path: root/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/Gustav-Simonsson/go-opencl/cl/types.go
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Diffstat (limited to 'Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/Gustav-Simonsson/go-opencl/cl/types.go')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 487 deletions
diff --git a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/Gustav-Simonsson/go-opencl/cl/types.go b/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/Gustav-Simonsson/go-opencl/cl/types.go
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--- a/Godeps/_workspace/src/github.com/Gustav-Simonsson/go-opencl/cl/types.go
+++ /dev/null
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-package cl
-// #ifdef __APPLE__
-// #include "OpenCL/opencl.h"
-// #else
-// #include "cl.h"
-// #endif
-import "C"
-import (
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "reflect"
- "runtime"
- "strings"
- "unsafe"
-var (
- ErrUnknown = errors.New("cl: unknown error") // Generally an unexpected result from an OpenCL function (e.g. CL_SUCCESS but null pointer)
-type ErrOther int
-func (e ErrOther) Error() string {
- return fmt.Sprintf("cl: error %d", int(e))
-var (
- ErrDeviceNotFound = errors.New("cl: Device Not Found")
- ErrDeviceNotAvailable = errors.New("cl: Device Not Available")
- ErrCompilerNotAvailable = errors.New("cl: Compiler Not Available")
- ErrMemObjectAllocationFailure = errors.New("cl: Mem Object Allocation Failure")
- ErrOutOfResources = errors.New("cl: Out Of Resources")
- ErrOutOfHostMemory = errors.New("cl: Out Of Host Memory")
- ErrProfilingInfoNotAvailable = errors.New("cl: Profiling Info Not Available")
- ErrMemCopyOverlap = errors.New("cl: Mem Copy Overlap")
- ErrImageFormatMismatch = errors.New("cl: Image Format Mismatch")
- ErrImageFormatNotSupported = errors.New("cl: Image Format Not Supported")
- ErrBuildProgramFailure = errors.New("cl: Build Program Failure")
- ErrMapFailure = errors.New("cl: Map Failure")
- ErrMisalignedSubBufferOffset = errors.New("cl: Misaligned Sub Buffer Offset")
- ErrExecStatusErrorForEventsInWaitList = errors.New("cl: Exec Status Error For Events In Wait List")
- ErrCompileProgramFailure = errors.New("cl: Compile Program Failure")
- ErrLinkerNotAvailable = errors.New("cl: Linker Not Available")
- ErrLinkProgramFailure = errors.New("cl: Link Program Failure")
- ErrDevicePartitionFailed = errors.New("cl: Device Partition Failed")
- ErrKernelArgInfoNotAvailable = errors.New("cl: Kernel Arg Info Not Available")
- ErrInvalidValue = errors.New("cl: Invalid Value")
- ErrInvalidDeviceType = errors.New("cl: Invalid Device Type")
- ErrInvalidPlatform = errors.New("cl: Invalid Platform")
- ErrInvalidDevice = errors.New("cl: Invalid Device")
- ErrInvalidContext = errors.New("cl: Invalid Context")
