path: root/eth
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'eth')
3 files changed, 1035 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/eth/backend.go b/eth/backend.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3f7f7c2cb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eth/backend.go
@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
+package eth
+import (
+ "crypto/ecdsa"
+ "fmt"
+ "io/ioutil"
+ "path"
+ "strings"
+ "github.com/ethereum/ethash"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/accounts"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/blockpool"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core/types"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core/vm"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/crypto"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/ethdb"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/event"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/logger"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/miner"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/p2p"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/p2p/discover"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/p2p/nat"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/whisper"
+var (
+ servlogger = logger.NewLogger("SERV")
+ jsonlogger = logger.NewJsonLogger()
+ defaultBootNodes = []*discover.Node{
+ // ETH/DEV cmd/bootnode
+ discover.MustParseNode("enode://6cdd090303f394a1cac34ecc9f7cda18127eafa2a3a06de39f6d920b0e583e062a7362097c7c65ee490a758b442acd5c80c6fce4b148c6a391e946b45131365b@"),
+ // ETH/DEV cpp-ethereum (poc-8.ethdev.com)
+ discover.MustParseNode("enode://4a44599974518ea5b0f14c31c4463692ac0329cb84851f3435e6d1b18ee4eae4aa495f846a0fa1219bd58035671881d44423876e57db2abd57254d0197da0ebe@"),
+ }
+type Config struct {
+ Name string
+ ProtocolVersion int
+ NetworkId int
+ DataDir string
+ LogFile string
+ LogLevel int
+ LogJSON string
+ VmDebug bool
+ MaxPeers int
+ Port string
+ // This should be a space-separated list of
+ // discovery node URLs.
+ BootNodes string
+ // This key is used to identify the node on the network.
+ // If nil, an ephemeral key is used.
+ NodeKey *ecdsa.PrivateKey
+ NAT nat.Interface
+ Shh bool
+ Dial bool
+ MinerThreads int
+ AccountManager *accounts.Manager
+ // NewDB is used to create databases.
+ // If nil, the default is to create leveldb databases on disk.
+ NewDB func(path string) (common.Database, error)
+func (cfg *Config) parseBootNodes() []*discover.Node {
+ if cfg.BootNodes == "" {
+ return defaultBootNodes
+ }
+ var ns []*discover.Node
+ for _, url := range strings.Split(cfg.BootNodes, " ") {
+ if url == "" {
+ continue
+ }
+ n, err := discover.ParseNode(url)
+ if err != nil {
+ servlogger.Errorf("Bootstrap URL %s: %v\n", url, err)
+ continue
+ }
+ ns = append(ns, n)
+ }
+ return ns
+func (cfg *Config) nodeKey() (*ecdsa.PrivateKey, error) {
+ // use explicit key from command line args if set
+ if cfg.NodeKey != nil {
+ return cfg.NodeKey, nil
+ }
+ // use persistent key if present
+ keyfile := path.Join(cfg.DataDir, "nodekey")
+ key, err := crypto.LoadECDSA(keyfile)
+ if err == nil {
+ return key, nil
+ }
+ // no persistent key, generate and store a new one
+ if key, err = crypto.GenerateKey(); err != nil {
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("could not generate server key: %v", err)
+ }
+ if err := ioutil.WriteFile(keyfile, crypto.FromECDSA(key), 0600); err != nil {
+ servlogger.Errorln("could not persist nodekey: ", err)
+ }
+ return key, nil
+type Ethereum struct {
+ // Channel for shutting down the ethereum
+ shutdownChan chan bool
+ // DB interfaces
+ blockDb common.Database // Block chain database
+ stateDb common.Database // State changes database
+ extraDb common.Database // Extra database (txs, etc)
+ //*** SERVICES ***
+ // State manager for processing new blocks and managing the over all states
+ blockProcessor *core.BlockProcessor
+ txPool *core.TxPool
