// Copyright 2015 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package downloader
import (
ethereum "github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon"
dexCore "github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon-consensus/core"
coreTypes "github.com/dexon-foundation/dexon-consensus/core/types"
// Reduce some of the parameters to make the tester faster.
func init() {
MaxForkAncestry = uint64(10000)
blockCacheItems = 1024
fsHeaderContCheck = 500 * time.Millisecond
// downloadTester is a test simulator for mocking out local block chain.
type downloadTester struct {
downloader *Downloader
genesis *types.Block // Genesis blocks used by the tester and peers
stateDb ethdb.Database // Database used by the tester for syncing from peers
peerDb ethdb.Database // Database of the peers containing all data
peers map[string]*downloadTesterPeer
ownHashes []common.Hash // Hash chain belonging to the tester
ownHeaders map[common.Hash]*types.Header // Headers belonging to the tester
ownBlocks map[common.Hash]*types.Block // Blocks belonging to the tester
ownReceipts map[common.Hash]types.Receipts // Receipts belonging to the tester
lock sync.RWMutex
// newTester creates a new downloader test mocker.
func newTester() *downloadTester {
tester := &downloadTester{
genesis: testGenesis,
peerDb: testDB,
peers: make(map[string]*downloadTesterPeer),
ownHashes: []common.Hash{testGenesis.Hash()},
ownHeaders: map[common.Hash]*types.Header{testGenesis.Hash(): testGenesis.Header()},
ownBlocks: map[common.Hash]*types.Block{testGenesis.Hash(): testGenesis},
ownReceipts: map[common.Hash]types.Receipts{testGenesis.Hash(): nil},
tester.stateDb = ethdb.NewMemDatabase()
tester.stateDb.Put(testGenesis.Root().Bytes(), []byte{0x00})
tester.downloader = New(FullSync, tester.stateDb, new(event.TypeMux), tester, nil, tester.dropPeer)
return tester
// terminate aborts any operations on the embedded downloader and releases all
// held resources.
func (dl *downloadTester) terminate() {
// sync starts synchronizing with a remote peer, blocking until it completes.
func (dl *downloadTester) sync(id string, number uint64, mode SyncMode) error {
hash := dl.peers[id].chain.headBlock().Hash()
// If no particular number was requested, load from the peer's blockchain
if number == 0 {
number, _ = dl.peers[id].chain.hashToNumber(hash)
// Synchronise with the chosen peer and ensure proper cleanup afterwards
err := dl.downloader.synchronise(id, hash, number, mode)
select {
case <-dl.downloader.cancelCh:
// Ok, downloader fully cancelled after sync cycle
// Downloader is still accepting packets, can block a peer up
panic("downloader active post sync cycle") // panic will be caught by tester
return err
// HasHeader checks if a header is present in the testers canonical chain.
func (dl *downloadTester) HasHeader(hash common.Hash, number uint64) bool {
return dl.GetHeaderByHash(hash) != nil
// HasBlock checks if a block is present in the testers canonical chain.
func (dl *downloadTester) HasBlock(hash common.Hash, number uint64) bool {
return dl.GetBlockByHash(hash) != nil
// GetHeader retrieves a header from the testers canonical chain.
func (dl *downloadTester) GetHeaderByHash(hash common.Hash) *types.Header {
defer dl.lock.RUnlock()
return dl.ownHeaders[hash]
func (dl *downloadTester) GetHeaderByNumber(number uint64) *types.Header {
defer dl.lock.RUnlock()
return dl.ownHeaders[dl.ownHashes[number]]
// GetBlock retrieves a block from the testers canonical chain.
func (dl *downloadTester) GetBlockByHash(hash common.Hash) *types.Block {
defer dl.lock.RUnlock()
return dl.ownBlocks[hash]
func (dl *downloadTester) GetGovStateByNumber(number uint64) (*types.GovState, error) {
header, ok := dl.ownHeaders[dl.ownHashes[number]]
if !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("header with number %d not exists", number)
statedb, err := state.New(header.Root, state.NewDatabase(dl.peerDb))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return state.GetGovState(statedb, header, vm.GovernanceContractAddress)
// CurrentHeader retrieves the current head header from the canonical chain.
func (dl *downloadTester) CurrentHeader() *types.Header {
defer dl.lock.RUnlock()
for i := len(dl.ownHashes) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if header := dl.ownHeaders[dl.ownHashes[i]]; header != nil {
return header
return dl.genesis.Header()
// CurrentBlock retrieves the current head block from the canonical chain.
func (dl *downloadTester) CurrentBlock() *types.Block {
defer dl.lock.RUnlock()
for i := len(dl.ownHashes) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if block := dl.ownBlocks[dl.ownHashes[i]]; block != nil {
if _, err := dl.stateDb.Get(block.Root().Bytes()); err == nil {
return block
return dl.genesis
// CurrentFastBlock retrieves the current head fast-sync block from the canonical chain.
func (dl *downloadTester) CurrentFastBlock() *types.Block {
defer dl.lock.RUnlock()
for i := len(dl.ownHashes) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if block := dl.ownBlocks[dl.ownHashes[i]]; block != nil {
return block
return dl.genesis
// FastSyncCommitHead manually sets the head block to a given hash.
func (dl *downloadTester) FastSyncCommitHead(hash common.Hash) error {
// For now only check that the state trie is correct
if block := dl.GetBlockByHash(hash); block != nil {
_, err := trie.NewSecure(block.Root(), trie.NewDatabase(dl.stateDb), 0)
return err
return fmt.Errorf("non existent block: %x", hash[:4])
// InsertDexonHeaderChain injects a new batch of headers into the simulated chain.
