path: root/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/obscuren/qml/gl/es2/gl.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/obscuren/qml/gl/es2/gl.go')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 2990 deletions
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/obscuren/qml/gl/es2/gl.go b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/obscuren/qml/gl/es2/gl.go
deleted file mode 100644
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--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/obscuren/qml/gl/es2/gl.go
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-// ** file automatically generated by glgen -- do not edit manually **
-package GL
-// #cgo CXXFLAGS: -std=c++0x -pedantic-errors -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing
-// #cgo LDFLAGS: -lstdc++
-// #cgo !darwin LDFLAGS: -lGL
-// #cgo darwin LDFLAGS: -framework OpenGL
-// #cgo pkg-config: Qt5Core Qt5OpenGL
-// #include "funcs.h"
-// void free(void*);
-import "C"
-import (
- "fmt"
- "reflect"
- "unsafe"
- "gopkg.in/qml.v1/gl/glbase"
-// API returns a value that offers methods matching the OpenGL version ES2 API.
-// The returned API must not be used after the provided OpenGL context becomes invalid.
-func API(context glbase.Contexter) *GL {
- gl := &GL{}
- gl.funcs = C.gles2_funcs()
- if gl.funcs == nil {
- panic(fmt.Errorf("OpenGL version ES2 is not available"))
- }
- return gl
-// GL implements the OpenGL version ES2 API. Values of this
-// type must be created via the API function, and it must not be used after
-// the associated OpenGL context becomes invalid.
-type GL struct {
- funcs unsafe.Pointer
-const (
- FALSE = 0
- TRUE = 1
- NONE = 0
- BYTE = 0x1400
- UNSIGNED_BYTE = 0x1401
- SHORT = 0x1402
- INT = 0x1404
- UNSIGNED_INT = 0x1405
- FLOAT = 0x1406
- FIXED = 0x140C
- COLOR_BUFFER_BIT = 0x00004000
- DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT = 0x00000100
- STENCIL_BUFFER_BIT = 0x00000400
- ALWAYS = 0x0207
- EQUAL = 0x0202
- GEQUAL = 0x0206
- GREATER = 0x0204
- LEQUAL = 0x0203
- LESS = 0x0201
- NEVER = 0x0200
- NOTEQUAL = 0x0205
- DST_ALPHA = 0x0304
- ONE = 1
- SRC_ALPHA = 0x0302
- SRC_COLOR = 0x0300
- ZERO = 0
- DST_COLOR = 0x0306
- BACK = 0x0405
- FRONT = 0x0404
- FRONT_AND_BACK = 0x0408
- BLEND = 0x0BE2
- CULL_FACE = 0x0B44
- DEPTH_TEST = 0x0B71
- DITHER = 0x0BD0
- TEXTURE_2D = 0x0DE1
- INVALID_ENUM = 0x0500
- INVALID_VALUE = 0x0501
- NO_ERROR = 0
- OUT_OF_MEMORY = 0x0505
- LINEAR = 0x2601
- CCW = 0x0901
- CW = 0x0900
- ALPHA_BITS = 0x0D55
- BLUE_BITS = 0x0D54
- DEPTH_BITS = 0x0D56
- DEPTH_FUNC = 0x0B74
- DEPTH_RANGE = 0x0B70
- FRONT_FACE = 0x0B46
- GREEN_BITS = 0x0D53
- LINE_WIDTH = 0x0B21
- RED_BITS = 0x0D52
- SCISSOR_BOX = 0x0C10
- STENCIL_REF = 0x0B97
- TEXTURE_WRAP_S = 0x2802
- TEXTURE_WRAP_T = 0x2803
- DONT_CARE = 0x1100
- FASTEST = 0x1101
- NICEST = 0x1102
- REPLACE = 0x1E01
- INVERT = 0x150A
- TEXTURE = 0x1702
- ALPHA = 0x1906
- LUMINANCE = 0x1909
- RGB = 0x1907
- RGBA = 0x1908
- RGB5_A1 = 0x8057
- RGBA4 = 0x8056
- UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4 = 0x8033
- UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1 = 0x8034
- LINES = 0x0001
- LINE_LOOP = 0x0002
- LINE_STRIP = 0x0003
- POINTS = 0x0000
- TRIANGLES = 0x0004
- TRIANGLE_FAN = 0x0006
- DECR = 0x1E03
- INCR = 0x1E02
- KEEP = 0x1E00
- RENDERER = 0x1F01
- VENDOR = 0x1F00
- VERSION = 0x1F02
- NEAREST = 0x2600
- CLAMP_TO_EDGE = 0x812F
- REPEAT = 0x2901
- BLEND_COLOR = 0x8005
- FUNC_ADD = 0x8006
- SAMPLES = 0x80A9
- BLEND_DST_RGB = 0x80C8
- BLEND_SRC_RGB = 0x80C9
- UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5 = 0x8363
- TEXTURE0 = 0x84C0
- TEXTURE1 = 0x84C1
- TEXTURE2 = 0x84C2
- TEXTURE3 = 0x84C3
- TEXTURE4 = 0x84C4
- TEXTURE5 = 0x84C5
- TEXTURE6 = 0x84C6
- TEXTURE7 = 0x84C7
- TEXTURE8 = 0x84C8
- TEXTURE9 = 0x84C9
- TEXTURE10 = 0x84CA
- TEXTURE11 = 0x84CB
- TEXTURE12 = 0x84CC
- TEXTURE13 = 0x84CD
- TEXTURE14 = 0x84CE
- TEXTURE15 = 0x84CF
- TEXTURE16 = 0x84D0
- TEXTURE17 = 0x84D1
- TEXTURE18 = 0x84D2
- TEXTURE19 = 0x84D3
- TEXTURE20 = 0x84D4
- TEXTURE21 = 0x84D5
- TEXTURE22 = 0x84D6
- TEXTURE23 = 0x84D7
- TEXTURE24 = 0x84D8
- TEXTURE25 = 0x84D9
- TEXTURE26 = 0x84DA
- TEXTURE27 = 0x84DB
- TEXTURE28 = 0x84DC
- TEXTURE29 = 0x84DD
- TEXTURE30 = 0x84DE
- TEXTURE31 = 0x84DF
- INCR_WRAP = 0x8507
- DECR_WRAP = 0x8508
- BUFFER_SIZE = 0x8764
- BUFFER_USAGE = 0x8765
- ARRAY_BUFFER = 0x8892
- STREAM_DRAW = 0x88E0
- STATIC_DRAW = 0x88E4
- FLOAT_VEC2 = 0x8B50
- FLOAT_VEC3 = 0x8B51
- FLOAT_VEC4 = 0x8B52
- INT_VEC2 = 0x8B53
- INT_VEC3 = 0x8B54
- INT_VEC4 = 0x8B55
- BOOL = 0x8B56
- BOOL_VEC2 = 0x8B57
- BOOL_VEC3 = 0x8B58
- BOOL_VEC4 = 0x8B59
- FLOAT_MAT2 = 0x8B5A
- FLOAT_MAT3 = 0x8B5B
- FLOAT_MAT4 = 0x8B5C
- SAMPLER_2D = 0x8B5E
- LINK_STATUS = 0x8B82
- RGB565 = 0x8D62
- LOW_FLOAT = 0x8DF0
- LOW_INT = 0x8DF3
- HIGH_INT = 0x8DF5
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glActiveTexture.xml
-func (gl *GL) ActiveTexture(texture glbase.Enum) {
- C.gles2_glActiveTexture(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(texture))
-// AttachShader attaches a shader object to a program object.
-// In order to create an executable, there must be a way to specify the list
-// of things that will be linked together. Program objects provide this
-// mechanism. Shaders that are to be linked together in a program object must
-// first be attached to that program object. This indicates that shader will
-// be included in link operations that will be performed on program.
-// All operations that can be performed on a shader object are valid whether
-// or not the shader object is attached to a program object. It is
-// permissible to attach a shader object to a program object before source
-// code has been loaded into the shader object or before the shader object
-// has been compiled. It is permissible to attach multiple shader objects of
-// the same type because each may contain a portion of the complete shader.
-// It is also permissible to attach a shader object to more than one program
-// object. If a shader object is deleted while it is attached to a program
-// object, it will be flagged for deletion, and deletion will not occur until
-// DetachShader is called to detach it from all program objects to which it
-// is attached.
-// Error GL.INVALID_VALUE is generated if either program or shader is not a
-// value generated by OpenGL. GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if program
-// is not a program object. GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if shader is
-// not a shader object. GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if shader is
-// already attached to program. GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if
-// AttachShader is executed between the execution of Begin and the
-// corresponding execution of End.
-// AttachShader is available in GL version 2.0 or greater.
-func (gl *GL) AttachShader(program glbase.Program, shader glbase.Shader) {
- C.gles2_glAttachShader(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(program), C.GLuint(shader))
-// BindAttribLocation associates a user-defined attribute variable in the program
-// object specified by program with a generic vertex attribute index. The name
-// parameter specifies the name of the vertex shader attribute variable to
-// which index is to be bound. When program is made part of the current state,
-// values provided via the generic vertex attribute index will modify the
-// value of the user-defined attribute variable specified by name.
-// If name refers to a matrix attribute variable, index refers to the first
-// column of the matrix. Other matrix columns are then automatically bound to
-// locations index+1 for a matrix of type mat2; index+1 and index+2 for a
-// matrix of type mat3; and index+1, index+2, and index+3 for a matrix of
-// type mat4.
-// This command makes it possible for vertex shaders to use descriptive names
-// for attribute variables rather than generic variables that are numbered
-// from 0 to GL.MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS-1. The values sent to each generic
-// attribute index are part of current state, just like standard vertex
-// attributes such as color, normal, and vertex position. If a different
-// program object is made current by calling UseProgram, the generic vertex
-// attributes are tracked in such a way that the same values will be observed
-// by attributes in the new program object that are also bound to index.
-// Attribute variable name-to-generic attribute index bindings for a program
-// object can be explicitly assigned at any time by calling
-// BindAttribLocation. Attribute bindings do not go into effect until
-// LinkProgram is called. After a program object has been linked
-// successfully, the index values for generic attributes remain fixed (and
-// their values can be queried) until the next link command occurs.
-// Applications are not allowed to bind any of the standard OpenGL vertex
-// attributes using this command, as they are bound automatically when
-// needed. Any attribute binding that occurs after the program object has
-// been linked will not take effect until the next time the program object is
-// linked.
-// If name was bound previously, that information is lost. Thus you cannot
-// bind one user-defined attribute variable to multiple indices, but you can
-// bind multiple user-defined attribute variables to the same index.
-// Applications are allowed to bind more than one user-defined attribute
-// variable to the same generic vertex attribute index. This is called
-// aliasing, and it is allowed only if just one of the aliased attributes is
-// active in the executable program, or if no path through the shader
-// consumes more than one attribute of a set of attributes aliased to the
-// same location. The compiler and linker are allowed to assume that no
-// aliasing is done and are free to employ optimizations that work only in
-// the absence of aliasing. OpenGL implementations are not required to do
-// error checking to detect aliasing. Because there is no way to bind
-// standard attributes, it is not possible to alias generic attributes with
-// conventional ones (except for generic attribute 0).
-// BindAttribLocation can be called before any vertex shader objects are
-// bound to the specified program object. It is also permissible to bind a
-// generic attribute index to an attribute variable name that is never used
-// in a vertex shader.
-// Active attributes that are not explicitly bound will be bound by the
-// linker when LinkProgram is called. The locations assigned can be queried
-// by calling GetAttribLocation.
-// Error GL.INVALID_VALUE is generated if index is greater than or equal to
-// GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if name starts with the reserved prefix "gl_".
-// GL.INVALID_VALUE is generated if program is not a value generated by OpenGL.
-// GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if program is not a program object.
-// GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if BindAttribLocation is executed
-// between the execution of Begin and the corresponding execution of End.
-// BindAttribLocation is available in GL version 2.0 or greater.
-func (gl *GL) BindAttribLocation(program glbase.Program, index glbase.Attrib, name string) {
- name_cstr := C.CString(name)
- C.gles2_glBindAttribLocation(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(program), C.GLuint(index), (*C.GLchar)(name_cstr))
- C.free(unsafe.Pointer(name_cstr))
-// BindBuffer creates or puts in use a named buffer object.
-// Calling BindBuffer with target set to GL.ARRAY_BUFFER,
-// and buffer set to the name of the new buffer object binds the buffer
-// object name to the target. When a buffer object is bound to a target, the
-// previous binding for that target is automatically broken.
-// Buffer object names are unsigned integers. The value zero is reserved, but
-// there is no default buffer object for each buffer object target. Instead,
-// buffer set to zero effectively unbinds any buffer object previously bound,
-// and restores client memory usage for that buffer object target. Buffer
-// object names and the corresponding buffer object contents are local to the
-// shared display-list space (see XCreateContext) of the current GL rendering
-// context; two rendering contexts share buffer object names only if they
-// also share display lists.
-// GenBuffers may be called to generate a set of new buffer object names.
-// The state of a buffer object immediately after it is first bound is an
-// unmapped zero-sized memory buffer with GL.READ_WRITE access and
-// GL.STATIC_DRAW usage.
-// While a non-zero buffer object name is bound, GL operations on the target
-// to which it is bound affect the bound buffer object, and queries of the
-// target to which it is bound return state from the bound buffer object.
-// While buffer object name zero is bound, as in the initial state, attempts
-// to modify or query state on the target to which it is bound generates an
-// When vertex array pointer state is changed, for example by a call to
-// NormalPointer, the current buffer object binding (GL.ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING)
-// is copied into the corresponding client state for the vertex array type
-// being changed, for example GL.NORMAL_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING. While a
-// non-zero buffer object is bound to the GL.ARRAY_BUFFER target, the vertex
-// array pointer parameter that is traditionally interpreted as a pointer to
-// client-side memory is instead interpreted as an offset within the buffer
-// object measured in basic machine units.
-// While a non-zero buffer object is bound to the GL.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER
-// target, the indices parameter of DrawElements, DrawRangeElements, or
-// MultiDrawElements that is traditionally interpreted as a pointer to
-// client-side memory is instead interpreted as an offset within the buffer
-// object measured in basic machine units.
-// While a non-zero buffer object is bound to the GL.PIXEL_PACK_BUFFER
-// target, the following commands are affected: GetCompressedTexImage,
-// GetConvolutionFilter, GetHistogram, GetMinmax, GetPixelMap,
-// GetPolygonStipple, GetSeparableFilter, GetTexImage, and ReadPixels. The
-// pointer parameter that is traditionally interpreted as a pointer to
-// client-side memory where the pixels are to be packed is instead
-// interpreted as an offset within the buffer object measured in basic
-// machine units.
-// While a non-zero buffer object is bound to the GL.PIXEL_UNPACK_BUFFER
-// target, the following commands are affected: Bitmap, ColorSubTable,
-// ColorTable, CompressedTexImage1D, CompressedTexImage2D,
-// CompressedTexImage3D, CompressedTexSubImage1D, CompressedTexSubImage2D,
-// CompressedTexSubImage3D, ConvolutionFilter1D, ConvolutionFilter2D,
-// DrawPixels, PixelMap, PolygonStipple, SeparableFilter2D, TexImage1D,
-// TexImage2D, TexImage3D, TexSubImage1D, TexSubImage2D, and TexSubImage3D.
-// The pointer parameter that is traditionally interpreted as a pointer to
-// client-side memory from which the pixels are to be unpacked is instead
-// interpreted as an offset within the buffer object measured in basic
-// machine units.
-// A buffer object binding created with BindBuffer remains active until a
-// different buffer object name is bound to the same target, or until the
-// bound buffer object is deleted with DeleteBuffers.
