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 * @file PeepholeOptimiser.cpp
 * Performs local optimising code changes to assembly.

#include "PeepholeOptimiser.h"

#include <libevmasm/AssemblyItem.h>
#include <libevmasm/SemanticInformation.h>

using namespace std;
using namespace dev::eth;
using namespace dev;

// TODO: Extend this to use the tools from ExpressionClasses.cpp

struct OptimiserState
	AssemblyItems const& items;
	size_t i;
	std::back_insert_iterator<AssemblyItems> out;

template <class Method, size_t Arguments>
struct ApplyRule
template <class Method>
struct ApplyRule<Method, 3>
	static bool applyRule(AssemblyItems::const_iterator _in, std::back_insert_iterator<AssemblyItems> _out)
		return Method::applySimple(_in[0], _in[1], _in[2], _out);
template <class Method>
struct ApplyRule<Method, 2>
	static bool applyRule(AssemblyItems::const_iterator _in, std::back_insert_iterator<AssemblyItems> _out)
		return Method::applySimple(_in[0], _in[1], _out);
template <class Method>
struct ApplyRule<Method, 1>
	static bool applyRule(AssemblyItems::const_iterator _in, std::back_insert_iterator<AssemblyItems> _out)
		return Method::applySimple(_in[0], _out);

template <class Method, size_t WindowSize>
struct SimplePeepholeOptimizerMethod
	static bool apply(OptimiserState& _state)
		if (
			_state.i + WindowSize <= _state.items.size() &&
			ApplyRule<Method, WindowSize>::applyRule(_state.items.begin() + _state.i, _state.out)
			_state.i += WindowSize;
			return true;
			return false;

struct Identity: SimplePeepholeOptimizerMethod<Identity, 1>
	static bool applySimple(AssemblyItem const& _item, std::back_insert_iterator<AssemblyItems> _out)
		*_out = _item;
		return true;

struct PushPop: SimplePeepholeOptimizerMethod<PushPop, 2>
	static bool applySimple(AssemblyItem const& _push, AssemblyItem const& _pop, std::back_insert_iterator<AssemblyItems>)
		auto t = _push.type();
		return _pop == Instruction::POP && (
			SemanticInformation::isDupInstruction(_push) ||
			t == Push || t == PushString || t == PushTag || t == PushSub ||
			t == PushSubSize || t == PushProgramSize || t == PushData || t == PushLibraryAddress

struct OpPop: SimplePeepholeOptimizerMethod<OpPop, 2>
	static bool applySimple(
		AssemblyItem const& _op,
		AssemblyItem const& _pop,
		std::back_insert_iterator<AssemblyItems> _out
		if (_pop == Instruction::POP && _op.type() == Operation)
			Instruction instr = _op.instruction();
			if (instructionInfo(instr).ret == 1 && !instructionInfo(instr).sideEffects)
				for (int j = 0; j < instructionInfo(instr).args; j++)
					*_out = Instruction::POP;
				return true;
		return false;

struct DoubleSwap: SimplePeepholeOptimizerMethod<DoubleSwap, 2>
	static size_t applySimple(AssemblyItem const& _s1, AssemblyItem const& _s2, std::back_insert_iterator<AssemblyItems>)
		return _s1 == _s2 && SemanticInformation::isSwapInstruction(_s1);

struct JumpToNext: SimplePeepholeOptimizerMethod<JumpToNext, 3>
	static size_t applySimple(
		AssemblyItem const& _pushTag,
		AssemblyItem const& _jump,
		AssemblyItem const& _tag,
		std::back_insert_iterator<AssemblyItems> _out
		if (
			_pushTag.type() == PushTag &&
			(_jump == Instruction::JUMP || _jump == Instruction::JUMPI) &&
			_tag.type() == Tag &&
			_pushTag.data() == _tag.data()
			if (_jump == Instruction::JUMPI)
				*_out = AssemblyItem(Instruction::POP, _jump.location());
			*_out = _tag;
			return true;
			return false;

struct TagConjunctions: SimplePeepholeOptimizerMethod<TagConjunctions, 3>
	static bool applySimple(
		AssemblyItem const& _pushTag,
		AssemblyItem const& _pushConstant,
		AssemblyItem const& _and,
		std::back_insert_iterator<AssemblyItems> _out
		if (
			_pushTag.type() == PushTag &&
			_and == Instruction::AND &&
			_pushConstant.type() == Push &&
			(_pushConstant.data() & u256(0xFFFFFFFF)) == u256(0xFFFFFFFF)
			*_out = _pushTag;
			return true;
			return false;

/// Removes everything after a JUMP (or similar) until the next JUMPDEST.
struct UnreachableCode
	static bool apply(OptimiserState& _state)
		auto it = _state.items.begin() + _state.i;
		auto end = _state.items.end();
		if (it == end)
			return false;
		if (
			it[0] != Instruction::JUMP &&
			it[0] != Instruction::RETURN &&
			it[0] != Instruction::STOP &&
			it[0] != Instruction::SUICIDE
			return false;

		size_t i = 1;
		while (it + i != end && it[i].type() != Tag)
		if (i > 1)
			*_state.out = it[0];
			_state.i += i;
			return true;
			return false;

void applyMethods(OptimiserState&)
	assertThrow(false, OptimizerException, "Peephole optimizer failed to apply identity.");

template <typename Method, typename... OtherMethods>
void applyMethods(OptimiserState& _state, Method, OtherMethods... _other)
	if (!Method::apply(_state))
		applyMethods(_state, _other...);

bool PeepholeOptimiser::optimise()
	OptimiserState state {m_items, 0, std::back_inserter(m_optimisedItems)};
	while (state.i < m_items.size())
		applyMethods(state, PushPop(), OpPop(), DoubleSwap(), JumpToNext(), UnreachableCode(), TagConjunctions(), Identity());
	if (m_optimisedItems.size() < m_items.size())
		m_items = std::move(m_optimisedItems);
		return true;
		return false;
