path: root/libsolidity/ast
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Diffstat (limited to 'libsolidity/ast')
7 files changed, 692 insertions, 374 deletions
diff --git a/libsolidity/ast/AST.cpp b/libsolidity/ast/AST.cpp
index 80f5d642..8e7a81a6 100644
--- a/libsolidity/ast/AST.cpp
+++ b/libsolidity/ast/AST.cpp
@@ -312,7 +312,7 @@ FunctionTypePointer FunctionDefinition::functionType(bool _internal) const
case Declaration::Visibility::External:
return {};
- solAssert(false, "visibility() should not return a Visibility");
+ solAssert(false, "visibility() should return a Visibility");
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ FunctionTypePointer FunctionDefinition::functionType(bool _internal) const
case Declaration::Visibility::External:
return make_shared<FunctionType>(*this, _internal);
- solAssert(false, "visibility() should not return a Visibility");
+ solAssert(false, "visibility() should return a Visibility");
@@ -347,15 +347,6 @@ string FunctionDefinition::externalSignature() const
return FunctionType(*this).externalSignature();
-string FunctionDefinition::fullyQualifiedName() const
- auto const* contract = dynamic_cast<ContractDefinition const*>(scope());
- solAssert(contract, "Enclosing scope of function definition was not set.");
- auto fname = name().empty() ? "<fallback>" : name();
- return sourceUnitName() + ":" + contract->name() + "." + fname;
FunctionDefinitionAnnotation& FunctionDefinition::annotation() const
if (!m_annotation)
@@ -406,7 +397,7 @@ SourceUnit const& Scopable::sourceUnit() const
ASTNode const* s = scope();
solAssert(s, "");
- // will not always be a declaratoion
+ // will not always be a declaration
while (dynamic_cast<Scopable const*>(s) && dynamic_cast<Scopable const*>(s)->scope())
s = dynamic_cast<Scopable const*>(s)->scope();
return dynamic_cast<SourceUnit const&>(*s);
@@ -427,6 +418,7 @@ bool VariableDeclaration::isLocalVariable() const
auto s = scope();
+ dynamic_cast<FunctionTypeName const*>(s) ||
dynamic_cast<CallableDeclaration const*>(s) ||
dynamic_cast<Block const*>(s) ||
dynamic_cast<ForStatement const*>(s);
@@ -434,14 +426,18 @@ bool VariableDeclaration::isLocalVariable() const
bool VariableDeclaration::isCallableParameter() const
- auto const* callable = dynamic_cast<CallableDeclaration const*>(scope());
- if (!callable)
- return false;
- for (auto const& variable: callable->parameters())
- if (variable.get() == this)
- return true;
- if (callable->returnParameterList())
- for (auto const& variable: callable->returnParameterList()->parameters())
+ if (isReturnParameter())
+ return true;
+ vector<ASTPointer<VariableDeclaration>> const* parameters = nullptr;
+ if (auto const* funTypeName = dynamic_cast<FunctionTypeName const*>(scope()))
+ parameters = &funTypeName->parameterTypes();
+ else if (auto const* callable = dynamic_cast<CallableDeclaration const*>(scope()))
+ parameters = &callable->parameters();
+ if (parameters)
+ for (auto const& variable: *parameters)
if (variable.get() == this)
return true;
return false;
@@ -454,11 +450,16 @@ bool VariableDeclaration::isLocalOrReturn() const
bool VariableDeclaration::isReturnParameter() const
- auto const* callable = dynamic_cast<CallableDeclaration const*>(scope());
- if (!callable)
- return false;
- if (callable->returnParameterList())
- for (auto const& variable: callable->returnParameterList()->parameters())
+ vector<ASTPointer<VariableDeclaration>> const* returnParameters = nullptr;
+ if (auto const* funTypeName = dynamic_cast<FunctionTypeName const*>(scope()))
+ returnParameters = &funTypeName->returnParameterTypes();
+ else if (auto const* callable = dynamic_cast<CallableDeclaration const*>(scope()))
+ if (callable->returnParameterList())
+ returnParameters = &callable->returnParameterList()->parameters();
+ if (returnParameters)
+ for (auto const& variable: *returnParameters)
if (variable.get() == this)
return true;
return false;
@@ -466,18 +467,86 @@ bool VariableDeclaration::isReturnParameter() const
bool VariableDeclaration::isExternalCallableParameter() const
- auto const* callable = dynamic_cast<CallableDeclaration const*>(scope());
- if (!callable || callable->visibility() != Declaration::Visibility::External)
+ if (!isCallableParameter())
return false;
- for (auto const& variable: callable->parameters())
- if (variable.get() == this)
- return true;
+ if (auto const* callable = dynamic_cast<CallableDeclaration const*>(scope()))
+ if (callable->visibility() == Declaration::Visibility::External)
+ return !isReturnParameter();
return false;
-bool VariableDeclaration::canHaveAutoType() const
+bool VariableDeclaration::isInternalCallableParameter() const
- return isLocalVariable() && !isCallableParameter();
+ if (!isCallableParameter())
+ return false;
+ if (auto const* funTypeName = dynamic_cast<FunctionTypeName const*>(scope()))
+ return funTypeName->visibility() == Declaration::Visibility::Internal;
+ else if (auto const* callable = dynamic_cast<CallableDeclaration const*>(scope()))
+ return callable->visibility() <= Declaration::Visibility::Internal;
+ return false;
+bool VariableDeclaration::isLibraryFunctionParameter() const
+ if (!isCallableParameter())
+ return false;
+ if (auto const* funDef = dynamic_cast<FunctionDefinition const*>(scope()))
+ return dynamic_cast<ContractDefinition const&>(*funDef->scope()).isLibrary();
+ else
+ return false;
+bool VariableDeclaration::isEventParameter() const
+ return dynamic_cast<EventDefinition const*>(scope()) != nullptr;
+bool VariableDeclaration::hasReferenceOrMappingType() const
+ solAssert(typeName(), "");
+ solAssert(typeName()->annotation().type, "Can only be called after reference resolution");
+ TypePointer const& type = typeName()->annotation().type;
+ return type->category() == Type::Category::Mapping || dynamic_cast<ReferenceType const*>(type.get());
+set<VariableDeclaration::Location> VariableDeclaration::allowedDataLocations() const
+ using Location = VariableDeclaration::Location;
+ if (!hasReferenceOrMappingType() || isStateVariable() || isEventParameter())
+ return set<Location>{ Location::Unspecified };
+ else if (isStateVariable() && isConstant())
+ return set<Location>{ Location::Memory };
+ else if (isExternalCallableParameter())
+ {
+ set<Location> locations{ Location::CallData };
+ if (isLibraryFunctionParameter())
+ locations.insert(Location::Storage);
+ return locations;
+ }
+ else if (isCallableParameter())
+ {
+ set<Location> locations{ Location::Memory };
+ if (isInternalCallableParameter() || isLibraryFunctionParameter())
+ locations.insert(Location::Storage);
+ return locations;
+ }
+ else if (isLocalVariable())
+ {
+ solAssert(typeName(), "");
+ solAssert(typeName()->annotation().type, "Can only be called after reference resolution");
+ if (typeName()->annotation().type->category() == Type::Category::Mapping)
+ return set<Location>{ Location::Storage };
+ else
+ // TODO: add Location::Calldata once implemented for local variables.
+ return set<Location>{ Location::Memory, Location::Storage };
+ }
+ else
+ // Struct members etc.
+ return set<Location>{ Location::Unspecified };
TypePointer VariableDeclaration::type() const
@@ -535,13 +604,6 @@ ReturnAnnotation& Return::annotation() const
return dynamic_cast<ReturnAnnotation&>(*m_annotation);
-VariableDeclarationStatementAnnotation& VariableDeclarationStatement::annotation() const
- if (!m_annotation)
- m_annotation = new VariableDeclarationStatementAnnotation();
- return dynamic_cast<VariableDeclarationStatementAnnotation&>(*m_annotation);
ExpressionAnnotation& Expression::annotation() const
if (!m_annotation)
@@ -601,7 +663,7 @@ bool Literal::passesAddressChecksum() const
return dev::passesAddressChecksum(value(), true);
-std::string Literal::getChecksummedAddress() const
+string Literal::getChecksummedAddress() const
solAssert(isHexNumber(), "Expected hex number");
/// Pad literal to be a proper hex address.
diff --git a/libsolidity/ast/AST.h b/libsolidity/ast/AST.h
index fa0d6921..f3464f92 100644
--- a/libsolidity/ast/AST.h
+++ b/libsolidity/ast/AST.h
@@ -206,7 +206,6 @@ public:
bool isVisibleInDerivedContracts() const { return isVisibleInContract() && visibility() >= Visibility::Internal; }
bool isVisibleAsLibraryMember() const { return visibility() >= Visibility::Internal; }
- std::string fullyQualifiedName() const { return sourceUnitName() + ":" + name(); }
virtual bool isLValue() const { return false; }
virtual bool isPartOfExternalInterface() const { return false; }
@@ -406,6 +405,8 @@ public:
/// Returns the fallback function or nullptr if no fallback function was specified.
FunctionDefinition const* fallbackFunction() const;
+ std::string fullyQualifiedName() const { return sourceUnitName() + ":" + name(); }
virtual TypePointer type() const override;
virtual ContractDefinitionAnnotation& annotation() const override;
@@ -614,13 +615,11 @@ public:
StateMutability stateMutability() const { return m_stateMutability; }
bool isConstructor() const { return m_isConstructor; }
- bool isOldStyleConstructor() const { return m_isConstructor && !name().empty(); }
bool isFallback() const { return !m_isConstructor && name().empty(); }
bool isPayable() const { return m_stateMutability == StateMutability::Payable; }
std::vector<ASTPointer<ModifierInvocation>> const& modifiers() const { return m_functionModifiers; }
std::vector<ASTPointer<VariableDeclaration>> const& returnParameters() const { return m_returnParameters->parameters(); }
Block const& body() const { solAssert(m_body, ""); return *m_body; }
- std::string fullyQualifiedName() const;
virtual bool isVisibleInContract() const override
return Declaration::isVisibleInContract() && !isConstructor() && !isFallback();
@@ -656,7 +655,7 @@ private:
class VariableDeclaration: public Declaration
- enum Location { Default, Storage, Memory };
+ enum Location { Unspecified, Storage, Memory, CallData };
SourceLocation const& _sourceLocation,
@@ -667,7 +666,7 @@ public:
bool _isStateVar = false,
bool _isIndexed = false,
bool _isConstant = false,
- Location _referenceLocation = Location::Default
+ Location _referenceLocation = Location::Unspecified
Declaration(_sourceLocation, _name, _visibility),
@@ -686,6 +685,8 @@ public:
virtual bool isLValue() const override;
virtual bool isPartOfExternalInterface() const override { return isPublic(); }
+ /// @returns true iff this variable is the parameter (or return parameter) of a function
+ /// (or function type name or event) or declared inside a function body.
bool isLocalVariable() const;
/// @returns true if this variable is a parameter or return parameter of a function.
bool isCallableParameter() const;
@@ -694,14 +695,27 @@ public:
/// @returns true if this variable is a local variable or return parameter.
bool isLocalOrReturn() const;
/// @returns true if this variable is a parameter (not return parameter) of an external function.