-// Once created, a named buffer object may be re-bound to any target as often
-// as needed. However, the GL implementation may make choices about how to
-// optimize the storage of a buffer object based on its initial binding
-// target.
-// Error GL.INVALID_ENUM is generated if target is not one of the allowable
-// values. GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if BindBuffer is executed
-// between the execution of Begin and the corresponding execution of End.
-// BindBuffer is available in GL version 1.5 or greater.
-func (gl *GL) BindBuffer(target glbase.Enum, buffer glbase.Buffer) {
- C.gles2_glBindBuffer(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(target), C.GLuint(buffer))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glBindFramebuffer.xml
-func (gl *GL) BindFramebuffer(target glbase.Enum, framebuffer glbase.Framebuffer) {
- C.gles2_glBindFramebuffer(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(target), C.GLuint(framebuffer))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glBindRenderbuffer.xml
-func (gl *GL) BindRenderbuffer(target glbase.Enum, renderbuffer glbase.Renderbuffer) {
- C.gles2_glBindRenderbuffer(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(target), C.GLuint(renderbuffer))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glBlendColor.xml
-func (gl *GL) BlendColor(red, green, blue, alpha glbase.Clampf) {
- C.gles2_glBlendColor(gl.funcs, C.GLclampf(red), C.GLclampf(green), C.GLclampf(blue), C.GLclampf(alpha))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glBlendEquation.xml
-func (gl *GL) BlendEquation(mode glbase.Enum) {
- C.gles2_glBlendEquation(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(mode))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glBlendEquationSeparate.xml
-func (gl *GL) BlendEquationSeparate(modeRGB, modeAlpha glbase.Enum) {
- C.gles2_glBlendEquationSeparate(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(modeRGB), C.GLenum(modeAlpha))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glBlendFuncSeparate.xml
-func (gl *GL) BlendFuncSeparate(srcRGB, dstRGB, srcAlpha, dstAlpha glbase.Enum) {
- C.gles2_glBlendFuncSeparate(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(srcRGB), C.GLenum(dstRGB), C.GLenum(srcAlpha), C.GLenum(dstAlpha))
-// BufferData creates a new data store for the buffer object currently
-// bound to target. Any pre-existing data store is deleted. The new data
-// store is created with the specified size in bytes and usage. If data is
-// not nil, it must be a slice that is used to initialize the data store.
-// In that case the size parameter is ignored and the store size will match
-// the slice data size.
-// In its initial state, the new data store is not mapped, it has a NULL
-// mapped pointer, and its mapped access is GL.READ_WRITE.
-// The target constant must be one of GL.ARRAY_BUFFER, GL.COPY_READ_BUFFER,
-// The usage parameter is a hint to the GL implementation as to how a buffer
-// object's data store will be accessed. This enables the GL implementation
-// to make more intelligent decisions that may significantly impact buffer
-// object performance. It does not, however, constrain the actual usage of
-// the data store. usage can be broken down into two parts: first, the
-// frequency of access (modification and usage), and second, the nature of
-// that access.
-// A usage frequency of STREAM and nature of DRAW is specified via the
-// constant GL.STREAM_DRAW, for example.
-// The usage frequency of access may be one of:
-// The data store contents will be modified once and used at most a few times.
-// The data store contents will be modified once and used many times.
-// The data store contents will be modified repeatedly and used many times.
-// The usage nature of access may be one of:
-// DRAW
-// The data store contents are modified by the application, and used as
-// the source for GL drawing and image specification commands.
-// READ
-// The data store contents are modified by reading data from the GL,
-// and used to return that data when queried by the application.
-// COPY
-// The data store contents are modified by reading data from the GL,
-// and used as the source for GL drawing and image specification
-// commands.
-// Clients must align data elements consistent with the requirements of the
-// client platform, with an additional base-level requirement that an offset
-// within a buffer to a datum comprising N bytes be a multiple of N.
-// Error GL.INVALID_ENUM is generated if target is not one of the accepted
-// buffer targets. GL.INVALID_ENUM is generated if usage is not
-// GL.DYNAMIC_COPY. GL.INVALID_VALUE is generated if size is negative.
-// GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if the reserved buffer object name 0 is
-// bound to target. GL.OUT_OF_MEMORY is generated if the GL is unable to
-// create a data store with the specified size.
-func (gl *GL) BufferData(target glbase.Enum, size int, data interface{}, usage glbase.Enum) {
- var data_ptr unsafe.Pointer
- var data_v = reflect.ValueOf(data)
- if data != nil && data_v.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
- panic("parameter data must be a slice")
- }
- if data != nil {
- data_ptr = unsafe.Pointer(data_v.Index(0).Addr().Pointer())
- }
- if data != nil {
- size = int(data_v.Type().Size()) * data_v.Len()
- }
- C.gles2_glBufferData(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(target), C.GLsizeiptr(size), data_ptr, C.GLenum(usage))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glBufferSubData.xml
-func (gl *GL) BufferSubData(target glbase.Enum, offset, size int, data interface{}) {
- var data_ptr unsafe.Pointer
- var data_v = reflect.ValueOf(data)
- if data != nil && data_v.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
- panic("parameter data must be a slice")
- }
- if data != nil {
- data_ptr = unsafe.Pointer(data_v.Index(0).Addr().Pointer())
- }
- C.gles2_glBufferSubData(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(target), C.GLintptr(offset), C.GLsizeiptr(size), data_ptr)
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glCheckFramebufferStatus.xml
-func (gl *GL) CheckFramebufferStatus(target glbase.Enum) glbase.Enum {
- glresult := C.gles2_glCheckFramebufferStatus(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(target))
- return glbase.Enum(glresult)
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glClearDepthf.xml
-func (gl *GL) ClearDepthf(depth glbase.Clampf) {
- C.gles2_glClearDepthf(gl.funcs, C.GLclampf(depth))
-// CompileShader compiles the source code strings that have been stored in
-// the shader object specified by shader.
-// The compilation status will be stored as part of the shader object's
-// state. This value will be set to GL.TRUE if the shader was compiled without
-// errors and is ready for use, and GL.FALSE otherwise. It can be queried by
-// calling GetShaderiv with arguments shader and GL.COMPILE_STATUS.
-// Compilation of a shader can fail for a number of reasons as specified by
-// the OpenGL Shading Language Specification. Whether or not the compilation
-// was successful, information about the compilation can be obtained from the
-// shader object's information log by calling GetShaderInfoLog.
-// Error GL.INVALID_VALUE is generated if shader is not a value generated by
-// OpenGL. GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if shader is not a shader
-// object. GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if CompileShader is executed
-// between the execution of Begin and the corresponding execution of End.
-// CompileShader is available in GL version 2.0 or greater.
-func (gl *GL) CompileShader(shader glbase.Shader) {
- C.gles2_glCompileShader(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(shader))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glCompressedTexImage2D.xml
-func (gl *GL) CompressedTexImage2D(target glbase.Enum, level int, internalFormat glbase.Enum, width, height, border, imageSize int, data interface{}) {
- var data_ptr unsafe.Pointer
- var data_v = reflect.ValueOf(data)
- if data != nil && data_v.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
- panic("parameter data must be a slice")
- }
- if data != nil {
- data_ptr = unsafe.Pointer(data_v.Index(0).Addr().Pointer())
- }
- C.gles2_glCompressedTexImage2D(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(target), C.GLint(level), C.GLenum(internalFormat), C.GLsizei(width), C.GLsizei(height), C.GLint(border), C.GLsizei(imageSize), data_ptr)
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glCompressedTexSubImage2D.xml
-func (gl *GL) CompressedTexSubImage2D(target glbase.Enum, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height int, format glbase.Enum, imageSize int, data interface{}) {
- var data_ptr unsafe.Pointer
- var data_v = reflect.ValueOf(data)
- if data != nil && data_v.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
- panic("parameter data must be a slice")
- }
- if data != nil {
- data_ptr = unsafe.Pointer(data_v.Index(0).Addr().Pointer())
- }
- C.gles2_glCompressedTexSubImage2D(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(target), C.GLint(level), C.GLint(xoffset), C.GLint(yoffset), C.GLsizei(width), C.GLsizei(height), C.GLenum(format), C.GLsizei(imageSize), data_ptr)
-// CreateProgram creates an empty program object and returns a non-zero
-// value by which it can be referenced. A program object is an object to
-// which shader objects can be attached. This provides a mechanism to specify
-// the shader objects that will be linked to create a program. It also
-// provides a means for checking the compatibility of the shaders that will
-// be used to create a program (for instance, checking the compatibility
-// between a vertex shader and a fragment shader). When no longer needed as
-// part of a program object, shader objects can be detached.
-// One or more executables are created in a program object by successfully
-// attaching shader objects to it with AttachShader, successfully compiling
-// the shader objects with CompileShader, and successfully linking the
-// program object with LinkProgram. These executables are made part of
-// current state when UseProgram is called. Program objects can be deleted
-// by calling DeleteProgram. The memory associated with the program object
-// will be deleted when it is no longer part of current rendering state for
-// any context.
-// Like display lists and texture objects, the name space for program objects
-// may be shared across a set of contexts, as long as the server sides of the
-// contexts share the same address space. If the name space is shared across
-// contexts, any attached objects and the data associated with those attached
-// objects are shared as well.
-// Applications are responsible for providing the synchronization across API
-// calls when objects are accessed from different execution threads.
-// This function returns 0 if an error occurs creating the program object.
-// Error GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if CreateProgram is executed
-// between the execution of Begin and the corresponding execution of End.
-// CreateProgram is available in GL version 2.0 or greater.
-func (gl *GL) CreateProgram() glbase.Program {
- glresult := C.gles2_glCreateProgram(gl.funcs)
- return glbase.Program(glresult)
-// CreateShader creates an empty shader object and returns a non-zero value
-// by which it can be referenced. A shader object is used to maintain the
-// source code strings that define a shader. shaderType indicates the type of
-// shader to be created.
-// Two types of shaders are supported. A shader of type GL.VERTEX_SHADER is a
-// shader that is intended to run on the programmable vertex processor and
-// replace the fixed functionality vertex processing in OpenGL. A shader of
-// type GL.FRAGMENT_SHADER is a shader that is intended to run on the
-// programmable fragment processor and replace the fixed functionality
-// fragment processing in OpenGL.
-// When created, a shader object's GL.SHADER_TYPE parameter is set to either
-// GL.VERTEX_SHADER or GL.FRAGMENT_SHADER, depending on the value of
-// shaderType.
-// Like display lists and texture objects, the name space for shader objects
-// may be shared across a set of contexts, as long as the server sides of the
-// contexts share the same address space. If the name space is shared across
-// contexts, any attached objects and the data associated with those attached
-// objects are shared as well.
-// This function returns 0 if an error occurs creating the shader object.
-// Error GL.INVALID_ENUM is generated if shaderType is not an accepted value.
-// GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if CreateShader is executed between the
-// execution of Begin and the corresponding execution of End.
-// CreateShader is available in GL version 2.0 or greater.
-func (gl *GL) CreateShader(gltype glbase.Enum) glbase.Shader {
- glresult := C.gles2_glCreateShader(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(gltype))
- return glbase.Shader(glresult)
-// DeleteBuffers deletes the buffer objects whose names are stored in the
-// buffers slice.
-// After a buffer object is deleted, it has no contents, and its name is free
-// for reuse (for example by GenBuffers). If a buffer object that is
-// currently bound is deleted, the binding reverts to 0 (the absence of any
-// buffer object, which reverts to client memory usage).
-// DeleteBuffers silently ignores 0's and names that do not correspond to
-// existing buffer objects.
-// Error GL.INVALID_VALUE is generated if n is negative. GL.INVALID_OPERATION
-// is generated if DeleteBuffers is executed between the execution of Begin
-// and the corresponding execution of End.
-// DeleteBuffers is available in GL version 1.5 or greater.
-func (gl *GL) DeleteBuffers(buffers []glbase.Buffer) {
- n := len(buffers)
- if n == 0 {
- return
- }
- C.gles2_glDeleteBuffers(gl.funcs, C.GLsizei(n), (*C.GLuint)(unsafe.Pointer(&buffers[0])))
-// DeleteFramebuffers deletes the framebuffer objects whose names are
-// stored in the framebuffers slice. The name zero is reserved by the GL and
-// is silently ignored, should it occur in framebuffers, as are other unused
-// names. Once a framebuffer object is deleted, its name is again unused and
-// it has no attachments. If a framebuffer that is currently bound to one or
-// more of the targets GL.DRAW_FRAMEBUFFER or GL.READ_FRAMEBUFFER is deleted,
-// it is as though BindFramebuffer had been executed with the corresponding
-// target and framebuffer zero.
-// Error GL.INVALID_VALUE is generated if n is negative.
-// DeleteFramebuffers is available in GL version 3.0 or greater.
-func (gl *GL) DeleteFramebuffers(framebuffers []glbase.Framebuffer) {
- n := len(framebuffers)
- if n == 0 {
- return
- }
- C.gles2_glDeleteFramebuffers(gl.funcs, C.GLsizei(n), (*C.GLuint)(unsafe.Pointer(&framebuffers[0])))
-// DeleteProgram frees the memory and invalidates the name associated with
-// the program object specified by program. This command effectively undoes
-// the effects of a call to CreateProgram.
-// If a program object is in use as part of current rendering state, it will
-// be flagged for deletion, but it will not be deleted until it is no longer
-// part of current state for any rendering context. If a program object to be
-// deleted has shader objects attached to it, those shader objects will be
-// automatically detached but not deleted unless they have already been
-// flagged for deletion by a previous call to DeleteShader. A value of 0
-// for program will be silently ignored.
-// To determine whether a program object has been flagged for deletion, call
-// GetProgram with arguments program and GL.DELETE_STATUS.
-// Error GL.INVALID_VALUE is generated if program is not a value generated by
-// OpenGL.
-// DeleteProgram is available in GL version 2.0 or greater.
-func (gl *GL) DeleteProgram(program glbase.Program) {
- C.gles2_glDeleteProgram(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(program))
-// DeleteRenderbuffers deletes the renderbuffer objects whose names are stored
-// in the renderbuffers slice. The name zero is reserved by the GL and
-// is silently ignored, should it occur in renderbuffers, as are other unused
-// names. Once a renderbuffer object is deleted, its name is again unused and
-// it has no contents. If a renderbuffer that is currently bound to the
-// target GL.RENDERBUFFER is deleted, it is as though BindRenderbuffer had
-// been executed with a target of GL.RENDERBUFFER and a name of zero.
-// If a renderbuffer object is attached to one or more attachment points in
-// the currently bound framebuffer, then it as if FramebufferRenderbuffer
-// had been called, with a renderbuffer of zero for each attachment point to
-// which this image was attached in the currently bound framebuffer. In other
-// words, this renderbuffer object is first detached from all attachment
-// ponits in the currently bound framebuffer. Note that the renderbuffer
-// image is specifically not detached from any non-bound framebuffers.
-// Error GL.INVALID_VALUE is generated if n is negative.
-// DeleteRenderbuffers is available in GL version 3.0 or greater.
-func (gl *GL) DeleteRenderbuffers(renderbuffers []glbase.Renderbuffer) {
- n := len(renderbuffers)
- if n == 0 {
- return
- }
- C.gles2_glDeleteRenderbuffers(gl.funcs, C.GLsizei(n), (*C.GLuint)(unsafe.Pointer(&renderbuffers[0])))
-// DeleteShader frees the memory and invalidates the name associated with
-// the shader object specified by shader. This command effectively undoes the
-// effects of a call to CreateShader.
-// If a shader object to be deleted is attached to a program object, it will
-// be flagged for deletion, but it will not be deleted until it is no longer
-// attached to any program object, for any rendering context (it must
-// be detached from wherever it was attached before it will be deleted). A
-// value of 0 for shader will be silently ignored.
