path: root/core
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authorJhih-Ming Huang <jm.huang@cobinhood.com>2019-05-13 10:48:50 +0800
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2019-05-13 10:48:50 +0800
commit2d877e154c31f2cc63456aa47ec5eaebe416ce94 (patch)
treef19a4ea3f408cd5a8d2c5a7eb5fd2adb2185cc5c /core
parent278f4f58b53a34e5c886720449b58dc2ca8842bc (diff)
core: vm: sqlvm: README.md (#294)vm
* core: vm: sqlvm: README.md Move design doc from private Google Doc to README.md. * Add explanation for packing data. * Move phase 2 items to TODO sectoin. * Move fixed data type to "Unsupported Field Types" * Add limitation section.
Diffstat (limited to 'core')
1 files changed, 916 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/core/vm/sqlvm/README.md b/core/vm/sqlvm/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b4e52eeb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/core/vm/sqlvm/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,916 @@
+# SQLVM Design Doc
+ * [SQLVM Design Doc](#sqlvm-design-doc)
+ * [**Objective**](#objective)
+ * [**Background**](#background)
+ * [**Detailed design**](#detailed-design)
+ * [Supported SQL subset grammar](#supported-sql-subset-grammar)
+ * [Built-in functions](#built-in-functions)
+ * [Cross-VM interaction (Internal transactions)](#cross-vm-interaction-internal-transactions)
+ * [Permission control](#permission-control)
+ * [Limitation](#limitation)
+ * [ABI](#abi)
+ * [Auto-generated functions for Database (WIP)](#auto-generated-functions-for-database-wip)
+ * [Auto-generated functions for Tables (WIP)](#auto-generated-functions-for-tables-wip)
+ * [Supported field types](#supported-field-types)
+ * [Aliases](#aliases)
+ * [Type ID allocation (2 bytes)](#type-id-allocation-2-bytes)
+ * [Solidity type conversion](#solidity-type-conversion)
+ * [Solidity integer conversion rules](#solidity-integer-conversion-rules)
+ * [SQLVM type conversion](#sqlvm-type-conversion)
+ * [Types of literals](#types-of-literals)
+ * [Cast format](#cast-format)
+ * [Unsupported field types](#unsupported-field-types)
+ * [Table to key-value mapping](#table-to-key-value-mapping)
+ * [Database metadata](#database-metadata)
+ * [Table metadata](#table-metadata)
+ * [Primary index &amp; data](#primary-index--data)
+ * [List of keys](#list-of-keys)
+ * [Actual data](#actual-data)
+ * [Other indices](#other-indices)
+ * [List of keys](#list-of-keys-1)
+ * [Actual data](#actual-data-1)
+ * [(TODO) Row ID reverse index](#todo-row-id-reverse-index)
+ * [Sequence (auto increment)](#sequence-auto-increment)
+ * [NULL value](#null-value)
+ * [Compound index](#compound-index)
+ * [Contract owner](#contract-owner)
+ * [Table writer](#table-writer)
+ * [List of keys](#list-of-keys-2)
+ * [Actual data](#actual-data-2)
+ * [Query planning](#query-planning)
+ * [(TBD) Query planning algorithms](#tbd-query-planning-algorithms)
+ * [(TBD) Pricing model](#tbd-pricing-model)
+ * [Difference with SQL spec](#difference-with-sql-spec)
+ * [Instruction set](#instruction-set)
+ * [Base structs](#base-structs)
+ * [Codes](#codes)
+ * [Examples](#examples)
+ * [Storage ops details](#storage-ops-details)
+ * [INSERT](#insert)
+ * [UPDATE](#update)
+ * [DELETE](#delete)
+ * [**Corner cases**](#corner-cases)
+ * [**Miscellaneous**](#miscellaneous)
+ * [**TODO list**](#todo-list)
+ * [**Authors**](#authors)
+<!--- Created by [gh-md-toc](https://github.com/ekalinin/github-markdown-toc) -->
+## **Objective**
+The objective is to provide programmers with a friendly SQL interface which they are familiar with. SQLVM is implemented alongside with EVM, such that DEXON DApp developers can use SQL syntax to handle their data. It would support a subset of SQL operations.
