path: root/peer.go
blob: c7591ac31a72f1ed082918c8a06e27516f9f4e05 (plain) (tree)



































































































































package eth

import (

const (
    // The size of the output buffer for writing messages
    outputBufferSize = 50
    // Current protocol version
    ProtocolVersion = 17
    // Interval for ping/pong message
    pingPongTimer = 30 * time.Second

type DiscReason byte

const (
    // Values are given explicitly instead of by iota because these values are
    // defined by the wire protocol spec; it is easier for humans to ensure
    // correctness when values are explicit.
    DiscReRequested  = 0x00
    DiscReTcpSysErr  = 0x01
    DiscBadProto     = 0x02
    DiscBadPeer      = 0x03
    DiscTooManyPeers = 0x04
    DiscConnDup      = 0x05
    DiscGenesisErr   = 0x06
    DiscProtoErr     = 0x07

var discReasonToString = []string{
    "Disconnect requested",
    "Disconnect TCP sys error",
    "Disconnect bad protocol",
    "Disconnect useless peer",
    "Disconnect too many peers",
    "Disconnect already connected",
    "Disconnect wrong genesis block",
    "Disconnect incompatible network",

func (d DiscReason) String() string {
    if len(discReasonToString) < int(d) {
        return "Unknown"

    return discReasonToString[d]

// Peer capabilities
type Caps byte

const (
    CapPeerDiscTy = 1 << iota

    CapDefault = CapChainTy | CapTxTy | CapPeerDiscTy

var capsToString = map[Caps]string{
    CapPeerDiscTy: "Peer discovery",
    CapTxTy:       "Transaction relaying",
    CapChainTy:    "Block chain relaying",

func (c Caps) IsCap(cap Caps) bool {
    return c&cap > 0

func (c Caps) String() string {
    var caps []string
    if c.IsCap(CapPeerDiscTy) {
        caps = append(caps, capsToString[CapPeerDiscTy])
    if c.IsCap(CapChainTy) {
        caps = append(caps, capsToString[CapChainTy])
    if c.IsCap(CapTxTy) {
        caps = append(caps, capsToString[CapTxTy])

    return strings.Join(caps, " | ")

type Peer struct {
    // Ethereum interface
    ethereum *Ethereum
    // Net connection
    conn net.Conn
    // Output queue which is used to communicate and handle messages
    outputQueue chan *ethwire.Msg
    // Quit channel
    quit chan bool
    // Determines whether it's an inbound or outbound peer
    inbound bool
    // Flag for checking the peer's connectivity state
    connected  int32
    disconnect int32
    // Last known message send
    lastSend time.Time
    // Indicated whether a verack has been send or not
    // This flag is used by writeMessage to check if messages are allowed
    // to be send or not. If no version is known all messages are ignored.
    versionKnown bool

    // Last received pong message
    lastPong int64
    // Indicates whether a MsgGetPeersTy was requested of the peer
    // this to prevent receiving false peers.
    requestedPeerList bool

    host []byte
    port uint16
    caps Caps

    pubkey []byte

    // Indicated whether the node is catching up or not
    catchingUp      bool
    diverted        bool
    blocksRequested int

    version string

    // We use this to give some kind of pingtime to a node, not very accurate, could be improved.
    pingTime      time.Duration
    pingStartTime time.Time

func NewPeer(conn net.Conn, ethereum *Ethereum, inbound bool) *Peer {
    pubkey := ethutil.GetKeyRing().Get(0).PublicKey[1:]

    return &Peer{
        outputQueue:     make(chan *ethwire.Msg, outputBufferSize),
        quit:            make(chan bool),
        ethereum:        ethereum,
        conn:            conn,
        inbound:         inbound,
        disconnect:      0,
        connected:       1,
        port:            30303,
        pubkey:          pubkey,
        blocksRequested: 10,
        caps:            ethereum.ServerCaps(),
        version:         ethutil.Config.ClientString,

func NewOutboundPeer(addr string, ethereum *Ethereum, caps Caps) *Peer {

    p := &Peer{
        outputQueue: make(chan *ethwire.Msg, outputBufferSize),
        quit:        make(chan bool),
        ethereum:    ethereum,
        inbound:     false,
        connected:   0,
        disconnect:  0,
        caps:        caps,
        version:     ethutil.Config.ClientString,

    // Set up the connection in another goroutine so we don't block the main thread
    go func() {
        conn, err := net.DialTimeout("tcp", addr, 30*time.Second)

        if err != nil {
            ethutil.Config.Log.Debugln("Connection to peer failed", err)
        p.conn = conn

