path: root/accounts/abi/bind
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Diffstat (limited to 'accounts/abi/bind')
2 files changed, 37 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/accounts/abi/bind/bind_test.go b/accounts/abi/bind/bind_test.go
index f9cc8aba4..a80560821 100644
--- a/accounts/abi/bind/bind_test.go
+++ b/accounts/abi/bind/bind_test.go
@@ -194,12 +194,44 @@ var bindTests = []struct {
+ // Tests that plain values can be properly returned and deserialized
+ {
+ `Getter`,
+ `
+ contract Getter {
+ function getter() constant returns (string, int, bytes32) {
+ return ("Hi", 1, sha3(""));
+ }
+ }
+ `,
+ `606060405260dc8060106000396000f3606060405260e060020a6000350463993a04b78114601a575b005b600060605260c0604052600260809081527f486900000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000060a05260017fc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a47060e0829052610100819052606060c0908152600261012081905281906101409060a09080838184600060046012f1505081517fffff000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000169091525050604051610160819003945092505050f3`,
+ `[{"constant":true,"inputs":[],"name":"getter","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"string"},{"name":"","type":"int256"},{"name":"","type":"bytes32"}],"type":"function"}]`,
+ `
+ // Generate a new random account and a funded simulator
+ key, _ := crypto.GenerateKey()
+ auth := bind.NewKeyedTransactor(key)
+ sim := backends.NewSimulatedBackend(core.GenesisAccount{Address: auth.From, Balance: big.NewInt(10000000000)})
+ // Deploy a tuple tester contract and execute a structured call on it
+ _, _, getter, err := DeployGetter(auth, sim)
+ if err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Failed to deploy getter contract: %v", err)
+ }
+ sim.Commit()
+ if str, num, _, err := getter.Getter(nil); err != nil {
+ t.Fatalf("Failed to call anonymous field retriever: %v", err)
+ } else if str != "Hi" || num.Cmp(big.NewInt(1)) != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("Retrieved value mismatch: have %v/%v, want %v/%v", str, num, "Hi", 1)
+ }
+ `,
+ },
// Tests that tuples can be properly returned and deserialized
contract Tupler {
- function tuple() returns (string a, int b, bytes32 c) {
+ function tuple() constant returns (string a, int b, bytes32 c) {
return ("Hi", 1, sha3(""));
@@ -219,8 +251,10 @@ var bindTests = []struct {
- if _, err := tupler.Tuple(nil); err != nil {
+ if res, err := tupler.Tuple(nil); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Failed to call structure retriever: %v", err)
+ } else if res.A != "Hi" || res.B.Cmp(big.NewInt(1)) != 0 {
+ t.Fatalf("Retrieved value mismatch: have %v/%v, want %v/%v", res.A, res.B, "Hi", 1)
diff --git a/accounts/abi/bind/template.go b/accounts/abi/bind/template.go
index 36ac1d78d..72998bb6d 100644
--- a/accounts/abi/bind/template.go
+++ b/accounts/abi/bind/template.go
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@ package {{.Package}}
{{range $i, $_ := .Normalized.Outputs}}ret{{$i}} = new({{bindtype .Type}})
- out := {{if .Structured}}ret{{else}}{{if eq (len .Normalized.Outputs) 1}}ret0{{else}}[]interface{}{
+ out := {{if .Structured}}ret{{else}}{{if eq (len .Normalized.Outputs) 1}}ret0{{else}}&[]interface{}{
{{range $i, $_ := .Normalized.Outputs}}ret{{$i}},