+ chainManager *core.ChainManager
+ blockPool *blockpool.BlockPool
+ accountManager *accounts.Manager
+ whisper *whisper.Whisper
+ pow *ethash.Ethash
+ net *p2p.Server
+ eventMux *event.TypeMux
+ txSub event.Subscription
+ blockSub event.Subscription
+ miner *miner.Miner
+ // logger logger.LogSystem
+ Mining bool
+ DataDir string
+ version string
+ protocolVersion int
+ networkId int
+func New(config *Config) (*Ethereum, error) {
+ // Boostrap database
+ logger.New(config.DataDir, config.LogFile, config.LogLevel)
+ if len(config.LogJSON) > 0 {
+ logger.NewJSONsystem(config.DataDir, config.LogJSON)
+ }
+ newdb := config.NewDB
+ if newdb == nil {
+ newdb = func(path string) (common.Database, error) { return ethdb.NewLDBDatabase(path) }
+ }
+ blockDb, err := newdb(path.Join(config.DataDir, "blockchain"))
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ stateDb, err := newdb(path.Join(config.DataDir, "state"))
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ extraDb, err := ethdb.NewLDBDatabase(path.Join(config.DataDir, "extra"))
+ // Perform database sanity checks
+ d, _ := extraDb.Get([]byte("ProtocolVersion"))
+ protov := int(common.NewValue(d).Uint())
+ if protov != config.ProtocolVersion && protov != 0 {
+ path := path.Join(config.DataDir, "blockchain")
+ return nil, fmt.Errorf("Database version mismatch. Protocol(%d / %d). `rm -rf %s`", protov, config.ProtocolVersion, path)
+ }
+ saveProtocolVersion(extraDb, config.ProtocolVersion)
+ servlogger.Infof("Protocol Version: %v, Network Id: %v", config.ProtocolVersion, config.NetworkId)
+ eth := &Ethereum{
+ shutdownChan: make(chan bool),
+ blockDb: blockDb,
+ stateDb: stateDb,
+ extraDb: extraDb,
+ eventMux: &event.TypeMux{},
+ accountManager: config.AccountManager,
+ DataDir: config.DataDir,
+ version: config.Name, // TODO should separate from Name
+ protocolVersion: config.ProtocolVersion,
+ networkId: config.NetworkId,
+ }
+ eth.chainManager = core.NewChainManager(blockDb, stateDb, eth.EventMux())
+ eth.pow = ethash.New(eth.chainManager)
+ eth.txPool = core.NewTxPool(eth.EventMux())
+ eth.blockProcessor = core.NewBlockProcessor(stateDb, extraDb, eth.pow, eth.txPool, eth.chainManager, eth.EventMux())
+ eth.chainManager.SetProcessor(eth.blockProcessor)
+ eth.whisper = whisper.New()
+ eth.miner = miner.New(eth, eth.pow, config.MinerThreads)
+ hasBlock := eth.chainManager.HasBlock
+ insertChain := eth.chainManager.InsertChain
+ td := eth.chainManager.Td()
+ eth.blockPool = blockpool.New(hasBlock, insertChain, eth.pow.Verify, eth.EventMux(), td)
+ netprv, err := config.nodeKey()
+ if err != nil {
+ return nil, err
+ }
+ ethProto := EthProtocol(config.ProtocolVersion, config.NetworkId, eth.txPool, eth.chainManager, eth.blockPool)
+ protocols := []p2p.Protocol{ethProto}
+ if config.Shh {
+ protocols = append(protocols, eth.whisper.Protocol())
+ }
+ eth.net = &p2p.Server{
+ PrivateKey: netprv,
+ Name: config.Name,
+ MaxPeers: config.MaxPeers,
+ Protocols: protocols,
+ NAT: config.NAT,
+ NoDial: !config.Dial,
+ BootstrapNodes: config.parseBootNodes(),
+ }
+ if len(config.Port) > 0 {
+ eth.net.ListenAddr = ":" + config.Port
+ }
+ vm.Debug = config.VmDebug
+ return eth, nil
+type NodeInfo struct {
+ Name string
+ NodeUrl string
+ NodeID string
+ IP string
+ DiscPort int // UDP listening port for discovery protocol
+ TCPPort int // TCP listening port for RLPx
+ Td string
+ ListenAddr string
+func (s *Ethereum) NodeInfo() *NodeInfo {
+ node := s.net.Self()
+ return &NodeInfo{
+ Name: s.Name(),
+ NodeUrl: node.String(),
+ NodeID: node.ID.String(),
+ IP: node.IP.String(),
+ DiscPort: node.DiscPort,
+ TCPPort: node.TCPPort,
+ ListenAddr: s.net.ListenAddr,
+ Td: s.ChainManager().Td().String(),
+ }
+type PeerInfo struct {
+ ID string
+ Name string
+ Caps string
+ RemoteAddress string
+ LocalAddress string
+func newPeerInfo(peer *p2p.Peer) *PeerInfo {
+ var caps []string
+ for _, cap := range peer.Caps() {
+ caps = append(caps, cap.String())
+ }
+ return &PeerInfo{
+ ID: peer.ID().String(),
