diff options
-rw-r--r--core/vm/sqlvm/checker/expr.go (renamed from core/vm/sqlvm/checker/checker.go)815
3 files changed, 831 insertions, 815 deletions
diff --git a/core/vm/sqlvm/checker/create.go b/core/vm/sqlvm/checker/create.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..18c9dd171
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/vm/sqlvm/checker/create.go
@@ -0,0 +1,808 @@
+package checker
+import (
+ "fmt"
+ "sort"
+ "github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon/core/vm/sqlvm/ast"
+ "github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon/core/vm/sqlvm/errors"
+ "github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon/core/vm/sqlvm/schema"
+// In addition to the convention mentioned in utils.go, we have these variable
+// names in this file:
+// ftd -> foreign table descriptor
+// ftn -> foreign table name
+// fcd -> foreign column descriptor
+// fcn -> foreign column name
+// fid -> foreign index descriptor
+// fin -> foreign index name
+// fmid -> first matching index descriptor
+// fmir -> first matching index reference
+// fmin -> first matching index name
+// findFirstMatchingIndex finds the first index in 'haystack' matching the
+// declaration of 'needle' with attributes specified in 'attrDontCare' ignored.
+// This function is considered as a part of the interface, so it have to work
+// deterministically.
+func findFirstMatchingIndex(haystack []schema.Index, needle schema.Index,
+ attrDontCare schema.IndexAttr) (schema.IndexRef, bool) {
+ compareAttr := func(a1, a2 schema.IndexAttr) bool {
+ a1 = a1.GetDeclaredFlags() | attrDontCare
+ a2 = a2.GetDeclaredFlags() | attrDontCare
+ return a1 == a2
+ }
+ compareColumns := func(c1, c2 []schema.ColumnRef) bool {
+ if len(c1) != len(c2) {
+ return false
+ }
+ for ci := range c1 {
+ if c1[ci] != c2[ci] {
+ return false
+ }
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ for ii := range haystack {
+ if compareAttr(haystack[ii].Attr, needle.Attr) &&
+ compareColumns(haystack[ii].Columns, needle.Columns) {
+ ir := schema.IndexRef(ii)
+ return ir, true
+ }
+ }
+ return 0, false
+func checkCreateTableStmt(n *ast.CreateTableStmtNode, s *schema.Schema,
+ o CheckOptions, c *schemaCache, el *errors.ErrorList) {
+ fn := "CheckCreateTableStmt"
+ hasError := false
+ if c.Begin() != 0 {
+ panic("schema cache must not have any open scope")
+ }
+ defer func() {
+ if hasError {
+ c.Rollback()
+ return
+ }
+ c.Commit()
+ }()
+ // Return early if there are too many tables. We cannot ignore this error
+ // because it will overflow schema.TableRef, which is used as a part of
+ // column key in schemaCache.
+ if len(*s) > schema.MaxTableRef {
+ el.Append(errors.Error{
+ Position: n.GetPosition(),
+ Length: n.GetLength(),
+ Category: errors.ErrorCategoryLimit,
+ Code: errors.ErrorCodeTooManyTables,
+ Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+ Prefix: fn,
+ Message: fmt.Sprintf("cannot have more than %d tables",
+ schema.MaxTableRef+1),
+ }, &hasError)
+ return
+ }
+ table := schema.Table{}
+ tr := schema.TableRef(len(*s))
+ td := schema.TableDescriptor{Table: tr}
+ if len(n.Table.Name) == 0 {
+ el.Append(errors.Error{
+ Position: n.Table.GetPosition(),
+ Length: n.Table.GetLength(),
+ Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+ Code: errors.ErrorCodeEmptyTableName,
+ Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+ Prefix: fn,
+ Message: "cannot create a table with an empty name",
+ }, &hasError)
+ }
+ tn := n.Table.Name
+ if !c.AddTable(string(tn), td) {
+ el.Append(errors.Error{
+ Position: n.Table.GetPosition(),
+ Length: n.Table.GetLength(),
+ Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+ Code: errors.ErrorCodeDuplicateTableName,
+ Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+ Prefix: fn,
+ Message: fmt.Sprintf("table %s already exists",
+ ast.QuoteIdentifier(tn)),
+ }, &hasError)
+ }
+ table.Name = n.Table.Name
+ table.Columns = make([]schema.Column, 0, len(n.Column))
+ // Handle the primary key index.
+ pk := []schema.ColumnRef{}
+ // Handle sequences.
+ seq := 0
+ // Handle indices for unique constraints.
+ type localIndex struct {
+ index schema.Index
+ node ast.Node
+ }
+ localIndices := []localIndex{}
+ // Handle indices for foreign key constraints.
+ type foreignNewIndex struct {
+ table schema.TableDescriptor
+ index schema.Index
+ node ast.Node
+ }
+ foreignNewIndices := []foreignNewIndex{}
+ type foreignExistingIndex struct {
+ index schema.IndexDescriptor
+ node ast.Node
+ }
+ foreignExistingIndices := []foreignExistingIndex{}
+ for ci := range n.Column {
+ if len(table.Columns) > schema.MaxColumnRef {
+ el.Append(errors.Error{
+ Position: n.Column[ci].GetPosition(),
+ Length: n.Column[ci].GetLength(),
+ Category: errors.ErrorCategoryLimit,
+ Code: errors.ErrorCodeTooManyColumns,
+ Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+ Prefix: fn,
+ Message: fmt.Sprintf("cannot have more than %d columns",
+ schema.MaxColumnRef+1),
+ }, &hasError)
+ return
+ }
+ column := schema.Column{}
+ ok := func() (ok bool) {
+ innerHasError := false
+ defer func() { ok = !innerHasError }()
+ // Block access to the outer hasError variable.
+ hasError := struct{}{}
+ // Suppress “declared and not used” error.
