path: root/p2p/peer.go
blob: 2380a3285b8d1875d0b3d2ed3d4e8d5651b072fa (plain) (tree)

























package p2p

import (


// peerAddr is the structure of a peer list element.
// It is also a valid net.Addr.
type peerAddr struct {
    IP     net.IP
    Port   uint64
    Pubkey []byte // optional

func newPeerAddr(addr net.Addr, pubkey []byte) *peerAddr {
    n := addr.Network()
    if n != "tcp" && n != "tcp4" && n != "tcp6" {
        // for testing with non-TCP
        return &peerAddr{net.ParseIP(""), 30303, pubkey}
    ta := addr.(*net.TCPAddr)
    return &peerAddr{ta.IP, uint64(ta.Port), pubkey}

func (d peerAddr) Network() string {
    if d.IP.To4() != nil {
        return "tcp4"
    } else {
        return "tcp6"

func (d peerAddr) String() string {
    return fmt.Sprintf("%v:%d", d.IP, d.Port)

func (d *peerAddr) RlpData() interface{} {
    return []interface{}{string(d.IP), d.Port, d.Pubkey}

// Peer represents a remote peer.
type Peer struct {
    // Peers have all the log methods.
    // Use them to display messages related to the peer.

    infolock   sync.Mutex
    identity   ClientIdentity
    caps       []Cap
    listenAddr *peerAddr // what remote peer is listening on
    dialAddr   *peerAddr // non-nil if dialing

    // The mutex protects the connection
    // so only one protocol can write at a time.
    writeMu sync.Mutex
    conn    net.Conn
    bufconn *bufio.ReadWriter

    // These fields maintain the running protocols.
    protocols       []Protocol
    runBaseProtocol bool // for testing

    runlock sync.RWMutex // protects running
    running map[string]*proto

    protoWG  sync.WaitGroup
    protoErr chan error
    closed   chan struct{}
    disc     chan DiscReason

    activity event.TypeMux // for activity events

    slot int // index into Server peer list

    // These fields are kept so base protocol can access them.
    // TODO: this should be one or more interfaces
    ourID         ClientIdentity        // client id of the Server
    ourListenAddr *peerAddr             // listen addr of Server, nil if not listening
    newPeerAddr   chan<- *peerAddr      // tell server about received peers
    otherPeers    func() []*Peer        // should return the list of all peers
    pubkeyHook    func(*peerAddr) error // called at end of handshake to validate pubkey

// NewPeer returns a peer for testing purposes.
func NewPeer(id ClientIdentity, caps []Cap) *Peer {
    conn, _ := net.Pipe()
    peer := newPeer(conn, nil, nil)
    peer.setHandshakeInfo(id, nil, caps)
    return peer

func newServerPeer(server *Server, conn net.Conn, dialAddr *peerAddr) *Peer {
    p := newPeer(conn, server.Protocols, dialAddr)
    p.ourID = server.Identity
    p.newPeerAddr = server.peerConnect
    p.otherPeers = server.Peers
    p.pubkeyHook = server.verifyPeer
    p.runBaseProtocol = true

    // laddr can be updated concurrently by NAT traversal.
    // newServerPeer must be called with the server lock held.
    if server.laddr != nil {
        p.ourListenAddr = newPeerAddr(server.laddr, server.Identity.Pubkey())
    return p

func newPeer(conn net.Conn, protocols []Protocol, dialAddr *peerAddr) *Peer {
    p := &Peer{
        Logger:    logger.NewLogger("P2P " + conn.RemoteAddr().String()),
        conn:      conn,
        dialAddr:  dialAddr,
        bufconn:   bufio.NewReadWriter(bufio.NewReader(conn), bufio.NewWriter(conn)),
        protocols: protocols,
        running:   make(map[string]*proto),
        disc:      make(chan DiscReason),
        protoErr:  make(chan error),
        closed:    make(chan struct{}),
    return p

// Identity returns the client identity of the remote peer. The
// identity can be nil if the peer has not yet completed the
// handshake.
func (p *Peer) Identity() ClientIdentity {
    defer p.infolock.Unlock()
    return p.identity

