path: root/vendor/github.com/robertkrimen/otto/README.markdown
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+# otto
+import "github.com/robertkrimen/otto"
+Package otto is a JavaScript parser and interpreter written natively in Go.
+import (
+ "github.com/robertkrimen/otto"
+Run something in the VM
+vm := otto.New()
+ abc = 2 + 2;
+ console.log("The value of abc is " + abc); // 4
+Get a value out of the VM
+if value, err := vm.Get("abc"); err == nil {
+ if value_int, err := value.ToInteger(); err == nil {
+ fmt.Printf("", value_int, err)
+ }
+Set a number
+vm.Set("def", 11)
+ console.log("The value of def is " + def);
+ // The value of def is 11
+Set a string
+vm.Set("xyzzy", "Nothing happens.")
+ console.log(xyzzy.length); // 16
+Get the value of an expression
+value, _ = vm.Run("xyzzy.length")
+ // value is an int64 with a value of 16
+ value, _ := value.ToInteger()
+An error happens
+value, err = vm.Run("abcdefghijlmnopqrstuvwxyz.length")
+if err != nil {
+ // err = ReferenceError: abcdefghijlmnopqrstuvwxyz is not defined
+ // If there is an error, then value.IsUndefined() is true
+ ...
+Set a Go function
+vm.Set("sayHello", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
+ fmt.Printf("Hello, %s.\n", call.Argument(0).String())
+ return otto.Value{}
+Set a Go function that returns something useful
+vm.Set("twoPlus", func(call otto.FunctionCall) otto.Value {
+ right, _ := call.Argument(0).ToInteger()
+ result, _ := vm.ToValue(2 + right)
+ return result
+Use the functions in JavaScript
+result, _ = vm.Run(`
+ sayHello("Xyzzy"); // Hello, Xyzzy.
+ sayHello(); // Hello, undefined
+ result = twoPlus(2.0); // 4
+### Parser
+A separate parser is available in the parser package if you're just interested
+in building an AST.
+Parse and return an AST
+filenamee := "" // A filename is optional
+src := `
+ // Sample xyzzy example
+ (function(){
+ if (3.14159 > 0) {
+ console.log("Hello, World.");
+ return;
+ }
+ var xyzzy = NaN;
+ console.log("Nothing happens.");
+ return xyzzy;
+ })();
+// Parse some JavaScript, yielding a *ast.Program and/or an ErrorList
+program, err := parser.ParseFile(nil, filename, src, 0)
+### otto
+You can run (Go) JavaScript from the commandline with:
+ $ go get -v github.com/robertkrimen/otto/otto
+Run JavaScript by entering some source on stdin or by giving otto a filename:
+ $ otto example.js
+### underscore
+Optionally include the JavaScript utility-belt library, underscore, with this
+import (
+ "github.com/robertkrimen/otto"
+ _ "github.com/robertkrimen/otto/underscore"
+// Now every otto runtime will come loaded with underscore
+For more information: http://github.com/robertkrimen/otto/tree/master/underscore
+### Caveat Emptor
+The following are some limitations with otto:
+ * "use strict" will parse, but does nothing.
+ * The regular expression engine (re2/regexp) is not fully compatible with the ECMA5 specification.
+ * Otto targets ES5. ES6 features (eg: Typed Arrays) are not supported.
+### Regular Expression Incompatibility
+Go translates JavaScript-style regular expressions into something that is
+"regexp" compatible via `parser.TransformRegExp`. Unfortunately, RegExp requires
+backtracking for some patterns, and backtracking is not supported by the
+standard Go engine: https://code.google.com/p/re2/wiki/Syntax
+Therefore, the following syntax is incompatible:
+ (?=) // Lookahead (positive), currently a parsing error
+ (?!) // Lookahead (backhead), currently a parsing error
+ \1 // Backreference (\1, \2, \3, ...), currently a parsing error
+A brief discussion of these limitations: "Regexp (?!re)"
+More information about re2: https://code.google.com/p/re2/
+In addition to the above, re2 (Go) has a different definition for \s: [\t\n\f\r
+]. The JavaScript definition, on the other hand, also includes \v, Unicode
+"Separator, Space", etc.