+ /// This excludes parameters of external function type names.
bool isExternalCallableParameter() const;
+ /// @returns true if this variable is a parameter or return parameter of an internal function
+ /// or a function type of internal visibility.
+ bool isInternalCallableParameter() const;
+ /// @returns true iff this variable is a parameter(or return parameter of a library function
+ bool isLibraryFunctionParameter() const;
/// @returns true if the type of the variable does not need to be specified, i.e. it is declared
/// in the body of a function or modifier.
- bool canHaveAutoType() const;
+ /// @returns true if this variable is a parameter of an event.
+ bool isEventParameter() const;
+ /// @returns true if the type of the variable is a reference or mapping type, i.e.
+ /// array, struct or mapping. These types can take a data location (and often require it).
+ /// Can only be called after reference resolution.
+ bool hasReferenceOrMappingType() const;
bool isStateVariable() const { return m_isStateVariable; }
bool isIndexed() const { return m_isIndexed; }
bool isConstant() const { return m_isConstant; }
Location referenceLocation() const { return m_location; }
+ /// @returns a set of allowed storage locations for the variable.
+ std::set<Location> allowedDataLocations() const;
virtual TypePointer type() const override;
@@ -862,23 +876,31 @@ public:
- * Any pre-defined type name represented by a single keyword, i.e. it excludes mappings,
- * contracts, functions, etc.
+ * Any pre-defined type name represented by a single keyword (and possibly a state mutability for address types),
+ * i.e. it excludes mappings, contracts, functions, etc.
class ElementaryTypeName: public TypeName
- ElementaryTypeName(SourceLocation const& _location, ElementaryTypeNameToken const& _elem):
- TypeName(_location), m_type(_elem)
- {}
+ ElementaryTypeName(
+ SourceLocation const& _location,
+ ElementaryTypeNameToken const& _elem,
+ boost::optional<StateMutability> _stateMutability = {}
+ ): TypeName(_location), m_type(_elem), m_stateMutability(_stateMutability)
+ {
+ solAssert(!_stateMutability.is_initialized() || _elem.token() == Token::Address, "");
+ }
virtual void accept(ASTVisitor& _visitor) override;
virtual void accept(ASTConstVisitor& _visitor) const override;
ElementaryTypeNameToken const& typeName() const { return m_type; }
+ boost::optional<StateMutability> const& stateMutability() const { return m_stateMutability; }
ElementaryTypeNameToken m_type;
+ boost::optional<StateMutability> m_stateMutability; ///< state mutability for address type
@@ -1169,11 +1191,11 @@ public:
Statement const& body() const { return *m_body; }
- /// For statement's initialization expresion. for(XXX; ; ). Can be empty
+ /// For statement's initialization expression. for(XXX; ; ). Can be empty
ASTPointer<Statement> m_initExpression;
- /// For statement's condition expresion. for(; XXX ; ). Can be empty
+ /// For statement's condition expression. for(; XXX ; ). Can be empty
ASTPointer<Expression> m_condExpression;
- /// For statement's loop expresion. for(;;XXX). Can be empty
+ /// For statement's loop expression. for(;;XXX). Can be empty
ASTPointer<ExpressionStatement> m_loopExpression;
/// The body of the loop
ASTPointer<Statement> m_body;
@@ -1250,13 +1272,12 @@ private:
- * Definition of a variable as a statement inside a function. It requires a type name (which can
- * also be "var") but the actual assignment can be missing.
- * Examples: var a = 2; uint256 a;
- * As a second form, multiple variables can be declared, cannot have a type and must be assigned
- * right away. If the first or last component is unnamed, it can "consume" an arbitrary number
- * of components.
- * Examples: var (a, b) = f(); var (a,,,c) = g(); var (a,) = d();
+ * Definition of one or more variables as a statement inside a function.
+ * If multiple variables are declared, a value has to be assigned directly.
+ * If only a single variable is declared, the value can be missing.
+ * Examples:
+ * uint[] memory a; uint a = 2;
+ * (uint a, bytes32 b, ) = f(); (, uint a, , StructName storage x) = g();
class VariableDeclarationStatement: public Statement
@@ -1271,13 +1292,14 @@ public:
virtual void accept(ASTVisitor& _visitor) override;
virtual void accept(ASTConstVisitor& _visitor) const override;
- VariableDeclarationStatementAnnotation& annotation() const override;
std::vector<ASTPointer<VariableDeclaration>> const& declarations() const { return m_variables; }
Expression const* initialValue() const { return m_initialValue.get(); }
/// List of variables, some of which can be empty pointers (unnamed components).
+ /// Note that the ``m_value`` member of these is unused. Instead, ``m_initialValue``
+ /// below is used, because the initial value can be a single expression assigned
+ /// to all variables.
std::vector<ASTPointer<VariableDeclaration>> m_variables;
/// The assigned expression / initial value.
ASTPointer<Expression> m_initialValue;
diff --git a/libsolidity/ast/ASTAnnotations.h b/libsolidity/ast/ASTAnnotations.h
index 5cbe42bd..e0b3f492 100644
--- a/libsolidity/ast/ASTAnnotations.h
+++ b/libsolidity/ast/ASTAnnotations.h
@@ -164,13 +164,6 @@ struct UserDefinedTypeNameAnnotation: TypeNameAnnotation
ContractDefinition const* contractScope = nullptr;
-struct VariableDeclarationStatementAnnotation: StatementAnnotation
- /// Information about which component of the value is assigned to which variable.
- /// The pointer can be null to signify that the component is discarded.
- std::vector<VariableDeclaration const*> assignments;
struct ExpressionAnnotation: ASTAnnotation
/// Inferred type of the expression.
diff --git a/libsolidity/ast/ASTJsonConverter.cpp b/libsolidity/ast/ASTJsonConverter.cpp
index b8e00b60..8d52851a 100644
--- a/libsolidity/ast/ASTJsonConverter.cpp
+++ b/libsolidity/ast/ASTJsonConverter.cpp
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ string ASTJsonConverter::sourceLocationToString(SourceLocation const& _location)
int length = -1;
if (_location.start >= 0 && _location.end >= 0)
length = _location.end - _location.start;
- return std::to_string(_location.start) + ":" + std::to_string(length) + ":" + std::to_string(sourceIndex);
+ return to_string(_location.start) + ":" + to_string(length) + ":" + to_string(sourceIndex);
string ASTJsonConverter::namePathToString(std::vector<ASTString> const& _namePath)
@@ -325,9 +325,6 @@ bool ASTJsonConverter::visit(FunctionDefinition const& _node)
std::vector<pair<string, Json::Value>> attributes = {
make_pair("name", _node.name()),
make_pair("documentation", _node.documentation() ? Json::Value(*_node.documentation()) : Json::nullValue),
- // FIXME: remove with next breaking release
- make_pair(m_legacy ? "constant" : "isDeclaredConst", _node.stateMutability() <= StateMutability::View),
- make_pair("payable", _node.isPayable()),
make_pair("stateMutability", stateMutabilityToString(_node.stateMutability())),
make_pair("superFunction", idOrNull(_node.annotation().superFunction)),
make_pair("visibility", Declaration::visibilityToString(_node.visibility())),
@@ -397,10 +394,15 @@ bool ASTJsonConverter::visit(EventDefinition const& _node)
bool ASTJsonConverter::visit(ElementaryTypeName const& _node)
- setJsonNode(_node, "ElementaryTypeName", {
+ std::vector<pair<string, Json::Value>> attributes = {
make_pair("name", _node.typeName().toString()),
make_pair("typeDescriptions", typePointerToJson(_node.annotation().type, true))
- });
+ };
+ if (_node.stateMutability())
+ attributes.emplace_back(make_pair("stateMutability", stateMutabilityToString(*_node.stateMutability())));
+ setJsonNode(_node, "ElementaryTypeName", std::move(attributes));
return false;
@@ -418,11 +420,8 @@ bool ASTJsonConverter::visit(UserDefinedTypeName const& _node)
bool ASTJsonConverter::visit(FunctionTypeName const& _node)
setJsonNode(_node, "FunctionTypeName", {
- make_pair("payable", _node.isPayable()),
make_pair("visibility", Declaration::visibilityToString(_node.visibility())),
make_pair("stateMutability", stateMutabilityToString(_node.stateMutability())),
- // FIXME: remove with next breaking release
- make_pair(m_legacy ? "constant" : "isDeclaredConst", _node.stateMutability() <= StateMutability::View),
make_pair("parameterTypes", toJson(*_node.parameterTypeList())),
make_pair("returnParameterTypes", toJson(*_node.returnParameterTypeList())),
make_pair("typeDescriptions", typePointerToJson(_node.annotation().type, true))
@@ -555,8 +554,8 @@ bool ASTJsonConverter::visit(EmitStatement const& _node)
bool ASTJsonConverter::visit(VariableDeclarationStatement const& _node)
Json::Value varDecs(Json::arrayValue);
- for (auto const& v: _node.annotation().assignments)
- appendMove(varDecs, idOrNull(v));
+ for (auto const& v: _node.declarations())
+ appendMove(varDecs, idOrNull(v.get()));
setJsonNode(_node, "VariableDeclarationStatement", {
make_pair("assignments", std::move(varDecs)),
make_pair("declarations", toJson(_node.declarations())),