+ _ = hasError
+ c.Begin()
+ defer func() {
+ if innerHasError {
+ c.Rollback()
+ return
+ }
+ c.Commit()
+ }()
+ cr := schema.ColumnRef(len(table.Columns))
+ cd := schema.ColumnDescriptor{Table: tr, Column: cr}
+ if len(n.Column[ci].Column.Name) == 0 {
+ el.Append(errors.Error{
+ Position: n.Column[ci].Column.GetPosition(),
+ Length: n.Column[ci].Column.GetLength(),
+ Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+ Code: errors.ErrorCodeEmptyColumnName,
+ Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+ Prefix: fn,
+ Message: "cannot declare a column with an empty name",
+ }, &innerHasError)
+ }
+ cn := n.Column[ci].Column.Name
+ if !c.AddColumn(string(cn), cd) {
+ el.Append(errors.Error{
+ Position: n.Column[ci].Column.GetPosition(),
+ Length: n.Column[ci].Column.GetLength(),
+ Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+ Code: errors.ErrorCodeDuplicateColumnName,
+ Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+ Prefix: fn,
+ Message: fmt.Sprintf("column %s already exists",
+ ast.QuoteIdentifier(cn)),
+ }, &innerHasError)
+ } else {
+ column.Name = n.Column[ci].Column.Name
+ }
+ dt, code, message := n.Column[ci].DataType.GetType()
+ if code == errors.ErrorCodeNil {
+ if !dt.ValidColumn() {
+ el.Append(errors.Error{
+ Position: n.Column[ci].DataType.GetPosition(),
+ Length: n.Column[ci].DataType.GetLength(),
+ Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+ Code: errors.ErrorCodeInvalidColumnDataType,
+ Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+ Prefix: fn,
+ Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+ "cannot declare a column with type %s", dt.String()),
+ }, &innerHasError)
+ }
+ } else {
+ el.Append(errors.Error{
+ Position: n.Column[ci].DataType.GetPosition(),
+ Length: n.Column[ci].DataType.GetLength(),
+ Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+ Code: code,
+ Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+ Prefix: fn,
+ Message: message,
+ }, &innerHasError)
+ }
+ column.Type = dt
+ // Backup lengths of slices in case we have to rollback. We don't
+ // have to copy slice headers or data stored in underlying arrays
+ // because we always append data at the end.
+ defer func(LPK, SEQ, LLI, LFNI, LFEI int) {
+ if innerHasError {
+ pk = pk[:LPK]
+ seq = SEQ
+ localIndices = localIndices[:LLI]
+ foreignNewIndices = foreignNewIndices[:LFNI]
+ foreignExistingIndices = foreignExistingIndices[:LFEI]
+ }
+ }(
+ len(pk), seq, len(localIndices), len(foreignNewIndices),
+ len(foreignExistingIndices),
+ )
+ // cs -> constraint
+ // csi -> constraint index
+ for csi := range n.Column[ci].Constraint {
+ // Cases are sorted in the same order as internal/grammar.peg.
+ cs:
+ switch cs := n.Column[ci].Constraint[csi].(type) {
+ case *ast.PrimaryOptionNode:
+ pk = append(pk, cr)
+ column.Attr |= schema.ColumnAttrPrimaryKey
+ case *ast.NotNullOptionNode:
+ column.Attr |= schema.ColumnAttrNotNull
+ case *ast.UniqueOptionNode:
+ if (column.Attr & schema.ColumnAttrUnique) != 0 {
+ // Don't create duplicate indices on a column.
+ break cs
+ }
+ column.Attr |= schema.ColumnAttrUnique
+ indexName := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_unique",
+ table.Name, column.Name)
+ idx := schema.Index{
+ Name: []byte(indexName),
+ Attr: schema.IndexAttrUnique,
+ Columns: []schema.ColumnRef{cr},
+ }
+ localIndices = append(localIndices, localIndex{
+ index: idx,
+ node: cs,
+ })
+ case *ast.DefaultOptionNode:
+ if (column.Attr & schema.ColumnAttrHasDefault) != 0 {
+ el.Append(errors.Error{
+ Position: cs.GetPosition(),
+ Length: cs.GetLength(),
+ Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+ Code: errors.ErrorCodeMultipleDefaultValues,
+ Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+ Prefix: fn,
+ Message: "cannot have multiple default values",
+ }, &innerHasError)
+ break cs
+ }
+ column.Attr |= schema.ColumnAttrHasDefault
+ // We should not do type checking on an invalid type.
+ if !column.Type.Valid() {
+ break cs
+ }
+ value := cs.Value
+ value = checkExpr(cs.Value, *s, o|CheckWithConstantOnly,
+ c, el, 0, newTypeActionAssign(column.Type))
+ if value == nil {
+ innerHasError = true
+ break cs
+ }
+ cs.Value = value
+ v, isConstant := cs.Value.(ast.Valuer)
+ if !isConstant {
+ el.Append(errors.Error{
+ Position: cs.GetPosition(),
+ Length: cs.GetLength(),
+ Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+ Code: errors.ErrorCodeNonConstantExpression,
+ Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+ Prefix: fn,
+ Message: "default value must be a constant",
+ }, &innerHasError)
+ break cs
+ }
+ isNull := false
+ switch v := v.(ast.Valuer).(type) {
+ case *ast.BoolValueNode:
+ sb := v.V.NullBool()
+ if !sb.Valid {
+ isNull = true
+ break
+ }
+ column.Default = sb.Bool
+ case *ast.AddressValueNode:
+ column.Default = v.V
+ case *ast.IntegerValueNode:
+ column.Default = v.V
+ case *ast.DecimalValueNode:
+ column.Default = v.V
+ case *ast.BytesValueNode:
+ column.Default = v.V
+ case *ast.NullValueNode:
+ isNull = true
+ default:
+ panic(unknownValueNodeType(v))
+ }
+ if isNull {
+ el.Append(errors.Error{
+ Position: cs.GetPosition(),
+ Length: cs.GetLength(),
+ Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+ Code: errors.ErrorCodeNullDefaultValue,
+ Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+ Prefix: fn,
+ Message: "default value must not be NULL",
+ }, &innerHasError)
+ break cs
+ }
+ case *ast.ForeignOptionNode:
+ if len(column.ForeignKeys) > schema.MaxForeignKeys {
+ el.Append(errors.Error{
+ Position: cs.GetPosition(),
+ Length: cs.GetLength(),
+ Category: errors.ErrorCategoryLimit,
+ Code: errors.ErrorCodeTooManyForeignKeys,
+ Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+ Prefix: fn,
+ Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+ "cannot have more than %d foreign key "+
+ "constraints in a column",
+ schema.MaxForeignKeys+1),
+ }, &innerHasError)
+ break cs
+ }
+ column.Attr |= schema.ColumnAttrHasForeignKey
+ ftn := cs.Table.Name
+ ftd, found := c.FindTableInBase(string(ftn))
+ if !found {
+ el.Append(errors.Error{
+ Position: cs.Table.GetPosition(),
+ Length: cs.Table.GetLength(),
+ Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+ Code: errors.ErrorCodeTableNotFound,
+ Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+ Prefix: fn,
+ Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+ "foreign table %s does not exist",
+ ast.QuoteIdentifier(ftn)),
