path: root/accounts/abi/bind/bind_test.go
blob: 46e0b38d0027f1e71d170ece4335604f0a4f85b7 (plain) (tree)
























































































// Copyright 2016 The go-ethereum Authors
// This file is part of the go-ethereum library.
// The go-ethereum library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// The go-ethereum library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// along with the go-ethereum library. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

package bind

import (


var bindTests = []struct {
    name     string
    contract string
    bytecode string
    abi      string
    imports  string
    tester   string
    // Test that the binding is available in combined and separate forms too
        `contract NilContract {}`,
            if b, err := NewEmpty(common.Address{}, nil); b == nil || err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("combined binding (%v) nil or error (%v) not nil", b, nil)
            if b, err := NewEmptyCaller(common.Address{}, nil); b == nil || err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("caller binding (%v) nil or error (%v) not nil", b, nil)
            if b, err := NewEmptyTransactor(common.Address{}, nil); b == nil || err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("transactor binding (%v) nil or error (%v) not nil", b, nil)
    // Test that all the official sample contracts bind correctly
            if b, err := NewToken(common.Address{}, nil); b == nil || err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("binding (%v) nil or error (%v) not nil", b, nil)
            if b, err := NewCrowdsale(common.Address{}, nil); b == nil || err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("binding (%v) nil or error (%v) not nil", b, nil)
            if b, err := NewDAO(common.Address{}, nil); b == nil || err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("binding (%v) nil or error (%v) not nil", b, nil)
    // Test that named and anonymous inputs are handled correctly
        `InputChecker`, ``, ``,

        `if b, err := NewInputChecker(common.Address{}, nil); b == nil || err != nil {
             t.Fatalf("binding (%v) nil or error (%v) not nil", b, nil)
         } else if false { // Don't run, just compile and test types
             var err error

             err = b.NoInput(nil)
             err = b.NamedInput(nil, "")
             err = b.AnonInput(nil, "")
             err = b.NamedInputs(nil, "", "")
             err = b.AnonInputs(nil, "", "")
             err = b.MixedInputs(nil, "", "")

    // Test that named and anonymous outputs are handled correctly
        `OutputChecker`, ``, ``,

        `if b, err := NewOutputChecker(common.Address{}, nil); b == nil || err != nil {
             t.Fatalf("binding (%v) nil or error (%v) not nil", b, nil)
         } else if false { // Don't run, just compile and test types
             var str1, str2 string
             var err error

             err              = b.NoOutput(nil)
             str1, err        = b.NamedOutput(nil)
             str1, err        = b.AnonOutput(nil)
             res, _          := b.NamedOutputs(nil)
             str1, str2, err  = b.CollidingOutputs(nil)
             str1, str2, err  = b.AnonOutputs(nil)
             str1, str2, err  = b.MixedOutputs(nil)

             fmt.Println(str1, str2, res.Str1, res.Str2, err)
    // Tests that named, anonymous and indexed events are handled correctly
        `EventChecker`, ``, ``,

        `if e, err := NewEventChecker(common.Address{}, nil); e == nil || err != nil {
             t.Fatalf("binding (%v) nil or error (%v) not nil", e, nil)
         } else if false { // Don't run, just compile and test types
             var (
                 err  error
               res  bool
                 str  string
                 dat  []byte
                 hash common.Hash
             _, err = e.FilterEmpty(nil)
             _, err = e.FilterIndexed(nil, []common.Address{}, []*big.Int{})

             mit, err := e.FilterMixed(nil, []common.Address{})

             res = mit.Next()  // Make sure the iterator has a Next method
             err = mit.Error() // Make sure the iterator has an Error method
             err = mit.Close() // Make sure the iterator has a Close method

             fmt.Println(mit.Event.Raw.BlockHash) // Make sure the raw log is contained within the results
             fmt.Println(mit.Event.Num)           // Make sure the unpacked non-indexed fields are present
             fmt.Println(mit.Event.Addr)          // Make sure the reconstructed indexed fields are present

             dit, err := e.FilterDynamic(nil, []string{}, [][]byte{})

             str  = dit.Event.Str    // Make sure non-indexed strings retain their type
             dat  = dit.Event.Dat    // Make sure non-indexed bytes retain their type
             hash = dit.Event.IdxStr // Make sure indexed strings turn into hashes
             hash = dit.Event.IdxDat // Make sure indexed bytes turn into hashes

             sink := make(chan *EventCheckerMixed)
             sub, err := e.WatchMixed(nil, sink, []common.Address{})
             defer sub.Unsubscribe()