@@ -745,12 +744,14 @@ string ASTJsonConverter::location(VariableDeclaration::Location _location)
switch (_location)
- case VariableDeclaration::Location::Default:
+ case VariableDeclaration::Location::Unspecified:
return "default";
case VariableDeclaration::Location::Storage:
return "storage";
case VariableDeclaration::Location::Memory:
return "memory";
+ case VariableDeclaration::Location::CallData:
+ return "calldata";
solAssert(false, "Unknown declaration location.");
diff --git a/libsolidity/ast/ExperimentalFeatures.h b/libsolidity/ast/ExperimentalFeatures.h
index 30ea7ec5..54aad573 100644
--- a/libsolidity/ast/ExperimentalFeatures.h
+++ b/libsolidity/ast/ExperimentalFeatures.h
@@ -29,9 +29,8 @@ namespace solidity
enum class ExperimentalFeature
- ABIEncoderV2, // new ABI encoder that makes use of JULIA
+ ABIEncoderV2, // new ABI encoder that makes use of Yul
- V050, // v0.5.0 breaking changes
@@ -40,14 +39,12 @@ static const std::map<ExperimentalFeature, bool> ExperimentalFeatureOnlyAnalysis
{ ExperimentalFeature::SMTChecker, true },
{ ExperimentalFeature::TestOnlyAnalysis, true },
- { ExperimentalFeature::V050, true }
static const std::map<std::string, ExperimentalFeature> ExperimentalFeatureNames =
{ "ABIEncoderV2", ExperimentalFeature::ABIEncoderV2 },
{ "SMTChecker", ExperimentalFeature::SMTChecker },
- { "v0.5.0", ExperimentalFeature::V050 },
{ "__test", ExperimentalFeature::Test },
{ "__testOnlyAnalysis", ExperimentalFeature::TestOnlyAnalysis },
diff --git a/libsolidity/ast/Types.cpp b/libsolidity/ast/Types.cpp
index 60e3183c..25702f19 100644
--- a/libsolidity/ast/Types.cpp
+++ b/libsolidity/ast/Types.cpp
@@ -33,10 +33,13 @@
#include <boost/algorithm/string/join.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/replace.hpp>
#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
+#include <boost/algorithm/string/classification.hpp>
+#include <boost/algorithm/string/split.hpp>
#include <boost/range/adaptor/reversed.hpp>
#include <boost/range/algorithm/copy.hpp>
#include <boost/range/adaptor/sliced.hpp>
#include <boost/range/adaptor/transformed.hpp>
+#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
#include <limits>
@@ -167,15 +170,6 @@ pair<u256, unsigned> const* StorageOffsets::offset(size_t _index) const
return nullptr;
-MemberList& MemberList::operator=(MemberList&& _other)
- solAssert(&_other != this, "");
- m_memberTypes = move(_other.m_memberTypes);
- m_storageOffsets = move(_other.m_storageOffsets);
- return *this;
void MemberList::combine(MemberList const & _other)
m_memberTypes += _other.m_memberTypes;
@@ -261,6 +255,17 @@ string Type::escapeIdentifier(string const& _identifier)
return ret;
+string Type::identifier() const
+ string ret = escapeIdentifier(richIdentifier());
+ solAssert(ret.find_first_of("0123456789") != 0, "Identifier cannot start with a number.");
+ solAssert(
+ ret.find_first_not_of("0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMONPQRSTUVWXYZ_$") == string::npos,
+ "Identifier contains invalid characters."
+ );
+ return ret;
TypePointer Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken const& _type)
@@ -294,7 +299,7 @@ TypePointer Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken const& _type)
case Token::Byte:
return make_shared<FixedBytesType>(1);
case Token::Address:
- return make_shared<IntegerType>(160, IntegerType::Modifier::Address);
+ return make_shared<AddressType>(StateMutability::NonPayable);
case Token::Bool:
return make_shared<BoolType>();
case Token::Bytes:
@@ -312,22 +317,45 @@ TypePointer Type::fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken const& _type)
TypePointer Type::fromElementaryTypeName(string const& _name)
- string name = _name;
- DataLocation location = DataLocation::Storage;
- if (boost::algorithm::ends_with(name, " memory"))
- {
- name = name.substr(0, name.length() - 7);
- location = DataLocation::Memory;
- }
- unsigned short firstNum;
- unsigned short secondNum;
+ vector<string> nameParts;
+ boost::split(nameParts, _name, boost::is_any_of(" "));
+ solAssert(nameParts.size() == 1 || nameParts.size() == 2, "Cannot parse elementary type: " + _name);
Token::Value token;
- tie(token, firstNum, secondNum) = Token::fromIdentifierOrKeyword(name);
+ unsigned short firstNum, secondNum;
+ tie(token, firstNum, secondNum) = Token::fromIdentifierOrKeyword(nameParts[0]);
auto t = fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken(token, firstNum, secondNum));
if (auto* ref = dynamic_cast<ReferenceType const*>(t.get()))
+ {
+ DataLocation location = DataLocation::Storage;
+ if (nameParts.size() == 2)
+ {
+ if (nameParts[1] == "storage")
+ location = DataLocation::Storage;
+ else if (nameParts[1] == "calldata")
+ location = DataLocation::CallData;
+ else if (nameParts[1] == "memory")
+ location = DataLocation::Memory;
+ else
+ solAssert(false, "Unknown data location: " + nameParts[1]);
+ }
return ref->copyForLocation(location, true);
+ }
+ else if (t->category() == Type::Category::Address)
+ {
+ if (nameParts.size() == 2)
+ {
+ if (nameParts[1] == "payable")
+ return make_shared<AddressType>(StateMutability::Payable);
+ else
+ solAssert(false, "Invalid state mutability for address type: " + nameParts[1]);
+ }
+ return make_shared<AddressType>(StateMutability::NonPayable);
+ }
+ {
+ solAssert(nameParts.size() == 1, "Storage location suffix only allowed for reference types");
return t;
+ }
TypePointer Type::forLiteral(Literal const& _literal)
@@ -338,13 +366,7 @@ TypePointer Type::forLiteral(Literal const& _literal)
case Token::FalseLiteral:
return make_shared<BoolType>();
case Token::Number:
- {
- tuple<bool, rational> validLiteral = RationalNumberType::isValidLiteral(_literal);
- if (get<0>(validLiteral) == true)
- return make_shared<RationalNumberType>(get<1>(validLiteral));
- else
- return TypePointer();
- }
+ return RationalNumberType::forLiteral(_literal);
case Token::StringLiteral:
return make_shared<StringLiteralType>(_literal);
@@ -376,6 +398,27 @@ MemberList const& Type::members(ContractDefinition const* _currentScope) const
return *m_members[_currentScope];
+TypePointer Type::fullEncodingType(bool _inLibraryCall, bool _encoderV2, bool _packed) const
+ TypePointer encodingType = mobileType();
+ if (encodingType)
+ encodingType = encodingType->interfaceType(_inLibraryCall);
+ if (encodingType)
+ encodingType = encodingType->encodingType();
+ // Structs are fine in the following circumstances:
+ // - ABIv2 without packed encoding or,
+ // - storage struct for a library
+ if (_inLibraryCall && encodingType->dataStoredIn(DataLocation::Storage))
+ return encodingType;
+ TypePointer baseType = encodingType;
+ while (auto const* arrayType = dynamic_cast<ArrayType const*>(baseType.get()))
+ baseType = arrayType->baseType();
+ if (dynamic_cast<StructType const*>(baseType.get()))
+ if (!_encoderV2 || _packed)
+ return TypePointer();
+ return encodingType;
MemberList::MemberMap Type::boundFunctions(Type const& _type, ContractDefinition const& _scope)
// Normalise data location of type.
@@ -407,6 +450,98 @@ MemberList::MemberMap Type::boundFunctions(Type const& _type, ContractDefinition
return members;
+AddressType::AddressType(StateMutability _stateMutability):
+ m_stateMutability(_stateMutability)
+ solAssert(m_stateMutability == StateMutability::Payable || m_stateMutability == StateMutability::NonPayable, "");
+string AddressType::richIdentifier() const
+ if (m_stateMutability == StateMutability::Payable)
+ return "t_address_payable";
+ else
+ return "t_address";
+bool AddressType::isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _other) const
+ if (_other.category() != category())
+ return false;
+ AddressType const& other = dynamic_cast<AddressType const&>(_other);
+ return other.m_stateMutability <= m_stateMutability;
+bool AddressType::isExplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
+ if (auto const* contractType = dynamic_cast<ContractType const*>(&_convertTo))
+ return (m_stateMutability >= StateMutability::Payable) || !contractType->isPayable();
+ return isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(_convertTo) ||
+ _convertTo.category() == Category::Integer ||
+ (_convertTo.category() == Category::FixedBytes && 160 == dynamic_cast<FixedBytesType const&>(_convertTo).numBytes() * 8);
+string AddressType::toString(bool) const
+ if (m_stateMutability == StateMutability::Payable)
+ return "address payable";
+ else
+ return "address";
+string AddressType::canonicalName() const
+ return "address";
+u256 AddressType::literalValue(Literal const* _literal) const
+ solAssert(_literal, "");
+ solAssert(_literal->value().substr(0, 2) == "0x", "");
+ return u256(_literal->value());
+TypePointer AddressType::unaryOperatorResult(Token::Value _operator) const
+ return _operator == Token::Delete ? make_shared<TupleType>() : TypePointer();
+TypePointer AddressType::binaryOperatorResult(Token::Value _operator, TypePointer const& _other) const
+ // Addresses can only be compared.