+ Name: peer.Name(),
+ Caps: strings.Join(caps, ", "),
+ RemoteAddress: peer.RemoteAddr().String(),
+ LocalAddress: peer.LocalAddr().String(),
+ }
+// PeersInfo returns an array of PeerInfo objects describing connected peers
+func (s *Ethereum) PeersInfo() (peersinfo []*PeerInfo) {
+ for _, peer := range s.net.Peers() {
+ if peer != nil {
+ peersinfo = append(peersinfo, newPeerInfo(peer))
+ }
+ }
+ return
+func (s *Ethereum) ResetWithGenesisBlock(gb *types.Block) {
+ s.chainManager.ResetWithGenesisBlock(gb)
+ s.pow.UpdateCache(true)
+func (s *Ethereum) StartMining() error {
+ cb, err := s.accountManager.Coinbase()
+ if err != nil {
+ servlogger.Errorf("Cannot start mining without coinbase: %v\n", err)
+ return fmt.Errorf("no coinbase: %v", err)
+ }
+ s.miner.Start(common.BytesToAddress(cb))
+ return nil
+func (s *Ethereum) StopMining() { s.miner.Stop() }
+func (s *Ethereum) IsMining() bool { return s.miner.Mining() }
+func (s *Ethereum) Miner() *miner.Miner { return s.miner }
+// func (s *Ethereum) Logger() logger.LogSystem { return s.logger }
+func (s *Ethereum) Name() string { return s.net.Name }
+func (s *Ethereum) AccountManager() *accounts.Manager { return s.accountManager }
+func (s *Ethereum) ChainManager() *core.ChainManager { return s.chainManager }
+func (s *Ethereum) BlockProcessor() *core.BlockProcessor { return s.blockProcessor }
+func (s *Ethereum) TxPool() *core.TxPool { return s.txPool }
+func (s *Ethereum) BlockPool() *blockpool.BlockPool { return s.blockPool }
+func (s *Ethereum) Whisper() *whisper.Whisper { return s.whisper }
+func (s *Ethereum) EventMux() *event.TypeMux { return s.eventMux }
+func (s *Ethereum) BlockDb() common.Database { return s.blockDb }
+func (s *Ethereum) StateDb() common.Database { return s.stateDb }
+func (s *Ethereum) ExtraDb() common.Database { return s.extraDb }
+func (s *Ethereum) IsListening() bool { return true } // Always listening
+func (s *Ethereum) PeerCount() int { return s.net.PeerCount() }
+func (s *Ethereum) Peers() []*p2p.Peer { return s.net.Peers() }
+func (s *Ethereum) MaxPeers() int { return s.net.MaxPeers }
+func (s *Ethereum) Version() string { return s.version }
+func (s *Ethereum) ProtocolVersion() int { return s.protocolVersion }
+func (s *Ethereum) NetworkId() int { return s.networkId }
+// Start the ethereum
+func (s *Ethereum) Start() error {
+ jsonlogger.LogJson(&logger.LogStarting{
+ ClientString: s.net.Name,
+ ProtocolVersion: ProtocolVersion,
+ })
+ if s.net.MaxPeers > 0 {
+ err := s.net.Start()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+ // Start services
+ s.txPool.Start()
+ s.blockPool.Start()
+ if s.whisper != nil {
+ s.whisper.Start()
+ }
+ // broadcast transactions
+ s.txSub = s.eventMux.Subscribe(core.TxPreEvent{})
+ go s.txBroadcastLoop()
+ // broadcast mined blocks
+ s.blockSub = s.eventMux.Subscribe(core.ChainHeadEvent{})
+ go s.blockBroadcastLoop()
+ servlogger.Infoln("Server started")
+ return nil
+func (s *Ethereum) StartForTest() {
+ jsonlogger.LogJson(&logger.LogStarting{
+ ClientString: s.net.Name,
+ ProtocolVersion: ProtocolVersion,
+ })
+ // Start services
+ s.txPool.Start()
+ s.blockPool.Start()
+func (self *Ethereum) SuggestPeer(nodeURL string) error {
+ n, err := discover.ParseNode(nodeURL)
+ if err != nil {
+ return fmt.Errorf("invalid node URL: %v", err)
+ }
+ self.net.SuggestPeer(n)
+ return nil
+func (s *Ethereum) Stop() {
+ // Close the database
+ defer s.blockDb.Close()
+ defer s.stateDb.Close()
+ defer s.extraDb.Close()
+ s.txSub.Unsubscribe() // quits txBroadcastLoop
+ s.blockSub.Unsubscribe() // quits blockBroadcastLoop
+ s.txPool.Stop()
+ s.eventMux.Stop()
+ s.blockPool.Stop()
+ if s.whisper != nil {
+ s.whisper.Stop()
+ }
+ servlogger.Infoln("Server stopped")
+ close(s.shutdownChan)
+// This function will wait for a shutdown and resumes main thread execution
+func (s *Ethereum) WaitForShutdown() {
+ <-s.shutdownChan
+// now tx broadcasting is taken out of txPool
+// handled here via subscription, efficiency?
