path: root/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/pyserpent.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/pyserpent.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 173 deletions
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/pyserpent.cpp b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/pyserpent.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 38398aa46..000000000
--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/ethereum/serpent-go/serpent/pyserpent.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,173 +0,0 @@
-#include <Python.h>
-#include "structmember.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <iostream>
-#include "funcs.h"
-#define PYMETHOD(name, FROM, method, TO) \
- static PyObject * name(PyObject *, PyObject *args) { \
- try { \
- FROM(med) \
- return TO(method(med)); \
- } \
- catch (std::string e) { \
- PyErr_SetString(PyExc_Exception, e.c_str()); \
- return NULL; \
- } \
- }
-#define FROMSTR(v) \
- const char *command; \
- int len; \
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "s#", &command, &len)) \
- return NULL; \
- std::string v = std::string(command, len); \
-#define FROMNODE(v) \
- PyObject *node; \
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &node)) \
- return NULL; \
- Node v = cppifyNode(node);
-#define FROMLIST(v) \
- PyObject *node; \
- if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O", &node)) \
- return NULL; \
- std::vector<Node> v = cppifyNodeList(node);
-// Convert metadata into python wrapper form [file, ln, ch]
-PyObject* pyifyMetadata(Metadata m) {
- PyObject* a = PyList_New(0);
- PyList_Append(a, Py_BuildValue("s#", m.file.c_str(), m.file.length()));
- PyList_Append(a, Py_BuildValue("i", m.ln));
- PyList_Append(a, Py_BuildValue("i", m.ch));
- return a;
-// Convert node into python wrapper form
-// [token=0/astnode=1, val, metadata, args]
-PyObject* pyifyNode(Node n) {
- PyObject* a = PyList_New(0);
- PyList_Append(a, Py_BuildValue("i", n.type == ASTNODE));
- PyList_Append(a, Py_BuildValue("s#", n.val.c_str(), n.val.length()));
- PyList_Append(a, pyifyMetadata(n.metadata));
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < n.args.size(); i++)
- PyList_Append(a, pyifyNode(n.args[i]));
- return a;
-// Convert string into python wrapper form
-PyObject* pyifyString(std::string s) {
- return Py_BuildValue("s#", s.c_str(), s.length());
-// Convert list of nodes into python wrapper form
-PyObject* pyifyNodeList(std::vector<Node> n) {
- PyObject* a = PyList_New(0);
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < n.size(); i++)
- PyList_Append(a, pyifyNode(n[i]));
- return a;
-// Convert pyobject int into normal form
-int cppifyInt(PyObject* o) {
- int out;
- if (!PyArg_Parse(o, "i", &out))
- err("Argument should be integer", Metadata());
- return out;
-// Convert pyobject string into normal form
-std::string cppifyString(PyObject* o) {
- const char *command;
- if (!PyArg_Parse(o, "s", &command))
- err("Argument should be string", Metadata());
- return std::string(command);
-// Convert metadata from python wrapper form
-Metadata cppifyMetadata(PyObject* o) {
- std::string file = cppifyString(PyList_GetItem(o, 0));
- int ln = cppifyInt(PyList_GetItem(o, 1));
- int ch = cppifyInt(PyList_GetItem(o, 2));
- return Metadata(file, ln, ch);
-// Convert node from python wrapper form
-Node cppifyNode(PyObject* o) {
- Node n;
- int isAstNode = cppifyInt(PyList_GetItem(o, 0));
- n.type = isAstNode ? ASTNODE : TOKEN;
- n.val = cppifyString(PyList_GetItem(o, 1));
- n.metadata = cppifyMetadata(PyList_GetItem(o, 2));
- std::vector<Node> args;
- for (int i = 3; i < PyList_Size(o); i++) {
- args.push_back(cppifyNode(PyList_GetItem(o, i)));
- }
- n.args = args;
- return n;
-//Convert list of nodes into normal form
-std::vector<Node> cppifyNodeList(PyObject* o) {
- std::vector<Node> out;
- for (int i = 0; i < PyList_Size(o); i++) {
- out.push_back(cppifyNode(PyList_GetItem(o,i)));
- }
- return out;
-PYMETHOD(ps_compile, FROMSTR, compile, pyifyString)
-PYMETHOD(ps_compile_chunk, FROMSTR, compileChunk, pyifyString)
-PYMETHOD(ps_compile_to_lll, FROMSTR, compileToLLL, pyifyNode)
-PYMETHOD(ps_compile_chunk_to_lll, FROMSTR, compileChunkToLLL, pyifyNode)
-PYMETHOD(ps_compile_lll, FROMNODE, compileLLL, pyifyString)
-PYMETHOD(ps_parse, FROMSTR, parseSerpent, pyifyNode)
-PYMETHOD(ps_rewrite, FROMNODE, rewrite, pyifyNode)
-PYMETHOD(ps_rewrite_chunk, FROMNODE, rewriteChunk, pyifyNode)
-PYMETHOD(ps_pretty_compile, FROMSTR, prettyCompile, pyifyNodeList)
-PYMETHOD(ps_pretty_compile_chunk, FROMSTR, prettyCompileChunk, pyifyNodeList)
-PYMETHOD(ps_pretty_compile_lll, FROMNODE, prettyCompileLLL, pyifyNodeList)
-PYMETHOD(ps_serialize, FROMLIST, serialize, pyifyString)
-PYMETHOD(ps_deserialize, FROMSTR, deserialize, pyifyNodeList)
-PYMETHOD(ps_parse_lll, FROMSTR, parseLLL, pyifyNode)
-static PyMethodDef PyextMethods[] = {
- {"compile", ps_compile, METH_VARARGS,
- "Compile code."},
- {"compile_chunk", ps_compile_chunk, METH_VARARGS,
- "Compile code chunk (no wrappers)."},
- {"compile_to_lll", ps_compile_to_lll, METH_VARARGS,
- "Compile code to LLL."},
- {"compile_chunk_to_lll", ps_compile_chunk_to_lll, METH_VARARGS,
- "Compile code chunk to LLL (no wrappers)."},
- {"compile_lll", ps_compile_lll, METH_VARARGS,
- "Compile LLL to EVM."},
- {"parse", ps_parse, METH_VARARGS,
- "Parse serpent"},
- {"rewrite", ps_rewrite, METH_VARARGS,
- "Rewrite parsed serpent to LLL"},
- {"rewrite_chunk", ps_rewrite_chunk, METH_VARARGS,
- "Rewrite parsed serpent to LLL (no wrappers)"},
- {"pretty_compile", ps_pretty_compile, METH_VARARGS,
- "Compile to EVM opcodes"},
- {"pretty_compile_chunk", ps_pretty_compile_chunk, METH_VARARGS,
- "Compile chunk to EVM opcodes (no wrappers)"},
- {"pretty_compile_lll", ps_pretty_compile_lll, METH_VARARGS,
- "Compile LLL to EVM opcodes"},
- {"serialize", ps_serialize, METH_VARARGS,
- "Convert EVM opcodes to bin"},
- {"deserialize", ps_deserialize, METH_VARARGS,
- "Convert EVM bin to opcodes"},
- {"parse_lll", ps_parse_lll, METH_VARARGS,
- "Parse LLL"},
- {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} /* Sentinel */
-PyMODINIT_FUNC initserpent_pyext(void)
- Py_InitModule( "serpent_pyext", PyextMethods );