = cd
-	return true
-func (c *schemaCache) DeleteTable(n string) bool {
-	top := len(c.scopes) - 1
-	if _, found := c.FindTableInScope(n); !found {
-		return false
-	}
-	delete(c.scopes[top].table, n)
-	c.scopes[top].tableDeleted[n] = struct{}{}
-	return true
-func (c *schemaCache) DeleteIndex(n string) bool {
-	top := len(c.scopes) - 1
-	if _, _, found := c.FindIndexInScope(n); !found {
-		return false
-	}
-	delete(c.scopes[top].index, n)
-	c.scopes[top].indexDeleted[n] = struct{}{}
-	return true
-func (c *schemaCache) DeleteColumn(tr schema.TableRef, n string) bool {
-	top := len(c.scopes) - 1
-	if _, found := c.FindColumnInScope(tr, n); !found {
-		return false
-	}
-	ck := schemaCacheColumnKey{tr: tr, n: n}
-	delete(c.scopes[top].column, ck)
-	c.scopes[top].columnDeleted[ck] = struct{}{}
-	return true
-type columnRefSlice struct {
-	columns []schema.ColumnRef
-	nodes   []uint8
-func newColumnRefSlice(c uint8) columnRefSlice {
-	return columnRefSlice{
-		columns: make([]schema.ColumnRef, 0, c),
-		nodes:   make([]uint8, 0, c),
-	}
-func (s *columnRefSlice) Append(c schema.ColumnRef, i uint8) {
-	s.columns = append(s.columns, c)
-	s.nodes = append(s.nodes, i)
-func (s columnRefSlice) Len() int {
-	return len(s.columns)
-func (s columnRefSlice) Less(i, j int) bool {
-	return s.columns[i] < s.columns[j]
-func (s columnRefSlice) Swap(i, j int) {
-	s.columns[i], s.columns[j] = s.columns[j], s.columns[i]
-	s.nodes[i], s.nodes[j] = s.nodes[j], s.nodes[i]
-//go-sumtype:decl typeAction
-type typeAction interface {
-	ˉtypeAction()
-type typeActionInferDefault struct{}
-func newTypeActionInferDefaultSize() typeActionInferDefault {
-	return typeActionInferDefault{}
-var _ typeAction = typeActionInferDefault{}
-func (typeActionInferDefault) ˉtypeAction() {}
-type typeActionInferWithSize struct {
-	size int
-func newTypeActionInferWithSize(bytes int) typeActionInferWithSize {
-	return typeActionInferWithSize{size: bytes}
-var _ typeAction = typeActionInferWithSize{}
-func (typeActionInferWithSize) ˉtypeAction() {}
-type typeActionAssign struct {
-	dt ast.DataType
-func newTypeActionAssign(expected ast.DataType) typeActionAssign {
-	return typeActionAssign{dt: expected}
-var _ typeAction = typeActionAssign{}
-func (typeActionAssign) ˉtypeAction() {}
diff --git a/core/vm/sqlvm/cmd/ast-checker/main.go b/core/vm/sqlvm/cmd/ast-checker/main.go
index c02b58f0f..1c90d5028 100644
--- a/core/vm/sqlvm/cmd/ast-checker/main.go
+++ b/core/vm/sqlvm/cmd/ast-checker/main.go
@@ -7,18 +7,18 @@ import (
-	""
+	""
-func create(sql string, o checkers.CheckOptions) int {
+func create(sql string, o checker.CheckOptions) int {
 	n, parseErr := parser.Parse([]byte(sql))
 	if parseErr != nil {
 		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Parse error:\n%+v\n", parseErr)
-	s, checkErr := checkers.CheckCreate(n, o)
+	s, checkErr := checker.CheckCreate(n, o)
 	if checkErr != nil {
 		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Check error:\n%+v\n", checkErr)
@@ -52,42 +52,49 @@ func decode(ss string) int {
 	return 0
-func query(ss, sql string, o checkers.CheckOptions) int {
+func query(ss, sql string, o checker.CheckOptions) int {
 	fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Function not implemented")
 	return 1
-func exec(ss, sql string, o checkers.CheckOptions) int {
+func exec(ss, sql string, o checker.CheckOptions) int {
 	fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "Function not implemented")
 	return 1
 func main() {
-	var noSafeMath bool
-	var noSafeCast bool
-	flag.BoolVar(&noSafeMath, "no-safe-math", false, "disable safe math")
-	flag.BoolVar(&noSafeCast, "no-safe-cast", false, "disable safe cast")
+	var safeMath bool
+	var safeCast bool
+	var constantOnly bool
+	flag.BoolVar(&safeMath, "safe-math", true, "")
+	flag.BoolVar(&safeCast, "safe-cast", true, "")
+	flag.BoolVar(&constantOnly, "constant-only", false, " (default false)")
 	if flag.NArg() < 1 {
-			"Usage: %s <action> <arguments>\n"+
+			"Usage: %s [options] <action> <arguments>\n"+
+				"Options:\n"+
+				"  -help    Show options\n"+
-				"  create <SQL>           returns schema\n"+
-				"  decode <schema>        returns SQL\n"+
-				"  query  <schema> <SQL>  returns AST\n"+
-				"  exec   <schema> <SQL>  returns AST\n",
+				"  create   (SQL) -> schema\n"+
+				"  decode   (schema) -> SQL\n"+
+				"  query    (schema, SQL) -> AST\n"+
+				"  exec     (schema, SQL) -> AST\n",
-	o := checkers.CheckWithSafeMath | checkers.CheckWithSafeCast
-	if noSafeMath {
-		o &= ^(checkers.CheckWithSafeMath)
+	var o checker.CheckOptions
+	if safeMath {
+		o |= checker.CheckWithSafeMath
-	if noSafeCast {
-		o &= ^(checkers.CheckWithSafeCast)
+	if safeCast {
+		o |= checker.CheckWithSafeCast
+	}
+	if constantOnly {
+		o |= checker.CheckWithConstantOnly
 	action := flag.Arg(0)
cgit v1.2.3