func (dl *downloadTester) InsertDexonHeaderChain(headers []*types.HeaderWithGovState,
gov dexcon.GovernanceStateFetcher, verifierCache *dexCore.TSigVerifierCache) (i int, err error) {
defer dl.lock.Unlock()
// Do a quick check, as the blockchain.InsertDexonHeaderChain doesn't insert anything in case of errors
if _, ok := dl.ownHeaders[headers[0].ParentHash]; !ok {
return 0, errors.New("unknown parent")
for i := 1; i < len(headers); i++ {
if headers[i].ParentHash != headers[i-1].Hash() {
return i, errors.New("unknown parent")
// Do a full insert if pre-checks passed
for i, header := range headers {
if _, ok := dl.ownHeaders[header.Hash()]; ok {
if _, ok := dl.ownHeaders[header.ParentHash]; !ok {
return i, errors.New("unknown parent")
// Verify witness
var coreBlock coreTypes.Block
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(header.DexconMeta, &coreBlock); err != nil {
return i, err
var witnessBlockHash common.Hash
if err := rlp.DecodeBytes(coreBlock.Witness.Data, &witnessBlockHash); err != nil {
return i, err
if uint64(len(dl.ownHashes)) < coreBlock.Witness.Height+1 {
return i, errors.New("unknown witness")
h := dl.ownHeaders[dl.ownHashes[coreBlock.Witness.Height]]
if h == nil {
return i, errors.New("unknown witness")
if h.Hash() != witnessBlockHash {
return i, errors.New("witness root mismatch")
dl.ownHashes = append(dl.ownHashes, header.Hash())
dl.ownHeaders[header.Hash()] = header.Header
return len(headers), nil
// InsertDexonChain injects a new batch of blocks into the simulated chain.
func (dl *downloadTester) InsertDexonChain(blocks types.Blocks) (i int, err error) {
defer dl.lock.Unlock()
for i, block := range blocks {
if parent, ok := dl.ownBlocks[block.ParentHash()]; !ok {
return i, errors.New("unknown parent")
} else if _, err := dl.stateDb.Get(parent.Root().Bytes()); err != nil {
return i, fmt.Errorf("unknown parent state %x: %v", parent.Root(), err)
if _, ok := dl.ownHeaders[block.Hash()]; !ok {
dl.ownHashes = append(dl.ownHashes, block.Hash())
dl.ownHeaders[block.Hash()] = block.Header()
dl.ownBlocks[block.Hash()] = block
dl.stateDb.Put(block.Root().Bytes(), []byte{0x00})
return len(blocks), nil
// InsertReceiptChain injects a new batch of receipts into the simulated chain.
func (dl *downloadTester) InsertReceiptChain(blocks types.Blocks, receipts []types.Receipts) (i int, err error) {
defer dl.lock.Unlock()
for i := 0; i < len(blocks) && i < len(receipts); i++ {
if _, ok := dl.ownHeaders[blocks[i].Hash()]; !ok {
return i, errors.New("unknown owner")
if _, ok := dl.ownBlocks[blocks[i].ParentHash()]; !ok {
return i, errors.New("unknown parent")
dl.ownBlocks[blocks[i].Hash()] = blocks[i]
dl.ownReceipts[blocks[i].Hash()] = receipts[i]
return len(blocks), nil
// Rollback removes some recently added elements from the chain.
func (dl *downloadTester) Rollback(hashes []common.Hash) {
defer dl.lock.Unlock()
for i := len(hashes) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
if dl.ownHashes[len(dl.ownHashes)-1] == hashes[i] {
dl.ownHashes = dl.ownHashes[:len(dl.ownHashes)-1]
delete(dl.ownHeaders, hashes[i])
delete(dl.ownReceipts, hashes[i])
delete(dl.ownBlocks, hashes[i])
// newPeer registers a new block download source into the downloader.
func (dl *downloadTester) newPeer(id string, version int, chain *testChain) error {
defer dl.lock.Unlock()
peer := &downloadTesterPeer{dl: dl, id: id, chain: chain}
dl.peers[id] = peer
return dl.downloader.RegisterPeer(id, version, peer)
// dropPeer simulates a hard peer removal from the connection pool.
func (dl *downloadTester) dropPeer(id string) {
defer dl.lock.Unlock()
delete(dl.peers, id)
type downloadTesterPeer struct {
dl *downloadTester
id string
lock sync.RWMutex
chain *testChain
missingStates map[common.Hash]bool // State entries that fast sync should not return
// Head constructs a function to retrieve a peer's current head hash
// and total difficulty.
func (dlp *downloadTesterPeer) Head() (common.Hash, uint64) {
b := dlp.chain.headBlock()
number, _ := dlp.chain.hashToNumber(b.Hash())
return b.Hash(), number
// RequestHeadersByHash constructs a GetBlockHeaders function based on a hashed
// origin; associated with a particular peer in the download tester. The returned
// function can be used to retrieve batches of headers from the particular peer.
func (dlp *downloadTesterPeer) RequestHeadersByHash(origin common.Hash, amount int, skip int, reverse, withGov bool) error {
if reverse {
panic("reverse header requests not supported")
result := dlp.chain.headersByHash(origin, amount, skip)
go dlp.dl.downloader.DeliverHeaders(dlp.id, result)
return nil
// RequestHeadersByNumber constructs a GetBlockHeaders function based on a numbered
// origin; associated with a particular peer in the download tester. The returned
// function can be used to retrieve batches of headers from the particular peer.
func (dlp *downloadTesterPeer) RequestHeadersByNumber(origin uint64, amount int, skip int, reverse, withGov bool) error {
if reverse {
panic("reverse header requests not supported")
result := dlp.chain.headersByNumber(origin, amount, skip)
go dlp.dl.downloader.DeliverHeaders(dlp.id, result)
return nil
func (dlp *downloadTesterPeer) RequestGovStateByHash(hash common.Hash) error {
result := dlp.chain.govStateByHash(hash)
go dlp.dl.downloader.DeliverGovState(dlp.id, result)
return nil
// RequestBodies constructs a getBlockBodies method associated with a particular
// peer in the download tester. The returned function can be used to retrieve
// batches of block bodies from the particularly requested peer.
func (dlp *downloadTesterPeer) RequestBodies(hashes []common.Hash) error {
txs, uncles := dlp.chain.bodies(hashes)
go dlp.dl.downloader.DeliverBodies(dlp.id, txs, uncles)
return nil
// RequestReceipts constructs a getReceipts method associated with a particular
// peer in the download tester. The returned function can be used to retrieve
// batches of block receipts from the particularly requested peer.
func (dlp *downloadTesterPeer) RequestReceipts(hashes []common.Hash) error {
receipts := dlp.chain.receipts(hashes)
go dlp.dl.downloader.DeliverReceipts(dlp.id, receipts)
return nil
// RequestNodeData constructs a getNodeData method associated with a particular
// peer in the download tester. The returned function can be used to retrieve
// batches of node state data from the particularly requested peer.