+func (self *Ethereum) txBroadcastLoop() {
+ // automatically stops if unsubscribe
+ for obj := range self.txSub.Chan() {
+ event := obj.(core.TxPreEvent)
+ self.net.Broadcast("eth", TxMsg, []*types.Transaction{event.Tx})
+ }
+func (self *Ethereum) blockBroadcastLoop() {
+ // automatically stops if unsubscribe
+ for obj := range self.blockSub.Chan() {
+ switch ev := obj.(type) {
+ case core.ChainHeadEvent:
+ self.net.Broadcast("eth", NewBlockMsg, []interface{}{ev.Block, ev.Block.Td})
+ }
+ }
+func saveProtocolVersion(db common.Database, protov int) {
+ d, _ := db.Get([]byte("ProtocolVersion"))
+ protocolVersion := common.NewValue(d).Uint()
+ if protocolVersion == 0 {
+ db.Put([]byte("ProtocolVersion"), common.NewValue(protov).Bytes())
+ }
diff --git a/eth/protocol.go b/eth/protocol.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..494c1c1bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eth/protocol.go
@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
+package eth
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "math/big"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core/types"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/errs"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/logger"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/p2p"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/rlp"
+const (
+ ProtocolVersion = 58
+ NetworkId = 0
+ ProtocolLength = uint64(8)
+ ProtocolMaxMsgSize = 10 * 1024 * 1024
+ maxHashes = 256
+ maxBlocks = 64
+// eth protocol message codes
+const (
+ StatusMsg = iota
+ GetTxMsg // unused
+ TxMsg
+ GetBlockHashesMsg
+ BlockHashesMsg
+ GetBlocksMsg
+ BlocksMsg
+ NewBlockMsg
+const (
+ ErrMsgTooLarge = iota
+ ErrDecode
+ ErrInvalidMsgCode
+ ErrProtocolVersionMismatch
+ ErrNetworkIdMismatch
+ ErrGenesisBlockMismatch
+ ErrNoStatusMsg
+ ErrExtraStatusMsg
+ ErrSuspendedPeer
+var errorToString = map[int]string{
+ ErrMsgTooLarge: "Message too long",
+ ErrDecode: "Invalid message",
+ ErrInvalidMsgCode: "Invalid message code",
+ ErrProtocolVersionMismatch: "Protocol version mismatch",
+ ErrNetworkIdMismatch: "NetworkId mismatch",
+ ErrGenesisBlockMismatch: "Genesis block mismatch",
+ ErrNoStatusMsg: "No status message",
+ ErrExtraStatusMsg: "Extra status message",
+ ErrSuspendedPeer: "Suspended peer",
+// ethProtocol represents the ethereum wire protocol
+// instance is running on each peer
+type ethProtocol struct {
+ txPool txPool
+ chainManager chainManager
+ blockPool blockPool
+ peer *p2p.Peer
+ id string
+ rw p2p.MsgReadWriter
+ errors *errs.Errors
+ protocolVersion int
+ networkId int
+// backend is the interface the ethereum protocol backend should implement
+// used as an argument to EthProtocol
+type txPool interface {
+ AddTransactions([]*types.Transaction)
+ GetTransactions() types.Transactions
+type chainManager interface {
+ GetBlockHashesFromHash(hash common.Hash, amount uint64) (hashes []common.Hash)
+ GetBlock(hash common.Hash) (block *types.Block)
+ Status() (td *big.Int, currentBlock common.Hash, genesisBlock common.Hash)
+type blockPool interface {
+ AddBlockHashes(next func() (common.Hash, bool), peerId string)
+ AddBlock(block *types.Block, peerId string)
+ AddPeer(td *big.Int, currentBlock common.Hash, peerId string, requestHashes func(common.Hash) error, requestBlocks func([]common.Hash) error, peerError func(*errs.Error)) (best bool, suspended bool)
+ RemovePeer(peerId string)
+// message structs used for RLP serialization
+type newBlockMsgData struct {
+ Block *types.Block
+ TD *big.Int
+type getBlockHashesMsgData struct {
+ Hash common.Hash
+ Amount uint64
+type statusMsgData struct {
+ ProtocolVersion uint32
+ NetworkId uint32
+ TD *big.Int
