path: root/ethereum
diff options
authorobscuren <geffobscura@gmail.com>2014-05-20 18:57:43 +0800
committerobscuren <geffobscura@gmail.com>2014-05-20 18:57:43 +0800
commit0ef7f6372939189dcfeaea8197798a63a6d6688a (patch)
tree2f80ef09a1ed1c9042571dcf501d0b19c9434fdf /ethereum
parenta05adb11288a1ea9dc6e38a952ab89fa5eb7f794 (diff)
Removed old console in favor of the new JS REPL
Diffstat (limited to 'ethereum')
3 files changed, 1 insertions, 272 deletions
diff --git a/ethereum/config.go b/ethereum/config.go
index 117aa6f2c..97e8687d8 100644
--- a/ethereum/config.go
+++ b/ethereum/config.go
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ import (
-var StartConsole bool
var StartMining bool
var StartRpc bool
var RpcPort int
@@ -24,10 +23,8 @@ var StartJsConsole bool
var InputFile string
func Init() {
- flag.BoolVar(&StartConsole, "c", false, "debug and testing console")
flag.BoolVar(&StartMining, "m", false, "start dagger mining")
flag.BoolVar(&ShowGenesis, "g", false, "prints genesis header and exits")
- //flag.BoolVar(&UseGui, "gui", true, "use the gui")
flag.BoolVar(&StartRpc, "r", false, "start rpc server")
flag.IntVar(&RpcPort, "rpcport", 8080, "port to start json-rpc server on")
flag.BoolVar(&NonInteractive, "y", false, "non-interactive mode (say yes to confirmations)")
diff --git a/ethereum/dev_console.go b/ethereum/dev_console.go
deleted file mode 100644
index 5941c03ab..000000000
--- a/ethereum/dev_console.go
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,259 +0,0 @@
-package main
-import (
- "bufio"
- "bytes"
- "encoding/hex"
- "errors"
- "fmt"
- "github.com/ethereum/eth-go"
- "github.com/ethereum/eth-go/ethchain"
- "github.com/ethereum/eth-go/ethdb"
- "github.com/ethereum/eth-go/ethutil"
- "github.com/ethereum/eth-go/ethwire"
- "github.com/ethereum/go-ethereum/utils"
- "github.com/obscuren/mutan"
- "os"
- "strings"
-type Console struct {
- db *ethdb.MemDatabase
- trie *ethutil.Trie
- ethereum *eth.Ethereum
-func NewConsole(s *eth.Ethereum) *Console {
- db, _ := ethdb.NewMemDatabase()
- trie := ethutil.NewTrie(db, "")
- return &Console{db: db, trie: trie, ethereum: s}
-func (i *Console) ValidateInput(action string, argumentLength int) error {
- err := false
- var expArgCount int
- switch {
- case action == "update" && argumentLength != 2:
- err = true
- expArgCount = 2
- case action == "get" && argumentLength != 1:
- err = true
- expArgCount = 1
- case action == "dag" && argumentLength != 2:
- err = true
- expArgCount = 2
- case action == "decode" && argumentLength != 1:
- err = true
- expArgCount = 1
- case action == "encode" && argumentLength != 1:
- err = true
- expArgCount = 1
- case action == "gettx" && argumentLength != 1:
- err = true
- expArgCount = 1
- case action == "tx" && argumentLength != 4:
- err = true
- expArgCount = 4
- case action == "getaddr" && argumentLength != 1:
- err = true
- expArgCount = 1
- case action == "contract" && argumentLength != 2:
- err = true
- expArgCount = 2
- case action == "say" && argumentLength != 1:
- err = true
- expArgCount = 1
- case action == "addp" && argumentLength != 1:
- err = true
- expArgCount = 1
- case action == "block" && argumentLength != 1:
- err = true
- expArgCount = 1
- }
- if err {
- return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("'%s' requires %d args, got %d", action, expArgCount, argumentLength))
- } else {
- return nil
- }
-func (i *Console) Editor() string {
- var buff bytes.Buffer
- for {
- reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
- str, _, err := reader.ReadLine()
- if len(str) > 0 {
- buff.Write(str)
- buff.WriteString("\n")
- }
- if err != nil && err.Error() == "EOF" {
- break
- }
- }
- return buff.String()
-func (i *Console) PrintRoot() {
- root := ethutil.NewValue(i.trie.Root)
- if len(root.Bytes()) != 0 {
- fmt.Println(hex.EncodeToString(root.Bytes()))
- } else {
- fmt.Println(i.trie.Root)
- }
-func (i *Console) ParseInput(input string) bool {
- scanner := bufio.NewScanner(strings.NewReader(input))
- scanner.Split(bufio.ScanWords)
- count := 0
- var tokens []string
- for scanner.Scan() {
- count++
- tokens = append(tokens, scanner.Text())
- }
- if err := scanner.Err(); err != nil {
- fmt.Fprintln(os.Stderr, "reading input:", err)
- }
- if len(tokens) == 0 {
- return true
- }
- err := i.ValidateInput(tokens[0], count-1)
