path: root/swarm/docker/run.sh
blob: 3e613b56d95d1bead6e603185c8c49d88944f3d2 (plain) (tree)


set -o errexit
set -o pipefail
set -o nounset


if [ "$PASSWORD" == "" ]; then echo "Password must be set, in order to use swarm non-interactively." && exit 1; fi

echo $PASSWORD > /password

KEYFILE=`find $DATADIR | grep UTC | head -n 1` || true
if [ ! -f "$KEYFILE" ]; then echo "No keyfile found. Generating..." && /geth --datadir $DATADIR --password /password account new; fi
KEYFILE=`find $DATADIR | grep UTC | head -n 1` || true
if [ ! -f "$KEYFILE" ]; then echo "Could not find nor generate a BZZ keyfile." && exit 1; else echo "Found keyfile $KEYFILE"; fi

VERSION=`/swarm version`
echo "Running Swarm:"

export BZZACCOUNT="`echo -n $KEYFILE | tail -c 40`" || true
if [ "$BZZACCOUNT" == "" ]; then echo "Could not parse BZZACCOUNT from keyfile." && exit 1; fi

exec /swarm --bzzaccount=$BZZACCOUNT --password /password --datadir $DATADIR $@ 2>&1