- ErrInvalidQueueProperties = errors.New("cl: Invalid Queue Properties")
- ErrInvalidCommandQueue = errors.New("cl: Invalid Command Queue")
- ErrInvalidHostPtr = errors.New("cl: Invalid Host Ptr")
- ErrInvalidMemObject = errors.New("cl: Invalid Mem Object")
- ErrInvalidImageFormatDescriptor = errors.New("cl: Invalid Image Format Descriptor")
- ErrInvalidImageSize = errors.New("cl: Invalid Image Size")
- ErrInvalidSampler = errors.New("cl: Invalid Sampler")
- ErrInvalidBinary = errors.New("cl: Invalid Binary")
- ErrInvalidBuildOptions = errors.New("cl: Invalid Build Options")
- ErrInvalidProgram = errors.New("cl: Invalid Program")
- ErrInvalidProgramExecutable = errors.New("cl: Invalid Program Executable")
- ErrInvalidKernelName = errors.New("cl: Invalid Kernel Name")
- ErrInvalidKernelDefinition = errors.New("cl: Invalid Kernel Definition")
- ErrInvalidKernel = errors.New("cl: Invalid Kernel")
- ErrInvalidArgIndex = errors.New("cl: Invalid Arg Index")
- ErrInvalidArgValue = errors.New("cl: Invalid Arg Value")
- ErrInvalidArgSize = errors.New("cl: Invalid Arg Size")
- ErrInvalidKernelArgs = errors.New("cl: Invalid Kernel Args")
- ErrInvalidWorkDimension = errors.New("cl: Invalid Work Dimension")
- ErrInvalidWorkGroupSize = errors.New("cl: Invalid Work Group Size")
- ErrInvalidWorkItemSize = errors.New("cl: Invalid Work Item Size")
- ErrInvalidGlobalOffset = errors.New("cl: Invalid Global Offset")
- ErrInvalidEventWaitList = errors.New("cl: Invalid Event Wait List")
- ErrInvalidEvent = errors.New("cl: Invalid Event")
- ErrInvalidOperation = errors.New("cl: Invalid Operation")
- ErrInvalidGlObject = errors.New("cl: Invalid Gl Object")
- ErrInvalidBufferSize = errors.New("cl: Invalid Buffer Size")
- ErrInvalidMipLevel = errors.New("cl: Invalid Mip Level")
- ErrInvalidGlobalWorkSize = errors.New("cl: Invalid Global Work Size")
- ErrInvalidProperty = errors.New("cl: Invalid Property")
- ErrInvalidImageDescriptor = errors.New("cl: Invalid Image Descriptor")
- ErrInvalidCompilerOptions = errors.New("cl: Invalid Compiler Options")
- ErrInvalidLinkerOptions = errors.New("cl: Invalid Linker Options")
- ErrInvalidDevicePartitionCount = errors.New("cl: Invalid Device Partition Count")
-var errorMap = map[C.cl_int]error{
- C.CL_SUCCESS: nil,
- C.CL_DEVICE_NOT_FOUND: ErrDeviceNotFound,
- C.CL_DEVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE: ErrDeviceNotAvailable,
- C.CL_COMPILER_NOT_AVAILABLE: ErrCompilerNotAvailable,
- C.CL_MEM_OBJECT_ALLOCATION_FAILURE: ErrMemObjectAllocationFailure,
- C.CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES: ErrOutOfResources,
- C.CL_OUT_OF_HOST_MEMORY: ErrOutOfHostMemory,
- C.CL_PROFILING_INFO_NOT_AVAILABLE: ErrProfilingInfoNotAvailable,
- C.CL_MEM_COPY_OVERLAP: ErrMemCopyOverlap,
- C.CL_IMAGE_FORMAT_MISMATCH: ErrImageFormatMismatch,