func (dlp *downloadTesterPeer) RequestNodeData(hashes []common.Hash) error {
defer dlp.dl.lock.RUnlock()
results := make([][]byte, 0, len(hashes))
for _, hash := range hashes {
if data, err := dlp.dl.peerDb.Get(hash.Bytes()); err == nil {
if !dlp.missingStates[hash] {
results = append(results, data)
go dlp.dl.downloader.DeliverNodeData(dlp.id, results)
return nil
// assertOwnChain checks if the local chain contains the correct number of items
// of the various chain components.
func assertOwnChain(t *testing.T, tester *downloadTester, length int) {
assertOwnForkedChain(t, tester, 1, []int{length})
// assertOwnForkedChain checks if the local forked chain contains the correct
// number of items of the various chain components.
func assertOwnForkedChain(t *testing.T, tester *downloadTester, common int, lengths []int) {
// Initialize the counters for the first fork
headers, blocks, receipts := lengths[0], lengths[0], lengths[0]-fsMinFullBlocks
if receipts < 0 {
receipts = 1
// Update the counters for each subsequent fork
for _, length := range lengths[1:] {
headers += length - common
blocks += length - common
receipts += length - common - fsMinFullBlocks
switch tester.downloader.mode {
case FullSync:
receipts = 1
case LightSync:
blocks, receipts = 1, 1
if hs := len(tester.ownHeaders); hs != headers {
t.Fatalf("synchronised headers mismatch: have %v, want %v", hs, headers)
if bs := len(tester.ownBlocks); bs != blocks {
t.Fatalf("synchronised blocks mismatch: have %v, want %v", bs, blocks)
if rs := len(tester.ownReceipts); rs != receipts {
t.Fatalf("synchronised receipts mismatch: have %v, want %v", rs, receipts)
// Tests that simple synchronization against a canonical chain works correctly.
// In this test common ancestor lookup should be short circuited and not require
// binary searching.
func TestCanonicalSynchronisation62(t *testing.T) { testCanonicalSynchronisation(t, 62, FullSync) }
func TestCanonicalSynchronisation63Full(t *testing.T) { testCanonicalSynchronisation(t, 63, FullSync) }
func TestCanonicalSynchronisation63Fast(t *testing.T) { testCanonicalSynchronisation(t, 63, FastSync) }
func TestCanonicalSynchronisation64Full(t *testing.T) { testCanonicalSynchronisation(t, 64, FullSync) }
func TestCanonicalSynchronisation64Fast(t *testing.T) { testCanonicalSynchronisation(t, 64, FastSync) }
func TestCanonicalSynchronisation64Light(t *testing.T) { testCanonicalSynchronisation(t, 64, LightSync) }
func testCanonicalSynchronisation(t *testing.T, protocol int, mode SyncMode) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
// Create a small enough block chain to download
chain := testChainBase.shorten(blockCacheItems - 15)
tester.newPeer("peer", protocol, chain)
// Synchronise with the peer and make sure all relevant data was retrieved
if err := tester.sync("peer", 0, mode); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
assertOwnChain(t, tester, chain.len())
// Tests that if a large batch of blocks are being downloaded, it is throttled
// until the cached blocks are retrieved.
func TestThrottling62(t *testing.T) { testThrottling(t, 62, FullSync) }
func TestThrottling63Full(t *testing.T) { testThrottling(t, 63, FullSync) }
func TestThrottling63Fast(t *testing.T) { testThrottling(t, 63, FastSync) }
func TestThrottling64Full(t *testing.T) { testThrottling(t, 64, FullSync) }
func TestThrottling64Fast(t *testing.T) { testThrottling(t, 64, FastSync) }
func testThrottling(t *testing.T, protocol int, mode SyncMode) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
// Create a long block chain to download and the tester
targetBlocks := testChainBase.len() - 1
tester.newPeer("peer", protocol, testChainBase)
// Wrap the importer to allow stepping
blocked, proceed := uint32(0), make(chan struct{})
tester.downloader.chainInsertHook = func(results []*fetchResult) {
atomic.StoreUint32(&blocked, uint32(len(results)))
// Start a synchronisation concurrently
errc := make(chan error)
go func() {
errc <- tester.sync("peer", 0, mode)
// Iteratively take some blocks, always checking the retrieval count
for {
// Check the retrieval count synchronously (! reason for this ugly block)
retrieved := len(tester.ownBlocks)
if retrieved >= targetBlocks+1 {
// Wait a bit for sync to throttle itself
var cached, frozen int
for start := time.Now(); time.Since(start) < 3*time.Second; {
time.Sleep(25 * time.Millisecond)
cached = len(tester.downloader.queue.blockDonePool)
if mode == FastSync {
if receipts := len(tester.downloader.queue.receiptDonePool); receipts < cached {
cached = receipts
frozen = int(atomic.LoadUint32(&blocked))
retrieved = len(tester.ownBlocks)
if cached == blockCacheItems || cached == blockCacheItems-reorgProtHeaderDelay || retrieved+cached+frozen == targetBlocks+1 || retrieved+cached+frozen == targetBlocks+1-reorgProtHeaderDelay {
// Make sure we filled up the cache, then exhaust it
time.Sleep(25 * time.Millisecond) // give it a chance to screw up
retrieved = len(tester.ownBlocks)
if cached != blockCacheItems && cached != blockCacheItems-reorgProtHeaderDelay && retrieved+cached+frozen != targetBlocks+1 && retrieved+cached+frozen != targetBlocks+1-reorgProtHeaderDelay {
t.Fatalf("block count mismatch: have %v, want %v (owned %v, blocked %v, target %v)", cached, blockCacheItems, retrieved, frozen, targetBlocks+1)
// Permit the blocked blocks to import
if atomic.LoadUint32(&blocked) > 0 {
atomic.StoreUint32(&blocked, uint32(0))
proceed <- struct{}{}
// Check that we haven't pulled more blocks than available
assertOwnChain(t, tester, targetBlocks+1)
if err := <-errc; err != nil {
t.Fatalf("block synchronization failed: %v", err)
// Tests that an inactive downloader will not accept incoming block headers and
// bodies.
func TestInactiveDownloader62(t *testing.T) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
// Check that neither block headers nor bodies are accepted
if err := tester.downloader.DeliverHeaders("bad peer", []*types.HeaderWithGovState{}); err != errNoSyncActive {
t.Errorf("error mismatch: have %v, want %v", err, errNoSyncActive)
if err := tester.downloader.DeliverBodies("bad peer", [][]*types.Transaction{}, [][]*types.Header{}); err != errNoSyncActive {
t.Errorf("error mismatch: have %v, want %v", err, errNoSyncActive)
// Tests that an inactive downloader will not accept incoming block headers,
// bodies and receipts.