+ CurrentBlock common.Hash
+ GenesisBlock common.Hash
+// main entrypoint, wrappers starting a server running the eth protocol
+// use this constructor to attach the protocol ("class") to server caps
+// the Dev p2p layer then runs the protocol instance on each peer
+func EthProtocol(protocolVersion, networkId int, txPool txPool, chainManager chainManager, blockPool blockPool) p2p.Protocol {
+ return p2p.Protocol{
+ Name: "eth",
+ Version: uint(protocolVersion),
+ Length: ProtocolLength,
+ Run: func(peer *p2p.Peer, rw p2p.MsgReadWriter) error {
+ return runEthProtocol(protocolVersion, networkId, txPool, chainManager, blockPool, peer, rw)
+ },
+ }
+// the main loop that handles incoming messages
+// note RemovePeer in the post-disconnect hook
+func runEthProtocol(protocolVersion, networkId int, txPool txPool, chainManager chainManager, blockPool blockPool, peer *p2p.Peer, rw p2p.MsgReadWriter) (err error) {
+ id := peer.ID()
+ self := &ethProtocol{
+ txPool: txPool,
+ chainManager: chainManager,
+ blockPool: blockPool,
+ rw: rw,
+ peer: peer,
+ protocolVersion: protocolVersion,
+ networkId: networkId,
+ errors: &errs.Errors{
+ Package: "ETH",
+ Errors: errorToString,
+ },
+ id: fmt.Sprintf("%x", id[:8]),
+ }
+ // handshake.
+ if err := self.handleStatus(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ defer self.blockPool.RemovePeer(self.id)
+ // propagate existing transactions. new transactions appearing
+ // after this will be sent via broadcasts.
+ if err := p2p.Send(rw, TxMsg, txPool.GetTransactions()); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ // main loop. handle incoming messages.
+ for {
+ if err := self.handle(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ }
+func (self *ethProtocol) handle() error {
+ msg, err := self.rw.ReadMsg()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if msg.Size > ProtocolMaxMsgSize {
+ return self.protoError(ErrMsgTooLarge, "%v > %v", msg.Size, ProtocolMaxMsgSize)
+ }
+ // make sure that the payload has been fully consumed
+ defer msg.Discard()
+ switch msg.Code {
+ case GetTxMsg: // ignore
+ case StatusMsg:
+ return self.protoError(ErrExtraStatusMsg, "")
+ case TxMsg:
+ // TODO: rework using lazy RLP stream
+ var txs []*types.Transaction
+ if err := msg.Decode(&txs); err != nil {
+ return self.protoError(ErrDecode, "msg %v: %v", msg, err)
+ }
+ for _, tx := range txs {
+ jsonlogger.LogJson(&logger.EthTxReceived{
+ TxHash: tx.Hash().Hex(),
+ RemoteId: self.peer.ID().String(),
+ })
+ }
+ self.txPool.AddTransactions(txs)
+ case GetBlockHashesMsg:
+ var request getBlockHashesMsgData
+ if err := msg.Decode(&request); err != nil {
+ return self.protoError(ErrDecode, "->msg %v: %v", msg, err)
+ }
+ if request.Amount > maxHashes {
+ request.Amount = maxHashes
+ }
+ hashes := self.chainManager.GetBlockHashesFromHash(request.Hash, request.Amount)
+ return p2p.Send(self.rw, BlockHashesMsg, hashes)
+ case BlockHashesMsg:
+ msgStream := rlp.NewStream(msg.Payload)
+ if _, err := msgStream.List(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ var i int
+ iter := func() (hash common.Hash, ok bool) {
+ err := msgStream.Decode(&hash)
+ if err == rlp.EOL {
+ return common.Hash{}, false
+ } else if err != nil {
+ self.protoError(ErrDecode, "msg %v: after %v hashes : %v", msg, i, err)
+ return common.Hash{}, false
+ }
+ i++
+ return hash, true
+ }
+ self.blockPool.AddBlockHashes(iter, self.id)
+ case GetBlocksMsg:
+ msgStream := rlp.NewStream(msg.Payload)
+ if _, err := msgStream.List(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ var blocks []*types.Block
+ var i int
+ for {
+ i++
+ var hash common.Hash
+ err := msgStream.Decode(&hash)
+ if err == rlp.EOL {
+ break