+ }, &innerHasError)
+ break cs
+ }
+ fcn := cs.Column.Name
+ fcd, found := c.FindColumnInBase(ftd.Table, string(fcn))
+ if !found {
+ el.Append(errors.Error{
+ Position: cs.Column.GetPosition(),
+ Length: cs.Column.GetLength(),
+ Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+ Code: errors.ErrorCodeColumnNotFound,
+ Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+ Prefix: fn,
+ Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+ "column %s does not exist in foreign table %s",
+ ast.QuoteIdentifier(fcn),
+ ast.QuoteIdentifier(ftn)),
+ }, &innerHasError)
+ break cs
+ }
+ foreignType := (*s)[fcd.Table].Columns[fcd.Column].Type
+ if !foreignType.Equal(column.Type) {
+ el.Append(errors.Error{
+ Position: n.Column[ci].DataType.GetPosition(),
+ Length: n.Column[ci].DataType.GetLength(),
+ Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+ Code: errors.ErrorCodeForeignKeyDataTypeMismatch,
+ Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+ Prefix: fn,
+ Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+ "foreign column has type %s (%04x), but "+
+ "this column has type %s (%04x)",
+ foreignType.String(), uint16(foreignType),
+ column.Type.String(), uint16(column.Type)),
+ }, &innerHasError)
+ break cs
+ }
+ idx := schema.Index{
+ Attr: schema.IndexAttrReferenced,
+ Columns: []schema.ColumnRef{fcd.Column},
+ }
+ fmir, found := findFirstMatchingIndex(
+ (*s)[ftd.Table].Indices, idx, schema.IndexAttrUnique)
+ if found {
+ fmid := schema.IndexDescriptor{
+ Table: ftd.Table,
+ Index: fmir,
+ }
+ foreignExistingIndices = append(
+ foreignExistingIndices, foreignExistingIndex{
+ index: fmid,
+ node: cs,
+ })
+ } else {
+ if len(column.ForeignKeys) > 0 {
+ idx.Name = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_foreign_key_%d",
+ table.Name, column.Name, len(column.ForeignKeys)))
+ } else {
+ idx.Name = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_foreign_key",
+ table.Name, column.Name))
+ }
+ foreignNewIndices = append(
+ foreignNewIndices, foreignNewIndex{
+ table: ftd,
+ index: idx,
+ node: cs,
+ })
+ }
+ column.ForeignKeys = append(column.ForeignKeys, fcd)
+ case *ast.AutoIncrementOptionNode:
+ if (column.Attr & schema.ColumnAttrHasSequence) != 0 {
+ // Don't process AUTOINCREMENT twice.
+ break cs
+ }
+ // We set the flag regardless of the error because we
+ // don't want to produce duplicate errors.
+ column.Attr |= schema.ColumnAttrHasSequence
+ if seq > schema.MaxSequenceRef {
+ el.Append(errors.Error{
+ Position: cs.GetPosition(),
+ Length: cs.GetLength(),
+ Category: errors.ErrorCategoryLimit,
+ Code: errors.ErrorCodeTooManySequences,
+ Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+ Prefix: fn,
+ Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+ "cannot have more than %d sequences",
+ schema.MaxSequenceRef+1),
+ }, &innerHasError)
+ break cs
+ }
+ major, _ := ast.DecomposeDataType(column.Type)
+ switch major {
+ case ast.DataTypeMajorInt, ast.DataTypeMajorUint:
+ default:
+ el.Append(errors.Error{
+ Position: cs.GetPosition(),
+ Length: cs.GetLength(),
+ Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+ Code: errors.ErrorCodeInvalidAutoIncrementDataType,
+ Prefix: fn,
+ Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+ "AUTOINCREMENT is only supported on "+
+ "INT and UINT types, but this column "+
+ "has type %s (%04x)",
+ column.Type.String(), uint16(column.Type)),
+ }, &innerHasError)
+ break cs
+ }
+ column.Sequence = schema.SequenceRef(seq)
+ seq++
+ default:
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown constraint type %T", c))
+ }
+ }
+ // The return value will be set by the first defer function.
+ return
+ }()
+ // If an error occurs in the function, stop here and continue
+ // processing the next column.
+ if !ok {
+ hasError = true
+ continue
+ }
+ // Commit the column.
+ table.Columns = append(table.Columns, column)
+ }
+ // Return early if there is any error.
+ if hasError {
+ return
+ }
+ mustAddIndex := func(name *[]byte, id schema.IndexDescriptor) {
+ for !c.AddIndex(string(*name), id, true) {
+ *name = append(*name, '_')
+ }
+ }
+ // Create the primary key index. This is the first index on the table, so
+ // it is not possible to exceed the limit on the number of indices.
+ ir := schema.IndexRef(len(table.Indices))
+ if len(pk) > 0 {
+ idx := schema.Index{
+ Name: []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s_primary_key", table.Name)),
+ Attr: schema.IndexAttrUnique,
+ Columns: pk,
+ }
+ id := schema.IndexDescriptor{Table: tr, Index: ir}
+ mustAddIndex(&idx.Name, id)
+ table.Indices = append(table.Indices, idx)
+ }
+ // Create indices for the current table.
+ for ii := range localIndices {
+ if len(table.Indices) > schema.MaxIndexRef {
+ el.Append(errors.Error{
+ Position: localIndices[ii].node.GetPosition(),
+ Length: localIndices[ii].node.GetLength(),
+ Category: errors.ErrorCategoryLimit,
+ Code: errors.ErrorCodeTooManyIndices,
+ Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+ Prefix: fn,
+ Message: fmt.Sprintf("cannot have more than %d indices",
+ schema.MaxIndexRef+1),
+ }, &hasError)
+ return
+ }
+ idx := localIndices[ii].index
+ ir := schema.IndexRef(len(table.Indices))
+ id := schema.IndexDescriptor{Table: tr, Index: ir}
+ mustAddIndex(&idx.Name, id)
+ table.Indices = append(table.Indices, idx)
+ }
+ // Create indices for foreign tables.
+ for ii := range foreignNewIndices {
+ ftd := foreignNewIndices[ii].table
+ if len((*s)[ftd.Table].Indices) > schema.MaxIndexRef {
+ el.Append(errors.Error{
+ Position: foreignNewIndices[ii].node.GetPosition(),
+ Length: foreignNewIndices[ii].node.GetLength(),
+ Category: errors.ErrorCategoryLimit,
+ Code: errors.ErrorCodeTooManyIndices,
+ Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+ Prefix: fn,
+ Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+ "table %s already has %d indices",
+ ast.QuoteIdentifier((*s)[ftd.Table].Name),
+ schema.MaxIndexRef+1),
+ }, &hasError)
+ return
+ }
+ idx := foreignNewIndices[ii].index
+ ir := schema.IndexRef(len((*s)[ftd.Table].Indices))
+ id := schema.IndexDescriptor{Table: ftd.Table, Index: ir}
+ mustAddIndex(&idx.Name, id)
+ (*s)[ftd.Table].Indices = append((*s)[ftd.Table].Indices, idx)
+ defer func(tr schema.TableRef, length schema.IndexRef) {
+ if hasError {
+ (*s)[tr].Indices = (*s)[tr].Indices[:ir]
+ }
+ }(ftd.Table, ir)
+ }
+ // Mark existing indices as referenced.