func TestInactiveDownloader63(t *testing.T) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
// Check that neither block headers nor bodies are accepted
if err := tester.downloader.DeliverHeaders("bad peer", []*types.HeaderWithGovState{}); err != errNoSyncActive {
t.Errorf("error mismatch: have %v, want %v", err, errNoSyncActive)
if err := tester.downloader.DeliverBodies("bad peer", [][]*types.Transaction{}, [][]*types.Header{}); err != errNoSyncActive {
t.Errorf("error mismatch: have %v, want %v", err, errNoSyncActive)
if err := tester.downloader.DeliverReceipts("bad peer", [][]*types.Receipt{}); err != errNoSyncActive {
t.Errorf("error mismatch: have %v, want %v", err, errNoSyncActive)
// Tests that a canceled download wipes all previously accumulated state.
func TestCancel62(t *testing.T) { testCancel(t, 62, FullSync) }
func TestCancel63Full(t *testing.T) { testCancel(t, 63, FullSync) }
func TestCancel63Fast(t *testing.T) { testCancel(t, 63, FastSync) }
func TestCancel64Full(t *testing.T) { testCancel(t, 64, FullSync) }
func TestCancel64Fast(t *testing.T) { testCancel(t, 64, FastSync) }
func TestCancel64Light(t *testing.T) { testCancel(t, 64, LightSync) }
func testCancel(t *testing.T, protocol int, mode SyncMode) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
chain := testChainBase.shorten(MaxHeaderFetch)
tester.newPeer("peer", protocol, chain)
// Make sure canceling works with a pristine downloader
if !tester.downloader.queue.Idle() {
t.Errorf("download queue not idle")
// Synchronise with the peer, but cancel afterwards
if err := tester.sync("peer", 0, mode); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
if !tester.downloader.queue.Idle() {
t.Errorf("download queue not idle")
// Tests that synchronisation from multiple peers works as intended (multi thread sanity test).
func TestMultiSynchronisation62(t *testing.T) { testMultiSynchronisation(t, 62, FullSync) }
func TestMultiSynchronisation63Full(t *testing.T) { testMultiSynchronisation(t, 63, FullSync) }
func TestMultiSynchronisation63Fast(t *testing.T) { testMultiSynchronisation(t, 63, FastSync) }
func TestMultiSynchronisation64Full(t *testing.T) { testMultiSynchronisation(t, 64, FullSync) }
func TestMultiSynchronisation64Fast(t *testing.T) { testMultiSynchronisation(t, 64, FastSync) }
func TestMultiSynchronisation64Light(t *testing.T) { testMultiSynchronisation(t, 64, LightSync) }
func testMultiSynchronisation(t *testing.T, protocol int, mode SyncMode) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
// Create various peers with various parts of the chain
targetPeers := 8
chain := testChainBase.shorten(targetPeers * 100)
for i := 0; i < targetPeers; i++ {
id := fmt.Sprintf("peer #%d", i)
tester.newPeer(id, protocol, chain.shorten(chain.len()/(i+1)))
if err := tester.sync("peer #0", 0, mode); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
assertOwnChain(t, tester, chain.len())
// Tests that synchronisations behave well in multi-version protocol environments
// and not wreak havoc on other nodes in the network.
func TestMultiProtoSynchronisation62(t *testing.T) { testMultiProtoSync(t, 62, FullSync) }
func TestMultiProtoSynchronisation63Full(t *testing.T) { testMultiProtoSync(t, 63, FullSync) }
func TestMultiProtoSynchronisation63Fast(t *testing.T) { testMultiProtoSync(t, 63, FastSync) }
func TestMultiProtoSynchronisation64Full(t *testing.T) { testMultiProtoSync(t, 64, FullSync) }
func TestMultiProtoSynchronisation64Fast(t *testing.T) { testMultiProtoSync(t, 64, FastSync) }
func TestMultiProtoSynchronisation64Light(t *testing.T) { testMultiProtoSync(t, 64, LightSync) }
func testMultiProtoSync(t *testing.T, protocol int, mode SyncMode) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
// Create a small enough block chain to download
chain := testChainBase.shorten(blockCacheItems - 15)
// Create peers of every type
tester.newPeer("peer 62", 62, chain)
tester.newPeer("peer 63", 63, chain)
tester.newPeer("peer 64", 64, chain)
// Synchronise with the requested peer and make sure all blocks were retrieved
if err := tester.sync(fmt.Sprintf("peer %d", protocol), 0, mode); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
assertOwnChain(t, tester, chain.len())
// Check that no peers have been dropped off
for _, version := range []int{62, 63, 64} {
peer := fmt.Sprintf("peer %d", version)
if _, ok := tester.peers[peer]; !ok {
t.Errorf("%s dropped", peer)
// Tests that if a block is empty (e.g. header only), no body request should be
// made, and instead the header should be assembled into a whole block in itself.
func TestEmptyShortCircuit62(t *testing.T) { testEmptyShortCircuit(t, 62, FullSync) }
func TestEmptyShortCircuit63Full(t *testing.T) { testEmptyShortCircuit(t, 63, FullSync) }
func TestEmptyShortCircuit63Fast(t *testing.T) { testEmptyShortCircuit(t, 63, FastSync) }
func TestEmptyShortCircuit64Full(t *testing.T) { testEmptyShortCircuit(t, 64, FullSync) }
func TestEmptyShortCircuit64Fast(t *testing.T) { testEmptyShortCircuit(t, 64, FastSync) }
func TestEmptyShortCircuit64Light(t *testing.T) { testEmptyShortCircuit(t, 64, LightSync) }
func testEmptyShortCircuit(t *testing.T, protocol int, mode SyncMode) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
// Create a block chain to download
chain := testChainBase
tester.newPeer("peer", protocol, chain)
// Instrument the downloader to signal body requests
bodiesHave, receiptsHave := int32(0), int32(0)
tester.downloader.bodyFetchHook = func(headers []*types.Header) {
atomic.AddInt32(&bodiesHave, int32(len(headers)))
tester.downloader.receiptFetchHook = func(headers []*types.Header) {
atomic.AddInt32(&receiptsHave, int32(len(headers)))
// Synchronise with the peer and make sure all blocks were retrieved
if err := tester.sync("peer", 0, mode); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
assertOwnChain(t, tester, chain.len())
// Validate the number of block bodies that should have been requested
bodiesNeeded, receiptsNeeded := 0, 0
for _, block := range chain.blockm {
if mode != LightSync && block != tester.genesis && (len(block.Transactions()) > 0 || len(block.Uncles()) > 0) {
for _, receipt := range chain.receiptm {
if mode == FastSync && len(receipt) > 0 {
if int(bodiesHave) != bodiesNeeded {
t.Errorf("body retrieval count mismatch: have %v, want %v", bodiesHave, bodiesNeeded)
if int(receiptsHave) != receiptsNeeded {
t.Errorf("receipt retrieval count mismatch: have %v, want %v", receiptsHave, receiptsNeeded)
// Tests that headers are enqueued continuously, preventing malicious nodes from
// stalling the downloader by feeding gapped header chains.