             event := <-sink
             fmt.Println(event.Raw.BlockHash) // Make sure the raw log is contained within the results
             fmt.Println(event.Num)           // Make sure the unpacked non-indexed fields are present
             fmt.Println(event.Addr)          // Make sure the reconstructed indexed fields are present

             fmt.Println(res, str, dat, hash, err)
         // Run a tiny reflection test to ensure disallowed methods don't appear
         if _, ok := reflect.TypeOf(&EventChecker{}).MethodByName("FilterAnonymous"); ok {
            t.Errorf("binding has disallowed method (FilterAnonymous)")
    // Test that contract interactions (deploy, transact and call) generate working code
            contract Interactor {
                string public deployString;
                string public transactString;

                function Interactor(string str) {
                  deployString = str;

                function transact(string str) {
                  transactString = str;

            // Generate a new random account and a funded simulator
            key, _ := crypto.GenerateKey()
            auth := bind.NewKeyedTransactor(key)
            sim := backends.NewSimulatedBackend(core.GenesisAlloc{auth.From: {Balance: big.NewInt(10000000000)}}, 10000000)

            // Deploy an interaction tester contract and call a transaction on it
            _, _, interactor, err := DeployInteractor(auth, sim, "Deploy string")
            if err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("Failed to deploy interactor contract: %v", err)
            if _, err := interactor.Transact(auth, "Transact string"); err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("Failed to transact with interactor contract: %v", err)
            // Commit all pending transactions in the simulator and check the contract state

            if str, err := interactor.DeployString(nil); err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("Failed to retrieve deploy string: %v", err)
            } else if str != "Deploy string" {
                t.Fatalf("Deploy string mismatch: have '%s', want 'Deploy string'", str)
            if str, err := interactor.TransactString(nil); err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("Failed to retrieve transact string: %v", err)
            } else if str != "Transact string" {
                t.Fatalf("Transact string mismatch: have '%s', want 'Transact string'", str)
    // Tests that plain values can be properly returned and deserialized
            contract Getter {
                function getter() constant returns (string, int, bytes32) {
                    return ("Hi", 1, sha3(""));

            // Generate a new random account and a funded simulator
            key, _ := crypto.GenerateKey()
            auth := bind.NewKeyedTransactor(key)
            sim := backends.NewSimulatedBackend(core.GenesisAlloc{auth.From: {Balance: big.NewInt(10000000000)}}, 10000000)

            // Deploy a tuple tester contract and execute a structured call on it
            _, _, getter, err := DeployGetter(auth, sim)
            if err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("Failed to deploy getter contract: %v", err)

            if str, num, _, err := getter.Getter(nil); err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("Failed to call anonymous field retriever: %v", err)
            } else if str != "Hi" || num.Cmp(big.NewInt(1)) != 0 {
                t.Fatalf("Retrieved value mismatch: have %v/%v, want %v/%v", str, num, "Hi", 1)
    // Tests that tuples can be properly returned and deserialized
            contract Tupler {
                function tuple() constant returns (string a, int b, bytes32 c) {
                    return ("Hi", 1, sha3(""));

            // Generate a new random account and a funded simulator
            key, _ := crypto.GenerateKey()
            auth := bind.NewKeyedTransactor(key)
            sim := backends.NewSimulatedBackend(core.GenesisAlloc{auth.From: {Balance: big.NewInt(10000000000)}}, 10000000)

            // Deploy a tuple tester contract and execute a structured call on it
            _, _, tupler, err := DeployTupler(auth, sim)
            if err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("Failed to deploy tupler contract: %v", err)

            if res, err := tupler.Tuple(nil); err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("Failed to call structure retriever: %v", err)
            } else if res.A != "Hi" || res.B.Cmp(big.NewInt(1)) != 0 {
                t.Fatalf("Retrieved value mismatch: have %v/%v, want %v/%v", res.A, res.B, "Hi", 1)
    // Tests that arrays/slices can be properly returned and deserialized.
    // Only addresses are tested, remainder just compiled to keep the test small.
            contract Slicer {
                function echoAddresses(address[] input) constant returns (address[] output) {
                    return input;
                function echoInts(int[] input) constant returns (int[] output) {
                    return input;
                function echoFancyInts(uint24[23] input) constant returns (uint24[23] output) {
                    return input;
                function echoBools(bool[] input) constant returns (bool[] output) {
                    return input;

