/*( This file is part of solidity. solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with solidity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /** * Base class to perform data flaw analysis during AST walks. * Tracks assignments and is used as base class for both Rematerialiser and * Common Subexpression Eliminator. */ #include <libjulia/optimiser/DataFlowAnalyzer.h> #include <libjulia/optimiser/NameCollector.h> #include <libsolidity/inlineasm/AsmData.h> #include <libjulia/optimiser/Semantics.h> #include <libdevcore/CommonData.h> #include <boost/range/adaptor/reversed.hpp> using namespace std; using namespace dev; using namespace dev::julia; void DataFlowAnalyzer::operator()(Assignment& _assignment) { set<string> names; for (auto const& var: _assignment.variableNames) names.insert(var.name); solAssert(_assignment.value, ""); visit(*_assignment.value); handleAssignment(names, _assignment.value.get()); } void DataFlowAnalyzer::operator()(VariableDeclaration& _varDecl) { set<string> names; for (auto const& var: _varDecl.variables) names.insert(var.name); m_variableScopes.back().variables += names; if (_varDecl.value) visit(*_varDecl.value); handleAssignment(names, _varDecl.value.get()); } void DataFlowAnalyzer::operator()(If& _if) { ASTModifier::operator()(_if); Assignments assignments; assignments(_if.body); clearValues(assignments.names()); } void DataFlowAnalyzer::operator()(Switch& _switch) { visit(*_switch.expression); set<string> assignedVariables; for (auto& _case: _switch.cases) { (*this)(_case.body); Assignments assignments; assignments(_case.body); assignedVariables += assignments.names(); // This is a little too destructive, we could retain the old values. clearValues(assignments.names()); } clearValues(assignedVariables); } void DataFlowAnalyzer::operator()(FunctionDefinition& _fun) { m_variableScopes.emplace_back(true); for (auto const& parameter: _fun.parameters) m_variableScopes.back().variables.insert(parameter.name); for (auto const& var: _fun.returnVariables) m_variableScopes.back().variables.insert(var.name); ASTModifier::operator()(_fun); m_variableScopes.pop_back(); } void DataFlowAnalyzer::operator()(ForLoop& _for) { // Special scope handling of the pre block. m_variableScopes.emplace_back(false); for (auto& statement: _for.pre.statements) visit(statement); Assignments assignments; assignments(_for.body); assignments(_for.post); clearValues(assignments.names()); visit(*_for.condition); (*this)(_for.body); (*this)(_for.post); clearValues(assignments.names()); m_variableScopes.pop_back(); } void DataFlowAnalyzer::operator()(Block& _block) { size_t numScopes = m_variableScopes.size(); m_variableScopes.emplace_back(false); ASTModifier::operator()(_block); m_variableScopes.pop_back(); solAssert(numScopes == m_variableScopes.size(), ""); } void DataFlowAnalyzer::handleAssignment(set<string> const& _variables, Expression* _value) { clearValues(_variables); MovableChecker movableChecker; if (_value) movableChecker.visit(*_value); if (_variables.size() == 1) { string const& name = *_variables.begin(); // Expression has to be movable and cannot contain a reference // to the variable that will be assigned to. if (_value && movableChecker.movable() && !movableChecker.referencedVariables().count(name)) m_value[name] = _value; } auto const& referencedVariables = movableChecker.referencedVariables(); for (auto const& name: _variables) { m_references[name] = referencedVariables; for (auto const& ref: referencedVariables) m_referencedBy[ref].insert(name); } } void DataFlowAnalyzer::clearValues(set<string> const& _variables) { // All variables that reference variables to be cleared also have to be // cleared, but not recursively, since only the value of the original // variables changes. Example: // let a := 1 // let b := a // let c := b // let a := 2 // add(b, c) // In the last line, we can replace c by b, but not b by a. // // This cannot be easily tested since the substitutions will be done // one by one on the fly, and the last line will just be add(1, 1) set<string> variables = _variables; // Clear variables that reference variables to be cleared. for (auto const& name: variables) for (auto const& ref: m_referencedBy[name]) variables.insert(ref); // Clear the value and update the reference relation. for (auto const& name: variables) m_value.erase(name); for (auto const& name: variables) { for (auto const& ref: m_references[name]) m_referencedBy[ref].erase(name); m_references[name].clear(); } } bool DataFlowAnalyzer::inScope(string const& _variableName) const { for (auto const& scope: m_variableScopes | boost::adaptors::reversed) { if (scope.variables.count(_variableName)) return true; if (scope.isFunction) return false; } return false; }