func TestMissingHeaderAttack62(t *testing.T) { testMissingHeaderAttack(t, 62, FullSync) }
func TestMissingHeaderAttack63Full(t *testing.T) { testMissingHeaderAttack(t, 63, FullSync) }
func TestMissingHeaderAttack63Fast(t *testing.T) { testMissingHeaderAttack(t, 63, FastSync) }
func TestMissingHeaderAttack64Full(t *testing.T) { testMissingHeaderAttack(t, 64, FullSync) }
func TestMissingHeaderAttack64Fast(t *testing.T) { testMissingHeaderAttack(t, 64, FastSync) }
func TestMissingHeaderAttack64Light(t *testing.T) { testMissingHeaderAttack(t, 64, LightSync) }
func testMissingHeaderAttack(t *testing.T, protocol int, mode SyncMode) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
chain := testChainBase.shorten(blockCacheItems - 15)
brokenChain := chain.shorten(chain.len())
delete(brokenChain.headerm, brokenChain.chain[brokenChain.len()/2])
tester.newPeer("attack", protocol, brokenChain)
if err := tester.sync("attack", 0, mode); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("succeeded attacker synchronisation")
// Synchronise with the valid peer and make sure sync succeeds
tester.newPeer("valid", protocol, chain)
if err := tester.sync("valid", 0, mode); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
assertOwnChain(t, tester, chain.len())
// Tests that if requested headers are shifted (i.e. first is missing), the queue
// detects the invalid numbering.
func TestShiftedHeaderAttack62(t *testing.T) { testShiftedHeaderAttack(t, 62, FullSync) }
func TestShiftedHeaderAttack63Full(t *testing.T) { testShiftedHeaderAttack(t, 63, FullSync) }
func TestShiftedHeaderAttack63Fast(t *testing.T) { testShiftedHeaderAttack(t, 63, FastSync) }
func TestShiftedHeaderAttack64Full(t *testing.T) { testShiftedHeaderAttack(t, 64, FullSync) }
func TestShiftedHeaderAttack64Fast(t *testing.T) { testShiftedHeaderAttack(t, 64, FastSync) }
func TestShiftedHeaderAttack64Light(t *testing.T) { testShiftedHeaderAttack(t, 64, LightSync) }
func testShiftedHeaderAttack(t *testing.T, protocol int, mode SyncMode) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
chain := testChainBase.shorten(blockCacheItems - 15)
// Attempt a full sync with an attacker feeding shifted headers
brokenChain := chain.shorten(chain.len())
delete(brokenChain.headerm, brokenChain.chain[1])
delete(brokenChain.blockm, brokenChain.chain[1])
delete(brokenChain.receiptm, brokenChain.chain[1])
tester.newPeer("attack", protocol, brokenChain)
if err := tester.sync("attack", 0, mode); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("succeeded attacker synchronisation")
// Synchronise with the valid peer and make sure sync succeeds
tester.newPeer("valid", protocol, chain)
if err := tester.sync("valid", 0, mode); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
assertOwnChain(t, tester, chain.len())
// Tests that upon detecting an invalid header, the recent ones are rolled back
// for various failure scenarios. Afterwards a full sync is attempted to make
// sure no state was corrupted.
func TestInvalidHeaderRollback63Fast(t *testing.T) { testInvalidHeaderRollback(t, 63, FastSync) }
func TestInvalidHeaderRollback64Fast(t *testing.T) { testInvalidHeaderRollback(t, 64, FastSync) }
func TestInvalidHeaderRollback64Light(t *testing.T) { testInvalidHeaderRollback(t, 64, LightSync) }
func testInvalidHeaderRollback(t *testing.T, protocol int, mode SyncMode) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
// Create a small enough block chain to download
targetBlocks := 3*fsHeaderSafetyNet + 256 + fsMinFullBlocks
chain := testChainBase.shorten(targetBlocks)
// Attempt to sync with an attacker that feeds junk during the fast sync phase.
// This should result in the last fsHeaderSafetyNet headers being rolled back.
missing := fsHeaderSafetyNet + MaxHeaderFetch + 1
fastAttackChain := chain.shorten(chain.len())
delete(fastAttackChain.headerm, fastAttackChain.chain[missing])
tester.newPeer("fast-attack", protocol, fastAttackChain)
if err := tester.sync("fast-attack", 0, mode); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("succeeded fast attacker synchronisation")
if head := tester.CurrentHeader().Number.Int64(); int(head) > MaxHeaderFetch {
t.Errorf("rollback head mismatch: have %v, want at most %v", head, MaxHeaderFetch)
// Attempt to sync with an attacker that feeds junk during the block import phase.