            // Generate a new random account and a funded simulator
            key, _ := crypto.GenerateKey()
            auth := bind.NewKeyedTransactor(key)
            sim := backends.NewSimulatedBackend(core.GenesisAlloc{auth.From: {Balance: big.NewInt(10000000000)}}, 10000000)

            // Deploy a slice tester contract and execute a n array call on it
            _, _, slicer, err := DeploySlicer(auth, sim)
            if err != nil {
                    t.Fatalf("Failed to deploy slicer contract: %v", err)

            if out, err := slicer.EchoAddresses(nil, []common.Address{auth.From, common.Address{}}); err != nil {
                    t.Fatalf("Failed to call slice echoer: %v", err)
            } else if !reflect.DeepEqual(out, []common.Address{auth.From, common.Address{}}) {
                    t.Fatalf("Slice return mismatch: have %v, want %v", out, []common.Address{auth.From, common.Address{}})
    // Tests that anonymous default methods can be correctly invoked
            contract Defaulter {
                address public caller;

                function() {
                    caller = msg.sender;

            // Generate a new random account and a funded simulator
            key, _ := crypto.GenerateKey()
            auth := bind.NewKeyedTransactor(key)
            sim := backends.NewSimulatedBackend(core.GenesisAlloc{auth.From: {Balance: big.NewInt(10000000000)}}, 10000000)

            // Deploy a default method invoker contract and execute its default method
            _, _, defaulter, err := DeployDefaulter(auth, sim)
            if err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("Failed to deploy defaulter contract: %v", err)
            if _, err := (&DefaulterRaw{defaulter}).Transfer(auth); err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("Failed to invoke default method: %v", err)

            if caller, err := defaulter.Caller(nil); err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("Failed to call address retriever: %v", err)
            } else if (caller != auth.From) {
                t.Fatalf("Address mismatch: have %v, want %v", caller, auth.From)
    // Tests that non-existent contracts are reported as such (though only simulator test)
            contract NonExistent {
                function String() constant returns(string) {
                    return "I don't exist";
            // Create a simulator and wrap a non-deployed contract
            sim := backends.NewSimulatedBackend(nil, uint64(10000000000))

            nonexistent, err := NewNonExistent(common.Address{}, sim)
            if err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("Failed to access non-existent contract: %v", err)
            // Ensure that contract calls fail with the appropriate error
            if res, err := nonexistent.String(nil); err == nil {
                t.Fatalf("Call succeeded on non-existent contract: %v", res)
            } else if (err != bind.ErrNoCode) {
                t.Fatalf("Error mismatch: have %v, want %v", err, bind.ErrNoCode)
    // Tests that gas estimation works for contracts with weird gas mechanics too.
            contract FunkyGasPattern {
                string public field;

                function SetField(string value) {
                    // This check will screw gas estimation! Good, good!
                    if (msg.gas < 100000) {
                    field = value;

            // Generate a new random account and a funded simulator
            key, _ := crypto.GenerateKey()
            auth := bind.NewKeyedTransactor(key)
            sim := backends.NewSimulatedBackend(core.GenesisAlloc{auth.From: {Balance: big.NewInt(10000000000)}}, 10000000)

            // Deploy a funky gas pattern contract
            _, _, limiter, err := DeployFunkyGasPattern(auth, sim)
            if err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("Failed to deploy funky contract: %v", err)

            // Set the field with automatic estimation and check that it succeeds
            if _, err := limiter.SetField(auth, "automatic"); err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("Failed to call automatically gased transaction: %v", err)

            if field, _ := limiter.Field(nil); field != "automatic" {
                t.Fatalf("Field mismatch: have %v, want %v", field, "automatic")
    // Test that constant functions can be called from an (optional) specified address
            contract CallFrom {
                function callFrom() constant returns(address) {
                    return msg.sender;
        `, `6060604052346000575b6086806100176000396000f300606060405263ffffffff60e060020a60003504166349f8e98281146022575b6000565b34600057602c6055565b6040805173ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff9092168252519081900360200190f35b335b905600a165627a7a72305820aef6b7685c0fa24ba6027e4870404a57df701473fe4107741805c19f5138417c0029`,

            // Generate a new random account and a funded simulator
            key, _ := crypto.GenerateKey()
            auth := bind.NewKeyedTransactor(key)
            sim := backends.NewSimulatedBackend(core.GenesisAlloc{auth.From: {Balance: big.NewInt(10000000000)}}, 10000000)