+ if (!Token::isCompareOp(_operator))
+ return TypePointer();
+ return Type::commonType(shared_from_this(), _other);
+bool AddressType::operator==(Type const& _other) const
+ if (_other.category() != category())
+ return false;
+ AddressType const& other = dynamic_cast<AddressType const&>(_other);
+ return other.m_stateMutability == m_stateMutability;
+MemberList::MemberMap AddressType::nativeMembers(ContractDefinition const*) const
+ MemberList::MemberMap members = {
+ {"balance", make_shared<IntegerType>(256)},
+ {"call", make_shared<FunctionType>(strings{"bytes memory"}, strings{"bool", "bytes memory"}, FunctionType::Kind::BareCall, false, StateMutability::Payable)},
+ {"callcode", make_shared<FunctionType>(strings{"bytes memory"}, strings{"bool", "bytes memory"}, FunctionType::Kind::BareCallCode, false, StateMutability::Payable)},
+ {"delegatecall", make_shared<FunctionType>(strings{"bytes memory"}, strings{"bool", "bytes memory"}, FunctionType::Kind::BareDelegateCall, false)},
+ {"staticcall", make_shared<FunctionType>(strings{"bytes memory"}, strings{"bool", "bytes memory"}, FunctionType::Kind::BareStaticCall, false, StateMutability::View)}
+ };
+ if (m_stateMutability == StateMutability::Payable)
+ {
+ members.emplace_back(MemberList::Member{"send", make_shared<FunctionType>(strings{"uint"}, strings{"bool"}, FunctionType::Kind::Send)});
+ members.emplace_back(MemberList::Member{"transfer", make_shared<FunctionType>(strings{"uint"}, strings(), FunctionType::Kind::Transfer)});
+ }
+ return members;
@@ -416,7 +551,7 @@ bool isValidShiftAndAmountType(Token::Value _operator, Type const& _shiftAmountT
if (_operator == Token::SHR)
return false;
else if (IntegerType const* otherInt = dynamic_cast<decltype(otherInt)>(&_shiftAmountType))
- return !otherInt->isAddress();
+ return true;
else if (RationalNumberType const* otherRat = dynamic_cast<decltype(otherRat)>(&_shiftAmountType))
return !otherRat->isFractional() && otherRat->integerType() && !otherRat->integerType()->isSigned();
@@ -428,8 +563,6 @@ bool isValidShiftAndAmountType(Token::Value _operator, Type const& _shiftAmountT
IntegerType::IntegerType(unsigned _bits, IntegerType::Modifier _modifier):
m_bits(_bits), m_modifier(_modifier)
- if (isAddress())
- solAssert(m_bits == 160, "");
m_bits > 0 && m_bits <= 256 && m_bits % 8 == 0,
"Invalid bit number for integer type: " + dev::toString(m_bits)
@@ -438,10 +571,7 @@ IntegerType::IntegerType(unsigned _bits, IntegerType::Modifier _modifier):
string IntegerType::richIdentifier() const
- if (isAddress())
- return "t_address";
- else
- return "t_" + string(isSigned() ? "" : "u") + "int" + std::to_string(numBits());
+ return "t_" + string(isSigned() ? "" : "u") + "int" + to_string(numBits());
bool IntegerType::isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
@@ -451,8 +581,6 @@ bool IntegerType::isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
IntegerType const& convertTo = dynamic_cast<IntegerType const&>(_convertTo);
if (convertTo.m_bits < m_bits)
return false;
- if (isAddress())
- return convertTo.isAddress();
else if (isSigned())
return convertTo.isSigned();
@@ -461,11 +589,7 @@ bool IntegerType::isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
else if (_convertTo.category() == Category::FixedPoint)
FixedPointType const& convertTo = dynamic_cast<FixedPointType const&>(_convertTo);
- if (isAddress())
- return false;
- else
- return maxValue() <= convertTo.maxIntegerValue() && minValue() >= convertTo.minIntegerValue();
+ return maxValue() <= convertTo.maxIntegerValue() && minValue() >= convertTo.minIntegerValue();
return false;
@@ -474,9 +598,10 @@ bool IntegerType::isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
bool IntegerType::isExplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
return _convertTo.category() == category() ||
+ _convertTo.category() == Category::Address ||
_convertTo.category() == Category::Contract ||
_convertTo.category() == Category::Enum ||
- _convertTo.category() == Category::FixedBytes ||
+ (_convertTo.category() == Category::FixedBytes && numBits() == dynamic_cast<FixedBytesType const&>(_convertTo).numBytes() * 8) ||
_convertTo.category() == Category::FixedPoint;
@@ -485,10 +610,7 @@ TypePointer IntegerType::unaryOperatorResult(Token::Value _operator) const
// "delete" is ok for all integer types
if (_operator == Token::Delete)
return make_shared<TupleType>();
- // no further unary operators for addresses
- else if (isAddress())
- return TypePointer();
- // for non-address integers, we allow +, -, ++ and --
+ // we allow +, -, ++ and --
else if (_operator == Token::Add || _operator == Token::Sub ||
_operator == Token::Inc || _operator == Token::Dec ||
_operator == Token::BitNot)
@@ -507,20 +629,10 @@ bool IntegerType::operator==(Type const& _other) const
string IntegerType::toString(bool) const
- if (isAddress())
- return "address";
string prefix = isSigned() ? "int" : "uint";
return prefix + dev::toString(m_bits);
-u256 IntegerType::literalValue(Literal const* _literal) const
- solAssert(m_modifier == Modifier::Address, "");
- solAssert(_literal, "");
- solAssert(_literal->value().substr(0, 2) == "0x", "");
- return u256(_literal->value());
bigint IntegerType::minValue() const
if (isSigned())
@@ -548,8 +660,6 @@ TypePointer IntegerType::binaryOperatorResult(Token::Value _operator, TypePointe
if (Token::isShiftOp(_operator))
// Shifts are not symmetric with respect to the type
- if (isAddress())
- return TypePointer();
if (isValidShiftAndAmountType(_operator, *_other))
return shared_from_this();
@@ -567,9 +677,6 @@ TypePointer IntegerType::binaryOperatorResult(Token::Value _operator, TypePointe
return TypePointer();
if (auto intType = dynamic_pointer_cast<IntegerType const>(commonType))
- // Nothing else can be done with addresses
- if (intType->isAddress())
- return TypePointer();
// Signed EXP is not allowed
if (Token::Exp == _operator && intType->isSigned())
return TypePointer();
@@ -580,21 +687,6 @@ TypePointer IntegerType::binaryOperatorResult(Token::Value _operator, TypePointe
return commonType;
-MemberList::MemberMap IntegerType::nativeMembers(ContractDefinition const*) const
- if (isAddress())
- return {
- {"balance", make_shared<IntegerType>(256)},
- {"call", make_shared<FunctionType>(strings(), strings{"bool"}, FunctionType::Kind::BareCall, true, StateMutability::Payable)},
- {"callcode", make_shared<FunctionType>(strings(), strings{"bool"}, FunctionType::Kind::BareCallCode, true, StateMutability::Payable)},
- {"delegatecall", make_shared<FunctionType>(strings(), strings{"bool"}, FunctionType::Kind::BareDelegateCall, true)},
- {"send", make_shared<FunctionType>(strings{"uint"}, strings{"bool"}, FunctionType::Kind::Send)},
- {"transfer", make_shared<FunctionType>(strings{"uint"}, strings(), FunctionType::Kind::Transfer)}
- };
- else
- return MemberList::MemberMap();
FixedPointType::FixedPointType(unsigned _totalBits, unsigned _fractionalDigits, FixedPointType::Modifier _modifier):
m_totalBits(_totalBits), m_fractionalDigits(_fractionalDigits), m_modifier(_modifier)
@@ -607,7 +699,7 @@ FixedPointType::FixedPointType(unsigned _totalBits, unsigned _fractionalDigits,
string FixedPointType::richIdentifier() const
- return "t_" + string(isSigned() ? "" : "u") + "fixed" + std::to_string(m_totalBits) + "x" + std::to_string(m_fractionalDigits);
+ return "t_" + string(isSigned() ? "" : "u") + "fixed" + to_string(m_totalBits) + "x" + to_string(m_fractionalDigits);
bool FixedPointType::isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
@@ -625,8 +717,7 @@ bool FixedPointType::isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
bool FixedPointType::isExplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
- return _convertTo.category() == category() ||
- (_convertTo.category() == Category::Integer && !dynamic_cast<IntegerType const&>(_convertTo).isAddress());
+ return _convertTo.category() == category() || _convertTo.category() == Category::Integer;
TypePointer FixedPointType::unaryOperatorResult(Token::Value _operator) const
@@ -664,7 +755,7 @@ string FixedPointType::toString(bool) const
bigint FixedPointType::maxIntegerValue() const
bigint maxValue = (bigint(1) << (m_totalBits - (isSigned() ? 1 : 0))) - 1;
- return maxValue / pow(bigint(10), m_fractionalDigits);
+ return maxValue / boost::multiprecision::pow(bigint(10), m_fractionalDigits);
bigint FixedPointType::minIntegerValue() const
@@ -672,7 +763,7 @@ bigint FixedPointType::minIntegerValue() const
if (isSigned())
bigint minValue = -(bigint(1) << (m_totalBits - (isSigned() ? 1 : 0)));
- return minValue / pow(bigint(10), m_fractionalDigits);
+ return minValue / boost::multiprecision::pow(bigint(10), m_fractionalDigits);
return bigint(0);
@@ -741,36 +832,66 @@ tuple<bool, rational> RationalNumberType::parseRational(string const& _value)
+TypePointer RationalNumberType::forLiteral(Literal const& _literal)
+ solAssert(_literal.token() == Token::Number, "");
+ tuple<bool, rational> validLiteral = isValidLiteral(_literal);
+ if (get<0>(validLiteral))
+ {
+ TypePointer compatibleBytesType;
+ if (_literal.isHexNumber())
+ {
+ size_t digitCount = count_if(
+ _literal.value().begin() + 2, // skip "0x"
+ _literal.value().end(),
+ [](unsigned char _c) -> bool { return isxdigit(_c); }
+ );
+ // require even number of digits
+ if (!(digitCount & 1))
+ compatibleBytesType = make_shared<FixedBytesType>(digitCount / 2);
+ }
+ return make_shared<RationalNumberType>(get<1>(validLiteral), compatibleBytesType);
+ }
+ return TypePointer();
tuple<bool, rational> RationalNumberType::isValidLiteral(Literal const& _literal)
rational value;
- auto expPoint = find(_literal.value().begin(), _literal.value().end(), 'e');
- if (expPoint == _literal.value().end())
- expPoint = find(_literal.value().begin(), _literal.value().end(), 'E');
+ ASTString valueString = _literal.value();
+ boost::erase_all(valueString, "_");// Remove underscore separators
- if (boost::starts_with(_literal.value(), "0x"))
+ auto expPoint = find(valueString.begin(), valueString.end(), 'e');
+ if (expPoint == valueString.end())
+ expPoint = find(valueString.begin(), valueString.end(), 'E');
+ if (boost::starts_with(valueString, "0x"))
// process as hex
- value = bigint(_literal.value());
+ value = bigint(valueString);
- else if (expPoint != _literal.value().end())
+ else if (expPoint != valueString.end())
- // Parse base and exponent. Checks numeric limit.