// This should result in both the last fsHeaderSafetyNet number of headers being
// rolled back, and also the pivot point being reverted to a non-block status.
missing = 3*fsHeaderSafetyNet + MaxHeaderFetch + 1
blockAttackChain := chain.shorten(chain.len())
delete(fastAttackChain.headerm, fastAttackChain.chain[missing]) // Make sure the fast-attacker doesn't fill in
delete(blockAttackChain.headerm, blockAttackChain.chain[missing])
tester.newPeer("block-attack", protocol, blockAttackChain)
if err := tester.sync("block-attack", 0, mode); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("succeeded block attacker synchronisation")
if head := tester.CurrentHeader().Number.Int64(); int(head) > 2*fsHeaderSafetyNet+MaxHeaderFetch {
t.Errorf("rollback head mismatch: have %v, want at most %v", head, 2*fsHeaderSafetyNet+MaxHeaderFetch)
if mode == FastSync {
if head := tester.CurrentBlock().NumberU64(); head != 0 {
t.Errorf("fast sync pivot block #%d not rolled back", head)
// Attempt to sync with an attacker that withholds promised blocks after the
// fast sync pivot point. This could be a trial to leave the node with a bad
// but already imported pivot block.
withholdAttackChain := chain.shorten(chain.len())
tester.newPeer("withhold-attack", protocol, withholdAttackChain)
tester.downloader.syncInitHook = func(uint64, uint64) {
for i := missing; i < withholdAttackChain.len(); i++ {
delete(withholdAttackChain.headerm, withholdAttackChain.chain[i])
tester.downloader.syncInitHook = nil
if err := tester.sync("withhold-attack", 0, mode); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("succeeded withholding attacker synchronisation")
if head := tester.CurrentHeader().Number.Int64(); int(head) > 2*fsHeaderSafetyNet+MaxHeaderFetch {
t.Errorf("rollback head mismatch: have %v, want at most %v", head, 2*fsHeaderSafetyNet+MaxHeaderFetch)
if mode == FastSync {
if head := tester.CurrentBlock().NumberU64(); head != 0 {
t.Errorf("fast sync pivot block #%d not rolled back", head)
// witness mismatch
realChain := chain.shorten(chain.len())
fakeChain := chain.shorten(chain.len())
for i := chain.len() - 100; i < chain.len(); i++ {
realHash := realChain.chain[i]
realHeader := realChain.headerm[realHash]
realBlock := realChain.blockm[realHash]
realReceipt := realChain.receiptm[realHash]
fakeHeader := types.CopyHeader(realHeader)
if i == chain.len()-100 {
fakeHeader.Root = common.Hash{}
} else {
fakeHeader.ParentHash = fakeChain.chain[i-1]
fakeBlock := types.NewBlock(fakeHeader, realBlock.Transactions(), realBlock.Uncles(), realReceipt)
fakeChain.chain[i] = fakeBlock.Hash()
fakeChain.blockm[fakeBlock.Hash()] = fakeBlock
fakeChain.headerm[fakeBlock.Hash()] = fakeBlock.Header()
fakeChain.receiptm[fakeBlock.Hash()] = realReceipt
tester.newPeer("mismatch-attack", protocol, fakeChain)
if err := tester.sync("mismatch-attack", 0, mode); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("succeeded block attacker synchronisation")
if head := tester.CurrentHeader().Number.Int64(); int(head) > 2*fsHeaderSafetyNet+MaxHeaderFetch {
t.Errorf("rollback head mismatch: have %v, want at most %v", head, 2*fsHeaderSafetyNet+MaxHeaderFetch)
if mode == FastSync {
if head := tester.CurrentBlock().NumberU64(); head != 0 {
t.Errorf("fast sync pivot block #%d not rolled back", head)
// synchronise with the valid peer and make sure sync succeeds. Since the last rollback
// should also disable fast syncing for this process, verify that we did a fresh full
// sync. Note, we can't assert anything about the receipts since we won't purge the
// database of them, hence we can't use assertOwnChain.
tester.newPeer("valid", protocol, chain)
if err := tester.sync("valid", 0, mode); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err)
if hs := len(tester.ownHeaders); hs != chain.len() {
t.Fatalf("synchronised headers mismatch: have %v, want %v", hs, chain.len())
if mode != LightSync {
if bs := len(tester.ownBlocks); bs != chain.len() {
t.Fatalf("synchronised blocks mismatch: have %v, want %v", bs, chain.len())
// Tests that a peer advertising an high number doesn't get to stall the downloader
// afterwards by not sending any useful hashes.
func TestHighNumberStarvationAttack62(t *testing.T) { testHighNumberStarvationAttack(t, 62, FullSync) }
func TestHighNumberStarvationAttack63Full(t *testing.T) {
testHighNumberStarvationAttack(t, 63, FullSync)
func TestHighNumberStarvationAttack63Fast(t *testing.T) {
testHighNumberStarvationAttack(t, 63, FastSync)
func TestHighNumberStarvationAttack64Full(t *testing.T) {
testHighNumberStarvationAttack(t, 64, FullSync)
func TestHighNumberStarvationAttack64Fast(t *testing.T) {
testHighNumberStarvationAttack(t, 64, FastSync)
func TestHighNumberStarvationAttack64Light(t *testing.T) {
testHighNumberStarvationAttack(t, 64, LightSync)
func testHighNumberStarvationAttack(t *testing.T, protocol int, mode SyncMode) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
chain := testChainBase.shorten(1)
tester.newPeer("attack", protocol, chain)
if err := tester.sync("attack", 1000000, mode); err != errStallingPeer {
t.Fatalf("synchronisation error mismatch: have %v, want %v", err, errStallingPeer)
// Tests that misbehaving peers are disconnected, whilst behaving ones are not.
