	This file is part of cpp-ethereum.

	cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
	it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
	the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
	(at your option) any later version.

	cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
	but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
	GNU General Public License for more details.

	You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
	along with cpp-ethereum.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * @author Christian <c@ethdev.com>
 * @author Gav Wood <g@ethdev.com>
 * @date 2014
 * Unit tests for the solidity expression compiler, testing the behaviour of the code.

#include <string>
#include <tuple>
#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
#include <libdevcore/Hash.h>
#include <libsolidity/interface/Exceptions.h>
#include <test/libsolidity/SolidityExecutionFramework.h>

using namespace std;

namespace dev
namespace solidity
namespace test

BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(SolidityEndToEndTest, ExecutionFramework)

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function f(uint a) returns(uint d) { return a * 7; }\n"
	testSolidityAgainstCppOnRange("f(uint256)", [](u256 const& a) -> u256 { return a * 7; }, 0, 100);

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("i_am_not_there()", bytes()).empty());

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract test {
			function f(uint a) returns(uint d) { return 2 ** a; }
	testSolidityAgainstCppOnRange("f(uint256)", [](u256 const& a) -> u256 { return u256(1 << a.convert_to<int>()); }, 0, 16);

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract test {
			function f() returns(uint d) { return 2 ** 3; }
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()", bytes()) == toBigEndian(u256(8)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract test {
			function f() returns(int d) { return (-2) ** 3; }
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()", bytes()) == toBigEndian(u256(-8)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract test {
			function f() returns(uint d) {
				return true ? 5 : 10;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()", bytes()) == toBigEndian(u256(5)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract test {
			function f() returns(uint d) {
				return false ? 5 : 10;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()", bytes()) == toBigEndian(u256(10)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract test {
			function f(uint x) returns(uint d) {
				return x > 100 ? 
							x > 1000 ? 1000 : 100
							x > 50 ? 50 : 10;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(uint256)", u256(1001)) == toBigEndian(u256(1000)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(uint256)", u256(500)) == toBigEndian(u256(100)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(uint256)", u256(80)) == toBigEndian(u256(50)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(uint256)", u256(40)) == toBigEndian(u256(10)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract test {
			function f(bool cond, uint v) returns (uint a, uint b) {
				cond ? a = v : b = v;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(bool,uint256)", true, u256(20)) == encodeArgs(u256(20), u256(0)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(bool,uint256)", false, u256(20)) == encodeArgs(u256(0), u256(20)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract test {
			bytes2[2] data1;
			function f(bool cond) returns (uint) {
				bytes2[2] memory x;
				x[0] = "aa";
				bytes2[2] memory y;
				y[0] = "bb";

				data1 = cond ? x : y;

				uint ret = 0;
				if (data1[0] == "aa")
					ret = 1;

				if (data1[0] == "bb")
					ret = 2;

				return ret;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(bool)", true) == encodeArgs(u256(1)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(bool)", false) == encodeArgs(u256(2)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract test {
			bytes2[2] data1;
			function f(bool cond) returns (uint) {
				data1[0] = "cc";

				bytes2[2] memory x;
				bytes2[2] memory y;
				y[0] = "bb";

				x = cond ? y : data1;

				uint ret = 0;
				if (x[0] == "bb")
					ret = 1;

				if (x[0] == "cc")
					ret = 2;

				return ret;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(bool)", true) == encodeArgs(u256(1)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(bool)", false) == encodeArgs(u256(2)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract test {
			function f(bool cond) returns (uint) {
				uint8 x = 0xcd;
				uint16 y = 0xabab;
				return cond ? x : y;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(bool)", true) == encodeArgs(u256(0xcd)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(bool)", false) == encodeArgs(u256(0xabab)));

/* let's add this back when I figure out the correct type conversion.
	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract test {
			function f(bool cond) returns (bytes32) {
				return cond ? "true" : "false";
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(bool)", true) == encodeArgs(string("true", 4)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(bool)", false) == encodeArgs(string("false", 5)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract test {
			function f(bool cond) returns (uint, uint) {
				return cond ? (1, 2) : (3, 4);
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(bool)", true) == encodeArgs(u256(1), u256(2)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(bool)", false) == encodeArgs(u256(3), u256(4)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract test {
			function x() returns (uint) { return 1; }
			function y() returns (uint) { return 2; }

			function f(bool cond) returns (uint) {
				var z = cond ? x : y;
				return z();
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(bool)", true) == encodeArgs(u256(1)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(bool)", false) == encodeArgs(u256(2)));

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function f(uint n) returns(uint nfac) {\n"
							 "    if (n <= 1) return 1;\n"
							 "    else return n * f(n - 1);\n"
							 "  }\n"
	function<u256(u256)> recursive_calls_cpp = [&recursive_calls_cpp](u256 const& n) -> u256
		if (n <= 1)
			return 1;
			return n * recursive_calls_cpp(n - 1);

	testSolidityAgainstCppOnRange("f(uint256)", recursive_calls_cpp, 0, 5);

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function a() returns(uint n) { return 0; }\n"
							 "  function b() returns(uint n) { return 1; }\n"
							 "  function c() returns(uint n) { return 2; }\n"
							 "  function f() returns(uint n) { return 3; }\n"
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("a()", bytes()) == toBigEndian(u256(0)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("b()", bytes()) == toBigEndian(u256(1)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("c()", bytes()) == toBigEndian(u256(2)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()", bytes()) == toBigEndian(u256(3)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("i_am_not_there()", bytes()) == bytes());

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function a(uint a, uint b, uint c) returns (uint r) { r = a * 100 + b * 10 + c * 1; }\n"
							 "  function b() returns (uint r) { r = a({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}); }\n"
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("b()", bytes()) == toBigEndian(u256(123)));

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function a(uint a, uint b, uint c) returns (uint r) { r = a * 100 + b * 10 + c * 1; }\n"
							 "  function b() returns (uint r) { r = a({c: 3, a: 1, b: 2}); }\n"
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("b()", bytes()) == toBigEndian(u256(123)));

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function f(uint n) returns(uint nfac) {\n"
							 "    nfac = 1;\n"
							 "    var i = 2;\n"
							 "    while (i <= n) nfac *= i++;\n"
							 "  }\n"

	auto while_loop_cpp = [](u256 const& n) -> u256
		u256 nfac = 1;
		u256 i = 2;
		while (i <= n)
			nfac *= i++;

		return nfac;

	testSolidityAgainstCppOnRange("f(uint256)", while_loop_cpp, 0, 5);

	// tests that break and continue statements in nested loops jump to the correct place
	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function f(uint x) returns(uint y) {\n"
							 "    while (x > 1) {\n"
							 "      if (x == 10) break;\n"
							 "      while (x > 5) {\n"
							 "        if (x == 8) break;\n"
							 "        x--;\n"
							 "        if (x == 6) continue;\n"
							 "        return x;\n"
							 "      }\n"
							 "      x--;\n"
							 "      if (x == 3) continue;\n"
							 "      break;\n"
							 "    }\n"
							 "    return x;\n"
							 "  }\n"

	auto nested_loops_cpp = [](u256  n) -> u256
		while (n > 1)
			if (n == 10)
			while (n > 5)
				if (n == 8)
				if (n == 6)
				return n;
			if (n == 3)

		return n;

	testSolidityAgainstCppOnRange("f(uint256)", nested_loops_cpp, 0, 12);

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function f(uint n) returns(uint nfac) {\n"
							 "    nfac = 1;\n"
							 "    for (var i = 2; i <= n; i++)\n"
							 "        nfac *= i;\n"
							 "  }\n"

	auto for_loop_cpp = [](u256 const& n) -> u256
		u256 nfac = 1;
		for (auto i = 2; i <= n; i++)
			nfac *= i;
		return nfac;

	testSolidityAgainstCppOnRange("f(uint256)", for_loop_cpp, 0, 5);

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function f() returns(uint ret) {\n"
							 "    ret = 1;\n"
							 "    for (;;)\n"
							 "    {\n"
							 "        ret += 1;\n"
							 "        if (ret >= 10) break;\n"
							 "    }\n"
							 "  }\n"

	auto for_loop_empty_cpp = []() -> u256
		u256 ret = 1;
		for (;;)
			ret += 1;
			if (ret >= 10) break;
		return ret;

	testSolidityAgainstCpp("f()", for_loop_empty_cpp);

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function f(uint n) returns(uint nfac) {\n"
							 "    nfac = 1;\n"
							 "    uint256 i;\n"
							 "    for (i = 2; i <= n; i++)\n"
							 "        nfac *= i;\n"
							 "  }\n"

	auto for_loop_simple_init_expr_cpp = [](u256 const& n) -> u256
		u256 nfac = 1;
		u256 i;
		for (i = 2; i <= n; i++)
			nfac *= i;
		return nfac;

	testSolidityAgainstCppOnRange("f(uint256)", for_loop_simple_init_expr_cpp, 0, 5);

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract test {
			function f(uint n) returns (uint r)
				uint i = 1;
				uint k = 0;
				for (i *= 5; k < n; i *= 7)
					i += 4;
					if (n % 3 == 0)
					i += 9;
					if (n % 2 == 0)
					i += 19;
				return i;

	auto breakContinue = [](u256 const& n) -> u256
		u256 i = 1;
		u256 k = 0;
		for (i *= 5; k < n; i *= 7)
			i += 4;
			if (n % 3 == 0)
			i += 9;
			if (n % 2 == 0)
			i += 19;
		return i;

	testSolidityAgainstCppOnRange("f(uint256)", breakContinue, 0, 10);

	char const* sourceCode = "contract collatz {\n"
							 "  function run(uint x) returns(uint y) {\n"
							 "    while ((y = x) > 1) {\n"
							 "      if (x % 2 == 0) x = evenStep(x);\n"
							 "      else x = oddStep(x);\n"
							 "    }\n"
							 "  }\n"
							 "  function evenStep(uint x) returns(uint y) {\n"
							 "    return x / 2;\n"
							 "  }\n"
							 "  function oddStep(uint x) returns(uint y) {\n"
							 "    return 3 * x + 1;\n"
							 "  }\n"

	auto evenStep_cpp = [](u256 const& n) -> u256
		return n / 2;

	auto oddStep_cpp = [](u256 const& n) -> u256
		return 3 * n + 1;

	auto collatz_cpp = [&evenStep_cpp, &oddStep_cpp](u256 n) -> u256
		u256 y;
		while ((y = n) > 1)
			if (n % 2 == 0)
				n = evenStep_cpp(n);
				n = oddStep_cpp(n);
		return y;

	testSolidityAgainstCpp("run(uint256)", collatz_cpp, u256(0));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("run(uint256)", collatz_cpp, u256(1));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("run(uint256)", collatz_cpp, u256(2));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("run(uint256)", collatz_cpp, u256(8));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("run(uint256)", collatz_cpp, u256(127));

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function run(uint x1, uint x2, uint x3) returns(uint y) {\n"
							 "    var a = 0x1; var b = 0x10; var c = 0x100;\n"
							 "    y = a + b + c + x1 + x2 + x3;\n"
							 "    y += b + x2;\n"
							 "  }\n"
	auto f = [](u256 const& x1, u256 const& x2, u256 const& x3) -> u256
		u256 a = 0x1;
		u256 b = 0x10;
		u256 c = 0x100;
		u256 y = a + b + c + x1 + x2 + x3;
		return y + b + x2;
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("run(uint256,uint256,uint256)", f, u256(0x1000), u256(0x10000), u256(0x100000));

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function run(bool a, uint32 b, uint64 c) returns(uint256 y) {\n"
							 "    if (a) y = 1;\n"
							 "    y = y * 0x100000000 | ~b;\n"
							 "    y = y * 0x10000000000000000 | ~c;\n"
							 "  }\n"
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("run(bool,uint32,uint64)", true, fromHex("0f0f0f0f"), fromHex("f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0"))
				== fromHex("00000000000000000000000000000000000000""01""f0f0f0f0""0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f"));

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function run() returns(int8 y) {\n"
							 "    uint8 x = 0xfa;\n"
							 "    return int8(x);\n"
							 "  }\n"
				== fromHex("fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffa"));

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function run(bool x1, uint x2) returns(uint y1, bool y2, uint y3) {\n"
							 "    y1 = x2; y2 = x1;\n"
							 "  }\n"
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("run(bool,uint256)", true, 0xcd) == encodeArgs(0xcd, true, 0));

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function run(uint x) returns(uint y) {\n"
							 "    x == 0 || ((x = 8) > 0);\n"
							 "    return x;"
							 "  }\n"

	auto short_circuiting_cpp = [](u256 n) -> u256
		(void)(n == 0 || (n = 8) > 0);
		return n;

	testSolidityAgainstCppOnRange("run(uint256)", short_circuiting_cpp, 0, 2);

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function run() returns(uint256 y) {\n"
							 "    uint32 t = uint32(0xffffffff);\n"
							 "    uint32 x = t + 10;\n"
							 "    if (x >= 0xffffffff) return 0;\n"
							 "    return x;"
							 "  }\n"
	auto high_bits_cleaning_cpp = []() -> u256
		uint32_t t = uint32_t(0xffffffff);
		uint32_t x = t + 10;
		if (x >= 0xffffffff)
			return 0;
		return x;
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("run()", high_bits_cleaning_cpp);

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function run() returns(uint256 y) {\n"
							 "    int64 x = -int32(0xff);\n"
							 "    if (x >= 0xff) return 0;\n"
							 "    return -uint256(x);"
							 "  }\n"
	auto sign_extension_cpp = []() -> u256
		int64_t x = -int32_t(0xff);
		if (x >= 0xff)
			return 0;
		return u256(x) * -1;
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("run()", sign_extension_cpp);

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function run() returns(uint256 y) {\n"
							 "    uint32 t = uint32(0xffffff);\n"
							 "    uint32 x = t * 0xffffff;\n"
							 "    return x / 0x100;"
							 "  }\n"
	auto small_unsigned_types_cpp = []() -> u256
		uint32_t t = uint32_t(0xffffff);
		uint32_t x = t * 0xffffff;
		return x / 0x100;
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("run()", small_unsigned_types_cpp);

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function run() returns(int256 y) {\n"
							 "    return -int32(10) * -int64(20);\n"
							 "  }\n"
	auto small_signed_types_cpp = []() -> u256
		return -int32_t(10) * -int64_t(20);
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("run()", small_signed_types_cpp);

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function fixedBytes() returns(bytes32 ret) {\n"
							 "    return \"abc\\x00\\xff__\";\n"
							 "  }\n"
							 "  function pipeThrough(bytes2 small, bool one) returns(bytes16 large, bool oneRet) {\n"
							 "    oneRet = one;\n"
							 "    large = small;\n"
							 "  }\n"
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("fixedBytes()") == encodeArgs(string("abc\0\xff__", 7)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("pipeThrough(bytes2,bool)", string("\0\x02", 2), true) == encodeArgs(string("\0\x2", 2), true));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract test {
			uint8 x;
			uint v;
			function f() returns (uint r) {
				uint a = 6;
				r = a;
				r += (a++) * 0x10;
				r += (++a) * 0x100;
				v = 3;
				r += (v++) * 0x1000;
				r += (++v) * 0x10000;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(0x53866));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract test {
			function f() returns (bool) {
				bytes2 a = "a";
				bytes2 x = "aa";
				bytes2 b = "b";
				return a < x && x < b;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(true));

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  uint256 value1;\n"
							 "  uint256 value2;\n"
							 "  function get(uint8 which) returns (uint256 value) {\n"
							 "    if (which == 0) return value1;\n"
							 "    else return value2;\n"
							 "  }\n"
							 "  function set(uint8 which, uint256 value) {\n"
							 "    if (which == 0) value1 = value;\n"
							 "    else value2 = value;\n"
							 "  }\n"
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("get(uint8)", byte(0x00)) == encodeArgs(0));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("get(uint8)", byte(0x01)) == encodeArgs(0));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("set(uint8,uint256)", byte(0x00), 0x1234) == encodeArgs());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("set(uint8,uint256)", byte(0x01), 0x8765) == encodeArgs());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("get(uint8)", byte( 0x00)) == encodeArgs(0x1234));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("get(uint8)", byte(0x01)) == encodeArgs(0x8765));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("set(uint8,uint256)", byte(0x00), 0x3) == encodeArgs());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("get(uint8)", byte(0x00)) == encodeArgs(0x3));

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  uint value1;\n"
							 "  uint value2;\n"
							 "  function f(uint x, uint y) returns (uint w) {\n"
							 "    uint value3 = y;"
							 "    value1 += x;\n"
							 "    value3 *= x;"
							 "    value2 *= value3 + value1;\n"
							 "    return value2 += 7;"
							 "  }\n"

	u256 value1;
	u256 value2;
	auto f = [&](u256 const& _x, u256 const& _y) -> u256
		u256 value3 = _y;
		value1 += _x;
		value3 *= _x;
		value2 *= value3 + value1;
		return value2 += 7;
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("f(uint256,uint256)", f, u256(0), u256(6));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("f(uint256,uint256)", f, u256(1), u256(3));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("f(uint256,uint256)", f, u256(2), u256(25));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("f(uint256,uint256)", f, u256(3), u256(69));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("f(uint256,uint256)", f, u256(4), u256(84));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("f(uint256,uint256)", f, u256(5), u256(2));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("f(uint256,uint256)", f, u256(6), u256(51));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("f(uint256,uint256)", f, u256(7), u256(48));

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  mapping(uint8 => uint8) table;\n"
							 "  function get(uint8 k) returns (uint8 v) {\n"
							 "    return table[k];\n"
							 "  }\n"
							 "  function set(uint8 k, uint8 v) {\n"
							 "    table[k] = v;\n"
							 "  }\n"