// Caps returns the capabilities (supported subprotocols) of the remote peer.
func (p *Peer) Caps() []Cap {
    defer p.infolock.Unlock()
    return p.caps

func (p *Peer) setHandshakeInfo(id ClientIdentity, laddr *peerAddr, caps []Cap) {
    p.identity = id
    p.listenAddr = laddr
    p.caps = caps

// RemoteAddr returns the remote address of the network connection.
func (p *Peer) RemoteAddr() net.Addr {
    return p.conn.RemoteAddr()

// LocalAddr returns the local address of the network connection.
func (p *Peer) LocalAddr() net.Addr {
    return p.conn.LocalAddr()

// Disconnect terminates the peer connection with the given reason.
// It returns immediately and does not wait until the connection is closed.
func (p *Peer) Disconnect(reason DiscReason) {
    select {
    case p.disc <- reason:
    case <-p.closed:

// String implements fmt.Stringer.
func (p *Peer) String() string {
    kind := "inbound"
    if p.dialAddr != nil {
        kind = "outbound"
    return fmt.Sprintf("Peer(%p %v %s)", p, p.conn.RemoteAddr(), kind)

const (
    // maximum amount of time allowed for reading a message
    msgReadTimeout = 5 * time.Second
    // maximum amount of time allowed for writing a message
    msgWriteTimeout = 5 * time.Second
    // messages smaller than this many bytes will be read at
    // once before passing them to a protocol.
    wholePayloadSize = 64 * 1024

var (
    inactivityTimeout     = 2 * time.Second
    disconnectGracePeriod = 2 * time.Second

func (p *Peer) loop() (reason DiscReason, err error) {
    defer p.activity.Stop()
    defer p.closeProtocols()
    defer close(p.closed)
    defer p.conn.Close()

    // read loop
    readMsg := make(chan Msg)
    readErr := make(chan error)
    readNext := make(chan bool, 1)
    protoDone := make(chan struct{}, 1)
    go p.readLoop(readMsg, readErr, readNext)
    readNext <- true

    if p.runBaseProtocol {

    for {
        select {
        case msg := <-readMsg:
            // a new message has arrived.
            var wait bool
            if wait, err = p.dispatch(msg, protoDone); err != nil {
                p.Errorf("msg dispatch error: %v\n", err)
                reason = discReasonForError(err)
                break loop
            if !wait {
                // Msg has already been read completely, continue with next message.
                readNext <- true
        case <-protoDone:
            // protocol has consumed the message payload,
            // we can continue reading from the socket.
            readNext <- true

        case err := <-readErr:
            // read failed. there is no need to run the
            // polite disconnect sequence because the connection
            // is probably dead anyway.
            // TODO: handle write errors as well
            return DiscNetworkError, err
        case err = <-p.protoErr:
            reason = discReasonForError(err)
            break loop
        case reason = <-p.disc:
            break loop

    // wait for read loop to return.
    // tell the remote end to disconnect
    done := make(chan struct{})
    go func() {
        p.writeMsg(NewMsg(discMsg, reason), disconnectGracePeriod)
        io.Copy(ioutil.Discard, p.conn)
    select {
    case <-done:
    case <-time.After(disconnectGracePeriod):
    return reason, err

func (p *Peer) readLoop(msgc chan<- Msg, errc chan<- error, unblock <-chan bool) {
    for _ = range unblock {
        if msg, err := readMsg(p.bufconn); err != nil {
            errc <- err
        } else {
            msgc <- msg

func (p *Peer) dispatch(msg Msg, protoDone chan struct{}) (wait bool, err error) {
    proto, err := p.getProto(msg.Code)
    if err != nil {
        return false, err
    if msg.Size <= wholePayloadSize {
        // optimization: msg is small enough, read all
        // of it and move on to the next message
        buf, err := ioutil.ReadAll(msg.Payload)
        if err != nil {
            return false, err
        msg.Payload = bytes.NewReader(buf)
        proto.in <- msg
    } else {
        wait = true
        pr := &eofSignal{msg.Payload, int64(msg.Size), protoDone}
        msg.Payload = pr
        proto.in <- msg
    return wait, nil

func (p *Peer) startBaseProtocol() {
    defer p.runlock.Unlock()
    p.running[""] = p.startProto(0, Protocol{
        Length: baseProtocolLength,
        Run:    runBaseProtocol,

