path: root/vendor/github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon-consensus-core/core/consensus.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'vendor/github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon-consensus-core/core/consensus.go')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 1026 deletions
diff --git a/vendor/github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon-consensus-core/core/consensus.go b/vendor/github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon-consensus-core/core/consensus.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 7e6934f45..000000000
--- a/vendor/github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon-consensus-core/core/consensus.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1026 +0,0 @@
-// Copyright 2018 The dexon-consensus Authors
-// This file is part of the dexon-consensus library.
-// The dexon-consensus library is free software: you can redistribute it
-// and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
-// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
-// or (at your option) any later version.
-// The dexon-consensus library is distributed in the hope that it will be
-// useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-// General Public License for more details.
-// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
-// along with the dexon-consensus library. If not, see
-// <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
-package core
-import (
- "context"
- "encoding/hex"
- "fmt"
- "sync"
- "time"
- "github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon-consensus/common"
- "github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon-consensus/core/blockdb"
- "github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon-consensus/core/crypto"
- "github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon-consensus/core/types"
- typesDKG "github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon-consensus/core/types/dkg"
-// Errors for consensus core.
-var (
- ErrProposerNotInNodeSet = fmt.Errorf(
- "proposer is not in node set")
- ErrIncorrectHash = fmt.Errorf(
- "hash of block is incorrect")
- ErrIncorrectSignature = fmt.Errorf(
- "signature of block is incorrect")
- ErrGenesisBlockNotEmpty = fmt.Errorf(
- "genesis block should be empty")
- ErrUnknownBlockProposed = fmt.Errorf(
- "unknown block is proposed")
- ErrIncorrectAgreementResultPosition = fmt.Errorf(
- "incorrect agreement result position")
- ErrNotEnoughVotes = fmt.Errorf(
- "not enought votes")
- ErrIncorrectVoteBlockHash = fmt.Errorf(
- "incorrect vote block hash")
- ErrIncorrectVoteType = fmt.Errorf(
- "incorrect vote type")
- ErrIncorrectVotePosition = fmt.Errorf(
- "incorrect vote position")
- ErrIncorrectVoteProposer = fmt.Errorf(
- "incorrect vote proposer")
- ErrIncorrectBlockRandomnessResult = fmt.Errorf(
- "incorrect block randomness result")
-// consensusBAReceiver implements agreementReceiver.
-type consensusBAReceiver struct {
- // TODO(mission): consensus would be replaced by lattice and network.
- consensus *Consensus
- agreementModule *agreement
- chainID uint32
- changeNotaryTime time.Time
- round uint64
- restartNotary chan bool
-func (recv *consensusBAReceiver) ProposeVote(vote *types.Vote) {
- go func() {
- if err := recv.agreementModule.prepareVote(vote); err != nil {
- recv.consensus.logger.Error("Failed to prepare vote", "error", err)
- return
- }
- if err := recv.agreementModule.processVote(vote); err != nil {
- recv.consensus.logger.Error("Failed to process vote", "error", err)
- return
- }
- recv.consensus.logger.Debug("Calling Network.BroadcastVote",
- "vote", vote)
- recv.consensus.network.BroadcastVote(vote)
- }()
-func (recv *consensusBAReceiver) ProposeBlock() common.Hash {
- block := recv.consensus.proposeBlock(recv.chainID, recv.round)
- if block == nil {
- recv.consensus.logger.Error("unable to propose block")
- return nullBlockHash
- }
- if err := recv.consensus.preProcessBlock(block); err != nil {
- recv.consensus.logger.Error("Failed to pre-process block", "error", err)
- return common.Hash{}
- }
- recv.consensus.logger.Debug("Calling Network.BroadcastBlock", "block", block)
- recv.consensus.network.BroadcastBlock(block)
- return block.Hash
-func (recv *consensusBAReceiver) ConfirmBlock(
- hash common.Hash, votes map[types.NodeID]*types.Vote) {
- var block *types.Block
- if (hash == common.Hash{}) {
- recv.consensus.logger.Info("Empty block is confirmed",
- "position", recv.agreementModule.agreementID())
- var err error
- block, err = recv.consensus.proposeEmptyBlock(recv.chainID)
- if err != nil {
- recv.consensus.logger.Error("Propose empty block failed", "error", err)
- return
- }
- } else {
- var exist bool
- block, exist = recv.consensus.baModules[recv.chainID].