+## **Background**
+1. How solidity store data. [https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/v0.4.24/miscellaneous.html](https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/v0.4.24/miscellaneous.html)
+1. How to map SQL syntax to key-value [https://www.cockroachlabs.com/blog/sql-in-cockroachdb-mapping-table-data-to-key-value-storage/](https://www.cockroachlabs.com/blog/sql-in-cockroachdb-mapping-table-data-to-key-value-storage/)
+## **Detailed design**
+### Supported SQL subset grammar
+Core function reference: [https://www.sqlite.org/lang_corefunc.html](https://www.sqlite.org/lang_corefunc.html)
+Aggregation function reference: [https://www.sqlite.org/lang_aggfunc.html](https://www.sqlite.org/lang_aggfunc.html)
+Golang Planner reference: [https://gitlab.com/cznic/ql/blob/master/plan.go](https://gitlab.com/cznic/ql/blob/master/plan.go)
+CREATE TABLE {name} {column-spec}
+CREATE INDEX {name} ON {table} {columns}
+SELECT {items} FROM {table} WHERE {condition} ORDER BY {expr}
+UPDATE {table} SET {items} WHERE {condition}
+DELETE FROM {table} WHERE {condition}
+INSERT INTO {table} {columns} VALUES {values}
+### Built-in functions
+BLOCKNUMBER() uint256
+BLOCKHASH(uint256) bytes32
+MSGSENDER() address
+MSGDATA() bytes
+TXORIGIN() address
+RAND() uint256
+BITAND(a, b T), T ∈ {uintX, intX, bytesX}
+BITOR(a, b T), T ∈ {uintX, intX, bytesX}
+BITNOT(a T), T ∈ {uintX, intX, bytesX}
+BITXOR(a, b T), T ∈ {uintX, intX, bytesX}
+OCTET_LENGTH(a T) uint64, T ∈ {bytes, bytesX}
+SUBSTRING(str FROM pos FOR len) bytes, str ∈ {bytes}, pos, len ∈ {uint64}
+### Cross-VM interaction (Internal transactions)
+To support cross-VM interaction, all VM must confront the [Solidity ABI specification](https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/v0.5.2/abi-spec.html).
+The transaction data sent to the database contract will be just plain SQL expressions. The returned rows will be encoded as a 2-level array, where the outer layer being the row data, and the inner layer being the data fields. We can consider modifying solidity so it could deserialize structures from function returns (or wait for the ABIv2 encoder). ([PoC](https://gist.github.com/aitjcize/51aeb7023febaa259216e6f5069a6e63))
+### Permission control
+By default, there is a writer list for each table, and the owner can edit the lists.
+The owner can transfer the entire database to other owners.
+### Limitation
+* Max table number: 256
+* Max column number: 256
+* Max foreign key number: 256
+* Max SELECT fields number: 65536
+* Max records number: 2⁶⁴
+* Max index number in a table: 256
+* Max compound index field number: 256
+### ABI
+The ABI of the SQL contract will look just like an Ethereum ABI, except that all of the methods are auto-generated when the contract (schema) is deployed.