-// To determine whether an object has been flagged for deletion, call
-// GetShader with arguments shader and GL.DELETE_STATUS.
-// Error GL.INVALID_VALUE is generated if shader is not a value generated by
-// OpenGL.
-// DeleteShader is available in GL version 2.0 or greater.
-func (gl *GL) DeleteShader(shader glbase.Shader) {
- C.gles2_glDeleteShader(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(shader))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glDepthRangef.xml
-func (gl *GL) DepthRangef(zNear, zFar glbase.Clampf) {
- C.gles2_glDepthRangef(gl.funcs, C.GLclampf(zNear), C.GLclampf(zFar))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glDetachShader.xml
-func (gl *GL) DetachShader(program glbase.Program, shader glbase.Shader) {
- C.gles2_glDetachShader(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(program), C.GLuint(shader))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glDisableVertexAttribArray.xml
-func (gl *GL) DisableVertexAttribArray(index glbase.Attrib) {
- C.gles2_glDisableVertexAttribArray(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(index))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glEnableVertexAttribArray.xml
-func (gl *GL) EnableVertexAttribArray(index glbase.Attrib) {
- C.gles2_glEnableVertexAttribArray(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(index))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glFramebufferRenderbuffer.xml
-func (gl *GL) FramebufferRenderbuffer(target, attachment, renderbuffertarget glbase.Enum, renderbuffer glbase.Renderbuffer) {
- C.gles2_glFramebufferRenderbuffer(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(target), C.GLenum(attachment), C.GLenum(renderbuffertarget), C.GLuint(renderbuffer))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glFramebufferTexture2D.xml
-func (gl *GL) FramebufferTexture2D(target, attachment, textarget glbase.Enum, texture glbase.Texture, level int) {
- C.gles2_glFramebufferTexture2D(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(target), C.GLenum(attachment), C.GLenum(textarget), C.GLuint(texture), C.GLint(level))
-// GenBuffers returns n buffer object names. There is no guarantee that
-// the names form a contiguous set of integers; however, it is guaranteed
-// that none of the returned names was in use immediately before the call to
-// GenBuffers.
-// Buffer object names returned by a call to GenBuffers are not returned by
-// subsequent calls, unless they are first deleted with DeleteBuffers.
-// No buffer objects are associated with the returned buffer object names
-// until they are first bound by calling BindBuffer.
-// Error GL.INVALID_VALUE is generated if n is negative. GL.INVALID_OPERATION
-// is generated if GenBuffers is executed between the execution of Begin
-// and the corresponding execution of End.
-// GenBuffers is available in GL version 1.5 or greater.
-func (gl *GL) GenBuffers(n int) []glbase.Buffer {
- if n == 0 {
- return nil
- }
- buffers := make([]glbase.Buffer, n)
- C.gles2_glGenBuffers(gl.funcs, C.GLsizei(n), (*C.GLuint)(unsafe.Pointer(&buffers[0])))
- return buffers
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glGenerateMipmap.xml
-func (gl *GL) GenerateMipmap(target glbase.Enum) {
- C.gles2_glGenerateMipmap(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(target))
-// GenFramebuffers returns n framebuffer object names in ids. There is no
-// guarantee that the names form a contiguous set of integers; however, it is
-// guaranteed that none of the returned names was in use immediately before
-// the call to GenFramebuffers.
-// Framebuffer object names returned by a call to GenFramebuffers are not
-// returned by subsequent calls, unless they are first deleted with
-// DeleteFramebuffers.
-// The names returned in ids are marked as used, for the purposes of
-// GenFramebuffers only, but they acquire state and type only when they are
-// first bound.
-// Error GL.INVALID_VALUE is generated if n is negative.
-func (gl *GL) GenFramebuffers(n int) []glbase.Framebuffer {
- if n == 0 {
- return nil
- }
- framebuffers := make([]glbase.Framebuffer, n)
- C.gles2_glGenFramebuffers(gl.funcs, C.GLsizei(n), (*C.GLuint)(unsafe.Pointer(&framebuffers[0])))
- return framebuffers
-// GenRenderbuffers returns n renderbuffer object names in renderbuffers.
-// There is no guarantee that the names form a contiguous set of integers;
-// however, it is guaranteed that none of the returned names was in use
-// immediately before the call to GenRenderbuffers.
-// Renderbuffer object names returned by a call to GenRenderbuffers are not
-// returned by subsequent calls, unless they are first deleted with
-// DeleteRenderbuffers.
-// The names returned in renderbuffers are marked as used, for the purposes
-// of GenRenderbuffers only, but they acquire state and type only when they
-// are first bound.
-// Error GL.INVALID_VALUE is generated if n is negative.
-// GenRenderbuffers is available in GL version 3.0 or greater.
-func (gl *GL) GenRenderbuffers(n int) []glbase.Renderbuffer {
- if n == 0 {
- return nil
- }
- renderbuffers := make([]glbase.Renderbuffer, n)
- C.gles2_glGenRenderbuffers(gl.funcs, C.GLsizei(n), (*C.GLuint)(unsafe.Pointer(&renderbuffers[0])))
- return renderbuffers
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glGetActiveAttrib.xml
-func (gl *GL) GetActiveAttrib(program glbase.Program, index glbase.Attrib, bufSize int32, length []int32, size []int, gltype []glbase.Enum, name []byte) {
- C.gles2_glGetActiveAttrib(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(program), C.GLuint(index), C.GLsizei(bufSize), (*C.GLsizei)(unsafe.Pointer(&length[0])), (*C.GLint)(unsafe.Pointer(&size[0])), (*C.GLenum)(unsafe.Pointer(&gltype[0])), (*C.GLchar)(unsafe.Pointer(&name[0])))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glGetActiveUniform.xml
-func (gl *GL) GetActiveUniform(program glbase.Program, index uint32, bufSize int32, length []int32, size []int, gltype []glbase.Enum, name []byte) {
- C.gles2_glGetActiveUniform(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(program), C.GLuint(index), C.GLsizei(bufSize), (*C.GLsizei)(unsafe.Pointer(&length[0])), (*C.GLint)(unsafe.Pointer(&size[0])), (*C.GLenum)(unsafe.Pointer(&gltype[0])), (*C.GLchar)(unsafe.Pointer(&name[0])))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glGetAttachedShaders.xml
-func (gl *GL) GetAttachedShaders(program glbase.Program, maxcount int32, count []int, shaders []glbase.Shader) {
- C.gles2_glGetAttachedShaders(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(program), C.GLsizei(maxcount), (*C.GLsizei)(unsafe.Pointer(&count[0])), (*C.GLuint)(unsafe.Pointer(&shaders[0])))
-// GetAttribLocation queries the previously linked program object specified
-// by program for the attribute variable specified by name and returns the
-// index of the generic vertex attribute that is bound to that attribute
-// variable. If name is a matrix attribute variable, the index of the first
-// column of the matrix is returned. If the named attribute variable is not
-// an active attribute in the specified program object or if name starts with
-// the reserved prefix "gl_", a value of -1 is returned.
-// The association between an attribute variable name and a generic attribute
-// index can be specified at any time by calling BindAttribLocation.
-// Attribute bindings do not go into effect until LinkProgram is called.
-// After a program object has been linked successfully, the index values for
-// attribute variables remain fixed until the next link command occurs. The
-// attribute values can only be queried after a link if the link was
-// successful. GetAttribLocation returns the binding that actually went
-// into effect the last time LinkProgram was called for the specified
-// program object. Attribute bindings that have been specified since the last
-// link operation are not returned by GetAttribLocation.
-// Error GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if program is not a value
-// generated by OpenGL. GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if program is not
-// a program object. GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if program has not
-// been successfully linked. GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if
-// GetAttribLocation is executed between the execution of Begin and the
-// corresponding execution of End.
-// GetAttribLocation is available in GL version 2.0 or greater.
-func (gl *GL) GetAttribLocation(program glbase.Program, name string) glbase.Attrib {
- name_cstr := C.CString(name)
- glresult := C.gles2_glGetAttribLocation(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(program), (*C.GLchar)(name_cstr))
- C.free(unsafe.Pointer(name_cstr))
- return glbase.Attrib(glresult)
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glGetBufferParameteriv.xml
-func (gl *GL) GetBufferParameteriv(target, pname glbase.Enum, params []int32) {
- C.gles2_glGetBufferParameteriv(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(target), C.GLenum(pname), (*C.GLint)(unsafe.Pointer(&params[0])))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv.xml
-func (gl *GL) GetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(target, attachment, pname glbase.Enum, params []int32) {
- C.gles2_glGetFramebufferAttachmentParameteriv(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(target), C.GLenum(attachment), C.GLenum(pname), (*C.GLint)(unsafe.Pointer(&params[0])))
-// GetProgramiv returns in params the value of a parameter for a specific
-// program object. The following parameters are defined:
-// params returns GL.TRUE if program is currently flagged for deletion,
-// and GL.FALSE otherwise.
-// params returns GL.TRUE if the last link operation on program was
-// successful, and GL.FALSE otherwise.
-// params returns GL.TRUE or if the last validation operation on
-// program was successful, and GL.FALSE otherwise.
-// params returns the number of characters in the information log for
-// program including the null termination character (the size of
-// the character buffer required to store the information log). If
-// program has no information log, a value of 0 is returned.
-// params returns the number of shader objects attached to program.
-// params returns the number of active attribute variables for program.
-// params returns the length of the longest active attribute name for
-// program, including the null termination character (the size of
-// the character buffer required to store the longest attribute name).
-// If no active attributes exist, 0 is returned.
-// params returns the number of active uniform variables for program.
-// params returns the length of the longest active uniform variable
-// name for program, including the null termination character (i.e.,
-// the size of the character buffer required to store the longest
-// uniform variable name). If no active uniform variables exist, 0 is
-// returned.
-// params returns a symbolic constant indicating the buffer mode used
-// when transform feedback is active. This may be GL.SEPARATE_ATTRIBS
-// params returns the number of varying variables to capture in transform
-// feedback mode for the program.
-// params returns the length of the longest variable name to be used for
-// transform feedback, including the null-terminator.
-// params returns the maximum number of vertices that the geometry shader in
-// program will output.
-// params returns a symbolic constant indicating the primitive type accepted
-// as input to the geometry shader contained in program.
-// params returns a symbolic constant indicating the primitive type that will
-// be output by the geometry shader contained in program.
-// available only if the GL version 3.1 or greater.
-// GL.GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_TYPE are accepted only if the GL version is 3.2 or
-// greater.
-// Error GL.INVALID_VALUE is generated if program is not a value generated by
-// OpenGL. GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if program does not refer to a
-// program object. GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if pname is
-// GL.GEOMETRY_OUTPUT_TYPE, and program does not contain a geometry shader.
-// GL.INVALID_ENUM is generated if pname is not an accepted value.
-func (gl *GL) GetProgramiv(program glbase.Program, pname glbase.Enum, params []int32) {
- var params_c [4]int32
- C.gles2_glGetProgramiv(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(program), C.GLenum(pname), (*C.GLint)(unsafe.Pointer(&params_c[0])))
- copy(params, params_c[:])
-// GetProgramInfoLog returns the information log for the specified program
-// object. The information log for a program object is modified when the
-// program object is linked or validated.
-// The information log for a program object is either an empty string, or a
-// string containing information about the last link operation, or a string
-// containing information about the last validation operation. It may contain
-// diagnostic messages, warning messages, and other information. When a
-// program object is created, its information log will be a string of length
-// 0, and the size of the current log can be obtained by calling GetProgramiv
-// with the value GL.INFO_LOG_LENGTH.
-// Error GL.INVALID_VALUE is generated if program is not a value generated
-// by OpenGL. GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if program is not a
-// program object.
-func (gl *GL) GetProgramInfoLog(program glbase.Program) []byte {
- var params [1]int32
- var length int32
- gl.GetProgramiv(program, INFO_LOG_LENGTH, params[:])
- bufSize := params[0]
- infoLog := make([]byte, int(bufSize))
- C.gles2_glGetProgramInfoLog(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(program), C.GLsizei(bufSize), (*C.GLsizei)(unsafe.Pointer(&length)), (*C.GLchar)(unsafe.Pointer(&infoLog[0])))
- return infoLog
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glGetRenderbufferParameteriv.xml
-func (gl *GL) GetRenderbufferParameteriv(target, pname glbase.Enum, params []int32) {
- C.gles2_glGetRenderbufferParameteriv(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(target), C.GLenum(pname), (*C.GLint)(unsafe.Pointer(&params[0])))
-// GetShaderiv GetShader returns in params the value of a parameter for a specific
-// shader object. The following parameters are defined:
-// params returns GL.VERTEX_SHADER if shader is a vertex shader object,
-// and GL.FRAGMENT_SHADER if shader is a fragment shader object.
-// params returns GL.TRUE if shader is currently flagged for deletion,
-// and GL.FALSE otherwise.
-// params returns GL.TRUE if the last compile operation on shader was
-// successful, and GL.FALSE otherwise.
-// params returns the number of characters in the information log for
-// shader including the null termination character (the size of the
-// character buffer required to store the information log). If shader has
-// no information log, a value of 0 is returned.
-// params returns the length of the concatenation of the source strings
-// that make up the shader source for the shader, including the null
-// termination character. (the size of the character buffer
-// required to store the shader source). If no source code exists, 0 is
-// returned.
-// Error GL.INVALID_VALUE is generated if shader is not a value generated by
-// OpenGL. GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if shader does not refer to a
-// shader object. GL.INVALID_ENUM is generated if pname is not an accepted
-// value. GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if GetShader is executed
-// between the execution of Begin and the corresponding execution of End.
-// GetShaderiv is available in GL version 2.0 or greater.
-func (gl *GL) GetShaderiv(shader glbase.Shader, pname glbase.Enum, params []int32) {
- var params_c [4]int32
- C.gles2_glGetShaderiv(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(shader), C.GLenum(pname), (*C.GLint)(unsafe.Pointer(&params_c[0])))
- copy(params, params_c[:])
-// GetShaderInfoLog returns the information log for the specified shader
-// object. The information log for a shader object is modified when the
-// shader is compiled.
-// The information log for a shader object is a string that may contain
-// diagnostic messages, warning messages, and other information about the
-// last compile operation. When a shader object is created, its information
-// log will be a string of length 0, and the size of the current log can be
-// obtained by calling GetShaderiv with the value GL.INFO_LOG_LENGTH.
-// The information log for a shader object is the OpenGL implementer's
-// primary mechanism for conveying information about the compilation process.
-// Therefore, the information log can be helpful to application developers
-// during the development process, even when compilation is successful.
-// Application developers should not expect different OpenGL implementations
-// to produce identical information logs.
-// Error GL.INVALID_VALUE is generated if shader is not a value generated by
-// OpenGL. GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if shader is not a shader
-// object. GL.INVALID_VALUE is generated if maxLength is less than 0.
-// GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if GetShaderInfoLog is executed
-// between the execution of Begin and the corresponding execution of End.
-// GetShaderInfoLog is available in GL version 2.0 or greater.