- findCandidateBlockNoLock(hash)
- if !exist {
- recv.consensus.logger.Error("Unknown block confirmed",
- "hash", hash,
- "chainID", recv.chainID)
- ch := make(chan *types.Block)
- func() {
- recv.consensus.lock.Lock()
- defer recv.consensus.lock.Unlock()
- recv.consensus.baConfirmedBlock[hash] = ch
- }()
- recv.consensus.network.PullBlocks(common.Hashes{hash})
- go func() {
- block = <-ch
- recv.consensus.logger.Info("Receive unknown block",
- "hash", hash,
- "chainID", recv.chainID)
- recv.agreementModule.addCandidateBlock(block)
- recv.ConfirmBlock(block.Hash, votes)
- }()
- return
- }
- }
- recv.consensus.ccModule.registerBlock(block)
- voteList := make([]types.Vote, 0, len(votes))
- for _, vote := range votes {
- if vote.BlockHash != hash {
- continue
- }
- voteList = append(voteList, *vote)
- }
- result := &types.AgreementResult{
- BlockHash: block.Hash,
- Position: block.Position,
- Votes: voteList,
- }
- recv.consensus.logger.Debug("Calling Network.BroadcastAgreementResult",
- "result", result)
- recv.consensus.network.BroadcastAgreementResult(result)
- if err := recv.consensus.processBlock(block); err != nil {
- recv.consensus.logger.Error("Failed to process block", "error", err)
- return
- }
- if block.Timestamp.After(recv.changeNotaryTime) {
- recv.round++
- recv.restartNotary <- true
- } else {
- recv.restartNotary <- false
- }
-func (recv *consensusBAReceiver) PullBlocks(hashes common.Hashes) {
- recv.consensus.logger.Debug("Calling Network.PullBlocks", "hashes", hashes)
- recv.consensus.network.PullBlocks(hashes)
-// consensusDKGReceiver implements dkgReceiver.
-type consensusDKGReceiver struct {
- ID types.NodeID
- gov Governance
- authModule *Authenticator
- nodeSetCache *NodeSetCache
- cfgModule *configurationChain
- network Network
- logger common.Logger
-// ProposeDKGComplaint proposes a DKGComplaint.
-func (recv *consensusDKGReceiver) ProposeDKGComplaint(
- complaint *typesDKG.Complaint) {
- if err := recv.authModule.SignDKGComplaint(complaint); err != nil {
- recv.logger.Error("Failed to sign DKG complaint", "error", err)
- return
- }
- recv.logger.Debug("Calling Governace.AddDKGComplaint",
- "complaint", complaint)
- recv.gov.AddDKGComplaint(complaint.Round, complaint)
-// ProposeDKGMasterPublicKey propose a DKGMasterPublicKey.
-func (recv *consensusDKGReceiver) ProposeDKGMasterPublicKey(
- mpk *typesDKG.MasterPublicKey) {
- if err := recv.authModule.SignDKGMasterPublicKey(mpk); err != nil {
- recv.logger.Error("Failed to sign DKG master public key", "error", err)
- return
- }
- recv.logger.Debug("Calling Governance.AddDKGMasterPublicKey", "key", mpk)
- recv.gov.AddDKGMasterPublicKey(mpk.Round, mpk)
-// ProposeDKGPrivateShare propose a DKGPrivateShare.
-func (recv *consensusDKGReceiver) ProposeDKGPrivateShare(
- prv *typesDKG.PrivateShare) {
- if err := recv.authModule.SignDKGPrivateShare(prv); err != nil {
- recv.logger.Error("Failed to sign DKG private share", "error", err)
- return
- }
- receiverPubKey, exists := recv.nodeSetCache.GetPublicKey(prv.ReceiverID)
- if !exists {
- recv.logger.Error("Public key for receiver not found",
- "receiver", prv.ReceiverID.String()[:6])
- return
- }
- if prv.ReceiverID == recv.ID {
- go func() {
- if err := recv.cfgModule.processPrivateShare(prv); err != nil {
- recv.logger.Error("Failed to process self private share", "prvShare", prv)
- }
- }()
- } else {
- recv.logger.Debug("Calling Network.SendDKGPrivateShare",
- "receiver", hex.EncodeToString(receiverPubKey.Bytes()))
- recv.network.SendDKGPrivateShare(receiverPubKey, prv)
- }
-// ProposeDKGAntiNackComplaint propose a DKGPrivateShare as an anti complaint.