+ } else if err != nil {
+ return self.protoError(ErrDecode, "msg %v: %v", msg, err)
+ }
+ block := self.chainManager.GetBlock(hash)
+ if block != nil {
+ blocks = append(blocks, block)
+ }
+ if i == maxBlocks {
+ break
+ }
+ }
+ return p2p.Send(self.rw, BlocksMsg, blocks)
+ case BlocksMsg:
+ msgStream := rlp.NewStream(msg.Payload)
+ if _, err := msgStream.List(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ for {
+ var block types.Block
+ if err := msgStream.Decode(&block); err != nil {
+ if err == rlp.EOL {
+ break
+ } else {
+ return self.protoError(ErrDecode, "msg %v: %v", msg, err)
+ }
+ }
+ self.blockPool.AddBlock(&block, self.id)
+ }
+ case NewBlockMsg:
+ var request newBlockMsgData
+ if err := msg.Decode(&request); err != nil {
+ return self.protoError(ErrDecode, "%v: %v", msg, err)
+ }
+ hash := request.Block.Hash()
+ _, chainHead, _ := self.chainManager.Status()
+ jsonlogger.LogJson(&logger.EthChainReceivedNewBlock{
+ BlockHash: hash.Hex(),
+ BlockNumber: request.Block.Number(), // this surely must be zero
+ ChainHeadHash: chainHead.Hex(),
+ BlockPrevHash: request.Block.ParentHash().Hex(),
+ RemoteId: self.peer.ID().String(),
+ })
+ // to simplify backend interface adding a new block
+ // uses AddPeer followed by AddBlock only if peer is the best peer
+ // (or selected as new best peer)
+ if best, _ := self.blockPool.AddPeer(request.TD, hash, self.id, self.requestBlockHashes, self.requestBlocks, self.protoErrorDisconnect); best {
+ self.blockPool.AddBlock(request.Block, self.id)
+ }
+ default:
+ return self.protoError(ErrInvalidMsgCode, "%v", msg.Code)
+ }
+ return nil
+func (self *ethProtocol) handleStatus() error {
+ if err := self.sendStatus(); err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ // read and handle remote status
+ msg, err := self.rw.ReadMsg()
+ if err != nil {
+ return err
+ }
+ if msg.Code != StatusMsg {
+ return self.protoError(ErrNoStatusMsg, "first msg has code %x (!= %x)", msg.Code, StatusMsg)
+ }
+ if msg.Size > ProtocolMaxMsgSize {
+ return self.protoError(ErrMsgTooLarge, "%v > %v", msg.Size, ProtocolMaxMsgSize)
+ }
+ var status statusMsgData
+ if err := msg.Decode(&status); err != nil {
+ return self.protoError(ErrDecode, "msg %v: %v", msg, err)
+ }
+ _, _, genesisBlock := self.chainManager.Status()
+ if status.GenesisBlock != genesisBlock {
+ return self.protoError(ErrGenesisBlockMismatch, "%x (!= %x)", status.GenesisBlock, genesisBlock)
+ }
+ if int(status.NetworkId) != self.networkId {
+ return self.protoError(ErrNetworkIdMismatch, "%d (!= %d)", status.NetworkId, self.networkId)
+ }
+ if int(status.ProtocolVersion) != self.protocolVersion {
+ return self.protoError(ErrProtocolVersionMismatch, "%d (!= %d)", status.ProtocolVersion, self.protocolVersion)
+ }
+ _, suspended := self.blockPool.AddPeer(status.TD, status.CurrentBlock, self.id, self.requestBlockHashes, self.requestBlocks, self.protoErrorDisconnect)
+ if suspended {
+ return self.protoError(ErrSuspendedPeer, "")
+ }
+ self.peer.Infof("Peer is [eth] capable (%d/%d). TD=%v H=%x\n", status.ProtocolVersion, status.NetworkId, status.TD, status.CurrentBlock[:4])
+ return nil
+func (self *ethProtocol) requestBlockHashes(from common.Hash) error {
+ self.peer.Debugf("fetching hashes (%d) %x...\n", maxHashes, from[0:4])
+ return p2p.Send(self.rw, GetBlockHashesMsg, getBlockHashesMsgData{from, maxHashes})
+func (self *ethProtocol) requestBlocks(hashes []common.Hash) error {
+ self.peer.Debugf("fetching %v blocks", len(hashes))
+ return p2p.Send(self.rw, GetBlocksMsg, hashes)
+func (self *ethProtocol) protoError(code int, format string, params ...interface{}) (err *errs.Error) {
+ err = self.errors.New(code, format, params...)