+ for ii := range foreignExistingIndices {
+ fid := foreignExistingIndices[ii].index
+ (*s)[fid.Table].Indices[fid.Index].Attr |= schema.IndexAttrReferenced
+ }
+ // Finally, we can commit the table definition to the schema.
+ *s = append(*s, table)
+func checkCreateIndexStmt(n *ast.CreateIndexStmtNode, s *schema.Schema,
+ o CheckOptions, c *schemaCache, el *errors.ErrorList) {
+ fn := "CheckCreateIndexStmt"
+ hasError := false
+ if c.Begin() != 0 {
+ panic("schema cache must not have any open scope")
+ }
+ defer func() {
+ if hasError {
+ c.Rollback()
+ return
+ }
+ c.Commit()
+ }()
+ tn := n.Table.Name
+ td, found := c.FindTableInBase(string(tn))
+ if !found {
+ el.Append(errors.Error{
+ Position: n.Table.GetPosition(),
+ Length: n.Table.GetLength(),
+ Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+ Code: errors.ErrorCodeTableNotFound,
+ Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+ Prefix: fn,
+ Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+ "index table %s does not exist",
+ ast.QuoteIdentifier(tn)),
+ }, &hasError)
+ return
+ }
+ if len(n.Column) > schema.MaxColumnRef {
+ begin := n.Column[0].GetPosition()
+ last := len(n.Column) - 1
+ end := n.Column[last].GetPosition() + n.Column[last].GetLength()
+ el.Append(errors.Error{
+ Position: begin,
+ Length: end - begin,
+ Category: errors.ErrorCategoryLimit,
+ Code: errors.ErrorCodeTooManyColumns,
+ Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+ Prefix: fn,
+ Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+ "cannot create an index on more than %d columns",
+ schema.MaxColumnRef+1),
+ }, &hasError)
+ return
+ }
+ columnRefs := newColumnRefSlice(uint8(len(n.Column)))
+ for ci := range n.Column {
+ cn := n.Column[ci].Name
+ cd, found := c.FindColumnInBase(td.Table, string(cn))
+ if !found {
+ el.Append(errors.Error{
+ Position: n.Column[ci].GetPosition(),
+ Length: n.Column[ci].GetLength(),
+ Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+ Code: errors.ErrorCodeColumnNotFound,
+ Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+ Prefix: fn,
+ Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+ "column %s does not exist in index table %s",
+ ast.QuoteIdentifier(cn),
+ ast.QuoteIdentifier(tn)),
+ }, &hasError)
+ continue
+ }
+ columnRefs.Append(cd.Column, uint8(ci))
+ }
+ if hasError {
+ return
+ }
+ sort.Stable(columnRefs)
+ for ci := 1; ci < len(n.Column); ci++ {
+ if columnRefs.columns[ci] == columnRefs.columns[ci-1] {
+ el.Append(errors.Error{
+ Position: n.Column[columnRefs.nodes[ci]].GetPosition(),
+ Length: n.Column[columnRefs.nodes[ci]].GetLength(),
+ Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+ Code: errors.ErrorCodeDuplicateIndexColumn,
+ Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+ Prefix: fn,
+ Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+ "column %s already exists in the column list",
+ ast.QuoteIdentifier(n.Column[columnRefs.nodes[ci]].Name)),
+ }, &hasError)
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ index := schema.Index{}
+ index.Columns = columnRefs.columns
+ ir := schema.IndexRef(len((*s)[td.Table].Indices))
+ id := schema.IndexDescriptor{Table: td.Table, Index: ir}
+ if n.Unique != nil {
+ index.Attr |= schema.IndexAttrUnique
+ }
+ if len(n.Index.Name) == 0 {
+ el.Append(errors.Error{
+ Position: n.Index.GetPosition(),
+ Length: n.Table.GetLength(),
+ Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+ Code: errors.ErrorCodeEmptyIndexName,
+ Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+ Prefix: fn,
+ Message: "cannot create an index with an empty name",
+ }, &hasError)
+ return
+ }
+ // If there is an existing index that is automatically created, rename it
+ // instead of creating a new one.
+ rename := false
+ fmir, found := findFirstMatchingIndex((*s)[id.Table].Indices, index, 0)
+ if found {
+ fmid := schema.IndexDescriptor{Table: id.Table, Index: fmir}
+ fmin := (*s)[id.Table].Indices[fmir].Name
+ fminString := string(fmin)
+ fmidCache, auto, found := c.FindIndexInBase(fminString)
+ if !found {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("index %s exists in the schema, "+
+ "but it cannot be found in the schema cache",
+ ast.QuoteIdentifier(fmin)))
+ }
+ if fmidCache != fmid {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("index %s has descriptor %+v, "+
+ "but the schema cache records it as %+v",
+ ast.QuoteIdentifier(fmin), fmid, fmidCache))
+ }
+ if auto {
+ if !c.DeleteIndex(fminString) {
+ panic(fmt.Sprintf("unable to mark index %s for deletion",
+ ast.QuoteIdentifier(fmin)))
+ }
+ rename = true
+ id = fmid
+ ir = id.Index
+ }
+ }
+ in := n.Index.Name
+ if !c.AddIndex(string(in), id, false) {
+ el.Append(errors.Error{
+ Position: n.Index.GetPosition(),
+ Length: n.Index.GetLength(),
+ Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
+ Code: errors.ErrorCodeDuplicateIndexName,
+ Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+ Prefix: fn,
+ Message: fmt.Sprintf("index %s already exists",
+ ast.QuoteIdentifier(in)),
+ }, &hasError)
+ return
+ }
+ // Commit the change into the schema.
+ if rename {
+ (*s)[id.Table].Indices[id.Index].Name = n.Index.Name
+ } else {
+ if len((*s)[td.Table].Indices) > schema.MaxIndexRef {
+ el.Append(errors.Error{
+ Position: n.GetPosition(),
+ Length: n.GetLength(),
+ Category: errors.ErrorCategoryLimit,
+ Code: errors.ErrorCodeTooManyIndices,
+ Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
+ Prefix: fn,
+ Message: fmt.Sprintf(
+ "cannot have more than %d indices in table %s",
+ schema.MaxIndexRef+1,
+ ast.QuoteIdentifier(tn)),
+ }, &hasError)
+ return
+ }
+ index.Name = n.Index.Name
+ (*s)[id.Table].Indices = append((*s)[id.Table].Indices, index)
+ }
diff --git a/core/vm/sqlvm/checker/checker.go b/core/vm/sqlvm/checker/expr.go
index 995cd0485..f12a7d7dd 100644
--- a/core/vm/sqlvm/checker/checker.go
+++ b/core/vm/sqlvm/checker/expr.go
@@ -3,7 +3,6 @@ package checker
import (
- "sort"
@@ -12,820 +11,6 @@ import (
-// In addition to the convention mentioned in utils.go, we have these variable
-// names in this file:
-// ftd -> foreign table descriptor
-// ftn -> foreign table name
-// fcd -> foreign column descriptor
-// fcn -> foreign column name
-// fid -> foreign index descriptor
-// fin -> foreign index name
-// fmid -> first matching index descriptor
-// fmir -> first matching index reference
-// fmin -> first matching index name
-// findFirstMatchingIndex finds the first index in 'haystack' matching the
-// declaration of 'needle' with attributes specified in 'attrDontCare' ignored.