-func (recv *consensusDKGReceiver) ProposeDKGAntiNackComplaint(
- prv *typesDKG.PrivateShare) {
- if prv.ProposerID == recv.ID {
- if err := recv.authModule.SignDKGPrivateShare(prv); err != nil {
- recv.logger.Error("Failed sign DKG private share", "error", err)
- return
- }
- }
- recv.logger.Debug("Calling Network.BroadcastDKGPrivateShare", "share", prv)
- recv.network.BroadcastDKGPrivateShare(prv)
-// ProposeDKGFinalize propose a DKGFinalize message.
-func (recv *consensusDKGReceiver) ProposeDKGFinalize(final *typesDKG.Finalize) {
- if err := recv.authModule.SignDKGFinalize(final); err != nil {
- recv.logger.Error("Faield to sign DKG finalize", "error", err)
- return
- }
- recv.logger.Debug("Calling Governance.AddDKGFinalize", "final", final)
- recv.gov.AddDKGFinalize(final.Round, final)
-// Consensus implements DEXON Consensus algorithm.
-type Consensus struct {
- // Node Info.
- ID types.NodeID
- authModule *Authenticator
- currentConfig *types.Config
- // BA.
- baModules []*agreement
- receivers []*consensusBAReceiver
- baConfirmedBlock map[common.Hash]chan<- *types.Block
- // DKG.
- dkgRunning int32
- dkgReady *sync.Cond
- cfgModule *configurationChain
- // Dexon consensus v1's modules.
- lattice *Lattice
- ccModule *compactionChain
- // Interfaces.
- db blockdb.BlockDatabase
- app Application
- gov Governance
- network Network
- tickerObj Ticker
- // Misc.
- dMoment time.Time
- nodeSetCache *NodeSetCache
- round uint64
- roundToNotify uint64
- lock sync.RWMutex
- ctx context.Context
- ctxCancel context.CancelFunc
- event *common.Event
- logger common.Logger
-// NewConsensus construct an Consensus instance.
-func NewConsensus(
- dMoment time.Time,
- app Application,
- gov Governance,
- db blockdb.BlockDatabase,
- network Network,
- prv crypto.PrivateKey,
- logger common.Logger) *Consensus {
- // TODO(w): load latest blockHeight from DB, and use config at that height.
- var (
- round uint64
- // round 0 and 1 are decided at beginning.
- roundToNotify = round + 2
- )
- logger.Debug("Calling Governance.Configuration", "round", round)
- config := gov.Configuration(round)
- nodeSetCache := NewNodeSetCache(gov)
- logger.Debug("Calling Governance.CRS", "round", round)
- crs := gov.CRS(round)
- // Setup acking by information returned from Governace.
- nodes, err := nodeSetCache.GetNodeSet(round)
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- // Setup auth module.
- authModule := NewAuthenticator(prv)
- // Check if the application implement Debug interface.
- debugApp, _ := app.(Debug)
- // Init lattice.
- lattice := NewLattice(
- dMoment, config, authModule, app, debugApp, db, logger)
- // Init configuration chain.
- ID := types.NewNodeID(prv.PublicKey())
- recv := &consensusDKGReceiver{
- ID: ID,
- gov: gov,
- authModule: authModule,
- nodeSetCache: nodeSetCache,
- network: network,
- logger: logger,
- }
- cfgModule := newConfigurationChain(
- ID,
- recv,
- gov,
- logger)
- recv.cfgModule = cfgModule
- // Construct Consensus instance.
