path: root/ethwire/messaging.go
blob: 4f4393a9d12d779a87667c435c1ca552ae626530 (plain) (tree)
































// Package ethwire provides low level access to the Ethereum network and allows
// you to broadcast data over the network.
package ethwire

import (


// Connection interface describing the methods required to implement the wire protocol.
type Conn interface {
    Write(typ MsgType, v ...interface{}) error
    Read() *Msg

// The magic token which should be the first 4 bytes of every message and can be used as separator between messages.
var MagicToken = []byte{34, 64, 8, 145}

type MsgType byte

const (
    // Values are given explicitly instead of by iota because these values are
    // defined by the wire protocol spec; it is easier for humans to ensure
    // correctness when values are explicit.
    MsgHandshakeTy = 0x00
    MsgDiscTy      = 0x01
    MsgPingTy      = 0x02
    MsgPongTy      = 0x03
    MsgGetPeersTy  = 0x04
    MsgPeersTy     = 0x05

    MsgStatusTy         = 0x10
    MsgGetTxsTy         = 0x11
    MsgTxTy             = 0x12
    MsgGetBlockHashesTy = 0x13
    MsgBlockHashesTy    = 0x14
    MsgGetBlocksTy      = 0x15
    MsgBlockTy          = 0x16

var msgTypeToString = map[MsgType]string{
    MsgHandshakeTy:      "Handshake",
    MsgDiscTy:           "Disconnect",
    MsgPingTy:           "Ping",
    MsgPongTy:           "Pong",
    MsgGetPeersTy:       "Get peers",
    MsgStatusTy:         "Status",
    MsgPeersTy:          "Peers",
    MsgTxTy:             "Transactions",
    MsgBlockTy:          "Blocks",
    MsgGetTxsTy:         "Get Txs",
    MsgGetBlockHashesTy: "Get block hashes",
    MsgBlockHashesTy:    "Block hashes",
    MsgGetBlocksTy:      "Get blocks",

func (mt MsgType) String() string {
    return msgTypeToString[mt]

type Msg struct {
    Type MsgType // Specifies how the encoded data should be interpreted
    //Data []byte
    Data *ethutil.Value

func NewMessage(msgType MsgType, data interface{}) *Msg {
    return &Msg{
        Type: msgType,
        Data: ethutil.NewValue(data),

type Messages []*Msg

// The basic message reader waits for data on the given connection, decoding
// and doing a few sanity checks such as if there's a data type and
// unmarhals the given data
func ReadMessages(conn net.Conn) (msgs []*Msg, err error) {
    // The recovering function in case anything goes horribly wrong
    defer func() {
        if r := recover(); r != nil {
            err = fmt.Errorf("ethwire.ReadMessage error: %v", r)

    var (
        buff      []byte
        messages  [][]byte
        msgLength int

    for {
        // Give buffering some time
        conn.SetReadDeadline(time.Now().Add(5 * time.Millisecond))
        // Create a new temporarily buffer
        b := make([]byte, 1440)
        n, _ := conn.Read(b)
        if err != nil && n == 0 {
            if err.Error() != "EOF" {
                fmt.Println("err now", err)
                return nil, err
            } else {

        if n == 0 && len(buff) == 0 {

        buff = append(buff, b[:n]...)
        if msgLength == 0 {
            // Check if the received 4 first bytes are the magic token
            if bytes.Compare(MagicToken, buff[:4]) != 0 {
                return nil, fmt.Errorf("MagicToken mismatch. Received %v", buff[:4])

            // Read the length of the message
            msgLength = int(ethutil.BytesToNumber(buff[4:8]))

            // Remove the token and length
            buff = buff[8:]

        if len(buff) >= msgLength {
            messages = append(messages, buff[:msgLength])
            buff = buff[msgLength:]
            msgLength = 0

            if len(buff) == 0 {

    for _, m := range messages {
        decoder := ethutil.NewValueFromBytes(m)
        // Type of message
        t := decoder.Get(0).Uint()
        // Actual data
        d := decoder.SliceFrom(1)

        msgs = append(msgs, &Msg{Type: MsgType(t), Data: d})


// The basic message writer takes care of writing data over the given
// connection and does some basic error checking
func WriteMessage(conn net.Conn, msg *Msg) error {
    var pack []byte

    // Encode the type and the (RLP encoded) data for sending over the wire
    encoded := ethutil.NewValue(append([]interface{}{byte(msg.Type)}, msg.Data.Slice()...)).Encode()
    payloadLength := ethutil.NumberToBytes(uint32(len(encoded)), 32)

    // Write magic token and payload length (first 8 bytes)
    pack = append(MagicToken, payloadLength...)
    pack = append(pack, encoded...)
    //fmt.Printf("payload %v (%v) %q\n", msg.Type, conn.RemoteAddr(), encoded)

    // Write to the connection
    _, err := conn.Write(pack)
    if err != nil {
        return err

    return nil