            // Deploy a sender tester contract and execute a structured call on it
            _, _, callfrom, err := DeployCallFrom(auth, sim)
            if err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("Failed to deploy sender contract: %v", err)

            if res, err := callfrom.CallFrom(nil); err != nil {
                t.Errorf("Failed to call constant function: %v", err)
            } else if res != (common.Address{}) {
                t.Errorf("Invalid address returned, want: %x, got: %x", (common.Address{}), res)

            for _, addr := range []common.Address{common.Address{}, common.Address{1}, common.Address{2}} {
                if res, err := callfrom.CallFrom(&bind.CallOpts{From: addr}); err != nil {
                    t.Fatalf("Failed to call constant function: %v", err)
                } else if res != addr {
                    t.Fatalf("Invalid address returned, want: %x, got: %x", addr, res)
    // Tests that methods and returns with underscores inside work correctly.
        contract Underscorer {
            function UnderscoredOutput() constant returns (int _int, string _string) {
                return (314, "pi");
            function LowerLowerCollision() constant returns (int _res, int res) {
                return (1, 2);
            function LowerUpperCollision() constant returns (int _res, int Res) {
                return (1, 2);
            function UpperLowerCollision() constant returns (int _Res, int res) {
                return (1, 2);
            function UpperUpperCollision() constant returns (int _Res, int Res) {
                return (1, 2);
            function PurelyUnderscoredOutput() constant returns (int _, int res) {
                return (1, 2);
            function AllPurelyUnderscoredOutput() constant returns (int _, int __) {
                return (1, 2);
            function _under_scored_func() constant returns (int _int) {
                return 0;
        `, `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`,

            // Generate a new random account and a funded simulator
            key, _ := crypto.GenerateKey()
            auth := bind.NewKeyedTransactor(key)
            sim := backends.NewSimulatedBackend(core.GenesisAlloc{auth.From: {Balance: big.NewInt(10000000000)}}, 10000000)

            // Deploy a underscorer tester contract and execute a structured call on it
            _, _, underscorer, err := DeployUnderscorer(auth, sim)
            if err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("Failed to deploy underscorer contract: %v", err)

            // Verify that underscored return values correctly parse into structs
            if res, err := underscorer.UnderscoredOutput(nil); err != nil {
                t.Errorf("Failed to call constant function: %v", err)
            } else if res.Int.Cmp(big.NewInt(314)) != 0 || res.String != "pi" {
                t.Errorf("Invalid result, want: {314, \"pi\"}, got: %+v", res)
            // Verify that underscored and non-underscored name collisions force tuple outputs
            var a, b *big.Int

            a, b, _ = underscorer.LowerLowerCollision(nil)
            a, b, _ = underscorer.LowerUpperCollision(nil)
            a, b, _ = underscorer.UpperLowerCollision(nil)
            a, b, _ = underscorer.UpperUpperCollision(nil)
            a, b, _ = underscorer.PurelyUnderscoredOutput(nil)
            a, b, _ = underscorer.AllPurelyUnderscoredOutput(nil)
            a, _ = underscorer.UnderScoredFunc(nil)

            fmt.Println(a, b, err)
    // Tests that logs can be successfully filtered and decoded.
            contract Eventer {
                    event SimpleEvent (
                    address indexed Addr,
                    bytes32 indexed Id,
                    bool    indexed Flag,
                    uint    Value
                function raiseSimpleEvent(address addr, bytes32 id, bool flag, uint value) {
                    SimpleEvent(addr, id, flag, value);

                event NodataEvent (
                    uint   indexed Number,
                    int16  indexed Short,
                    uint32 indexed Long
                function raiseNodataEvent(uint number, int16 short, uint32 long) {
                    NodataEvent(number, short, long);

                event DynamicEvent (
                    string indexed IndexedString,
                    bytes  indexed IndexedBytes,
                    string NonIndexedString,
                    bytes  NonIndexedBytes
                function raiseDynamicEvent(string str, bytes blob) {
                    DynamicEvent(str, blob, str, blob);

            // Generate a new random account and a funded simulator
            key, _ := crypto.GenerateKey()
            auth := bind.NewKeyedTransactor(key)
            sim := backends.NewSimulatedBackend(core.GenesisAlloc{auth.From: {Balance: big.NewInt(10000000000)}}, 10000000)

            // Deploy an eventer contract
            _, _, eventer, err := DeployEventer(auth, sim)
            if err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("Failed to deploy eventer contract: %v", err)

