path: root/solidityEndToEndTest.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'solidityEndToEndTest.cpp')
1 files changed, 226 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/solidityEndToEndTest.cpp b/solidityEndToEndTest.cpp
index d905646c..4e68103a 100644
--- a/solidityEndToEndTest.cpp
+++ b/solidityEndToEndTest.cpp
@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ using namespace std;
namespace dev
+/// Provider another overload for toBigEndian to encode arguments and return values.
+inline bytes toBigEndian(bool _value) { return bytes({byte(_value)}); }
namespace solidity
namespace test
@@ -137,6 +140,7 @@ private:
m_output = executive.out().toVector();
Address m_contractAddress;
eth::State m_state;
u256 const m_gasPrice = 100 * eth::szabo;
@@ -496,6 +500,228 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(state_smoke_test)
BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction(0, bytes(1, 0x00)) == toBigEndian(u256(0x3)));
+ char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
+ " mapping(uint8 => uint8) table;\n"
+ " function get(uint8 k) returns (uint8 v) {\n"
+ " return table[k];\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " function set(uint8 k, uint8 v) {\n"
+ " table[k] = v;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}";
+ compileAndRun(sourceCode);
+ BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction(0, bytes({0x00})) == bytes({0x00}));
+ BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction(0, bytes({0x01})) == bytes({0x00}));
+ BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction(0, bytes({0xa7})) == bytes({0x00}));
+ callContractFunction(1, bytes({0x01, 0xa1}));
+ BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction(0, bytes({0x00})) == bytes({0x00}));
+ BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction(0, bytes({0x01})) == bytes({0xa1}));
+ BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction(0, bytes({0xa7})) == bytes({0x00}));
+ callContractFunction(1, bytes({0x00, 0xef}));
+ BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction(0, bytes({0x00})) == bytes({0xef}));
+ BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction(0, bytes({0x01})) == bytes({0xa1}));
+ BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction(0, bytes({0xa7})) == bytes({0x00}));
+ callContractFunction(1, bytes({0x01, 0x05}));
+ BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction(0, bytes({0x00})) == bytes({0xef}));
+ BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction(0, bytes({0x01})) == bytes({0x05}));
+ BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction(0, bytes({0xa7})) == bytes({0x00}));
+ char const* sourceCode = "contract Ballot {\n"
+ " mapping(address => bool) canVote;\n"
+ " mapping(address => uint) voteCount;\n"
+ " mapping(address => bool) voted;\n"
+ " function getVoteCount(address addr) returns (uint retVoteCount) {\n"
+ " return voteCount[addr];\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " function grantVoteRight(address addr) {\n"
+ " canVote[addr] = true;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " function vote(address voter, address vote) returns (bool success) {\n"
+ " if (!canVote[voter] || voted[voter]) return false;\n"
+ " voted[voter] = true;\n"
+ " voteCount[vote] = voteCount[vote] + 1;\n"
+ " return true;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n";
+ compileAndRun(sourceCode);
+ class Ballot
+ {
+ public:
+ u256 getVoteCount(u160 _address) { return m_voteCount[_address]; }
+ void grantVoteRight(u160 _address) { m_canVote[_address] = true; }
+ bool vote(u160 _voter, u160 _vote)
+ {
+ if (!m_canVote[_voter] || m_voted[_voter]) return false;
+ m_voted[_voter] = true;
+ m_voteCount[_vote]++;
+ return true;
+ }
+ private:
+ map<u160, bool> m_canVote;
+ map<u160, u256> m_voteCount;
+ map<u160, bool> m_voted;
+ } ballot;
+ auto getVoteCount = bind(&Ballot::getVoteCount, &ballot, _1);
+ auto grantVoteRight = bind(&Ballot::grantVoteRight, &ballot, _1);
+ auto vote = bind(&Ballot::vote, &ballot, _1, _2);
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(0, getVoteCount, u160(0));
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(0, getVoteCount, u160(1));
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(0, getVoteCount, u160(2));
+ // voting without vote right shourd be rejected
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(2, vote, u160(0), u160(2));
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(0, getVoteCount, u160(0));
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(0, getVoteCount, u160(1));
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(0, getVoteCount, u160(2));
+ // grant vote rights
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(1, grantVoteRight, u160(0));
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(1, grantVoteRight, u160(1));
+ // vote, should increase 2's vote count
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(2, vote, u160(0), u160(2));