        // Atomically set the connection state
        atomic.StoreInt32(&p.connected, 1)
        atomic.StoreInt32(&p.disconnect, 0)


    return p

// Getters
func (p *Peer) PingTime() string {
    return p.pingTime.String()
func (p *Peer) Inbound() bool {
    return p.inbound
func (p *Peer) LastSend() time.Time {
    return p.lastSend
func (p *Peer) LastPong() int64 {
    return p.lastPong
func (p *Peer) Host() []byte {
    return p.host
func (p *Peer) Port() uint16 {
    return p.port
func (p *Peer) Version() string {
    return p.version
func (p *Peer) Connected() *int32 {
    return &p.connected

// Setters
func (p *Peer) SetVersion(version string) {
    p.version = version

// Outputs any RLP encoded data to the peer
func (p *Peer) QueueMessage(msg *ethwire.Msg) {
    if atomic.LoadInt32(&p.connected) != 1 {
    p.outputQueue <- msg

func (p *Peer) writeMessage(msg *ethwire.Msg) {
    // Ignore the write if we're not connected
    if atomic.LoadInt32(&p.connected) != 1 {

    if !p.versionKnown {
        switch msg.Type {
        case ethwire.MsgHandshakeTy: // Ok
        default: // Anything but ack is allowed

    err := ethwire.WriteMessage(p.conn, msg)
    if err != nil {
        ethutil.Config.Log.Debugln("[PEER] Can't send message:", err)
        // Stop the client if there was an error writing to it

// Outbound message handler. Outbound messages are handled here
func (p *Peer) HandleOutbound() {
    // The ping timer. Makes sure that every 2 minutes a ping is send to the peer
    pingTimer := time.NewTicker(pingPongTimer)
    serviceTimer := time.NewTicker(5 * time.Minute)

    for {
        select {
        // Main message queue. All outbound messages are processed through here
        case msg := <-p.outputQueue:
            p.lastSend = time.Now()

        // Ping timer
        case <-pingTimer.C:
            timeSince := time.Since(time.Unix(p.lastPong, 0))
            if p.pingStartTime.IsZero() == false && timeSince > (pingPongTimer+10*time.Second) {
                ethutil.Config.Log.Infof("[PEER] Peer did not respond to latest pong fast enough, it took %s, disconnecting.\n", timeSince)
            p.writeMessage(ethwire.NewMessage(ethwire.MsgPingTy, ""))
            p.pingStartTime = time.Now()

        // Service timer takes care of peer broadcasting, transaction
        // posting or block posting
        case <-serviceTimer.C:
            if p.caps&CapPeerDiscTy > 0 {
                msg := p.peersMessage()

        case <-p.quit:
            // Break out of the for loop if a quit message is posted
            break out

    // This loop is for draining the output queue and anybody waiting for us
    for {
        select {
        case <-p.outputQueue:
            // TODO
            break clean

// Inbound handler. Inbound messages are received here and passed to the appropriate methods
func (p *Peer) HandleInbound() {
    for atomic.LoadInt32(&p.disconnect) == 0 {

        // HMM?
        time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
        // Wait for a message from the peer
        msgs, err := ethwire.ReadMessages(p.conn)
        if err != nil {
        for _, msg := range msgs {
            switch msg.Type {
            case ethwire.MsgHandshakeTy:
                // Version message

                if p.caps.IsCap(CapPeerDiscTy) {
                    p.QueueMessage(ethwire.NewMessage(ethwire.MsgGetPeersTy, ""))
            case ethwire.MsgDiscTy:
                ethutil.Config.Log.Infoln("Disconnect peer:", DiscReason(msg.Data.Get(0).Uint()))
            case ethwire.MsgPingTy:
                // Respond back with pong
                p.QueueMessage(ethwire.NewMessage(ethwire.MsgPongTy, ""))
            case ethwire.MsgPongTy:
                // If we received a pong back from a peer we set the
                // last pong so the peer handler knows this peer is still
                // active.
                p.lastPong = time.Now().Unix()
                p.pingTime = time.Now().Sub(p.pingStartTime)
            case ethwire.MsgBlockTy:
                // Get all blocks and process them
                var block, lastBlock *ethchain.Block
                var err error