+### Auto-generated functions for Database (WIP)
+(Requires the [Solidity ABI v2 encoder](https://blog.ricmoo.com/solidity-abiv2-a-foray-into-the-experimental-a6afd3d47185))
+function tables() public view returns ([]string)
+function owner() public view returns (address)
+function transferOwnership(address newOwner) onlyContractOwner public
+function query(string statement) public view returns (uint256 error, bytes data)
+function exec(string statement) public returns (uint256 error, uint256 affectedRows)
+### Auto-generated functions for Tables (WIP)
+function grantWriter(string table, address writer) onlyContractOwner public
+function revokeWriter(string table, address writer) onlyContractOwner public
+function fields(string table) public view returns ([]string)
+function indices(string table) public view returns ([]string)
+### Supported field types
+**int{X}**, **uint{X}**, **bytes{X}**, **bytes**, **bool**, **address**
+notes: \
+**int{X}**: X=8..256, in step of 8. i.e. **int8**, **int16**, … **int256** \
+**uint{X}**: X=8..256, in step of 8. i.e. **uint8**, **uint16**, … **uint256** \
+**bytes{X}**: X=1..32. i.e. **bytes1**, **bytes2** … **bytes32**
+#### Aliases
+**boolean** = **bool** \
+**byte** = **bytes1**
+#### Type ID allocation (2 bytes)
+| | 1st byte | 2nd byte | Number of types |
+|- |- | - | - |
+| pending | 0x00 | 0x00 | 1 |
+| null | 0x01 | 0x00 | 1 |
+| bool | 0x02 | 0x00 | 1 |
+| address | 0x03 | 0x00 | 1 |
+| int | 0x04 | 0x00~0x1f | 32 |
+| uint | 0x05 | 0x00~0x1f | 32 |
+| bytes{X} | 0x06 | 0x00~0x1f | 32 |
+| bytes | 0x07 | 0x00 | 1 |
+#### Solidity type conversion
+| From/To | int | bytes{X} | bytes | bool | address |
+| - | - | - | - | - | - |
+| int | see the rule | same size big-endian | ✘ | ✘ | use integer rules |
+| bytes{X}| same size big-endian | pad/crop zero on the right | ✘ | ✘ | only bytes20 |
+| bytes | ✘ | ✘ | ✔ | ✘ | ✘ |
+| bool | ✘ | ✘ | ✘ | ✔ | ✘ |
+| address | use integer rules | only bytes20 | ✘ | ✘ | ✔ |
+#### Solidity integer conversion rules
+**int{X}** → **int{Y}**, X < Y: sign extend \
+**int{X}** → **uint{Y}**, X < Y: sign extend \
+**uint{X}** → **int{Y}**, X < Y: zero extend \
+**uint{X}** → **uint{Y}**, X < Y: zero extend
+**int{X}** → **int{Y}**, X > Y: discard higher bits \
+**int{X}** → **uint{Y}**, X > Y: discard higher bits \
+**uint{X}** → **int{Y}**, X > Y: discard higher bits \
+**uint{X}** → **uint{Y}**, X > Y: discard higher bits
+**address** has the same rule as **uint160**.
+#### SQLVM type conversion
+| From/To | int | bytes{X} | bytes | bool | address |
+| - | - | - | - | - | - |
+| int | see the rule | same size big-endian | ✘ | true if source ≠ 0 | use integer rules |
+| bytes{X}| same size big-endian | pad/crop zero on the right | ✔ | ✘ | only bytes20 |
+| bytes | ✘ | pad/crop zero on the right | ✔ | ✘ | ✘ |
+| bool | ✔ | ✘ | ✘ | ✔ | ✘ |
+| address | use integer rules | only bytes20 | ✘ | ✘ | ✔ |
+#### Types of literals
+TRUE / FALSE: bool
+123 / 1. / 1.2e3 (decimal numbers): int / uint / fixed / ufixed (default to int256 / fixed128x18)
+1.2 / .2 / 1.23e1 (decimal numbers): fixed / ufixed (default to fixed128x18)
+0x12abc (hexadecimal numbers): int / uint (default to int256)
+‘Hello’ (normal strings): bytes / bytes{X} (default bytes)
+hex’abcd1234’ (hexadecimal strings): bytes / bytes{X} (default bytes)
+#### Cast format
+CAST(expression AS type)
+### Unsupported field types
+fixed{M}x{N} / ufixed{M}x{N}: M must be divisible by 8 and goes from 8 to 256. N must be
+between 0 and 80, inclusive.
+### Table to key-value mapping
+Similar to the design used in CockroachDB:
+Data mapping including struct/list is being encoded using the solidity state layout: [https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/v0.4.24/miscellaneous.html](https://solidity.readthedocs.io/en/v0.4.24/miscellaneous.html)
+The key path is encoded using RLP, then pass through Keccak256. We define
+PathKey(path) = Keccak256(RLPEncode(path))
+### Database metadata
+Metadata will be stored in `contract.Code`.
+The first 4 bytes are reserved to note the SQLVM version,
+and the rest will store the schema in RLP encoding.
