path: root/core/vm/sqlvm/common/storage_acl.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'core/vm/sqlvm/common/storage_acl.go')
1 files changed, 182 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/vm/sqlvm/common/storage_acl.go b/core/vm/sqlvm/common/storage_acl.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ccfa2bd7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/vm/sqlvm/common/storage_acl.go
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+package common
+import (
+ "github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon/common"
+ "github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon/core/vm/sqlvm/schema"
+// Owner, writer operations of Storage.
+// LoadOwner load the owner of a SQLVM contract from storage.
+func (s *Storage) LoadOwner(contract common.Address) common.Address {
+ return hashToAddress(s.GetState(contract, s.getOwnerPathHash()))
+// StoreOwner save the owner of a SQLVM contract to storage.
+func (s *Storage) StoreOwner(contract, newOwner common.Address) {
+ s.SetState(contract, s.getOwnerPathHash(), addressToHash(newOwner))
+type tableWriters struct {
+ Length uint64
+ // 3 unused uint64 in slot 1.
+ Writers []common.Address // Each address consumes one slot, right aligned.
+type tableWriterRevIdx struct {
+ IndexToValuesOffset uint64
+ // 3 unused uint64 in the slot.
+func (c *tableWriterRevIdx) Valid() bool {
+ return c.IndexToValuesOffset != 0
+func (s *Storage) loadTableWriterRevIdx(
+ contract common.Address,
+ path common.Hash,
+) *tableWriterRevIdx {
+ ret := &tableWriterRevIdx{}
+ data := s.GetState(contract, path)
+ ret.IndexToValuesOffset = bytesToUint64(data[:8])
+ return ret
+func (s *Storage) storeTableWriterRevIdx(
+ contract common.Address,
+ path common.Hash,
+ rev *tableWriterRevIdx,
+) {
+ var data common.Hash // One slot.
+ copy(data[:8], uint64ToBytes(rev.IndexToValuesOffset))
+ s.SetState(contract, path, data)
+func (s *Storage) loadTableWriters(
+ contract common.Address,
+ pathHash common.Hash,
+ onlyHeader bool,
+) *tableWriters {
+ ret := &tableWriters{}
+ header := s.GetState(contract, pathHash)
+ ret.Length = bytesToUint64(header[:8])
+ if onlyHeader {
+ return ret
+ }
+ ret.Writers = make([]common.Address, ret.Length)
+ for i := uint64(0); i < ret.Length; i++ {
+ ret.Writers[i] = s.loadSingleTableWriter(contract, pathHash, i)
+ }
+ return ret
+func (s *Storage) storeTableWritersHeader(
+ contract common.Address,
+ pathHash common.Hash,
+ w *tableWriters,
+) {
+ var header common.Hash
+ copy(header[:8], uint64ToBytes(w.Length))
+ s.SetState(contract, pathHash, header)
+func (s *Storage) shiftTableWriterList(
+ base common.Hash,
+ idx uint64,
+) common.Hash {
+ return s.ShiftHashListEntry(base, 1, 1, idx)
+func (s *Storage) loadSingleTableWriter(
+ contract common.Address,
+ writersPathHash common.Hash,
+ idx uint64,
+) common.Address {
+ slot := s.shiftTableWriterList(writersPathHash, idx)
+ acc := s.GetState(contract, slot)
+ return hashToAddress(acc)
+func (s *Storage) storeSingleTableWriter(
+ contract common.Address,
+ writersPathHash common.Hash,
+ idx uint64,
+ acc common.Address,
+) {
+ slot := s.shiftTableWriterList(writersPathHash, idx)
+ s.SetState(contract, slot, addressToHash(acc))
+// IsTableWriter check if an account is writer to the table.
+func (s *Storage) IsTableWriter(
+ contract common.Address,
+ tableRef schema.TableRef,
+ account common.Address,
+) bool {
+ path := s.getTableWriterRevIdxPathHash(tableRef, account)
+ rev := s.loadTableWriterRevIdx(contract, path)
+ return rev.Valid()
+// LoadTableWriters load writers of a table.
+func (s *Storage) LoadTableWriters(
+ contract common.Address,
+ tableRef schema.TableRef,
+) (ret []common.Address) {
+ path := s.getTableWritersPathHash(tableRef)
+ writers := s.loadTableWriters(contract, path, false)
+ return writers.Writers
+// InsertTableWriter insert an account into writer list of the table.
+func (s *Storage) InsertTableWriter(
+ contract common.Address,
+ tableRef schema.TableRef,
+ account common.Address,
+) {
+ revPath := s.getTableWriterRevIdxPathHash(tableRef, account)
+ rev := s.loadTableWriterRevIdx(contract, revPath)
+ if rev.Valid() {
+ return
+ }
+ path := s.getTableWritersPathHash(tableRef)
+ writers := s.loadTableWriters(contract, path, true)
+ // Store modification.
+ s.storeSingleTableWriter(contract, path, writers.Length, account)
+ writers.Length++
+ s.storeTableWritersHeader(contract, path, writers)
+ // Notice: IndexToValuesOffset starts from 1.
+ s.storeTableWriterRevIdx(contract, revPath, &tableWriterRevIdx{
+ IndexToValuesOffset: writers.Length,
+ })
+// DeleteTableWriter delete an account from writer list of the table.
+func (s *Storage) DeleteTableWriter(
+ contract common.Address,
+ tableRef schema.TableRef,
+ account common.Address,
+) {
+ revPath := s.getTableWriterRevIdxPathHash(tableRef, account)
+ rev := s.loadTableWriterRevIdx(contract, revPath)
+ if !rev.Valid() {
+ return
+ }
+ path := s.getTableWritersPathHash(tableRef)
+ writers := s.loadTableWriters(contract, path, true)
+ // Store modification.
+ if rev.IndexToValuesOffset != writers.Length {
+ // Move last to deleted slot.
+ lastAcc := s.loadSingleTableWriter(contract, path, writers.Length-1)
+ s.storeSingleTableWriter(contract, path, rev.IndexToValuesOffset-1,
+ lastAcc)
+ s.storeTableWriterRevIdx(contract, s.getTableWriterRevIdxPathHash(
+ tableRef, lastAcc), rev)
+ }
+ // Delete last.
+ writers.Length--
+ s.storeTableWritersHeader(contract, path, writers)
+ s.storeSingleTableWriter(contract, path, writers.Length, common.Address{})
+ s.storeTableWriterRevIdx(contract, revPath, &tableWriterRevIdx{})