                // Make sure we are actually receiving anything
                if msg.Data.Len()-1 > 1 && p.diverted {
                    // We requested blocks and now we need to make sure we have a common ancestor somewhere in these blocks so we can find
                    // common ground to start syncing from
                    lastBlock = ethchain.NewBlockFromRlpValue(msg.Data.Get(msg.Data.Len() - 1))
                    ethutil.Config.Log.Infof("[PEER] Last block: %x. Checking if we have it locally.\n", lastBlock.Hash())
                    for i := msg.Data.Len() - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
                        block = ethchain.NewBlockFromRlpValue(msg.Data.Get(i))
                        // Do we have this block on our chain? If so we can continue
                        if !p.ethereum.StateManager().BlockChain().HasBlock(block.Hash()) {
                            // We don't have this block, but we do have a block with the same prevHash, diversion time!
                            if p.ethereum.StateManager().BlockChain().HasBlockWithPrevHash(block.PrevHash) {
                                p.diverted = false
                                if !p.ethereum.StateManager().BlockChain().FindCanonicalChainFromMsg(msg, block.PrevHash) {
                    if !p.ethereum.StateManager().BlockChain().HasBlock(lastBlock.Hash()) {
                        // If we can't find a common ancenstor we need to request more blocks.
                        // FIXME: At one point this won't scale anymore since we are not asking for an offset
                        // we just keep increasing the amount of blocks.
                        p.blocksRequested = p.blocksRequested * 2

                        ethutil.Config.Log.Infof("[PEER] No common ancestor found, requesting %d more blocks.\n", p.blocksRequested)
                        p.catchingUp = false

                for i := msg.Data.Len() - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
                    block = ethchain.NewBlockFromRlpValue(msg.Data.Get(i))

                    //state := p.ethereum.StateManager().CurrentState()
                    err = p.ethereum.StateManager().Process(block, false)

                    if err != nil {
                        if ethutil.Config.Debug {
                            ethutil.Config.Log.Infof("[PEER] Block %x failed\n", block.Hash())
                            ethutil.Config.Log.Infof("[PEER] %v\n", err)
                    } else {
                        lastBlock = block

                if msg.Data.Len() == 0 {
                    // Set catching up to false if
                    // the peer has nothing left to give
                    p.catchingUp = false

                if err != nil {
                    // If the parent is unknown try to catch up with this peer
                    if ethchain.IsParentErr(err) {
                        ethutil.Config.Log.Infoln("Attempting to catch up since we don't know the parent")
                        p.catchingUp = false
                    } else if ethchain.IsValidationErr(err) {
                        fmt.Println("Err:", err)
                        p.catchingUp = false
                } else {
                    // If we're catching up, try to catch up further.
                    if p.catchingUp && msg.Data.Len() > 1 {
                        if lastBlock != nil {
                            blockInfo := lastBlock.BlockInfo()
                            ethutil.Config.Log.Debugf("Synced to block height #%d %x %x\n", blockInfo.Number, lastBlock.Hash(), blockInfo.Hash)

                        p.catchingUp = false

                        hash := p.ethereum.BlockChain().CurrentBlock.Hash()

            case ethwire.MsgTxTy:
                // If the message was a transaction queue the transaction
                // in the TxPool where it will undergo validation and
                // processing when a new block is found
                for i := 0; i < msg.Data.Len(); i++ {
                    tx := ethchain.NewTransactionFromValue(msg.Data.Get(i))
            case ethwire.MsgGetPeersTy:
                // Flag this peer as a 'requested of new peers' this to
                // prevent malicious peers being forced.
                p.requestedPeerList = true
                // Peer asked for list of connected peers
            case ethwire.MsgPeersTy:
                // Received a list of peers (probably because MsgGetPeersTy was send)
                // Only act on message if we actually requested for a peers list
                if p.requestedPeerList {
                    data := msg.Data
                    // Create new list of possible peers for the ethereum to process
                    peers := make([]string, data.Len())
                    // Parse each possible peer
                    for i := 0; i < data.Len(); i++ {
                        value := data.Get(i)
                        peers[i] = unpackAddr(value.Get(0), value.Get(1).Uint())

                    // Connect to the list of peers
                    // Mark unrequested again
                    p.requestedPeerList = false

            case ethwire.MsgGetChainTy:
                var parent *ethchain.Block
                // Length minus one since the very last element in the array is a count
                l := msg.Data.Len() - 1
                // Ignore empty get chains
                if l == 0 {

                // Amount of parents in the canonical chain
                //amountOfBlocks := msg.Data.Get(l).AsUint()
                amountOfBlocks := uint64(100)