+### Table metadata
+// Schema defines sqlvm schema struct.
+type Schema []Table
+// Table defiens sqlvm table struct.
+type Table struct {
+ Name []byte
+ Columns []Column
+ Indices []Index
+// IndexAttr defines bit flags for describing index attribute.
+type IndexAttr uint16
+const (
+ // IndexAttrUnique indicates whether an index is unique.
+ IndexAttrUnique IndexAttr = 1 << iota
+ // IndexAttrReferenced indicates whether an index is referenced by columns
+ // with foreign key constraints. This attribute cannot be specified by
+ // users. It is computed automatically during contract creation.
+ IndexAttrReferenced
+// TableRef defines the type for table index in Schema.
+type TableRef uint8
+// ColumnRef defines the type for column index in Table.Columns.
+type ColumnRef uint8
+// IndexRef defines the type for array index of Column.Indices.
+type IndexRef uint8
+// SequenceRef defines the type for sequence index in Table.
+type SequenceRef uint8
+// IndexAttr defines bit flags for describing index attribute.
+type IndexAttr uint16
+// Index defines sqlvm index struct.
+type Index struct {
+ Name []byte
+ Attr IndexAttr
+ Columns []ColumnRef // Columns must be sorted in ascending order.
+type ColumnAttr uint16
+const (
+ // ColumnAttrPrimaryKey is a no-op. Primary key constraints are converted
+ // to a unique index during contract creation.
+ ColumnAttrPrimaryKey ColumnAttr = 1 << iota
+ // ColumnAttrNotNull is a no-op. We have not supported NULL values so all
+ // columns are implicitly non-null.
+ ColumnAttrNotNull
+ // ColumnAttrUnique is a no-op. Unique constraints are converted to unique
+ // indices during contract creation.
+ ColumnAttrUnique
+ // ColumnAttrHasDefault indicates whether a column has a default value. The
+ // default value does not affect the starting value of AUTOINCREMENT.
+ ColumnAttrHasDefault
+ // ColumnAttrHasForeignKey indicates whether a column references a column
+ // on a different table.
+ ColumnAttrHasForeignKey
+ // ColumnAttrHasSequence indicates whether a column is declared with
+ // AUTOINCREMENT. It is only valid on integer fields.
+ ColumnAttrHasSequence
+// ColumnDescriptor identifies a column in a schema by array indices.
+type ColumnDescriptor struct {
+ Table TableRef
+ Column ColumnRef
+// Column defines sqlvm index struct.
+type Column struct {
+ Name []byte
+ Type ast.DataType
+ Attr ColumnAttr
+ ForeignKeys []ColumnDescriptor
+ Sequence SequenceRef
+ Default []byte // serialized default value
+// All metadata are encoded with RLPEncode.
+CODE_SECTION = RLPEncode(Schema)
+#### Primary index & data
+##### List of keys
+PathKey(["tables", uint8(table_idx), "primary"])
+type PrimaryKeys struct {
+ // Slot 1: Header.
+ LastRowID uint64
+ RowCount uint64
+ <unused> uint64
+ <unused> uint64
+ // End of header.
+ Slot2 uint256 // Bitmap, record 0 ~ 255.
+ Slot3 uint256 // Bitmap, record 256 ~ 511.
+ Slot4 uint256 // Bitmap, record 512 ~ 767.
+ ...
+* Use `uint64` to store primary index.
+* Pagination: 1 slot = 1 page
+* Reserve 1st slot for some information:
+ * Used slot number (0-63 bit)
+ * Record count (64-127 bit)
+* Not reuse bits
+ * Only last bit will be reused.
+##### Actual data
+PathKey(["tables", uint8(table_idx), "primary", uint64(row_id)])
+PackingEncode([column_1, column_2, column_3, ...])
+`PackingEncode` will pack data if they can be put in one slot. It stores data slot by slot.
+Dynamic bytes follow Solidity ABI encoding.
+#### Other indices
+##### List of keys
+PathKey(["tables", uint8(table_idx), "indices", uint8(index_idx)])
+type IndexValues struct {
+ // Slot 1.