-func (gl *GL) GetShaderInfoLog(shader glbase.Shader) []byte {
- var params [1]int32
- var length int32
- gl.GetShaderiv(shader, INFO_LOG_LENGTH, params[:])
- bufSize := params[0]
- infoLog := make([]byte, int(bufSize))
- C.gles2_glGetShaderInfoLog(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(shader), C.GLsizei(bufSize), (*C.GLsizei)(unsafe.Pointer(&length)), (*C.GLchar)(unsafe.Pointer(&infoLog[0])))
- return infoLog
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glGetShaderPrecisionFormat.xml
-func (gl *GL) GetShaderPrecisionFormat(shadertype, precisionType glbase.Enum, range_, precision []int32) {
- C.gles2_glGetShaderPrecisionFormat(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(shadertype), C.GLenum(precisionType), (*C.GLint)(unsafe.Pointer(&range_[0])), (*C.GLint)(unsafe.Pointer(&precision[0])))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glGetShaderSource.xml
-func (gl *GL) GetShaderSource(shader glbase.Shader, bufSize int32, length []int32, source []byte) {
- C.gles2_glGetShaderSource(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(shader), C.GLsizei(bufSize), (*C.GLsizei)(unsafe.Pointer(&length[0])), (*C.GLchar)(unsafe.Pointer(&source[0])))
-// GetUniformfv returns in params the value of the specified uniform
-// variable. The type of the uniform variable specified by location
-// determines the number of values returned. If the uniform variable is
-// defined in the shader as a boolean, int, or float, a single value will be
-// returned. If it is defined as a vec2, ivec2, or bvec2, two values will be
-// returned. If it is defined as a vec3, ivec3, or bvec3, three values will
-// be returned, and so on. To query values stored in uniform variables
-// declared as arrays, call GetUniformfv for each element of the array. To
-// query values stored in uniform variables declared as structures, call
-// GetUniformfv for each field in the structure. The values for uniform
-// variables declared as a matrix will be returned in column major order.
-// The locations assigned to uniform variables are not known until the
-// program object is linked. After linking has occurred, the command
-// GetUniformLocation can be used to obtain the location of a uniform
-// variable. This location value can then be passed to GetUniformfv in order
-// to query the current value of the uniform variable. After a program object
-// has been linked successfully, the index values for uniform variables
-// remain fixed until the next link command occurs. The uniform variable
-// values can only be queried after a link if the link was successful.
-// Error GL.INVALID_VALUE is generated if program is not a value generated by
-// OpenGL. GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if program is not a program
-// object. GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if program has not been
-// successfully linked. GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if location does
-// not correspond to a valid uniform variable location for the specified
-// program object. GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if GetUniformfv is
-// executed between the execution of Begin and the corresponding execution of
-// End.
-// GetUniformfv is available in GL version 2.0 or greater.
-func (gl *GL) GetUniformfv(program glbase.Program, location glbase.Uniform, params []float32) {
- var params_c [4]float32
- C.gles2_glGetUniformfv(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(program), C.GLint(location), (*C.GLfloat)(unsafe.Pointer(&params_c[0])))
- copy(params, params_c[:])
-// GetUniformiv returns in params the value of the specified uniform
-// variable. The type of the uniform variable specified by location
-// determines the number of values returned. If the uniform variable is
-// defined in the shader as a boolean, int, or float, a single value will be
-// returned. If it is defined as a vec2, ivec2, or bvec2, two values will be
-// returned. If it is defined as a vec3, ivec3, or bvec3, three values will
-// be returned, and so on. To query values stored in uniform variables
-// declared as arrays, call GetUniformiv for each element of the array. To
-// query values stored in uniform variables declared as structures, call
-// GetUniformiv for each field in the structure. The values for uniform
-// variables declared as a matrix will be returned in column major order.
-// The locations assigned to uniform variables are not known until the
-// program object is linked. After linking has occurred, the command
-// GetUniformLocation can be used to obtain the location of a uniform
-// variable. This location value can then be passed to GetUniformiv in order
-// to query the current value of the uniform variable. After a program object
-// has been linked successfully, the index values for uniform variables
-// remain fixed until the next link command occurs. The uniform variable
-// values can only be queried after a link if the link was successful.
-// Error GL.INVALID_VALUE is generated if program is not a value generated by
-// OpenGL. GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if program is not a program
-// object. GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if program has not been
-// successfully linked. GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if location does
-// not correspond to a valid uniform variable location for the specified
-// program object. GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if GetUniformiv is
-// executed between the execution of Begin and the corresponding execution of
-// End.
-// GetUniformiv is available in GL version 2.0 or greater.
-func (gl *GL) GetUniformiv(program glbase.Program, location glbase.Uniform, params []int32) {
- var params_c [4]int32
- C.gles2_glGetUniformiv(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(program), C.GLint(location), (*C.GLint)(unsafe.Pointer(&params_c[0])))
- copy(params, params_c[:])
-// GetUniformLocation returns an integer that represents the location of a
-// specific uniform variable within a program object. name must be an active
-// uniform variable name in program that is not a structure, an array of
-// structures, or a subcomponent of a vector or a matrix. This function
-// returns -1 if name does not correspond to an active uniform variable in
-// program or if name starts with the reserved prefix "gl_".
-// Uniform variables that are structures or arrays of structures may be
-// queried by calling GetUniformLocation for each field within the
-// structure. The array element operator "[]" and the structure field
-// operator "." may be used in name in order to select elements within an
-// array or fields within a structure. The result of using these operators is
-// not allowed to be another structure, an array of structures, or a
-// subcomponent of a vector or a matrix. Except if the last part of name
-// indicates a uniform variable array, the location of the first element of
-// an array can be retrieved by using the name of the array, or by using the
-// name appended by "[0]".
-// The actual locations assigned to uniform variables are not known until the
-// program object is linked successfully. After linking has occurred, the
-// command GetUniformLocation can be used to obtain the location of a
-// uniform variable. This location value can then be passed to Uniform to
-// set the value of the uniform variable or to GetUniform in order to query
-// the current value of the uniform variable. After a program object has been
-// linked successfully, the index values for uniform variables remain fixed
-// until the next link command occurs. Uniform variable locations and values
-// can only be queried after a link if the link was successful.
-// Error GL.INVALID_VALUE is generated if program is not a value generated by
-// OpenGL. GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if program is not a program object.
-// GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if program has not been successfully
-// linked. GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if GetUniformLocation is executed
-// between the execution of Begin and the corresponding execution of End.
-// GetUniformLocation is available in GL version 2.0 or greater.
-func (gl *GL) GetUniformLocation(program glbase.Program, name string) glbase.Uniform {
- name_cstr := C.CString(name)
- glresult := C.gles2_glGetUniformLocation(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(program), (*C.GLchar)(name_cstr))
- C.free(unsafe.Pointer(name_cstr))
- return glbase.Uniform(glresult)
-// GetVertexAttribfv returns in params the value of a generic vertex attribute
-// parameter. The generic vertex attribute to be queried is specified by
-// index, and the parameter to be queried is specified by pname.
-// The accepted parameter names are as follows:
-// params returns a single value, the name of the buffer object
-// currently bound to the binding point corresponding to generic vertex
-// attribute array index. If no buffer object is bound, 0 is returned.
-// The initial value is 0.
-// params returns a single value that is non-zero (true) if the vertex
-// attribute array for index is enabled and 0 (false) if it is
-// disabled. The initial value is 0.
-// params returns a single value, the size of the vertex attribute
-// array for index. The size is the number of values for each element
-// of the vertex attribute array, and it will be 1, 2, 3, or 4. The
-// initial value is 4.
-// params returns a single value, the array stride for (number of bytes
-// between successive elements in) the vertex attribute array for
-// index. A value of 0 indicates that the array elements are stored
-// sequentially in memory. The initial value is 0.
-// params returns a single value, a symbolic constant indicating the
-// array type for the vertex attribute array for index. Possible values
-// GL.UNSIGNED_INT, GL.FLOAT, and GL.DOUBLE. The initial value is
-// params returns a single value that is non-zero (true) if fixed-point
-// data types for the vertex attribute array indicated by index are
-// normalized when they are converted to floating point, and 0 (false)
-// otherwise. The initial value is 0.
-// params returns four values that represent the current value for the
-// generic vertex attribute specified by index. Generic vertex
-// attribute 0 is unique in that it has no current state, so an error
-// will be generated if index is 0. The initial value for all other
-// generic vertex attributes is (0,0,0,1).
-// All of the parameters except GL.CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB represent
-// client-side state.
-// Error GL.INVALID_VALUE is generated if index is greater than or equal to
-// GL.MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS. GL.INVALID_ENUM is generated if pname is not an
-// accepted value. GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if index is 0 and pname
-// GetVertexAttribfv is available in GL version 2.0 or greater.
-func (gl *GL) GetVertexAttribfv(index glbase.Attrib, pname glbase.Enum, params []float32) {
- var params_c [4]float32
- C.gles2_glGetVertexAttribfv(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(index), C.GLenum(pname), (*C.GLfloat)(unsafe.Pointer(&params_c[0])))
- copy(params, params_c[:])
-// GetVertexAttribiv returns in params the value of a generic vertex attribute
-// parameter. The generic vertex attribute to be queried is specified by
-// index, and the parameter to be queried is specified by pname.
-// The accepted parameter names are as follows:
-// params returns a single value, the name of the buffer object
-// currently bound to the binding point corresponding to generic vertex
-// attribute array index. If no buffer object is bound, 0 is returned.
-// The initial value is 0.
-// params returns a single value that is non-zero (true) if the vertex
-// attribute array for index is enabled and 0 (false) if it is
-// disabled. The initial value is 0.
-// params returns a single value, the size of the vertex attribute
-// array for index. The size is the number of values for each element
-// of the vertex attribute array, and it will be 1, 2, 3, or 4. The
-// initial value is 4.
-// params returns a single value, the array stride for (number of bytes
-// between successive elements in) the vertex attribute array for
-// index. A value of 0 indicates that the array elements are stored
-// sequentially in memory. The initial value is 0.
-// params returns a single value, a symbolic constant indicating the
-// array type for the vertex attribute array for index. Possible values
-// GL.UNSIGNED_INT, GL.FLOAT, and GL.DOUBLE. The initial value is
-// params returns a single value that is non-zero (true) if fixed-point
-// data types for the vertex attribute array indicated by index are
-// normalized when they are converted to floating point, and 0 (false)
-// otherwise. The initial value is 0.
-// params returns four values that represent the current value for the
-// generic vertex attribute specified by index. Generic vertex
-// attribute 0 is unique in that it has no current state, so an error
-// will be generated if index is 0. The initial value for all other
-// generic vertex attributes is (0,0,0,1).
-// All of the parameters except GL.CURRENT_VERTEX_ATTRIB represent
-// client-side state.
-// Error GL.INVALID_VALUE is generated if index is greater than or equal to
-// GL.MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS. GL.INVALID_ENUM is generated if pname is not an
-// accepted value. GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if index is 0 and pname
-// GetVertexAttribiv is available in GL version 2.0 or greater.
-func (gl *GL) GetVertexAttribiv(index glbase.Attrib, pname glbase.Enum, params []int32) {
- var params_c [4]int32
- C.gles2_glGetVertexAttribiv(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(index), C.GLenum(pname), (*C.GLint)(unsafe.Pointer(&params_c[0])))
- copy(params, params_c[:])
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glIsBuffer.xml
-func (gl *GL) IsBuffer(buffer glbase.Buffer) bool {
- glresult := C.gles2_glIsBuffer(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(buffer))
- return *(*bool)(unsafe.Pointer(&glresult))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glIsFramebuffer.xml
-func (gl *GL) IsFramebuffer(framebuffer glbase.Framebuffer) bool {
- glresult := C.gles2_glIsFramebuffer(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(framebuffer))
- return *(*bool)(unsafe.Pointer(&glresult))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glIsProgram.xml
-func (gl *GL) IsProgram(program glbase.Program) bool {
- glresult := C.gles2_glIsProgram(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(program))
- return *(*bool)(unsafe.Pointer(&glresult))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glIsRenderbuffer.xml
-func (gl *GL) IsRenderbuffer(renderbuffer glbase.Renderbuffer) bool {
- glresult := C.gles2_glIsRenderbuffer(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(renderbuffer))
- return *(*bool)(unsafe.Pointer(&glresult))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glIsShader.xml
-func (gl *GL) IsShader(shader glbase.Shader) bool {
- glresult := C.gles2_glIsShader(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(shader))
- return *(*bool)(unsafe.Pointer(&glresult))
-// LinkProgram links the program object specified by program. If any shader
-// objects of type GL.VERTEX_SHADER are attached to program, they will be
-// used to create an executable that will run on the programmable vertex
-// processor. If any shader objects of type GL.FRAGMENT_SHADER are attached
-// to program, they will be used to create an executable that will run on the
-// programmable fragment processor.
-// The status of the link operation will be stored as part of the program
-// object's state. This value will be set to GL.TRUE if the program object
-// was linked without errors and is ready for use, and GL.FALSE otherwise. It
-// can be queried by calling GetProgramiv with arguments program and
-// As a result of a successful link operation, all active user-defined
-// uniform variables belonging to program will be initialized to 0, and each
-// of the program object's active uniform variables will be assigned a
-// location that can be queried by calling GetUniformLocation. Also, any
-// active user-defined attribute variables that have not been bound to a
-// generic vertex attribute index will be bound to one at this time.
-// Linking of a program object can fail for a number of reasons as specified
-// in the OpenGL Shading Language Specification. The following lists some of
-// the conditions that will cause a link error.
-// - The number of active attribute variables supported by the
-// implementation has been exceeded.
-// - The storage limit for uniform variables has been exceeded.
-// - The number of active uniform variables supported by the implementation
-// has been exceeded.
-// - The main function is missing for the vertex shader or the fragment
-// shader.
-// - A varying variable actually used in the fragment shader is not
-// declared in the same way (or is not declared at all) in the vertex
-// shader.
-// - A reference to a function or variable name is unresolved.
-// - A shared global is declared with two different types or two different
-// initial values.
-// - One or more of the attached shader objects has not been successfully
-// compiled.
-// - Binding a generic attribute matrix caused some rows of the matrix to
-// fall outside the allowed maximum of GL.MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS.
-// - Not enough contiguous vertex attribute slots could be found to bind
-// attribute matrices.
-// When a program object has been successfully linked, the program object can
-// be made part of current state by calling UseProgram. Whether or not the
-// link operation was successful, the program object's information log will
-// be overwritten. The information log can be retrieved by calling
-// GetProgramInfoLog.
-// LinkProgram will also install the generated executables as part of the
-// current rendering state if the link operation was successful and the
-// specified program object is already currently in use as a result of a
-// previous call to UseProgram. If the program object currently in use is
-// relinked unsuccessfully, its link status will be set to GL.FALSE , but the
-// executables and associated state will remain part of the current state
-// until a subsequent call to UseProgram removes it from use. After it is
-// removed from use, it cannot be made part of current state until it has
-// been successfully relinked.
-// If program contains shader objects of type GL.VERTEX_SHADER but does not
-// contain shader objects of type GL.FRAGMENT_SHADER, the vertex shader will
-// be linked against the implicit interface for fixed functionality fragment
-// processing. Similarly, if program contains shader objects of type
-// GL.FRAGMENT_SHADER but it does not contain shader objects of type
-// GL.VERTEX_SHADER, the fragment shader will be linked against the implicit
-// interface for fixed functionality vertex processing.
-// The program object's information log is updated and the program is
-// generated at the time of the link operation. After the link operation,
-// applications are free to modify attached shader objects, compile attached
-// shader objects, detach shader objects, delete shader objects, and attach
-// additional shader objects. None of these operations affects the
-// information log or the program that is part of the program object.
-// If the link operation is unsuccessful, any information about a previous
-// link operation on program is lost (a failed link does not restore the
-// old state of program). Certain information can still be retrieved
-// from program even after an unsuccessful link operation. See for instance
-// GetActiveAttrib and GetActiveUniform.
-// Error GL.INVALID_VALUE is generated if program is not a value generated by
-// OpenGL. GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if program is not a program
-// object. GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if LinkProgram is executed
-// between the execution of Begin and the corresponding execution of End.
-// LinkProgram is available in GL version 2.0 or greater.