- C.CL_IMAGE_FORMAT_NOT_SUPPORTED: ErrImageFormatNotSupported,
- C.CL_BUILD_PROGRAM_FAILURE: ErrBuildProgramFailure,
- C.CL_MAP_FAILURE: ErrMapFailure,
- C.CL_MISALIGNED_SUB_BUFFER_OFFSET: ErrMisalignedSubBufferOffset,
- C.CL_INVALID_VALUE: ErrInvalidValue,
- C.CL_INVALID_DEVICE_TYPE: ErrInvalidDeviceType,
- C.CL_INVALID_PLATFORM: ErrInvalidPlatform,
- C.CL_INVALID_DEVICE: ErrInvalidDevice,
- C.CL_INVALID_CONTEXT: ErrInvalidContext,
- C.CL_INVALID_QUEUE_PROPERTIES: ErrInvalidQueueProperties,
- C.CL_INVALID_COMMAND_QUEUE: ErrInvalidCommandQueue,
- C.CL_INVALID_HOST_PTR: ErrInvalidHostPtr,
- C.CL_INVALID_MEM_OBJECT: ErrInvalidMemObject,
- C.CL_INVALID_IMAGE_FORMAT_DESCRIPTOR: ErrInvalidImageFormatDescriptor,
- C.CL_INVALID_IMAGE_SIZE: ErrInvalidImageSize,
- C.CL_INVALID_SAMPLER: ErrInvalidSampler,
- C.CL_INVALID_BINARY: ErrInvalidBinary,
- C.CL_INVALID_BUILD_OPTIONS: ErrInvalidBuildOptions,
- C.CL_INVALID_PROGRAM: ErrInvalidProgram,
- C.CL_INVALID_PROGRAM_EXECUTABLE: ErrInvalidProgramExecutable,
- C.CL_INVALID_KERNEL_NAME: ErrInvalidKernelName,
- C.CL_INVALID_KERNEL_DEFINITION: ErrInvalidKernelDefinition,
- C.CL_INVALID_KERNEL: ErrInvalidKernel,
- C.CL_INVALID_ARG_INDEX: ErrInvalidArgIndex,
- C.CL_INVALID_ARG_VALUE: ErrInvalidArgValue,
- C.CL_INVALID_ARG_SIZE: ErrInvalidArgSize,
- C.CL_INVALID_KERNEL_ARGS: ErrInvalidKernelArgs,
- C.CL_INVALID_WORK_DIMENSION: ErrInvalidWorkDimension,
- C.CL_INVALID_WORK_GROUP_SIZE: ErrInvalidWorkGroupSize,
- C.CL_INVALID_WORK_ITEM_SIZE: ErrInvalidWorkItemSize,
- C.CL_INVALID_GLOBAL_OFFSET: ErrInvalidGlobalOffset,
- C.CL_INVALID_EVENT_WAIT_LIST: ErrInvalidEventWaitList,
- C.CL_INVALID_EVENT: ErrInvalidEvent,
- C.CL_INVALID_OPERATION: ErrInvalidOperation,
- C.CL_INVALID_GL_OBJECT: ErrInvalidGlObject,
- C.CL_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE: ErrInvalidBufferSize,
- C.CL_INVALID_MIP_LEVEL: ErrInvalidMipLevel,
- C.CL_INVALID_GLOBAL_WORK_SIZE: ErrInvalidGlobalWorkSize,
- C.CL_INVALID_PROPERTY: ErrInvalidProperty,
-func toError(code C.cl_int) error {
- if err, ok := errorMap[code]; ok {
- return err
- }
- return ErrOther(code)
-type LocalMemType int
-const (
- LocalMemTypeNone LocalMemType = C.CL_NONE
- LocalMemTypeGlobal LocalMemType = C.CL_GLOBAL
- LocalMemTypeLocal LocalMemType = C.CL_LOCAL
-var localMemTypeMap = map[LocalMemType]string{
- LocalMemTypeNone: "None",
- LocalMemTypeGlobal: "Global",
- LocalMemTypeLocal: "Local",
-func (t LocalMemType) String() string {
- name := localMemTypeMap[t]
- if name == "" {
- name = "Unknown"
- }
- return name
-type ExecCapability int
-const (
- ExecCapabilityKernel ExecCapability = C.CL_EXEC_KERNEL // The OpenCL device can execute OpenCL kernels.
- ExecCapabilityNativeKernel ExecCapability = C.CL_EXEC_NATIVE_KERNEL // The OpenCL device can execute native kernels.
