path: root/block_manager.go
diff options
authorobscuren <geffobscura@gmail.com>2014-01-19 07:35:32 +0800
committerobscuren <geffobscura@gmail.com>2014-01-19 07:35:32 +0800
commit489576b6f04585b33c8aedd8aa6e5a8d54e1a960 (patch)
treef9413f764cc5dc8ab20515423ef2c6154fa2077e /block_manager.go
parentee61cfcfa776a1626fe3de7138942c1d796afdca (diff)
More opcodes
Diffstat (limited to 'block_manager.go')
1 files changed, 80 insertions, 53 deletions
diff --git a/block_manager.go b/block_manager.go
index 0831111e3..44b5461dc 100644
--- a/block_manager.go
+++ b/block_manager.go
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import (
+ "strconv"
type BlockChain struct {
@@ -52,14 +53,14 @@ type BlockManager struct {
// Stack for processing contracts
stack *Stack
// non-persistent key/value memory storage
- mem map[string]string
+ mem map[string]*big.Int
func NewBlockManager() *BlockManager {
bm := &BlockManager{
bc: NewBlockChain(),
stack: NewStack(),
- mem: make(map[string]string),
+ mem: make(map[string]*big.Int),
// Set the last known block number based on the blockchains last
@@ -276,27 +277,27 @@ out:
base.Add(x, y)
base.Mod(base, Pow256)
// Pop result back on the stack
- bm.stack.Push(base.String())
+ bm.stack.Push(base)
case oSUB:
x, y := bm.stack.Popn()
// (x - y) % 2 ** 256
base.Sub(x, y)
base.Mod(base, Pow256)
// Pop result back on the stack
- bm.stack.Push(base.String())
+ bm.stack.Push(base)
case oMUL:
x, y := bm.stack.Popn()
// (x * y) % 2 ** 256
base.Mul(x, y)
base.Mod(base, Pow256)
// Pop result back on the stack
- bm.stack.Push(base.String())
+ bm.stack.Push(base)
case oDIV:
x, y := bm.stack.Popn()
// floor(x / y)
base.Div(x, y)
// Pop result back on the stack
- bm.stack.Push(base.String())
+ bm.stack.Push(base)
case oSDIV:
x, y := bm.stack.Popn()
// n > 2**255
@@ -312,11 +313,11 @@ out:
z.Sub(Pow256, z)
// Push result on to the stack
- bm.stack.Push(z.String())
+ bm.stack.Push(z)
case oMOD:
x, y := bm.stack.Popn()
base.Mod(x, y)
- bm.stack.Push(base.String())
+ bm.stack.Push(base)
case oSMOD:
x, y := bm.stack.Popn()
// n > 2**255
@@ -332,87 +333,85 @@ out:
z.Sub(Pow256, z)
// Push result on to the stack
- bm.stack.Push(z.String())
+ bm.stack.Push(z)
case oEXP:
x, y := bm.stack.Popn()
base.Exp(x, y, Pow256)
- bm.stack.Push(base.String())
+ bm.stack.Push(base)
case oNEG:
- base.Sub(Pow256, ethutil.Big(bm.stack.Pop()))
- bm.stack.Push(base.String())
+ base.Sub(Pow256, bm.stack.Pop())
+ bm.stack.Push(base)
case oLT:
x, y := bm.stack.Popn()
// x < y
if x.Cmp(y) < 0 {
- bm.stack.Push("1")
+ bm.stack.Push(ethutil.BigTrue)
} else {
- bm.stack.Push("0")
+ bm.stack.Push(ethutil.BigFalse)
case oLE:
x, y := bm.stack.Popn()
// x <= y
if x.Cmp(y) < 1 {
- bm.stack.Push("1")
+ bm.stack.Push(ethutil.BigTrue)
} else {
- bm.stack.Push("0")
+ bm.stack.Push(ethutil.BigFalse)
case oGT:
x, y := bm.stack.Popn()
// x > y
if x.Cmp(y) > 0 {
- bm.stack.Push("1")
+ bm.stack.Push(ethutil.BigTrue)
} else {
- bm.stack.Push("0")
+ bm.stack.Push(ethutil.BigFalse)
case oGE:
x, y := bm.stack.Popn()
// x >= y
if x.Cmp(y) > -1 {
- bm.stack.Push("1")
+ bm.stack.Push(ethutil.BigTrue)
} else {
- bm.stack.Push("0")
+ bm.stack.Push(ethutil.BigFalse)
case oNOT:
x, y := bm.stack.Popn()
// x != y
if x.Cmp(y) != 0 {
- bm.stack.Push("1")
+ bm.stack.Push(ethutil.BigTrue)
} else {
- bm.stack.Push("0")
+ bm.stack.Push(ethutil.BigFalse)
// Please note that the following code contains some
// ugly string casting. This will have to change to big
// ints. TODO :)
- bm.stack.Push(string(tx.Hash()))
+ bm.stack.Push(ethutil.BigD(tx.Hash()))
- bm.stack.Push(string(tx.Sender()))
+ bm.stack.Push(ethutil.BigD(tx.Sender()))
case oTXVALUE:
- bm.stack.Push(tx.Value.String())
+ bm.stack.Push(tx.Value)
case oTXDATAN:
- bm.stack.Push(big.NewInt(int64(len(tx.Data))).String())
+ bm.stack.Push(big.NewInt(int64(len(tx.Data))))
case oTXDATA:
- v := ethutil.Big(bm.stack.Pop())
+ v := bm.stack.Pop()