- bigint exp = bigint(string(expPoint + 1, _literal.value().end()));
+ // Parse mantissa and exponent. Checks numeric limit.
+ tuple<bool, rational> mantissa = parseRational(string(valueString.begin(), expPoint));
- if (exp > numeric_limits<int32_t>::max() || exp < numeric_limits<int32_t>::min())
+ if (!get<0>(mantissa))
return make_tuple(false, rational(0));
+ value = get<1>(mantissa);
- uint32_t expAbs = bigint(abs(exp)).convert_to<uint32_t>();
+ // 0E... is always zero.
+ if (value == 0)
+ return make_tuple(true, rational(0));
- tuple<bool, rational> base = parseRational(string(_literal.value().begin(), expPoint));
+ bigint exp = bigint(string(expPoint + 1, valueString.end()));
- if (!get<0>(base))
+ if (exp > numeric_limits<int32_t>::max() || exp < numeric_limits<int32_t>::min())
return make_tuple(false, rational(0));
- value = get<1>(base);
+ uint32_t expAbs = bigint(abs(exp)).convert_to<uint32_t>();
if (exp < 0)
@@ -794,7 +915,7 @@ tuple<bool, rational> RationalNumberType::isValidLiteral(Literal const& _literal
// parse as rational number
- tuple<bool, rational> tmp = parseRational(_literal.value());
+ tuple<bool, rational> tmp = parseRational(valueString);
if (!get<0>(tmp))
return tmp;
value = get<1>(tmp);
@@ -842,49 +963,53 @@ tuple<bool, rational> RationalNumberType::isValidLiteral(Literal const& _literal
bool RationalNumberType::isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
- if (_convertTo.category() == Category::Integer)
+ switch (_convertTo.category())
+ {
+ case Category::Integer:
- if (m_value == rational(0))
- return true;
if (isFractional())
return false;
IntegerType const& targetType = dynamic_cast<IntegerType const&>(_convertTo);
+ if (m_value == rational(0))
+ return true;
unsigned forSignBit = (targetType.isSigned() ? 1 : 0);
if (m_value > rational(0))
if (m_value.numerator() <= (u256(-1) >> (256 - targetType.numBits() + forSignBit)))
return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (targetType.isSigned())
+ {
+ if (-m_value.numerator() <= (u256(1) << (targetType.numBits() - forSignBit)))
+ return true;
- else if (targetType.isSigned() && -m_value.numerator() <= (u256(1) << (targetType.numBits() - forSignBit)))
- return true;
return false;
- else if (_convertTo.category() == Category::FixedPoint)
+ case Category::FixedPoint:
if (auto fixed = fixedPointType())
return fixed->isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(_convertTo);
- else
- return false;
+ return false;
- else if (_convertTo.category() == Category::FixedBytes)
- {
- FixedBytesType const& fixedBytes = dynamic_cast<FixedBytesType const&>(_convertTo);
- if (!isFractional())
- {
- if (integerType())
- return fixedBytes.numBytes() * 8 >= integerType()->numBits();
- return false;
- }
- else
- return false;
+ case Category::FixedBytes:
+ return (m_value == rational(0)) || (m_compatibleBytesType && *m_compatibleBytesType == _convertTo);
+ default:
+ return false;
- return false;
bool RationalNumberType::isExplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
- TypePointer mobType = mobileType();
- return mobType && mobType->isExplicitlyConvertibleTo(_convertTo);
+ if (isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(_convertTo))
+ return true;
+ else if (_convertTo.category() != Category::FixedBytes)
+ {
+ TypePointer mobType = mobileType();
+ return (mobType && mobType->isExplicitlyConvertibleTo(_convertTo));
+ }
+ else
+ return false;
TypePointer RationalNumberType::unaryOperatorResult(Token::Value _operator) const
@@ -926,7 +1051,7 @@ TypePointer RationalNumberType::binaryOperatorResult(Token::Value _operator, Typ
RationalNumberType const& other = dynamic_cast<RationalNumberType const&>(*_other);
if (Token::isCompareOp(_operator))
- // Since we do not have a "BoolConstantType", we have to do the acutal comparison
+ // Since we do not have a "BoolConstantType", we have to do the actual comparison
// at runtime and convert to mobile typse first. Such a comparison is not a very common
// use-case and will be optimized away.
TypePointer thisMobile = mobileType();
@@ -982,10 +1107,9 @@ TypePointer RationalNumberType::binaryOperatorResult(Token::Value _operator, Typ
value = m_value.numerator() % other.m_value.numerator();
- break;
+ break;
case Token::Exp:
- using boost::multiprecision::pow;
if (other.isFractional())
return TypePointer();
solAssert(other.m_value.denominator() == 1, "");
@@ -1019,7 +1143,7 @@ TypePointer RationalNumberType::binaryOperatorResult(Token::Value _operator, Typ
else if (_base == -1)
return 1 - 2 * int(_exponent & 1);
- return pow(_base, _exponent);
+ return boost::multiprecision::pow(_base, _exponent);
bigint numerator = optimizedPow(m_value.numerator(), absExp);
@@ -1035,7 +1159,6 @@ TypePointer RationalNumberType::binaryOperatorResult(Token::Value _operator, Typ
case Token::SHL:
- using boost::multiprecision::pow;
if (fractional)
return TypePointer();
else if (other.m_value < 0)
@@ -1049,7 +1172,7 @@ TypePointer RationalNumberType::binaryOperatorResult(Token::Value _operator, Typ
uint32_t exponent = other.m_value.numerator().convert_to<uint32_t>();
if (!fitsPrecisionBase2(abs(m_value.numerator()), exponent))
return TypePointer();
- value = m_value.numerator() * pow(bigint(2), exponent);
+ value = m_value.numerator() * boost::multiprecision::pow(bigint(2), exponent);
@@ -1057,7 +1180,6 @@ TypePointer RationalNumberType::binaryOperatorResult(Token::Value _operator, Typ
// determines the resulting type and the type of shift (SAR or SHR).
case Token::SAR:
- namespace mp = boost::multiprecision;
if (fractional)
return TypePointer();
else if (other.m_value < 0)
@@ -1069,10 +1191,22 @@ TypePointer RationalNumberType::binaryOperatorResult(Token::Value _operator, Typ
uint32_t exponent = other.m_value.numerator().convert_to<uint32_t>();
- if (exponent > mostSignificantBit(mp::abs(m_value.numerator())))
- value = 0;
+ if (exponent > mostSignificantBit(boost::multiprecision::abs(m_value.numerator())))
+ value = m_value.numerator() < 0 ? -1 : 0;
- value = rational(m_value.numerator() / mp::pow(bigint(2), exponent), 1);
+ {
+ if (m_value.numerator() < 0)
+ // Add 1 to the negative value before dividing to get a result that is strictly too large,
+ // then subtract 1 afterwards to round towards negative infinity.
+ // This is the same algorithm as used in ExpressionCompiler::appendShiftOperatorCode(...).
+ // To see this note that for negative x, xor(x,all_ones) = (-x-1) and
+ // therefore xor(div(xor(x,all_ones), exp(2, shift_amount)), all_ones) is
+ // -(-x - 1) / 2^shift_amount - 1, which is the same as
+ // (x + 1) / 2^shift_amount - 1.
+ value = rational((m_value.numerator() + 1) / boost::multiprecision::pow(bigint(2), exponent) - bigint(1), 1);
+ else
+ value = rational(m_value.numerator() / boost::multiprecision::pow(bigint(2), exponent), 1);
+ }
@@ -1090,7 +1224,14 @@ TypePointer RationalNumberType::binaryOperatorResult(Token::Value _operator, Typ
string RationalNumberType::richIdentifier() const
- return "t_rational_" + m_value.numerator().str() + "_by_" + m_value.denominator().str();
+ // rational seemingly will put the sign always on the numerator,
+ // but let just make it deterministic here.
+ bigint numerator = abs(m_value.numerator());
+ bigint denominator = abs(m_value.denominator());
+ if (m_value < 0)
+ return "t_rational_minus_" + numerator.str() + "_by_" + denominator.str();
+ else
+ return "t_rational_" + numerator.str() + "_by_" + denominator.str();
bool RationalNumberType::operator==(Type const& _other) const
@@ -1128,7 +1269,7 @@ u256 RationalNumberType::literalValue(Literal const*) const
// its value.
u256 value;
- bigint shiftedValue;
+ bigint shiftedValue;
if (!isFractional())
shiftedValue = m_value.numerator();
@@ -1137,7 +1278,7 @@ u256 RationalNumberType::literalValue(Literal const*) const
auto fixed = fixedPointType();
solAssert(fixed, "");
int fractionalDigits = fixed->fractionalDigits();
- shiftedValue = m_value.numerator() * pow(bigint(10), fractionalDigits) / m_value.denominator();
+ shiftedValue = m_value.numerator() * boost::multiprecision::pow(bigint(10), fractionalDigits) / m_value.denominator();
// we ignore the literal and hope that the type was correctly determined
@@ -1180,7 +1321,7 @@ shared_ptr<FixedPointType const> RationalNumberType::fixedPointType() const
bool negative = (m_value < 0);
unsigned fractionalDigits = 0;
rational value = abs(m_value); // We care about the sign later.
- rational maxValue = negative ?