                // Check each SHA block hash from the message and determine whether
                // the SHA is in the database
                for i := 0; i < l; i++ {
                    if data := msg.Data.Get(i).Bytes(); p.ethereum.StateManager().BlockChain().HasBlock(data) {
                        parent = p.ethereum.BlockChain().GetBlock(data)

                // If a parent is found send back a reply
                if parent != nil {
                    ethutil.Config.Log.Debugf("[PEER] Found canonical block, returning chain from: %x ", parent.Hash())
                    chain := p.ethereum.BlockChain().GetChainFromHash(parent.Hash(), amountOfBlocks)
                    if len(chain) > 0 {
                        //ethutil.Config.Log.Debugf("[PEER] Returning %d blocks: %x ", len(chain), parent.Hash())
                        p.QueueMessage(ethwire.NewMessage(ethwire.MsgBlockTy, chain))
                    } else {
                        p.QueueMessage(ethwire.NewMessage(ethwire.MsgBlockTy, []interface{}{}))

                } else {
                    //ethutil.Config.Log.Debugf("[PEER] Could not find a similar block")
                    // If no blocks are found we send back a reply with msg not in chain
                    // and the last hash from get chain
                    if l > 0 {
                        lastHash := msg.Data.Get(l - 1)
                        //log.Printf("Sending not in chain with hash %x\n", lastHash.AsRaw())
                        p.QueueMessage(ethwire.NewMessage(ethwire.MsgNotInChainTy, []interface{}{lastHash.Raw()}))
            case ethwire.MsgNotInChainTy:
                ethutil.Config.Log.Debugf("Not in chain: %x\n", msg.Data.Get(0).Bytes())
                if p.diverted == true {
                    // If were already looking for a common parent and we get here again we need to go deeper
                    p.blocksRequested = p.blocksRequested * 2
                p.diverted = true
                p.catchingUp = false
            case ethwire.MsgGetTxsTy:
                // Get the current transactions of the pool
                txs := p.ethereum.TxPool().CurrentTransactions()
                // Get the RlpData values from the txs
                txsInterface := make([]interface{}, len(txs))
                for i, tx := range txs {
                    txsInterface[i] = tx.RlpData()
                // Broadcast it back to the peer
                p.QueueMessage(ethwire.NewMessage(ethwire.MsgTxTy, txsInterface))

                // Unofficial but fun nonetheless
            case ethwire.MsgTalkTy:
                ethutil.Config.Log.Infoln("%v says: %s\n", p.conn.RemoteAddr(), msg.Data.Str())

func (p *Peer) Start() {
    peerHost, peerPort, _ := net.SplitHostPort(p.conn.LocalAddr().String())
    servHost, servPort, _ := net.SplitHostPort(p.conn.RemoteAddr().String())

    if p.inbound {
        p.host, p.port = packAddr(peerHost, peerPort)
    } else {
        p.host, p.port = packAddr(servHost, servPort)

    err := p.pushHandshake()
    if err != nil {
        ethutil.Config.Log.Debugln("Peer can't send outbound version ack", err)



    go p.HandleOutbound()
    // Run the inbound handler in a new goroutine
    go p.HandleInbound()

    // Wait a few seconds for startup and then ask for an initial ping
    time.Sleep(2 * time.Second)
    p.writeMessage(ethwire.NewMessage(ethwire.MsgPingTy, ""))
    p.pingStartTime = time.Now()


func (p *Peer) Stop() {
    if atomic.AddInt32(&p.disconnect, 1) != 1 {

    if atomic.LoadInt32(&p.connected) != 0 {
        p.writeMessage(ethwire.NewMessage(ethwire.MsgDiscTy, ""))

    // Pre-emptively remove the peer; don't wait for reaping. We already know it's dead if we are here

func (p *Peer) pushHandshake() error {
    keyRing := ethutil.GetKeyRing().Get(0)
    if keyRing != nil {
        pubkey := keyRing.PublicKey

        msg := ethwire.NewMessage(ethwire.MsgHandshakeTy, []interface{}{
            uint32(ProtocolVersion), uint32(0), []byte(p.version), byte(p.caps), p.port, pubkey[1:],


    return nil

func (p *Peer) peersMessage() *ethwire.Msg {
    outPeers := make([]interface{}, len(p.ethereum.InOutPeers()))
    // Serialise each peer
    for i, peer := range p.ethereum.InOutPeers() {
        // Don't return localhost as valid peer
        if !net.ParseIP(peer.conn.RemoteAddr().String()).IsLoopback() {
            outPeers[i] = peer.RlpData()