+### Halting Problem
+If you want to stop long running executions (like third-party code), you can use
+the interrupt channel to do this:
+package main
+import (
+ "errors"
+ "fmt"
+ "os"
+ "time"
+ "github.com/robertkrimen/otto"
+var halt = errors.New("Stahp")
+func main() {
+ runUnsafe(`var abc = [];`)
+ runUnsafe(`
+ while (true) {
+ // Loop forever
+ }`)
+func runUnsafe(unsafe string) {
+ start := time.Now()
+ defer func() {
+ duration := time.Since(start)
+ if caught := recover(); caught != nil {
+ if caught == halt {
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Some code took to long! Stopping after: %v\n", duration)
+ return
+ }
+ panic(caught) // Something else happened, repanic!
+ }
+ fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "Ran code successfully: %v\n", duration)
+ }()
+ vm := otto.New()
+ vm.Interrupt = make(chan func(), 1) // The buffer prevents blocking
+ go func() {
+ time.Sleep(2 * time.Second) // Stop after two seconds
+ vm.Interrupt <- func() {
+ panic(halt)
+ }
+ }()
+ vm.Run(unsafe) // Here be dragons (risky code)
+Where is setTimeout/setInterval?
+These timing functions are not actually part of the ECMA-262 specification.
+Typically, they belong to the `window` object (in the browser). It would not be
+difficult to provide something like these via Go, but you probably want to wrap
+otto in an event loop in that case.
+For an example of how this could be done in Go with otto, see natto:
+Here is some more discussion of the issue:
+* http://book.mixu.net/node/ch2.html
+* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reentrancy_%28computing%29
+* http://aaroncrane.co.uk/2009/02/perl_safe_signals/
+## Usage
+var ErrVersion = errors.New("version mismatch")
+#### type Error
+type Error struct {
+An Error represents a runtime error, e.g. a TypeError, a ReferenceError, etc.
+#### func (Error) Error
+func (err Error) Error() string
+Error returns a description of the error
+ TypeError: 'def' is not a function
+#### func (Error) String
+func (err Error) String() string
+String returns a description of the error and a trace of where the error
+ TypeError: 'def' is not a function
+ at xyz (<anonymous>:3:9)
+ at <anonymous>:7:1/
+#### type FunctionCall
+type FunctionCall struct {
+ This Value
+ ArgumentList []Value
+ Otto *Otto
+FunctionCall is an encapsulation of a JavaScript function call.
+#### func (FunctionCall) Argument
+func (self FunctionCall) Argument(index int) Value
+Argument will return the value of the argument at the given index.
+If no such argument exists, undefined is returned.
+#### type Object
+type Object struct {
+Object is the representation of a JavaScript object.
+#### func (Object) Call
+func (self Object) Call(name string, argumentList ...interface{}) (Value, error)
+Call a method on the object.
+It is essentially equivalent to:
+ var method, _ := object.Get(name)
+ method.Call(object, argumentList...)
+An undefined value and an error will result if:
+ 1. There is an error during conversion of the argument list
+ 2. The property is not actually a function
+ 3. An (uncaught) exception is thrown
+#### func (Object) Class
+func (self Object) Class() string
+Class will return the class string of the object.
+The return value will (generally) be one of:
+ Object
+ Function
+ Array
+ String
+ Number
+ Boolean
+ Date
+ RegExp
+#### func (Object) Get
+func (self Object) Get(name string) (Value, error)
+Get the value of the property with the given name.
+#### func (Object) Keys
+func (self Object) Keys() []string
+Get the keys for the object
+Equivalent to calling Object.keys on the object
+#### func (Object) Set
+func (self Object) Set(name string, value interface{}) error
+Set the property of the given name to the given value.
+An error will result if the setting the property triggers an exception (i.e.
+read-only), or there is an error during conversion of the given value.
+#### func (Object) Value
+func (self Object) Value() Value
+Value will return self as a value.
+#### type Otto
+type Otto struct {
+ // Interrupt is a channel for interrupting the runtime. You can use this to halt a long running execution, for example.
+ // See "Halting Problem" for more information.
+ Interrupt chan func()
+Otto is the representation of the JavaScript runtime. Each instance of Otto has
+a self-contained namespace.
+#### func New
+func New() *Otto
+New will allocate a new JavaScript runtime
+#### func Run
+func Run(src interface{}) (*Otto, Value, error)
+Run will allocate a new JavaScript runtime, run the given source on the
+allocated runtime, and return the runtime, resulting value, and error (if any).
+src may be a string, a byte slice, a bytes.Buffer, or an io.Reader, but it MUST
+always be in UTF-8.
+src may also be a Script.
+src may also be a Program, but if the AST has been modified, then runtime
+behavior is undefined.