+ rational maxValue = negative ?
rational(bigint(1) << 255, 1):
rational((bigint(1) << 256) - 1, 1);
@@ -1189,12 +1330,13 @@ shared_ptr<FixedPointType const> RationalNumberType::fixedPointType() const
value *= 10;
if (value > maxValue)
return shared_ptr<FixedPointType const>();
// This means we round towards zero for positive and negative values.
bigint v = value.numerator() / value.denominator();
- if (negative)
+ if (negative && v != 0)
// modify value to satisfy bit requirements for negative numbers:
// add one bit for sign and decrement because negative numbers can be larger
v = (v - 1) << 1;
@@ -1281,7 +1423,8 @@ bool FixedBytesType::isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
bool FixedBytesType::isExplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
- return _convertTo.category() == Category::Integer ||
+ return (_convertTo.category() == Category::Integer && numBytes() * 8 == dynamic_cast<IntegerType const&>(_convertTo).numBits()) ||
+ (_convertTo.category() == Category::Address && numBytes() == 20) ||
_convertTo.category() == Category::FixedPoint ||
_convertTo.category() == category();
@@ -1325,7 +1468,7 @@ MemberList::MemberMap FixedBytesType::nativeMembers(const ContractDefinition*) c
string FixedBytesType::richIdentifier() const
- return "t_bytes" + std::to_string(m_bytes);
+ return "t_bytes" + to_string(m_bytes);
bool FixedBytesType::operator==(Type const& _other) const
@@ -1358,7 +1501,7 @@ TypePointer BoolType::binaryOperatorResult(Token::Value _operator, TypePointer c
if (category() != _other->category())
return TypePointer();
- if (Token::isCompareOp(_operator) || _operator == Token::And || _operator == Token::Or)
+ if (_operator == Token::Equal || _operator == Token::NotEqual || _operator == Token::And || _operator == Token::Or)
return _other;
return TypePointer();
@@ -1368,25 +1511,24 @@ bool ContractType::isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
if (*this == _convertTo)
return true;
- if (_convertTo.category() == Category::Integer)
- return dynamic_cast<IntegerType const&>(_convertTo).isAddress();
if (_convertTo.category() == Category::Contract)
auto const& bases = contractDefinition().annotation().linearizedBaseContracts;
if (m_super && bases.size() <= 1)
return false;
- return find(m_super ? ++bases.begin() : bases.begin(), bases.end(),
- &dynamic_cast<ContractType const&>(_convertTo).contractDefinition()) != bases.end();
+ return find(
+ m_super ? ++bases.begin() : bases.begin(), bases.end(),
+ &dynamic_cast<ContractType const&>(_convertTo).contractDefinition()
+ ) != bases.end();
return false;
bool ContractType::isExplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
- return
- isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(_convertTo) ||
- _convertTo.category() == Category::Integer ||
- _convertTo.category() == Category::Contract;
+ if (auto const* addressType = dynamic_cast<AddressType const*>(&_convertTo))
+ return isPayable() || (addressType->stateMutability() < StateMutability::Payable);
+ return isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(_convertTo);
bool ContractType::isPayable() const
@@ -1416,8 +1558,6 @@ TypePointer ReferenceType::unaryOperatorResult(Token::Value _operator) const
return make_shared<TupleType>();
case DataLocation::Storage:
return m_isPointer ? TypePointer() : make_shared<TupleType>();
- default:
- solAssert(false, "");
return TypePointer();
@@ -1452,12 +1592,18 @@ string ReferenceType::stringForReferencePart() const
string ReferenceType::identifierLocationSuffix() const
string id;
- if (location() == DataLocation::Storage)
+ switch (location())
+ {
+ case DataLocation::Storage:
id += "_storage";
- else if (location() == DataLocation::Memory)
+ break;
+ case DataLocation::Memory:
id += "_memory";
- else
+ break;
+ case DataLocation::CallData:
id += "_calldata";
+ break;
+ }
if (isPointer())
id += "_ptr";
return id;
@@ -1672,6 +1818,7 @@ MemberList::MemberMap ArrayType::nativeMembers(ContractDefinition const*) const
members.push_back({"length", make_shared<IntegerType>(256)});
if (isDynamicallySized() && location() == DataLocation::Storage)
+ {
members.push_back({"push", make_shared<FunctionType>(
@@ -1679,6 +1826,14 @@ MemberList::MemberMap ArrayType::nativeMembers(ContractDefinition const*) const
isByteArray() ? FunctionType::Kind::ByteArrayPush : FunctionType::Kind::ArrayPush
+ members.push_back({"pop", make_shared<FunctionType>(
+ TypePointers{},
+ TypePointers{},
+ strings{string()},
+ strings{string()},
+ FunctionType::Kind::ArrayPop
+ )});
+ }
return members;
@@ -1752,7 +1907,7 @@ TypePointer ArrayType::copyForLocation(DataLocation _location, bool _isPointer)
string ContractType::richIdentifier() const
- return (m_super ? "t_super" : "t_contract") + parenthesizeUserIdentifier(m_contract.name()) + std::to_string(m_contract.id());
+ return (m_super ? "t_super" : "t_contract") + parenthesizeUserIdentifier(m_contract.name()) + to_string(m_contract.id());
bool ContractType::operator==(Type const& _other) const
@@ -1799,7 +1954,7 @@ MemberList::MemberMap ContractType::nativeMembers(ContractDefinition const* _con
auto memberType = dynamic_cast<FunctionType const*>(member.type.get());
solAssert(!!memberType, "Override changes type.");
- if (!memberType->hasEqualArgumentTypes(*functionType))
+ if (!memberType->hasEqualParameterTypes(*functionType))
functionWithEqualArgumentsFound = true;
@@ -1821,47 +1976,9 @@ MemberList::MemberMap ContractType::nativeMembers(ContractDefinition const* _con
- // In 0.5.0 address members are not populated into the contract.
- if (!_contract->sourceUnit().annotation().experimentalFeatures.count(ExperimentalFeature::V050))
- addNonConflictingAddressMembers(members);
return members;
-void ContractType::addNonConflictingAddressMembers(MemberList::MemberMap& _members)
- MemberList::MemberMap addressMembers = IntegerType(160, IntegerType::Modifier::Address).nativeMembers(nullptr);
- for (auto const& addressMember: addressMembers)
- {
- bool clash = false;
- for (auto const& member: _members)
- {
- if (
- member.name == addressMember.name &&
- (
- // Members with different types are not allowed
- member.type->category() != addressMember.type->category() ||
- // Members must overload functions without clash
- (
- member.type->category() == Type::Category::Function &&
- dynamic_cast<FunctionType const&>(*member.type).hasEqualArgumentTypes(dynamic_cast<FunctionType const&>(*addressMember.type))
- )
- )
- )
- {
- clash = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!clash)
- _members.push_back(MemberList::Member(
- addressMember.name,
- addressMember.type,
- addressMember.declaration
- ));
- }
shared_ptr<FunctionType const> const& ContractType::newExpressionType() const
if (!m_constructorType)
@@ -1904,7 +2021,7 @@ bool StructType::isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(const Type& _convertTo) const
string StructType::richIdentifier() const
- return "t_struct" + parenthesizeUserIdentifier(m_struct.name()) + std::to_string(m_struct.id()) + identifierLocationSuffix();
+ return "t_struct" + parenthesizeUserIdentifier(m_struct.name()) + to_string(m_struct.id()) + identifierLocationSuffix();
bool StructType::operator==(Type const& _other) const
@@ -2106,7 +2223,7 @@ bool StructType::recursive() const
if (!m_recursive.is_initialized())
- auto visitor = [&](StructDefinition const& _struct, CycleDetector<StructDefinition>& _cycleDetector)
+ auto visitor = [&](StructDefinition const& _struct, CycleDetector<StructDefinition>& _cycleDetector, size_t /*_depth*/)
for (ASTPointer<VariableDeclaration> const& variable: _struct.members())
@@ -2130,7 +2247,7 @@ TypePointer EnumType::unaryOperatorResult(Token::Value _operator) const
string EnumType::richIdentifier() const
- return "t_enum" + parenthesizeUserIdentifier(m_enum.name()) + std::to_string(m_enum.id());
+ return "t_enum" + parenthesizeUserIdentifier(m_enum.name()) + to_string(m_enum.id());
bool EnumType::operator==(Type const& _other) const
@@ -2189,25 +2306,13 @@ bool TupleType::isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _other) const
TypePointers const& targets = tupleType->components();
if (targets.empty())
return components().empty();
- if (components().size() != targets.size() && !targets.front() && !targets.back())
- return false; // (,a,) = (1,2,3,4) - unable to position `a` in the tuple.