    // Return the message to the peer with the known list of connected clients
    return ethwire.NewMessage(ethwire.MsgPeersTy, outPeers)

// Pushes the list of outbound peers to the client when requested
func (p *Peer) pushPeers() {

func (p *Peer) handleHandshake(msg *ethwire.Msg) {
    c := msg.Data

    if c.Get(0).Uint() != ProtocolVersion {
        ethutil.Config.Log.Debugln("Invalid peer version. Require protocol:", ProtocolVersion)

    p.versionKnown = true

    // If this is an inbound connection send an ack back
    if p.inbound {
        p.pubkey = c.Get(5).Bytes()
        p.port = uint16(c.Get(4).Uint())

        // Self connect detection
        keyPair := ethutil.GetKeyRing().Get(0)
        if bytes.Compare(keyPair.PublicKey, p.pubkey) == 0 {



    // Set the peer's caps
    p.caps = Caps(c.Get(3).Byte())

    // Get a reference to the peers version
    versionString := c.Get(2).Str()
    if len(versionString) > 0 {

    // Catch up with the connected peer
    if !p.ethereum.IsUpToDate() {
        ethutil.Config.Log.Debugln("Already syncing up with a peer; sleeping")
        time.Sleep(10 * time.Second)

    ethutil.Config.Log.Debugln("[PEER]", p)

func (p *Peer) String() string {
    var strBoundType string
    if p.inbound {
        strBoundType = "inbound"
    } else {
        strBoundType = "outbound"
    var strConnectType string
    if atomic.LoadInt32(&p.disconnect) == 0 {
        strConnectType = "connected"
    } else {
        strConnectType = "disconnected"

    return fmt.Sprintf("[%s] (%s) %v %s [%s]", strConnectType, strBoundType, p.conn.RemoteAddr(), p.version, p.caps)

func (p *Peer) SyncWithPeerToLastKnown() {
    p.catchingUp = false

func (p *Peer) FindCommonParentBlock() {
    if p.catchingUp {

    p.catchingUp = true
    if p.blocksRequested == 0 {
        p.blocksRequested = 20
    blocks := p.ethereum.BlockChain().GetChain(p.ethereum.BlockChain().CurrentBlock.Hash(), p.blocksRequested)

    var hashes []interface{}
    for _, block := range blocks {
        hashes = append(hashes, block.Hash())

    msgInfo := append(hashes, uint64(len(hashes)))

    ethutil.Config.Log.Infof("Asking for block from %x (%d total) from %s\n", p.ethereum.BlockChain().CurrentBlock.Hash(), len(hashes), p.conn.RemoteAddr().String())

    msg := ethwire.NewMessage(ethwire.MsgGetChainTy, msgInfo)
func (p *Peer) CatchupWithPeer(blockHash []byte) {
    if !p.catchingUp {
        // Make sure nobody else is catching up when you want to do this
        p.catchingUp = true
        msg := ethwire.NewMessage(ethwire.MsgGetChainTy, []interface{}{blockHash, uint64(50)})

        ethutil.Config.Log.Debugf("Requesting blockchain %x... from peer %s\n", p.ethereum.BlockChain().CurrentBlock.Hash()[:4], p.conn.RemoteAddr())

        msg = ethwire.NewMessage(ethwire.MsgGetTxsTy, []interface{}{})

func (p *Peer) RlpData() []interface{} {
    return []interface{}{p.host, p.port, p.pubkey}

func packAddr(address, port string) ([]byte, uint16) {
    addr := strings.Split(address, ".")
    a, _ := strconv.Atoi(addr[0])
    b, _ := strconv.Atoi(addr[1])
    c, _ := strconv.Atoi(addr[2])
    d, _ := strconv.Atoi(addr[3])
    host := []byte{byte(a), byte(b), byte(c), byte(d)}
    prt, _ := strconv.Atoi(port)

    return host, uint16(prt)

func unpackAddr(value *ethutil.Value, p uint64) string {
    byts := value.Bytes()
    a := strconv.Itoa(int(byts[0]))
    b := strconv.Itoa(int(byts[1]))
    c := strconv.Itoa(int(byts[2]))
    d := strconv.Itoa(int(byts[3]))
    host := strings.Join([]string{a, b, c, d}, ".")
    port := strconv.Itoa(int(p))

    return net.JoinHostPort(host, port)