-func (gl *GL) LinkProgram(program glbase.Program) {
- C.gles2_glLinkProgram(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(program))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glReleaseShaderCompiler.xml
-func (gl *GL) ReleaseShaderCompiler() {
- C.gles2_glReleaseShaderCompiler(gl.funcs)
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glRenderbufferStorage.xml
-func (gl *GL) RenderbufferStorage(target, internalFormat glbase.Enum, width, height int) {
- C.gles2_glRenderbufferStorage(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(target), C.GLenum(internalFormat), C.GLsizei(width), C.GLsizei(height))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glSampleCoverage.xml
-func (gl *GL) SampleCoverage(value glbase.Clampf, invert bool) {
- C.gles2_glSampleCoverage(gl.funcs, C.GLclampf(value), *(*C.GLboolean)(unsafe.Pointer(&invert)))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glShaderBinary.xml
-func (gl *GL) ShaderBinary(n int, shaders []glbase.Shader, binaryFormat glbase.Enum, binary interface{}, length int32) {
- var binary_ptr unsafe.Pointer
- var binary_v = reflect.ValueOf(binary)
- if binary != nil && binary_v.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
- panic("parameter binary must be a slice")
- }
- if binary != nil {
- binary_ptr = unsafe.Pointer(binary_v.Index(0).Addr().Pointer())
- }
- C.gles2_glShaderBinary(gl.funcs, C.GLint(n), (*C.GLuint)(unsafe.Pointer(&shaders[0])), C.GLenum(binaryFormat), binary_ptr, C.GLint(length))
-// ShaderSource sets the source code in shader to the provided source code. Any source
-// code previously stored in the shader object is completely replaced.
-// Error GL.INVALID_VALUE is generated if shader is not a value generated by
-// OpenGL. GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if shader is not a shader
-// object. GL.INVALID_VALUE is generated if count is less than 0.
-// GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if ShaderSource is executed between the
-// execution of Begin and the corresponding execution of End.
-// ShaderSource is available in GL version 2.0 or greater.
-func (gl *GL) ShaderSource(shader glbase.Shader, source ...string) {
- count := len(source)
- length := make([]int32, count)
- source_c := make([]unsafe.Pointer, count)
- for i, src := range source {
- length[i] = int32(len(src))
- if len(src) > 0 {
- source_c[i] = *(*unsafe.Pointer)(unsafe.Pointer(&src))
- } else {
- source_c[i] = unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(0))
- }
- }
- C.gles2_glShaderSource(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(shader), C.GLsizei(count), (**C.GLchar)(unsafe.Pointer(&source_c[0])), (*C.GLint)(unsafe.Pointer(&length[0])))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glStencilFuncSeparate.xml
-func (gl *GL) StencilFuncSeparate(face, glfunc glbase.Enum, ref int32, mask uint32) {
- C.gles2_glStencilFuncSeparate(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(face), C.GLenum(glfunc), C.GLint(ref), C.GLuint(mask))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glStencilMaskSeparate.xml
-func (gl *GL) StencilMaskSeparate(face glbase.Enum, mask uint32) {
- C.gles2_glStencilMaskSeparate(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(face), C.GLuint(mask))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glStencilOpSeparate.xml
-func (gl *GL) StencilOpSeparate(face, fail, zfail, zpass glbase.Enum) {
- C.gles2_glStencilOpSeparate(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(face), C.GLenum(fail), C.GLenum(zfail), C.GLenum(zpass))
-// Uniform1f modifies the value of a single uniform variable.
-// The location of the uniform variable to be modified is specified by
-// location, which should be a value returned by GetUniformLocation.
-// Uniform1f operates on the program object that was made part of
-// current state by calling UseProgram.
-// The functions Uniform{1|2|3|4}{f|i|ui} are used to change the value of the
-// uniform variable specified by location using the values passed as
-// arguments. The number specified in the function should match the number of
-// components in the data type of the specified uniform variable (1 for
-// float, int, unsigned int, bool; 2 for vec2, ivec2, uvec2, bvec2, etc.).
-// The suffix f indicates that floating-point values are being passed; the
-// suffix i indicates that integer values are being passed; the suffix ui
-// indicates that unsigned integer values are being passed, and this type
-// should also match the data type of the specified uniform variable. The i
-// variants of this function should be used to provide values for uniform
-// variables defined as int, ivec2, ivec3, ivec4, or arrays of these. The ui
-// variants of this function should be used to provide values for uniform
-// variables defined as unsigned int, uvec2, uvec3, uvec4, or arrays of
-// these. The f variants should be used to provide values for uniform
-// variables of type float, vec2, vec3, vec4, or arrays of these. Either the
-// i, ui or f variants may be used to provide values for uniform variables of
-// type bool, bvec2, bvec3, bvec4, or arrays of these. The uniform variable
-// will be set to false if the input value is 0 or 0.0f, and it will be set
-// to true otherwise.
-// Uniform1i and Uniform1iv are the only two functions that may be used to
-// load uniform variables defined as sampler types. Loading samplers with any
-// other function will result in a GL.INVALID_OPERATION error.
-// All active uniform variables defined in a program object are initialized
-// to 0 when the program object is linked successfully. They retain the
-// values assigned to them by a call to Uniform* until the next successful
-// link operation occurs on the program object, when they are once again
-// initialized to 0.
-func (gl *GL) Uniform1f(location glbase.Uniform, v0 float32) {
- C.gles2_glUniform1f(gl.funcs, C.GLint(location), C.GLfloat(v0))
-// Uniform1fv modifies the value of a uniform variable or a uniform
-// variable array. The location of the uniform variable to be modified is
-// specified by location, which should be a value returned by GetUniformLocation.
-// Uniform1fv operates on the program object that was made part of
-// current state by calling UseProgram.
-// The functions Uniform{1|2|3|4}{f|i|ui}v can be used to modify a single
-// uniform variable or a uniform variable array. These functions receive a
-// slice with the values to be loaded into a uniform variable or a uniform
-// variable array. A slice with length 1 should be used if modifying the value
-// of a single uniform variable, and a length of 1 or greater can be used to
-// modify an entire array or part of an array. When loading n elements
-// starting at an arbitrary position m in a uniform variable array, elements
-// m + n - 1 in the array will be replaced with the new values. If m + n - 1
-// is larger than the size of the uniform variable array, values for all
-// array elements beyond the end of the array will be ignored. The number
-// specified in the name of the command indicates the number of components
-// for each element in value, and it should match the number of components in
-// the data type of the specified uniform variable (1 for float, int, bool;
-// 2 for vec2, ivec2, bvec2, etc.). The data type specified in the name
-// of the command must match the data type for the specified uniform variable
-// as described for Uniform{1|2|3|4}{f|i|ui}.
-// Uniform1i and Uniform1iv are the only two functions that may be used to
-// load uniform variables defined as sampler types. Loading samplers with any
-// other function will result in a GL.INVALID_OPERATION error.
-// All active uniform variables defined in a program object are initialized
-// to 0 when the program object is linked successfully. They retain the
-// values assigned to them by a call to Uniform* until the next successful
-// link operation occurs on the program object, when they are once again
-// initialized to 0.
-func (gl *GL) Uniform1fv(location glbase.Uniform, value []float32) {
- if len(value) == 0 {
- return
- }
- count := len(value)
- C.gles2_glUniform1fv(gl.funcs, C.GLint(location), C.GLsizei(count), (*C.GLfloat)(unsafe.Pointer(&value[0])))
-// Uniform1i modifies the value of a single uniform variable.
-// The location of the uniform variable to be modified is specified by
-// location, which should be a value returned by GetUniformLocation.
-// Uniform1i operates on the program object that was made part of
-// current state by calling UseProgram.
-// The functions Uniform{1|2|3|4}{f|i|ui} are used to change the value of the
-// uniform variable specified by location using the values passed as
-// arguments. The number specified in the function should match the number of
-// components in the data type of the specified uniform variable (1 for
-// float, int, unsigned int, bool; 2 for vec2, ivec2, uvec2, bvec2, etc.).
-// The suffix f indicates that floating-point values are being passed; the
-// suffix i indicates that integer values are being passed; the suffix ui
-// indicates that unsigned integer values are being passed, and this type
-// should also match the data type of the specified uniform variable. The i
-// variants of this function should be used to provide values for uniform
-// variables defined as int, ivec2, ivec3, ivec4, or arrays of these. The ui
-// variants of this function should be used to provide values for uniform
-// variables defined as unsigned int, uvec2, uvec3, uvec4, or arrays of
-// these. The f variants should be used to provide values for uniform
-// variables of type float, vec2, vec3, vec4, or arrays of these. Either the
-// i, ui or f variants may be used to provide values for uniform variables of
-// type bool, bvec2, bvec3, bvec4, or arrays of these. The uniform variable
-// will be set to false if the input value is 0 or 0.0f, and it will be set
-// to true otherwise.
-// Uniform1i and Uniform1iv are the only two functions that may be used to
-// load uniform variables defined as sampler types. Loading samplers with any
-// other function will result in a GL.INVALID_OPERATION error.
-// All active uniform variables defined in a program object are initialized
-// to 0 when the program object is linked successfully. They retain the
-// values assigned to them by a call to Uniform* until the next successful
-// link operation occurs on the program object, when they are once again
-// initialized to 0.
-func (gl *GL) Uniform1i(location glbase.Uniform, v0 int32) {
- C.gles2_glUniform1i(gl.funcs, C.GLint(location), C.GLint(v0))
-// Uniform1iv modifies the value of a uniform variable or a uniform
-// variable array. The location of the uniform variable to be modified is
-// specified by location, which should be a value returned by GetUniformLocation.
-// Uniform1iv operates on the program object that was made part of
-// current state by calling UseProgram.
-// The functions Uniform{1|2|3|4}{f|i|ui}v can be used to modify a single
-// uniform variable or a uniform variable array. These functions receive a
-// slice with the values to be loaded into a uniform variable or a uniform
-// variable array. A slice with length 1 should be used if modifying the value
-// of a single uniform variable, and a length of 1 or greater can be used to
-// modify an entire array or part of an array. When loading n elements
-// starting at an arbitrary position m in a uniform variable array, elements
-// m + n - 1 in the array will be replaced with the new values. If m + n - 1
-// is larger than the size of the uniform variable array, values for all
-// array elements beyond the end of the array will be ignored. The number
-// specified in the name of the command indicates the number of components
-// for each element in value, and it should match the number of components in
-// the data type of the specified uniform variable (1 for float, int, bool;
-// 2 for vec2, ivec2, bvec2, etc.). The data type specified in the name
-// of the command must match the data type for the specified uniform variable
-// as described for Uniform{1|2|3|4}{f|i|ui}.
-// Uniform1i and Uniform1iv are the only two functions that may be used to
-// load uniform variables defined as sampler types. Loading samplers with any
-// other function will result in a GL.INVALID_OPERATION error.
-// All active uniform variables defined in a program object are initialized
-// to 0 when the program object is linked successfully. They retain the
-// values assigned to them by a call to Uniform* until the next successful
-// link operation occurs on the program object, when they are once again
-// initialized to 0.
-func (gl *GL) Uniform1iv(location glbase.Uniform, value []int32) {
- if len(value) == 0 {
- return
- }
- count := len(value)
- C.gles2_glUniform1iv(gl.funcs, C.GLint(location), C.GLsizei(count), (*C.GLint)(unsafe.Pointer(&value[0])))
-// Uniform2f modifies the value of a single uniform variable.
-// The location of the uniform variable to be modified is specified by
-// location, which should be a value returned by GetUniformLocation.
-// Uniform2f operates on the program object that was made part of
-// current state by calling UseProgram.
-// The functions Uniform{1|2|3|4}{f|i|ui} are used to change the value of the
-// uniform variable specified by location using the values passed as
-// arguments. The number specified in the function should match the number of
-// components in the data type of the specified uniform variable (1 for
-// float, int, unsigned int, bool; 2 for vec2, ivec2, uvec2, bvec2, etc.).
-// The suffix f indicates that floating-point values are being passed; the
-// suffix i indicates that integer values are being passed; the suffix ui
-// indicates that unsigned integer values are being passed, and this type
-// should also match the data type of the specified uniform variable. The i
-// variants of this function should be used to provide values for uniform
-// variables defined as int, ivec2, ivec3, ivec4, or arrays of these. The ui
-// variants of this function should be used to provide values for uniform
-// variables defined as unsigned int, uvec2, uvec3, uvec4, or arrays of
-// these. The f variants should be used to provide values for uniform
-// variables of type float, vec2, vec3, vec4, or arrays of these. Either the
-// i, ui or f variants may be used to provide values for uniform variables of
-// type bool, bvec2, bvec3, bvec4, or arrays of these. The uniform variable
-// will be set to false if the input value is 0 or 0.0f, and it will be set
-// to true otherwise.
-// Uniform1i and Uniform1iv are the only two functions that may be used to
-// load uniform variables defined as sampler types. Loading samplers with any
-// other function will result in a GL.INVALID_OPERATION error.
-// All active uniform variables defined in a program object are initialized
-// to 0 when the program object is linked successfully. They retain the
-// values assigned to them by a call to Uniform* until the next successful
-// link operation occurs on the program object, when they are once again
-// initialized to 0.
-func (gl *GL) Uniform2f(location glbase.Uniform, v0, v1 float32) {
- C.gles2_glUniform2f(gl.funcs, C.GLint(location), C.GLfloat(v0), C.GLfloat(v1))
-// Uniform2fv modifies the value of a uniform variable or a uniform
-// variable array. The location of the uniform variable to be modified is
-// specified by location, which should be a value returned by GetUniformLocation.
-// Uniform2fv operates on the program object that was made part of
-// current state by calling UseProgram.
-// The functions Uniform{1|2|3|4}{f|i|ui}v can be used to modify a single
-// uniform variable or a uniform variable array. These functions receive a
-// slice with the values to be loaded into a uniform variable or a uniform
-// variable array. A slice with length 1 should be used if modifying the value
-// of a single uniform variable, and a length of 1 or greater can be used to
-// modify an entire array or part of an array. When loading n elements
-// starting at an arbitrary position m in a uniform variable array, elements
-// m + n - 1 in the array will be replaced with the new values. If m + n - 1
-// is larger than the size of the uniform variable array, values for all
-// array elements beyond the end of the array will be ignored. The number
-// specified in the name of the command indicates the number of components
-// for each element in value, and it should match the number of components in
-// the data type of the specified uniform variable (1 for float, int, bool;
-// 2 for vec2, ivec2, bvec2, etc.). The data type specified in the name
-// of the command must match the data type for the specified uniform variable
-// as described for Uniform{1|2|3|4}{f|i|ui}.
-// Uniform1i and Uniform1iv are the only two functions that may be used to
-// load uniform variables defined as sampler types. Loading samplers with any
-// other function will result in a GL.INVALID_OPERATION error.
-// All active uniform variables defined in a program object are initialized
-// to 0 when the program object is linked successfully. They retain the
-// values assigned to them by a call to Uniform* until the next successful
-// link operation occurs on the program object, when they are once again
-// initialized to 0.
-func (gl *GL) Uniform2fv(location glbase.Uniform, value []float32) {
- if len(value) == 0 {
- return
- }
- if len(value)%2 != 0 {
- panic("invalid value length for Uniform2fv")
- }
- count := len(value) / 2
- C.gles2_glUniform2fv(gl.funcs, C.GLint(location), C.GLsizei(count), (*C.GLfloat)(unsafe.Pointer(&value[0])))
-// Uniform2i modifies the value of a single uniform variable.
-// The location of the uniform variable to be modified is specified by
-// location, which should be a value returned by GetUniformLocation.
-// Uniform2i operates on the program object that was made part of
-// current state by calling UseProgram.