            // Inject a few events into the contract, gradually more in each block
            for i := 1; i <= 3; i++ {
                for j := 1; j <= i; j++ {
                    if _, err := eventer.RaiseSimpleEvent(auth, common.Address{byte(j)}, [32]byte{byte(j)}, true, big.NewInt(int64(10*i+j))); err != nil {
                        t.Fatalf("block %d, event %d: raise failed: %v", i, j, err)
            // Test filtering for certain events and ensure they can be found
            sit, err := eventer.FilterSimpleEvent(nil, []common.Address{common.Address{1}, common.Address{3}}, [][32]byte{{byte(1)}, {byte(2)}, {byte(3)}}, []bool{true})
            if err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("failed to filter for simple events: %v", err)
            defer sit.Close()

            if sit.Event.Value.Uint64() != 11 || !sit.Event.Flag {
                t.Errorf("simple log content mismatch: have %v, want {11, true}", sit.Event)
            if sit.Event.Value.Uint64() != 21 || !sit.Event.Flag {
                t.Errorf("simple log content mismatch: have %v, want {21, true}", sit.Event)
            if sit.Event.Value.Uint64() != 31 || !sit.Event.Flag {
                t.Errorf("simple log content mismatch: have %v, want {31, true}", sit.Event)
            if sit.Event.Value.Uint64() != 33 || !sit.Event.Flag {
                t.Errorf("simple log content mismatch: have %v, want {33, true}", sit.Event)

            if sit.Next() {
                t.Errorf("unexpected simple event found: %+v", sit.Event)
            if err = sit.Error(); err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("simple event iteration failed: %v", err)
            // Test raising and filtering for an event with no data component
            if _, err := eventer.RaiseNodataEvent(auth, big.NewInt(314), 141, 271); err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("failed to raise nodata event: %v", err)

            nit, err := eventer.FilterNodataEvent(nil, []*big.Int{big.NewInt(314)}, []int16{140, 141, 142}, []uint32{271})
            if err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("failed to filter for nodata events: %v", err)
            defer nit.Close()

            if !nit.Next() {
                t.Fatalf("nodata log not found: %v", nit.Error())
            if nit.Event.Number.Uint64() != 314 {
                t.Errorf("nodata log content mismatch: have %v, want 314", nit.Event.Number)
            if nit.Next() {
                t.Errorf("unexpected nodata event found: %+v", nit.Event)
            if err = nit.Error(); err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("nodata event iteration failed: %v", err)
            // Test raising and filtering for events with dynamic indexed components
            if _, err := eventer.RaiseDynamicEvent(auth, "Hello", []byte("World")); err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("failed to raise dynamic event: %v", err)

            dit, err := eventer.FilterDynamicEvent(nil, []string{"Hi", "Hello", "Bye"}, [][]byte{[]byte("World")})
            if err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("failed to filter for dynamic events: %v", err)
            defer dit.Close()

            if !dit.Next() {
                t.Fatalf("dynamic log not found: %v", dit.Error())
            if dit.Event.NonIndexedString != "Hello" || string(dit.Event.NonIndexedBytes) != "World" || dit.Event.IndexedString != common.HexToHash("0x06b3dfaec148fb1bb2b066f10ec285e7c9bf402ab32aa78a5d38e34566810cd2") || dit.Event.IndexedBytes != common.HexToHash("0xf2208c967df089f60420785795c0a9ba8896b0f6f1867fa7f1f12ad6f79c1a18") {
                t.Errorf("dynamic log content mismatch: have %v, want {'0x06b3dfaec148fb1bb2b066f10ec285e7c9bf402ab32aa78a5d38e34566810cd2, '0xf2208c967df089f60420785795c0a9ba8896b0f6f1867fa7f1f12ad6f79c1a18', 'Hello', 'World'}", dit.Event)
            if dit.Next() {
                t.Errorf("unexpected dynamic event found: %+v", dit.Event)
            if err = dit.Error(); err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("dynamic event iteration failed: %v", err)
            // Test subscribing to an event and raising it afterwards
            ch := make(chan *EventerSimpleEvent, 16)
            sub, err := eventer.WatchSimpleEvent(nil, ch, nil, nil, nil)
            if err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("failed to subscribe to simple events: %v", err)
            if _, err := eventer.RaiseSimpleEvent(auth, common.Address{255}, [32]byte{255}, true, big.NewInt(255)); err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("failed to raise subscribed simple event: %v", err)