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println(err)
- } else {
- switch tokens[0] {
- case "update":
- i.trie.Update(tokens[1], tokens[2])
- i.PrintRoot()
- case "get":
- fmt.Println(i.trie.Get(tokens[1]))
- case "root":
- i.PrintRoot()
- case "rawroot":
- fmt.Println(i.trie.Root)
- case "print":
- i.db.Print()
- case "dag":
- fmt.Println(ethchain.DaggerVerify(ethutil.Big(tokens[1]), // hash
- ethutil.BigPow(2, 36), // diff
- ethutil.Big(tokens[2]))) // nonce
- case "decode":
- value := ethutil.NewValueFromBytes([]byte(tokens[1]))
- fmt.Println(value)
- case "getaddr":
- encoded, _ := hex.DecodeString(tokens[1])
- addr := i.ethereum.BlockChain().CurrentBlock.State().GetAccount(encoded)
- fmt.Println("addr:", addr)
- case "block":
- encoded, _ := hex.DecodeString(tokens[1])
- block := i.ethereum.BlockChain().GetBlock(encoded)
- info := block.BlockInfo()
- fmt.Printf("++++++++++ #%d ++++++++++\n%v\n", info.Number, block)
- case "say":
- i.ethereum.Broadcast(ethwire.MsgTalkTy, []interface{}{tokens[1]})
- case "addp":
- i.ethereum.ConnectToPeer(tokens[1])
- case "pcount":
- fmt.Println("peers:", i.ethereum.Peers().Len())
- case "encode":
- fmt.Printf("%q\n", ethutil.Encode(tokens[1]))
- case "tx":
- recipient, err := hex.DecodeString(tokens[1])
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("recipient err:", err)
- } else {
- tx := ethchain.NewTransactionMessage(recipient, ethutil.Big(tokens[2]), ethutil.Big(tokens[3]), ethutil.Big(tokens[4]), nil)
- keyPair := ethutil.GetKeyRing().Get(0)
- tx.Sign(keyPair.PrivateKey)
- i.ethereum.TxPool().QueueTransaction(tx)
- fmt.Printf("%x\n", tx.Hash())
- }
- case "gettx":
- addr, _ := hex.DecodeString(tokens[1])
- data, _ := ethutil.Config.Db.Get(addr)
- if len(data) != 0 {
- decoder := ethutil.NewValueFromBytes(data)
- fmt.Println(decoder)
- } else {
- fmt.Println("gettx: tx not found")
- }
- case "contract":
- fmt.Println("Contract editor (Ctrl-D = done)")
- mainInput, initInput := mutan.PreParse(i.Editor())
- mainScript, err := utils.Compile(mainInput)
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println(err)
- break
- }
- initScript, err := utils.Compile(initInput)
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println(err)
- break
- }
- contract := ethchain.NewContractCreationTx(ethutil.Big(tokens[0]), ethutil.Big(tokens[1]), ethutil.Big(tokens[1]), mainScript, initScript)
- keyPair := ethutil.GetKeyRing().Get(0)
- contract.Sign(keyPair.PrivateKey)
- i.ethereum.TxPool().QueueTransaction(contract)
- fmt.Printf("%x\n", contract.Hash()[12:])
- case "exit", "quit", "q":
- return false
- case "help":
- fmt.Printf("COMMANDS:\n" +
- "\033[1m= DB =\033[0m\n" +
- "update KEY VALUE - Updates/Creates a new value for the given key\n" +
- "get KEY - Retrieves the given key\n" +
- "root - Prints the hex encoded merkle root\n" +
- "rawroot - Prints the raw merkle root\n" +
- "block HASH - Prints the block\n" +
- "getaddr ADDR - Prints the account associated with the address\n" +
- "\033[1m= Dagger =\033[0m\n" +
- "dag HASH NONCE - Verifies a nonce with the given hash with dagger\n" +
- "\033[1m= Encoding =\033[0m\n" +
- "decode STR\n" +
- "encode STR\n" +
- "\033[1m= Other =\033[0m\n" +
- "addp HOST:PORT\n" +
- "tx TO AMOUNT\n" +
- "contract AMOUNT\n")
- default:
- fmt.Println("Unknown command:", tokens[0])
- }
- }
- return true
-func (i *Console) Start() {
- fmt.Printf("Eth Console. Type (help) for help\n")
- reader := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin)
- for {
- fmt.Printf("eth >>> ")
- str, _, err := reader.ReadLine()
- if err != nil {
- fmt.Println("Error reading input", err)
- } else {
- if !i.ParseInput(string(str)) {
- return
- }
- }
- }
diff --git a/ethereum/ethereum.go b/ethereum/ethereum.go
index f680b5416..2fdfd5caf 100644
--- a/ethereum/ethereum.go
+++ b/ethereum/ethereum.go
@@ -141,16 +141,7 @@ save these words so you can restore your account later: %s
- if StartConsole {
- err := os.Mkdir(ethutil.Config.ExecPath, os.ModePerm)
- // Error is OK if the error is ErrExist
- if err != nil && !os.IsExist(err) {
- log.Panic("Unable to create EXECPATH:", err)
- }
- console := NewConsole(ethereum)
- go console.Start()
- } else if StartJsConsole {
+ if StartJsConsole {
repl := NewJSRepl(ethereum)
go repl.Start()