-// This function is considered as a part of the interface, so it have to work
-// deterministically.
-func findFirstMatchingIndex(haystack []schema.Index, needle schema.Index,
- attrDontCare schema.IndexAttr) (schema.IndexRef, bool) {
- compareAttr := func(a1, a2 schema.IndexAttr) bool {
- a1 = a1.GetDeclaredFlags() | attrDontCare
- a2 = a2.GetDeclaredFlags() | attrDontCare
- return a1 == a2
- }
- compareColumns := func(c1, c2 []schema.ColumnRef) bool {
- if len(c1) != len(c2) {
- return false
- }
- for ci := range c1 {
- if c1[ci] != c2[ci] {
- return false
- }
- }
- return true
- }
- for ii := range haystack {
- if compareAttr(haystack[ii].Attr, needle.Attr) &&
- compareColumns(haystack[ii].Columns, needle.Columns) {
- ir := schema.IndexRef(ii)
- return ir, true
- }
- }
- return 0, false
-func checkCreateTableStmt(n *ast.CreateTableStmtNode, s *schema.Schema,
- o CheckOptions, c *schemaCache, el *errors.ErrorList) {
- fn := "CheckCreateTableStmt"
- hasError := false
- if c.Begin() != 0 {
- panic("schema cache must not have any open scope")
- }
- defer func() {
- if hasError {
- c.Rollback()
- return
- }
- c.Commit()
- }()
- // Return early if there are too many tables. We cannot ignore this error
- // because it will overflow schema.TableRef, which is used as a part of
- // column key in schemaCache.
- if len(*s) > schema.MaxTableRef {
- el.Append(errors.Error{
- Position: n.GetPosition(),
- Length: n.GetLength(),
- Category: errors.ErrorCategoryLimit,
- Code: errors.ErrorCodeTooManyTables,
- Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
- Prefix: fn,
- Message: fmt.Sprintf("cannot have more than %d tables",
- schema.MaxTableRef+1),
- }, &hasError)
- return
- }
- table := schema.Table{}
- tr := schema.TableRef(len(*s))
- td := schema.TableDescriptor{Table: tr}
- if len(n.Table.Name) == 0 {
- el.Append(errors.Error{
- Position: n.Table.GetPosition(),
- Length: n.Table.GetLength(),
- Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
- Code: errors.ErrorCodeEmptyTableName,
- Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
- Prefix: fn,
- Message: "cannot create a table with an empty name",
- }, &hasError)
- }
- tn := n.Table.Name
- if !c.AddTable(string(tn), td) {
- el.Append(errors.Error{
- Position: n.Table.GetPosition(),
- Length: n.Table.GetLength(),
- Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
- Code: errors.ErrorCodeDuplicateTableName,
- Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
- Prefix: fn,
- Message: fmt.Sprintf("table %s already exists",
- ast.QuoteIdentifier(tn)),
- }, &hasError)
- }
- table.Name = n.Table.Name
- table.Columns = make([]schema.Column, 0, len(n.Column))
- // Handle the primary key index.
- pk := []schema.ColumnRef{}
- // Handle sequences.
- seq := 0
- // Handle indices for unique constraints.
- type localIndex struct {
- index schema.Index
- node ast.Node
- }
- localIndices := []localIndex{}
- // Handle indices for foreign key constraints.
- type foreignNewIndex struct {
- table schema.TableDescriptor
- index schema.Index
- node ast.Node
- }
- foreignNewIndices := []foreignNewIndex{}
- type foreignExistingIndex struct {
- index schema.IndexDescriptor
- node ast.Node
- }
- foreignExistingIndices := []foreignExistingIndex{}
- for ci := range n.Column {
- if len(table.Columns) > schema.MaxColumnRef {
- el.Append(errors.Error{
- Position: n.Column[ci].GetPosition(),
- Length: n.Column[ci].GetLength(),
- Category: errors.ErrorCategoryLimit,
- Code: errors.ErrorCodeTooManyColumns,
- Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
- Prefix: fn,
- Message: fmt.Sprintf("cannot have more than %d columns",
- schema.MaxColumnRef+1),
- }, &hasError)
- return
- }
- column := schema.Column{}
- ok := func() (ok bool) {
- innerHasError := false
- defer func() { ok = !innerHasError }()
- // Block access to the outer hasError variable.
- hasError := struct{}{}
- // Suppress “declared and not used” error.
- _ = hasError
- c.Begin()
- defer func() {
- if innerHasError {
- c.Rollback()
- return
- }
- c.Commit()
- }()
- cr := schema.ColumnRef(len(table.Columns))
- cd := schema.ColumnDescriptor{Table: tr, Column: cr}
- if len(n.Column[ci].Column.Name) == 0 {
- el.Append(errors.Error{
- Position: n.Column[ci].Column.GetPosition(),
- Length: n.Column[ci].Column.GetLength(),
- Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
- Code: errors.ErrorCodeEmptyColumnName,
- Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
- Prefix: fn,
- Message: "cannot declare a column with an empty name",
- }, &innerHasError)
- }
- cn := n.Column[ci].Column.Name
- if !c.AddColumn(string(cn), cd) {
- el.Append(errors.Error{
- Position: n.Column[ci].Column.GetPosition(),
- Length: n.Column[ci].Column.GetLength(),
- Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
- Code: errors.ErrorCodeDuplicateColumnName,
- Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
- Prefix: fn,
- Message: fmt.Sprintf("column %s already exists",
- ast.QuoteIdentifier(cn)),
- }, &innerHasError)
- } else {
- column.Name = n.Column[ci].Column.Name
- }
- dt, code, message := n.Column[ci].DataType.GetType()
- if code == errors.ErrorCodeNil {
- if !dt.ValidColumn() {
- el.Append(errors.Error{
- Position: n.Column[ci].DataType.GetPosition(),
- Length: n.Column[ci].DataType.GetLength(),
- Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
- Code: errors.ErrorCodeInvalidColumnDataType,
- Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
- Prefix: fn,
- Message: fmt.Sprintf(
- "cannot declare a column with type %s", dt.String()),
- }, &innerHasError)
- }
- } else {
- el.Append(errors.Error{
- Position: n.Column[ci].DataType.GetPosition(),
- Length: n.Column[ci].DataType.GetLength(),
- Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
- Code: code,
- Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
- Prefix: fn,
- Message: message,
- }, &innerHasError)
- }
- column.Type = dt
- // Backup lengths of slices in case we have to rollback. We don't
- // have to copy slice headers or data stored in underlying arrays
- // because we always append data at the end.
