# How to use this documentation This documentation is designed for the users who want to understand or participate in DEXON network. we list the following categories: ## For Developers - [Network Access Guide](Network-Access-Guide.md) - [Create Wallet](Create-Wallet.md) - [DApp Development Guide](DApp-Dev-Guide.md) - [DApp Development](Dapp-Development.md) - [Access to Testnet](Access-to-Testnet.md) - [Tools and Libraries](Tools-and-Libraries.md) - [System Spec](System-Spec.md) - [Accounts](accounts.md) - [Transaction](transaction.md) - [Block](block.md) - [API](API.md) - [JSON-RPC API](rpc-api.md) - [WebSocket API](websocket-api.md) - [DATA API](data-api.md) ## For Miners - [Node Operator Guide](Node-OP-Guide.md) - [Running a testnet BP node](Running--a-BP-node-for-Testnet.md) - [Running a BP node](DEXON-BP-Node-Operation-Guide.md) - [Running a RPC node](DEXON-RPC-Node-Operation-Guide.md) - [Rule for the DEXON node set](Rule-for-the-DEXON-node-set.md) - [Fullnode Development Guide](Fullnode-Dev-Guide.md) - [Contribute to DEXON Fullnode](Fullnode-Development.md) - [List of Repositories](List-of-Repositories.md) - [Technical Documentations](Tech-Docs.md) - [Consensus Algorithm V2 Specification](Consensus-Algo-v2-Spec.md) - [Selection of notary set size](Selection-of-the-notary-set-size.md): this doc describes how to decide the size of notary size according to hypergeometry distribution. - [DKG-Tsig Protocol](DKG-TSIG-Protocol.md): this doc describes the distributed key generation protocol which is the key generation of threshold signature in our implementation. - [On-chain Random Oracle](On-Chain-Random-Oracle.md) - [DEXON Cryptoeconomics](DEXON-Cryptoeconomics.md) - [Governance Contract Interface](Governance-Contract-Interface.md) - [Configuration Change](Configuration-Change.md) - [Resource](Resource.md) - [Blockchain Comparision](Blockchain-Comparison.md) - [DEXON papers](DEXON-PAPERS.md): the papers describe the DEXON consensus algorithm in theory.