	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("get(uint8)", byte(0)) == encodeArgs(byte(0x00)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("get(uint8)", byte(0x01)) == encodeArgs(byte(0x00)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("get(uint8)", byte(0xa7)) == encodeArgs(byte(0x00)));
	callContractFunction("set(uint8,uint8)", byte(0x01), byte(0xa1));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("get(uint8)", byte(0x00)) == encodeArgs(byte(0x00)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("get(uint8)", byte(0x01)) == encodeArgs(byte(0xa1)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("get(uint8)", byte(0xa7)) == encodeArgs(byte(0x00)));
	callContractFunction("set(uint8,uint8)", byte(0x00), byte(0xef));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("get(uint8)", byte(0x00)) == encodeArgs(byte(0xef)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("get(uint8)", byte(0x01)) == encodeArgs(byte(0xa1)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("get(uint8)", byte(0xa7)) == encodeArgs(byte(0x00)));
	callContractFunction("set(uint8,uint8)", byte(0x01), byte(0x05));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("get(uint8)", byte(0x00)) == encodeArgs(byte(0xef)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("get(uint8)", byte(0x01)) == encodeArgs(byte(0x05)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("get(uint8)", byte(0xa7)) == encodeArgs(byte(0x00)));

	char const* sourceCode = "contract Ballot {\n"
							 "  mapping(address => bool) canVote;\n"
							 "  mapping(address => uint) voteCount;\n"
							 "  mapping(address => bool) voted;\n"
							 "  function getVoteCount(address addr) returns (uint retVoteCount) {\n"
							 "    return voteCount[addr];\n"
							 "  }\n"
							 "  function grantVoteRight(address addr) {\n"
							 "    canVote[addr] = true;\n"
							 "  }\n"
							 "  function vote(address voter, address vote) returns (bool success) {\n"
							 "    if (!canVote[voter] || voted[voter]) return false;\n"
							 "    voted[voter] = true;\n"
							 "    voteCount[vote] = voteCount[vote] + 1;\n"
							 "    return true;\n"
							 "  }\n"
	class Ballot
		u256 getVoteCount(u160 _address) { return m_voteCount[_address]; }
		void grantVoteRight(u160 _address) { m_canVote[_address] = true; }
		bool vote(u160 _voter, u160 _vote)
			if (!m_canVote[_voter] || m_voted[_voter]) return false;
			m_voted[_voter] = true;
			return true;
		map<u160, bool> m_canVote;
		map<u160, u256> m_voteCount;
		map<u160, bool> m_voted;
	} ballot;

	auto getVoteCount = bind(&Ballot::getVoteCount, &ballot, _1);
	auto grantVoteRight = bind(&Ballot::grantVoteRight, &ballot, _1);
	auto vote = bind(&Ballot::vote, &ballot, _1, _2);
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("getVoteCount(address)", getVoteCount, u160(0));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("getVoteCount(address)", getVoteCount, u160(1));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("getVoteCount(address)", getVoteCount, u160(2));
	// voting without vote right should be rejected
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("vote(address,address)", vote, u160(0), u160(2));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("getVoteCount(address)", getVoteCount, u160(0));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("getVoteCount(address)", getVoteCount, u160(1));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("getVoteCount(address)", getVoteCount, u160(2));
	// grant vote rights
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("grantVoteRight(address)", grantVoteRight, u160(0));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("grantVoteRight(address)", grantVoteRight, u160(1));
	// vote, should increase 2's vote count
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("vote(address,address)", vote, u160(0), u160(2));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("getVoteCount(address)", getVoteCount, u160(0));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("getVoteCount(address)", getVoteCount, u160(1));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("getVoteCount(address)", getVoteCount, u160(2));
	// vote again, should be rejected
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("vote(address,address)", vote, u160(0), u160(1));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("getVoteCount(address)", getVoteCount, u160(0));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("getVoteCount(address)", getVoteCount, u160(1));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("getVoteCount(address)", getVoteCount, u160(2));
	// vote without right to vote
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("vote(address,address)", vote, u160(2), u160(1));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("getVoteCount(address)", getVoteCount, u160(0));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("getVoteCount(address)", getVoteCount, u160(1));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("getVoteCount(address)", getVoteCount, u160(2));
	// grant vote right and now vote again
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("grantVoteRight(address)", grantVoteRight, u160(2));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("vote(address,address)", vote, u160(2), u160(1));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("getVoteCount(address)", getVoteCount, u160(0));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("getVoteCount(address)", getVoteCount, u160(1));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("getVoteCount(address)", getVoteCount, u160(2));

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  uint value;\n"
							 "  mapping(uint => uint) table;\n"
							 "  function f(uint x) returns (uint y) {\n"
							 "    value = x;\n"
							 "    if (x > 0) table[++value] = 8;\n"
							 "    if (x > 1) value--;\n"
							 "    if (x > 2) table[value]++;\n"
							 "    return --table[value++];\n"
							 "  }\n"

	u256 value = 0;
	map<u256, u256> table;
	auto f = [&](u256 const& _x) -> u256
		value = _x;
		if (_x > 0)
			table[++value] = 8;
		if (_x > 1)
			value --;
		if (_x > 2)
		return --table[value++];
	testSolidityAgainstCppOnRange("f(uint256)", f, 0, 5);

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  mapping(uint => mapping(uint => uint)) table;\n"
							 "  function f(uint x, uint y, uint z) returns (uint w) {\n"
							 "    if (z == 0) return table[x][y];\n"
							 "    else return table[x][y] = z;\n"
							 "  }\n"

	map<u256, map<u256, u256>> table;
	auto f = [&](u256 const& _x, u256 const& _y, u256 const& _z) -> u256
		if (_z == 0) return table[_x][_y];
		else return table[_x][_y] = _z;
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("f(uint256,uint256,uint256)", f, u256(4), u256(5), u256(0));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("f(uint256,uint256,uint256)", f, u256(5), u256(4), u256(0));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("f(uint256,uint256,uint256)", f, u256(4), u256(5), u256(9));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("f(uint256,uint256,uint256)", f, u256(4), u256(5), u256(0));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("f(uint256,uint256,uint256)", f, u256(5), u256(4), u256(0));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("f(uint256,uint256,uint256)", f, u256(5), u256(4), u256(7));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("f(uint256,uint256,uint256)", f, u256(4), u256(5), u256(0));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("f(uint256,uint256,uint256)", f, u256(5), u256(4), u256(0));

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  struct s1 {\n"
							 "    uint8 x;\n"
							 "    bool y;\n"
							 "  }\n"
							 "  struct s2 {\n"
							 "    uint32 z;\n"
							 "    s1 s1data;\n"
							 "    mapping(uint8 => s2) recursive;\n"
							 "  }\n"
							 "  s2 data;\n"
							 "  function check() returns (bool ok) {\n"
							 "    return data.z == 1 && data.s1data.x == 2 && \n"
							 "        data.s1data.y == true && \n"
							 "        data.recursive[3].recursive[4].z == 5 && \n"
							 "        data.recursive[4].recursive[3].z == 6 && \n"
							 "        data.recursive[0].s1data.y == false && \n"
							 "        data.recursive[4].z == 9;\n"
							 "  }\n"
							 "  function set() {\n"
							 "    data.z = 1;\n"
							 "    data.s1data.x = 2;\n"
							 "    data.s1data.y = true;\n"
							 "    data.recursive[3].recursive[4].z = 5;\n"
							 "    data.recursive[4].recursive[3].z = 6;\n"
							 "    data.recursive[0].s1data.y = false;\n"
							 "    data.recursive[4].z = 9;\n"
							 "  }\n"
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("check()") == encodeArgs(false));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("set()") == bytes());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("check()") == encodeArgs(true));

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  struct s2 {\n"
							 "    uint32 z;\n"
							 "    mapping(uint8 => s2) recursive;\n"
							 "  }\n"
							 "  s2 data;\n"
							 "  function check() returns (bool ok) {\n"
							 "    return data.z == 2 && \n"
							 "        data.recursive[0].z == 3 && \n"
							 "        data.recursive[0].recursive[1].z == 0 && \n"
							 "        data.recursive[0].recursive[0].z == 1;\n"
							 "  }\n"
							 "  function set() {\n"
							 "    data.z = 2;\n"
							 "    var map = data.recursive;\n"
							 "    s2 inner = map[0];\n"
							 "    inner.z = 3;\n"
							 "    inner.recursive[0].z = inner.recursive[1].z + 1;\n"
							 "  }\n"
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("check()") == encodeArgs(false));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("set()") == bytes());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("check()") == encodeArgs(true));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract test {
			struct topStruct {
				nestedStruct nstr;
				emptyStruct empty;
				uint topValue;
				mapping (uint => uint) topMapping;
			uint toDelete;
			topStruct str;
			struct nestedStruct {
				uint nestedValue;
				mapping (uint => bool) nestedMapping;
			struct emptyStruct{
			function test(){
				toDelete = 5;
				str.topValue = 1;
				str.topMapping[0] = 1;
				str.topMapping[1] = 2;

				str.nstr.nestedValue = 2;
				str.nstr.nestedMapping[0] = true;
				str.nstr.nestedMapping[1] = false;
				delete str;
				delete toDelete;
			function getToDelete() returns (uint res){
				res = toDelete;
			function getTopValue() returns(uint topValue){
				topValue = str.topValue;
			function getNestedValue() returns(uint nestedValue){
				nestedValue = str.nstr.nestedValue;
			function getTopMapping(uint index) returns(uint ret) {
			   ret = str.topMapping[index];
			function getNestedMapping(uint index) returns(bool ret) {
				return str.nstr.nestedMapping[index];
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getToDelete()") == encodeArgs(0));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getTopValue()") == encodeArgs(0));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getNestedValue()") == encodeArgs(0));
	// mapping values should be the same
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getTopMapping(uint256)", 0) == encodeArgs(1));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getTopMapping(uint256)", 1) == encodeArgs(2));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getNestedMapping(uint256)", 0) == encodeArgs(true));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getNestedMapping(uint256)", 1) == encodeArgs(false));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract test {
			function delLocal() returns (uint res){
				uint v = 5;
				delete v;
				res = v;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("delLocal()") == encodeArgs(0));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract test {
			function delLocal() returns (uint res1, uint res2){
				uint v = 5;
				uint w = 6;
				uint x = 7;
				delete v;
				res1 = w;
				res2 = x;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("delLocal()") == encodeArgs(6, 7));

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  mapping(uint => uint) data;\n"
							 "  function test() {\n"
							 "    data[7] = 8;\n"
							 "  }\n"
							 "  function get(uint key) returns (uint value) {\n"
							 "    return data[key];"
							 "  }\n"
	map<u256, byte> data;
	data[7] = 8;
	auto get = [&](u256 const& _x) -> u256
		return data[_x];
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("get(uint256)", get, u256(6));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("get(uint256)", get, u256(7));

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  uint256 public data;\n"
							 "  function test() {\n"
							 "    data = 8;\n"
							 "  }\n"
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("data()") == encodeArgs(8));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract test {
			uint[8] public data;
			uint[] public dynamicData;
			uint24[] public smallTypeData;
			struct st { uint a; uint[] finalArray; }
			mapping(uint256 => mapping(uint256 => st[5])) public multiple_map;

			function test() {
				data[0] = 8;
				dynamicData.length = 3;
				dynamicData[2] = 8;
				smallTypeData.length = 128;
				smallTypeData[1] = 22;
				smallTypeData[127] = 2;
				multiple_map[2][1][2].a = 3;
				multiple_map[2][1][2].finalArray.length = 4;
				multiple_map[2][1][2].finalArray[3] = 5;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("data(uint256)", 0) == encodeArgs(8));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("data(uint256)", 8) == encodeArgs());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("dynamicData(uint256)", 2) == encodeArgs(8));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("dynamicData(uint256)", 8) == encodeArgs());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("smallTypeData(uint256)", 1) == encodeArgs(22));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("smallTypeData(uint256)", 127) == encodeArgs(2));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("smallTypeData(uint256)", 128) == encodeArgs());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("multiple_map(uint256,uint256,uint256)", 2, 1, 2) == encodeArgs(3));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		 contract test {
			mapping(uint => uint[8]) public data;
			mapping(uint => uint[]) public dynamicData;
			function test() {
				data[2][2] = 8;
				dynamicData[2].length = 3;
				dynamicData[2][2] = 8;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("data(uint256,uint256)", 2, 2) == encodeArgs(8));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("data(uint256, 256)", 2, 8) == encodeArgs());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("dynamicData(uint256,uint256)", 2, 2) == encodeArgs(8));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("dynamicData(uint256,uint256)", 2, 8) == encodeArgs());

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  uint256 public data;\n"
							 "  bytes6 public name;\n"
							 "  bytes32 public a_hash;\n"
							 "  address public an_address;\n"
							 "  function test() {\n"
							 "    data = 8;\n"
							 "    name = \"Celina\";\n"
							 "    a_hash = sha3(123);\n"
							 "    an_address = address(0x1337);\n"
							 "    super_secret_data = 42;\n"
							 "  }\n"
							 "  uint256 super_secret_data;"
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("data()") == encodeArgs(8));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("name()") == encodeArgs("Celina"));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("a_hash()") == encodeArgs(dev::sha3(bytes(1, 0x7b))));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("an_address()") == encodeArgs(toBigEndian(u160(0x1337))));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("super_secret_data()") == bytes());

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract test {
			mapping(uint256 => bytes4) public to_string_map;
			mapping(uint256 => bool) public to_bool_map;
			mapping(uint256 => uint256) public to_uint_map;
			mapping(uint256 => mapping(uint256 => uint256)) public to_multiple_map;
			function test() {
				to_string_map[42] = "24";
				to_bool_map[42] = false;
				to_uint_map[42] = 12;
				to_multiple_map[42][23] = 31;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("to_string_map(uint256)", 42) == encodeArgs("24"));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("to_bool_map(uint256)", 42) == encodeArgs(false));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("to_uint_map(uint256)", 42) == encodeArgs(12));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("to_multiple_map(uint256,uint256)", 42, 23) == encodeArgs(31));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract test {
			struct Data { uint a; uint8 b; mapping(uint => uint) c; bool d; }
			mapping(uint => Data) public data;
			function test() {
				data[7].a = 1;
				data[7].b = 2;
				data[7].c[0] = 3;
				data[7].d = true;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("data(uint256)", 7) == encodeArgs(1, 2, true));

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function getBalance() returns (uint256 balance) {\n"
							 "    return address(this).balance;\n"
							 "  }\n"
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 23);
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getBalance()") == encodeArgs(23));

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function someInfo() returns (uint256 value, address coinbase, uint256 blockNumber) {\n"
							 "    value = msg.value;\n"
							 "    coinbase = block.coinbase;\n"
							 "    blockNumber = block.number;\n"
							 "  }\n"
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 27);
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunctionWithValue("someInfo()", 28) == encodeArgs(28, 0x123, 7));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract test {
			function foo(uint256 a) returns (bytes4 value) {
				return msg.sig;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunctionWithValue("foo(uint256)", 13) == encodeArgs(asString(FixedHash<4>(dev::sha3("foo(uint256)")).asBytes())));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract test {
			function boo() returns (bytes4 value) {
				return msg.sig;
			function foo(uint256 a) returns (bytes4 value) {
				return boo();
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunctionWithValue("foo(uint256)", 13) == encodeArgs(asString(FixedHash<4>(dev::sha3("foo(uint256)")).asBytes())));

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function someInfo() returns (bool equal, uint val) {\n"
							 "    equal = block.timestamp == now;\n"
							 "    val = now;\n"
							 "  }\n"
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("someInfo()") == encodeArgs(true, 9));

	// 22-byte integer converted to a contract (i.e. address, 20 bytes), converted to a 32 byte
	// integer should drop the first two bytes
	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Test {
			function test() returns (uint ret) { return uint(address(Test(address(0x11223344556677889900112233445566778899001122)))); }
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("test()") == bytes({0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00,
														   0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77, 0x88, 0x99, 0x00, 0x11, 0x22,
														   0x33, 0x44, 0x55, 0x66, 0x77, 0x88, 0x99, 0x00, 0x11, 0x22}));
// fixed bytes to fixed bytes conversion tests
	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Test {
			function bytesToBytes(bytes4 input) returns (bytes2 ret) {
				return bytes2(input);
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("bytesToBytes(bytes4)", "abcd") == encodeArgs("ab"));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Test {
			function bytesToBytes(bytes2 input) returns (bytes4 ret) {
				return bytes4(input);
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("bytesToBytes(bytes2)", "ab") == encodeArgs("ab"));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Test {
			function bytesToBytes(bytes4 input) returns (bytes4 ret) {
				return bytes4(input);
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("bytesToBytes(bytes4)", "abcd") == encodeArgs("abcd"));

// fixed bytes to uint conversion tests
	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Test {
			function bytesToUint(bytes32 s) returns (uint256 h) {
				return uint(s);
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("bytesToUint(bytes32)", string("abc2")) ==

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Test {
			function bytesToUint(bytes1 s) returns (uint8 h) {
				return uint8(s);
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("bytesToUint(bytes1)", string("a")) ==

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Test {
			function bytesToUint(bytes4 s) returns (uint16 h) {
				return uint16(s);
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("bytesToUint(bytes4)", string("abcd")) ==

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Test {
			function bytesToUint(bytes4 s) returns (uint64 h) {
				return uint64(s);
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("bytesToUint(bytes4)", string("abcd")) ==

// uint fixed bytes conversion tests
	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Test {
			function uintToBytes(uint256 h) returns (bytes32 s) {
				return bytes32(h);
	u256 a("0x6162630000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("uintToBytes(uint256)", a) == encodeArgs(a));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Test {
			function UintToBytes(uint8 h) returns (bytes1 s) {
				return bytes1(h);
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("UintToBytes(uint8)", u256("0x61")) ==

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Test {
			function uintToBytes(uint32 h) returns (bytes2 s) {
				return bytes2(h);
			u160("0x61626364")) == encodeArgs(string("cd")));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Test {
			function UintToBytes(uint16 h) returns (bytes8 s) {
				return bytes8(h);
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("UintToBytes(uint16)", u256("0x6162")) ==
                encodeArgs(string("\0\0\0\0\0\0ab", 8)));

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function a(address addr, uint amount) returns (uint ret) {\n"
							 "    addr.send(amount);\n"
							 "    return address(this).balance;\n"
							 "  }\n"
	u256 amount(130);
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, amount + 1);
	u160 address(23);
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("a(address,uint256)", address, amount) == encodeArgs(1));
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(balanceAt(address), amount);

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function a() {\n"
							 "    log0(1);\n"
							 "  }\n"
	BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(m_logs.size(), 1);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_logs[0].address, m_contractAddress);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(h256(m_logs[0].data), h256(u256(1)));
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_logs[0].topics.size(), 0);

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function a() {\n"
							 "    log1(1, 2);\n"
							 "  }\n"
	BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(m_logs.size(), 1);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_logs[0].address, m_contractAddress);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(h256(m_logs[0].data), h256(u256(1)));
	BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(m_logs[0].topics.size(), 1);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_logs[0].topics[0], h256(u256(2)));