- defer func(LPK, SEQ, LLI, LFNI, LFEI int) {
- if innerHasError {
- pk = pk[:LPK]
- seq = SEQ
- localIndices = localIndices[:LLI]
- foreignNewIndices = foreignNewIndices[:LFNI]
- foreignExistingIndices = foreignExistingIndices[:LFEI]
- }
- }(
- len(pk), seq, len(localIndices), len(foreignNewIndices),
- len(foreignExistingIndices),
- )
- // cs -> constraint
- // csi -> constraint index
- for csi := range n.Column[ci].Constraint {
- // Cases are sorted in the same order as internal/grammar.peg.
- cs:
- switch cs := n.Column[ci].Constraint[csi].(type) {
- case *ast.PrimaryOptionNode:
- pk = append(pk, cr)
- column.Attr |= schema.ColumnAttrPrimaryKey
- case *ast.NotNullOptionNode:
- column.Attr |= schema.ColumnAttrNotNull
- case *ast.UniqueOptionNode:
- if (column.Attr & schema.ColumnAttrUnique) != 0 {
- // Don't create duplicate indices on a column.
- break cs
- }
- column.Attr |= schema.ColumnAttrUnique
- indexName := fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_unique",
- table.Name, column.Name)
- idx := schema.Index{
- Name: []byte(indexName),
- Attr: schema.IndexAttrUnique,
- Columns: []schema.ColumnRef{cr},
- }
- localIndices = append(localIndices, localIndex{
- index: idx,
- node: cs,
- })
- case *ast.DefaultOptionNode:
- if (column.Attr & schema.ColumnAttrHasDefault) != 0 {
- el.Append(errors.Error{
- Position: cs.GetPosition(),
- Length: cs.GetLength(),
- Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
- Code: errors.ErrorCodeMultipleDefaultValues,
- Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
- Prefix: fn,
- Message: "cannot have multiple default values",
- }, &innerHasError)
- break cs
- }
- column.Attr |= schema.ColumnAttrHasDefault
- // We should not do type checking on an invalid type.
- if !column.Type.Valid() {
- break cs
- }
- value := cs.Value
- value = checkExpr(cs.Value, *s, o|CheckWithConstantOnly,
- c, el, 0, newTypeActionAssign(column.Type))
- if value == nil {
- innerHasError = true
- break cs
- }
- cs.Value = value
- v, isConstant := cs.Value.(ast.Valuer)
- if !isConstant {
- el.Append(errors.Error{
- Position: cs.GetPosition(),
- Length: cs.GetLength(),
- Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
- Code: errors.ErrorCodeNonConstantExpression,
- Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
- Prefix: fn,
- Message: "default value must be a constant",
- }, &innerHasError)
- break cs
- }
- isNull := false
- switch v := v.(ast.Valuer).(type) {
- case *ast.BoolValueNode:
- sb := v.V.NullBool()
- if !sb.Valid {
- isNull = true
- break
- }
- column.Default = sb.Bool
- case *ast.AddressValueNode:
- column.Default = v.V
- case *ast.IntegerValueNode:
- column.Default = v.V
- case *ast.DecimalValueNode:
- column.Default = v.V
- case *ast.BytesValueNode:
- column.Default = v.V
- case *ast.NullValueNode:
- isNull = true
- default:
- panic(unknownValueNodeType(v))
- }
- if isNull {
- el.Append(errors.Error{
- Position: cs.GetPosition(),
- Length: cs.GetLength(),
- Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
- Code: errors.ErrorCodeNullDefaultValue,
- Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
- Prefix: fn,
- Message: "default value must not be NULL",
- }, &innerHasError)
- break cs
- }
- case *ast.ForeignOptionNode:
- if len(column.ForeignKeys) > schema.MaxForeignKeys {
- el.Append(errors.Error{
- Position: cs.GetPosition(),
- Length: cs.GetLength(),
- Category: errors.ErrorCategoryLimit,
- Code: errors.ErrorCodeTooManyForeignKeys,
- Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
- Prefix: fn,
- Message: fmt.Sprintf(
- "cannot have more than %d foreign key "+
- "constraints in a column",
- schema.MaxForeignKeys+1),
- }, &innerHasError)
- break cs
- }
- column.Attr |= schema.ColumnAttrHasForeignKey
- ftn := cs.Table.Name
- ftd, found := c.FindTableInBase(string(ftn))
- if !found {
- el.Append(errors.Error{
- Position: cs.Table.GetPosition(),
- Length: cs.Table.GetLength(),
- Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
- Code: errors.ErrorCodeTableNotFound,
- Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
- Prefix: fn,
- Message: fmt.Sprintf(
- "foreign table %s does not exist",
- ast.QuoteIdentifier(ftn)),
- }, &innerHasError)
- break cs
- }
- fcn := cs.Column.Name
- fcd, found := c.FindColumnInBase(ftd.Table, string(fcn))
- if !found {
- el.Append(errors.Error{
- Position: cs.Column.GetPosition(),
- Length: cs.Column.GetLength(),
- Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
- Code: errors.ErrorCodeColumnNotFound,
- Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
- Prefix: fn,
- Message: fmt.Sprintf(
- "column %s does not exist in foreign table %s",
- ast.QuoteIdentifier(fcn),
- ast.QuoteIdentifier(ftn)),
- }, &innerHasError)
- break cs
- }
- foreignType := (*s)[fcd.Table].Columns[fcd.Column].Type
- if !foreignType.Equal(column.Type) {
- el.Append(errors.Error{
- Position: n.Column[ci].DataType.GetPosition(),
- Length: n.Column[ci].DataType.GetLength(),
- Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
- Code: errors.ErrorCodeForeignKeyDataTypeMismatch,
- Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
- Prefix: fn,
- Message: fmt.Sprintf(
- "foreign column has type %s (%04x), but "+
- "this column has type %s (%04x)",
- foreignType.String(), uint16(foreignType),
- column.Type.String(), uint16(column.Type)),
- }, &innerHasError)
- break cs
- }
- idx := schema.Index{
- Attr: schema.IndexAttrReferenced,
- Columns: []schema.ColumnRef{fcd.Column},
- }
- fmir, found := findFirstMatchingIndex(
- (*s)[ftd.Table].Indices, idx, schema.IndexAttrUnique)
- if found {
- fmid := schema.IndexDescriptor{
- Table: ftd.Table,
- Index: fmir,
- }
- foreignExistingIndices = append(
- foreignExistingIndices, foreignExistingIndex{
- index: fmid,
- node: cs,
- })
- } else {
- if len(column.ForeignKeys) > 0 {
- idx.Name = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_foreign_key_%d",
- table.Name, column.Name, len(column.ForeignKeys)))
- } else {
- idx.Name = []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_foreign_key",
- table.Name, column.Name))
- }
- foreignNewIndices = append(
- foreignNewIndices, foreignNewIndex{
- table: ftd,
- index: idx,
- node: cs,
- })
- }
- column.ForeignKeys = append(column.ForeignKeys, fcd)
- case *ast.AutoIncrementOptionNode:
- if (column.Attr & schema.ColumnAttrHasSequence) != 0 {
- // Don't process AUTOINCREMENT twice.
