# Until we have a clear separation, libjulia has to be included here file(GLOB_RECURSE sources "*.cpp" "../libjulia/*.cpp") file(GLOB_RECURSE headers "*.h" "../libjulia/*.h") find_package(Z3 QUIET) if (${Z3_FOUND}) include_directories(${Z3_INCLUDE_DIR}) add_definitions(-DHAVE_Z3) message("Z3 SMT solver found. This enables optional SMT checking with Z3.") else() list(REMOVE_ITEM sources "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/formal/Z3Interface.cpp") endif() find_package(CVC4 QUIET) if (${CVC4_FOUND}) include_directories(${CVC4_INCLUDE_DIR}) add_definitions(-DHAVE_CVC4) message("CVC4 SMT solver found. This enables optional SMT checking with CVC4.") else() list(REMOVE_ITEM sources "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/formal/CVC4Interface.cpp") endif() if (NOT (${Z3_FOUND} OR ${CVC4_FOUND})) message("No SMT solver found (or it has been forcefully disabled). Optional SMT checking will not be available.\ \nPlease install Z3 or CVC4 or remove the option disabling them (USE_Z3, USE_CVC4).") endif() add_library(solidity ${sources} ${headers}) target_link_libraries(solidity PUBLIC evmasm devcore ${Boost_FILESYSTEM_LIBRARY} ${Boost_SYSTEM_LIBRARY}) if (${Z3_FOUND}) target_link_libraries(solidity PUBLIC ${Z3_LIBRARY}) endif() if (${CVC4_FOUND}) target_link_libraries(solidity PUBLIC ${CVC4_LIBRARIES}) endif()