- con := &Consensus{
- ID: ID,
- currentConfig: config,
- ccModule: newCompactionChain(gov),
- lattice: lattice,
- app: app,
- gov: gov,
- db: db,
- network: network,
- tickerObj: newTicker(gov, round, TickerBA),
- baConfirmedBlock: make(map[common.Hash]chan<- *types.Block),
- dkgReady: sync.NewCond(&sync.Mutex{}),
- cfgModule: cfgModule,
- dMoment: dMoment,
- nodeSetCache: nodeSetCache,
- authModule: authModule,
- event: common.NewEvent(),
- logger: logger,
- roundToNotify: roundToNotify,
- }
- validLeader := func(block *types.Block) bool {
- return lattice.SanityCheck(block) == nil
- }
- con.baModules = make([]*agreement, config.NumChains)
- con.receivers = make([]*consensusBAReceiver, config.NumChains)
- for i := uint32(0); i < config.NumChains; i++ {
- chainID := i
- recv := &consensusBAReceiver{
- consensus: con,
- chainID: chainID,
- restartNotary: make(chan bool, 1),
- }
- agreementModule := newAgreement(
- con.ID,
- recv,
- nodes.IDs,
- newLeaderSelector(crs, validLeader),
- con.authModule,
- )
- // Hacky way to make agreement module self contained.
- recv.agreementModule = agreementModule
- recv.changeNotaryTime = dMoment
- con.baModules[chainID] = agreementModule
- con.receivers[chainID] = recv
- }
- return con
-// Run starts running DEXON Consensus.
-func (con *Consensus) Run(initBlock *types.Block) {
- // Setup context.
- con.ctx, con.ctxCancel = context.WithCancel(context.Background())
- con.ccModule.init(initBlock)
- // TODO(jimmy-dexon): change AppendConfig to add config for specific round.
- for i := uint64(0); i < initBlock.Position.Round; i++ {
- con.logger.Debug("Calling Governance.Configuration", "round", i+1)
- cfg := con.gov.Configuration(i + 1)
- if err := con.lattice.AppendConfig(i+1, cfg); err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- }
- con.logger.Debug("Calling Network.ReceiveChan")
- go con.processMsg(con.network.ReceiveChan())
- // Sleep until dMoment come.
- time.Sleep(con.dMoment.Sub(time.Now().UTC()))
- con.cfgModule.registerDKG(con.round, int(con.currentConfig.DKGSetSize)/3+1)
- con.event.RegisterTime(con.dMoment.Add(con.currentConfig.RoundInterval/4),
- func(time.Time) {
- con.runDKGTSIG(con.round)
- })
- round1 := uint64(1)
- con.logger.Debug("Calling Governance.Configuration", "round", round1)
- con.lattice.AppendConfig(round1, con.gov.Configuration(round1))
- con.initialRound(con.dMoment)
- ticks := make([]chan struct{}, 0, con.currentConfig.NumChains)
- for i := uint32(0); i < con.currentConfig.NumChains; i++ {
- tick := make(chan struct{})
- ticks = append(ticks, tick)
- go con.runBA(i, tick)
- }
- // Reset ticker.
- <-con.tickerObj.Tick()
- <-con.tickerObj.Tick()
- for {
- <-con.tickerObj.Tick()
- for _, tick := range ticks {
- go func(tick chan struct{}) { tick <- struct{}{} }(tick)
- }
- }
-func (con *Consensus) runBA(chainID uint32, tick <-chan struct{}) {
- // TODO(jimmy-dexon): move this function inside agreement.
- agreement := con.baModules[chainID]
- recv := con.receivers[chainID]
- recv.restartNotary <- true
- nIDs := make(map[types.NodeID]struct{})
- // Reset ticker
- <-tick
- for {
- select {
- case <-con.ctx.Done():
- break BALoop
- default:
- }
- select {
- case newNotary := <-recv.restartNotary:
- if newNotary {
- recv.changeNotaryTime =
- recv.changeNotaryTime.Add(con.currentConfig.RoundInterval)
- nodes, err := con.nodeSetCache.GetNodeSet(recv.round)
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- con.logger.Debug("Calling Governance.Configuration",
- "round", recv.round)
- con.logger.Debug("Calling Governance.CRS", "round", recv.round)
- nIDs = nodes.GetSubSet(
- int(con.gov.Configuration(recv.round).NotarySetSize),
- types.NewNotarySetTarget(con.gov.CRS(recv.round), chainID))
- }
- nextPos := con.lattice.NextPosition(chainID)
- nextPos.Round = recv.round
- agreement.restart(nIDs, nextPos)
- default:
- }
- if agreement.pullVotes() {
- pos := agreement.agreementID()
- con.logger.Debug("Calling Network.PullVotes for syncing votes",
- "position", pos)
- con.network.PullVotes(pos)
- }
- err := agreement.nextState()
- if err != nil {
- con.logger.Error("Failed to proceed to next state",
- "nodeID", con.ID.String(),
- "error", err)
- break BALoop
- }
- for i := 0; i < agreement.clocks(); i++ {
- // Priority select for agreement.done().