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function a() {\n"
							 "    log2(1, 2, 3);\n"
							 "  }\n"
	BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(m_logs.size(), 1);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_logs[0].address, m_contractAddress);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(h256(m_logs[0].data), h256(u256(1)));
	BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(m_logs[0].topics.size(), 2);
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < 2; ++i)
		BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_logs[0].topics[i], h256(u256(i + 2)));

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function a() {\n"
							 "    log3(1, 2, 3, 4);\n"
							 "  }\n"
	BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(m_logs.size(), 1);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_logs[0].address, m_contractAddress);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(h256(m_logs[0].data), h256(u256(1)));
	BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(m_logs[0].topics.size(), 3);
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
		BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_logs[0].topics[i], h256(u256(i + 2)));

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function a() {\n"
							 "    log4(1, 2, 3, 4, 5);\n"
							 "  }\n"
	BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(m_logs.size(), 1);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_logs[0].address, m_contractAddress);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(h256(m_logs[0].data), h256(u256(1)));
	BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(m_logs[0].topics.size(), 4);
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; ++i)
		BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_logs[0].topics[i], h256(u256(i + 2)));

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function test() {\n"
							 "    log1(1, 2);\n"
							 "  }\n"
	BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(m_logs.size(), 1);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_logs[0].address, m_contractAddress);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(h256(m_logs[0].data), h256(u256(1)));
	BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(m_logs[0].topics.size(), 1);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_logs[0].topics[0], h256(u256(2)));

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function a(address receiver) returns (uint ret) {\n"
							 "    suicide(receiver);\n"
							 "    return 10;\n"
							 "  }\n"
	u256 amount(130);
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, amount);
	u160 address(23);
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("a(address)", address) == bytes());
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(balanceAt(address), amount);

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function a(address receiver) returns (uint ret) {\n"
							 "    selfdestruct(receiver);\n"
							 "    return 10;\n"
							 "  }\n"
	u256 amount(130);
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, amount);
	u160 address(23);
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("a(address)", address) == bytes());
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(balanceAt(address), amount);

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function a(bytes32 input) returns (bytes32 sha3hash) {\n"
							 "    return sha3(input);\n"
							 "  }\n"
	auto f = [&](u256 const& _x) -> u256
		return dev::sha3(toBigEndian(_x));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("a(bytes32)", f, u256(4));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("a(bytes32)", f, u256(5));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("a(bytes32)", f, u256(-1));

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function a(bytes32 input) returns (bytes32 sha256hash) {\n"
							 "    return sha256(input);\n"
							 "  }\n"
	auto f = [&](u256 const& _input) -> u256
		return dev::sha256(dev::ref(toBigEndian(_input)));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("a(bytes32)", f, u256(4));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("a(bytes32)", f, u256(5));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("a(bytes32)", f, u256(-1));

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function a(bytes32 input) returns (bytes32 sha256hash) {\n"
							 "    return ripemd160(input);\n"
							 "  }\n"
	auto f = [&](u256 const& _input) -> u256
		return h256(dev::ripemd160(h256(_input).ref()), h256::AlignLeft);	// This should be aligned right. i guess it's fixed elsewhere?
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("a(bytes32)", f, u256(4));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("a(bytes32)", f, u256(5));
	testSolidityAgainstCpp("a(bytes32)", f, u256(-1));

	char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
							 "  function a(bytes32 h, uint8 v, bytes32 r, bytes32 s) returns (address addr) {\n"
							 "    return ecrecover(h, v, r, s);\n"
							 "  }\n"
	u256 h("0x18c547e4f7b0f325ad1e56f57e26c745b09a3e503d86e00e5255ff7f715d3d1c");
	byte v = 28;
	u256 r("0x73b1693892219d736caba55bdb67216e485557ea6b6af75f37096c9aa6a5a75f");
	u256 s("0xeeb940b1d03b21e36b0e47e79769f095fe2ab855bd91e3a38756b7d75a9c4549");
	u160 addr("0xa94f5374fce5edbc8e2a8697c15331677e6ebf0b");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("a(bytes32,uint8,bytes32,bytes32)", h, v, r, s) == encodeArgs(addr));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Helper {
			function multiply(uint a, uint b) returns (uint c) {
				return a * b;
		contract Main {
			Helper h;
			function callHelper(uint a, uint b) returns (uint c) {
				return h.multiply(a, b);
			function getHelper() returns (address haddress) {
				return address(h);
			function setHelper(address haddress) {
				h = Helper(haddress);
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Helper");
	u160 const c_helperAddress = m_contractAddress;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Main");
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("setHelper(address)", c_helperAddress) == bytes());
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("getHelper()", c_helperAddress) == encodeArgs(c_helperAddress));
	u256 a(3456789);
	u256 b("0x282837623374623234aa74");
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("callHelper(uint256,uint256)", a, b) == encodeArgs(a * b));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Helper {
			function sel(uint a, bool select, uint b) returns (uint c) {
				if (select) return a; else return b;
		contract Main {
			Helper h;
			function callHelper(uint a, bool select, uint b) returns (uint c) {
				return h.sel(a, select, b) * 3;
			function getHelper() returns (address haddress) {
				return address(h);
			function setHelper(address haddress) {
				h = Helper(haddress);
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Helper");
	u160 const c_helperAddress = m_contractAddress;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Main");
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("setHelper(address)", c_helperAddress) == bytes());
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("getHelper()", c_helperAddress) == encodeArgs(c_helperAddress));
	u256 a(3456789);
	u256 b("0x282837623374623234aa74");
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("callHelper(uint256,bool,uint256)", a, true, b) == encodeArgs(a * 3));
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("callHelper(uint256,bool,uint256)", a, false, b) == encodeArgs(b * 3));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Helper {
			function getAddress() returns (address addr) {
				return address(this);
		contract Main {
			Helper h;
			function callHelper() returns (address addr) {
				return h.getAddress();
			function getHelper() returns (address addr) {
				return address(h);
			function setHelper(address addr) {
				h = Helper(addr);
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Helper");
	u160 const c_helperAddress = m_contractAddress;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Main");
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("setHelper(address)", c_helperAddress) == bytes());
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("getHelper()", c_helperAddress) == encodeArgs(c_helperAddress));
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("callHelper()") == encodeArgs(c_helperAddress));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Helper {
			function invoke(uint a, uint b) returns (uint c) {
				return this.multiply(a, b, 10);
			function multiply(uint a, uint b, uint8 c) returns (uint ret) {
				return a * b + c;
		contract Main {
			Helper h;
			function callHelper(uint a, uint b) returns (uint ret) {
				return h.invoke(a, b);
			function getHelper() returns (address addr) {
				return address(h);
			function setHelper(address addr) {
				h = Helper(addr);
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Helper");
	u160 const c_helperAddress = m_contractAddress;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Main");
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("setHelper(address)", c_helperAddress) == bytes());
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("getHelper()", c_helperAddress) == encodeArgs(c_helperAddress));
	u256 a(3456789);
	u256 b("0x282837623374623234aa74");
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("callHelper(uint256,uint256)", a, b) == encodeArgs(a * b + 10));

	// note that a reference to another contract's function occupies two stack slots,
	// so this tests correct stack slot allocation
	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Helper {
			function multiply(uint a, uint b) returns (uint c) {
				return a * b;
		contract Main {
			Helper h;
			function callHelper(uint a, uint b) returns (uint c) {
				var fu = h.multiply;
				var y = 9;
				var ret = fu(a, b);
				return ret + y;
			function getHelper() returns (address haddress) {
				return address(h);
			function setHelper(address haddress) {
				h = Helper(haddress);
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Helper");
	u160 const c_helperAddress = m_contractAddress;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Main");
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("setHelper(address)", c_helperAddress) == bytes());
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("getHelper()", c_helperAddress) == encodeArgs(c_helperAddress));
	u256 a(3456789);
	u256 b("0x282837623374623234aa74");
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("callHelper(uint256,uint256)", a, b) == encodeArgs(a * b + 9));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Helper {
			function invoke(bytes3 x, bool stop) returns (bytes4 ret) {
				return x;
		contract Main {
			Helper h;
			function callHelper(bytes2 x, bool stop) returns (bytes5 ret) {
				return h.invoke(x, stop);
			function getHelper() returns (address addr) {
				return address(h);
			function setHelper(address addr) {
				h = Helper(addr);
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Helper");
	u160 const c_helperAddress = m_contractAddress;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Main");
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("setHelper(address)", c_helperAddress) == bytes());
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("getHelper()", c_helperAddress) == encodeArgs(c_helperAddress));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("callHelper(bytes2,bool)", string("\0a", 2), true) == encodeArgs(string("\0a\0\0\0", 5)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Helper {
			bytes3 name;
			bool flag;

			function Helper(bytes3 x, bool f) {
				name = x;
				flag = f;
			function getName() returns (bytes3 ret) { return name; }
			function getFlag() returns (bool ret) { return flag; }
		contract Main {
			Helper h;
			function Main() {
				h = new Helper("abc", true);
			function getFlag() returns (bool ret) { return h.getFlag(); }
			function getName() returns (bytes3 ret) { return h.getName(); }
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Main");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getFlag()") == encodeArgs(true));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getName()") == encodeArgs("abc"));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Main {
			bytes3 name;
			bool flag;

			function Main(bytes3 x, bool f) {
				name = x;
				flag = f;
			function getName() returns (bytes3 ret) { return name; }
			function getFlag() returns (bool ret) { return flag; }
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Main", encodeArgs("abc", true));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getFlag()") == encodeArgs(true));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getName()") == encodeArgs("abc"));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Main {
			string public a;
			string public b;

			function Main(string _a, string _b) {
				a = _a;
				b = _b;
	string a = "01234567890123gabddunaouhdaoneudapcgadi4567890789012oneudapcgadi4567890789012oneudapcgadi4567890789012oneudapcgadi4567890789012oneudapcgadi4567890789012oneudapcgadi4567890789012oneudapcgadi4567890789012oneudapcgadi45678907890123456789abcd123456787890123456789abcd90123456789012345678901234567890123456789aboneudapcgadi4567890789012oneudapcgadi4567890789012oneudapcgadi45678907890123456789abcd123456787890123456789abcd90123456789012345678901234567890123456789aboneudapcgadi4567890789012oneudapcgadi4567890789012oneudapcgadi45678907890123456789abcd123456787890123456789abcd90123456789012345678901234567890123456789aboneudapcgadi4567890789012cdef";

	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Main", encodeArgs(
		u256(0x40 + 0x20 + ((a.length() + 31) / 32) * 32),
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("a()") == encodeDyn(a));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("b()") == encodeDyn(b));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			uint public a;
			uint[3] public b;

			function C(uint _a, uint[3] _b) {
				a = _a;
				b = _b;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C", encodeArgs(u256(1), u256(2), u256(3), u256(4)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("a()") == encodeArgs(u256(1)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("b(uint256)", u256(0)) == encodeArgs(u256(2)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("b(uint256)", u256(1)) == encodeArgs(u256(3)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("b(uint256)", u256(2)) == encodeArgs(u256(4)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Test {
			bytes3 name;
			bool flag;
			function Test() {
			function getName() returns (bytes3 ret) { return name; }
			function setName(bytes3 _name) private { name = _name; }
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("getName()") == encodeArgs("abc"));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract helper {
		contract test {
			helper h;
			function test() { h = new helper(); h.send(5); }
			function getBalance() returns (uint256 myBalance, uint256 helperBalance) {
				myBalance = this.balance;
				helperBalance = h.balance;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 20);
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("getBalance()") == encodeArgs(u256(20 - 5), u256(5)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract helper {
			bool flag;
			function getBalance() returns (uint256 myBalance) {
				return this.balance;
			function setFlag() { flag = true; }
			function getFlag() returns (bool fl) { return flag; }
		contract test {
			helper h;
			function test() { h = new helper(); }
			function sendAmount(uint amount) returns (uint256 bal) {
				return h.getBalance.value(amount)();
			function outOfGas() returns (bool ret) {
				h.setFlag.gas(2)(); // should fail due to OOG
				return true;
			function checkState() returns (bool flagAfter, uint myBal) {
				flagAfter = h.getFlag();
				myBal = this.balance;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 20);
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("sendAmount(uint256)", 5) == encodeArgs(5));
	// call to helper should not succeed but amount should be transferred anyway
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("outOfGas()", 5) == bytes());
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("checkState()", 5) == encodeArgs(false, 20 - 5));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Contract {
			function test(uint g) returns (bytes32 data, bool flag) {
				data = ripemd160.gas(g)("abc");
				flag = true;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("test(uint256)", 500) == bytes());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("test(uint256)", 800) == encodeArgs(u256("0x8eb208f7e05d987a9b044a8e98c6b087f15a0bfc000000000000000000000000"), true));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract helper {
			function getBalance() returns (uint256 myBalance) {
				return this.balance;
		contract test {
			helper h;
			function test() { h = new helper(); }
			function sendAmount(uint amount) returns (uint256 bal) {
				var x1 = h.getBalance.value(amount);
				uint someStackElement = 20;
				var x2 = x1.gas(1000);
				return x2.value(amount + 3)();// overwrite value
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 20);
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("sendAmount(uint256)", 5) == encodeArgs(8));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract helper {
			function getBalance() returns (uint256 myBalance) {
				return this.balance;
		contract test {
			helper h;
			function test() { h = new helper(); }
			function sendAmount(uint amount) returns (uint256 bal) {
				var x1 = h.getBalance.value;
				var x2 = x1(amount).gas;
				var x3 = x2(1000).value;
				return x3(amount + 3)();// overwrite value
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 20);
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("sendAmount(uint256)", 5) == encodeArgs(8));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Helper {
			bytes3 name;
			bool flag;
			function Helper(bytes3 x, bool f) {
				name = x;
				flag = f;
			function getName() returns (bytes3 ret) { return name; }
			function getFlag() returns (bool ret) { return flag; }
		contract Main {
			Helper h;
			function Main() {
				h = (new Helper).value(10)("abc", true);
			function getFlag() returns (bool ret) { return h.getFlag(); }
			function getName() returns (bytes3 ret) { return h.getName(); }
			function getBalances() returns (uint me, uint them) { me = this.balance; them = h.balance;}
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 22, "Main");
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("getFlag()") == encodeArgs(true));
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("getName()") == encodeArgs("abc"));
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("getBalances()") == encodeArgs(12, 10));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Base {
			function f() returns (uint i) { return g(); }
			function g() returns (uint i) { return 1; }
		contract Derived is Base {
			function g() returns (uint i) { return 2; }
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Derived");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("g()") == encodeArgs(2));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(2));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Base {
			uint dataBase;
			function getViaBase() returns (uint i) { return dataBase; }
		contract Derived is Base {
			uint dataDerived;
			function setData(uint base, uint derived) returns (bool r) {
				dataBase = base;
				dataDerived = derived;
				return true;
			function getViaDerived() returns (uint base, uint derived) {
				base = dataBase;
				derived = dataDerived;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Derived");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("setData(uint256,uint256)", 1, 2) == encodeArgs(true));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getViaBase()") == encodeArgs(1));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getViaDerived()") == encodeArgs(1, 2));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Base {
			uint data;
			function setData(uint i) { data = i; }
			function getViaBase() returns (uint i) { return data; }
		contract A is Base { function setViaA(uint i) { setData(i); } }
		contract B is Base { function getViaB() returns (uint i) { return getViaBase(); } }
		contract Derived is Base, B, A { }
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Derived");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getViaB()") == encodeArgs(0));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("setViaA(uint256)", 23) == encodeArgs());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getViaB()") == encodeArgs(23));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract BaseBase { function g() returns (uint r) { return 1; } }
		contract Base is BaseBase { function g() returns (uint r) { return 2; } }
		contract Derived is Base {
			function f() returns (uint r) { return BaseBase.g(); }
			function g() returns (uint r) { return 3; }
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Derived");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("g()") == encodeArgs(3));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(1));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract BaseBase {
			uint m_a;
			function BaseBase(uint a) {
				m_a = a;
		contract Base is BaseBase(7) {
			function Base() {
				m_a *= m_a;
		contract Derived is Base() {
			function getA() returns (uint r) { return m_a; }
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Derived");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getA()") == encodeArgs(7 * 7));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract BaseBase {
			uint m_a;
			function BaseBase(uint a) {
				m_a = a;
			function g() returns (uint r) { return 2; }
		contract Base is BaseBase(BaseBase.g()) {
		contract Derived is Base() {
			function getA() returns (uint r) { return m_a; }
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Derived");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getA()") == encodeArgs(2));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract BaseBase {
			uint m_a;
			function BaseBase(uint a) {
				m_a = a;
			function overridden() returns (uint r) { return 1; }
			function g() returns (uint r) { return overridden(); }
		contract Base is BaseBase(BaseBase.g()) {
		contract Derived is Base() {
			function getA() returns (uint r) { return m_a; }
			function overridden() returns (uint r) { return 2; }
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Derived");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getA()") == encodeArgs(2));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract BaseBase {
			uint m_a;
			function BaseBase(uint a) {
				m_a = a;
		contract Base is BaseBase(2) { }
		contract Derived is BaseBase(3), Base {
			function getA() returns (uint r) { return m_a; }
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Derived");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getA()") == encodeArgs(3));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			function getOne() nonFree returns (uint r) { return 1; }
			modifier nonFree { if (msg.value > 0) _ }
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getOne()") == encodeArgs(0));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunctionWithValue("getOne()", 1) == encodeArgs(1));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			modifier mod1 { var a = 1; var b = 2; _ }
			modifier mod2(bool a) { if (a) return; else _ }
			function f(bool a) mod1 mod2(a) returns (uint r) { return 3; }
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(bool)", true) == encodeArgs(0));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(bool)", false) == encodeArgs(3));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			modifier repeat(uint count) { for (var i = 0; i < count; ++i) _ }
			function f() repeat(10) returns (uint r) { r += 1; }
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(10));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			modifier repeat(bool twice) { if (twice) _ _ }
			function f(bool twice) repeat(twice) returns (uint r) { r += 1; }
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(bool)", false) == encodeArgs(1));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(bool)", true) == encodeArgs(2));