-func (ec ExecCapability) String() string {
- var parts []string
- if ec&ExecCapabilityKernel != 0 {
- parts = append(parts, "Kernel")
- }
- if ec&ExecCapabilityNativeKernel != 0 {
- parts = append(parts, "NativeKernel")
- }
- if parts == nil {
- return ""
- }
- return strings.Join(parts, "|")
-type MemCacheType int
-const (
- MemCacheTypeNone MemCacheType = C.CL_NONE
- MemCacheTypeReadOnlyCache MemCacheType = C.CL_READ_ONLY_CACHE
- MemCacheTypeReadWriteCache MemCacheType = C.CL_READ_WRITE_CACHE
-func (ct MemCacheType) String() string {
- switch ct {
- case MemCacheTypeNone:
- return "None"
- case MemCacheTypeReadOnlyCache:
- return "ReadOnly"
- case MemCacheTypeReadWriteCache:
- return "ReadWrite"
- }
- return fmt.Sprintf("Unknown(%x)", int(ct))
-type MemFlag int
-const (
- MemReadWrite MemFlag = C.CL_MEM_READ_WRITE
- MemWriteOnly MemFlag = C.CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY
- MemReadOnly MemFlag = C.CL_MEM_READ_ONLY
- MemUseHostPtr MemFlag = C.CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR
- MemAllocHostPtr MemFlag = C.CL_MEM_ALLOC_HOST_PTR
- MemCopyHostPtr MemFlag = C.CL_MEM_COPY_HOST_PTR
- MemWriteOnlyHost MemFlag = C.CL_MEM_HOST_WRITE_ONLY
- MemReadOnlyHost MemFlag = C.CL_MEM_HOST_READ_ONLY
- MemNoAccessHost MemFlag = C.CL_MEM_HOST_NO_ACCESS
-type MemObjectType int
-const (
- MemObjectTypeBuffer MemObjectType = C.CL_MEM_OBJECT_BUFFER
- MemObjectTypeImage2D MemObjectType = C.CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE2D
- MemObjectTypeImage3D MemObjectType = C.CL_MEM_OBJECT_IMAGE3D
-type MapFlag int
-const (
- // This flag specifies that the region being mapped in the memory object is being mapped for reading.
- MapFlagRead MapFlag = C.CL_MAP_READ
- MapFlagWrite MapFlag = C.CL_MAP_WRITE
- MapFlagWriteInvalidateRegion MapFlag = C.CL_MAP_WRITE_INVALIDATE_REGION
-func (mf MapFlag) toCl() C.cl_map_flags {
- return C.cl_map_flags(mf)
-type ChannelOrder int
-const (
- ChannelOrderR ChannelOrder = C.CL_R
- ChannelOrderA ChannelOrder = C.CL_A
- ChannelOrderRG ChannelOrder = C.CL_RG
- ChannelOrderRA ChannelOrder = C.CL_RA
- ChannelOrderRGB ChannelOrder = C.CL_RGB
- ChannelOrderRGBA ChannelOrder = C.CL_RGBA
- ChannelOrderBGRA ChannelOrder = C.CL_BGRA
- ChannelOrderARGB ChannelOrder = C.CL_ARGB
- ChannelOrderIntensity ChannelOrder = C.CL_INTENSITY
- ChannelOrderLuminance ChannelOrder = C.CL_LUMINANCE
- ChannelOrderRx ChannelOrder = C.CL_Rx
- ChannelOrderRGx ChannelOrder = C.CL_RGx
- ChannelOrderRGBx ChannelOrder = C.CL_RGBx
-var channelOrderNameMap = map[ChannelOrder]string{
- ChannelOrderR: "R",
- ChannelOrderA: "A",
- ChannelOrderRG: "RG",
- ChannelOrderRA: "RA",
- ChannelOrderRGB: "RGB",
- ChannelOrderRGBA: "RGBA",
- ChannelOrderBGRA: "BGRA",
- ChannelOrderARGB: "ARGB",
- ChannelOrderIntensity: "Intensity",
- ChannelOrderLuminance: "Luminance",
- ChannelOrderRx: "Rx",
- ChannelOrderRGx: "RGx",
- ChannelOrderRGBx: "RGBx",
-func (co ChannelOrder) String() string {
- name := channelOrderNameMap[co]
- if name == "" {
- name = fmt.Sprintf("Unknown(%x)", int(co))
- }
- return name
-type ChannelDataType int
-const (
- ChannelDataTypeSNormInt8 ChannelDataType = C.CL_SNORM_INT8