+ err.Log(self.peer.Logger)
+ return
+func (self *ethProtocol) sendStatus() error {
+ td, currentBlock, genesisBlock := self.chainManager.Status()
+ return p2p.Send(self.rw, StatusMsg, &statusMsgData{
+ ProtocolVersion: uint32(self.protocolVersion),
+ NetworkId: uint32(self.networkId),
+ TD: td,
+ CurrentBlock: currentBlock,
+ GenesisBlock: genesisBlock,
+ })
+func (self *ethProtocol) protoErrorDisconnect(err *errs.Error) {
+ err.Log(self.peer.Logger)
+ if err.Fatal() {
+ self.peer.Disconnect(p2p.DiscSubprotocolError)
+ }
diff --git a/eth/protocol_test.go b/eth/protocol_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8ca6d1be6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eth/protocol_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
+package eth
+import (
+ "log"
+ "math/big"
+ "os"
+ "testing"
+ "time"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core/types"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/crypto"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/errs"
+ ethlogger "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/logger"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/p2p"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/p2p/discover"
+var logsys = ethlogger.NewStdLogSystem(os.Stdout, log.LstdFlags, ethlogger.LogLevel(ethlogger.DebugDetailLevel))
+var ini = false
+func logInit() {
+ if !ini {
+ ethlogger.AddLogSystem(logsys)
+ ini = true
+ }
+type testTxPool struct {
+ getTransactions func() []*types.Transaction
+ addTransactions func(txs []*types.Transaction)
+type testChainManager struct {
+ getBlockHashes func(hash common.Hash, amount uint64) (hashes []common.Hash)
+ getBlock func(hash common.Hash) *types.Block
+ status func() (td *big.Int, currentBlock common.Hash, genesisBlock common.Hash)
+type testBlockPool struct {
+ addBlockHashes func(next func() (common.Hash, bool), peerId string)
+ addBlock func(block *types.Block, peerId string) (err error)
+ addPeer func(td *big.Int, currentBlock common.Hash, peerId string, requestHashes func(common.Hash) error, requestBlocks func([]common.Hash) error, peerError func(*errs.Error)) (best bool, suspended bool)
+ removePeer func(peerId string)
+func (self *testTxPool) AddTransactions(txs []*types.Transaction) {
+ if self.addTransactions != nil {
+ self.addTransactions(txs)
+ }
+func (self *testTxPool) GetTransactions() types.Transactions { return nil }
+func (self *testChainManager) GetBlockHashesFromHash(hash common.Hash, amount uint64) (hashes []common.Hash) {
+ if self.getBlockHashes != nil {
+ hashes = self.getBlockHashes(hash, amount)
+ }
+ return
+func (self *testChainManager) Status() (td *big.Int, currentBlock common.Hash, genesisBlock common.Hash) {
+ if self.status != nil {
+ td, currentBlock, genesisBlock = self.status()
+ }
+ return
+func (self *testChainManager) GetBlock(hash common.Hash) (block *types.Block) {
+ if self.getBlock != nil {
+ block = self.getBlock(hash)
+ }
+ return
+func (self *testBlockPool) AddBlockHashes(next func() (common.Hash, bool), peerId string) {
+ if self.addBlockHashes != nil {
+ self.addBlockHashes(next, peerId)
+ }
+func (self *testBlockPool) AddBlock(block *types.Block, peerId string) {
+ if self.addBlock != nil {
+ self.addBlock(block, peerId)
+ }
+func (self *testBlockPool) AddPeer(td *big.Int, currentBlock common.Hash, peerId string, requestBlockHashes func(common.Hash) error, requestBlocks func([]common.Hash) error, peerError func(*errs.Error)) (best bool, suspended bool) {