	// Here, the explicit return prevents the second execution
	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			modifier repeat(bool twice) { if (twice) _ _ }
			function f(bool twice) repeat(twice) returns (uint r) { r += 1; return r; }
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(bool)", false) == encodeArgs(1));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(bool)", true) == encodeArgs(1));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract A {
			function f() mod returns (bool r) { return true; }
			modifier mod { _ }
		contract C is A {
			modifier mod { }
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(false));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract A {
			uint data;
			function A() mod1 { f1(); }
			function f1() mod2 { data |= 0x1; }
			function f2() { data |= 0x20; }
			function f3() { }
			modifier mod1 { f2(); _ }
			modifier mod2 { f3(); }
			function getData() returns (uint r) { return data; }
		contract C is A {
			modifier mod1 { f4(); _ }
			function f3() { data |= 0x300; }
			function f4() { data |= 0x4000; }
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getData()") == encodeArgs(0x4300));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract A {
			uint data;
			function A() mod1 { data |= 2; }
			modifier mod1 { data |= 1; _ }
			function getData() returns (uint r) { return data; }
		contract C is A {
			modifier mod1 { data |= 4; _ }
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getData()") == encodeArgs(4 | 2));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		import "mortal";
		contract Icarus is mortal { }
	m_addStandardSources = true;
	u256 amount(130);
	u160 address(23);
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, amount, "Icarus");
	u256 balanceBefore = balanceAt(m_sender);
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("kill()") == bytes());
	BOOST_CHECK(balanceAt(m_sender) > balanceBefore);

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			function f() returns (uint r) {
				uint; uint; uint; uint;
				int x = -7;
				var a = uint;
				return a(x);
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(u256(-7)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract A { function f() returns (uint r) { return 1; } }
		contract B is A { function f() returns (uint r) { return super.f() | 2; } }
		contract C is A { function f() returns (uint r) { return super.f() | 4; } }
		contract D is B, C { function f() returns (uint r) { return super.f() | 8; } }
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "D");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(1 | 2 | 4 | 8));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract A { function f() returns (uint r) { return 1; } }
		contract B is A { function f() returns (uint r) { return super.f() | 2; } }
		contract C is A { function f() returns (uint r) { return super.f() | 4; } }
		contract D is B, C { uint data; function D() { data = super.f() | 8; } function f() returns (uint r) { return data; } }
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "D");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(1 | 2 | 4 | 8));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract A {
			uint data;
			function() returns (uint r) { data = 1; return 2; }
			function getData() returns (uint r) { return data; }
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getData()") == encodeArgs(0));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("") == encodeArgs(2));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getData()") == encodeArgs(1));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract A {
			uint data;
			function() returns (uint r) { data = 1; return 2; }
			function getData() returns (uint r) { return data; }
		contract B is A {}
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "B");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getData()") == encodeArgs(0));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("") == encodeArgs(2));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getData()") == encodeArgs(1));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract ClientReceipt {
			event Deposit(address indexed _from, bytes32 indexed _id, uint _value);
			function deposit(bytes32 _id, bool _manually) {
				if (_manually) {
					bytes32 s = 0x19dacbf83c5de6658e14cbf7bcae5c15eca2eedecf1c66fbca928e4d351bea0f;
					log3(bytes32(msg.value), s, bytes32(msg.sender), _id);
				} else
					Deposit(msg.sender, _id, msg.value);
	u256 value(18);
	u256 id(0x1234);
	for (bool manually: {true, false})
		callContractFunctionWithValue("deposit(bytes32,bool)", value, id, manually);
		BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(m_logs.size(), 1);
		BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_logs[0].address, m_contractAddress);
		BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(h256(m_logs[0].data), h256(u256(value)));
		BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(m_logs[0].topics.size(), 3);
		BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_logs[0].topics[0], dev::sha3(string("Deposit(address,bytes32,uint256)")));
		BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_logs[0].topics[1], h256(m_sender));
		BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_logs[0].topics[2], h256(id));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract ClientReceipt {
			event Deposit;
			function deposit() {
	BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(m_logs.size(), 1);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_logs[0].address, m_contractAddress);
	BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(m_logs[0].topics.size(), 1);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_logs[0].topics[0], dev::sha3(string("Deposit()")));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract ClientReceipt {
			event Deposit() anonymous;
			function deposit() {
	BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(m_logs[0].topics.size(), 0);

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract ClientReceipt {
			event Deposit(address indexed _from, bytes32 indexed _id, uint indexed _value, uint indexed _value2, bytes32 data) anonymous;
			function deposit(bytes32 _id, bool _manually) {
				Deposit(msg.sender, _id, msg.value, 2, "abc");
	u256 value(18);
	u256 id(0x1234);
	callContractFunctionWithValue("deposit(bytes32,bool)", value, id);
	BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(m_logs.size(), 1);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_logs[0].address, m_contractAddress);
	BOOST_CHECK(m_logs[0].data == encodeArgs("abc"));
	BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(m_logs[0].topics.size(), 4);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_logs[0].topics[0], h256(m_sender));
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_logs[0].topics[1], h256(id));
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_logs[0].topics[2], h256(value));
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_logs[0].topics[3], h256(2));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract ClientReceipt {
			event Deposit(address _from, bytes32 _id, uint _value, bool _flag);
			function deposit(bytes32 _id) {
				Deposit(msg.sender, _id, msg.value, true);
	u256 value(18);
	u256 id(0x1234);
	callContractFunctionWithValue("deposit(bytes32)", value, id);
	BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(m_logs.size(), 1);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_logs[0].address, m_contractAddress);
	BOOST_CHECK(m_logs[0].data == encodeArgs((u160)m_sender, id, value, true));
	BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(m_logs[0].topics.size(), 1);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_logs[0].topics[0], dev::sha3(string("Deposit(address,bytes32,uint256,bool)")));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract ClientReceipt {
			event Deposit(uint fixeda, bytes dynx, uint fixedb);
			function deposit() {
				Deposit(10, msg.data, 15);
	BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(m_logs.size(), 1);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_logs[0].address, m_contractAddress);
	BOOST_CHECK(m_logs[0].data == encodeArgs(10, 0x60, 15, 4) + FixedHash<4>(dev::sha3("deposit()")).asBytes());
	BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(m_logs[0].topics.size(), 1);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_logs[0].topics[0], dev::sha3(string("Deposit(uint256,bytes,uint256)")));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract ClientReceipt {
			bytes x;
			event Deposit(uint fixeda, bytes dynx, uint fixedb);
			function deposit() {
				x.length = 3;
				x[0] = "A";
				x[1] = "B";
				x[2] = "C";
				Deposit(10, x, 15);
	BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(m_logs.size(), 1);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_logs[0].address, m_contractAddress);
	BOOST_CHECK(m_logs[0].data == encodeArgs(10, 0x60, 15, 3, string("ABC")));
	BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(m_logs[0].topics.size(), 1);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_logs[0].topics[0], dev::sha3(string("Deposit(uint256,bytes,uint256)")));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			string x;
			uint[4] y;
			event E(string indexed r, uint[4] indexed t);
			function deposit() {
				bytes(x).length = 90;
				for (uint i = 0; i < 90; i++)
					bytes(x)[i] = byte(i);
				y[0] = 4;
				y[1] = 5;
				y[2] = 6;
				y[3] = 7;
				E(x, y);
	BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(m_logs.size(), 1);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_logs[0].address, m_contractAddress);
	string dynx(90, 0);
	for (size_t i = 0; i < dynx.size(); ++i)
		dynx[i] = i;
	BOOST_CHECK(m_logs[0].data == bytes());
	BOOST_REQUIRE_EQUAL(m_logs[0].topics.size(), 3);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_logs[0].topics[1], dev::sha3(dynx));
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_logs[0].topics[2], dev::sha3(
		encodeArgs(u256(4), u256(5), u256(6), u256(7))
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(m_logs[0].topics[0], dev::sha3(string("E(string,uint256[4])")));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract test {
			function f(uint, uint k) returns(uint ret_k, uint ret_g){
				uint g = 8;
				ret_k = k;
				ret_g = g;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(uint256,uint256)", 5, 9) != encodeArgs(5, 8));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(uint256,uint256)", 5, 9) == encodeArgs(9, 8));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract test {
			function f(uint k) returns(uint){
				return k;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(uint256)", 9) == encodeArgs(9));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			function foo(uint a, uint b, uint c) returns (bytes32 d)
				d = sha3(a, b, c);

	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("foo(uint256,uint256,uint256)", 10, 12, 13) == encodeArgs(
						toBigEndian(u256(10)) +
						toBigEndian(u256(12)) +

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			function foo(uint a, uint16 b) returns (bytes32 d)
				d = sha3(a, b, 145);

	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("foo(uint256,uint16)", 10, 12) == encodeArgs(
						toBigEndian(u256(10)) +
						bytes{0x0, 0xc} +
						bytes(1, 0x91))));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			function foo() returns (bytes32 d)
				d = sha3("foo");
			function bar(uint a, uint16 b) returns (bytes32 d)
				d = sha3(a, b, 145, "foo");

	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("foo()") == encodeArgs(dev::sha3("foo")));

	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("bar(uint256,uint16)", 10, 12) == encodeArgs(
						toBigEndian(u256(10)) +
						bytes{0x0, 0xc} +
						bytes(1, 0x91) +
						bytes{0x66, 0x6f, 0x6f})));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			bytes data;
			function foo() returns (bool)
				data.length = 3;
				data[0] = "f";
				data[1] = "o";
				data[2] = "o";
				return sha3(data) == sha3("foo");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("foo()") == encodeArgs(true));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			bytes data;
			function foo() returns (bytes32)
				data.length = 3;
				data[0] = "x";
				data[1] = "y";
				data[2] = "z";
				return sha3("b", sha3(data), "a");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("foo()") == encodeArgs(
		u256(dev::sha3(bytes{'b'} + dev::sha3("xyz").asBytes() + bytes{'a'}))

	char const* sourceCode = R"**(
			contract receiver {
				uint public received;
				function receive(uint256 x) { received = x; }
			contract sender {
				function doSend(address rec) returns (uint d)
					bytes4 signature = bytes4(bytes32(sha3("receive(uint256)")));
					rec.call.value(2)(signature, 23);
					return receiver(rec).received();
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "receiver");
	u160 const c_receiverAddress = m_contractAddress;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 50, "sender");
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("doSend(address)", c_receiverAddress) == encodeArgs(23));
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(balanceAt(m_contractAddress), 50 - 2);

	char const* sourceCode = R"**(
			contract receiver {
				uint public received;
				function receive(uint256 x) { received = x; }
			contract sender {
				uint public received;
				function doSend(address rec) returns (uint d)
					bytes4 signature = bytes4(bytes32(sha3("receive(uint256)")));
					rec.callcode.value(2)(signature, 23);
					return receiver(rec).received();
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "receiver");
	u160 const c_receiverAddress = m_contractAddress;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 50, "sender");
	u160 const c_senderAddress = m_contractAddress;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("doSend(address)", c_receiverAddress) == encodeArgs(0));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("received()") == encodeArgs(23));
	m_contractAddress = c_receiverAddress;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("received()") == encodeArgs(0));
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(balanceAt(c_receiverAddress), 0);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(balanceAt(c_senderAddress), 50);

	char const* sourceCode = R"**(
			contract receiver {
				uint public received;
				address public sender;
				uint public value;
				function receive(uint256 x) { received = x; sender = msg.sender; value = msg.value; }
			contract sender {
				uint public received;
				address public sender;
				uint public value;
				function doSend(address rec)
					bytes4 signature = bytes4(bytes32(sha3("receive(uint256)")));
					rec.delegatecall(signature, 23);
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "receiver");
	u160 const c_receiverAddress = m_contractAddress;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 50, "sender");
	u160 const c_senderAddress = m_contractAddress;
	BOOST_CHECK(m_sender != c_senderAddress); // just for sanity
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunctionWithValue("doSend(address)", 11, c_receiverAddress) == encodeArgs());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("received()") == encodeArgs(u256(23)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("sender()") == encodeArgs(u160(m_sender)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("value()") == encodeArgs(u256(11)));
	m_contractAddress = c_receiverAddress;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("received()") == encodeArgs(u256(0)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("sender()") == encodeArgs(u256(0)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("value()") == encodeArgs(u256(0)));
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(balanceAt(c_receiverAddress), 0);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(balanceAt(c_senderAddress), 50 + 11);

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		library Lib { function m() returns (address) { return msg.sender; } }
		contract Test {
			address public sender;
			function f() {
				sender = Lib.m();
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Lib");
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Test", bytes(), map<string, Address>{{"Lib", m_contractAddress}});
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("sender()") == encodeArgs(u160(m_sender)));

	// this test just checks that the copy loop does not mess up the stack
	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			function save() returns (uint r) {
				r = 23;
				savedData = msg.data;
				r = 24;
			bytes savedData;
	// empty copy loop
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("save()") == encodeArgs(24));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("save()", "abcdefg") == encodeArgs(24));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			function() returns (bytes32) {
				return sha3("abc", msg.data);
	bytes calldata1 = bytes(61, 0x22) + bytes(12, 0x12);
	sendMessage(calldata1, false);
	BOOST_CHECK(m_output == encodeArgs(dev::sha3(bytes{'a', 'b', 'c'} + calldata1)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract receiver {
			uint public received;
			function receive(uint x) { received += x + 1; }
			function() { received = 0x80; }
		contract sender {
			function sender() { rec = new receiver(); }
			function() { savedData = msg.data; }
			function forward() returns (bool) { rec.call(savedData); return true; }
			function clear() returns (bool) { delete savedData; return true; }
			function val() returns (uint) { return rec.received(); }
			receiver rec;
			bytes savedData;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "sender");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("receive(uint256)", 7) == bytes());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("val()") == encodeArgs(0));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("forward()") == encodeArgs(true));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("val()") == encodeArgs(8));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("clear()") == encodeArgs(true));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("val()") == encodeArgs(8));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("forward()") == encodeArgs(true));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("val()") == encodeArgs(0x80));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract receiver {
			uint public received;
			function receive(uint x) { received += x + 1; }
			function() { received = 0x80; }
		contract sender {
			function sender() { rec = new receiver(); }
			function() { savedData1 = savedData2 = msg.data; }
			function forward(bool selector) returns (bool) {
				if (selector) { rec.call(savedData1); delete savedData1; }
				else { rec.call(savedData2); delete savedData2; }
				return true;
			function val() returns (uint) { return rec.received(); }
			receiver rec;
			bytes savedData1;
			bytes savedData2;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "sender");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("receive(uint256)", 7) == bytes());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("val()") == encodeArgs(0));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("forward(bool)", true) == encodeArgs(true));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("val()") == encodeArgs(8));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("forward(bool)", false) == encodeArgs(true));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("val()") == encodeArgs(16));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("forward(bool)", true) == encodeArgs(true));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("val()") == encodeArgs(0x80));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			function() { data = msg.data; }
			function del() returns (bool) { delete data; return true; }
			bytes data;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("---", 7) == bytes());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("del()", 7) == encodeArgs(true));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			function set() returns (bool) { data = msg.data; return true; }
			function() { data = msg.data; }
			bytes data;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("set()", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) == encodeArgs(true));
	sendMessage(bytes(), false);
	BOOST_CHECK(m_output == bytes());

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			function set() returns (bool) { data1 = msg.data; return true; }
			function reset() returns (bool) { data1 = data2; return true; }
			bytes data1;
			bytes data2;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("set()", 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) == encodeArgs(true));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("reset()") == encodeArgs(true));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			function set(uint key) returns (bool) { data[key] = msg.data; return true; }
			function copy(uint from, uint to) returns (bool) { data[to] = data[from]; return true; }
			mapping(uint => bytes) data;
	// store a short byte array at 1 and a longer one at 2
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("set(uint256)", 1, 2) == encodeArgs(true));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("set(uint256)", 2, 2, 3, 4, 5) == encodeArgs(true));
	// copy shorter to longer
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("copy(uint256,uint256)", 1, 2) == encodeArgs(true));
	// copy empty to both
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("copy(uint256,uint256)", 99, 1) == encodeArgs(true));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("copy(uint256,uint256)", 99, 2) == encodeArgs(true));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			function set() returns (bool) { data = msg.data; return true; }
			function getLength() returns (uint) { return data.length; }
			bytes data;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getLength()") == encodeArgs(0));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("set()", 1, 2) == encodeArgs(true));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getLength()") == encodeArgs(4+32+32));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			struct Nested { uint x; uint y; }
			struct Struct { uint a; mapping(uint => Struct) b; Nested nested; uint c; }
			mapping(uint => Struct) data;
			function set(uint k) returns (bool) {
				data[k].a = 1;
				data[k].nested.x = 3;
				data[k].nested.y = 4;
				data[k].c = 2;
				return true;
			function copy(uint from, uint to) returns (bool) {
				data[to] = data[from];
				return true;
			function retrieve(uint k) returns (uint a, uint x, uint y, uint c)
				a = data[k].a;
				x = data[k].nested.x;
				y = data[k].nested.y;
				c = data[k].c;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("set(uint256)", 7) == encodeArgs(true));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("retrieve(uint256)", 7) == encodeArgs(1, 3, 4, 2));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("copy(uint256,uint256)", 7, 8) == encodeArgs(true));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("retrieve(uint256)", 7) == encodeArgs(1, 3, 4, 2));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("retrieve(uint256)", 8) == encodeArgs(1, 3, 4, 2));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("copy(uint256,uint256)", 0, 7) == encodeArgs(true));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("retrieve(uint256)", 7) == encodeArgs(0, 0, 0, 0));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("retrieve(uint256)", 8) == encodeArgs(1, 3, 4, 2));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("copy(uint256,uint256)", 7, 8) == encodeArgs(true));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("retrieve(uint256)", 8) == encodeArgs(0, 0, 0, 0));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			struct Struct { uint a; bytes data; uint b; }
			Struct data1;
			Struct data2;
			function set(uint _a, bytes _data, uint _b) external returns (bool) {
				data1.a = _a;
				data1.b = _b;
				data1.data = _data;
				return true;
			function copy() returns (bool) {
				data1 = data2;
				return true;
			function del() returns (bool) {
				delete data1;
				return true;
	string data = "123456789012345678901234567890123";
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("set(uint256,bytes,uint256)", 12, u256(data.length()), 13, data) == encodeArgs(true));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("copy()") == encodeArgs(true));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("set(uint256,bytes,uint256)", 12, u256(data.length()), 13, data) == encodeArgs(true));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("del()") == encodeArgs(true));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			struct Struct { uint a; uint b; }
			Struct data1;
			Struct data2;
			function test() returns (bool) {
				data1.a = 1;
				data1.b = 2;
				var x = data1;
				data2 = x;
				return data2.a == data1.a && data2.b == data1.b;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("test()") == encodeArgs(true));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
			contract test {
				enum ActionChoices { GoLeft, GoRight, GoStraight, Sit }
				function test()
					choices = ActionChoices.GoStraight;
				function getChoice() returns (uint d)
					d = uint256(choices);
				ActionChoices choices;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getChoice()") == encodeArgs(2));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
			contract c {
				enum Truth { False, True }
				function test() returns (uint)
					return uint(Truth(uint8(0x701)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("test()") == encodeArgs(1));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract test {
			function test(){
				m_b = 6;
				m_c = 8;
			uint m_a = 5;
			uint m_b;
			uint m_c = 7;
			function get() returns (uint a, uint b, uint c){
				a = m_a;
				b = m_b;
				c = m_c;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("get()") == encodeArgs(5, 6, 8));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Base {
			function Base(){}
			uint m_base = 5;
			function getBMember() returns (uint i) { return m_base; }
		contract Derived is Base {
			function Derived(){}
			uint m_derived = 6;
			function getDMember() returns (uint i) { return m_derived; }
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getBMember()") == encodeArgs(5));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getDMember()") == encodeArgs(6));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Base {
			uint m_base = 5;
			function getBMember() returns (uint i) { return m_base; }
		contract Derived is Base {
			uint m_derived = 6;
			function getDMember() returns (uint i) { return m_derived; }
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getBMember()") == encodeArgs(5));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getDMember()") == encodeArgs(6));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			function f(uint a) returns (uint) { return a; }
			function test(uint a, uint b) external returns (uint r_a, uint r_b) {
				r_a = f(a + 7);
				r_b = b;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("test(uint256,uint256)", 2, 3) == encodeArgs(2+7, 3));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			uint result;
			function f(uint a, uint b) { result += a + b; }
			function g(uint a) { result *= a; }
			function test(uint a, bytes data1, bytes data2, uint b) external returns (uint r_a, uint r, uint r_b, uint l) {
				r_a = a;
				r = result;
				r_b = b;
				l = data1.length;

