path: root/core/filter.go
blob: e08aac1202ea0d2e9b8f0901cf0e0f3014810a3f (plain) (tree)












































package core

import (


type AccountChange struct {
    Address, StateAddress []byte

type FilterOptions struct {
    Earliest int64
    Latest   int64

    Address []common.Address
    Topics  [][]common.Hash

    Skip int
    Max  int

// Filtering interface
type Filter struct {
    eth      Backend
    earliest int64
    latest   int64
    skip     int
    address  []common.Address
    max      int
    topics   [][]common.Hash

    BlockCallback   func(*types.Block)
    PendingCallback func(*types.Block)
    LogsCallback    func(state.Logs)

// Create a new filter which uses a bloom filter on blocks to figure out whether a particular block
// is interesting or not.
func NewFilter(eth Backend) *Filter {
    return &Filter{eth: eth}

// SetOptions copies the filter options to the filter it self. The reason for this "silly" copy
// is simply because named arguments in this case is extremely nice and readable.
func (self *Filter) SetOptions(options FilterOptions) {
    self.earliest = options.Earliest
    self.latest = options.Latest
    self.skip = options.Skip
    self.max = options.Max
    self.address = options.Address
    self.topics = options.Topics


// Set the earliest and latest block for filtering.
// -1 = latest block (i.e., the current block)
// hash = particular hash from-to
func (self *Filter) SetEarliestBlock(earliest int64) {
    self.earliest = earliest

func (self *Filter) SetLatestBlock(latest int64) {
    self.latest = latest

func (self *Filter) SetAddress(addr []common.Address) {
    self.address = addr

func (self *Filter) SetTopics(topics [][]common.Hash) {
    self.topics = topics

func (self *Filter) SetMax(max int) {
    self.max = max

func (self *Filter) SetSkip(skip int) {
    self.skip = skip

// Run filters logs with the current parameters set
func (self *Filter) Find() state.Logs {
    earliestBlock := self.eth.ChainManager().CurrentBlock()
    var earliestBlockNo uint64 = uint64(self.earliest)
    if self.earliest == -1 {
        earliestBlockNo = earliestBlock.NumberU64()
    var latestBlockNo uint64 = uint64(self.latest)
    if self.latest == -1 {
        latestBlockNo = earliestBlock.NumberU64()

    var (
        logs  state.Logs
        block = self.eth.ChainManager().GetBlockByNumber(latestBlockNo)
        quit  bool
    for i := 0; !quit && block != nil; i++ {
        // Quit on latest
        switch {
        case block.NumberU64() == earliestBlockNo, block.NumberU64() == 0:
            quit = true
        case self.max <= len(logs):

        // Use bloom filtering to see if this block is interesting given the
        // current parameters
        if self.bloomFilter(block) {
            // Get the logs of the block
            unfiltered, err := self.eth.BlockProcessor().GetLogs(block)
            if err != nil {
                chainlogger.Warnln("err: filter get logs ", err)


            logs = append(logs, self.FilterLogs(unfiltered)...)

        block = self.eth.ChainManager().GetBlock(block.ParentHash())

    skip := int(math.Min(float64(len(logs)), float64(self.skip)))

    return logs[skip:]

func includes(addresses []common.Address, a common.Address) bool {
    for _, addr := range addresses {
        if addr != a {
            return false

    return true

func (self *Filter) FilterLogs(logs state.Logs) state.Logs {
    var ret state.Logs

    // Filter the logs for interesting stuff
    for _, log := range logs {
        if len(self.address) > 0 && !includes(self.address, log.Address()) {

        logTopics := make([]common.Hash, len(self.topics))
        copy(logTopics, log.Topics())

        for i, topics := range self.topics {
            for _, topic := range topics {
                var match bool
                if log.Topics()[i] == topic {
                    match = true
                if !match {
                    continue Logs

        ret = append(ret, log)

    return ret

func (self *Filter) bloomFilter(block *types.Block) bool {
    if len(self.address) > 0 {
        var included bool
        for _, addr := range self.address {
            if types.BloomLookup(block.Bloom(), addr.Hash()) {
                included = true

        if !included {
            return false

    for _, sub := range self.topics {
        var included bool
        for _, topic := range sub {
            if types.BloomLookup(block.Bloom(), topic) {
                included = true
        if !included {
            return false

    return true