path: root/test/compilationTests/gnosis/Events/Event.sol
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Diffstat (limited to 'test/compilationTests/gnosis/Events/Event.sol')
1 files changed, 128 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/compilationTests/gnosis/Events/Event.sol b/test/compilationTests/gnosis/Events/Event.sol
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9aa257c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/compilationTests/gnosis/Events/Event.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+pragma solidity ^0.4.11;
+import "../Tokens/Token.sol";
+import "../Tokens/OutcomeToken.sol";
+import "../Oracles/Oracle.sol";
+/// @title Event contract - Provide basic functionality required by different event types
+/// @author Stefan George - <stefan@gnosis.pm>
+contract Event {
+ /*
+ * Events
+ */
+ event OutcomeTokenCreation(OutcomeToken outcomeToken, uint8 index);
+ event OutcomeTokenSetIssuance(address indexed buyer, uint collateralTokenCount);
+ event OutcomeTokenSetRevocation(address indexed seller, uint outcomeTokenCount);
+ event OutcomeAssignment(int outcome);
+ event WinningsRedemption(address indexed receiver, uint winnings);
+ /*
+ * Storage
+ */
+ Token public collateralToken;
+ Oracle public oracle;
+ bool public isOutcomeSet;
+ int public outcome;
+ OutcomeToken[] public outcomeTokens;
+ /*
+ * Public functions
+ */
+ /// @dev Contract constructor validates and sets basic event properties
+ /// @param _collateralToken Tokens used as collateral in exchange for outcome tokens
+ /// @param _oracle Oracle contract used to resolve the event
+ /// @param outcomeCount Number of event outcomes
+ function Event(Token _collateralToken, Oracle _oracle, uint8 outcomeCount)
+ public
+ {
+ // Validate input
+ require(address(_collateralToken) != 0 && address(_oracle) != 0 && outcomeCount >= 2);
+ collateralToken = _collateralToken;
+ oracle = _oracle;
+ // Create an outcome token for each outcome
+ for (uint8 i = 0; i < outcomeCount; i++) {
+ OutcomeToken outcomeToken = new OutcomeToken();
+ outcomeTokens.push(outcomeToken);
+ OutcomeTokenCreation(outcomeToken, i);
+ }
+ }
+ /// @dev Buys equal number of tokens of all outcomes, exchanging collateral tokens and sets of outcome tokens 1:1
+ /// @param collateralTokenCount Number of collateral tokens
+ function buyAllOutcomes(uint collateralTokenCount)
+ public
+ {
+ // Transfer collateral tokens to events contract
+ require(collateralToken.transferFrom(msg.sender, this, collateralTokenCount));
+ // Issue new outcome tokens to sender
+ for (uint8 i = 0; i < outcomeTokens.length; i++)
+ outcomeTokens[i].issue(msg.sender, collateralTokenCount);
+ OutcomeTokenSetIssuance(msg.sender, collateralTokenCount);
+ }
+ /// @dev Sells equal number of tokens of all outcomes, exchanging collateral tokens and sets of outcome tokens 1:1
+ /// @param outcomeTokenCount Number of outcome tokens
+ function sellAllOutcomes(uint outcomeTokenCount)
+ public
+ {
+ // Revoke sender's outcome tokens of all outcomes
+ for (uint8 i = 0; i < outcomeTokens.length; i++)
+ outcomeTokens[i].revoke(msg.sender, outcomeTokenCount);
+ // Transfer collateral tokens to sender
+ require(collateralToken.transfer(msg.sender, outcomeTokenCount));
+ OutcomeTokenSetRevocation(msg.sender, outcomeTokenCount);
+ }
+ /// @dev Sets winning event outcome
+ function setOutcome()
+ public
+ {
+ // Winning outcome is not set yet in event contract but in oracle contract
+ require(!isOutcomeSet && oracle.isOutcomeSet());
+ // Set winning outcome
+ outcome = oracle.getOutcome();
+ isOutcomeSet = true;
+ OutcomeAssignment(outcome);
+ }
+ /// @dev Returns outcome count
+ /// @return Outcome count
+ function getOutcomeCount()
+ public
+ constant
+ returns (uint8)
+ {
+ return uint8(outcomeTokens.length);
+ }
+ /// @dev Returns outcome tokens array
+ /// @return Outcome tokens
+ function getOutcomeTokens()
+ public
+ constant
+ returns (OutcomeToken[])
+ {
+ return outcomeTokens;
+ }
+ /// @dev Returns the amount of outcome tokens held by owner
+ /// @return Outcome token distribution
+ function getOutcomeTokenDistribution(address owner)
+ public
+ constant
+ returns (uint[] outcomeTokenDistribution)
+ {
+ outcomeTokenDistribution = new uint[](outcomeTokens.length);
+ for (uint8 i = 0; i < outcomeTokenDistribution.length; i++)
+ outcomeTokenDistribution[i] = outcomeTokens[i].balanceOf(owner);
+ }
+ /// @dev Calculates and returns event hash
+ /// @return Event hash
+ function getEventHash() public constant returns (bytes32);
+ /// @dev Exchanges sender's winning outcome tokens for collateral tokens
+ /// @return Sender's winnings
+ function redeemWinnings() public returns (uint);