	string innercalldata1 = asString(FixedHash<4>(dev::sha3("f(uint256,uint256)")).asBytes() + encodeArgs(8, 9));
	string innercalldata2 = asString(FixedHash<4>(dev::sha3("g(uint256)")).asBytes() + encodeArgs(3));
	bytes calldata = encodeArgs(
		12, 32 * 4, u256(32 * 4 + 32 + (innercalldata1.length() + 31) / 32 * 32), 13,
		u256(innercalldata1.length()), innercalldata1,
		u256(innercalldata2.length()), innercalldata2);
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("test(uint256,bytes,bytes,uint256)", calldata)
		== encodeArgs(12, (8 + 9) * 3, 13, u256(innercalldata1.length())));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			struct Data { uint x; uint y; }
			Data[2**10] data;
			uint[2**10 + 3] ids;
			function setIDStatic(uint id) { ids[2] = id; }
			function setID(uint index, uint id) { ids[index] = id; }
			function setData(uint index, uint x, uint y) { data[index].x = x; data[index].y = y; }
			function getID(uint index) returns (uint) { return ids[index]; }
			function getData(uint index) returns (uint x, uint y) { x = data[index].x; y = data[index].y; }
			function getLengths() returns (uint l1, uint l2) { l1 = data.length; l2 = ids.length; }
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("setIDStatic(uint256)", 11) == bytes());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getID(uint256)", 2) == encodeArgs(11));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("setID(uint256,uint256)", 7, 8) == bytes());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getID(uint256)", 7) == encodeArgs(8));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("setData(uint256,uint256,uint256)", 7, 8, 9) == bytes());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("setData(uint256,uint256,uint256)", 8, 10, 11) == bytes());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getData(uint256)", 7) == encodeArgs(8, 9));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getData(uint256)", 8) == encodeArgs(10, 11));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getLengths()") == encodeArgs(u256(1) << 10, (u256(1) << 10) + 3));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			struct Data { uint x; uint y; }
			Data[] data;
			uint[] ids;
			function setIDStatic(uint id) { ids[2] = id; }
			function setID(uint index, uint id) { ids[index] = id; }
			function setData(uint index, uint x, uint y) { data[index].x = x; data[index].y = y; }
			function getID(uint index) returns (uint) { return ids[index]; }
			function getData(uint index) returns (uint x, uint y) { x = data[index].x; y = data[index].y; }
			function getLengths() returns (uint l1, uint l2) { l1 = data.length; l2 = ids.length; }
			function setLengths(uint l1, uint l2) { data.length = l1; ids.length = l2; }
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getLengths()") == encodeArgs(0, 0));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("setLengths(uint256,uint256)", 48, 49) == bytes());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getLengths()") == encodeArgs(48, 49));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("setIDStatic(uint256)", 11) == bytes());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getID(uint256)", 2) == encodeArgs(11));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("setID(uint256,uint256)", 7, 8) == bytes());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getID(uint256)", 7) == encodeArgs(8));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("setData(uint256,uint256,uint256)", 7, 8, 9) == bytes());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("setData(uint256,uint256,uint256)", 8, 10, 11) == bytes());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getData(uint256)", 7) == encodeArgs(8, 9));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getData(uint256)", 8) == encodeArgs(10, 11));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			uint[4] data;
			function set(uint index, uint value) returns (bool) { data[index] = value; return true; }
			function get(uint index) returns (uint) { return data[index]; }
			function length() returns (uint) { return data.length; }
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("length()") == encodeArgs(4));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("set(uint256,uint256)", 3, 4) == encodeArgs(true));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("set(uint256,uint256)", 4, 5) == bytes());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("set(uint256,uint256)", 400, 5) == bytes());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("get(uint256)", 3) == encodeArgs(4));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("get(uint256)", 4) == bytes());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("get(uint256)", 400) == bytes());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("length()") == encodeArgs(4));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			uint[] data;
			function enlarge(uint amount) returns (uint) { return data.length += amount; }
			function set(uint index, uint value) returns (bool) { data[index] = value; return true; }
			function get(uint index) returns (uint) { return data[index]; }
			function length() returns (uint) { return data.length; }
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("length()") == encodeArgs(0));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("get(uint256)", 3) == bytes());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("enlarge(uint256)", 4) == encodeArgs(4));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("length()") == encodeArgs(4));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("set(uint256,uint256)", 3, 4) == encodeArgs(true));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("get(uint256)", 3) == encodeArgs(4));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("length()") == encodeArgs(4));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("set(uint256,uint256)", 4, 8) == bytes());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("length()") == encodeArgs(4));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			uint spacer1;
			uint spacer2;
			uint[20] data;
			function fill() {
				for (uint i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) data[i] = i+1;
			function clear() { delete data; }
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("fill()") == bytes());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("clear()") == bytes());

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			uint spacer1;
			uint spacer2;
			uint[3] data;
			function fill() {
				for (uint i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) data[i] = i+1;
			function clear() { delete data; }
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("fill()") == bytes());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("clear()") == bytes());

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			uint[20] spacer;
			uint[] dynamic;
			function fill() {
				dynamic.length = 21;
				for (uint i = 0; i < dynamic.length; ++i) dynamic[i] = i+1;
			function halfClear() { dynamic.length = 5; }
			function fullClear() { delete dynamic; }
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("fill()") == bytes());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("halfClear()") == bytes());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("fullClear()") == bytes());

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			struct s { uint[][] d; }
			s[] data;
			function fill() returns (uint) {
				data.length = 3;
				data[2].d.length = 4;
				data[2].d[3].length = 5;
				data[2].d[3][4] = 8;
				return data[2].d[3][4];
			function clear() { delete data; }
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("fill()") == encodeArgs(8));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("clear()") == bytes());

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			uint[] data1;
			uint[] data2;
			function setData1(uint length, uint index, uint value) {
				data1.length = length; if (index < length) data1[index] = value;
			function copyStorageStorage() { data2 = data1; }
			function getData2(uint index) returns (uint len, uint val) {
				len = data2.length; if (index < len) val = data2[index];
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("setData1(uint256,uint256,uint256)", 10, 5, 4) == bytes());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("copyStorageStorage()") == bytes());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getData2(uint256)", 5) == encodeArgs(10, 4));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("setData1(uint256,uint256,uint256)", 0, 0, 0) == bytes());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("copyStorageStorage()") == bytes());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getData2(uint256)", 0) == encodeArgs(0, 0));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			uint[40] data1;
			uint[20] data2;
			function test() returns (uint x, uint y){
				data1[30] = 4;
				data1[2] = 7;
				data1[3] = 9;
				data2[3] = 8;
				data1 = data2;
				x = data1[3];
				y = data1[30]; // should be cleared
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("test()") == encodeArgs(8, 0));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			uint[9] data1;
			uint[] data2;
			function test() returns (uint x, uint y){
				data1[8] = 4;
				data2 = data1;
				x = data2.length;
				y = data2[8];
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("test()") == encodeArgs(9, 4));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			bytes8[] data1; // 4 per slot
			bytes10[] data2; // 3 per slot
			function test() returns (bytes10 a, bytes10 b, bytes10 c, bytes10 d, bytes10 e) {
				data1.length = 9;
				for (uint i = 0; i < data1.length; ++i)
					data1[i] = bytes8(i);
				data2 = data1;
				a = data2[1];
				b = data2[2];
				c = data2[3];
				d = data2[4];
				e = data2[5];
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("test()") == encodeArgs(

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			bytes8[9] data1; // 4 per slot
			bytes17[10] data2; // 1 per slot, no offset counter
			function test() returns (bytes17 a, bytes17 b, bytes17 c, bytes17 d, bytes17 e) {
				for (uint i = 0; i < data1.length; ++i)
					data1[i] = bytes8(i);
				data2[8] = data2[9] = 2;
				data2 = data1;
				a = data2[1];
				b = data2[2];
				c = data2[3];
				d = data2[4];
				e = data2[9];
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("test()") == encodeArgs(

	// test that leftover elements in the last slot of target are correctly cleared during assignment
	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			byte[10] data1;
			bytes2[32] data2;
			function test() returns (uint check, uint res1, uint res2) {
				uint i;
				for (i = 0; i < data2.length; ++i)
					data2[i] = 0xffff;
				check = uint(data2[31]) * 0x10000 | uint(data2[14]);
				for (i = 0; i < data1.length; ++i)
					data1[i] = byte(uint8(1 + i));
				data2 = data1;
				for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
					res1 |= uint(data2[i]) * 0x10000**i;
				for (i = 0; i < 16; ++i)
					res2 |= uint(data2[16 + i]) * 0x10000**i;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("test()") == encodeArgs(

	// since the copy always copies whole slots, we have to make sure that the source size maxes
	// out a whole slot and at the same time there are still elements left in the target at that point
	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			bytes8[4] data1; // fits into one slot
			bytes10[6] data2; // 4 elements need two slots
			function test() returns (bytes10 r1, bytes10 r2, bytes10 r3) {
				data1[0] = 1;
				data1[1] = 2;
				data1[2] = 3;
				data1[3] = 4;
				for (uint i = 0; i < data2.length; ++i)
					data2[i] = bytes10(0xffff00 | (1 + i));
				data2 = data1;
				r1 = data2[3];
				r2 = data2[4];
				r3 = data2[5];
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("test()") == encodeArgs(

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			struct Data { uint x; uint y; }
			Data[] data1;
			Data[] data2;
			function test() returns (uint x, uint y) {
				data1.length = 9;
				data1[8].x = 4;
				data1[8].y = 5;
				data2 = data1;
				x = data2[8].x;
				y = data2[8].y;
				data1.length = 0;
				data2 = data1;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("test()") == encodeArgs(4, 5));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			uint[] data;
			function test() returns (uint x, uint y, uint z, uint l) {
				x = data[0];
				y = data[1];
				l = data.push(3);
				z = data[2];
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("test()") == encodeArgs(5, 4, 3, 3));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			bytes data;
			function test() returns (bool x) {
				if (data.push(5) != 1)  return true;
				if (data[0] != 5) return true;
				if (data[1] != 4) return true;
				uint l = data.push(3);
				if (data[2] != 3) return true;
				if (l != 3) return true;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("test()") == encodeArgs(false));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			function test(uint[8] a, uint[] b, uint[5] c, uint a_index, uint b_index, uint c_index)
					external returns (uint av, uint bv, uint cv) {
				av = a[a_index];
				bv = b[b_index];
				cv = c[c_index];
	bytes params = encodeArgs(
		1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, // a
		32 * (8 + 1 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 1), // offset to b
		21, 22, 23, 24, 25, // c
		0, 1, 2, // (a,b,c)_index
		3, // b.length
		11, 12, 13 // b
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("test(uint256[8],uint256[],uint256[5],uint256,uint256,uint256)", params) == encodeArgs(1, 12, 23));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			bytes data;
			function direct(bytes arg, uint index) external returns (uint) {
				return uint(arg[index]);
			function storageCopyRead(bytes arg, uint index) external returns (uint) {
				data = arg;
				return uint(data[index]);
			function storageWrite() external returns (uint) {
				data.length = 35;
				data[31] = 0x77;
				data[32] = 0x14;

				data[31] = 1;
				data[31] |= 8;
				data[30] = 1;
				data[32] = 3;
				return uint(data[30]) * 0x100 | uint(data[31]) * 0x10 | uint(data[32]);
	string array{
		0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,
		10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
		20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29,
		30, 31, 32, 33};
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("direct(bytes,uint256)", 64, 33, u256(array.length()), array) == encodeArgs(33));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("storageCopyRead(bytes,uint256)", 64, 33, u256(array.length()), array) == encodeArgs(33));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("storageWrite()") == encodeArgs(0x193));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			bytes data;
			function test1() external returns (bool) {
				data.length = 100;
				for (uint i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
					data[i] = byte(i);
				delete data[94];
				delete data[96];
				delete data[98];
				return data[94] == 0 && data[95] == 95 && data[96] == 0 && data[97] == 97;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("test1()") == encodeArgs(true));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			uint[9] m_data;
			uint[] m_data_dyn;
			uint8[][] m_byte_data;
			function store(uint[9] a, uint8[3][] b) external returns (uint8) {
				m_data = a;
				m_data_dyn = a;
				m_byte_data = b;
				return b[3][1]; // note that access and declaration are reversed to each other
			function retrieve() returns (uint a, uint b, uint c, uint d, uint e, uint f, uint g) {
				a = m_data.length;
				b = m_data[7];
				c = m_data_dyn.length;
				d = m_data_dyn[7];
				e = m_byte_data.length;
				f = m_byte_data[3].length;
				g = m_byte_data[3][1];
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("store(uint256[9],uint8[3][])", encodeArgs(
		21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, // a
		u256(32 * (9 + 1)),
		4, // size of b
		1, 2, 3, // b[0]
		11, 12, 13, // b[1]
		21, 22, 23, // b[2]
		31, 32, 33 // b[3]
	)) == encodeArgs(32));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("retrieve()") == encodeArgs(
		9, 28, 9, 28,
		4, 3, 32));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			uint[4][] a;
			uint[10][] b;
			uint[][] c;
			function test(uint[2][] d) external returns (uint) {
				a = d;
				b = a;
				c = b;
				return c[1][1] | c[1][2] | c[1][3] | c[1][4];
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("test(uint256[2][])", encodeArgs(
		32, 3,
		7, 8,
		9, 10,
		11, 12
	)) == encodeArgs(10));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract c {
			mapping(uint=>uint)[90][] large;
			mapping(uint=>uint)[3][] small;
			function test() returns (uint r) {
				large.length = small.length = 7;
				large[3][2][0] = 2;
				large[1] = large[3];
				small[3][2][0] = 2;
				small[1] = small[2];
				r = ((
					small[3][2][0] * 0x100 |
					small[1][2][0]) * 0x100 |
					large[3][2][0]) * 0x100 |
				delete small;
				delete large;
			function clear() returns (uint r) {
				large.length = small.length = 7;
				small[3][2][0] = 0;
				large[3][2][0] = 0;
				small.length = large.length = 0;
				return 7;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("test()") == encodeArgs(0x02000200));
	// storage is not empty because we cannot delete the mappings
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("clear()") == encodeArgs(7));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Base {
			function Base(uint i)
				m_i = i;
			uint public m_i;
		contract Derived is Base(2) {
			function Derived(uint i) Base(i)
		contract Final is Derived(4) {
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("m_i()") == encodeArgs(4));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Base {
			function Base(uint j)
				m_i = j;
			uint public m_i;
		contract Base1 is Base(3) {
			function Base1(uint k) Base(k*k) {}
		contract Derived is Base(3), Base1(2) {
			function Derived(uint i) Base(i) Base1(i)
		contract Final is Derived(4) {
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("m_i()") == encodeArgs(4));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Base {
			function Base(uint i)
				m_i = i;
			uint public m_i;
		contract Base1 is Base(3) {}
		contract Derived is Base(2), Base1 {
			function Derived(uint i) Base(i) {}
		contract Final is Derived(4) {
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("m_i()") == encodeArgs(4));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Foo {
			function getX() returns (uint r) { return x; }
			uint constant x = 56;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getX()") == encodeArgs(56));

	//for now constant specifier is valid only for uint, bytesXX, string and enums
	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Foo {
			uint constant x = 56;
			enum ActionChoices { GoLeft, GoRight, GoStraight, Sit }
			ActionChoices constant choices = ActionChoices.GoLeft;
			bytes32 constant st = "abc\x00\xff__";

