path: root/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/obscuren/qml/gl/gengl/parseqt.rl
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/obscuren/qml/gl/gengl/parseqt.rl')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 184 deletions
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/obscuren/qml/gl/gengl/parseqt.rl b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/obscuren/qml/gl/gengl/parseqt.rl
deleted file mode 100644
index 4aa4a1345..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/obscuren/qml/gl/gengl/parseqt.rl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-// To compile:
-// ragel -Z -G2 -o parseqt.go parseqt.rl
-// To show a diagram of the state machine:
-// ragel -V -G2 -p -o parseqt.dot parseqt.rl
-// dot -Tsvg -o parseqt.svg parseqt.dot
-// chrome parseqt.svg
-package main
-import (
- "fmt"
- machine parseqt;
- write data;
-func parseQt(data string, header *Header) error {
- var cs, p, pe int
- var ts, te, act, eof int
- pe = len(data)
- eof = len(data)
- _, _, _ = ts, te, act
- //stack := make([]int, 32)
- //top := 0
- var curline = 1
- var m0, m1, m2, m3, m4, m5, m6 int
- var foundclass int
- var inpublic bool
- var heading string
- var lineblock int
- var f Func
- %%{
- nl = '\n' @{ curline++ };
- cd = [^\n];
- sp = [ \t];
- id = [A-Za-z0-9_]+;
- spnl = ( sp | nl );
- main := |*
- 'class Q_GUI_EXPORT ' id >{ m0 = p } %{ m1 = p } ' : public QAbstractOpenGLFunctions' nl '{' nl
- {
- header.Class = data[m0:m1]
- foundclass++
- fgoto inclass;
- };
- 'class Q_GUI_EXPORT ' id >{ m0 = p } %{ m1 = p } nl '{' nl
- {
- if data[m0:m1] == "QOpenGLFunctions" {
- header.Class = data[m0:m1]
- foundclass++
- }
- fgoto inclass;
- };
- # Ignore any other line.
- cd* nl;
- *|;
- inclass := |*
- # Track heading comments.
- sp* '//' sp* cd* >{ m0 = p } @{ m1 = p } sp* nl
- {
- heading = data[m0:m1]
- _ = heading
- lineblock++
- };
- # Ignore constructor/destructor.
- sp* '~'? id >{ m0 = p } %{ m1 = p } '()' sp* ( ';' | '{}' ) sp* nl {
- if data[m0:m1] != header.Class {
- fbreak;
- }
- };
- # Ignore initialization function.
- sp* 'bool' sp+ 'initializeOpenGLFunctions()' cd* nl;
- # Ignore friend classes.
- sp* 'friend' sp+ 'class' sp+ id sp* ';' sp* nl;
- # Track public/private to ignore whatever isn't public.
- sp* 'public:' sp* nl
- {
- inpublic = true
- };
- sp* ( 'private:' | 'protected:' ) sp* nl
- {
- inpublic = false
- };
- # Record function prototypes.
- sp* ( 'const' sp+ )? id >{ m0 = p } %{ m1 = p; m4 = 0 } ( sp 'const'? | '*'+ ${ m4++ } )+
- # Name
- 'gl' >{ m2 = p } id %{ m3 = p; f = Func{Name: data[m2:m3], Type: data[m0:m1], Addr: m4} } sp* '(' >{ m6 = 0 } sp*
- # Parameters
- ( 'void'? sp* ')' | ( ( 'const' %{ m6 = 1 } sp+ )? id >{ m0 = p } %{ m1 = p; m4 = 0 } ( sp 'const'? | '*' ${ m4++ } )+ id >{ m2 = p; m5 = 0 } %{ m3 = p } ( '[' [0-9]+ ${ m5 = m5*10 + (int(data[p]) - '0') } ']' )? sp* [,)]
- >{ f.Param = append(f.Param, Param{Name: data[m2:m3], Type: data[m0:m1], Addr: m4, Array: m5, Const: m6 > 0}); m6 = 0 } sp* )+ )
- sp* ';'
- {
- if (inpublic) {
- header.Func = append(header.Func, f)
- }
- };
- # Record feature flags.
- sp* 'enum OpenGLFeature' sp* nl sp* '{' sp* nl
- ( sp* id >{ m0 = p } %{ m1 = p } sp* '=' sp* '0x' >{ m2 = p } [0-9]+ %{ m3 = p } ','? sp* nl
- >{ header.FeatureFlags = append(header.FeatureFlags, Const{Name: data[m0:m1], Value: data[m2:m3]}) } )+
- sp* '};' nl;
- # Ignore non-gl functions and fields.
- sp* ( 'static' sp+ )? ( 'const' sp+ )? [A-Za-z0-9_:]+ ( sp 'const'? | '*'+ ${ m4++ } )+ ( id - ( 'gl' id ) ) ( '(' cd* ')' )? sp* 'const'?
- sp* ( ';' | '{' cd* '}' ) sp* nl;
- sp* 'Q_DECLARE_FLAGS(' cd+ ')' sp* nl;
- # Ignore deprecated functionality.
- '#if QT_DEPRECATED_SINCE(' cd+ ')' sp* nl
- ( cd* - '#endif' ) sp* nl
- '#endif' sp* nl;
- # Done.
- sp* '}' sp* ';' nl
- {
- foundclass++;
- fgoto main;
- };
- # Reset relevant states on empty lines.
- sp* nl
- {
- // Reset heading comment.
- heading = ""
- // Start new line block.
- lineblock++
- };
- *|;
- skiperror := [^\n]* (';' | nl ) @{ fgoto main; };
- write init;
- write exec;
- }%%
- if p < pe {
- m0, m1 = p, p
- for m0 > 0 && data[m0-1] != '\n' {
- m0--
- }
- for m1 < len(data) && data[m1] != '\n' {
- m1++
- }
- return fmt.Errorf("cannot parse header file:%d:%d: %s", curline, p-m0, data[m0:m1])
- }
- if foundclass == 0 {
- return fmt.Errorf("cannot find C++ class in header file")
- }
- if foundclass == 1 {
- return fmt.Errorf("cannot find end of C++ class in header file")
- }
- if foundclass > 2 {
- return fmt.Errorf("found too many C++ classes in header file")
- }
- return nil