path: root/p2p/discv5/topic.go
diff options
authorZsolt Felfoldi <zsfelfoldi@gmail.com>2016-10-19 19:04:55 +0800
committerFelix Lange <fjl@twurst.com>2016-11-09 09:12:53 +0800
commit49da42983af7a775695166689e5bf701bcec4f81 (patch)
tree2c325a4852695697cc9616a3eac99a432711abdb /p2p/discv5/topic.go
parent7db7109a5b53c339f00e9c05ac826b3dbd1f98e1 (diff)
p2p/discv5: added new topic discovery package
Diffstat (limited to 'p2p/discv5/topic.go')
1 files changed, 406 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/p2p/discv5/topic.go b/p2p/discv5/topic.go
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e603cf7e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/p2p/discv5/topic.go
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+// Copyright 2015 The go-ethereum Authors
+// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
+// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
+// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+// (at your option) any later version.
+// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+package discv5
+import (
+ "container/heap"
+ "fmt"
+ "math"
+ "math/rand"
+ "time"
+ "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/common/mclock"
+const (
+ maxEntries = 10000
+ maxEntriesPerTopic = 50
+ fallbackRegistrationExpiry = 1 * time.Hour
+type Topic string
+type topicEntry struct {
+ topic Topic
+ fifoIdx uint64
+ node *Node
+ expire mclock.AbsTime
+type topicInfo struct {
+ entries map[uint64]*topicEntry
+ fifoHead, fifoTail uint64
+ rqItem *topicRequestQueueItem
+ wcl waitControlLoop
+// removes tail element from the fifo
+func (t *topicInfo) getFifoTail() *topicEntry {
+ for t.entries[t.fifoTail] == nil {
+ t.fifoTail++
+ }
+ tail := t.entries[t.fifoTail]
+ t.fifoTail++
+ return tail
+type nodeInfo struct {
+ entries map[Topic]*topicEntry
+ lastIssuedTicket, lastUsedTicket uint32
+ // you can't register a ticket newer than lastUsedTicket before noRegUntil (absolute time)
+ noRegUntil mclock.AbsTime
+type topicTable struct {
+ db *nodeDB
+ self *Node
+ nodes map[*Node]*nodeInfo
+ topics map[Topic]*topicInfo
+ globalEntries uint64
+ requested topicRequestQueue
+ requestCnt uint64
+ lastGarbageCollection mclock.AbsTime
+func newTopicTable(db *nodeDB, self *Node) *topicTable {
+ if printTestImgLogs {
+ fmt.Printf("*N %016x\n", self.sha[:8])
+ }
+ return &topicTable{
+ db: db,
+ nodes: make(map[*Node]*nodeInfo),
+ topics: make(map[Topic]*topicInfo),
+ self: self,
+ }
+func (t *topicTable) getOrNewTopic(topic Topic) *topicInfo {
+ ti := t.topics[topic]
+ if ti == nil {
+ rqItem := &topicRequestQueueItem{
+ topic: topic,
+ priority: t.requestCnt,
+ }
+ ti = &topicInfo{
+ entries: make(map[uint64]*topicEntry),
+ rqItem: rqItem,
+ }
+ t.topics[topic] = ti
+ heap.Push(&t.requested, rqItem)
+ }
+ return ti
+func (t *topicTable) checkDeleteTopic(topic Topic) {
+ ti := t.topics[topic]
+ if ti == nil {
+ return
+ }
+ if len(ti.entries) == 0 && ti.wcl.hasMinimumWaitPeriod() {