func TestBlockHeaderAttackerDropping62(t *testing.T) { testBlockHeaderAttackerDropping(t, 62) }
func TestBlockHeaderAttackerDropping63(t *testing.T) { testBlockHeaderAttackerDropping(t, 63) }
func TestBlockHeaderAttackerDropping64(t *testing.T) { testBlockHeaderAttackerDropping(t, 64) }
func testBlockHeaderAttackerDropping(t *testing.T, protocol int) {
// Define the disconnection requirement for individual hash fetch errors
tests := []struct {
result error
drop bool
{nil, false}, // Sync succeeded, all is well
{errBusy, false}, // Sync is already in progress, no problem
{errUnknownPeer, false}, // Peer is unknown, was already dropped, don't double drop
{errBadPeer, true}, // Peer was deemed bad for some reason, drop it
{errStallingPeer, true}, // Peer was detected to be stalling, drop it
{errNoPeers, false}, // No peers to download from, soft race, no issue
{errTimeout, true}, // No hashes received in due time, drop the peer
{errEmptyHeaderSet, true}, // No headers were returned as a response, drop as it's a dead end
{errPeersUnavailable, true}, // Nobody had the advertised blocks, drop the advertiser
{errInvalidAncestor, true}, // Agreed upon ancestor is not acceptable, drop the chain rewriter
{errInvalidChain, true}, // Hash chain was detected as invalid, definitely drop
{errInvalidBlock, false}, // A bad peer was detected, but not the sync origin
{errInvalidBody, false}, // A bad peer was detected, but not the sync origin
{errInvalidReceipt, false}, // A bad peer was detected, but not the sync origin
{errCancelBlockFetch, false}, // Synchronisation was canceled, origin may be innocent, don't drop
{errCancelHeaderFetch, false}, // Synchronisation was canceled, origin may be innocent, don't drop
{errCancelBodyFetch, false}, // Synchronisation was canceled, origin may be innocent, don't drop
{errCancelReceiptFetch, false}, // Synchronisation was canceled, origin may be innocent, don't drop
{errCancelHeaderProcessing, false}, // Synchronisation was canceled, origin may be innocent, don't drop
{errCancelContentProcessing, false}, // Synchronisation was canceled, origin may be innocent, don't drop
// Run the tests and check disconnection status
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
chain := testChainBase.shorten(1)
for i, tt := range tests {
// Register a new peer and ensure it's presence
id := fmt.Sprintf("test %d", i)
if err := tester.newPeer(id, protocol, chain); err != nil {
t.Fatalf("test %d: failed to register new peer: %v", i, err)
if _, ok := tester.peers[id]; !ok {
t.Fatalf("test %d: registered peer not found", i)
// Simulate a synchronisation and check the required result
tester.downloader.synchroniseMock = func(string, common.Hash) error { return tt.result }
tester.downloader.Synchronise(id, tester.genesis.Hash(), 1000, FullSync)
if _, ok := tester.peers[id]; !ok != tt.drop {
t.Errorf("test %d: peer drop mismatch for %v: have %v, want %v", i, tt.result, !ok, tt.drop)
// Tests that synchronisation progress (origin block number, current block number
// and highest block number) is tracked and updated correctly.
func TestSyncProgress62(t *testing.T) { testSyncProgress(t, 62, FullSync) }
func TestSyncProgress63Full(t *testing.T) { testSyncProgress(t, 63, FullSync) }
func TestSyncProgress63Fast(t *testing.T) { testSyncProgress(t, 63, FastSync) }
func TestSyncProgress64Full(t *testing.T) { testSyncProgress(t, 64, FullSync) }
func TestSyncProgress64Fast(t *testing.T) { testSyncProgress(t, 64, FastSync) }
func TestSyncProgress64Light(t *testing.T) { testSyncProgress(t, 64, LightSync) }
func testSyncProgress(t *testing.T, protocol int, mode SyncMode) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
chain := testChainBase.shorten(blockCacheItems - 15)
// Set a sync init hook to catch progress changes
starting := make(chan struct{})
progress := make(chan struct{})
tester.downloader.syncInitHook = func(origin, latest uint64) {
starting <- struct{}{}
checkProgress(t, tester.downloader, "pristine", ethereum.SyncProgress{})
// Synchronise half the blocks and check initial progress
tester.newPeer("peer-half", protocol, chain.shorten(chain.len()/2))
pending := new(sync.WaitGroup)
go func() {
defer pending.Done()
if err := tester.sync("peer-half", 0, mode); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err))
checkProgress(t, tester.downloader, "initial", ethereum.SyncProgress{
HighestBlock: uint64(chain.len()/2 - 1),
progress <- struct{}{}
// Synchronise all the blocks and check continuation progress
tester.newPeer("peer-full", protocol, chain)
go func() {
defer pending.Done()
if err := tester.sync("peer-full", 0, mode); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err))
checkProgress(t, tester.downloader, "completing", ethereum.SyncProgress{
StartingBlock: uint64(chain.len()/2 - 1),
CurrentBlock: uint64(chain.len()/2 - 1),
HighestBlock: uint64(chain.len() - 1),
// Check final progress after successful sync
progress <- struct{}{}
checkProgress(t, tester.downloader, "final", ethereum.SyncProgress{
StartingBlock: uint64(chain.len()/2 - 1),
CurrentBlock: uint64(chain.len() - 1),
HighestBlock: uint64(chain.len() - 1),
func checkProgress(t *testing.T, d *Downloader, stage string, want ethereum.SyncProgress) {
p := d.Progress()
p.KnownStates, p.PulledStates = 0, 0
want.KnownStates, want.PulledStates = 0, 0
if p != want {
t.Fatalf("%s progress mismatch:\nhave %+v\nwant %+v", stage, p, want)
// Tests that if synchronisation is aborted due to some failure, then the progress
// origin is not updated in the next sync cycle, as it should be considered the
// continuation of the previous sync and not a new instance.
func TestFailedSyncProgress62(t *testing.T) { testFailedSyncProgress(t, 62, FullSync) }
func TestFailedSyncProgress63Full(t *testing.T) { testFailedSyncProgress(t, 63, FullSync) }
func TestFailedSyncProgress63Fast(t *testing.T) { testFailedSyncProgress(t, 63, FastSync) }
func TestFailedSyncProgress64Full(t *testing.T) { testFailedSyncProgress(t, 64, FullSync) }
func TestFailedSyncProgress64Fast(t *testing.T) { testFailedSyncProgress(t, 64, FastSync) }
func TestFailedSyncProgress64Light(t *testing.T) { testFailedSyncProgress(t, 64, LightSync) }
func testFailedSyncProgress(t *testing.T, protocol int, mode SyncMode) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
chain := testChainBase.shorten(blockCacheItems - 15)
// Set a sync init hook to catch progress changes
starting := make(chan struct{})
progress := make(chan struct{})
tester.downloader.syncInitHook = func(origin, latest uint64) {
starting <- struct{}{}
checkProgress(t, tester.downloader, "pristine", ethereum.SyncProgress{})
// Attempt a full sync with a faulty peer
brokenChain := chain.shorten(chain.len())
missing := brokenChain.len() / 2
delete(brokenChain.headerm, brokenChain.chain[missing])
delete(brokenChain.blockm, brokenChain.chain[missing])
delete(brokenChain.receiptm, brokenChain.chain[missing])
tester.newPeer("faulty", protocol, brokenChain)
pending := new(sync.WaitGroup)
go func() {
defer pending.Done()
if err := tester.sync("faulty", 0, mode); err == nil {
panic("succeeded faulty synchronisation")
checkProgress(t, tester.downloader, "initial", ethereum.SyncProgress{
HighestBlock: uint64(brokenChain.len() - 1),
progress <- struct{}{}
afterFailedSync := tester.downloader.Progress()
// Synchronise with a good peer and check that the progress origin remind the same
// after a failure
tester.newPeer("valid", protocol, chain)
go func() {
defer pending.Done()
if err := tester.sync("valid", 0, mode); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err))
checkProgress(t, tester.downloader, "completing", afterFailedSync)
// Check final progress after successful sync
progress <- struct{}{}
checkProgress(t, tester.downloader, "final", ethereum.SyncProgress{
CurrentBlock: uint64(chain.len() - 1),
HighestBlock: uint64(chain.len() - 1),
// Tests that if an attacker fakes a chain height, after the attack is detected,
// the progress height is successfully reduced at the next sync invocation.