+ Length uint64
+ <unused> uint64
+ <unused> uint64
+ <unused> uint64
+ // Slot 2.
+ ValueAddr1 uint256
+ // Slot 3.
+ ValueAddr2 uint256
+ ...
+##### Actual data
+PathKey(["tables", uint8(table_idx), "indices", uint8(index_idx), field_1, field_2, field_3, ...])
+type IndexEntry struct {
+ // Slot 1.
+ Length uint64
+ IndexToIndexValuesOffset uint64
+ ForeignKeyReferenceCount uint64
+ <unused> uint64
+ // Slot 2.
+ RowID1 uint64
+ RowID2 uint64
+ RowID3 uint64
+ RowID4 uint64
+ // Slot 3.
+ RowID5 uint64
+ ...
+#### (TODO) Row ID reverse index
+#### Sequence (auto increment)
+PathKey(["tables", uint8(table_idx), "sequence", uint8(sequence_idx)])
+#### NULL value
+Do not support NULL value.
+#### Compound index
+Only (a, b, c) will be indexed.
+(a), (b) or (a, b) won't be indexed automatically.
+#### Contract owner
+#### Table writer
+##### List of keys
+PathKey(["tables", uint8(table_idx), "writers"])
+type Writers struct {
+ // Slot 1.
+ Length uint64
+ <unused> uint64
+ <unused> uint64
+ <unused> uint64
+ // Slot 2.
+ <unused> uint96
+ Addr1 uint160
+ // Slot 3.
+ <unused> uint96
+ Addr2 uint160
+ ...
+##### Actual data
+PathKey(["tables", uint8(table_idx), "writers", uint160(addr)])
+type TableWriter struct {
+ // Slot 1.
+ AddressToWritersOffset uint64
+ <unused> uint64
+ <unused> uint64
+ <unused> uint64
+### Query planning
+The design of Ethereum state uses secure trie. Keys are first passed through Keccak256 to be converted to the actual key. This makes caching impossible, as the output of Keccak256 is proved to be randomized. We may want to consider bypassing secure tree for SQLVM's contract storage.
+Since we probably only going to support a subset of SQL2011 (no JOIN), the query planning should be relatively simple. For the query to be efficient, most of the query should have an index, else a table scan will be triggered and it will probably be too slow to ever be usable.
+#### (TBD) Query planning algorithms
+CockroachDB cost-based SQL optimizer reference:
+Sqlite query planner reference:
+### (TBD) Pricing model
+Charge gas by operations.
+### Difference with SQL spec
+1. No '' escape in strings and no "" escape in identifiers.
+1. \ is an escape character in strings and identifiers.
+1. No implicit type conversion.
+1. No comment.
+1. No multi-line string such as
+'abc' ||
+is allowed.
+### Instruction set
+#### Base structs
+// Operand would be array-based value associated with meta to describe type of
+// array element.
+type Operand struct {
+ IsImmediate bool
+ Meta []ast.DataType
+ Data []Tuple
+ RegisterIndex uint
+// Tuple is collection of Raw.
+type Tuple []*Raw
+// Raw consist of decimal and byte slice which represents the real value
+// of basic operand unit. Only dynmaic bytes, fixed bytes and address will be
+// stored in []byte, and the other data type will be stored in decimal.
+type Raw struct {
+ Value decimal.Decimal
+ Bytes []byte
+#### Codes
+// For example:
+// * [] represents the data array
+// * () represents multiple value tuple
+// * value without brackets represents the single value tuple
+// 0x10 range - arithmetic ops. (array-based)
+const (
+ ADD = iota + 0x10
+ // ADD(t1, t2) res
+ // res = t1 + t2 = [1, 2] + [2, 3] = [3, 5]
+ // MUL(t1, t2) res
+ // res = t1 * t2 = [1, 2] * [2, 3] = [2, 6]
+ // SUB(t1, t2) res
+ // res = t1 - t2 = [1, 2] - [2, 3] = [-1, -1]
+ // DIV(t1, t2) res
+ // res = t1 / t2 = [1, 2] / [2, 3] = [0, 0]
+ // MOD(t1, t2) res
+ // res = t1 % t2 = [1, 2] % [2, 3] = [1, 2]
+ // CONCAT(s1, s2) = s3
+ // NEG(t1) = -t1
+// 0x20 range - comparison ops.