- size_t minNumValues = targets.size();
- if (!targets.back() || !targets.front())
- --minNumValues; // wildcards can also match 0 components
- if (components().size() < minNumValues)
+ if (components().size() != targets.size())
return false;
- if (components().size() > targets.size() && targets.front() && targets.back())
- return false; // larger source and no wildcard
- bool fillRight = !targets.back() || targets.front();
- for (size_t i = 0; i < min(targets.size(), components().size()); ++i)
- {
- auto const& s = components()[fillRight ? i : components().size() - i - 1];
- auto const& t = targets[fillRight ? i : targets.size() - i - 1];
- if (!s && t)
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < targets.size(); ++i)
+ if (!components()[i] && targets[i])
return false;
- else if (s && t && !s->isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(*t))
+ else if (components()[i] && targets[i] && !components()[i]->isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(*targets[i]))
return false;
- }
return true;
@@ -2273,16 +2378,14 @@ TypePointer TupleType::closestTemporaryType(TypePointer const& _targetType) cons
solAssert(!!_targetType, "");
TypePointers const& targetComponents = dynamic_cast<TupleType const&>(*_targetType).components();
- bool fillRight = !targetComponents.empty() && (!targetComponents.back() || targetComponents.front());
+ solAssert(components().size() == targetComponents.size(), "");
TypePointers tempComponents(targetComponents.size());
- for (size_t i = 0; i < min(targetComponents.size(), components().size()); ++i)
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < targetComponents.size(); ++i)
- size_t si = fillRight ? i : components().size() - i - 1;
- size_t ti = fillRight ? i : targetComponents.size() - i - 1;
- if (components()[si] && targetComponents[ti])
+ if (components()[i] && targetComponents[i])
- tempComponents[ti] = components()[si]->closestTemporaryType(targetComponents[ti]);
- solAssert(tempComponents[ti], "");
+ tempComponents[i] = components()[i]->closestTemporaryType(targetComponents[i]);
+ solAssert(tempComponents[i], "");
return make_shared<TupleType>(tempComponents);
@@ -2446,7 +2549,14 @@ TypePointers FunctionType::returnParameterTypesWithoutDynamicTypes() const
TypePointers returnParameterTypes = m_returnParameterTypes;
- if (m_kind == Kind::External || m_kind == Kind::CallCode || m_kind == Kind::DelegateCall)
+ if (
+ m_kind == Kind::External ||
+ m_kind == Kind::DelegateCall ||
+ m_kind == Kind::BareCall ||
+ m_kind == Kind::BareCallCode ||
+ m_kind == Kind::BareDelegateCall ||
+ m_kind == Kind::BareStaticCall
+ )
for (auto& param: returnParameterTypes)
if (param->isDynamicallySized() && !param->dataStoredIn(DataLocation::Storage))
param = make_shared<InaccessibleDynamicType>();
@@ -2468,15 +2578,15 @@ string FunctionType::richIdentifier() const
case Kind::Internal: id += "internal"; break;
case Kind::External: id += "external"; break;
- case Kind::CallCode: id += "callcode"; break;
case Kind::DelegateCall: id += "delegatecall"; break;
case Kind::BareCall: id += "barecall"; break;
case Kind::BareCallCode: id += "barecallcode"; break;
case Kind::BareDelegateCall: id += "baredelegatecall"; break;
+ case Kind::BareStaticCall: id += "barestaticcall"; break;
case Kind::Creation: id += "creation"; break;
case Kind::Send: id += "send"; break;
case Kind::Transfer: id += "transfer"; break;
- case Kind::SHA3: id += "sha3"; break;
+ case Kind::KECCAK256: id += "keccak256"; break;
case Kind::Selfdestruct: id += "selfdestruct"; break;
case Kind::Revert: id += "revert"; break;
case Kind::ECRecover: id += "ecrecover"; break;
@@ -2495,6 +2605,7 @@ string FunctionType::richIdentifier() const
case Kind::AddMod: id += "addmod"; break;
case Kind::MulMod: id += "mulmod"; break;
case Kind::ArrayPush: id += "arraypush"; break;
+ case Kind::ArrayPop: id += "arraypop"; break;
case Kind::ByteArrayPush: id += "bytearraypush"; break;
case Kind::ObjectCreation: id += "objectcreation"; break;
case Kind::Assert: id += "assert"; break;
@@ -2503,7 +2614,7 @@ string FunctionType::richIdentifier() const
case Kind::ABIEncodePacked: id += "abiencodepacked"; break;
case Kind::ABIEncodeWithSelector: id += "abiencodewithselector"; break;
case Kind::ABIEncodeWithSignature: id += "abiencodewithsignature"; break;
- default: solAssert(false, "Unknown function location."); break;
+ case Kind::ABIDecode: id += "abidecode"; break;
id += "_" + stateMutabilityToString(m_stateMutability);
id += identifierList(m_parameterTypes) + "returns" + identifierList(m_returnParameterTypes);
@@ -2520,43 +2631,46 @@ bool FunctionType::operator==(Type const& _other) const
if (_other.category() != category())
return false;
FunctionType const& other = dynamic_cast<FunctionType const&>(_other);
- if (
- m_kind != other.m_kind ||
- m_stateMutability != other.stateMutability() ||
- m_parameterTypes.size() != other.m_parameterTypes.size() ||
- m_returnParameterTypes.size() != other.m_returnParameterTypes.size()
- )
+ if (!equalExcludingStateMutability(other))
return false;
- auto typeCompare = [](TypePointer const& _a, TypePointer const& _b) -> bool { return *_a == *_b; };
- if (
- !equal(m_parameterTypes.cbegin(), m_parameterTypes.cend(), other.m_parameterTypes.cbegin(), typeCompare) ||
- !equal(m_returnParameterTypes.cbegin(), m_returnParameterTypes.cend(), other.m_returnParameterTypes.cbegin(), typeCompare)
- )
- return false;
- //@todo this is ugly, but cannot be prevented right now
- if (m_gasSet != other.m_gasSet || m_valueSet != other.m_valueSet)
- return false;
- if (bound() != other.bound())
- return false;
- if (bound() && *selfType() != *other.selfType())
+ if (m_stateMutability != other.stateMutability())
return false;
return true;
bool FunctionType::isExplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
- if (m_kind == Kind::External && _convertTo.category() == Category::Integer)
- {
- IntegerType const& convertTo = dynamic_cast<IntegerType const&>(_convertTo);
- if (convertTo.isAddress())
+ if (m_kind == Kind::External && _convertTo.category() == Category::Address)
return true;
- }
return _convertTo.category() == category();
+bool FunctionType::isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
+ if (_convertTo.category() != category())
+ return false;
+ FunctionType const& convertTo = dynamic_cast<FunctionType const&>(_convertTo);
+ if (!equalExcludingStateMutability(convertTo))
+ return false;
+ // non-payable should not be convertible to payable
+ if (m_stateMutability != StateMutability::Payable && convertTo.stateMutability() == StateMutability::Payable)
+ return false;
+ // payable should be convertible to non-payable, because you are free to pay 0 ether
+ if (m_stateMutability == StateMutability::Payable && convertTo.stateMutability() == StateMutability::NonPayable)
+ return true;
+ // e.g. pure should be convertible to view, but not the other way around.
+ if (m_stateMutability > convertTo.stateMutability())
+ return false;
+ return true;
TypePointer FunctionType::unaryOperatorResult(Token::Value _operator) const
if (_operator == Token::Value::Delete)
@@ -2640,15 +2754,16 @@ unsigned FunctionType::sizeOnStack() const
case Kind::External:
- case Kind::CallCode:
case Kind::DelegateCall:
size = 2;
case Kind::BareCall:
case Kind::BareCallCode:
case Kind::BareDelegateCall:
+ case Kind::BareStaticCall:
case Kind::Internal:
case Kind::ArrayPush:
+ case Kind::ArrayPop:
case Kind::ByteArrayPush:
size = 1;
@@ -2713,6 +2828,7 @@ MemberList::MemberMap FunctionType::nativeMembers(ContractDefinition const*) con
case Kind::BareCall:
case Kind::BareCallCode:
case Kind::BareDelegateCall:
+ case Kind::BareStaticCall:
MemberList::MemberMap members;
if (m_kind == Kind::External)
@@ -2801,7 +2917,7 @@ bool FunctionType::canTakeArguments(TypePointers const& _argumentTypes, TypePoin
-bool FunctionType::hasEqualArgumentTypes(FunctionType const& _other) const
+bool FunctionType::hasEqualParameterTypes(FunctionType const& _other) const
if (m_parameterTypes.size() != _other.m_parameterTypes.size())
return false;
@@ -2813,6 +2929,38 @@ bool FunctionType::hasEqualArgumentTypes(FunctionType const& _other) const
+bool FunctionType::hasEqualReturnTypes(FunctionType const& _other) const
+ if (m_returnParameterTypes.size() != _other.m_returnParameterTypes.size())
+ return false;
+ return equal(
+ m_returnParameterTypes.cbegin(),
+ m_returnParameterTypes.cend(),
+ _other.m_returnParameterTypes.cbegin(),
+ [](TypePointer const& _a, TypePointer const& _b) -> bool { return *_a == *_b; }
+ );
+bool FunctionType::equalExcludingStateMutability(FunctionType const& _other) const
+ if (m_kind != _other.m_kind)
+ return false;
+ if (!hasEqualParameterTypes(_other) || !hasEqualReturnTypes(_other))
+ return false;
+ //@todo this is ugly, but cannot be prevented right now
+ if (m_gasSet != _other.m_gasSet || m_valueSet != _other.m_valueSet)
+ return false;
+ if (bound() != _other.bound())
+ return false;
+ solAssert(!bound() || *selfType() == *_other.selfType(), "");
+ return true;
bool FunctionType::isBareCall() const
switch (m_kind)
@@ -2820,6 +2968,7 @@ bool FunctionType::isBareCall() const
case Kind::BareCall:
case Kind::BareCallCode:
case Kind::BareDelegateCall:
+ case Kind::BareStaticCall:
case Kind::ECRecover:
case Kind::SHA256:
case Kind::RIPEMD160:
@@ -2833,6 +2982,16 @@ string FunctionType::externalSignature() const
solAssert(m_declaration != nullptr, "External signature of function needs declaration");
solAssert(!m_declaration->name().empty(), "Fallback function has no signature.");
+ switch (kind())
+ {
+ case Kind::Internal:
+ case Kind::External:
+ case Kind::DelegateCall:
+ case Kind::Event:
+ break;
+ default:
+ solAssert(false, "Invalid function type for requesting external signature.");
+ }
bool const inLibrary = dynamic_cast<ContractDefinition const&>(*m_declaration->scope()).isLibrary();
FunctionTypePointer external = interfaceFunctionType();
@@ -2859,7 +3018,7 @@ bool FunctionType::isPure() const
// FIXME: replace this with m_stateMutability == StateMutability::Pure once
// the callgraph analyzer is in place
- m_kind == Kind::SHA3 ||
+ m_kind == Kind::KECCAK256 ||
m_kind == Kind::ECRecover ||
m_kind == Kind::SHA256 ||
m_kind == Kind::RIPEMD160 ||
@@ -2869,7 +3028,8 @@ bool FunctionType::isPure() const
m_kind == Kind::ABIEncode ||
m_kind == Kind::ABIEncodePacked ||
m_kind == Kind::ABIEncodeWithSelector ||
- m_kind == Kind::ABIEncodeWithSignature;
+ m_kind == Kind::ABIEncodeWithSignature ||
+ m_kind == Kind::ABIDecode;
TypePointers FunctionType::parseElementaryTypeVector(strings const& _types)
@@ -2954,6 +3114,26 @@ ASTPointer<ASTString> FunctionType::documentation() const
return ASTPointer<ASTString>();
+bool FunctionType::padArguments() const
+ // No padding only for hash functions, low-level calls and the packed encoding function.