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(0, getVoteCount, u160(0));
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(0, getVoteCount, u160(1));
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(0, getVoteCount, u160(2));
+ // vote again, should be rejected
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(2, vote, u160(0), u160(1));
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(0, getVoteCount, u160(0));
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(0, getVoteCount, u160(1));
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(0, getVoteCount, u160(2));
+ // vote without right to vote
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(2, vote, u160(2), u160(1));
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(0, getVoteCount, u160(0));
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(0, getVoteCount, u160(1));
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(0, getVoteCount, u160(2));
+ // grant vote right and now vote again
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(1, grantVoteRight, u160(2));
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(2, vote, u160(2), u160(1));
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(0, getVoteCount, u160(0));
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(0, getVoteCount, u160(1));
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(0, getVoteCount, u160(2));
+ char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
+ " uint value;\n"
+ " mapping(uint => uint) table;\n"
+ " function f(uint x) returns (uint y) {\n"
+ " value = x;\n"
+ " if (x > 0) table[++value] = 8;\n"
+ " if (x > 1) value--;\n"
+ " if (x > 2) table[value]++;\n"
+ " return --table[value++];\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n";
+ compileAndRun(sourceCode);
+ u256 value = 0;
+ map<u256, u256> table;
+ auto f = [&](u256 const& _x) -> u256
+ {
+ value = _x;
+ if (_x > 0)
+ table[++value] = 8;
+ if (_x > 1)
+ value --;
+ if (_x > 2)
+ table[value]++;
+ return --table[value++];
+ };
+ testSolidityAgainstCppOnRange(0, f, 0, 5);
+ char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
+ " mapping(uint => mapping(uint => uint)) table;\n"
+ " function f(uint x, uint y, uint z) returns (uint w) {\n"
+ " if (z == 0) return table[x][y];\n"
+ " else return table[x][y] = z;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n";
+ compileAndRun(sourceCode);
+ map<u256, map<u256, u256>> table;
+ auto f = [&](u256 const& _x, u256 const& _y, u256 const& _z) -> u256
+ {
+ if (_z == 0) return table[_x][_y];
+ else return table[_x][_y] = _z;
+ };
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(0, f, u256(4), u256(5), u256(0));
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(0, f, u256(5), u256(4), u256(0));
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(0, f, u256(4), u256(5), u256(9));
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(0, f, u256(4), u256(5), u256(0));
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(0, f, u256(5), u256(4), u256(0));
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(0, f, u256(5), u256(4), u256(7));
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(0, f, u256(4), u256(5), u256(0));
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(0, f, u256(5), u256(4), u256(0));
+ char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
+ " struct s1 {\n"
+ " uint8 x;\n"
+ " bool y;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " struct s2 {\n"
+ " uint32 z;\n"
+ " s1 s1data;\n"
+ " mapping(uint8 => s2) recursive;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " s2 data;\n"
+ " function check() returns (bool ok) {\n"
+ " return data.z == 1 && data.s1data.x == 2 && \n"
+ " data.s1data.y == true && \n"
+ " data.recursive[3].recursive[4].z == 5 && \n"
+ " data.recursive[4].recursive[3].z == 6 && \n"
+ " data.recursive[0].s1data.y == false && \n"
+ " data.recursive[4].z == 9;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " function set() {\n"
+ " data.z = 1;\n"
+ " data.s1data.x = 2;\n"
+ " data.s1data.y = true;\n"
+ " data.recursive[3].recursive[4].z = 5;\n"
+ " data.recursive[4].recursive[3].z = 6;\n"
+ " data.recursive[0].s1data.y = false;\n"
+ " data.recursive[4].z = 9;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n";
+ compileAndRun(sourceCode);
+ BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction(0) == bytes({0x00}));
+ BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction(1) == bytes());
+ BOOST_CHECK(callContractFunction(0) == bytes({0x01}));
+ char const* sourceCode = "contract test {\n"
+ " mapping(uint => uint) data;\n"
+ " function test() {\n"
+ " data[7] = 8;\n"
+ " }\n"
+ " function get(uint key) returns (uint value) {\n"
+ " return data[key];"
+ " }\n"
+ "}\n";
+ compileAndRun(sourceCode);
+ map<u256, byte> data;
+ data[7] = 8;
+ auto get = [&](u256 const& _x) -> u256
+ {
+ return data[_x];
+ };
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(0, get, u256(6));
+ testSolidityAgainstCpp(0, get, u256(7));