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			struct str { uint8 a; uint16 b; uint248 c; }
			str data;
			function test() returns (uint) {
				data.a = 2;
				if (data.a != 2) return 2;
				data.b = 0xabcd;
				if (data.b != 0xabcd) return 3;
				data.c = 0x1234567890;
				if (data.c != 0x1234567890) return 4;
				if (data.a != 2) return 5;
				data.a = 8;
				if (data.a != 8) return 6;
				if (data.b != 0xabcd) return 7;
				data.b = 0xdcab;
				if (data.b != 0xdcab) return 8;
				if (data.c != 0x1234567890) return 9;
				data.c = 0x9876543210;
				if (data.c != 0x9876543210) return 10;
				return 1;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("test()") == encodeArgs(1));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			enum small { A, B, C, D }
			enum larger { A, B, C, D, E}
			struct str { small a; small b; larger c; larger d; }
			str data;
			function test() returns (uint) {
				data.a = small.B;
				if (data.a != small.B) return 2;
				data.b = small.C;
				if (data.b != small.C) return 3;
				data.c = larger.D;
				if (data.c != larger.D) return 4;
				if (data.a != small.B) return 5;
				data.a = small.C;
				if (data.a != small.C) return 6;
				if (data.b != small.C) return 7;
				data.b = small.D;
				if (data.b != small.D) return 8;
				if (data.c != larger.D) return 9;
				data.c = larger.B;
				if (data.c != larger.B) return 10;
				return 1;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("test()") == encodeArgs(1));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			struct s1 { byte a; byte b; bytes10 c; bytes9 d; bytes10 e; }
			struct s2 { byte a; s1 inner; byte b; byte c; }
			byte x;
			s2 data;
			byte y;
			function test() returns (bool) {
				x = 1;
				data.a = 2;
				data.inner.a = 3;
				data.inner.b = 4;
				data.inner.c = "1234567890";
				data.inner.d = "123456789";
				data.inner.e = "abcdefghij";
				data.b = 5;
				data.c = 6;
				y = 7;
				return x == 1 && data.a == 2 && data.inner.a == 3 && data.inner.b == 4 &&
					data.inner.c == "1234567890" && data.inner.d == "123456789" &&
					data.inner.e == "abcdefghij" && data.b == 5 && data.c == 6 && y == 7;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("test()") == encodeArgs(true));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			struct str { uint8 a; uint16 b; uint8 c; }
			uint8 x;
			uint16 y;
			str data;
			function test() returns (uint) {
				x = 1;
				y = 2;
				data.a = 2;
				data.b = 0xabcd;
				data.c = 0xfa;
				if (x != 1 || y != 2 || data.a != 2 || data.b != 0xabcd || data.c != 0xfa)
					return 2;
				delete y;
				delete data.b;
				if (x != 1 || y != 0 || data.a != 2 || data.b != 0 || data.c != 0xfa)
					return 3;
				delete x;
				delete data;
				return 1;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("test()") == encodeArgs(1));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract test {
			function f(uint k) returns(uint d) { return k; }
			function f(uint a, uint b) returns(uint d) { return a + b; }
			function g() returns(uint d) { return f(3); }
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("g()") == encodeArgs(3));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract test {
			function f(uint a, uint b) returns(uint d) { return a + b; }
			function f(uint k) returns(uint d) { return k; }
			function g() returns(uint d) { return f(3, 7); }
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("g()") == encodeArgs(10));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract test {
			function f(uint a, uint b) returns(uint d) { return a + b; }
			function f(uint k) returns(uint d) { return k; }
			function g(bool flag) returns(uint d) {
				if (flag)
					return f(3);
					return f(3, 7);
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("g(bool)", true) == encodeArgs(3));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("g(bool)", false) == encodeArgs(10));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract B { function f() returns(uint) { return 10; } }
		contract C is B {
			function f(uint i) returns(uint) { return 2 * i; }
			function g() returns(uint) { return f(1); }
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("g()") == encodeArgs(2));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract A { function f(uint a) returns(uint) { return 2 * a; } }
		contract B { function f() returns(uint) { return 10; } }
		contract C is A, B {
			function g() returns(uint) { return f(); }
			function h() returns(uint) { return f(1); }
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("g()") == encodeArgs(10));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("h()") == encodeArgs(2));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract A { function f(uint a) returns(uint) { return 2 * a; } }
		contract B { function f(bool b) returns(uint) { return 10; } }
		contract C is A, B {
			function g() returns(uint) { return super.f(true); }
			function h() returns(uint) { return super.f(1); }
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("g()") == encodeArgs(10));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("h()") == encodeArgs(2));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			int8 a;
			uint8 b;
			int8 c;
			uint8 d;
			function test() returns (uint x1, uint x2, uint x3, uint x4) {
				a = -2;
				b = -uint8(a) * 2;
				c = a * int8(120) * int8(121);
				x1 = uint(a);
				x2 = b;
				x3 = uint(c);
				x4 = d;
	BOOST_CHECK( callContractFunction("test()") == encodeArgs(u256(-2), u256(4), u256(-112), u256(0)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C1 { C1 public bla; function C1(C1 x) { bla = x; } }
		contract C {
			function test() returns (C1 x, C1 y) {
				C1 c = new C1(C1(9));
				x = c.bla();
				y = this.t1(C1(7));
			function t1(C1 a) returns (C1) { return a; }
			function() returns (C1) { return C1(9); }
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("test()") == encodeArgs(u256(9), u256(7)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("nonexisting") == encodeArgs(u256(9)));

	// bug #1798
	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract init {
			function isOk() returns (bool) { return false; }
			bool public ok = false;
		contract fix {
			function isOk() returns (bool) { return true; }
			bool public ok = true;

		contract init_fix is init, fix {
			function checkOk() returns (bool) { return ok; }
		contract fix_init is fix, init {
			function checkOk() returns (bool) { return ok; }
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "init_fix");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("isOk()") == encodeArgs(true));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("ok()") == encodeArgs(true));

	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "fix_init");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("isOk()") == encodeArgs(false));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("ok()") == encodeArgs(false));

	// bug #1798
	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract attribute {
			bool ok = false;
		contract func {
			function ok() returns (bool) { return true; }

		contract attr_func is attribute, func {
			function checkOk() returns (bool) { return ok(); }
		contract func_attr is func, attribute {
			function checkOk() returns (bool) { return ok; }
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "attr_func");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("ok()") == encodeArgs(true));
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "func_attr");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("checkOk()") == encodeArgs(false));

	// bug #1798
	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract A {
			function ok() returns (uint) { return 1; }
		contract B {
			function ok() returns (uint) { return 2; }
		contract C {
			uint ok = 6;
		contract AB is A, B {
			function ok() returns (uint) { return 4; }
		contract reversedE is C, AB {
			function checkOk() returns (uint) { return ok(); }
		contract E is AB, C {
			function checkOk() returns (uint) { return ok; }
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "reversedE");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("checkOk()") == encodeArgs(4));
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "E");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("checkOk()") == encodeArgs(6));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract test {
			struct testStruct
				uint m_value;
			testStruct data1;
			testStruct data2;
			testStruct data3;
			function test()
				data1.m_value = 2;
			function assign() returns (uint ret_local, uint ret_global, uint ret_global3, uint ret_global1)
				testStruct x = data1; //x is a reference data1.m_value == 2 as well as x.m_value = 2
				data2 = data1; // should copy data. data2.m_value == 2

				ret_local = x.m_value; // = 2
				ret_global = data2.m_value; // = 2

				x.m_value = 3;
				data3 = x; //should copy the data. data3.m_value == 3
				ret_global3 = data3.m_value; // = 3
				ret_global1 = data1.m_value; // = 3. Changed due to the assignment to x.m_value
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "test");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("assign()") == encodeArgs(2, 2, 3, 3));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract test {
			struct testStruct
				uint m_value;
			testStruct data1;
			function test()
				data1.m_value = 2;
			function deleteMember() returns (uint ret_value)
				testStruct x = data1; //should not copy the data. data1.m_value == 2 but x.m_value = 0
				x.m_value = 4;
				delete x.m_value;
				ret_value = data1.m_value;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "test");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("deleteMember()") == encodeArgs(0));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract test {
			struct testStruct
				uint m_value;
			mapping (uint => testStruct) campaigns;

			function test()
				campaigns[0].m_value = 2;
			function deleteIt() returns (uint)
				delete campaigns[0];
				return campaigns[0].m_value;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "test");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("deleteIt()") == encodeArgs(0));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract A {
			uint[3] arr;
			bool public test = false;
			function getElement(uint i) returns (uint)
				return arr[i];
			function testIt() returns (bool)
				uint i = this.getElement(5);
				test = true;
				return true;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "A");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("test()") == encodeArgs(false));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("testIt()") == encodeArgs());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("test()") == encodeArgs(false));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract A {
			function A()
		contract B {
			uint public test = 1;
			function testIt()
				A a = new A();
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "B");

	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("testIt()") == encodeArgs());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("test()") == encodeArgs(2));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract A {
			uint public test = 1;
			uint[3] arr;
			function A()
				uint index = 5;
				test = arr[index];
	BOOST_CHECK(compileAndRunWithoutCheck(sourceCode, 0, "A").empty());

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract test {
			int8 public x = 2;
			int8 public y = 127;
			int16 public q = 250;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "test");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("x()") == encodeArgs(2));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("y()") == encodeArgs(127));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("q()") == encodeArgs(250));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Helper {
			uint[] data;
			function () {
				data[9]; // trigger exception
		contract Main {
			function callHelper(address _a) returns (bool r, uint bal) {
				r = !_a.send(5);
				bal = this.balance;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Helper");
	u160 const c_helperAddress = m_contractAddress;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 20, "Main");
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("callHelper(address)", c_helperAddress) == encodeArgs(true, 20));

	// Invoke some features that use memory and test that they do not interfere with each other.
	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Helper {
			uint public flag;
			function Helper(uint x) {
				flag = x;
		contract Main {
			mapping(uint => uint) map;
			function f(uint x) returns (uint) {
				map[x] = x;
				return (new Helper(uint(sha3(this.g(map[x]))))).flag();
			function g(uint a) returns (uint)
				return map[a];
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Main");
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("f(uint256)", 0x34) == encodeArgs(dev::sha3(dev::toBigEndian(u256(0x34)))));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Main {
			string public s;
			function set(string _s) external {
				s = _s;
			function get1() returns (string r) {
				return s;
			function get2() returns (string r) {
				r = s;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Main");
	string s("Julia");
	bytes args = encodeArgs(u256(0x20), u256(s.length()), s);
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("set(string)", asString(args)) == encodeArgs());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("get1()") == args);
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("get2()") == args);
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("s()") == args);

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Main {
			string public s1;
			string public s2;
			function set(string _s1, uint x, string _s2) external returns (uint) {
				s1 = _s1;
				s2 = _s2;
				return x;
			function get() returns (string r1, string r2) {
				r1 = s1;
				r2 = s2;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Main");
	string s1(
	string s2(
	vector<size_t> lengthes{0, 30, 32, 63, 64, 65, 210, 300};
	for (auto l1: lengthes)
		for (auto l2: lengthes)
			bytes dyn1 = encodeArgs(u256(l1), s1.substr(0, l1));
			bytes dyn2 = encodeArgs(u256(l2), s2.substr(0, l2));
			bytes args = encodeArgs(u256(0x60), u256(l1), u256(0x60 + dyn1.size())) + dyn1 + dyn2;
				callContractFunction("set(string,uint256,string)", asString(args)) ==
			bytes result = encodeArgs(u256(0x40), u256(0x40 + dyn1.size())) + dyn1 + dyn2;
			BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("get()") == result);
			BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("s1()") == encodeArgs(0x20) + dyn1);
			BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("s2()") == encodeArgs(0x20) + dyn2);

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Main {
			struct stringData { string a; uint b; string c; }
			mapping(uint => stringData[]) public data;
			function set(uint x, uint y, string a, uint b, string c) external returns (bool) {
				data[x].length = y + 1;
				data[x][y].a = a;
				data[x][y].b = b;
				data[x][y].c = c;
				return true;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Main");
	string s1("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
	bytes s1Data = encodeArgs(u256(s1.length()), s1);
	bytes s2Data = encodeArgs(u256(s2.length()), s2);
	u256 b = 765;
	u256 x = 7;
	u256 y = 123;
	bytes args = encodeArgs(x, y, u256(0xa0), b, u256(0xa0 + s1Data.size()), s1Data, s2Data);
	bytes result = encodeArgs(u256(0x60), b, u256(0x60 + s1Data.size()), s1Data, s2Data);
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("set(uint256,uint256,string,uint256,string)", asString(args)) == encodeArgs(true));
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("data(uint256,uint256)", x, y) == result);

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Main {
			string public s1;
			string public s2;
			function set(string _s1, uint x, string _s2) returns (uint) {
				s1 = _s1;
				s2 = _s2;
				return x;
			function setIndirectFromMemory(string _s1, uint x, string _s2) returns (uint) {
				return this.set(_s1, x, _s2);
			function setIndirectFromCalldata(string _s1, uint x, string _s2) external returns (uint) {
				return this.set(_s1, x, _s2);
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Main");
	string s1("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
	vector<size_t> lengthes{0, 31, 64, 65};
	for (auto l1: lengthes)
		for (auto l2: lengthes)
			bytes dyn1 = encodeArgs(u256(l1), s1.substr(0, l1));
			bytes dyn2 = encodeArgs(u256(l2), s2.substr(0, l2));
			bytes args1 = encodeArgs(u256(0x60), u256(l1), u256(0x60 + dyn1.size())) + dyn1 + dyn2;
				callContractFunction("setIndirectFromMemory(string,uint256,string)", asString(args1)) ==
			BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("s1()") == encodeArgs(0x20) + dyn1);
			BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("s2()") == encodeArgs(0x20) + dyn2);
			// swapped
			bytes args2 = encodeArgs(u256(0x60), u256(l1), u256(0x60 + dyn2.size())) + dyn2 + dyn1;
				callContractFunction("setIndirectFromCalldata(string,uint256,string)", asString(args2)) ==
			BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("s1()") == encodeArgs(0x20) + dyn2);
			BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("s2()") == encodeArgs(0x20) + dyn1);

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Main {
			bytes s1;
			function doSet(bytes _s1) returns (bytes _r1) {
				s1 = _s1;
				_r1 = s1;
			function set(bytes _s1) external returns (uint _r, bytes _r1) {
				_r1 = doSet(_s1);
				_r = _r1.length;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Main");
	string s1("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
	vector<size_t> lengthes{0, 31, 64, 65};
	for (auto l1: lengthes)
		bytes dyn1 = encodeArgs(u256(l1), s1.substr(0, l1));
		bytes args1 = encodeArgs(u256(0x20)) + dyn1;
			callContractFunction("set(bytes)", asString(args1)) ==
			encodeArgs(u256(l1), u256(0x40)) + dyn1

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Main {
			function f(bytes _s1, uint i1, uint i2, uint i3) returns (byte c1, byte c2, byte c3) {
				c1 = _s1[i1];
				c2 = intern(_s1, i2);
				c3 = internIndirect(_s1)[i3];
			function intern(bytes _s1, uint i) returns (byte c) {
				return _s1[i];
			function internIndirect(bytes _s1) returns (bytes) {
				return _s1;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Main");
	string s1("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
	bytes dyn1 = encodeArgs(u256(s1.length()), s1);
	bytes args1 = encodeArgs(u256(0x80), u256(3), u256(4), u256(5)) + dyn1;
		callContractFunction("f(bytes,uint256,uint256,uint256)", asString(args1)) ==
		encodeArgs(string{s1[3]}, string{s1[4]}, string{s1[5]})

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Test {
			uint public m_x;
			bytes public m_s;
			function Test(uint x, bytes s) {
				m_x = x;
				m_s = s;
	string s1("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
	bytes dyn1 = encodeArgs(u256(s1.length()), s1);
	u256 x = 7;
	bytes args1 = encodeArgs(x, u256(0x40)) + dyn1;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Test", args1);
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("m_x()") == encodeArgs(x));
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("m_s()") == encodeArgs(u256(0x20)) + dyn1);

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Base {
			uint public m_x;
			bytes m_s;
			function Base(uint x, bytes s) {
				m_x = x;
				m_s = s;
			function part(uint i) returns (byte) {
				return m_s[i];
		contract Main is Base {
			function Main(bytes s, uint x) Base(x, f(s)) {}
			function f(bytes s) returns (bytes) {
				return s;
		contract Creator {
			function f(uint x, bytes s) returns (uint r, byte ch) {
				var c = new Main(s, x);
				r = c.m_x();
				ch = c.part(x);
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Creator");
	string s1("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz");
	bytes dyn1 = encodeArgs(u256(s1.length()), s1);
	u256 x = 7;
	bytes args1 = encodeArgs(x, u256(0x40)) + dyn1;
		callContractFunction("f(uint256,bytes)", asString(args1)) ==
		encodeArgs(x, string{s1[unsigned(x)]})

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Base {
			uint public m_x;
			address[] m_s;
			function Base(uint x, address[] s) {
				m_x = x;
				m_s = s;
			function part(uint i) returns (address) {
				return m_s[i];
		contract Main is Base {
			function Main(address[] s, uint x) Base(x, f(s)) {}
			function f(address[] s) returns (address[]) {
				return s;
		contract Creator {
			function f(uint x, address[] s) returns (uint r, address ch) {
				var c = new Main(s, x);
				r = c.m_x();
				ch = c.part(x);
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Creator");
	vector<u256> s1{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10};
	bytes dyn1 = encodeArgs(u256(s1.size()), s1);
	u256 x = 7;
	bytes args1 = encodeArgs(x, u256(0x40)) + dyn1;
		callContractFunction("f(uint256,address[])", asString(args1)) ==
		encodeArgs(x, s1[unsigned(x)])

