# This script reads C++ or RST source files and writes all
# multi-line strings into individual files.
# This can be used to extract the Solidity test cases
# into files for e.g. fuzz testing as
# scripts/isolate_tests.py test/libsolidity/*

import sys
import re
import os
import hashlib
from os.path import join

def extract_test_cases(path):
    lines = open(path, 'rb').read().splitlines()

    inside = False
    delimiter = ''
    test = ''

    ctr = 1
    test_name = ''

    for l in lines:
      if inside:
        if l.strip().endswith(')' + delimiter + '";'):
          open('%03d_%s.sol' % (ctr, test_name), 'wb').write(test)
          ctr += 1
          inside = False
          test = ''
          l = re.sub('^\t\t', '', l)
          l = l.replace('\t', '    ')
          test += l + '\n'
        m = re.search(r'BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE\(([^(]*)\)', l.strip())
        if m:
          test_name = m.group(1)
        m = re.search(r'R"([^(]*)\($', l.strip())
        if m:
          inside = True
          delimiter = m.group(1)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    path = sys.argv[1]