// Copyright 2017 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of go-ethereum.
// go-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// go-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with go-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
package main
import (
// nodeDockerfile is the Dockerfile required to run an Ethereum node.
var nodeDockerfile = `
FROM ethereum/client-go:latest
ADD genesis.json /genesis.json
{{if .Unlock}}
ADD signer.json /signer.json
ADD signer.pass /signer.pass
echo 'geth --cache 512 init /genesis.json' > geth.sh && \{{if .Unlock}}
echo 'mkdir -p /root/.ethereum/keystore/ && cp /signer.json /root/.ethereum/keystore/' >> geth.sh && \{{end}}
echo $'geth --networkid {{.NetworkID}} --cache 512 --port {{.Port}} --maxpeers {{.Peers}} {{.LightFlag}} --ethstats \'{{.Ethstats}}\' {{if .BootV4}}--bootnodesv4 {{.BootV4}}{{end}} {{if .BootV5}}--bootnodesv5 {{.BootV5}}{{end}} {{if .Etherbase}}--etherbase {{.Etherbase}} --mine --minerthreads 1{{end}} {{if .Unlock}}--unlock 0 --password /signer.pass --mine{{end}} --targetgaslimit {{.GasTarget}} --gasprice {{.GasPrice}}' >> geth.sh
ENTRYPOINT ["/bin/sh", "geth.sh"]
// nodeComposefile is the docker-compose.yml file required to deploy and maintain
// an Ethereum node (bootnode or miner for now).
var nodeComposefile = `
version: '2'
build: .
image: {{.Network}}/{{.Type}}
- "{{.FullPort}}:{{.FullPort}}"
- "{{.FullPort}}:{{.FullPort}}/udp"{{if .Light}}
- "{{.LightPort}}:{{.LightPort}}/udp"{{end}}
- {{.Datadir}}:/root/.ethereum{{if .Ethashdir}}
- {{.Ethashdir}}:/root/.ethash{{end}}
- FULL_PORT={{.FullPort}}/tcp
- LIGHT_PORT={{.LightPort}}/udp
- TOTAL_PEERS={{.TotalPeers}}
- LIGHT_PEERS={{.LightPeers}}
- STATS_NAME={{.Ethstats}}
- MINER_NAME={{.Etherbase}}
- GAS_TARGET={{.GasTarget}}
- GAS_PRICE={{.GasPrice}}
driver: "json-file"
max-size: "1m"
max-file: "10"
restart: always
// deployNode deploys a new Ethereum node container to a remote machine via SSH,
// docker and docker-compose. If an instance with the specified network name
// already exists there, it will be overwritten!
func deployNode(client *sshClient, network string, bootv4, bootv5 []string, config *nodeInfos, nocache bool) ([]byte, error) {
kind := "sealnode"
if config.keyJSON == "" && config.etherbase == "" {
kind = "bootnode"
bootv4 = make([]string, 0)
bootv5 = make([]string, 0)
// Generate the content to upload to the server
workdir := fmt.Sprintf("%d", rand.Int63())
files := make(map[string][]byte)
lightFlag := ""
if config.peersLight > 0 {
lightFlag = fmt.Sprintf("--lightpeers=%d --lightserv=50", config.peersLight)
dockerfile := new(bytes.Buffer)
template.Must(template.New("").Parse(nodeDockerfile)).Execute(dockerfile, map[string]interface{}{
"NetworkID": config.network,
"Port": config.portFull,
"Peers": config.peersTotal,
"LightFlag": lightFlag,
"BootV4": strings.Join(bootv4, ","),
"BootV5": strings.Join(bootv5, ","),
"Ethstats": config.ethstats,
"Etherbase": config.etherbase,
"GasTarget": uint64(1000000 * config.gasTarget),
"GasPrice": uint64(1000000000 * config.gasPrice),
"Unlock": config.keyJSON != "",
files[filepath.Join(workdir, "Dockerfile")] = dockerfile.Bytes()
composefile := new(bytes.Buffer)
template.Must(template.New("").Parse(nodeComposefile)).Execute(composefile, map[string]interface{}{
"Type": kind,
"Datadir": config.datadir,
"Ethashdir": config.ethashdir,
"Network": network,
"FullPort": config.portFull,
"TotalPeers": config.peersTotal,
"Light": config.peersLight > 0,
"LightPort": config.portFull + 1,
"LightPeers": config.peersLight,
"Ethstats": config.ethstats[:strings.Index(config.ethstats, ":")],
"Etherbase": config.etherbase,
"GasTarget": config.gasTarget,
"GasPrice": config.gasPrice,
files[filepath.Join(workdir, "docker-compose.yaml")] = composefile.Bytes()
files[filepath.Join(workdir, "genesis.json")] = config.genesis
if config.keyJSON != "" {
files[filepath.Join(workdir, "signer.json")] = []byte(config.keyJSON)
files[filepath.Join(workdir, "signer.pass")] = []byte(config.keyPass)
// Upload the deployment files to the remote server (and clean up afterwards)
if out, err := client.Upload(files); err != nil {
return out, err
defer client.Run("rm -rf " + workdir)
// Build and deploy the boot or seal node service
if nocache {
return nil, client.Stream(fmt.Sprintf("cd %s && docker-compose -p %s build --pull --no-cache && docker-compose -p %s up -d --force-recreate", workdir, network, network))
return nil, client.Stream(fmt.Sprintf("cd %s && docker-compose -p %s up -d --build --force-recreate", workdir, network))
// nodeInfos is returned from a boot or seal node status check to allow reporting
// various configuration parameters.