- ChannelDataTypeSNormInt16 ChannelDataType = C.CL_SNORM_INT16
- ChannelDataTypeUNormInt8 ChannelDataType = C.CL_UNORM_INT8
- ChannelDataTypeUNormInt16 ChannelDataType = C.CL_UNORM_INT16
- ChannelDataTypeUNormShort565 ChannelDataType = C.CL_UNORM_SHORT_565
- ChannelDataTypeUNormShort555 ChannelDataType = C.CL_UNORM_SHORT_555
- ChannelDataTypeUNormInt101010 ChannelDataType = C.CL_UNORM_INT_101010
- ChannelDataTypeSignedInt8 ChannelDataType = C.CL_SIGNED_INT8
- ChannelDataTypeSignedInt16 ChannelDataType = C.CL_SIGNED_INT16
- ChannelDataTypeSignedInt32 ChannelDataType = C.CL_SIGNED_INT32
- ChannelDataTypeUnsignedInt8 ChannelDataType = C.CL_UNSIGNED_INT8
- ChannelDataTypeUnsignedInt16 ChannelDataType = C.CL_UNSIGNED_INT16
- ChannelDataTypeUnsignedInt32 ChannelDataType = C.CL_UNSIGNED_INT32
- ChannelDataTypeHalfFloat ChannelDataType = C.CL_HALF_FLOAT
- ChannelDataTypeFloat ChannelDataType = C.CL_FLOAT
-var channelDataTypeNameMap = map[ChannelDataType]string{
- ChannelDataTypeSNormInt8: "SNormInt8",
- ChannelDataTypeSNormInt16: "SNormInt16",
- ChannelDataTypeUNormInt8: "UNormInt8",
- ChannelDataTypeUNormInt16: "UNormInt16",
- ChannelDataTypeUNormShort565: "UNormShort565",
- ChannelDataTypeUNormShort555: "UNormShort555",
- ChannelDataTypeUNormInt101010: "UNormInt101010",
- ChannelDataTypeSignedInt8: "SignedInt8",
- ChannelDataTypeSignedInt16: "SignedInt16",
- ChannelDataTypeSignedInt32: "SignedInt32",
- ChannelDataTypeUnsignedInt8: "UnsignedInt8",
- ChannelDataTypeUnsignedInt16: "UnsignedInt16",
- ChannelDataTypeUnsignedInt32: "UnsignedInt32",
- ChannelDataTypeHalfFloat: "HalfFloat",
- ChannelDataTypeFloat: "Float",
-func (ct ChannelDataType) String() string {
- name := channelDataTypeNameMap[ct]
- if name == "" {
- name = fmt.Sprintf("Unknown(%x)", int(ct))
- }
- return name
-type ImageFormat struct {
- ChannelOrder ChannelOrder
- ChannelDataType ChannelDataType
-func (f ImageFormat) toCl() C.cl_image_format {
- var format C.cl_image_format
- format.image_channel_order = C.cl_channel_order(f.ChannelOrder)
- format.image_channel_data_type = C.cl_channel_type(f.ChannelDataType)
- return format
-type ProfilingInfo int
-const (
- // A 64-bit value that describes the current device time counter in
- // nanoseconds when the command identified by event is enqueued in
- // a command-queue by the host.
- ProfilingInfoCommandQueued ProfilingInfo = C.CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_QUEUED
- // A 64-bit value that describes the current device time counter in
- // nanoseconds when the command identified by event that has been
- // enqueued is submitted by the host to the device associated with the command-queue.
- ProfilingInfoCommandSubmit ProfilingInfo = C.CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_SUBMIT
- // A 64-bit value that describes the current device time counter in
- // nanoseconds when the command identified by event starts execution on the device.
- ProfilingInfoCommandStart ProfilingInfo = C.CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_START
- // A 64-bit value that describes the current device time counter in
- // nanoseconds when the command identified by event has finished
- // execution on the device.