+ if self.addPeer != nil {
+ best, suspended = self.addPeer(td, currentBlock, peerId, requestBlockHashes, requestBlocks, peerError)
+ }
+ return
+func (self *testBlockPool) RemovePeer(peerId string) {
+ if self.removePeer != nil {
+ self.removePeer(peerId)
+ }
+func testPeer() *p2p.Peer {
+ var id discover.NodeID
+ pk := crypto.GenerateNewKeyPair().PublicKey
+ copy(id[:], pk)
+ return p2p.NewPeer(id, "test peer", []p2p.Cap{})
+type ethProtocolTester struct {
+ p2p.MsgReadWriter // writing to the tester feeds the protocol
+ quit chan error
+ pipe *p2p.MsgPipeRW // the protocol read/writes on this end
+ txPool *testTxPool // txPool
+ chainManager *testChainManager // chainManager
+ blockPool *testBlockPool // blockPool
+ t *testing.T
+func newEth(t *testing.T) *ethProtocolTester {
+ p1, p2 := p2p.MsgPipe()
+ return &ethProtocolTester{
+ MsgReadWriter: p1,
+ quit: make(chan error, 1),
+ pipe: p2,
+ txPool: &testTxPool{},
+ chainManager: &testChainManager{},
+ blockPool: &testBlockPool{},
+ t: t,
+ }
+func (self *ethProtocolTester) reset() {
+ self.pipe.Close()
+ p1, p2 := p2p.MsgPipe()
+ self.MsgReadWriter = p1
+ self.pipe = p2
+ self.quit = make(chan error, 1)
+func (self *ethProtocolTester) checkError(expCode int, delay time.Duration) (err error) {
+ var timer = time.After(delay)
+ select {
+ case err = <-self.quit:
+ case <-timer:
+ self.t.Errorf("no error after %v, expected %v", delay, expCode)
+ return
+ }
+ perr, ok := err.(*errs.Error)
+ if ok && perr != nil {
+ if code := perr.Code; code != expCode {
+ self.t.Errorf("expected protocol error (code %v), got %v (%v)", expCode, code, err)
+ }
+ } else {
+ self.t.Errorf("expected protocol error (code %v), got %v", expCode, err)
+ }
+ return
+func (self *ethProtocolTester) run() {
+ err := runEthProtocol(ProtocolVersion, NetworkId, self.txPool, self.chainManager, self.blockPool, testPeer(), self.pipe)
+ self.quit <- err
+func TestStatusMsgErrors(t *testing.T) {
+ logInit()
+ eth := newEth(t)
+ td := common.Big1
+ currentBlock := common.Hash{1}
+ genesis := common.Hash{2}
+ eth.chainManager.status = func() (*big.Int, common.Hash, common.Hash) { return td, currentBlock, genesis }
+ go eth.run()
+ tests := []struct {
+ code uint64
+ data interface{}
+ wantErrorCode int
+ }{
+ {
+ code: TxMsg, data: []interface{}{},
+ wantErrorCode: ErrNoStatusMsg,
+ },
+ {
+ code: StatusMsg, data: statusMsgData{10, NetworkId, td, currentBlock, genesis},
+ wantErrorCode: ErrProtocolVersionMismatch,
+ },
+ {
+ code: StatusMsg, data: statusMsgData{ProtocolVersion, 999, td, currentBlock, genesis},
+ wantErrorCode: ErrNetworkIdMismatch,
+ },
+ {
+ code: StatusMsg, data: statusMsgData{ProtocolVersion, NetworkId, td, currentBlock, common.Hash{3}},
+ wantErrorCode: ErrGenesisBlockMismatch,
+ },
+ }
+ for _, test := range tests {
+ // first outgoing msg should be StatusMsg.
+ err := p2p.ExpectMsg(eth, StatusMsg, &statusMsgData{
+ ProtocolVersion: ProtocolVersion,
+ NetworkId: NetworkId,
+ TD: td,
+ CurrentBlock: currentBlock,
+ GenesisBlock: genesis,
+ })
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("incorrect outgoing status: %v", err)
+ }
+ // the send call might hang until reset because
+ // the protocol might not read the payload.
+ go p2p.Send(eth, test.code, test.data)
+ eth.checkError(test.wantErrorCode, 1*time.Second)
+ eth.reset()
+ go eth.run()
+ }