- select {
- case <-agreement.done():
- continue BALoop
- default:
- }
- select {
- case <-agreement.done():
- continue BALoop
- case <-tick:
- }
- }
- }
-// runDKGTSIG starts running DKG+TSIG protocol.
-func (con *Consensus) runDKGTSIG(round uint64) {
- con.dkgReady.L.Lock()
- defer con.dkgReady.L.Unlock()
- if con.dkgRunning != 0 {
- return
- }
- con.dkgRunning = 1
- go func() {
- startTime := time.Now().UTC()
- defer func() {
- con.dkgReady.L.Lock()
- defer con.dkgReady.L.Unlock()
- con.dkgReady.Broadcast()
- con.dkgRunning = 2
- DKGTime := time.Now().Sub(startTime)
- if DKGTime.Nanoseconds() >=
- con.currentConfig.RoundInterval.Nanoseconds()/2 {
- con.logger.Warn("Your computer cannot finish DKG on time!",
- "nodeID", con.ID.String())
- }
- }()
- if err := con.cfgModule.runDKG(round); err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- nodes, err := con.nodeSetCache.GetNodeSet(round)
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- con.logger.Debug("Calling Governance.Configuration", "round", round)
- hash := HashConfigurationBlock(
- nodes.IDs,
- con.gov.Configuration(round),
- common.Hash{},
- con.cfgModule.prevHash)
- psig, err := con.cfgModule.preparePartialSignature(
- round, hash)
- if err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- if err = con.authModule.SignDKGPartialSignature(psig); err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- if err = con.cfgModule.processPartialSignature(psig); err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- con.logger.Debug("Calling Network.BroadcastDKGPartialSignature",
- "proposer", psig.ProposerID,
- "round", psig.Round,
- "hash", psig.Hash)
- con.network.BroadcastDKGPartialSignature(psig)
- if _, err = con.cfgModule.runBlockTSig(round, hash); err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- }()
-func (con *Consensus) runCRS() {
- // Start running next round CRS.
- con.logger.Debug("Calling Governance.CRS", "round", con.round)
- psig, err := con.cfgModule.preparePartialSignature(
- con.round, con.gov.CRS(con.round))
- if err != nil {
- con.logger.Error("Failed to prepare partial signature", "error", err)
- } else if err = con.authModule.SignDKGPartialSignature(psig); err != nil {
- con.logger.Error("Failed to sign DKG partial signature", "error", err)
- } else if err = con.cfgModule.processPartialSignature(psig); err != nil {
- con.logger.Error("Failed to process partial signature", "error", err)
- } else {
- con.logger.Debug("Calling Network.BroadcastDKGPartialSignature",
- "proposer", psig.ProposerID,
- "round", psig.Round,
- "hash", psig.Hash)
- con.network.BroadcastDKGPartialSignature(psig)
- con.logger.Debug("Calling Governance.CRS", "round", con.round)
- crs, err := con.cfgModule.runCRSTSig(con.round, con.gov.CRS(con.round))
- if err != nil {
- con.logger.Error("Failed to run CRS Tsig", "error", err)
- } else {
- con.logger.Debug("Calling Governance.ProposeCRS",
- "round", con.round+1,
- "crs", hex.EncodeToString(crs))
- con.gov.ProposeCRS(con.round+1, crs)
- }
- }
-func (con *Consensus) initialRound(startTime time.Time) {
- select {
- case <-con.ctx.Done():
- return
- default:
- }
- con.logger.Debug("Calling Governance.Configuration", "round", con.round)
- con.currentConfig = con.gov.Configuration(con.round)
- con.event.RegisterTime(startTime.Add(con.currentConfig.RoundInterval/2),
- func(time.Time) {
- go func() {
- con.runCRS()
- ticker := newTicker(con.gov, con.round, TickerDKG)
- <-ticker.Tick()
- // Normally, gov.CRS would return non-nil. Use this for in case of
- // unexpected network fluctuation and ensure the robustness.
