path: root/eth/protocol_test.go
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'eth/protocol_test.go')
1 files changed, 264 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/eth/protocol_test.go b/eth/protocol_test.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a2b59f117
--- /dev/null
+++ b/eth/protocol_test.go
@@ -0,0 +1,264 @@
+package eth
+import (
+ "bytes"
+ "io"
+ "log"
+ "math/big"
+ "os"
+ "testing"
+ "time"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/core/types"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/crypto"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/errs"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common"
+ ethlogger "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/logger"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/p2p"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/p2p/discover"
+var logsys = ethlogger.NewStdLogSystem(os.Stdout, log.LstdFlags, ethlogger.LogLevel(ethlogger.DebugDetailLevel))
+var ini = false
+func logInit() {
+ if !ini {
+ ethlogger.AddLogSystem(logsys)
+ ini = true
+ }
+type testMsgReadWriter struct {
+ in chan p2p.Msg
+ out []p2p.Msg
+func (self *testMsgReadWriter) In(msg p2p.Msg) {
+ self.in <- msg
+func (self *testMsgReadWriter) Out() (msg p2p.Msg, ok bool) {
+ if len(self.out) > 0 {
+ msg = self.out[0]
+ self.out = self.out[1:]
+ ok = true
+ }
+ return
+func (self *testMsgReadWriter) WriteMsg(msg p2p.Msg) error {
+ self.out = append(self.out, msg)
+ return nil
+func (self *testMsgReadWriter) ReadMsg() (p2p.Msg, error) {
+ msg, ok := <-self.in
+ if !ok {
+ return msg, io.EOF
+ }
+ return msg, nil
+type testTxPool struct {
+ getTransactions func() []*types.Transaction
+ addTransactions func(txs []*types.Transaction)
+type testChainManager struct {
+ getBlockHashes func(hash []byte, amount uint64) (hashes [][]byte)
+ getBlock func(hash []byte) *types.Block
+ status func() (td *big.Int, currentBlock []byte, genesisBlock []byte)
+type testBlockPool struct {
+ addBlockHashes func(next func() ([]byte, bool), peerId string)
+ addBlock func(block *types.Block, peerId string) (err error)
+ addPeer func(td *big.Int, currentBlock []byte, peerId string, requestHashes func([]byte) error, requestBlocks func([][]byte) error, peerError func(*errs.Error)) (best bool)
+ removePeer func(peerId string)
+// func (self *testTxPool) GetTransactions() (txs []*types.Transaction) {
+// if self.getTransactions != nil {
+// txs = self.getTransactions()
+// }
+// return
+// }
+func (self *testTxPool) AddTransactions(txs []*types.Transaction) {
+ if self.addTransactions != nil {
+ self.addTransactions(txs)
+ }
+func (self *testTxPool) GetTransactions() types.Transactions { return nil }
+func (self *testChainManager) GetBlockHashesFromHash(hash []byte, amount uint64) (hashes [][]byte) {
+ if self.getBlockHashes != nil {
+ hashes = self.getBlockHashes(hash, amount)
+ }
+ return
+func (self *testChainManager) Status() (td *big.Int, currentBlock []byte, genesisBlock []byte) {
+ if self.status != nil {
+ td, currentBlock, genesisBlock = self.status()
+ }
+ return
+func (self *testChainManager) GetBlock(hash []byte) (block *types.Block) {
+ if self.getBlock != nil {
+ block = self.getBlock(hash)
+ }
+ return
+func (self *testBlockPool) AddBlockHashes(next func() ([]byte, bool), peerId string) {
+ if self.addBlockHashes != nil {
+ self.addBlockHashes(next, peerId)
+ }
+func (self *testBlockPool) AddBlock(block *types.Block, peerId string) {
+ if self.addBlock != nil {
+ self.addBlock(block, peerId)
+ }
+func (self *testBlockPool) AddPeer(td *big.Int, currentBlock []byte, peerId string, requestBlockHashes func([]byte) error, requestBlocks func([][]byte) error, peerError func(*errs.Error)) (best bool) {