+const (
+ LT = iota + 0x20
+ // LT(t1, t2) res
+ // res = t1 < t2 = [1, 2] < [2, 3] = [true, true]
+ GT
+ // GT(t1, t2) res
+ // res = t1 > t2 = [1, 2] > [2, 3] = [false, false]
+ EQ
+ // EQ(t1, t2) res
+ // res = t1 == t2 = [1, 2] == [2, 3] = [false, false]
+ // AND(t1, t2) res
+ // res = t1 && t2 = [true, true] && [true, false] = [true, false]
+ OR
+ // OR(t1, t2) res
+ // res = t1 || t2 = [false, false] || [true, false] = [true, false]
+ // NOT(t1) res
+ // res = !t1 = ![false, true] = [true, false]
+ // UNION(t1, t2) res
+ // res = t1 ∪ t2 = [1, 2] ∪ [2, 3] = [1, 2, 3]
+ // INTXN(t1, t2) res
+ // res = t1 ∩ t2 = [1, 2] ∩ [2, 3] = [2]
+ // LIKE(t1, pattern[, escape]) res
+ // Immediate case
+ // res = Like(t1, '%abc%') =
+ // ['_abc_', '123'] like ['%abc%'] = [true, false]
+ // Not immediate case
+ // res = Like(t1, t2, t3) =
+ // ['_abc', '1%23'] like ['%abc%', '_\%2_'] escape ["", "\"] =
+ // [true, true]
+// 0x30 range - pk/index/field meta ops
+const (
+ REPEATPK = iota + 0x30
+ // REPEATPK(table_id) res
+ // res = [id1, id2, id3, ...]
+ // REPEATPK(table_id) = [1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7, ...]
+ // Scan given index value(s)
+ // REPEATIDX([table_id, name_idx], idxv) res
+ // res = [id2, id4, id5, id6]
+ // [table_id, name_idx],
+ // [val1, val3]
+ // ) = [5, 6, 7, 10, 11, ... ]
+ // Get possible values from index value meta
+ // REPEATIDXV([table_id, name_idx]) res
+ // res = [val1, val2, val3, ...]
+ // [table_id, name_idx]
+ // ) = ["alice", "bob", "foo", "bar", ... ]
+// 0x40 range - format/output ops
+const (
+ ZIP = iota + 0x40
+ // ZIP(tgr, new) = res
+ // ZIP([f1, f2, f3], [c1, c2, c3]) = [(f1, c1), (f2, c2), (f3, c3)]
+ // ZIP(
+ // [(f1, c1), (f2, c2), (f3, c3)],
+ // [(x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x3, y3)]
+ // ) = [(f1, c1, x1, y1), (f2, c2, x2, y2), (f3, c3, x3, y3)]
+ // FIELD(src, fields) = res
+ // FIELD(
+ // [(r1f0, r1f1, r1f2), (r2f0, r2f1, r2f2),...], [(1, 2)]
+ // ) = [(r1f1, r1f2), (r2f1, r2f2), ...]
+ PRUNE // in-place op
+ // PRUNE(src, fields) = res
+ // PRUNE(
+ // [(r1f0, r1f1, r1f2), (r2f0, r2f1, r2f2),...], [1]
+ // ) = [(r1f0, r1f2), (r2f0, r2f2), ...]
+ SORT // in-place op
+ // SORT(src, (ascending bool, field idx))
+ // SORT(src, [(ascending, field)] ) = res
+ // SORT(
+ // [(a1, a2), (b1, a2), (a1, b2), ...],
+ // [(asc, 0), (desc, 1), (asc, 2)]
+ // ) = [(a1, a2), (a1, b2), (b1, a2), ...]
+ // FILTER(src, cond) = res
+ // FILTER([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], [true, false, true, false, false]) = [1, 3]
+ // CAST(t1, type) t2
+ // in-place op
+ // CUT(src, range) = res
+ // CUT(src, (start[, end]))
+ // CUT(
+ // [(r1f1, r1f2, r1f3, r1f4),
+ // (r2f1, r2f2, r2f3, r2f4), ...], [(1, 2)]
+ // ) = [(r1f1, r1f4), (r2f1, r2f4), ...]