type nodeInfos struct {
genesis []byte
network int64
datadir string
ethashdir string
ethstats string
portFull int
portLight int
enodeFull string
enodeLight string
peersTotal int
peersLight int
etherbase string
keyJSON string
keyPass string
gasTarget float64
gasPrice float64
// Report converts the typed struct into a plain string->string map, containing
// most - but not all - fields for reporting to the user.
func (info *nodeInfos) Report() map[string]string {
report := map[string]string{
"Data directory": info.datadir,
"Listener port (full nodes)": strconv.Itoa(info.portFull),
"Peer count (all total)": strconv.Itoa(info.peersTotal),
"Peer count (light nodes)": strconv.Itoa(info.peersLight),
"Ethstats username": info.ethstats,
if info.peersLight > 0 {
// Light server enabled
report["Listener port (light nodes)"] = strconv.Itoa(info.portLight)
if info.gasTarget > 0 {
// Miner or signer node
report["Gas limit (baseline target)"] = fmt.Sprintf("%0.3f MGas", info.gasTarget)
report["Gas price (minimum accepted)"] = fmt.Sprintf("%0.3f GWei", info.gasPrice)
if info.etherbase != "" {
// Ethash proof-of-work miner
report["Ethash directory"] = info.ethashdir
report["Miner account"] = info.etherbase
if info.keyJSON != "" {
// Clique proof-of-authority signer
var key struct {
Address string `json:"address"`
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(info.keyJSON), &key); err == nil {
report["Signer account"] = common.HexToAddress(key.Address).Hex()
} else {
log.Error("Failed to retrieve signer address", "err", err)
return report
// checkNode does a health-check against an boot or seal node server to verify
// whether it's running, and if yes, whether it's responsive.
func checkNode(client *sshClient, network string, boot bool) (*nodeInfos, error) {
kind := "bootnode"
if !boot {
kind = "sealnode"
// Inspect a possible bootnode container on the host
infos, err := inspectContainer(client, fmt.Sprintf("%s_%s_1", network, kind))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if !infos.running {
return nil, ErrServiceOffline
// Resolve a few types from the environmental variables
totalPeers, _ := strconv.Atoi(infos.envvars["TOTAL_PEERS"])
lightPeers, _ := strconv.Atoi(infos.envvars["LIGHT_PEERS"])
gasTarget, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(infos.envvars["GAS_TARGET"], 64)
gasPrice, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(infos.envvars["GAS_PRICE"], 64)
// Container available, retrieve its node ID and its genesis json
var out []byte
if out, err = client.Run(fmt.Sprintf("docker exec %s_%s_1 geth --exec admin.nodeInfo.id attach", network, kind)); err != nil {
return nil, ErrServiceUnreachable
id := bytes.Trim(bytes.TrimSpace(out), "\"")
if out, err = client.Run(fmt.Sprintf("docker exec %s_%s_1 cat /genesis.json", network, kind)); err != nil {
return nil, ErrServiceUnreachable
genesis := bytes.TrimSpace(out)
keyJSON, keyPass := "", ""
if out, err = client.Run(fmt.Sprintf("docker exec %s_%s_1 cat /signer.json", network, kind)); err == nil {
keyJSON = string(bytes.TrimSpace(out))
if out, err = client.Run(fmt.Sprintf("docker exec %s_%s_1 cat /signer.pass", network, kind)); err == nil {
keyPass = string(bytes.TrimSpace(out))
// Run a sanity check to see if the devp2p is reachable
port := infos.portmap[infos.envvars["FULL_PORT"]]
if err = checkPort(client.server, port); err != nil {
log.Warn(fmt.Sprintf("%s devp2p port seems unreachable", strings.Title(kind)), "server", client.server, "port", port, "err", err)
// Assemble and return the useful infos
stats := &nodeInfos{
genesis: genesis,
datadir: infos.volumes["/root/.ethereum"],
ethashdir: infos.volumes["/root/.ethash"],
portFull: infos.portmap[infos.envvars["FULL_PORT"]],
portLight: infos.portmap[infos.envvars["LIGHT_PORT"]],
peersTotal: totalPeers,
peersLight: lightPeers,
ethstats: infos.envvars["STATS_NAME"],
etherbase: infos.envvars["MINER_NAME"],
keyJSON: keyJSON,
keyPass: keyPass,
gasTarget: gasTarget,
gasPrice: gasPrice,
stats.enodeFull = fmt.Sprintf("enode://%s@%s:%d", id, client.address, stats.portFull)
if stats.portLight != 0 {
stats.enodeLight = fmt.Sprintf("enode://%s@%s:%d?discport=%d", id, client.address, stats.portFull, stats.portLight)
return stats, nil