            select {
            case event := <-ch:
                if event.Value.Uint64() != 255 {
                    t.Errorf("simple log content mismatch: have %v, want 255", event)
            case <-time.After(250 * time.Millisecond):
                t.Fatalf("subscribed simple event didn't arrive")
            // Unsubscribe from the event and make sure we're not delivered more

            if _, err := eventer.RaiseSimpleEvent(auth, common.Address{254}, [32]byte{254}, true, big.NewInt(254)); err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("failed to raise subscribed simple event: %v", err)

            select {
            case event := <-ch:
                t.Fatalf("unsubscribed simple event arrived: %v", event)
            case <-time.After(250 * time.Millisecond):
            contract DeeplyNestedArray {
                uint64[3][4][5] public deepUint64Array;
                function storeDeepUintArray(uint64[3][4][5] arr) public {
                    deepUint64Array = arr;
                function retrieveDeepArray() public view returns (uint64[3][4][5]) {
                    return deepUint64Array;

            // Generate a new random account and a funded simulator
            key, _ := crypto.GenerateKey()
            auth := bind.NewKeyedTransactor(key)
            sim := backends.NewSimulatedBackend(core.GenesisAlloc{auth.From: {Balance: big.NewInt(10000000000)}}, 10000000)

            //deploy the test contract
            _, _, testContract, err := DeployDeeplyNestedArray(auth, sim)
            if err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("Failed to deploy test contract: %v", err)

            // Finish deploy.

            //Create coordinate-filled array, for testing purposes.
            testArr := [5][4][3]uint64{}
            for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
                testArr[i] = [4][3]uint64{}
                for j := 0; j < 4; j++ {
                    testArr[i][j] = [3]uint64{}
                    for k := 0; k < 3; k++ {
                        //pack the coordinates, each array value will be unique, and can be validated easily.
                        testArr[i][j][k] = uint64(i) << 16 | uint64(j) << 8 | uint64(k)

            if _, err := testContract.StoreDeepUintArray(&bind.TransactOpts{
                From: auth.From,
                Signer: auth.Signer,
            }, testArr); err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("Failed to store nested array in test contract: %v", err)


            retrievedArr, err := testContract.RetrieveDeepArray(&bind.CallOpts{
                From: auth.From,
                Pending: false,
            if err != nil {
                t.Fatalf("Failed to retrieve nested array from test contract: %v", err)

            //quick check to see if contents were copied
            // (See accounts/abi/unpack_test.go for more extensive testing)
            if retrievedArr[4][3][2] != testArr[4][3][2] {
                t.Fatalf("Retrieved value does not match expected value! got: %d, expected: %d. %v", retrievedArr[4][3][2], testArr[4][3][2], err)

// Tests that packages generated by the binder can be successfully compiled and
// the requested tester run against it.
func TestBindings(t *testing.T) {
    // Skip the test if no Go command can be found
    gocmd := runtime.GOROOT() + "/bin/go"
    if !common.FileExist(gocmd) {
        t.Skip("go sdk not found for testing")
    // Create a temporary workspace for the test suite
    ws, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "")
    if err != nil {
        t.Fatalf("failed to create temporary workspace: %v", err)
    defer os.RemoveAll(ws)

    pkg := filepath.Join(ws, "bindtest")
    if err = os.MkdirAll(pkg, 0700); err != nil {
        t.Fatalf("failed to create package: %v", err)
    // Generate the test suite for all the contracts
    for i, tt := range bindTests {
        // Generate the binding and create a Go source file in the workspace
        bind, err := Bind([]string{tt.name}, []string{tt.abi}, []string{tt.bytecode}, "bindtest", LangGo)
        if err != nil {
            t.Fatalf("test %d: failed to generate binding: %v", i, err)
        if err = ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(pkg, strings.ToLower(tt.name)+".go"), []byte(bind), 0600); err != nil {
            t.Fatalf("test %d: failed to write binding: %v", i, err)
        // Generate the test file with the injected test code
        code := fmt.Sprintf(`
            package bindtest

            import (

            func Test%s(t *testing.T) {
        `, tt.imports, tt.name, tt.tester)
        if err := ioutil.WriteFile(filepath.Join(pkg, strings.ToLower(tt.name)+"_test.go"), []byte(code), 0600); err != nil {
            t.Fatalf("test %d: failed to write tests: %v", i, err)
    // Test the entire package and report any failures
    cmd := exec.Command(gocmd, "test", "-v", "-count", "1")
    cmd.Dir = pkg
    if out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput(); err != nil {
        t.Fatalf("failed to run binding test: %v\n%s", err, out)