+#### func (Otto) Call
+func (self Otto) Call(source string, this interface{}, argumentList ...interface{}) (Value, error)
+Call the given JavaScript with a given this and arguments.
+If this is nil, then some special handling takes place to determine the proper
+this value, falling back to a "standard" invocation if necessary (where this is
+If source begins with "new " (A lowercase new followed by a space), then Call
+will invoke the function constructor rather than performing a function call. In
+this case, the this argument has no effect.
+// value is a String object
+value, _ := vm.Call("Object", nil, "Hello, World.")
+// Likewise...
+value, _ := vm.Call("new Object", nil, "Hello, World.")
+// This will perform a concat on the given array and return the result
+// value is [ 1, 2, 3, undefined, 4, 5, 6, 7, "abc" ]
+value, _ := vm.Call(`[ 1, 2, 3, undefined, 4 ].concat`, nil, 5, 6, 7, "abc")
+#### func (*Otto) Compile
+func (self *Otto) Compile(filename string, src interface{}) (*Script, error)
+Compile will parse the given source and return a Script value or nil and an
+error if there was a problem during compilation.
+script, err := vm.Compile("", `var abc; if (!abc) abc = 0; abc += 2; abc;`)
+#### func (*Otto) Copy
+func (in *Otto) Copy() *Otto
+Copy will create a copy/clone of the runtime.
+Copy is useful for saving some time when creating many similar runtimes.
+This method works by walking the original runtime and cloning each object,
+scope, stash, etc. into a new runtime.
+Be on the lookout for memory leaks or inadvertent sharing of resources.
+#### func (Otto) Get
+func (self Otto) Get(name string) (Value, error)
+Get the value of the top-level binding of the given name.
+If there is an error (like the binding does not exist), then the value will be
+#### func (Otto) Object
+func (self Otto) Object(source string) (*Object, error)
+Object will run the given source and return the result as an object.
+For example, accessing an existing object:
+object, _ := vm.Object(`Number`)
+Or, creating a new object:
+object, _ := vm.Object(`({ xyzzy: "Nothing happens." })`)
+Or, creating and assigning an object:
+object, _ := vm.Object(`xyzzy = {}`)
+object.Set("volume", 11)
+If there is an error (like the source does not result in an object), then nil
+and an error is returned.
+#### func (Otto) Run
+func (self Otto) Run(src interface{}) (Value, error)
+Run will run the given source (parsing it first if necessary), returning the
+resulting value and error (if any)
+src may be a string, a byte slice, a bytes.Buffer, or an io.Reader, but it MUST
+always be in UTF-8.
+If the runtime is unable to parse source, then this function will return
+undefined and the parse error (nothing will be evaluated in this case).
+src may also be a Script.
+src may also be a Program, but if the AST has been modified, then runtime
+behavior is undefined.
+#### func (Otto) Set
+func (self Otto) Set(name string, value interface{}) error
+Set the top-level binding of the given name to the given value.
+Set will automatically apply ToValue to the given value in order to convert it
+to a JavaScript value (type Value).
+If there is an error (like the binding is read-only, or the ToValue conversion
+fails), then an error is returned.
+If the top-level binding does not exist, it will be created.
+#### func (Otto) ToValue
+func (self Otto) ToValue(value interface{}) (Value, error)
+ToValue will convert an interface{} value to a value digestible by
+#### type Script
+type Script struct {
+Script is a handle for some (reusable) JavaScript. Passing a Script value to a
+run method will evaluate the JavaScript.
+#### func (*Script) String
+func (self *Script) String() string
+#### type Value
+type Value struct {
+Value is the representation of a JavaScript value.
+#### func FalseValue
+func FalseValue() Value
+FalseValue will return a value representing false.
+It is equivalent to:
+#### func NaNValue
+func NaNValue() Value
+NaNValue will return a value representing NaN.
+It is equivalent to:
+#### func NullValue
+func NullValue() Value
+NullValue will return a Value representing null.
+#### func ToValue
+func ToValue(value interface{}) (Value, error)
+ToValue will convert an interface{} value to a value digestible by
+This function will not work for advanced types (struct, map, slice/array, etc.)
+and you should use Otto.ToValue instead.
+#### func TrueValue
+func TrueValue() Value
+TrueValue will return a value representing true.
+It is equivalent to:
+#### func UndefinedValue
+func UndefinedValue() Value
+UndefinedValue will return a Value representing undefined.
