#------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # TravisCI configuration file for solidity. # # The documentation for solidity is hosted at: # # http://solidity.readthedocs.org # # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This file is part of cpp-ethereum. # # cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see # # (c) 2016 cpp-ethereum contributors. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ language: cpp branches: # We need to whitelist the branches which we want to have "push" automation. # Pull requests will be built whatever the branches are for them. only: - develop - release # This blacklisting is an (unsuccessful) attempt to filter out some currently # unexplained 'untagged' builds which are endemic in bobsummerwill/cpp-ethereum # in my 'merge_repos' branch. I suspect that these are rogue tags which # are being created by Appveyor as part of the Github Releases flow, but # I haven't pinned it down yet. # # See https://github.com/ethereum/webthree-umbrella/issues/697 # See https://twitter.com/BobSummerwill/status/762802834857340929 except: - /develop-v[0-9]/ matrix: include: - os: linux dist: trusty sudo: required compiler: gcc env: - TRAVIS_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo - ZIP_SUFFIX=ubuntu-trusty - os: linux dist: trusty sudo: required compiler: gcc env: - JOB=docs - os: linux dist: trusty sudo: required compiler: gcc services: - docker before_install: - docker pull trzeci/emscripten:sdk-tag-1.35.4-64bit env: - JOB=emscripten - os: osx osx_image: beta-xcode6.2 env: - TRAVIS_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo - ZIP_SUFFIX=osx-mavericks - os: osx osx_image: xcode7.1 env: - TRAVIS_BUILD_TYPE=RelWithDebInfo - ZIP_SUFFIX=osx-yosemite - os: osx osx_image: xcode7.3 env: # The use of Debug config here ONLY for El Capitan is a workaround for "The Heisenbug" # See https://github.com/ethereum/webthree-umbrella/issues/565 - TRAVIS_BUILD_TYPE=Debug - ZIP_SUFFIX=osx-elcapitan - os: osx osx_image: xcode8 env: # Look like "The Heisenbug" is occurring here too, so we'll do the same workaround. # See https://travis-ci.org/ethereum/solidity/jobs/150240930 - TRAVIS_BUILD_TYPE=Debug - ZIP_SUFFIX=macos-sierra git: depth: 2 cache: ccache: true directories: - cryptopp - boost_1_57_0 - build - jsoncpp install: - test $JOB != default -a $JOB != docs || ./scripts/install_deps.sh before_script: - test $JOB != emscripten || ./scripts/build_emscripten.sh - test $JOB != default || (mkdir -p build && cd build && cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=$TRAVIS_BUILD_TYPE && make -j2 && cd .. && ./scripts/release.sh $ZIP_SUFFIX ) script: # There are a variety of reliability issues with the Solidity unit-tests at the time of # writing (especially on macOS), so within TravisCI we will try to run the unit-tests # up to 3 times before giving up and declaring the tests as broken. # # We should aim to remove this "retry logic" as soon as we can, because it is a # band-aid for issues which need solving at their root. Some of those issues will be # in Solidity's RPC setup and some will be in 'eth'. It seems unlikely that Solidity # itself is broken from the failure messages which we are seeing. # # More details on known issues at https://github.com/ethereum/solidity/issues/769 - test $JOB != default || (cd $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR && (./scripts/tests.sh || ./scripts/tests.sh || ./scripts/tests.sh) ) - test $JOB != docs || ./scripts/docs.sh env: global: - ENCRYPTION_LABEL="6d4541b72666" - JOB=default deploy: # This is the deploy target for the Emscripten build. # It publishes the JS file which was compiled as part of the earlier 'build_emscripten.sh' # step to https://github.com/ethereum/solc-bin/tree/gh-pages/bin. # Both the build and deploy steps for Emscripten are only run within the Ubuntu # configurations (not for macOS). That is controlled by conditionals within the bash # scripts because TravisCI doesn't provide much in the way of conditional logic. - provider: script script: test $JOB != emscripten || scripts/release_emscripten.sh skip_cleanup: true on: branch: develop # This is the deploy target for the native build (Linux and macOS) # which generates ZIPs per commit. We are in agreement that # generating ZIPs per commit for the develop branch is probably # just noise, so we only run this deployment target on 'release'. # # Unlike the Appveyor GitHub Releases target, the support in TravisCI # seemingly doesn't provide a means for passing a description, tag, etc. # In practice, we are letting the Appveyor CI do all that stuff, and # then this deployment flow just seems to find that most recent tag, # and just add our Linux and macOS ZIPs into the same tag, which is # what we want to happen. But is very accidental and brittle-looking. # # The 'skip_cleanup' stops the workspace being cleaned out prior to # generation of the artifacts. Strange that we should explicitly # need to do that, but we do. # # Tokens in TravisCI can be generated a few different ways. Bob had # success using the 'travis' gem, and then using that gem to # create/edit this .travis.yml file, and then cut-and-pasting the # good bits back out of what it generated. The gem changes all the # whitespace and deletes comments, so cannot be used as-is. But # it does generate an appropriate auth token. # # TODO - I do not know if the api_key below which work correctly # for ethereum/solidity. I suspect not, for the same reason as # my auth token does not work for Appveyor. I don't have enough # permissions to enable this myself. Christian should be able to. # # See https://docs.travis-ci.com/user/deployment/releases # See https://blog.travis-ci.com/2013-01-28-token-token-token/ # See https://github.com/ethereum/webthree-umbrella/issues/658 # - provider: releases api_key: secure: PWH37xVBCF0XiSjl+eH7XIdkrfxZXjzvqF4PiBOnD3VnFz+odrdnIwBmCeBYTHTWF8efpp8fmzWJk2UVq1JcpyZiC+SVxO8dx91W2ia1a+wKrEQuDgkUrZBkl5IQNCv0QS81DDQhliyZEaYh8wHO/7RReyMpGpw2U2u85WkFiZ+LdlHEZPfzUeh9lxQ9n8qwFL8Rja+Q05d4cQ8zaVEtofJJT4T6DUWhc3TzuxDYxOmjwg37rC9CkGSLn6VadSh8b3j5R0SZupFsAEvBL/imBLP9r9ewoo7o4p6By3jwiIgH9yNg7LM618xbffcNaYF/KtLBi9uPHfqF7hRD4PlECz+D0PR78nQItOX5HKm1QMg5kCnghRVCA0IVjpV5fiYQnMLM7dCRv34I5b3zLpa69wQ/GLYB2FViqNUfvPeiZTEeIJ2OmATlFx8AH2JoqpY1XJknWb35+vMfa8LSiJJW++SLWeV+ncC92hrvyZ1cy3trepRRZIfyYepxHifnfdWMkddQUJk5b2WS5Fy/TJLZNPeombnpvRhUC38dsYItarKeXTc6k4oADCEDZ2rgGIcEiqRxXV11Y5xHJekLDWzUs+YJNcCuL4pnAP//LOnbnH2w9rLpwhQYSl0anCd097NivAXQJXO2JI/byIYz1kiCVQWnW6EM8+72mLOklf/Qr8k= file: $TRAVIS_BUILD_DIR/solidity-$ZIP_SUFFIX.zip skip_cleanup: true on: repo: ethereum/solidity branch: develop condition: $JOB != docs || $JOB != emscripten