+ RANGE // in-place op
+ // RANGE(src, range) = res
+ // RANGE[src, (offset[, limit])]
+ // RANGE([r1, r2, r3, r4, r5, r6], [(2, 3)]) = [r3, r4, r5]
+// 0x50 range - function ops
+const (
+ FUNC = iota + 0x50
+ // FUNC(t1, func id[, args...])) = res
+// 0x60 range - storage ops
+const (
+ INSERT = iota + 0x60
+ // INSERT(table_id, fields, values...) = res
+ // the number of values depends on the length of fields
+ // res not important
+ // INSERT(
+ // table_id,
+ // [0, 2, 5],
+ // [field0],
+ // [field2],
+ // [Immediate value],
+ // ) = _
+ // UPDATE(table_id, ids, fields, values...) = res
+ // the number of values depends on the length of fields
+ // res = uint64(affected row)
+ // UPDATE(
+ // table_id,
+ // [0, 99],
+ // [1, 2, 3],
+ // [updated_field0-1, updated_field99-1],
+ // [updated_field0-2, updated_field99-2],
+ // [Immediate Value],
+ // ) = uint64(2)
+ // LOAD(table_id, ids, fields) = res
+ // LOAD(
+ // table_id,
+ // [55, 66],
+ // [1, 2, 3],
+ // ) = [
+ // (field55-1, field55-2, field55-3),
+ // (field66-1, field66-2, field66-3),
+ // ]
+ // DELETE(table_id, ids) = res
+ // res = uint64(affected row)
+ // DELETE(
+ // table_id,
+ // [1, 2, 3, 100],
+ // ) = uint64(4)
+##### Examples
+ * REPEATPK(a) t1
+ * LOAD(a, t1, [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) t2
+* SELECT f1, f3, f5 FROM a WHERE f1=val (index hit)
+ * REPEATIDXV(a_f1_idx) t1
+ * EQ(t1, val) t2
+ * FILTER(t1, t2) t3
+ * REPEATIDX(a_f1_idx, t3) t4
+ * LOAD(a, t4, [1, 3, 5]) t5
+* SELECT f1, f3, f5 FROM a WHERE f1 > val (index scan)
+ * REPEATIDXV(a_f1_idx) t1
+ * GT(t1, val) t2
+ * FILTER(t1, t2) t3
+ * REPEATIDX(a_f1_idx, t3) t4
+ * LOAD(a, t4, [1, 3, 5]) t5
+* SELECT f1 > f2, f5 FROM a WHERE f3 > 10 (field operation)
+ * REPEATPK(a) t1
+ * LOAD(a, t1, [3]) t2
+ * GT(t2, 10) t4
+ * FILTER(t1, t4) t5
+ * LOAD(a, t5, [1, 2, 5]) t2
+ * FIELD(t2, [1]) t3
+ * FIELD(t2, [2]) t4
+ * GT(t3, t4) t5
+ * FIELD(t2, [5]) t9
+ * ZIP(t5, t9) t10
+* DELETE FROM a WHERE f2 = 'c' (index hit)
+ * REPEATIDX(a_f2_idx, ['c']) t1
+ * DELETE(a, t1)
+* UPDATE a SET f1 = 'new'
+ * REPEATPK(a) t1
+ * UPDATE(a, t1, [1], ['new'])
+* INSERT a VALUES (f1, f2, f3), (g1, g2, g3);
+ * INSERT(a, [1, 2, 3], (f1, f2, f3))
+ * INSERT(a, [1, 2, 3], (g1, g2, g3))
+* INSERT INTO a (c0, c3, c5) VALUES (NOW(), MSGSENDER(), RAND());
+ * FUNC('NOW') t1 // t1 = [(block_height)]
+ * FUNC('MEGSENDER') t2 // t2 = [(address )]
+ * FUNC('RAND') t3 // t3 = [(rand_num )]
+ * ZIP(t1, t2) t1 // t1 = [(block_height, address)]
+ * ZIP(t1, t3) t1 // t1 = [(block_height, address, rand_num)]
+ * INSERT(a, [0, 3, 5], t1)
+##### Storage ops details
+###### INSERT
+Row steps:
+1. Acquire IDs from generator
+1. Add new ID to pk
+1. Update auto increment field if in need
+1. Update default field if in need
+1. Check if foreign key exists
+ 1. Increase target reference count
+1. Check index
+ 1. Create empty index if not existing
+ 1. If conflict with other unique index, return error
+1. Update index
+1. Insert data
+1. Commit
+###### UPDATE
+Row steps:
+1. Get old data by ID
+1. Iterate IDs
+ 1. Check if foreign key exists