-// The functions Uniform{1|2|3|4}{f|i|ui} are used to change the value of the
-// uniform variable specified by location using the values passed as
-// arguments. The number specified in the function should match the number of
-// components in the data type of the specified uniform variable (1 for
-// float, int, unsigned int, bool; 2 for vec2, ivec2, uvec2, bvec2, etc.).
-// The suffix f indicates that floating-point values are being passed; the
-// suffix i indicates that integer values are being passed; the suffix ui
-// indicates that unsigned integer values are being passed, and this type
-// should also match the data type of the specified uniform variable. The i
-// variants of this function should be used to provide values for uniform
-// variables defined as int, ivec2, ivec3, ivec4, or arrays of these. The ui
-// variants of this function should be used to provide values for uniform
-// variables defined as unsigned int, uvec2, uvec3, uvec4, or arrays of
-// these. The f variants should be used to provide values for uniform
-// variables of type float, vec2, vec3, vec4, or arrays of these. Either the
-// i, ui or f variants may be used to provide values for uniform variables of
-// type bool, bvec2, bvec3, bvec4, or arrays of these. The uniform variable
-// will be set to false if the input value is 0 or 0.0f, and it will be set
-// to true otherwise.
-// Uniform1i and Uniform1iv are the only two functions that may be used to
-// load uniform variables defined as sampler types. Loading samplers with any
-// other function will result in a GL.INVALID_OPERATION error.
-// All active uniform variables defined in a program object are initialized
-// to 0 when the program object is linked successfully. They retain the
-// values assigned to them by a call to Uniform* until the next successful
-// link operation occurs on the program object, when they are once again
-// initialized to 0.
-func (gl *GL) Uniform2i(location glbase.Uniform, v0, v1 int32) {
- C.gles2_glUniform2i(gl.funcs, C.GLint(location), C.GLint(v0), C.GLint(v1))
-// Uniform2iv modifies the value of a uniform variable or a uniform
-// variable array. The location of the uniform variable to be modified is
-// specified by location, which should be a value returned by GetUniformLocation.
-// Uniform2iv operates on the program object that was made part of
-// current state by calling UseProgram.
-// The functions Uniform{1|2|3|4}{f|i|ui}v can be used to modify a single
-// uniform variable or a uniform variable array. These functions receive a
-// slice with the values to be loaded into a uniform variable or a uniform
-// variable array. A slice with length 1 should be used if modifying the value
-// of a single uniform variable, and a length of 1 or greater can be used to
-// modify an entire array or part of an array. When loading n elements
-// starting at an arbitrary position m in a uniform variable array, elements
-// m + n - 1 in the array will be replaced with the new values. If m + n - 1
-// is larger than the size of the uniform variable array, values for all
-// array elements beyond the end of the array will be ignored. The number
-// specified in the name of the command indicates the number of components
-// for each element in value, and it should match the number of components in
-// the data type of the specified uniform variable (1 for float, int, bool;
-// 2 for vec2, ivec2, bvec2, etc.). The data type specified in the name
-// of the command must match the data type for the specified uniform variable
-// as described for Uniform{1|2|3|4}{f|i|ui}.
-// Uniform1i and Uniform1iv are the only two functions that may be used to
-// load uniform variables defined as sampler types. Loading samplers with any
-// other function will result in a GL.INVALID_OPERATION error.
-// All active uniform variables defined in a program object are initialized
-// to 0 when the program object is linked successfully. They retain the
-// values assigned to them by a call to Uniform* until the next successful
-// link operation occurs on the program object, when they are once again
-// initialized to 0.
-func (gl *GL) Uniform2iv(location glbase.Uniform, value []int32) {
- if len(value) == 0 {
- return
- }
- if len(value)%2 != 0 {
- panic("invalid value length for Uniform2iv")
- }
- count := len(value) / 2
- C.gles2_glUniform2iv(gl.funcs, C.GLint(location), C.GLsizei(count), (*C.GLint)(unsafe.Pointer(&value[0])))
-// Uniform3f modifies the value of a single uniform variable.
-// The location of the uniform variable to be modified is specified by
-// location, which should be a value returned by GetUniformLocation.
-// Uniform3f operates on the program object that was made part of
-// current state by calling UseProgram.
-// The functions Uniform{1|2|3|4}{f|i|ui} are used to change the value of the
-// uniform variable specified by location using the values passed as
-// arguments. The number specified in the function should match the number of
-// components in the data type of the specified uniform variable (1 for
-// float, int, unsigned int, bool; 2 for vec2, ivec2, uvec2, bvec2, etc.).
-// The suffix f indicates that floating-point values are being passed; the
-// suffix i indicates that integer values are being passed; the suffix ui
-// indicates that unsigned integer values are being passed, and this type
-// should also match the data type of the specified uniform variable. The i
-// variants of this function should be used to provide values for uniform
-// variables defined as int, ivec2, ivec3, ivec4, or arrays of these. The ui
-// variants of this function should be used to provide values for uniform
-// variables defined as unsigned int, uvec2, uvec3, uvec4, or arrays of
-// these. The f variants should be used to provide values for uniform
-// variables of type float, vec2, vec3, vec4, or arrays of these. Either the
-// i, ui or f variants may be used to provide values for uniform variables of
-// type bool, bvec2, bvec3, bvec4, or arrays of these. The uniform variable
-// will be set to false if the input value is 0 or 0.0f, and it will be set
-// to true otherwise.
-// Uniform1i and Uniform1iv are the only two functions that may be used to
-// load uniform variables defined as sampler types. Loading samplers with any
-// other function will result in a GL.INVALID_OPERATION error.
-// All active uniform variables defined in a program object are initialized
-// to 0 when the program object is linked successfully. They retain the
-// values assigned to them by a call to Uniform* until the next successful
-// link operation occurs on the program object, when they are once again
-// initialized to 0.
-func (gl *GL) Uniform3f(location glbase.Uniform, v0, v1, v2 float32) {
- C.gles2_glUniform3f(gl.funcs, C.GLint(location), C.GLfloat(v0), C.GLfloat(v1), C.GLfloat(v2))
-// Uniform3fv modifies the value of a uniform variable or a uniform
-// variable array. The location of the uniform variable to be modified is
-// specified by location, which should be a value returned by GetUniformLocation.
-// Uniform3fv operates on the program object that was made part of
-// current state by calling UseProgram.
-// The functions Uniform{1|2|3|4}{f|i|ui}v can be used to modify a single
-// uniform variable or a uniform variable array. These functions receive a
-// slice with the values to be loaded into a uniform variable or a uniform
-// variable array. A slice with length 1 should be used if modifying the value
-// of a single uniform variable, and a length of 1 or greater can be used to
-// modify an entire array or part of an array. When loading n elements
-// starting at an arbitrary position m in a uniform variable array, elements
-// m + n - 1 in the array will be replaced with the new values. If m + n - 1
-// is larger than the size of the uniform variable array, values for all
-// array elements beyond the end of the array will be ignored. The number
-// specified in the name of the command indicates the number of components
-// for each element in value, and it should match the number of components in
-// the data type of the specified uniform variable (1 for float, int, bool;
-// 2 for vec2, ivec2, bvec2, etc.). The data type specified in the name
-// of the command must match the data type for the specified uniform variable
-// as described for Uniform{1|2|3|4}{f|i|ui}.
-// Uniform1i and Uniform1iv are the only two functions that may be used to
-// load uniform variables defined as sampler types. Loading samplers with any
-// other function will result in a GL.INVALID_OPERATION error.
-// All active uniform variables defined in a program object are initialized
-// to 0 when the program object is linked successfully. They retain the
-// values assigned to them by a call to Uniform* until the next successful
-// link operation occurs on the program object, when they are once again
-// initialized to 0.
-func (gl *GL) Uniform3fv(location glbase.Uniform, value []float32) {
- if len(value) == 0 {
- return
- }
- if len(value)%3 != 0 {
- panic("invalid value length for Uniform3fv")
- }
- count := len(value) / 3
- C.gles2_glUniform3fv(gl.funcs, C.GLint(location), C.GLsizei(count), (*C.GLfloat)(unsafe.Pointer(&value[0])))
-// Uniform3i modifies the value of a single uniform variable.
-// The location of the uniform variable to be modified is specified by
-// location, which should be a value returned by GetUniformLocation.
-// Uniform3i operates on the program object that was made part of
-// current state by calling UseProgram.
-// The functions Uniform{1|2|3|4}{f|i|ui} are used to change the value of the
-// uniform variable specified by location using the values passed as
-// arguments. The number specified in the function should match the number of
-// components in the data type of the specified uniform variable (1 for
-// float, int, unsigned int, bool; 2 for vec2, ivec2, uvec2, bvec2, etc.).
-// The suffix f indicates that floating-point values are being passed; the
-// suffix i indicates that integer values are being passed; the suffix ui
-// indicates that unsigned integer values are being passed, and this type
-// should also match the data type of the specified uniform variable. The i
-// variants of this function should be used to provide values for uniform
-// variables defined as int, ivec2, ivec3, ivec4, or arrays of these. The ui
-// variants of this function should be used to provide values for uniform
-// variables defined as unsigned int, uvec2, uvec3, uvec4, or arrays of
-// these. The f variants should be used to provide values for uniform
-// variables of type float, vec2, vec3, vec4, or arrays of these. Either the
-// i, ui or f variants may be used to provide values for uniform variables of
-// type bool, bvec2, bvec3, bvec4, or arrays of these. The uniform variable
-// will be set to false if the input value is 0 or 0.0f, and it will be set
-// to true otherwise.
-// Uniform1i and Uniform1iv are the only two functions that may be used to
-// load uniform variables defined as sampler types. Loading samplers with any
-// other function will result in a GL.INVALID_OPERATION error.
-// All active uniform variables defined in a program object are initialized
-// to 0 when the program object is linked successfully. They retain the
-// values assigned to them by a call to Uniform* until the next successful
-// link operation occurs on the program object, when they are once again
-// initialized to 0.
-func (gl *GL) Uniform3i(location glbase.Uniform, v0, v1, v2 int32) {
- C.gles2_glUniform3i(gl.funcs, C.GLint(location), C.GLint(v0), C.GLint(v1), C.GLint(v2))
-// Uniform3iv modifies the value of a uniform variable or a uniform
-// variable array. The location of the uniform variable to be modified is
-// specified by location, which should be a value returned by GetUniformLocation.
-// Uniform3iv operates on the program object that was made part of
-// current state by calling UseProgram.
-// The functions Uniform{1|2|3|4}{f|i|ui}v can be used to modify a single
-// uniform variable or a uniform variable array. These functions receive a
-// slice with the values to be loaded into a uniform variable or a uniform
-// variable array. A slice with length 1 should be used if modifying the value
-// of a single uniform variable, and a length of 1 or greater can be used to
-// modify an entire array or part of an array. When loading n elements
-// starting at an arbitrary position m in a uniform variable array, elements
-// m + n - 1 in the array will be replaced with the new values. If m + n - 1
-// is larger than the size of the uniform variable array, values for all
-// array elements beyond the end of the array will be ignored. The number
-// specified in the name of the command indicates the number of components
-// for each element in value, and it should match the number of components in
-// the data type of the specified uniform variable (1 for float, int, bool;
-// 2 for vec2, ivec2, bvec2, etc.). The data type specified in the name
-// of the command must match the data type for the specified uniform variable
-// as described for Uniform{1|2|3|4}{f|i|ui}.
-// Uniform1i and Uniform1iv are the only two functions that may be used to
-// load uniform variables defined as sampler types. Loading samplers with any
-// other function will result in a GL.INVALID_OPERATION error.
-// All active uniform variables defined in a program object are initialized
-// to 0 when the program object is linked successfully. They retain the
-// values assigned to them by a call to Uniform* until the next successful
-// link operation occurs on the program object, when they are once again
-// initialized to 0.
-func (gl *GL) Uniform3iv(location glbase.Uniform, value []int32) {
- if len(value) == 0 {
- return
- }
- if len(value)%3 != 0 {
- panic("invalid value length for Uniform3iv")
- }
- count := len(value) / 3
- C.gles2_glUniform3iv(gl.funcs, C.GLint(location), C.GLsizei(count), (*C.GLint)(unsafe.Pointer(&value[0])))
-// Uniform4f modifies the value of a single uniform variable.
-// The location of the uniform variable to be modified is specified by
-// location, which should be a value returned by GetUniformLocation.
-// Uniform4f operates on the program object that was made part of
-// current state by calling UseProgram.
-// The functions Uniform{1|2|3|4}{f|i|ui} are used to change the value of the
-// uniform variable specified by location using the values passed as
-// arguments. The number specified in the function should match the number of
-// components in the data type of the specified uniform variable (1 for
-// float, int, unsigned int, bool; 2 for vec2, ivec2, uvec2, bvec2, etc.).
-// The suffix f indicates that floating-point values are being passed; the
-// suffix i indicates that integer values are being passed; the suffix ui
-// indicates that unsigned integer values are being passed, and this type
-// should also match the data type of the specified uniform variable. The i
-// variants of this function should be used to provide values for uniform
-// variables defined as int, ivec2, ivec3, ivec4, or arrays of these. The ui
-// variants of this function should be used to provide values for uniform
-// variables defined as unsigned int, uvec2, uvec3, uvec4, or arrays of
-// these. The f variants should be used to provide values for uniform
-// variables of type float, vec2, vec3, vec4, or arrays of these. Either the
-// i, ui or f variants may be used to provide values for uniform variables of
-// type bool, bvec2, bvec3, bvec4, or arrays of these. The uniform variable
-// will be set to false if the input value is 0 or 0.0f, and it will be set
-// to true otherwise.
-// Uniform1i and Uniform1iv are the only two functions that may be used to
-// load uniform variables defined as sampler types. Loading samplers with any
-// other function will result in a GL.INVALID_OPERATION error.
-// All active uniform variables defined in a program object are initialized
-// to 0 when the program object is linked successfully. They retain the
-// values assigned to them by a call to Uniform* until the next successful
-// link operation occurs on the program object, when they are once again
-// initialized to 0.
-func (gl *GL) Uniform4f(location glbase.Uniform, v0, v1, v2, v3 float32) {
- C.gles2_glUniform4f(gl.funcs, C.GLint(location), C.GLfloat(v0), C.GLfloat(v1), C.GLfloat(v2), C.GLfloat(v3))
-// Uniform4fv modifies the value of a uniform variable or a uniform
-// variable array. The location of the uniform variable to be modified is
-// specified by location, which should be a value returned by GetUniformLocation.
-// Uniform4fv operates on the program object that was made part of
-// current state by calling UseProgram.
-// The functions Uniform{1|2|3|4}{f|i|ui}v can be used to modify a single
-// uniform variable or a uniform variable array. These functions receive a
-// slice with the values to be loaded into a uniform variable or a uniform
-// variable array. A slice with length 1 should be used if modifying the value
-// of a single uniform variable, and a length of 1 or greater can be used to
-// modify an entire array or part of an array. When loading n elements
-// starting at an arbitrary position m in a uniform variable array, elements
-// m + n - 1 in the array will be replaced with the new values. If m + n - 1
-// is larger than the size of the uniform variable array, values for all
-// array elements beyond the end of the array will be ignored. The number
-// specified in the name of the command indicates the number of components
-// for each element in value, and it should match the number of components in
-// the data type of the specified uniform variable (1 for float, int, bool;
-// 2 for vec2, ivec2, bvec2, etc.). The data type specified in the name
-// of the command must match the data type for the specified uniform variable
-// as described for Uniform{1|2|3|4}{f|i|ui}.
-// Uniform1i and Uniform1iv are the only two functions that may be used to
-// load uniform variables defined as sampler types. Loading samplers with any
-// other function will result in a GL.INVALID_OPERATION error.