func TestFakedSyncProgress62(t *testing.T) { testFakedSyncProgress(t, 62, FullSync) }
func TestFakedSyncProgress63Full(t *testing.T) { testFakedSyncProgress(t, 63, FullSync) }
func TestFakedSyncProgress63Fast(t *testing.T) { testFakedSyncProgress(t, 63, FastSync) }
func TestFakedSyncProgress64Full(t *testing.T) { testFakedSyncProgress(t, 64, FullSync) }
func TestFakedSyncProgress64Fast(t *testing.T) { testFakedSyncProgress(t, 64, FastSync) }
func TestFakedSyncProgress64Light(t *testing.T) { testFakedSyncProgress(t, 64, LightSync) }
func testFakedSyncProgress(t *testing.T, protocol int, mode SyncMode) {
tester := newTester()
defer tester.terminate()
chain := testChainBase.shorten(blockCacheItems - 15)
// Set a sync init hook to catch progress changes
starting := make(chan struct{})
progress := make(chan struct{})
tester.downloader.syncInitHook = func(origin, latest uint64) {
starting <- struct{}{}
checkProgress(t, tester.downloader, "pristine", ethereum.SyncProgress{})
// Create and sync with an attacker that promises a higher chain than available.
brokenChain := chain.shorten(chain.len())
numMissing := 5
for i := brokenChain.len() - 2; i > brokenChain.len()-numMissing; i-- {
delete(brokenChain.headerm, brokenChain.chain[i])
tester.newPeer("attack", protocol, brokenChain)
pending := new(sync.WaitGroup)
go func() {
defer pending.Done()
if err := tester.sync("attack", 0, mode); err == nil {
panic("succeeded attacker synchronisation")
checkProgress(t, tester.downloader, "initial", ethereum.SyncProgress{
HighestBlock: uint64(brokenChain.len() - 1),
progress <- struct{}{}
afterFailedSync := tester.downloader.Progress()
// Synchronise with a good peer and check that the progress height has been reduced to
// the true value.
validChain := chain.shorten(chain.len() - numMissing)
tester.newPeer("valid", protocol, validChain)
go func() {
defer pending.Done()
if err := tester.sync("valid", 0, mode); err != nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("failed to synchronise blocks: %v", err))
checkProgress(t, tester.downloader, "completing", ethereum.SyncProgress{
CurrentBlock: afterFailedSync.CurrentBlock,
HighestBlock: uint64(validChain.len() - 1),
// Check final progress after successful sync.
progress <- struct{}{}
checkProgress(t, tester.downloader, "final", ethereum.SyncProgress{
CurrentBlock: uint64(validChain.len() - 1),
HighestBlock: uint64(validChain.len() - 1),
// This test reproduces an issue where unexpected deliveries would
// block indefinitely if they arrived at the right time.
func TestDeliverHeadersHang(t *testing.T) {
testCases := []struct {
protocol int
syncMode SyncMode
{62, FullSync},
{63, FullSync},
{63, FastSync},
{64, FullSync},
{64, FastSync},
{64, LightSync},
for _, tc := range testCases {
t.Run(fmt.Sprintf("protocol %d mode %v", tc.protocol, tc.syncMode), func(t *testing.T) {
testDeliverHeadersHang(t, tc.protocol, tc.syncMode)
func testDeliverHeadersHang(t *testing.T, protocol int, mode SyncMode) {
master := newTester()
defer master.terminate()
chain := testChainBase.shorten(15)
for i := 0; i < 200; i++ {
tester := newTester()
tester.peerDb = master.peerDb
tester.newPeer("peer", protocol, chain)
// Whenever the downloader requests headers, flood it with
// a lot of unrequested header deliveries.
tester.downloader.peers.peers["peer"].peer = &floodingTestPeer{
peer: tester.downloader.peers.peers["peer"].peer,
tester: tester,
if err := tester.sync("peer", 0, mode); err != nil {
t.Errorf("test %d: sync failed: %v", i, err)
type floodingTestPeer struct {
peer Peer
tester *downloadTester
func (ftp *floodingTestPeer) Head() (common.Hash, uint64) { return ftp.peer.Head() }
func (ftp *floodingTestPeer) RequestHeadersByHash(hash common.Hash, count int, skip int, reverse, withGov bool) error {
return ftp.peer.RequestHeadersByHash(hash, count, skip, reverse, withGov)
func (ftp *floodingTestPeer) RequestGovStateByHash(hash common.Hash) error {
return ftp.peer.RequestGovStateByHash(hash)
func (ftp *floodingTestPeer) RequestBodies(hashes []common.Hash) error {
return ftp.peer.RequestBodies(hashes)
func (ftp *floodingTestPeer) RequestReceipts(hashes []common.Hash) error {
return ftp.peer.RequestReceipts(hashes)
func (ftp *floodingTestPeer) RequestNodeData(hashes []common.Hash) error {
return ftp.peer.RequestNodeData(hashes)
func (ftp *floodingTestPeer) RequestHeadersByNumber(from uint64, count, skip int, reverse, withGov bool) error {
deliveriesDone := make(chan struct{}, 500)
for i := 0; i < cap(deliveriesDone)-1; i++ {
peer := fmt.Sprintf("fake-peer%d", i)
go func() {
ftp.tester.downloader.DeliverHeaders(peer, []*types.HeaderWithGovState{{}, {}, {}, {}})
deliveriesDone <- struct{}{}
// None of the extra deliveries should block.
timeout := time.After(60 * time.Second)
launched := false
for i := 0; i < cap(deliveriesDone); i++ {
select {
case <-deliveriesDone:
if !launched {
// Start delivering the requested headers
// after one of the flooding responses has arrived.
go func() {
ftp.peer.RequestHeadersByNumber(from, count, skip, reverse, withGov)
deliveriesDone <- struct{}{}
launched = true
case <-timeout:
return nil