#!/usr/bin/env python3
# For help:
# - Run with no arguments.
# - Ask Everett Hildenbrandt (@ehildenb).
# Goals:
# - Validate test inputs with JSON Schemas.
# - Check that tests have been filled.
# - Filter tests based on properties.
# - Convert between various test filler formats.
# Non-goals:
# - Test filling.
# - Test post-state checking.
# Dependencies:
# - python-json
# - python-jsonschema
import sys
import os
import json
import jsonschema
# Utilities
# =========
# Errors/Reporting
exit_status = 0
error_log = []
def _report(*msg):
print("== " + sys.argv[0] + ":", *msg, file=sys.stderr)
def _logerror(*msg):
global exit_status
_report("ERROR:", *msg)
error_log.append(" ".join(msg))
exit_status = 1
def _die(*msg, exit_code=1):
# Filesystem/parsing
def readJSONFile(fname):
if not os.path.isfile(fname):
_die("Not a file:", fname)
with open(fname, "r") as f:
fcontents = f.read()
return json.loads(fcontents)
def writeJSONFile(fname, fcontents):
if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(fname)):
with open(fname, "w") as f:
f.write(json.dumps(fcontents, indent=4, sort_keys=True))
# Functionality
# =============
# Listing tests
def findTests(filePrefix=""):
return [ fullTest for fullTest in [ os.path.join(root, file) for root, _, files in os.walk(".")
for file in files
if file.endswith(".json")
if fullTest.startswith(filePrefix)
def listTests(filePrefixes=[""]):
return [ test for fPrefix in filePrefixes
for test in findTests(filePrefix=fPrefix)
# Schema Validation
def validateSchema(jsonFile, schemaFile):
testSchema = readJSONFile(schemaFile)
defSchema = readJSONFile("JSONSchema/definitions.json")
schema = { "definitions" : dict(defSchema["definitions"], **testSchema["definitions"])
, "patternProperties" : testSchema["patternProperties"]
jsonInput = readJSONFile(jsonFile)
jsonschema.validate(jsonInput, schema)
_logerror("Validation failed:", "schema", schemaFile, "on", jsonFile)
def validateTestFile(jsonFile):
if jsonFile.startswith("./src/VMTestsFiller/"):
schemaFile = "JSONSchema/vm-filler-schema.json"
elif jsonFile.startswith("./src/GeneralStateTestsFiller/"):
schemaFile = "JSONSchema/st-filler-schema.json"
elif jsonFile.startswith("./src/BlockchainTestsFiller/"):
schemaFile = "JSONSchema/bc-filler-schema.json"
elif jsonFile.startswith("./VMTests/"):
schemaFile = "JSONSchema/vm-schema.json"
elif jsonFile.startswith("./GeneralStateTests/"):
schemaFile = "JSONSchema/st-schema.json"
elif jsonFile.startswith("./BlockchainTests/"):
schemaFile = "JSONSchema/bc-schema.json"
_logerror("Do not know how to validate file:", jsonFile)
validateSchema(jsonFile, schemaFile)
# Main
# ====
def _usage():
usage_lines = [ ""
, " usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " [list|format|validate] [<TEST_FILE_PREFIX>*]"
, " where:"
, " list: command to list the matching tests."
, " format: command to format/sort the JSON file."
, " validate: command to check a file against the associated JSON schema (defaults to all files)."
, " <TEST_FILE_PREFIX>: file path prefix to search for tests with."
, " eg. './src/VMTestsFiller' './VMTests' for all VMTests and their fillers."
def main():
if len(sys.argv) < 2:
test_command = sys.argv[1]
if len(sys.argv) == 2:
testList = listTests()
testList = listTests(filePrefixes=sys.argv[2:])
if len(testList) == 0:
_die("No tests listed!!!")
if test_command == "list":
testDo = lambda t: print(t)
elif test_command == "format":
testDo = lambda t: writeJSONFile(t, readJSONFile(t))
elif test_command == "validate":
testDo = validateTestFile
for test in testList:
_report(test_command + ":", test)
if exit_status != 0:
_die("Errors reported!\n[ERROR] " + "\n[ERROR] ".join(error_log))
if __name__ == "__main__":