// startProtocols starts matching named subprotocols.
func (p *Peer) startSubprotocols(caps []Cap) {

    defer p.runlock.Unlock()
    offset := baseProtocolLength
    for _, cap := range caps {
        for _, proto := range p.protocols {
            if proto.Name == cap.Name &&
                proto.Version == cap.Version &&
                p.running[cap.Name] == nil {
                p.running[cap.Name] = p.startProto(offset, proto)
                offset += proto.Length
                continue outer

func (p *Peer) startProto(offset uint64, impl Protocol) *proto {
    rw := &proto{
        in:      make(chan Msg),
        offset:  offset,
        maxcode: impl.Length,
        peer:    p,
    go func() {
        err := impl.Run(p, rw)
        if err == nil {
            p.Infof("protocol %q returned", impl.Name)
            err = newPeerError(errMisc, "protocol returned")
        } else {
            p.Errorf("protocol %q error: %v\n", impl.Name, err)
        select {
        case p.protoErr <- err:
        case <-p.closed:
    return rw

// getProto finds the protocol responsible for handling
// the given message code.
func (p *Peer) getProto(code uint64) (*proto, error) {
    defer p.runlock.RUnlock()
    for _, proto := range p.running {
        if code >= proto.offset && code < proto.offset+proto.maxcode {
            return proto, nil
    return nil, newPeerError(errInvalidMsgCode, "%d", code)

func (p *Peer) closeProtocols() {
    for _, p := range p.running {

// writeProtoMsg sends the given message on behalf of the given named protocol.
func (p *Peer) writeProtoMsg(protoName string, msg Msg) error {
    proto, ok := p.running[protoName]
    if !ok {
        return fmt.Errorf("protocol %s not handled by peer", protoName)
    if msg.Code >= proto.maxcode {
        return newPeerError(errInvalidMsgCode, "code %x is out of range for protocol %q", msg.Code, protoName)
    msg.Code += proto.offset
    return p.writeMsg(msg, msgWriteTimeout)

// writeMsg writes a message to the connection.
func (p *Peer) writeMsg(msg Msg, timeout time.Duration) error {
    defer p.writeMu.Unlock()
    if err := writeMsg(p.bufconn, msg); err != nil {
        return newPeerError(errWrite, "%v", err)
    return p.bufconn.Flush()

type proto struct {
    name            string
    in              chan Msg
    maxcode, offset uint64
    peer            *Peer

func (rw *proto) WriteMsg(msg Msg) error {
    if msg.Code >= rw.maxcode {
        return newPeerError(errInvalidMsgCode, "not handled")
    msg.Code += rw.offset
    return rw.peer.writeMsg(msg, msgWriteTimeout)

func (rw *proto) EncodeMsg(code uint64, data ...interface{}) error {
    return rw.WriteMsg(NewMsg(code, data...))

func (rw *proto) ReadMsg() (Msg, error) {
    msg, ok := <-rw.in
    if !ok {
        return msg, io.EOF
    msg.Code -= rw.offset
    return msg, nil

// eofSignal wraps a reader with eof signaling. the eof channel is
// closed when the wrapped reader returns an error or when count bytes
// have been read.
type eofSignal struct {
    wrapped io.Reader
    count   int64
    eof     chan<- struct{}

// note: when using eofSignal to detect whether a message payload
// has been read, Read might not be called for zero sized messages.

func (r *eofSignal) Read(buf []byte) (int, error) {
    n, err := r.wrapped.Read(buf)
    r.count -= int64(n)
    if (err != nil || r.count <= 0) && r.eof != nil {
        r.eof <- struct{}{} // tell Peer that msg has been consumed
        r.eof = nil
    return n, err