// v >= len(data)
if v.Cmp(big.NewInt(int64(len(tx.Data)))) >= 0 {
- //I know this will change. It makes no
- //sense. Read comment above
- bm.stack.Push(ethutil.Big("0").String())
+ bm.stack.Push(ethutil.Big("0"))
} else {
- bm.stack.Push(ethutil.Big(tx.Data[v.Uint64()]).String())
+ bm.stack.Push(ethutil.Big(tx.Data[v.Uint64()]))
- bm.stack.Push(string(block.PrevHash))
+ bm.stack.Push(ethutil.Big(block.PrevHash))
- bm.stack.Push(block.Coinbase)
+ bm.stack.Push(ethutil.Big(block.Coinbase))
- bm.stack.Push(big.NewInt(block.Time).String())
+ bm.stack.Push(big.NewInt(block.Time))
- bm.stack.Push(blockInfo.Number.String())
+ bm.stack.Push(blockInfo.Number)
- bm.stack.Push(block.Difficulty.String())
+ bm.stack.Push(block.Difficulty)
case oBASEFEE:
// e = 10^21
e := big.NewInt(0).Exp(big.NewInt(10), big.NewInt(21), big.NewInt(0))
@@ -429,23 +428,23 @@ out:
x.Div(e, base)
// x = floor(10^21 / floor(diff^0.5))
- bm.stack.Push(x.String())
+ bm.stack.Push(x)
case oSHA256, oRIPEMD160:
// This is probably save
// ceil(pop / 32)
- length := int(math.Ceil(float64(ethutil.Big(bm.stack.Pop()).Uint64()) / 32.0))
+ length := int(math.Ceil(float64(bm.stack.Pop().Uint64()) / 32.0))
// New buffer which will contain the concatenated popped items
data := new(bytes.Buffer)
for i := 0; i < length; i++ {
// Encode the number to bytes and have it 32bytes long
- num := ethutil.NumberToBytes(ethutil.Big(bm.stack.Pop()).Bytes(), 256)
+ num := ethutil.NumberToBytes(bm.stack.Pop().Bytes(), 256)
if op == oSHA256 {
- bm.stack.Push(base.SetBytes(ethutil.Sha256Bin(data.Bytes())).String())
+ bm.stack.Push(base.SetBytes(ethutil.Sha256Bin(data.Bytes())))
} else {
- bm.stack.Push(base.SetBytes(ethutil.Ripemd160(data.Bytes())).String())
+ bm.stack.Push(base.SetBytes(ethutil.Ripemd160(data.Bytes())))
case oECMUL:
y := bm.stack.Pop()
@@ -454,14 +453,14 @@ out:
//if ethutil.Big(x).Cmp(ethutil.Big(y)) {
data := new(bytes.Buffer)
- data.WriteString(x)
- data.WriteString(y)
+ data.WriteString(x.String())
+ data.WriteString(y.String())
if secp256k1.VerifyPubkeyValidity(data.Bytes()) == 1 {
} else {
// Invalid, push infinity
- bm.stack.Push("0")
- bm.stack.Push("0")
+ bm.stack.Push(ethutil.Big("0"))
+ bm.stack.Push(ethutil.Big("0"))
//} else {
// // Invalid, push infinity
@@ -475,31 +474,59 @@ out:
case oECVALID:
case oSHA3:
case oPUSH:
- // Get the next entry and pushes the value on the stack
- bm.stack.Push(contract.State().Get(string(ethutil.NumberToBytes(uint64(pc), 32))))
+ bm.stack.Push(bm.mem[strconv.Itoa(pc)])
case oPOP:
// Pop current value of the stack
case oDUP:
+ // Dup top stack
+ x := bm.stack.Pop()
+ bm.stack.Push(x)
+ bm.stack.Push(x)
case oSWAP:
+ // Swap two top most values
+ x, y := bm.stack.Popn()
+ bm.stack.Push(y)
+ bm.stack.Push(x)
case oMLOAD:
+ x := bm.stack.Pop()
+ bm.stack.Push(bm.mem[x.String()])
case oMSTORE:
+ x, y := bm.stack.Popn()
+ bm.mem[x.String()] = y
case oSLOAD:
+ // Load the value in storage and push it on the stack
+ x := bm.stack.Pop()
+ // decode the object as a big integer
+ decoder := ethutil.NewRlpDecoder([]byte(contract.State().Get(x.String())))
+ if !decoder.IsNil() {
+ bm.stack.Push(decoder.AsBigInt())
+ } else {
+ bm.stack.Push(ethutil.BigFalse)
+ }
case oSSTORE:
+ // Store Y at index X
+ x, y := bm.stack.Popn()
+ contract.State().Update(x.String(), string(ethutil.Encode(y)))
case oJMP:
+ x := int(bm.stack.Pop().Uint64())
+ // Set pc to x - 1 (minus one so the incrementing at the end won't effect it)
+ pc = x
+ pc--
case oJMPI:
+ x := bm.stack.Pop()
+ // Set pc to x if it's non zero
+ if x.Cmp(ethutil.BigFalse) != 0 {
+ pc = int(x.Uint64())
+ pc--
+ }
case oIND:
+ bm.stack.Push(big.NewInt(int64(pc)))
case oEXTRO:
case oBALANCE:
case oMKTX:
case oSUICIDE:
- /*
- case oLOAD:
- // Load instruction X on the stack
- i, _ := strconv.Atoi(bm.stack.Pop())
- bm.stack.Push(contract.State().Get(string(ethutil.NumberToBytes(uint64(i), 32))))
- */