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Creator {
			uint public r;
			address public ch;
			function Creator(address[3] s, uint x) {
				r = x;
				ch = s[2];
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Creator", encodeArgs(u256(1), u256(2), u256(3), u256(4)));
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("r()") == encodeArgs(u256(4)));
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("ch()") == encodeArgs(u256(3)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Test {
			uint24[] public data;
			function set(uint24[] _data) returns (uint) {
				data = _data;
				return data.length;
			function get() returns (uint24[]) {
				return data;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Test");

	vector<u256> data{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18};
		callContractFunction("set(uint24[])", u256(0x20), u256(data.size()), data) ==
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("data(uint256)", u256(7)) == encodeArgs(u256(8)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("data(uint256)", u256(15)) == encodeArgs(u256(16)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("data(uint256)", u256(18)) == encodeArgs());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("get()") == encodeArgs(u256(0x20), u256(data.size()), data));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Test {
			uint24[3][] public data;
			function set(uint24[3][] _data) returns (uint) {
				data = _data;
				return data.length;
			function get() returns (uint24[3][]) {
				return data;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Test");

	vector<u256> data{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18};
		callContractFunction("set(uint24[3][])", u256(0x20), u256(data.size() / 3), data) ==
		encodeArgs(u256(data.size() / 3))
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("data(uint256,uint256)", u256(2), u256(2)) == encodeArgs(u256(9)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("data(uint256,uint256)", u256(5), u256(1)) == encodeArgs(u256(17)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("data(uint256,uint256)", u256(6), u256(0)) == encodeArgs());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("get()") == encodeArgs(u256(0x20), u256(data.size() / 3), data));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Test {
			function set(uint24[3][] _data, uint a, uint b) returns (uint l, uint e) {
				l = _data.length;
				e = _data[a][b];
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Test");

	vector<u256> data{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18};
			u256(data.size() / 3),
	) == encodeArgs(u256(data.size() / 3), u256(data[3 * 3 + 2])));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Test {
			function set(bytes _data, uint i) returns (uint l, byte c) {
				l = _data.length;
				c = _data[i];
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Test");

	string data("abcdefgh");
	) == encodeArgs(u256(data.size()), string("d")));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract BinarySearch {
		  /// Finds the position of _value in the sorted list _data.
		  /// Note that "internal" is important here, because storage references only work for internal or private functions
		  function find(uint[] storage _data, uint _value) internal returns (uint o_position) {
			return find(_data, 0, _data.length, _value);
		  function find(uint[] storage _data, uint _begin, uint _len, uint _value) private returns (uint o_position) {
			if (_len == 0 || (_len == 1 && _data[_begin] != _value))
			  return uint(-1); // failure
			uint halfLen = _len / 2;
			uint v = _data[_begin + halfLen];
			if (_value < v)
			  return find(_data, _begin, halfLen, _value);
			else if (_value > v)
			  return find(_data, _begin + halfLen + 1, halfLen - 1, _value);
			  return _begin + halfLen;

		contract Store is BinarySearch {
			uint[] data;
			function add(uint v) {
				data[data.length - 1] = v;
			function find(uint v) returns (uint) {
				return find(data, v);
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Store");
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("find(uint256)", u256(7)) == encodeArgs(u256(-1)));
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("add(uint256)", u256(7)) == encodeArgs());
	BOOST_REQUIRE(callContractFunction("find(uint256)", u256(7)) == encodeArgs(u256(0)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("add(uint256)", u256(11)) == encodeArgs());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("add(uint256)", u256(17)) == encodeArgs());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("add(uint256)", u256(27)) == encodeArgs());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("add(uint256)", u256(31)) == encodeArgs());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("add(uint256)", u256(32)) == encodeArgs());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("add(uint256)", u256(66)) == encodeArgs());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("add(uint256)", u256(177)) == encodeArgs());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("find(uint256)", u256(7)) == encodeArgs(u256(0)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("find(uint256)", u256(27)) == encodeArgs(u256(3)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("find(uint256)", u256(32)) == encodeArgs(u256(5)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("find(uint256)", u256(176)) == encodeArgs(u256(-1)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("find(uint256)", u256(0)) == encodeArgs(u256(-1)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("find(uint256)", u256(400)) == encodeArgs(u256(-1)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Test {
			mapping(uint=>uint) data;
			function stat() returns (uint[5])
				data[2] = 3; // make sure to use some memory
			function dyn() returns (uint[]) { stat(); }
			function nested() returns (uint[3][]) { stat(); }
			function nestedStat() returns (uint[3][7]) { stat(); }
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Test");

	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("stat()") == encodeArgs(vector<u256>(5)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("dyn()") == encodeArgs(u256(0x20), u256(0)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("nested()") == encodeArgs(u256(0x20), u256(0)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("nestedStat()") == encodeArgs(vector<u256>(3 * 7)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Test {
			function del() returns (uint24[3][4]) {
				uint24[3][4] memory x;
				for (uint24 i = 0; i < x.length; i ++)
					for (uint24 j = 0; j < x[i].length; j ++)
						x[i][j] = i * 0x10 + j;
				delete x[1];
				delete x[3][2];
				return x;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Test");

	vector<u256> data(3 * 4);
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < 4; i++)
		for (unsigned j = 0; j < 3; j++)
			u256 v = 0;
			if (!(i == 1 || (i == 3 && j == 2)))
				v = i * 0x10 + j;
			data[i * 3 + j] = v;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("del()") == encodeArgs(data));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Test {
			function set(uint24[3][4] x) {
				x[2][2] = 1;
				x[3][2] = 7;
			function f() returns (uint24[3][4]){
				uint24[3][4] memory data;
				return data;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Test");

	vector<u256> data(3 * 4);
	data[3 * 2 + 2] = 1;
	data[3 * 3 + 2] = 7;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(data));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Test {
			uint24[3][][4] data;
			function set(uint24[3][][4] x) internal returns (uint24[3][][4]) {
				x[1][2][2] = 1;
				x[1][3][2] = 7;
				return x;
			function f() returns (uint24[3][]) {
				data[1].length = 4;
				return set(data)[1];
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Test");

	vector<u256> data(3 * 4);
	data[3 * 2 + 2] = 1;
	data[3 * 3 + 2] = 7;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(u256(0x20), u256(4), data));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Test {
			struct S { uint8 x; uint16 y; uint z; uint8[2] a; }
			S[5] data;
			function testInit() returns (uint8 x, uint16 y, uint z, uint8 a, bool flag) {
				S[2] memory d;
				x = d[0].x;
				y = d[0].y;
				z = d[0].z;
				a = d[0].a[1];
				flag = true;
			function testCopyRead() returns (uint8 x, uint16 y, uint z, uint8 a) {
				data[2].x = 1;
				data[2].y = 2;
				data[2].z = 3;
				data[2].a[1] = 4;
				S memory s = data[2];
				x = s.x;
				y = s.y;
				z = s.z;
				a = s.a[1];
			function testAssign() returns (uint8 x, uint16 y, uint z, uint8 a) {
				S memory s;
				s.x = 1;
				s.y = 2;
				s.z = 3;
				s.a[1] = 4;
				x = s.x;
				y = s.y;
				z = s.z;
				a = s.a[1];
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Test");

	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("testInit()") == encodeArgs(u256(0), u256(0), u256(0), u256(0), true));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("testCopyRead()") == encodeArgs(u256(1), u256(2), u256(3), u256(4)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("testAssign()") == encodeArgs(u256(1), u256(2), u256(3), u256(4)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Test {
			struct S { uint8 x; uint16 y; uint z; }
			function test() returns (uint x, uint y, uint z) {
				S memory data = combine(1, 2, 3);
				x = extract(data, 0);
				y = extract(data, 1);
				z = extract(data, 2);
			function extract(S s, uint which) internal returns (uint x) {
				if (which == 0) return s.x;
				else if (which == 1) return s.y;
				else return s.z;
			function combine(uint8 x, uint16 y, uint z) internal returns (S s) {
				s.x = x;
				s.y = y;
				s.z = z;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Test");

	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("test()") == encodeArgs(u256(1), u256(2), u256(3)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Test {
			struct S { uint8 x; uint16 y; uint z; }
			struct X { uint8 x; S s; }
			function test() returns (uint a, uint x, uint y, uint z) {
				X memory d = combine(1, 2, 3, 4);
				a = extract(d, 0);
				x = extract(d, 1);
				y = extract(d, 2);
				z = extract(d, 3);
			function extract(X s, uint which) internal returns (uint x) {
				if (which == 0) return s.x;
				else if (which == 1) return s.s.x;
				else if (which == 2) return s.s.y;
				else return s.s.z;
			function combine(uint8 a, uint8 x, uint16 y, uint z) internal returns (X s) {
				s.x = a;
				s.s.x = x;
				s.s.y = y;
				s.s.z = z;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Test");

	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("test()") == encodeArgs(u256(1), u256(2), u256(3), u256(4)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Test {
			struct S { uint8 x; uint16 y; uint z; }
			struct X { uint8 x; S s; uint8[2] a; }
			X m_x;
			function load() returns (uint a, uint x, uint y, uint z, uint a1, uint a2) {
				m_x.x = 1;
				m_x.s.x = 2;
				m_x.s.y = 3;
				m_x.s.z = 4;
				m_x.a[0] = 5;
				m_x.a[1] = 6;
				X memory d = m_x;
				a = d.x;
				x = d.s.x;
				y = d.s.y;
				z = d.s.z;
				a1 = d.a[0];
				a2 = d.a[1];
			function store() returns (uint a, uint x, uint y, uint z, uint a1, uint a2) {
				X memory d;
				d.x = 1;
				d.s.x = 2;
				d.s.y = 3;
				d.s.z = 4;
				d.a[0] = 5;
				d.a[1] = 6;
				m_x = d;
				a = m_x.x;
				x = m_x.s.x;
				y = m_x.s.y;
				z = m_x.s.z;
				a1 = m_x.a[0];
				a2 = m_x.a[1];
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Test");

	auto out = encodeArgs(u256(1), u256(2), u256(3), u256(4), u256(5), u256(6));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("load()") == out);
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("store()") == out);

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			struct X { uint x1; uint x2; }
			struct S { uint s1; uint[3] s2; X s3; }
			S s;
			function C() {
				uint[3] memory s2;
				s2[1] = 9;
				s = S(1, s2, X(4, 5));
			function get() returns (uint s1, uint[3] s2, uint x1, uint x2)
				s1 = s.s1;
				s2 = s.s2;
				x1 = s.s3.x1;
				x2 = s.s3.x2;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");

	auto out = encodeArgs(u256(1), u256(0), u256(9), u256(0), u256(4), u256(5));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("get()") == out);

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			struct S { uint a; bool x; }
			S public s;
			function C() {
				s = S({a: 1, x: true});
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");

	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("s()") == encodeArgs(u256(1), true));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Test {
			string public long;
			string public medium;
			string public short;
			string public empty;
			function f() returns (string) {
				long = "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789001234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678900123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789001234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890";
				medium = "01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789";
				short = "123";
				empty = "";
				return "Hello, World!";
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Test");
	string longStr = "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789001234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678900123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789001234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890";
	string medium = "01234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789";
	string shortStr = "123";
	string hello = "Hello, World!";

	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeDyn(hello));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("long()") == encodeDyn(longStr));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("medium()") == encodeDyn(medium));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("short()") == encodeDyn(shortStr));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("empty()") == encodeDyn(string()));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Test {
			string public short = "abcdef";
			string public long = "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789001234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678900123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789001234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890";
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Test");
	string longStr = "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789001234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678900123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789001234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890";
	string shortStr = "abcdef";

	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("long()") == encodeDyn(longStr));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("short()") == encodeDyn(shortStr));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Test {
			struct S { uint8 a; mapping(uint => uint) b; uint8 c; }
			S s;
			function f() returns (uint) {
				S memory x;
				if (x.a != 0 || x.c != 0) return 1;
				x.a = 4; x.c = 5;
				s = x;
				if (s.a != 4 || s.c != 5) return 2;
				x = S(2, 3);
				if (x.a != 2 || x.c != 3) return 3;
				x = s;
				if (s.a != 4 || s.c != 5) return 4;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Test");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(u256(0)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Test {
			string s;
			bytes b;
			function f(string _s, uint n) returns (byte) {
				b = bytes(_s);
				s = string(b);
				return bytes(s)[n];
			function l() returns (uint) { return bytes(s).length; }
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Test");
	) == encodeArgs("c"));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("l()") == encodeArgs(u256(6)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Test {
			mapping(string => uint) data;
			function set(string _s, uint _v) { data[_s] = _v; }
			function get(string _s) returns (uint) { return data[_s]; }
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Test");
	vector<string> strings{
		"Hello, World!",
		"Hello,                            World!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111",
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < strings.size(); i++)
			u256(7 + i),
		) == encodeArgs());
	for (unsigned i = 0; i < strings.size(); i++)
		) == encodeArgs(u256(7 + i)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Lotto{
			uint public ticketPrice = 500;

		BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("ticketPrice()") == encodeArgs(u256(500)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Lotto{
			uint constant public ticketPrice = 555;

		BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("ticketPrice()") == encodeArgs(u256(555)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Test {
			bytes32 constant public b = "abcdefghijklmnopq";
			string constant public x = "abefghijklmnopqabcdefghijklmnopqabcdefghijklmnopqabca";

			function Test() {
				var xx = x;
				var bb = b;
			function getB() returns (bytes32) { return b; }
			function getX() returns (string) { return x; }
			function getX2() returns (string r) { r = x; }
			function unused() returns (uint) {
				return 2;

	string longStr = "abefghijklmnopqabcdefghijklmnopqabcdefghijklmnopqabca";
	string shortStr = "abcdefghijklmnopq";
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("b()") == encodeArgs(shortStr));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("x()") == encodeDyn(longStr));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getB()") == encodeArgs(shortStr));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getX()") == encodeDyn(longStr));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getX2()") == encodeDyn(longStr));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("unused()") == encodeArgs(2));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Test {
			mapping(string => uint) data;
			function f() returns (uint) {
				data["abc"] = 2;
				return data["abc"];
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Test");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(u256(2)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		library Lib { function m(uint x, uint y) returns (uint) { return x * y; } }
		contract Test {
			function f(uint x) returns (uint) {
				return Lib.m(x, 9);
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Lib");
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Test", bytes(), map<string, Address>{{"Lib", m_contractAddress}});
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(uint256)", u256(33)) == encodeArgs(u256(33) * 9));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		library Lib { function m(uint x, uint y) returns (uint) { return x * y; } }
		contract Test {
			function f(uint x) returns (uint) {
				return x + 9;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Lib");
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Test", bytes(), map<string, Address>{{"Lib", m_contractAddress}});
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(uint256)", u256(33)) == encodeArgs(u256(42)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Lib { struct S {uint a; uint b; } }
		contract Test {
			function f() returns (uint r) {
				var x = Lib.S({a: 2, b: 3});
				r = x.b;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Test");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(u256(3)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Test {
			function f(uint x) returns (uint) {
				if (x > 10)
					return x + 10;
				return 2;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(uint256)", u256(11)) == encodeArgs(u256(21)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(uint256)", u256(1)) == encodeArgs());

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract buggystruct {
			Buggy public bug;

			struct Buggy {
				uint first;
				uint second;
				uint third;
				string last;

			function buggystruct(){
				bug = Buggy(10, 20, 30, "asdfghjkl");
			function getFirst() returns (uint)
				return bug.first;
			function getSecond() returns (uint)
				return bug.second;
			function getThird() returns (uint)
				return bug.third;
			function getLast() returns (string)
				return bug.last;
	string s = "asdfghjkl";
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getFirst()") == encodeArgs(u256(10)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getSecond()") == encodeArgs(u256(20)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getThird()") == encodeArgs(u256(30)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("getLast()") == encodeDyn(s));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract A {
			function f(uint16 input) constant returns (uint16[5] arr)
				arr[0] = input;
				arr[1] = ++input;
				arr[2] = ++input;
				arr[3] = ++input;
				arr[4] = ++input;
		contract B {
			function f() returns (uint16[5] res, uint16[5] res2)
				var a = new A();
				res = a.f(2);
				res2 = a.f(1000);
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "B");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(
		u256(2), u256(3), u256(4), u256(5), u256(6), // first return argument
		u256(1000), u256(1001), u256(1002), u256(1003), u256(1004)) // second return argument

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		library Lib {
			function find(uint16[] storage _haystack, uint16 _needle) constant returns (uint)
				for (uint i = 0; i < _haystack.length; ++i)
					if (_haystack[i] == _needle)
						return i;
				return uint(-1);
		contract Test {
			mapping(string => uint16[]) data;
			function f() returns (uint a, uint b)
				data["abc"].length = 20;
				data["abc"][4] = 9;
				data["abc"][17] = 3;
				a = Lib.find(data["abc"], 9);
				b = Lib.find(data["abc"], 3);
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Lib");
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Test", bytes(), map<string, Address>{{"Lib", m_contractAddress}});
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(u256(4), u256(17)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		library Lib {
			struct Data { uint a; uint[] b; }
			function set(Data storage _s)
				_s.a = 7;
				_s.b.length = 20;
				_s.b[19] = 8;
		contract Test {
			mapping(string => Lib.Data) data;
			function f() returns (uint a, uint b)
				a = data["abc"].a;
				b = data["abc"].b[19];
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Lib");
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "Test", bytes(), map<string, Address>{{"Lib", m_contractAddress}});
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(u256(7), u256(8)));

	// This test verifies that the byte array encoding that combines length and data works
	// correctly.
	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract A {
			bytes public data1 = "123";
			bytes data2;
			function lengthChange() returns (uint)
				// store constant in short and long string
				data1 = "123";
				if (!equal(data1, "123")) return 1;
				data2 = "12345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890a";
				if (data2[17] != "8") return 3;
				if (data2.length != 51) return 4;
				if (data2[data2.length - 1] != "a") return 5;
				// change length: short -> short
				data1.length = 5;
				if (data1.length != 5) return 6;
				data1[4] = "4";
				if (data1[0] != "1") return 7;
				if (data1[4] != "4") return 8;
				// change length: short -> long
				data1.length = 80;
				if (data1.length != 80) return 9;
				data1.length = 70;
				if (data1.length != 70) return 9;
				if (data1[0] != "1") return 10;
				if (data1[4] != "4") return 11;
				for (uint i = 0; i < data1.length; i ++)
					data1[i] = byte(i * 3);
				if (data1[4] != 4 * 3) return 12;
				if (data1[67] != 67 * 3) return 13;
				// change length: long -> short
				data1.length = 22;
				if (data1.length != 22) return 14;
				if (data1[21] != byte(21 * 3)) return 15;
				if (data1[2] != 2 * 3) return 16;
				// change length: short -> shorter
				data1.length = 19;
				if (data1.length != 19) return 17;
				if (data1[7] != byte(7 * 3)) return 18;
				// and now again to original size
				data1.length = 22;
				if (data1.length != 22) return 19;
				if (data1[21] != 0) return 20;
				data1.length = 0;
				data2.length = 0;
			function copy() returns (uint) {
				bytes memory x = "123";
				bytes memory y = "012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789";
				bytes memory z = "1234567";
				data1 = x;
				data2 = y;
				if (!equal(data1, x)) return 1;
				if (!equal(data2, y)) return 2;
				// lengthen
				data1 = y;
				if (!equal(data1, y)) return 3;
				// shorten
				data1 = x;
				if (!equal(data1, x)) return 4;
				// change while keeping short
				data1 = z;
				if (!equal(data1, z)) return 5;
				// copy storage -> storage
				data1 = x;
				data2 = y;
				// lengthen
				data1 = data2;
				if (!equal(data1, y)) return 6;
				// shorten
				data1 = x;
				data2 = data1;
				if (!equal(data2, x)) return 7;
				bytes memory c = data2;
				data1 = c;
				if (!equal(data1, x)) return 8;
				data1 = "";
				data2 = "";
			function deleteElements() returns (uint) {
				data1 = "01234";
				delete data1[2];
				if (data1[2] != 0) return 1;
				if (data1[0] != "0") return 2;
				if (data1[3] != "3") return 3;
				delete data1;
				if (data1.length != 0) return 4;

			function equal(bytes storage a, bytes memory b) internal returns (bool) {
				if (a.length != b.length) return false;
				for (uint i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) if (a[i] != b[i]) return false;
				return true;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "A");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("data1()") == encodeDyn(string("123")));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("lengthChange()") == encodeArgs(u256(0)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("deleteElements()") == encodeArgs(u256(0)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("copy()") == encodeArgs(u256(0)));