+#### func (Value) Call
+func (value Value) Call(this Value, argumentList ...interface{}) (Value, error)
+Call the value as a function with the given this value and argument list and
+return the result of invocation. It is essentially equivalent to:
+ value.apply(thisValue, argumentList)
+An undefined value and an error will result if:
+ 1. There is an error during conversion of the argument list
+ 2. The value is not actually a function
+ 3. An (uncaught) exception is thrown
+#### func (Value) Class
+func (value Value) Class() string
+Class will return the class string of the value or the empty string if value is
+not an object.
+The return value will (generally) be one of:
+ Object
+ Function
+ Array
+ String
+ Number
+ Boolean
+ Date
+ RegExp
+#### func (Value) Export
+func (self Value) Export() (interface{}, error)
+Export will attempt to convert the value to a Go representation and return it
+via an interface{} kind.
+Export returns an error, but it will always be nil. It is present for backwards
+If a reasonable conversion is not possible, then the original value is returned.
+ undefined -> nil (FIXME?: Should be Value{})
+ null -> nil
+ boolean -> bool
+ number -> A number type (int, float32, uint64, ...)
+ string -> string
+ Array -> []interface{}
+ Object -> map[string]interface{}
+#### func (Value) IsBoolean
+func (value Value) IsBoolean() bool
+IsBoolean will return true if value is a boolean (primitive).
+#### func (Value) IsDefined
+func (value Value) IsDefined() bool
+IsDefined will return false if the value is undefined, and true otherwise.
+#### func (Value) IsFunction
+func (value Value) IsFunction() bool
+IsFunction will return true if value is a function.
+#### func (Value) IsNaN
+func (value Value) IsNaN() bool
+IsNaN will return true if value is NaN (or would convert to NaN).
+#### func (Value) IsNull
+func (value Value) IsNull() bool
+IsNull will return true if the value is null, and false otherwise.
+#### func (Value) IsNumber
+func (value Value) IsNumber() bool
+IsNumber will return true if value is a number (primitive).
+#### func (Value) IsObject
+func (value Value) IsObject() bool
+IsObject will return true if value is an object.
+#### func (Value) IsPrimitive
+func (value Value) IsPrimitive() bool
+IsPrimitive will return true if value is a primitive (any kind of primitive).
+#### func (Value) IsString
+func (value Value) IsString() bool
+IsString will return true if value is a string (primitive).
+#### func (Value) IsUndefined
+func (value Value) IsUndefined() bool
+IsUndefined will return true if the value is undefined, and false otherwise.
+#### func (Value) Object
+func (value Value) Object() *Object
+Object will return the object of the value, or nil if value is not an object.
+This method will not do any implicit conversion. For example, calling this
+method on a string primitive value will not return a String object.
+#### func (Value) String
+func (value Value) String() string
+String will return the value as a string.
+This method will make return the empty string if there is an error.
+#### func (Value) ToBoolean
+func (value Value) ToBoolean() (bool, error)
+ToBoolean will convert the value to a boolean (bool).
+ ToValue(0).ToBoolean() => false
+ ToValue("").ToBoolean() => false
+ ToValue(true).ToBoolean() => true
+ ToValue(1).ToBoolean() => true
+ ToValue("Nothing happens").ToBoolean() => true
+If there is an error during the conversion process (like an uncaught exception),
+then the result will be false and an error.
+#### func (Value) ToFloat
+func (value Value) ToFloat() (float64, error)
+ToFloat will convert the value to a number (float64).
+ ToValue(0).ToFloat() => 0.
+ ToValue(1.1).ToFloat() => 1.1
+ ToValue("11").ToFloat() => 11.
+If there is an error during the conversion process (like an uncaught exception),
+then the result will be 0 and an error.
+#### func (Value) ToInteger
+func (value Value) ToInteger() (int64, error)
+ToInteger will convert the value to a number (int64).
+ ToValue(0).ToInteger() => 0
+ ToValue(1.1).ToInteger() => 1
+ ToValue("11").ToInteger() => 11
+If there is an error during the conversion process (like an uncaught exception),
+then the result will be 0 and an error.
+#### func (Value) ToString
+func (value Value) ToString() (string, error)
+ToString will convert the value to a string (string).
+ ToValue(0).ToString() => "0"
+ ToValue(false).ToString() => "false"
+ ToValue(1.1).ToString() => "1.1"
+ ToValue("11").ToString() => "11"
+ ToValue('Nothing happens.').ToString() => "Nothing happens."
+If there is an error during the conversion process (like an uncaught exception),
+then the result will be the empty string ("") and an error.
+**godocdown** http://github.com/robertkrimen/godocdown