+ delete(t.topics, topic)
+ heap.Remove(&t.requested, ti.rqItem.index)
+ }
+func (t *topicTable) getOrNewNode(node *Node) *nodeInfo {
+ n := t.nodes[node]
+ if n == nil {
+ //fmt.Printf("newNode %016x %016x\n", t.self.sha[:8], node.sha[:8])
+ var issued, used uint32
+ if t.db != nil {
+ issued, used = t.db.fetchTopicRegTickets(node.ID)
+ }
+ n = &nodeInfo{
+ entries: make(map[Topic]*topicEntry),
+ lastIssuedTicket: issued,
+ lastUsedTicket: used,
+ }
+ t.nodes[node] = n
+ }
+ return n
+func (t *topicTable) checkDeleteNode(node *Node) {
+ if n, ok := t.nodes[node]; ok && len(n.entries) == 0 && n.noRegUntil < mclock.Now() {
+ //fmt.Printf("deleteNode %016x %016x\n", t.self.sha[:8], node.sha[:8])
+ delete(t.nodes, node)
+ }
+func (t *topicTable) storeTicketCounters(node *Node) {
+ n := t.getOrNewNode(node)
+ if t.db != nil {
+ t.db.updateTopicRegTickets(node.ID, n.lastIssuedTicket, n.lastUsedTicket)
+ }
+func (t *topicTable) getEntries(topic Topic) []*Node {
+ t.collectGarbage()
+ te := t.topics[topic]
+ if te == nil {
+ return nil
+ }
+ nodes := make([]*Node, len(te.entries))
+ i := 0
+ for _, e := range te.entries {
+ nodes[i] = e.node
+ i++
+ }
+ t.requestCnt++
+ t.requested.update(te.rqItem, t.requestCnt)
+ return nodes
+func (t *topicTable) addEntry(node *Node, topic Topic) {
+ n := t.getOrNewNode(node)
+ // clear previous entries by the same node
+ for _, e := range n.entries {
+ t.deleteEntry(e)
+ }
+ // ***
+ n = t.getOrNewNode(node)
+ tm := mclock.Now()
+ te := t.getOrNewTopic(topic)
+ if len(te.entries) == maxEntriesPerTopic {
+ t.deleteEntry(te.getFifoTail())
+ }
+ if t.globalEntries == maxEntries {
+ t.deleteEntry(t.leastRequested()) // not empty, no need to check for nil
+ }
+ fifoIdx := te.fifoHead
+ te.fifoHead++
+ entry := &topicEntry{
+ topic: topic,
+ fifoIdx: fifoIdx,
+ node: node,
+ expire: tm + mclock.AbsTime(fallbackRegistrationExpiry),
+ }
+ if printTestImgLogs {
+ fmt.Printf("*+ %d %v %016x %016x\n", tm/1000000, topic, t.self.sha[:8], node.sha[:8])
+ }
+ te.entries[fifoIdx] = entry
+ n.entries[topic] = entry
+ t.globalEntries++
+ te.wcl.registered(tm)
+// removes least requested element from the fifo
+func (t *topicTable) leastRequested() *topicEntry {
+ for t.requested.Len() > 0 && t.topics[t.requested[0].topic] == nil {
+ heap.Pop(&t.requested)
+ }
+ if t.requested.Len() == 0 {
+ return nil
+ }
+ return t.topics[t.requested[0].topic].getFifoTail()
+// entry should exist
+func (t *topicTable) deleteEntry(e *topicEntry) {
+ if printTestImgLogs {
+ fmt.Printf("*- %d %v %016x %016x\n", mclock.Now()/1000000, e.topic, t.self.sha[:8], e.node.sha[:8])
+ }
+ ne := t.nodes[e.node].entries
+ delete(ne, e.topic)
+ if len(ne) == 0 {
+ t.checkDeleteNode(e.node)
+ }
+ te := t.topics[e.topic]
+ delete(te.entries, e.fifoIdx)
+ if len(te.entries) == 0 {
+ t.checkDeleteTopic(e.topic)
+ }
+ t.globalEntries--
+// It is assumed that topics and waitPeriods have the same length.