	// This tests a specific bug that was caused by not using the correct memory offset in the
	// calldata unpacker.
	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract CB
			address[] _arr;
			string public last = "nd";
			function CB(address[] guardians)
				_arr = guardians;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "CB", encodeArgs(u256(0x20)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("last()", encodeArgs()) == encodeDyn(string("nd")));

	char const* sourceCode = "library lib {}";
	m_optimize = true;
	bytes runtimeCode = compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "lib");
	BOOST_CHECK(runtimeCode.size() >= 8);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(runtimeCode[0], int(eth::Instruction::PUSH6)); // might change once we switch to 1.x.x
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(runtimeCode[1], 3); // might change once we switch away from x.3.x
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(runtimeCode[7], int(eth::Instruction::POP));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract A { function f() { new B(); } }
		contract B { function f() { } }
		contract C { function f() { new B(); } }

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		library lib {}
		contract c {
			function f(address x) returns (bool) {
				return x.send(1);
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "lib");
	Address libraryAddress = m_contractAddress;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 10, "c");
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(balanceAt(m_contractAddress), 10);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(balanceAt(libraryAddress), 0);
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(address)", encodeArgs(u160(libraryAddress))) == encodeArgs(false));
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(balanceAt(m_contractAddress), 10);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(balanceAt(libraryAddress), 0);
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(address)", encodeArgs(u160(m_contractAddress))) == encodeArgs(true));
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(balanceAt(m_contractAddress), 10);
	BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(balanceAt(libraryAddress), 0);

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			function g() returns (uint a, uint b, uint c) {
				a = 1; b = 2; c = 3;
			function f() returns (bool) {
				var (x, y, z) = g();
				if (x != 1 || y != 2 || z != 3) return false;
				var (, a,) = g();
				if (a != 2) return false;
				var (b,) = g();
				if (b != 1) return false;
				var (,c) = g();
				if (c != 3) return false;
				return true;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()", encodeArgs()) == encodeArgs(true));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			uint[] data;
			function g() internal returns (uint a, uint b, uint[] storage c) {
				return (1, 2, data);
			function h() external returns (uint a, uint b) {
				return (5, 6);
			function f() returns (uint) {
				data.length = 1;
				data[0] = 3;
				uint a; uint b;
				(a, b) = this.h();
				if (a != 5 || b != 6) return 1;
				uint[] storage c;
				(a, b, c) = g();
				if (a != 1 || b != 2 || c[0] != 3) return 2;
				(a, b) = (b, a);
				if (a != 2 || b != 1) return 3;
				(a, , b, ) = (8, 9, 10, 11, 12);
				if (a != 8 || b != 10) return 4;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(u256(0)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			function f() returns (string, uint) {
				return ("abc", 8);
			function g() returns (string, string) {
				return (h(), "def");
			function h() returns (string) {
				return ("abc",);
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(u256(0x40), u256(8), u256(3), string("abc")));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("g()") == encodeArgs(u256(0x40), u256(0x80), u256(3), string("abc"), u256(3), string("def")));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			function f() returns (uint) {
				uint x = 1;
				(x) = 2;
				return x;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(u256(2)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			uint x = 7;
			bytes data;
			uint[] y;
			uint[] arrayData;
			function returnsArray() returns (uint[]) {
				arrayData.length = 9;
				arrayData[2] = 5;
				arrayData[7] = 4;
				return arrayData;
			function f(bytes s) returns (uint) {
				uint loc;
				uint[] memory memArray;
				(loc, x, y, data, arrayData[3]) = (8, 4, returnsArray(), s, 2);
				if (loc != 8) return 1;
				if (x != 4) return 2;
				if (y.length != 9) return 3;
				if (y[2] != 5) return 4;
				if (y[7] != 4) return 5;
				if (data.length != s.length) return 6;
				if (data[3] != s[3]) return 7;
				if (arrayData[3] != 2) return 8;
				(memArray, loc) = (arrayData, 3);
				if (loc != 3) return 9;
				if (memArray.length != arrayData.length) return 10;
				bytes memory memBytes;
				(x, memBytes, y[2], ) = (456, s, 789, 101112, 131415);
				if (x != 456 || memBytes.length != s.length || y[2] != 789) return 11;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(bytes)", u256(0x20), u256(5), string("abcde")) == encodeArgs(u256(0)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			function f() returns (uint) {
				uint a;
				uint b;
				uint c;
				(a,) = (1,);
				if (a != 1) return 1;
				(,b) = (2,3,4);
				if (b != 4) return 2;
				(, c,) = (5,6,7);
				if (c != 6) return 3;
				(a, b,) = (11, 12, 13);
				if (a != 11 || b != 12) return 4;
				(, a, b) = (11, 12, 13);
				if (a != 12 || b != 13) return 5;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(u256(0)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			struct s { uint a; uint b;}
			function f() returns (uint) {
				s[7][]; // This is only the type, should not have any effect
				return 3;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(u256(3)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			struct S { uint[2] a; bytes b; }
			function f() returns (byte, uint, uint, byte) {
				var x = new bytes(200);
				x[199] = 'A';
				var y = new uint[2][](300);
				y[203][1] = 8;
				var z = new S[](180);
				z[170].a[1] = 4;
				z[170].b = new bytes(102);
				z[170].b[99] = 'B';
				return (x[199], y[203][1], z[170].a[1], z[170].b[99]);
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(string("A"), u256(8), u256(4), string("B")));

	// Computes binomial coefficients the chinese way
	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			function f(uint n, uint k) returns (uint) {
				uint[][] memory rows = new uint[][](n + 1);
				for (uint i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
					rows[i] = new uint[](i);
					rows[i][0] = rows[i][rows[i].length - 1] = 1;
					for (uint j = 1; j < i - 1; j++)
						rows[i][j] = rows[i - 1][j - 1] + rows[i - 1][j];
				return rows[n][k - 1];
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(uint256,uint256)", encodeArgs(u256(3), u256(1))) == encodeArgs(u256(1)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(uint256,uint256)", encodeArgs(u256(9), u256(5))) == encodeArgs(u256(70)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			function f() returns (bytes x) {
				x = "12345";
				x[3] = 0x61;
				x[0] = 0x62;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeDyn(string("b23a5")));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			function test() returns (uint) {
				// Note that this only works because computation on literals is done using
				// unbounded integers.
				if ((2**255 + 2**255) % 7 != addmod(2**255, 2**255, 7))
					return 1;
				if ((2**255 + 2**255) % 7 != addmod(2**255, 2**255, 7))
					return 2;
				return 0;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("test()") == encodeArgs(u256(0)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract Sample
			struct s { uint16 x; uint16 y; string a; string b;}
			s[2] public p;
			function Sample() {
				s memory m;
				m.x = 0xbbbb;
				m.y = 0xcccc;
				m.a = "hello";
				m.b = "world";
				p[0] = m;
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("p(uint256)") == encodeArgs(

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		library D { function double(uint self) returns (uint) { return 2*self; } }
		contract C {
			using D for uint;
			function f(uint a) returns (uint) {
				return a.double();
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "D");
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C", bytes(), map<string, Address>{{"D", m_contractAddress}});
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(uint256)", u256(9)) == encodeArgs(u256(2 * 9)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		library D { struct s { uint a; } function mul(s storage self, uint x) returns (uint) { return self.a *= x; } }
		contract C {
			using D for D.s;
			D.s public x;
			function f(uint a) returns (uint) {
				x.a = 3;
				return x.mul(a);
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "D");
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C", bytes(), map<string, Address>{{"D", m_contractAddress}});
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(uint256)", u256(7)) == encodeArgs(u256(3 * 7)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("x()") == encodeArgs(u256(3 * 7)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		library D {
			struct s { uint a; }
			function mul(s storage self, uint x) returns (uint) { return self.a *= x; }
			function mul(s storage self, bytes32 x) returns (bytes32) { }
		contract C {
			using D for D.s;
			D.s public x;
			function f(uint a) returns (uint) {
				x.a = 6;
				return x.mul(a);
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "D");
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C", bytes(), map<string, Address>{{"D", m_contractAddress}});
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(uint256)", u256(7)) == encodeArgs(u256(6 * 7)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("x()") == encodeArgs(u256(6 * 7)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		library D { struct s { uint a; } function mul(s storage self, uint x) returns (uint) { return self.a *= x; } }
		contract C {
			using D for D.s;
			D.s public x;
			function f(uint a) returns (uint) {
				x.a = 6;
				return x.mul({x: a});
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "D");
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C", bytes(), map<string, Address>{{"D", m_contractAddress}});
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(uint256)", u256(7)) == encodeArgs(u256(6 * 7)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("x()") == encodeArgs(u256(6 * 7)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		library D { struct s { uint a; } function mul(s storage self, uint x) returns (uint) { return self.a *= x; } }
		contract C {
			using D for D.s;
			D.s public x;
			function f(uint a) returns (uint) {
				x.a = 6;
				var g = x.mul;
				return g({x: a});
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "D");
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C", bytes(), map<string, Address>{{"D", m_contractAddress}});
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(uint256)", u256(7)) == encodeArgs(u256(6 * 7)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("x()") == encodeArgs(u256(6 * 7)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		library D { function length(string memory self) returns (uint) { return bytes(self).length; } }
		contract C {
			using D for string;
			string x;
			function f() returns (uint) {
				x = "abc";
				return x.length();
			function g() returns (uint) {
				string memory s = "abc";
				return s.length();
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "D");
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C", bytes(), map<string, Address>{{"D", m_contractAddress}});
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(u256(3)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("g()") == encodeArgs(u256(3)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			string s = "doh";
			function f() returns (string, string) {
				string memory t = "ray";
				string[3] memory x = [s, t, "mi"];
				return (x[1], x[2]);
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(u256(0x40), u256(0x80), u256(3), string("ray"), u256(2), string("mi")));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			function f(uint i) returns (string) {
				string[4] memory x = ["This", "is", "an", "array"];
				return (x[i]);
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(uint256)", u256(0)) == encodeArgs(u256(0x20), u256(4), string("This")));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(uint256)", u256(1)) == encodeArgs(u256(0x20), u256(2), string("is")));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(uint256)", u256(2)) == encodeArgs(u256(0x20), u256(2), string("an")));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(uint256)", u256(3)) == encodeArgs(u256(0x20), u256(5), string("array")));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			function f() returns (uint x, uint y) {
				x = 3;
				y = 6;
				uint[2] memory z = [x, y];
				return (z[0], z[1]);
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(3, 6));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			function f() returns (uint) {
				return ([1, 2, 3, 4][2]);
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(3));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			string public tester;
			function f() returns (string) {
				return (["abc", "def", "g"][0]);
			function test() {
				tester = f();
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("test()") == encodeArgs());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("tester()") == encodeArgs(u256(0x20), u256(3), string("abc")));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			uint8[] tester; 
			function f() returns (uint8[5]) {
				return ([1,2,3,4,5]);
			function test() returns (uint8, uint8, uint8, uint8, uint8) {
				tester = f(); 
				return (tester[0], tester[1], tester[2], tester[3], tester[4]);
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(1, 2, 3, 4, 5));

		char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C { 
			function f() returns (string) {
				return (["somethingShort", "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789001234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678900123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789001234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890"][1]);
	string strLong = "0123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789001234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678900123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789001234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890123456789012345678901234567890";
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeDyn(strLong));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			bytes16[] public data;
			function f(bytes32 x) returns (byte) {
				return x[2];
			function g(bytes32 x) returns (uint) {
				data = [x[0], x[1], x[2]];
				data[0] = "12345";
				return uint(data[0][4]);
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(bytes32)", "789") == encodeArgs("9"));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("g(bytes32)", "789") == encodeArgs(u256(int('5'))));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("data(uint256)", u256(1)) == encodeArgs("8"));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			byte a;
			function f(bytes32 x) returns (uint, uint, uint) {
				return (x.length, bytes16(2).length, a.length + 7);
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(bytes32)", "789") == encodeArgs(u256(32), u256(16), u256(8)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			function f() returns (uint r, bytes32 r2) {
				assembly { r := 7 r2 := "abcdef" }
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(u256(7), string("abcdef")));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			function f() returns (uint r) {
				for (uint x = 0; x < 10; ++x)
					assembly { r := add(r, x) }
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(u256(45)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			function test() returns (bytes) {
				bytes memory x = new bytes(5);
				for (uint i = 0; i < x.length; ++i)
					x[i] = byte(i + 1);
				assembly { mstore(add(x, 32), "12345678901234567890123456789012") }
				return x;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("test()") == encodeArgs(u256(0x20), u256(5), string("12345")));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			uint16 x;
			uint16 public y;
			uint public z;
			function f() {
				// we know that z is aligned because it is too large, so we just discard its
				// intra-slot offset value
				assembly { 7 z pop sstore }
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("z()") == encodeArgs(u256(7)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			function f() {
				assembly {
					let n := calldataload(4)
					let a := 1
					let b := a
					jumpi(loopend, eq(n, 0))
					a add swap1
					n := sub(n, 1)
					mstore(0, a)
					return(0, 0x20)
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()", u256(5)) == encodeArgs(u256(13)));
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()", u256(7)) == encodeArgs(u256(34)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			uint public x;
			function g(uint y) { x = 2 * y; assembly { stop } }
			function f(uint _x) {
				assembly {
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(uint256)", u256(5)) == encodeArgs());
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("x()") == encodeArgs(u256(10)));

	// Test for a bug where higher order bits cleanup was not done for array index access.
	char const* sourceCode = R"(
			contract C {
				function f(uint x) returns (uint[256] r){
					r[uint8(x)] = 2;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
	// neither of the two should throw due to out-of-bounds access
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(uint256)", u256(0x01)).size() == 256 * 32);
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(uint256)", u256(0x101)).size() == 256 * 32);

	// Test for a bug where we did not increment the counter properly while deleting a dynamic array.
	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			struct S { uint x; uint[] y; }
			S[] data;
			function f() returns (bool) {
				data.length = 2;
				data[0].x = 2**200;
				data[1].x = 2**200;
				delete data;
				return true;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
	// This code interprets x as an array length and thus will go out of gas.
	// neither of the two should throw due to out-of-bounds access
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(true));


	// tests that internal library functions can be called from outside
	// and retain the same memory context (i.e. are pulled into the caller's code)
	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		library L {
			function f(uint[] _data) internal {
				_data[3] = 2;
		contract C {
			function f() returns (uint) {
				uint[] memory x = new uint[](7);
				x[3] = 8;
				return x[3];
	// This has to work without linking, because everything will be inlined.
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(u256(2)));

	// tests that internal library functions that are called from outside and that
	// themselves call private functions are still able to (i.e. the private function
	// also has to be pulled into the caller's code)
	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		library L {
			function g(uint[] _data) private {
				_data[3] = 2;
			function f(uint[] _data) internal {
		contract C {
			function f() returns (uint) {
				uint[] memory x = new uint[](7);
				x[3] = 8;
				return x[3];
	// This has to work without linking, because everything will be inlined.
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(u256(2)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		library L {
			struct S { uint[] data; }
			function f(S _s) internal {
				_s.data[3] = 2;
		contract C {
			using L for L.S;
			function f() returns (uint) {
				L.S memory x;
				x.data = new uint[](7);
				x.data[3] = 8;
				return x.data[3];
	// This has to work without linking, because everything will be inlined.
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(u256(2)));

	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		library L {
			struct S { uint[] data; }
			function f(S _s) internal returns (uint[]) {
				_s.data[3] = 2;
				return _s.data;
		contract C {
			using L for L.S;
			function f() returns (uint) {
				L.S memory x;
				x.data = new uint[](7);
				x.data[3] = 8;
				return x.f()[3];
	// This has to work without linking, because everything will be inlined.
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(u256(2)));

	// A long time ago, some opcodes were renamed, which involved the opcodes
	// "iszero" and "not".
	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			function f() returns (bool) {
				bytes32 x = 1;
				assembly { x := not(x) }
				if (x != ~bytes32(1)) return false;
				assembly { x := iszero(x) }
				if (x != bytes32(0)) return false;
				return true;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f()") == encodeArgs(true));

	// Checks that bytesXX types are properly cleaned before they are compared.
	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			function f(bytes2 a, uint16 x) returns (uint) {
				if (a != "ab") return 1;
				if (x != 0x0102) return 2;
				if (bytes3(x) != 0x0102) return 3;
				return 0;
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
	// We input longer data on purpose.
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("f(bytes2,uint16)", string("abc"), u256(0x040102)) == encodeArgs(0));

	// The EVM cannot provide access to dynamically-sized return values, so we have to skip them.
	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			function f() returns (uint, uint[], uint) {
				return (7, new uint[](2), 8);
			function g() returns (uint, uint) {
				// Previous implementation "moved" b to the second place and did not skip.
				var (a, _, b) = this.f();
				return (a, b);
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("g()") == encodeArgs(u256(7), u256(8)));

	// For accessors, the dynamic types are already removed in the external signature itself.
	char const* sourceCode = R"(
		contract C {
			struct S {
				uint x;
				string a; // this is present in the accessor
				uint[] b; // this is not present
				uint y;
			S public s;
			function g() returns (uint, uint) {
				s.x = 2;
				s.a = "abc";
				s.b = [7, 8, 9];
				s.y = 6;
				var (x, a, y) = this.s();
				return (x, y);
	compileAndRun(sourceCode, 0, "C");
	BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction("g()") == encodeArgs(u256(2), u256(6)));


} // end namespaces