-// All active uniform variables defined in a program object are initialized
-// to 0 when the program object is linked successfully. They retain the
-// values assigned to them by a call to Uniform* until the next successful
-// link operation occurs on the program object, when they are once again
-// initialized to 0.
-func (gl *GL) Uniform4fv(location glbase.Uniform, value []float32) {
- if len(value) == 0 {
- return
- }
- if len(value)%4 != 0 {
- panic("invalid value length for Uniform4fv")
- }
- count := len(value) / 4
- C.gles2_glUniform4fv(gl.funcs, C.GLint(location), C.GLsizei(count), (*C.GLfloat)(unsafe.Pointer(&value[0])))
-// Uniform4i modifies the value of a single uniform variable.
-// The location of the uniform variable to be modified is specified by
-// location, which should be a value returned by GetUniformLocation.
-// Uniform4i operates on the program object that was made part of
-// current state by calling UseProgram.
-// The functions Uniform{1|2|3|4}{f|i|ui} are used to change the value of the
-// uniform variable specified by location using the values passed as
-// arguments. The number specified in the function should match the number of
-// components in the data type of the specified uniform variable (1 for
-// float, int, unsigned int, bool; 2 for vec2, ivec2, uvec2, bvec2, etc.).
-// The suffix f indicates that floating-point values are being passed; the
-// suffix i indicates that integer values are being passed; the suffix ui
-// indicates that unsigned integer values are being passed, and this type
-// should also match the data type of the specified uniform variable. The i
-// variants of this function should be used to provide values for uniform
-// variables defined as int, ivec2, ivec3, ivec4, or arrays of these. The ui
-// variants of this function should be used to provide values for uniform
-// variables defined as unsigned int, uvec2, uvec3, uvec4, or arrays of
-// these. The f variants should be used to provide values for uniform
-// variables of type float, vec2, vec3, vec4, or arrays of these. Either the
-// i, ui or f variants may be used to provide values for uniform variables of
-// type bool, bvec2, bvec3, bvec4, or arrays of these. The uniform variable
-// will be set to false if the input value is 0 or 0.0f, and it will be set
-// to true otherwise.
-// Uniform1i and Uniform1iv are the only two functions that may be used to
-// load uniform variables defined as sampler types. Loading samplers with any
-// other function will result in a GL.INVALID_OPERATION error.
-// All active uniform variables defined in a program object are initialized
-// to 0 when the program object is linked successfully. They retain the
-// values assigned to them by a call to Uniform* until the next successful
-// link operation occurs on the program object, when they are once again
-// initialized to 0.
-func (gl *GL) Uniform4i(location glbase.Uniform, v0, v1, v2, v3 int32) {
- C.gles2_glUniform4i(gl.funcs, C.GLint(location), C.GLint(v0), C.GLint(v1), C.GLint(v2), C.GLint(v3))
-// Uniform4iv modifies the value of a uniform variable or a uniform
-// variable array. The location of the uniform variable to be modified is
-// specified by location, which should be a value returned by GetUniformLocation.
-// Uniform4iv operates on the program object that was made part of
-// current state by calling UseProgram.
-// The functions Uniform{1|2|3|4}{f|i|ui}v can be used to modify a single
-// uniform variable or a uniform variable array. These functions receive a
-// slice with the values to be loaded into a uniform variable or a uniform
-// variable array. A slice with length 1 should be used if modifying the value
-// of a single uniform variable, and a length of 1 or greater can be used to
-// modify an entire array or part of an array. When loading n elements
-// starting at an arbitrary position m in a uniform variable array, elements
-// m + n - 1 in the array will be replaced with the new values. If m + n - 1
-// is larger than the size of the uniform variable array, values for all
-// array elements beyond the end of the array will be ignored. The number
-// specified in the name of the command indicates the number of components
-// for each element in value, and it should match the number of components in
-// the data type of the specified uniform variable (1 for float, int, bool;
-// 2 for vec2, ivec2, bvec2, etc.). The data type specified in the name
-// of the command must match the data type for the specified uniform variable
-// as described for Uniform{1|2|3|4}{f|i|ui}.
-// Uniform1i and Uniform1iv are the only two functions that may be used to
-// load uniform variables defined as sampler types. Loading samplers with any
-// other function will result in a GL.INVALID_OPERATION error.
-// All active uniform variables defined in a program object are initialized
-// to 0 when the program object is linked successfully. They retain the
-// values assigned to them by a call to Uniform* until the next successful
-// link operation occurs on the program object, when they are once again
-// initialized to 0.
-func (gl *GL) Uniform4iv(location glbase.Uniform, value []int32) {
- if len(value) == 0 {
- return
- }
- if len(value)%4 != 0 {
- panic("invalid value length for Uniform4iv")
- }
- count := len(value) / 4
- C.gles2_glUniform4iv(gl.funcs, C.GLint(location), C.GLsizei(count), (*C.GLint)(unsafe.Pointer(&value[0])))
-// UniformMatrix2fv modifies the value of a uniform variable or a uniform
-// variable array. The location of the uniform variable to be modified is
-// specified by location, which should be a value returned by GetUniformLocation.
-// UniformMatrix2fv operates on the program object that was made part of
-// current state by calling UseProgram.
-// The functions UniformMatrix{2|3|4|2x3|3x2|2x4|4x2|3x4|4x3}fv are used to
-// modify a matrix or an array of matrices. The numbers in the function name
-// are interpreted as the dimensionality of the matrix. The number 2
-// indicates a 2x2 matrix (4 values), the number 3 indicates a 3x3 matrix (9
-// values), and the number 4 indicates a 4x4 matrix (16 values). Non-square
-// matrix dimensionality is explicit, with the first number representing the
-// number of columns and the second number representing the number of rows.
-// For example, 2x4 indicates a 2x4 matrix with 2 columns and 4 rows (8
-// values). The length of the provided slice must be a multiple of the number
-// of values per matrix, to update one or more consecutive matrices.
-// If transpose is false, each matrix is assumed to be supplied in column
-// major order. If transpose is true, each matrix is assumed to be supplied
-// in row major order.
-// All active uniform variables defined in a program object are initialized
-// to 0 when the program object is linked successfully. They retain the
-// values assigned to them by a call to Uniform* until the next successful
-// link operation occurs on the program object, when they are once again
-// initialized to 0.
-func (gl *GL) UniformMatrix2fv(location glbase.Uniform, transpose bool, value []float32) {
- if len(value) == 0 {
- return
- }
- if len(value)%(2*2) != 0 {
- panic("invalid value length for UniformMatrix2fv")
- }
- count := len(value) / (2 * 2)
- C.gles2_glUniformMatrix2fv(gl.funcs, C.GLint(location), C.GLsizei(count), *(*C.GLboolean)(unsafe.Pointer(&transpose)), (*C.GLfloat)(unsafe.Pointer(&value[0])))
-// UniformMatrix3fv modifies the value of a uniform variable or a uniform
-// variable array. The location of the uniform variable to be modified is
-// specified by location, which should be a value returned by GetUniformLocation.
-// UniformMatrix3fv operates on the program object that was made part of
-// current state by calling UseProgram.
-// The functions UniformMatrix{2|3|4|2x3|3x2|2x4|4x2|3x4|4x3}fv are used to
-// modify a matrix or an array of matrices. The numbers in the function name
-// are interpreted as the dimensionality of the matrix. The number 2
-// indicates a 2x2 matrix (4 values), the number 3 indicates a 3x3 matrix (9
-// values), and the number 4 indicates a 4x4 matrix (16 values). Non-square
-// matrix dimensionality is explicit, with the first number representing the
-// number of columns and the second number representing the number of rows.
-// For example, 2x4 indicates a 2x4 matrix with 2 columns and 4 rows (8
-// values). The length of the provided slice must be a multiple of the number
-// of values per matrix, to update one or more consecutive matrices.
-// If transpose is false, each matrix is assumed to be supplied in column
-// major order. If transpose is true, each matrix is assumed to be supplied
-// in row major order.
-// All active uniform variables defined in a program object are initialized
-// to 0 when the program object is linked successfully. They retain the
-// values assigned to them by a call to Uniform* until the next successful
-// link operation occurs on the program object, when they are once again
-// initialized to 0.
-func (gl *GL) UniformMatrix3fv(location glbase.Uniform, transpose bool, value []float32) {
- if len(value) == 0 {
- return
- }
- if len(value)%(3*3) != 0 {
- panic("invalid value length for UniformMatrix3fv")
- }
- count := len(value) / (3 * 3)
- C.gles2_glUniformMatrix3fv(gl.funcs, C.GLint(location), C.GLsizei(count), *(*C.GLboolean)(unsafe.Pointer(&transpose)), (*C.GLfloat)(unsafe.Pointer(&value[0])))
-// UniformMatrix4fv modifies the value of a uniform variable or a uniform
-// variable array. The location of the uniform variable to be modified is
-// specified by location, which should be a value returned by GetUniformLocation.
-// UniformMatrix4fv operates on the program object that was made part of
-// current state by calling UseProgram.
-// The functions UniformMatrix{2|3|4|2x3|3x2|2x4|4x2|3x4|4x3}fv are used to
-// modify a matrix or an array of matrices. The numbers in the function name
-// are interpreted as the dimensionality of the matrix. The number 2
-// indicates a 2x2 matrix (4 values), the number 3 indicates a 3x3 matrix (9
-// values), and the number 4 indicates a 4x4 matrix (16 values). Non-square
-// matrix dimensionality is explicit, with the first number representing the
-// number of columns and the second number representing the number of rows.
-// For example, 2x4 indicates a 2x4 matrix with 2 columns and 4 rows (8
-// values). The length of the provided slice must be a multiple of the number
-// of values per matrix, to update one or more consecutive matrices.
-// If transpose is false, each matrix is assumed to be supplied in column
-// major order. If transpose is true, each matrix is assumed to be supplied
-// in row major order.
-// All active uniform variables defined in a program object are initialized
-// to 0 when the program object is linked successfully. They retain the
-// values assigned to them by a call to Uniform* until the next successful
-// link operation occurs on the program object, when they are once again
-// initialized to 0.
-func (gl *GL) UniformMatrix4fv(location glbase.Uniform, transpose bool, value []float32) {
- if len(value) == 0 {
- return
- }
- if len(value)%(4*4) != 0 {
- panic("invalid value length for UniformMatrix4fv")
- }
- count := len(value) / (4 * 4)
- C.gles2_glUniformMatrix4fv(gl.funcs, C.GLint(location), C.GLsizei(count), *(*C.GLboolean)(unsafe.Pointer(&transpose)), (*C.GLfloat)(unsafe.Pointer(&value[0])))
-// UseProgram installs the program object specified by program as part of
-// current rendering state. One or more executables are created in a program
-// object by successfully attaching shader objects to it with AttachShader,
-// successfully compiling the shader objects with CompileShader, and
-// successfully linking the program object with LinkProgram.
-// A program object will contain an executable that will run on the vertex
-// processor if it contains one or more shader objects of type
-// GL.VERTEX_SHADER that have been successfully compiled and linked.
-// Similarly, a program object will contain an executable that will run on
-// the fragment processor if it contains one or more shader objects of type
-// GL.FRAGMENT_SHADER that have been successfully compiled and linked.
-// Successfully installing an executable on a programmable processor will
-// cause the corresponding fixed functionality of OpenGL to be disabled.
-// Specifically, if an executable is installed on the vertex processor, the
-// OpenGL fixed functionality will be disabled as follows.
-// - The modelview matrix is not applied to vertex coordinates.
-// - The projection matrix is not applied to vertex coordinates.
-// - The texture matrices are not applied to texture coordinates.
-// - Normals are not transformed to eye coordinates.
-// - Normals are not rescaled or normalized.
-// - Normalization of GL.AUTO_NORMAL evaluated normals is not performed.
-// - Texture coordinates are not generated automatically.
-// - Per-vertex lighting is not performed.
-// - Color material computations are not performed.
-// - Color index lighting is not performed.
-// - This list also applies when setting the current raster position.
-// The executable that is installed on the vertex processor is expected to
-// implement any or all of the desired functionality from the preceding list.
-// Similarly, if an executable is installed on the fragment processor, the
-// OpenGL fixed functionality will be disabled as follows.
-// - Texture environment and texture functions are not applied.
-// - Texture application is not applied.
-// - Color sum is not applied.
-// - Fog is not applied.
-// Again, the fragment shader that is installed is expected to implement any
-// or all of the desired functionality from the preceding list.
-// While a program object is in use, applications are free to modify attached
-// shader objects, compile attached shader objects, attach additional shader
-// objects, and detach or delete shader objects. None of these operations
-// will affect the executables that are part of the current state. However,
-// relinking the program object that is currently in use will install the
-// program object as part of the current rendering state if the link
-// operation was successful (see LinkProgram). If the program object
-// currently in use is relinked unsuccessfully, its link status will be set
-// to GL.FALSE, but the executables and associated state will remain part of
-// the current state until a subsequent call to UseProgram removes it from
-// use. After it is removed from use, it cannot be made part of current state
-// until it has been successfully relinked.
-// If program contains shader objects of type GL.VERTEX_SHADER but it does
-// not contain shader objects of type GL.FRAGMENT_SHADER, an executable will
-// be installed on the vertex processor, but fixed functionality will be used
-// for fragment processing. Similarly, if program contains shader objects of
-// type GL.FRAGMENT_SHADER but it does not contain shader objects of type
-// GL.VERTEX_SHADER, an executable will be installed on the fragment
-// processor, but fixed functionality will be used for vertex processing. If
-// program is 0, the programmable processors will be disabled, and fixed
-// functionality will be used for both vertex and fragment processing.
-// While a program object is in use, the state that controls the disabled
-// fixed functionality may also be updated using the normal OpenGL calls.
-// Like display lists and texture objects, the name space for program objects
-// may be shared across a set of contexts, as long as the server sides of the
-// contexts share the same address space. If the name space is shared across
-// contexts, any attached objects and the data associated with those attached
-// objects are shared as well.
-// Applications are responsible for providing the synchronization across API
-// calls when objects are accessed from different execution threads.
-// Error GL.INVALID_VALUE is generated if program is neither 0 nor a value
-// generated by OpenGL. GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if program is not
-// a program object. GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if program could not
-// be made part of current state. GL.INVALID_OPERATION is generated if
-// UseProgram is executed between the execution of Begin and the
-// corresponding execution of End.
-// UseProgram is available in GL version 2.0 or greater.