- ProfilingInfoCommandEnd ProfilingInfo = C.CL_PROFILING_COMMAND_END
-type CommmandExecStatus int
-const (
- CommmandExecStatusComplete CommmandExecStatus = C.CL_COMPLETE
- CommmandExecStatusRunning CommmandExecStatus = C.CL_RUNNING
- CommmandExecStatusSubmitted CommmandExecStatus = C.CL_SUBMITTED
- CommmandExecStatusQueued CommmandExecStatus = C.CL_QUEUED
-type Event struct {
- clEvent C.cl_event
-func releaseEvent(ev *Event) {
- if ev.clEvent != nil {
- C.clReleaseEvent(ev.clEvent)
- ev.clEvent = nil
- }
-func (e *Event) Release() {
- releaseEvent(e)
-func (e *Event) GetEventProfilingInfo(paramName ProfilingInfo) (int64, error) {
- var paramValue C.cl_ulong
- if err := C.clGetEventProfilingInfo(e.clEvent, C.cl_profiling_info(paramName), C.size_t(unsafe.Sizeof(paramValue)), unsafe.Pointer(&paramValue), nil); err != C.CL_SUCCESS {
- return 0, toError(err)
- }
- return int64(paramValue), nil
-// Sets the execution status of a user event object.
-// `status` specifies the new execution status to be set and
-// can be CL_COMPLETE or a negative integer value to indicate
-// an error. A negative integer value causes all enqueued commands
-// that wait on this user event to be terminated. clSetUserEventStatus
-// can only be called once to change the execution status of event.
-func (e *Event) SetUserEventStatus(status int) error {
- return toError(C.clSetUserEventStatus(e.clEvent, C.cl_int(status)))
-// Waits on the host thread for commands identified by event objects in
-// events to complete. A command is considered complete if its execution
-// status is CL_COMPLETE or a negative value. The events specified in
-// event_list act as synchronization points.
-// If the cl_khr_gl_event extension is enabled, event objects can also be
-// used to reflect the status of an OpenGL sync object. The sync object
-// in turn refers to a fence command executing in an OpenGL command
-// stream. This provides another method of coordinating sharing of buffers
-// and images between OpenGL and OpenCL.
-func WaitForEvents(events []*Event) error {
- return toError(C.clWaitForEvents(C.cl_uint(len(events)), eventListPtr(events)))
-func newEvent(clEvent C.cl_event) *Event {
- ev := &Event{clEvent: clEvent}
- runtime.SetFinalizer(ev, releaseEvent)
- return ev
-func eventListPtr(el []*Event) *C.cl_event {
- if el == nil {
- return nil
- }
- elist := make([]C.cl_event, len(el))
- for i, e := range el {
- elist[i] = e.clEvent
- }
- return (*C.cl_event)(&elist[0])
-func clBool(b bool) C.cl_bool {
- if b {
- return C.CL_TRUE
- }
- return C.CL_FALSE
-func sizeT3(i3 [3]int) [3]C.size_t {
- var val [3]C.size_t
- val[0] = C.size_t(i3[0])
- val[1] = C.size_t(i3[1])
- val[2] = C.size_t(i3[2])
- return val
-type MappedMemObject struct {
- ptr unsafe.Pointer
- size int
- rowPitch int
- slicePitch int
-func (mb *MappedMemObject) ByteSlice() []byte {
- var byteSlice []byte
- sliceHeader := (*reflect.SliceHeader)(unsafe.Pointer(&byteSlice))
- sliceHeader.Cap = mb.size
- sliceHeader.Len = mb.size
- sliceHeader.Data = uintptr(mb.ptr)
- return byteSlice
-func (mb *MappedMemObject) Ptr() unsafe.Pointer {
- return mb.ptr
-func (mb *MappedMemObject) Size() int {
- return mb.size
-func (mb *MappedMemObject) RowPitch() int {
- return mb.rowPitch
-func (mb *MappedMemObject) SlicePitch() int {
- return mb.slicePitch