+ 1. Increase target reference count
+ 1. Decrease old target reference count
+ 1. Update index
+ 1. Add new index
+ 1. Remove old index
+ 1. Update data
+1. Checking unique index conflict. If conflict, return error
+1. Commit
+###### DELETE
+Row steps:
+1. Get old data by IDs
+1. Iterate IDs
+ 1. Iterate indices
+ 1. If index contains more than one key, remove from list
+ 1. If index contains only one key
+ 1. If reference count is not zero, return error
+ 1. Delete key and meta value
+ 1. Check if foreign key exists
+ 1. Decrease target reference count
+1. Commit
+## **Corner cases**
+This section contains some corner cases found in design stage. Can be used for test cases in integration test.
+1. `select 1 from table where a > 1;` (has problem in determining row number in ZIP op)
+1. `select 1, a, 1 from table;` (similar case as 1.)
+1. `select 1 where random() > 1;` (no table in select and the condition is not constant)
+1. `select random() from table order by 1;` (support of column reference)
+1. `select random() from table order by - -1;` (it's column reference, not expression)
+1. `select random() from table order by random();` (in sqlite, it is equivalent to 'order by 1')
+ 1. those two random() are different.
+1. `insert into table (a) values (random()+1), (1), (random());` (expression in insert)
+1. `select * from table where column > random();` (we cannot use index on column as random is in condition)
+## **Miscellaneous**
+* If there is constraint conflict, abort transaction.
+* (TBD) There is a default return limit for avoiding out of gas.
+* There is a flag to decide to enable flow check or not.
+* It can not transfer token to SQL contract address.
+* Do not support expression default value.
+* AUTOINCREMENT increases in the max value, can't auto increment with foreign key, only int/uint can use auto increment, dominate over 'default' setting `
+* AUTOINCREMENT starts from 1.
+* Unique check (in memory check, i.e. rehearsal in memory)`
+* Dynamic Bytes support:
+* Use bytes to store fixed bytes data
+* Fixed bytes supports:
+ * `fixBytes3Data || fixBytes5Data`
+ * Return bytes8
+ * Abort if larger than 32
+ * CAST fixed bytes to dynamic bytes and dynamic bytes to fixed bytes
+ * `fixBytes5Data [=|>|<] fixBytesData5`
+ * `fixByte5Data bitwise op fixBytes5Data`
+* Fixed bytes do not supports:
+ * `… WHERE fixBytesData LIKE XXX`
+ * Do not support it. It should cast to dynamic bytes before LIKE
+ * `SELECT fixBytes5Data [+|-|*|/] fixBytes5Data`
+ * Solidity does not support arithmetic op for fixed bytes directly. User should cast to uint to do arithmetic op.
+* Uint/Int support
+ * `Bitwise op function`
+* LIKE escape can only use bytes1.
+## **TODO list**
+* Support(temporary save data) like join, subquery, streaming
+* Aggregation
+ * COUNT()
+ * SUM()
+ * MIN()/MAX()
+## **Authors**
+* [Wei-Ning Huang](https://github.com/aitjcize)
+* [wmin0](https://github.com/wmin0)
+* [lantw44](https://github.com/lantw44)
+* [yenlinlai](https://github.com/yenlinlai)
+* [Meng-Ying Yang](https://github.com/myyang)
+* [Jhih-Ming Huang](https://github.com/jm-cobinhood)