+func (t *topicTable) useTicket(node *Node, serialNo uint32, topics []Topic, idx int, issueTime uint64, waitPeriods []uint32) (registered bool) {
+ debugLog(fmt.Sprintf("useTicket %v %v %v", serialNo, topics, waitPeriods))
+ //fmt.Println("useTicket", serialNo, topics, waitPeriods)
+ t.collectGarbage()
+ n := t.getOrNewNode(node)
+ if serialNo < n.lastUsedTicket {
+ return false
+ }
+ tm := mclock.Now()
+ if serialNo > n.lastUsedTicket && tm < n.noRegUntil {
+ return false
+ }
+ if serialNo != n.lastUsedTicket {
+ n.lastUsedTicket = serialNo
+ n.noRegUntil = tm + mclock.AbsTime(noRegTimeout())
+ t.storeTicketCounters(node)
+ }
+ currTime := uint64(tm / mclock.AbsTime(time.Second))
+ regTime := issueTime + uint64(waitPeriods[idx])
+ relTime := int64(currTime - regTime)
+ if relTime >= -1 && relTime <= regTimeWindow+1 { // give clients a little security margin on both ends
+ if e := n.entries[topics[idx]]; e == nil {
+ t.addEntry(node, topics[idx])
+ } else {
+ // if there is an active entry, don't move to the front of the FIFO but prolong expire time
+ e.expire = tm + mclock.AbsTime(fallbackRegistrationExpiry)
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ return false
+func (topictab *topicTable) getTicket(node *Node, topics []Topic) *ticket {
+ topictab.collectGarbage()
+ now := mclock.Now()
+ n := topictab.getOrNewNode(node)
+ n.lastIssuedTicket++
+ topictab.storeTicketCounters(node)
+ t := &ticket{
+ issueTime: now,
+ topics: topics,
+ serial: n.lastIssuedTicket,
+ regTime: make([]mclock.AbsTime, len(topics)),
+ }
+ for i, topic := range topics {
+ var waitPeriod time.Duration
+ if topic := topictab.topics[topic]; topic != nil {
+ waitPeriod = topic.wcl.waitPeriod
+ } else {
+ waitPeriod = minWaitPeriod
+ }
+ t.regTime[i] = now + mclock.AbsTime(waitPeriod)
+ }
+ return t
+const gcInterval = time.Minute
+func (t *topicTable) collectGarbage() {
+ tm := mclock.Now()
+ if time.Duration(tm-t.lastGarbageCollection) < gcInterval {
+ return
+ }
+ t.lastGarbageCollection = tm
+ for node, n := range t.nodes {
+ for _, e := range n.entries {
+ if e.expire <= tm {
+ t.deleteEntry(e)
+ }
+ }
+ t.checkDeleteNode(node)
+ }
+ for topic, _ := range t.topics {
+ t.checkDeleteTopic(topic)
+ }
+const (
+ minWaitPeriod = time.Minute
+ regTimeWindow = 10 // seconds
+ avgnoRegTimeout = time.Minute * 10
+ // target average interval between two incoming ad requests
+ wcTargetRegInterval = time.Minute * 10 / maxEntriesPerTopic
+ //
+ wcTimeConst = time.Minute * 10
+// initialization is not required, will set to minWaitPeriod at first registration
+type waitControlLoop struct {
+ lastIncoming mclock.AbsTime
+ waitPeriod time.Duration
+func (w *waitControlLoop) registered(tm mclock.AbsTime) {
+ w.waitPeriod = w.nextWaitPeriod(tm)
+ w.lastIncoming = tm
+func (w *waitControlLoop) nextWaitPeriod(tm mclock.AbsTime) time.Duration {
+ period := tm - w.lastIncoming
+ wp := time.Duration(float64(w.waitPeriod) * math.Exp((float64(wcTargetRegInterval)-float64(period))/float64(wcTimeConst)))
+ if wp < minWaitPeriod {
+ wp = minWaitPeriod
+ }
+ return wp
+func (w *waitControlLoop) hasMinimumWaitPeriod() bool {
+ return w.nextWaitPeriod(mclock.Now()) == minWaitPeriod
+func noRegTimeout() time.Duration {
+ e := rand.ExpFloat64()
+ if e > 100 {
+ e = 100
+ }
+ return time.Duration(float64(avgnoRegTimeout) * e)
+type topicRequestQueueItem struct {
+ topic Topic
+ priority uint64
+ index int
+// A topicRequestQueue implements heap.Interface and holds topicRequestQueueItems.
+type topicRequestQueue []*topicRequestQueueItem
+func (tq topicRequestQueue) Len() int { return len(tq) }
+func (tq topicRequestQueue) Less(i, j int) bool {
+ return tq[i].priority < tq[j].priority
+func (tq topicRequestQueue) Swap(i, j int) {
+ tq[i], tq[j] = tq[j], tq[i]
+ tq[i].index = i
+ tq[j].index = j
+func (tq *topicRequestQueue) Push(x interface{}) {
+ n := len(*tq)
+ item := x.(*topicRequestQueueItem)
+ item.index = n
+ *tq = append(*tq, item)
+func (tq *topicRequestQueue) Pop() interface{} {
+ old := *tq
+ n := len(old)
+ item := old[n-1]
+ item.index = -1
+ *tq = old[0 : n-1]
+ return item
+func (tq *topicRequestQueue) update(item *topicRequestQueueItem, priority uint64) {
+ item.priority = priority
+ heap.Fix(tq, item.index)