- break cs
- }
- // We set the flag regardless of the error because we
- // don't want to produce duplicate errors.
- column.Attr |= schema.ColumnAttrHasSequence
- if seq > schema.MaxSequenceRef {
- el.Append(errors.Error{
- Position: cs.GetPosition(),
- Length: cs.GetLength(),
- Category: errors.ErrorCategoryLimit,
- Code: errors.ErrorCodeTooManySequences,
- Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
- Prefix: fn,
- Message: fmt.Sprintf(
- "cannot have more than %d sequences",
- schema.MaxSequenceRef+1),
- }, &innerHasError)
- break cs
- }
- major, _ := ast.DecomposeDataType(column.Type)
- switch major {
- case ast.DataTypeMajorInt, ast.DataTypeMajorUint:
- default:
- el.Append(errors.Error{
- Position: cs.GetPosition(),
- Length: cs.GetLength(),
- Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
- Code: errors.ErrorCodeInvalidAutoIncrementDataType,
- Prefix: fn,
- Message: fmt.Sprintf(
- "AUTOINCREMENT is only supported on "+
- "INT and UINT types, but this column "+
- "has type %s (%04x)",
- column.Type.String(), uint16(column.Type)),
- }, &innerHasError)
- break cs
- }
- column.Sequence = schema.SequenceRef(seq)
- seq++
- default:
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("unknown constraint type %T", c))
- }
- }
- // The return value will be set by the first defer function.
- return
- }()
- // If an error occurs in the function, stop here and continue
- // processing the next column.
- if !ok {
- hasError = true
- continue
- }
- // Commit the column.
- table.Columns = append(table.Columns, column)
- }
- // Return early if there is any error.
- if hasError {
- return
- }
- mustAddIndex := func(name *[]byte, id schema.IndexDescriptor) {
- for !c.AddIndex(string(*name), id, true) {
- *name = append(*name, '_')
- }
- }
- // Create the primary key index. This is the first index on the table, so
- // it is not possible to exceed the limit on the number of indices.
- ir := schema.IndexRef(len(table.Indices))
- if len(pk) > 0 {
- idx := schema.Index{
- Name: []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%s_primary_key", table.Name)),
- Attr: schema.IndexAttrUnique,
- Columns: pk,
- }
- id := schema.IndexDescriptor{Table: tr, Index: ir}
- mustAddIndex(&idx.Name, id)
- table.Indices = append(table.Indices, idx)
- }
- // Create indices for the current table.
- for ii := range localIndices {
- if len(table.Indices) > schema.MaxIndexRef {
- el.Append(errors.Error{
- Position: localIndices[ii].node.GetPosition(),
- Length: localIndices[ii].node.GetLength(),
- Category: errors.ErrorCategoryLimit,
- Code: errors.ErrorCodeTooManyIndices,
- Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
- Prefix: fn,
- Message: fmt.Sprintf("cannot have more than %d indices",
- schema.MaxIndexRef+1),
- }, &hasError)
- return
- }
- idx := localIndices[ii].index
- ir := schema.IndexRef(len(table.Indices))
- id := schema.IndexDescriptor{Table: tr, Index: ir}
- mustAddIndex(&idx.Name, id)
- table.Indices = append(table.Indices, idx)
- }
- // Create indices for foreign tables.
- for ii := range foreignNewIndices {
- ftd := foreignNewIndices[ii].table
- if len((*s)[ftd.Table].Indices) > schema.MaxIndexRef {
- el.Append(errors.Error{
- Position: foreignNewIndices[ii].node.GetPosition(),
- Length: foreignNewIndices[ii].node.GetLength(),
- Category: errors.ErrorCategoryLimit,
- Code: errors.ErrorCodeTooManyIndices,
- Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
- Prefix: fn,
- Message: fmt.Sprintf(
- "table %s already has %d indices",
- ast.QuoteIdentifier((*s)[ftd.Table].Name),
- schema.MaxIndexRef+1),
- }, &hasError)
- return
- }
- idx := foreignNewIndices[ii].index
- ir := schema.IndexRef(len((*s)[ftd.Table].Indices))
- id := schema.IndexDescriptor{Table: ftd.Table, Index: ir}
- mustAddIndex(&idx.Name, id)
- (*s)[ftd.Table].Indices = append((*s)[ftd.Table].Indices, idx)
- defer func(tr schema.TableRef, length schema.IndexRef) {
- if hasError {
- (*s)[tr].Indices = (*s)[tr].Indices[:ir]
- }
- }(ftd.Table, ir)
- }
- // Mark existing indices as referenced.
- for ii := range foreignExistingIndices {
- fid := foreignExistingIndices[ii].index
- (*s)[fid.Table].Indices[fid.Index].Attr |= schema.IndexAttrReferenced
- }
- // Finally, we can commit the table definition to the schema.