+ if self.addPeer != nil {
+ best = self.addPeer(td, currentBlock, peerId, requestBlockHashes, requestBlocks, peerError)
+ }
+ return
+func (self *testBlockPool) RemovePeer(peerId string) {
+ if self.removePeer != nil {
+ self.removePeer(peerId)
+ }
+func testPeer() *p2p.Peer {
+ var id discover.NodeID
+ pk := crypto.GenerateNewKeyPair().PublicKey
+ copy(id[:], pk)
+ return p2p.NewPeer(id, "test peer", []p2p.Cap{})
+type ethProtocolTester struct {
+ quit chan error
+ rw *testMsgReadWriter // p2p.MsgReadWriter
+ txPool *testTxPool // txPool
+ chainManager *testChainManager // chainManager
+ blockPool *testBlockPool // blockPool
+ t *testing.T
+func newEth(t *testing.T) *ethProtocolTester {
+ return &ethProtocolTester{
+ quit: make(chan error),
+ rw: &testMsgReadWriter{in: make(chan p2p.Msg, 10)},
+ txPool: &testTxPool{},
+ chainManager: &testChainManager{},
+ blockPool: &testBlockPool{},
+ t: t,
+ }
+func (self *ethProtocolTester) reset() {
+ self.rw = &testMsgReadWriter{in: make(chan p2p.Msg, 10)}
+ self.quit = make(chan error)
+func (self *ethProtocolTester) checkError(expCode int, delay time.Duration) (err error) {
+ var timer = time.After(delay)
+ select {
+ case err = <-self.quit:
+ case <-timer:
+ self.t.Errorf("no error after %v, expected %v", delay, expCode)
+ return
+ }
+ perr, ok := err.(*errs.Error)
+ if ok && perr != nil {
+ if code := perr.Code; code != expCode {
+ self.t.Errorf("expected protocol error (code %v), got %v (%v)", expCode, code, err)
+ }
+ } else {
+ self.t.Errorf("expected protocol error (code %v), got %v", expCode, err)
+ }
+ return
+func (self *ethProtocolTester) In(msg p2p.Msg) {
+ self.rw.In(msg)
+func (self *ethProtocolTester) Out() (p2p.Msg, bool) {
+ return self.rw.Out()
+func (self *ethProtocolTester) checkMsg(i int, code uint64, val interface{}) (msg p2p.Msg) {
+ if i >= len(self.rw.out) {
+ self.t.Errorf("expected at least %v msgs, got %v", i, len(self.rw.out))
+ return
+ }
+ msg = self.rw.out[i]
+ if msg.Code != code {
+ self.t.Errorf("expected msg code %v, got %v", code, msg.Code)
+ }
+ if val != nil {
+ if err := msg.Decode(val); err != nil {
+ self.t.Errorf("rlp encoding error: %v", err)
+ }
+ }
+ return
+func (self *ethProtocolTester) run() {
+ err := runEthProtocol(self.txPool, self.chainManager, self.blockPool, testPeer(), self.rw)
+ self.quit <- err
+func TestStatusMsgErrors(t *testing.T) {
+ logInit()
+ eth := newEth(t)
+ td := common.Big1
+ currentBlock := []byte{1}
+ genesis := []byte{2}
+ eth.chainManager.status = func() (*big.Int, []byte, []byte) { return td, currentBlock, genesis }
+ go eth.run()
+ statusMsg := p2p.NewMsg(4)
+ eth.In(statusMsg)
+ delay := 1 * time.Second
+ eth.checkError(ErrNoStatusMsg, delay)
+ var status statusMsgData
+ eth.checkMsg(0, StatusMsg, &status) // first outgoing msg should be StatusMsg
+ if status.TD.Cmp(td) != 0 ||
+ status.ProtocolVersion != ProtocolVersion ||
+ status.NetworkId != NetworkId ||
+ status.TD.Cmp(td) != 0 ||
+ bytes.Compare(status.CurrentBlock, currentBlock) != 0 ||
+ bytes.Compare(status.GenesisBlock, genesis) != 0 {
+ t.Errorf("incorrect outgoing status")
+ }
+ eth.reset()
+ go eth.run()
+ statusMsg = p2p.NewMsg(0, uint32(48), uint32(0), td, currentBlock, genesis)
+ eth.In(statusMsg)
+ eth.checkError(ErrProtocolVersionMismatch, delay)
+ eth.reset()
+ go eth.run()
+ statusMsg = p2p.NewMsg(0, uint32(49), uint32(1), td, currentBlock, genesis)
+ eth.In(statusMsg)
+ eth.checkError(ErrNetworkIdMismatch, delay)
+ eth.reset()
+ go eth.run()
+ statusMsg = p2p.NewMsg(0, uint32(49), uint32(0), td, currentBlock, []byte{3})
+ eth.In(statusMsg)
+ eth.checkError(ErrGenesisBlockMismatch, delay)