- for (con.gov.CRS(con.round+1) == common.Hash{}) {
- con.logger.Info("CRS is not ready yet. Try again later...",
- "nodeID", con.ID)
- time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
- }
- con.cfgModule.registerDKG(
- con.round+1, int(con.currentConfig.DKGSetSize/3)+1)
- }()
- })
- con.event.RegisterTime(startTime.Add(con.currentConfig.RoundInterval*2/3),
- func(time.Time) {
- func() {
- con.dkgReady.L.Lock()
- defer con.dkgReady.L.Unlock()
- con.dkgRunning = 0
- }()
- con.runDKGTSIG(con.round + 1)
- })
- con.event.RegisterTime(startTime.Add(con.currentConfig.RoundInterval),
- func(time.Time) {
- // Change round.
- con.round++
- con.logger.Debug("Calling Governance.Configuration",
- "round", con.round+1)
- con.lattice.AppendConfig(con.round+1, con.gov.Configuration(con.round+1))
- con.initialRound(startTime.Add(con.currentConfig.RoundInterval))
- })
-// Stop the Consensus core.
-func (con *Consensus) Stop() {
- for _, a := range con.baModules {
- a.stop()
- }
- con.event.Reset()
- con.ctxCancel()
-func (con *Consensus) processMsg(msgChan <-chan interface{}) {
- for {
- var msg interface{}
- select {
- case msg = <-msgChan:
- case <-con.ctx.Done():
- return
- }
- switch val := msg.(type) {
- case *types.Block:
- if ch, exist := func() (chan<- *types.Block, bool) {
- con.lock.RLock()
- defer con.lock.RUnlock()
- ch, e := con.baConfirmedBlock[val.Hash]
- return ch, e
- }(); exist {
- if err := con.lattice.SanityCheck(val); err != nil {
- if err == ErrRetrySanityCheckLater {
- err = nil
- } else {
- con.logger.Error("SanityCheck failed", "error", err)
- continue MessageLoop
- }
- }
- func() {
- con.lock.Lock()
- defer con.lock.Unlock()
- // In case of multiple delivered block.
- if _, exist := con.baConfirmedBlock[val.Hash]; !exist {
- return
- }
- delete(con.baConfirmedBlock, val.Hash)
- ch <- val
- }()
- } else if val.IsFinalized() {
- // For sync mode.
- if err := con.processFinalizedBlock(val); err != nil {
- con.logger.Error("Failed to process finalized block",
- "error", err)
- }
- } else {
- if err := con.preProcessBlock(val); err != nil {
- con.logger.Error("Failed to pre process block",
- "error", err)
- }
- }
- case *types.Vote:
- if err := con.ProcessVote(val); err != nil {
- con.logger.Error("Failed to process vote",
- "error", err)
- }
- case *types.AgreementResult:
- if err := con.ProcessAgreementResult(val); err != nil {
- con.logger.Error("Failed to process agreement result",
- "error", err)
- }
- case *types.BlockRandomnessResult:
- if err := con.ProcessBlockRandomnessResult(val); err != nil {
- con.logger.Error("Failed to process block randomness result",
- "error", err)
- }
- case *typesDKG.PrivateShare:
- if err := con.cfgModule.processPrivateShare(val); err != nil {
- con.logger.Error("Failed to process private share",
- "error", err)
- }
- case *typesDKG.PartialSignature:
- if err := con.cfgModule.processPartialSignature(val); err != nil {
- con.logger.Error("Failed to process partial signature",
- "error", err)
- }
- }
- }
-func (con *Consensus) proposeBlock(chainID uint32, round uint64) *types.Block {
- block := &types.Block{
- Position: types.Position{
- ChainID: chainID,
- Round: round,
- },
- }
- if err := con.prepareBlock(block, time.Now().UTC()); err != nil {
- con.logger.Error("Failed to prepare block", "error", err)
- return nil
- }
- return block
-func (con *Consensus) proposeEmptyBlock(
- chainID uint32) (*types.Block, error) {
- block := &types.Block{
- Position: types.Position{
- ChainID: chainID,
- },
- }
- if err := con.lattice.PrepareEmptyBlock(block); err != nil {
- return nil, err
- }
- return block, nil
-// ProcessVote is the entry point to submit ont vote to a Consensus instance.
-func (con *Consensus) ProcessVote(vote *types.Vote) (err error) {
- v := vote.Clone()
- err = con.baModules[v.Position.ChainID].processVote(v)
- return err
-// ProcessAgreementResult processes the randomness request.