-func (gl *GL) UseProgram(program glbase.Program) {
- C.gles2_glUseProgram(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(program))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glValidateProgram.xml
-func (gl *GL) ValidateProgram(program glbase.Program) {
- C.gles2_glValidateProgram(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(program))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glVertexAttrib1f.xml
-func (gl *GL) VertexAttrib1f(index glbase.Attrib, x float32) {
- C.gles2_glVertexAttrib1f(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(index), C.GLfloat(x))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glVertexAttrib1fv.xml
-func (gl *GL) VertexAttrib1fv(index glbase.Attrib, values []float32) {
- C.gles2_glVertexAttrib1fv(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(index), (*C.GLfloat)(unsafe.Pointer(&values[0])))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glVertexAttrib2f.xml
-func (gl *GL) VertexAttrib2f(index glbase.Attrib, x, y float32) {
- C.gles2_glVertexAttrib2f(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(index), C.GLfloat(x), C.GLfloat(y))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glVertexAttrib2fv.xml
-func (gl *GL) VertexAttrib2fv(index glbase.Attrib, values []float32) {
- if len(values) != 2 {
- panic("parameter values has incorrect length")
- }
- C.gles2_glVertexAttrib2fv(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(index), (*C.GLfloat)(unsafe.Pointer(&values[0])))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glVertexAttrib3f.xml
-func (gl *GL) VertexAttrib3f(index glbase.Attrib, x, y, z float32) {
- C.gles2_glVertexAttrib3f(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(index), C.GLfloat(x), C.GLfloat(y), C.GLfloat(z))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glVertexAttrib3fv.xml
-func (gl *GL) VertexAttrib3fv(index glbase.Attrib, values []float32) {
- if len(values) != 3 {
- panic("parameter values has incorrect length")
- }
- C.gles2_glVertexAttrib3fv(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(index), (*C.GLfloat)(unsafe.Pointer(&values[0])))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glVertexAttrib4f.xml
-func (gl *GL) VertexAttrib4f(index glbase.Attrib, x, y, z, w float32) {
- C.gles2_glVertexAttrib4f(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(index), C.GLfloat(x), C.GLfloat(y), C.GLfloat(z), C.GLfloat(w))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glVertexAttrib4fv.xml
-func (gl *GL) VertexAttrib4fv(index glbase.Attrib, values []float32) {
- if len(values) != 4 {
- panic("parameter values has incorrect length")
- }
- C.gles2_glVertexAttrib4fv(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(index), (*C.GLfloat)(unsafe.Pointer(&values[0])))
-// VertexAttribPointer specifies the location and data format of the array
-// of generic vertex attributes at index to use when rendering. size
-// specifies the number of components per attribute and must be 1, 2, 3, or
-// 4. type specifies the data type of each component, and stride specifies
-// the byte stride from one attribute to the next, allowing vertices and
-// attributes to be packed into a single array or stored in separate arrays.
-// normalized indicates whether the values stored in an integer format are
-// to be mapped to the range [-1,1] (for signed values) or [0,1]
-// (for unsigned values) when they are accessed and converted to floating
-// point; otherwise, values will be converted to floats directly without
-// normalization. offset is a byte offset into the buffer object's data
-// store, which must be bound to the GL.ARRAY_BUFFER target with BindBuffer.
-// The buffer object binding (GL.ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING) is saved as
-// generic vertex attribute array client-side state
-// (GL.VERTEX_ATTRIB_ARRAY_BUFFER_BINDING) for the provided index.
-// To enable and disable a generic vertex attribute array, call
-// EnableVertexAttribArray and DisableVertexAttribArray with index. If
-// enabled, the generic vertex attribute array is used when DrawArrays or
-// DrawElements is called. Each generic vertex attribute array is initially
-// disabled.
-// VertexAttribPointer is typically implemented on the client side.
-// Error GL.INVALID_ENUM is generated if type is not an accepted value.
-// GL.INVALID_VALUE is generated if index is greater than or equal to
-// GL.MAX_VERTEX_ATTRIBS. GL.INVALID_VALUE is generated if size is not 1, 2,
-// 3, or 4. GL.INVALID_VALUE is generated if stride is negative.
-func (gl *GL) VertexAttribPointer(index glbase.Attrib, size int, gltype glbase.Enum, normalized bool, stride int, offset uintptr) {
- offset_ptr := unsafe.Pointer(offset)
- C.gles2_glVertexAttribPointer(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(index), C.GLint(size), C.GLenum(gltype), *(*C.GLboolean)(unsafe.Pointer(&normalized)), C.GLsizei(stride), offset_ptr)
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glBindTexture.xml
-func (gl *GL) BindTexture(target glbase.Enum, texture glbase.Texture) {
- C.gles2_glBindTexture(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(target), C.GLuint(texture))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glBlendFunc.xml
-func (gl *GL) BlendFunc(sfactor, dfactor glbase.Enum) {
- C.gles2_glBlendFunc(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(sfactor), C.GLenum(dfactor))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glClear.xml
-func (gl *GL) Clear(mask glbase.Bitfield) {
- C.gles2_glClear(gl.funcs, C.GLbitfield(mask))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glClearColor.xml
-func (gl *GL) ClearColor(red, green, blue, alpha glbase.Clampf) {
- C.gles2_glClearColor(gl.funcs, C.GLclampf(red), C.GLclampf(green), C.GLclampf(blue), C.GLclampf(alpha))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glClearStencil.xml
-func (gl *GL) ClearStencil(s int32) {
- C.gles2_glClearStencil(gl.funcs, C.GLint(s))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glColorMask.xml
-func (gl *GL) ColorMask(red, green, blue, alpha bool) {
- C.gles2_glColorMask(gl.funcs, *(*C.GLboolean)(unsafe.Pointer(&red)), *(*C.GLboolean)(unsafe.Pointer(&green)), *(*C.GLboolean)(unsafe.Pointer(&blue)), *(*C.GLboolean)(unsafe.Pointer(&alpha)))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glCopyTexImage2D.xml
-func (gl *GL) CopyTexImage2D(target glbase.Enum, level int, internalFormat glbase.Enum, x, y, width, height, border int) {
- C.gles2_glCopyTexImage2D(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(target), C.GLint(level), C.GLenum(internalFormat), C.GLint(x), C.GLint(y), C.GLsizei(width), C.GLsizei(height), C.GLint(border))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glCopyTexSubImage2D.xml
-func (gl *GL) CopyTexSubImage2D(target glbase.Enum, level, xoffset, yoffset, x, y, width, height int) {
- C.gles2_glCopyTexSubImage2D(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(target), C.GLint(level), C.GLint(xoffset), C.GLint(yoffset), C.GLint(x), C.GLint(y), C.GLsizei(width), C.GLsizei(height))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glCullFace.xml
-func (gl *GL) CullFace(mode glbase.Enum) {
- C.gles2_glCullFace(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(mode))
-// DeleteTextures deletes the textures objects whose names are stored
-// in the textures slice. After a texture is deleted, it has no contents or
-// dimensionality, and its name is free for reuse (for example by
-// GenTextures). If a texture that is currently bound is deleted, the binding
-// reverts to 0 (the default texture).
-// DeleteTextures silently ignores 0's and names that do not correspond to
-// existing textures.
-// Error GL.INVALID_VALUE is generated if n is negative.
-// DeleteTextures is available in GL version 2.0 or greater.
-func (gl *GL) DeleteTextures(textures []glbase.Texture) {
- n := len(textures)
- if n == 0 {
- return
- }
- C.gles2_glDeleteTextures(gl.funcs, C.GLsizei(n), (*C.GLuint)(unsafe.Pointer(&textures[0])))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glDepthFunc.xml
-func (gl *GL) DepthFunc(glfunc glbase.Enum) {
- C.gles2_glDepthFunc(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(glfunc))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glDepthMask.xml
-func (gl *GL) DepthMask(flag bool) {
- C.gles2_glDepthMask(gl.funcs, *(*C.GLboolean)(unsafe.Pointer(&flag)))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glDisable.xml
-func (gl *GL) Disable(cap glbase.Enum) {
- C.gles2_glDisable(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(cap))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glDrawArrays.xml
-func (gl *GL) DrawArrays(mode glbase.Enum, first, count int) {
- C.gles2_glDrawArrays(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(mode), C.GLint(first), C.GLsizei(count))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glDrawElements.xml
-func (gl *GL) DrawElements(mode glbase.Enum, count int, gltype glbase.Enum, indices interface{}) {
- var indices_ptr unsafe.Pointer
- var indices_v = reflect.ValueOf(indices)
- if indices != nil && indices_v.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
- panic("parameter indices must be a slice")
- }
- if indices != nil {
- indices_ptr = unsafe.Pointer(indices_v.Index(0).Addr().Pointer())
- }
- C.gles2_glDrawElements(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(mode), C.GLsizei(count), C.GLenum(gltype), indices_ptr)
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glEnable.xml
-func (gl *GL) Enable(cap glbase.Enum) {
- C.gles2_glEnable(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(cap))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glFinish.xml
-func (gl *GL) Finish() {
- C.gles2_glFinish(gl.funcs)
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glFlush.xml
-func (gl *GL) Flush() {
- C.gles2_glFlush(gl.funcs)
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glFrontFace.xml
-func (gl *GL) FrontFace(mode glbase.Enum) {
- C.gles2_glFrontFace(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(mode))
-// GenTextures returns n texture names in textures. There is no guarantee
-// that the names form a contiguous set of integers; however, it is
-// guaranteed that none of the returned names was in use immediately before
-// the call to GenTextures.
-// The generated textures have no dimensionality; they assume the
-// dimensionality of the texture target to which they are first bound (see
-// BindTexture).
-// Texture names returned by a call to GenTextures are not returned by
-// subsequent calls, unless they are first deleted with DeleteTextures.
-// Error GL.INVALID_VALUE is generated if n is negative.
-// GenTextures is available in GL version 2.0 or greater.
-func (gl *GL) GenTextures(n int) []glbase.Texture {
- if n == 0 {
- return nil
- }
- textures := make([]glbase.Texture, n)
- C.gles2_glGenTextures(gl.funcs, C.GLsizei(n), (*C.GLuint)(unsafe.Pointer(&textures[0])))
- return textures
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glGetBooleanv.xml
-func (gl *GL) GetBooleanv(pname glbase.Enum, params []bool) {
- C.gles2_glGetBooleanv(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(pname), (*C.GLboolean)(unsafe.Pointer(&params[0])))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glGetError.xml
-func (gl *GL) GetError() glbase.Enum {
- glresult := C.gles2_glGetError(gl.funcs)
- return glbase.Enum(glresult)
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glGetFloatv.xml
-func (gl *GL) GetFloatv(pname glbase.Enum, params []float32) {
- C.gles2_glGetFloatv(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(pname), (*C.GLfloat)(unsafe.Pointer(&params[0])))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glGetIntegerv.xml
-func (gl *GL) GetIntegerv(pname glbase.Enum, params []int32) {
- C.gles2_glGetIntegerv(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(pname), (*C.GLint)(unsafe.Pointer(&params[0])))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glGetTexParameterfv.xml
-func (gl *GL) GetTexParameterfv(target, pname glbase.Enum, params []float32) {
- C.gles2_glGetTexParameterfv(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(target), C.GLenum(pname), (*C.GLfloat)(unsafe.Pointer(&params[0])))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glGetTexParameteriv.xml
-func (gl *GL) GetTexParameteriv(target, pname glbase.Enum, params []int32) {
- C.gles2_glGetTexParameteriv(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(target), C.GLenum(pname), (*C.GLint)(unsafe.Pointer(&params[0])))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glHint.xml
-func (gl *GL) Hint(target, mode glbase.Enum) {
- C.gles2_glHint(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(target), C.GLenum(mode))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glIsEnabled.xml
-func (gl *GL) IsEnabled(cap glbase.Enum) bool {
- glresult := C.gles2_glIsEnabled(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(cap))
- return *(*bool)(unsafe.Pointer(&glresult))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glIsTexture.xml
-func (gl *GL) IsTexture(texture glbase.Texture) bool {
- glresult := C.gles2_glIsTexture(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(texture))
- return *(*bool)(unsafe.Pointer(&glresult))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glLineWidth.xml
-func (gl *GL) LineWidth(width float32) {
- C.gles2_glLineWidth(gl.funcs, C.GLfloat(width))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glPixelStorei.xml
-func (gl *GL) PixelStorei(pname glbase.Enum, param int32) {
- C.gles2_glPixelStorei(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(pname), C.GLint(param))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glPolygonOffset.xml
-func (gl *GL) PolygonOffset(factor, units float32) {
- C.gles2_glPolygonOffset(gl.funcs, C.GLfloat(factor), C.GLfloat(units))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glReadPixels.xml
-func (gl *GL) ReadPixels(x, y, width, height int, format, gltype glbase.Enum, pixels interface{}) {
- var pixels_ptr unsafe.Pointer
- var pixels_v = reflect.ValueOf(pixels)
- if pixels != nil && pixels_v.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
- panic("parameter pixels must be a slice")
- }
- if pixels != nil {
- pixels_ptr = unsafe.Pointer(pixels_v.Index(0).Addr().Pointer())
- }
- C.gles2_glReadPixels(gl.funcs, C.GLint(x), C.GLint(y), C.GLsizei(width), C.GLsizei(height), C.GLenum(format), C.GLenum(gltype), pixels_ptr)
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glScissor.xml
-func (gl *GL) Scissor(x, y, width, height int) {
- C.gles2_glScissor(gl.funcs, C.GLint(x), C.GLint(y), C.GLsizei(width), C.GLsizei(height))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glStencilFunc.xml
-func (gl *GL) StencilFunc(glfunc glbase.Enum, ref int32, mask uint32) {
- C.gles2_glStencilFunc(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(glfunc), C.GLint(ref), C.GLuint(mask))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glStencilMask.xml
-func (gl *GL) StencilMask(mask uint32) {
- C.gles2_glStencilMask(gl.funcs, C.GLuint(mask))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glStencilOp.xml
-func (gl *GL) StencilOp(fail, zfail, zpass glbase.Enum) {
- C.gles2_glStencilOp(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(fail), C.GLenum(zfail), C.GLenum(zpass))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glTexImage2D.xml
-func (gl *GL) TexImage2D(target glbase.Enum, level int, internalFormat int32, width, height, border int, format, gltype glbase.Enum, pixels interface{}) {
- var pixels_ptr unsafe.Pointer
- var pixels_v = reflect.ValueOf(pixels)
- if pixels != nil && pixels_v.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
- panic("parameter pixels must be a slice")
- }
- if pixels != nil {
- pixels_ptr = unsafe.Pointer(pixels_v.Index(0).Addr().Pointer())
- }
- C.gles2_glTexImage2D(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(target), C.GLint(level), C.GLint(internalFormat), C.GLsizei(width), C.GLsizei(height), C.GLint(border), C.GLenum(format), C.GLenum(gltype), pixels_ptr)
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glTexParameterf.xml
-func (gl *GL) TexParameterf(target, pname glbase.Enum, param float32) {
- C.gles2_glTexParameterf(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(target), C.GLenum(pname), C.GLfloat(param))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glTexParameterfv.xml
-func (gl *GL) TexParameterfv(target, pname glbase.Enum, params []float32) {
- C.gles2_glTexParameterfv(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(target), C.GLenum(pname), (*C.GLfloat)(unsafe.Pointer(&params[0])))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glTexParameteri.xml
-func (gl *GL) TexParameteri(target, pname glbase.Enum, param int32) {
- C.gles2_glTexParameteri(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(target), C.GLenum(pname), C.GLint(param))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glTexParameteriv.xml
-func (gl *GL) TexParameteriv(target, pname glbase.Enum, params []int32) {
- C.gles2_glTexParameteriv(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(target), C.GLenum(pname), (*C.GLint)(unsafe.Pointer(&params[0])))
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glTexSubImage2D.xml
-func (gl *GL) TexSubImage2D(target glbase.Enum, level, xoffset, yoffset, width, height int, format, gltype glbase.Enum, pixels interface{}) {
- var pixels_ptr unsafe.Pointer
- var pixels_v = reflect.ValueOf(pixels)
- if pixels != nil && pixels_v.Kind() != reflect.Slice {
- panic("parameter pixels must be a slice")
- }
- if pixels != nil {
- pixels_ptr = unsafe.Pointer(pixels_v.Index(0).Addr().Pointer())
- }
- C.gles2_glTexSubImage2D(gl.funcs, C.GLenum(target), C.GLint(level), C.GLint(xoffset), C.GLint(yoffset), C.GLsizei(width), C.GLsizei(height), C.GLenum(format), C.GLenum(gltype), pixels_ptr)
-// https://www.opengl.org/sdk/docs/man2/xhtml/glViewport.xml
-func (gl *GL) Viewport(x, y, width, height int) {
- C.gles2_glViewport(gl.funcs, C.GLint(x), C.GLint(y), C.GLsizei(width), C.GLsizei(height))