- *s = append(*s, table)
-func checkCreateIndexStmt(n *ast.CreateIndexStmtNode, s *schema.Schema,
- o CheckOptions, c *schemaCache, el *errors.ErrorList) {
- fn := "CheckCreateIndexStmt"
- hasError := false
- if c.Begin() != 0 {
- panic("schema cache must not have any open scope")
- }
- defer func() {
- if hasError {
- c.Rollback()
- return
- }
- c.Commit()
- }()
- tn := n.Table.Name
- td, found := c.FindTableInBase(string(tn))
- if !found {
- el.Append(errors.Error{
- Position: n.Table.GetPosition(),
- Length: n.Table.GetLength(),
- Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
- Code: errors.ErrorCodeTableNotFound,
- Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
- Prefix: fn,
- Message: fmt.Sprintf(
- "index table %s does not exist",
- ast.QuoteIdentifier(tn)),
- }, &hasError)
- return
- }
- if len(n.Column) > schema.MaxColumnRef {
- begin := n.Column[0].GetPosition()
- last := len(n.Column) - 1
- end := n.Column[last].GetPosition() + n.Column[last].GetLength()
- el.Append(errors.Error{
- Position: begin,
- Length: end - begin,
- Category: errors.ErrorCategoryLimit,
- Code: errors.ErrorCodeTooManyColumns,
- Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
- Prefix: fn,
- Message: fmt.Sprintf(
- "cannot create an index on more than %d columns",
- schema.MaxColumnRef+1),
- }, &hasError)
- return
- }
- columnRefs := newColumnRefSlice(uint8(len(n.Column)))
- for ci := range n.Column {
- cn := n.Column[ci].Name
- cd, found := c.FindColumnInBase(td.Table, string(cn))
- if !found {
- el.Append(errors.Error{
- Position: n.Column[ci].GetPosition(),
- Length: n.Column[ci].GetLength(),
- Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
- Code: errors.ErrorCodeColumnNotFound,
- Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
- Prefix: fn,
- Message: fmt.Sprintf(
- "column %s does not exist in index table %s",
- ast.QuoteIdentifier(cn),
- ast.QuoteIdentifier(tn)),
- }, &hasError)
- continue
- }
- columnRefs.Append(cd.Column, uint8(ci))
- }
- if hasError {
- return
- }
- sort.Stable(columnRefs)
- for ci := 1; ci < len(n.Column); ci++ {
- if columnRefs.columns[ci] == columnRefs.columns[ci-1] {
- el.Append(errors.Error{
- Position: n.Column[columnRefs.nodes[ci]].GetPosition(),
- Length: n.Column[columnRefs.nodes[ci]].GetLength(),
- Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
- Code: errors.ErrorCodeDuplicateIndexColumn,
- Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
- Prefix: fn,
- Message: fmt.Sprintf(
- "column %s already exists in the column list",
- ast.QuoteIdentifier(n.Column[columnRefs.nodes[ci]].Name)),
- }, &hasError)
- return
- }
- }
- index := schema.Index{}
- index.Columns = columnRefs.columns
- ir := schema.IndexRef(len((*s)[td.Table].Indices))
- id := schema.IndexDescriptor{Table: td.Table, Index: ir}
- if n.Unique != nil {
- index.Attr |= schema.IndexAttrUnique
- }
- if len(n.Index.Name) == 0 {
- el.Append(errors.Error{
- Position: n.Index.GetPosition(),
- Length: n.Table.GetLength(),
- Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
- Code: errors.ErrorCodeEmptyIndexName,
- Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
- Prefix: fn,
- Message: "cannot create an index with an empty name",
- }, &hasError)
- return
- }
- // If there is an existing index that is automatically created, rename it
- // instead of creating a new one.
- rename := false
- fmir, found := findFirstMatchingIndex((*s)[id.Table].Indices, index, 0)
- if found {
- fmid := schema.IndexDescriptor{Table: id.Table, Index: fmir}
- fmin := (*s)[id.Table].Indices[fmir].Name
- fminString := string(fmin)
- fmidCache, auto, found := c.FindIndexInBase(fminString)
- if !found {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("index %s exists in the schema, "+
- "but it cannot be found in the schema cache",
- ast.QuoteIdentifier(fmin)))
- }
- if fmidCache != fmid {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("index %s has descriptor %+v, "+
- "but the schema cache records it as %+v",
- ast.QuoteIdentifier(fmin), fmid, fmidCache))
- }
- if auto {
- if !c.DeleteIndex(fminString) {
- panic(fmt.Sprintf("unable to mark index %s for deletion",
- ast.QuoteIdentifier(fmin)))
- }
- rename = true
- id = fmid
- ir = id.Index
- }
- }
- in := n.Index.Name
- if !c.AddIndex(string(in), id, false) {
- el.Append(errors.Error{
- Position: n.Index.GetPosition(),
- Length: n.Index.GetLength(),
- Category: errors.ErrorCategorySemantic,
- Code: errors.ErrorCodeDuplicateIndexName,
- Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
- Prefix: fn,
- Message: fmt.Sprintf("index %s already exists",
- ast.QuoteIdentifier(in)),
- }, &hasError)
- return
- }
- // Commit the change into the schema.
- if rename {
- (*s)[id.Table].Indices[id.Index].Name = n.Index.Name
- } else {
- if len((*s)[td.Table].Indices) > schema.MaxIndexRef {
- el.Append(errors.Error{
- Position: n.GetPosition(),
- Length: n.GetLength(),
- Category: errors.ErrorCategoryLimit,
- Code: errors.ErrorCodeTooManyIndices,
- Severity: errors.ErrorSeverityError,
- Prefix: fn,
- Message: fmt.Sprintf(
- "cannot have more than %d indices in table %s",
- schema.MaxIndexRef+1,
- ast.QuoteIdentifier(tn)),
- }, &hasError)
- return
- }
- index.Name = n.Index.Name
- (*s)[id.Table].Indices = append((*s)[id.Table].Indices, index)
- }
-func checkSelectStmt(n *ast.SelectStmtNode, s schema.Schema,
- o CheckOptions, c *schemaCache, el *errors.ErrorList) {
-func checkUpdateStmt(n *ast.UpdateStmtNode, s schema.Schema,
- o CheckOptions, c *schemaCache, el *errors.ErrorList) {
-func checkDeleteStmt(n *ast.DeleteStmtNode, s schema.Schema,
- o CheckOptions, c *schemaCache, el *errors.ErrorList) {
-func checkInsertStmt(n *ast.InsertStmtNode, s schema.Schema,
- o CheckOptions, c *schemaCache, el *errors.ErrorList) {
func checkExpr(n ast.ExprNode,
s schema.Schema, o CheckOptions, c *schemaCache, el *errors.ErrorList,
tr schema.TableRef, ta typeAction) ast.ExprNode {
diff --git a/core/vm/sqlvm/checker/stmt.go b/core/vm/sqlvm/checker/stmt.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4485526e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/vm/sqlvm/checker/stmt.go
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+package checker
+import (
+ "github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon/core/vm/sqlvm/ast"
+ "github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon/core/vm/sqlvm/errors"
+ "github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon/core/vm/sqlvm/schema"
+func checkSelectStmt(n *ast.SelectStmtNode, s schema.Schema,
+ o CheckOptions, c *schemaCache, el *errors.ErrorList) {
+func checkUpdateStmt(n *ast.UpdateStmtNode, s schema.Schema,
+ o CheckOptions, c *schemaCache, el *errors.ErrorList) {
+func checkDeleteStmt(n *ast.DeleteStmtNode, s schema.Schema,
+ o CheckOptions, c *schemaCache, el *errors.ErrorList) {
+func checkInsertStmt(n *ast.InsertStmtNode, s schema.Schema,
+ o CheckOptions, c *schemaCache, el *errors.ErrorList) {