-func (con *Consensus) ProcessAgreementResult(
- rand *types.AgreementResult) error {
- // Sanity Check.
- notarySet, err := con.nodeSetCache.GetNotarySet(
- rand.Position.Round, rand.Position.ChainID)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if len(rand.Votes) < len(notarySet)/3*2+1 {
- return ErrNotEnoughVotes
- }
- if len(rand.Votes) > len(notarySet) {
- return ErrIncorrectVoteProposer
- }
- for _, vote := range rand.Votes {
- if vote.BlockHash != rand.BlockHash {
- return ErrIncorrectVoteBlockHash
- }
- if vote.Type != types.VoteCom {
- return ErrIncorrectVoteType
- }
- if vote.Position != rand.Position {
- return ErrIncorrectVotePosition
- }
- if _, exist := notarySet[vote.ProposerID]; !exist {
- return ErrIncorrectVoteProposer
- }
- ok, err := verifyVoteSignature(&vote)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if !ok {
- return ErrIncorrectVoteSignature
- }
- }
- // Syncing BA Module.
- agreement := con.baModules[rand.Position.ChainID]
- aID := agreement.agreementID()
- if rand.Position.Newer(&aID) {
- con.logger.Info("Syncing BA", "position", rand.Position)
- nodes, err := con.nodeSetCache.GetNodeSet(rand.Position.Round)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- con.logger.Debug("Calling Network.PullBlocks for syncing BA",
- "hash", rand.BlockHash)
- con.network.PullBlocks(common.Hashes{rand.BlockHash})
- nIDs := nodes.GetSubSet(
- int(con.gov.Configuration(rand.Position.Round).NotarySetSize),
- types.NewNotarySetTarget(
- con.gov.CRS(rand.Position.Round), rand.Position.ChainID))
- for _, vote := range rand.Votes {
- agreement.processVote(&vote)
- }
- agreement.restart(nIDs, rand.Position)
- }
- // Calculating randomness.
- if rand.Position.Round == 0 {
- return nil
- }
- if !con.ccModule.blockRegistered(rand.BlockHash) {
- return nil
- }
- if DiffUint64(con.round, rand.Position.Round) > 1 {
- return nil
- }
- // Sanity check done.
- if !con.cfgModule.touchTSigHash(rand.BlockHash) {
- return nil
- }
- con.logger.Debug("Calling Network.BroadcastAgreementResult", "result", rand)
- con.network.BroadcastAgreementResult(rand)
- dkgSet, err := con.nodeSetCache.GetDKGSet(rand.Position.Round)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if _, exist := dkgSet[con.ID]; !exist {
- return nil
- }
- psig, err := con.cfgModule.preparePartialSignature(rand.Position.Round, rand.BlockHash)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if err = con.authModule.SignDKGPartialSignature(psig); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if err = con.cfgModule.processPartialSignature(psig); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- con.logger.Debug("Calling Network.BroadcastDKGPartialSignature",
- "proposer", psig.ProposerID,
- "round", psig.Round,
- "hash", psig.Hash)
- con.network.BroadcastDKGPartialSignature(psig)
- go func() {
- tsig, err := con.cfgModule.runTSig(rand.Position.Round, rand.BlockHash)
- if err != nil {
- if err != ErrTSigAlreadyRunning {
- con.logger.Error("Faield to run TSIG", "error", err)
- }
- return
- }
- result := &types.BlockRandomnessResult{
- BlockHash: rand.BlockHash,
- Position: rand.Position,
- Randomness: tsig.Signature,
- }
- if err := con.ProcessBlockRandomnessResult(result); err != nil {
- con.logger.Error("Failed to process randomness result",
- "error", err)
- return
- }
- }()
- return nil
-// ProcessBlockRandomnessResult processes the randomness result.
-func (con *Consensus) ProcessBlockRandomnessResult(
- rand *types.BlockRandomnessResult) error {
- if rand.Position.Round == 0 {
- return nil
- }
- if !con.ccModule.blockRegistered(rand.BlockHash) {
- return nil
- }
- round := rand.Position.Round
- v, ok, err := con.ccModule.tsigVerifier.UpdateAndGet(round)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- if !ok {
- return nil
- }
- if !v.VerifySignature(
- rand.BlockHash, crypto.Signature{Signature: rand.Randomness}) {
- return ErrIncorrectBlockRandomnessResult
- }
- con.logger.Debug("Calling Network.BroadcastRandomnessResult",
- "hash", rand.BlockHash,
- "position", rand.Position,
- "randomness", hex.EncodeToString(rand.Randomness))
- con.network.BroadcastRandomnessResult(rand)
- if err := con.ccModule.processBlockRandomnessResult(rand); err != nil {
- if err != ErrBlockNotRegistered {
- return err
- }
- }
- return nil
-// preProcessBlock performs Byzantine Agreement on the block.
-func (con *Consensus) preProcessBlock(b *types.Block) (err error) {
- if err = con.lattice.SanityCheck(b); err != nil {
- if err != ErrRetrySanityCheckLater {
- return
- }
- }
- if err = con.baModules[b.Position.ChainID].processBlock(b); err != nil {
- return err
- }
- return
-// deliverBlock deliver a block to application layer.
-func (con *Consensus) deliverBlock(b *types.Block) {
- // TODO(mission): clone types.FinalizationResult
- con.logger.Debug("Calling Application.BlockDelivered", "block", b)
- con.app.BlockDelivered(b.Hash, b.Finalization)
- if b.Position.Round+2 == con.roundToNotify {
- // Only the first block delivered of that round would
- // trigger this noitification.
- con.gov.NotifyRoundHeight(
- con.roundToNotify, b.Finalization.Height)
- con.roundToNotify++
- }
-// processBlock is the entry point to submit one block to a Consensus instance.
-func (con *Consensus) processBlock(block *types.Block) (err error) {
- if err = con.db.Put(*block); err != nil && err != blockdb.ErrBlockExists {
- return
- }
- con.lock.Lock()
- defer con.lock.Unlock()
- // Block processed by lattice can be out-of-order. But the output of lattice
- // (deliveredBlocks) cannot.
- deliveredBlocks, err := con.lattice.ProcessBlock(block)
- if err != nil {
- return
- }
- // Pass delivered blocks to compaction chain.
- for _, b := range deliveredBlocks {
- if err = con.ccModule.processBlock(b); err != nil {
- return
- }
- go con.event.NotifyTime(b.Finalization.Timestamp)
- }
- deliveredBlocks = con.ccModule.extractBlocks()
- for _, b := range deliveredBlocks {
- if err = con.db.Update(*b); err != nil {
- panic(err)
- }
- con.cfgModule.untouchTSigHash(b.Hash)
- con.deliverBlock(b)
- }
- if err = con.lattice.PurgeBlocks(deliveredBlocks); err != nil {
- return
- }
- return
-// processFinalizedBlock is the entry point for syncing blocks.
-func (con *Consensus) processFinalizedBlock(block *types.Block) (err error) {
- if err = con.lattice.SanityCheck(block); err != nil {
- return
- }
- con.ccModule.processFinalizedBlock(block)
- for {
- confirmed := con.ccModule.extractFinalizedBlocks()
- if len(confirmed) == 0 {
- break
- }
- if err = con.lattice.ctModule.processBlocks(confirmed); err != nil {
- return
- }
- for _, b := range confirmed {
- if err = con.db.Put(*b); err != nil {
- if err != blockdb.ErrBlockExists {
- return
- }
- err = nil
- }
- con.deliverBlock(b)
- }
- }
- return
-// PrepareBlock would setup header fields of block based on its ProposerID.
-func (con *Consensus) prepareBlock(b *types.Block,
- proposeTime time.Time) (err error) {
- if err = con.lattice.PrepareBlock(b, proposeTime); err != nil {
- return
- }
- // TODO(mission): decide CRS by block's round, which could be determined by
- // block's info (ex. position, timestamp).
- con.logger.Debug("Calling Governance.CRS", "round", 0)
- if err = con.authModule.SignCRS(b, con.gov.CRS(0)); err != nil {
- return
- }
- return
-// PrepareGenesisBlock would setup header fields for genesis block.
-func (con *Consensus) PrepareGenesisBlock(b *types.Block,
- proposeTime time.Time) (err error) {
- if err = con.prepareBlock(b, proposeTime); err != nil {
- return
- }
- if len(b.Payload) != 0 {
- err = ErrGenesisBlockNotEmpty
- return
- }
- return