+ switch (m_kind)
+ {
+ case Kind::BareCall:
+ case Kind::BareCallCode:
+ case Kind::BareDelegateCall:
+ case Kind::BareStaticCall:
+ case Kind::SHA256:
+ case Kind::RIPEMD160:
+ case Kind::KECCAK256:
+ case Kind::ABIEncodePacked:
+ return false;
+ default:
+ return true;
+ }
+ return true;
string MappingType::richIdentifier() const
return "t_mapping" + identifierList(m_keyType, m_valueType);
@@ -3093,7 +3273,7 @@ string ModifierType::toString(bool _short) const
string ModuleType::richIdentifier() const
- return "t_module_" + std::to_string(m_sourceUnit.id());
+ return "t_module_" + to_string(m_sourceUnit.id());
bool ModuleType::operator==(Type const& _other) const
@@ -3129,8 +3309,6 @@ string MagicType::richIdentifier() const
return "t_magic_transaction";
case Kind::ABI:
return "t_magic_abi";
- default:
- solAssert(false, "Unknown kind of magic");
return "";
@@ -3149,7 +3327,7 @@ MemberList::MemberMap MagicType::nativeMembers(ContractDefinition const*) const
case Kind::Block:
return MemberList::MemberMap({
- {"coinbase", make_shared<IntegerType>(160, IntegerType::Modifier::Address)},
+ {"coinbase", make_shared<AddressType>(StateMutability::Payable)},
{"timestamp", make_shared<IntegerType>(256)},
{"blockhash", make_shared<FunctionType>(strings{"uint"}, strings{"bytes32"}, FunctionType::Kind::BlockHash, false, StateMutability::View)},
{"difficulty", make_shared<IntegerType>(256)},
@@ -3158,7 +3336,7 @@ MemberList::MemberMap MagicType::nativeMembers(ContractDefinition const*) const
case Kind::Message:
return MemberList::MemberMap({
- {"sender", make_shared<IntegerType>(160, IntegerType::Modifier::Address)},
+ {"sender", make_shared<AddressType>(StateMutability::Payable)},
{"gas", make_shared<IntegerType>(256)},
{"value", make_shared<IntegerType>(256)},
{"data", make_shared<ArrayType>(DataLocation::CallData)},
@@ -3166,7 +3344,7 @@ MemberList::MemberMap MagicType::nativeMembers(ContractDefinition const*) const
case Kind::Transaction:
return MemberList::MemberMap({
- {"origin", make_shared<IntegerType>(160, IntegerType::Modifier::Address)},
+ {"origin", make_shared<AddressType>(StateMutability::Payable)},
{"gasprice", make_shared<IntegerType>(256)}
case Kind::ABI:
@@ -3206,6 +3384,15 @@ MemberList::MemberMap MagicType::nativeMembers(ContractDefinition const*) const
+ )},
+ {"decode", make_shared<FunctionType>(
+ TypePointers(),
+ TypePointers(),
+ strings{},
+ strings{},
+ FunctionType::Kind::ABIDecode,
+ true,
+ StateMutability::Pure
diff --git a/libsolidity/ast/Types.h b/libsolidity/ast/Types.h
index 95821634..a2d18b0a 100644
--- a/libsolidity/ast/Types.h
+++ b/libsolidity/ast/Types.h
@@ -95,9 +95,7 @@ public:
using MemberMap = std::vector<Member>;
- MemberList() {}
explicit MemberList(MemberMap const& _members): m_memberTypes(_members) {}
- MemberList& operator=(MemberList&& _other);
void combine(MemberList const& _other);
TypePointer memberType(std::string const& _name) const
@@ -132,6 +130,8 @@ private:
mutable std::unique_ptr<StorageOffsets> m_storageOffsets;
+static_assert(std::is_nothrow_move_constructible<MemberList>::value, "MemberList should be noexcept move constructible");
* Abstract base class that forms the root of the type hierarchy.
@@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ public:
virtual ~Type() = default;
enum class Category
- Integer, RationalNumber, StringLiteral, Bool, FixedPoint, Array,
+ Address, Integer, RationalNumber, StringLiteral, Bool, FixedPoint, Array,
FixedBytes, Contract, Struct, Function, Enum, Tuple,
Mapping, TypeType, Modifier, Magic, Module,
@@ -151,7 +151,8 @@ public:
/// @name Factory functions
/// Factory functions that convert an AST @ref TypeName to a Type.
static TypePointer fromElementaryTypeName(ElementaryTypeNameToken const& _type);
- /// Converts a given elementary type name with optional suffix " memory" to a type pointer.
+ /// Converts a given elementary type name with optional data location
+ /// suffix " storage", " calldata" or " memory" to a type pointer. If suffix not given, defaults to " storage".
static TypePointer fromElementaryTypeName(std::string const& _name);
/// @}
@@ -171,7 +172,7 @@ public:
/// only if they have the same identifier.
/// The identifier should start with "t_".
/// Will not contain any character which would be invalid as an identifier.
- std::string identifier() const { return escapeIdentifier(richIdentifier()); }
+ std::string identifier() const;
/// More complex identifier strings use "parentheses", where $_ is interpreted as as
/// "opening parenthesis", _$ as "closing parenthesis", _$_ as "comma" and any $ that
@@ -279,6 +280,11 @@ public:
/// This for example returns address for contract types.
/// If there is no such type, returns an empty shared pointer.
virtual TypePointer encodingType() const { return TypePointer(); }
+ /// @returns the encoding type used under the given circumstances for the type of an expression
+ /// when used for e.g. abi.encode(...) or the empty pointer if the object
+ /// cannot be encoded.
+ /// This is different from encodingType since it takes implicit conversions into account.
+ TypePointer fullEncodingType(bool _inLibraryCall, bool _encoderV2, bool _packed) const;
/// @returns a (simpler) type that is used when decoding this type in calldata.
virtual TypePointer decodingType() const { return encodingType(); }
/// @returns a type that will be used outside of Solidity for e.g. function signatures.
@@ -308,14 +314,52 @@ protected:
- * Any kind of integer type (signed, unsigned, address).
+ * Type for addresses.
+ */
+class AddressType: public Type
+ virtual Category category() const override { return Category::Address; }
+ explicit AddressType(StateMutability _stateMutability);
+ virtual std::string richIdentifier() const override;
+ virtual bool isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _other) const override;
+ virtual bool isExplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const override;
+ virtual TypePointer unaryOperatorResult(Token::Value _operator) const override;
+ virtual TypePointer binaryOperatorResult(Token::Value _operator, TypePointer const& _other) const override;
+ virtual bool operator==(Type const& _other) const override;
+ virtual unsigned calldataEncodedSize(bool _padded = true) const override { return _padded ? 32 : 160 / 8; }
+ virtual unsigned storageBytes() const override { return 160 / 8; }
+ virtual bool isValueType() const override { return true; }
+ virtual MemberList::MemberMap nativeMembers(ContractDefinition const*) const override;
+ virtual std::string toString(bool _short) const override;
+ virtual std::string canonicalName() const override;
+ virtual u256 literalValue(Literal const* _literal) const override;
+ virtual TypePointer encodingType() const override { return shared_from_this(); }
+ virtual TypePointer interfaceType(bool) const override { return shared_from_this(); }
+ StateMutability stateMutability(void) const { return m_stateMutability; }
+ StateMutability m_stateMutability;
+ * Any kind of integer type (signed, unsigned).
class IntegerType: public Type
enum class Modifier
- Unsigned, Signed, Address
+ Unsigned, Signed
virtual Category category() const override { return Category::Integer; }
@@ -333,17 +377,12 @@ public:
virtual unsigned storageBytes() const override { return m_bits / 8; }
virtual bool isValueType() const override { return true; }
- virtual MemberList::MemberMap nativeMembers(ContractDefinition const*) const override;
virtual std::string toString(bool _short) const override;
- virtual u256 literalValue(Literal const* _literal) const override;
virtual TypePointer encodingType() const override { return shared_from_this(); }
virtual TypePointer interfaceType(bool) const override { return shared_from_this(); }
unsigned numBits() const { return m_bits; }
- bool isAddress() const { return m_modifier == Modifier::Address; }
bool isSigned() const { return m_modifier == Modifier::Signed; }
bigint minValue() const;
@@ -417,12 +456,12 @@ public:
virtual Category category() const override { return Category::RationalNumber; }
- /// @returns true if the literal is a valid integer.
- static std::tuple<bool, rational> isValidLiteral(Literal const& _literal);
+ static TypePointer forLiteral(Literal const& _literal);
- explicit RationalNumberType(rational const& _value):
- m_value(_value)
+ explicit RationalNumberType(rational const& _value, TypePointer const& _compatibleBytesType = TypePointer()):
+ m_value(_value), m_compatibleBytesType(_compatibleBytesType)
virtual bool isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const override;
virtual bool isExplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const override;
virtual TypePointer unaryOperatorResult(Token::Value _operator) const override;
@@ -440,7 +479,8 @@ public:
/// @returns the smallest integer type that can hold the value or an empty pointer if not possible.
std::shared_ptr<IntegerType const> integerType() const;
- /// @returns the smallest fixed type that can hold the value or incurs the least precision loss.
+ /// @returns the smallest fixed type that can hold the value or incurs the least precision loss,
+ /// unless the value was truncated, then a suitable type will be chosen to indicate such event.
/// If the integer part does not fit, returns an empty pointer.
std::shared_ptr<FixedPointType const> fixedPointType() const;
@@ -456,6 +496,13 @@ public:
rational m_value;
+ /// Bytes type to which the rational can be explicitly converted.
+ /// Empty for all rationals that are not directly parsed from hex literals.
+ TypePointer m_compatibleBytesType;
+ /// @returns true if the literal is a valid integer.
+ static std::tuple<bool, rational> isValidLiteral(Literal const& _literal);
/// @returns true if the literal is a valid rational number.
static std::tuple<bool, rational> parseRational(std::string const& _value);
@@ -691,9 +738,9 @@ public:
virtual Category category() const override { return Category::Contract; }
explicit ContractType(ContractDefinition const& _contract, bool _super = false):
m_contract(_contract), m_super(_super) {}
- /// Contracts can be implicitly converted to super classes and to addresses.
+ /// Contracts can be implicitly converted only to base contracts.
virtual bool isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const override;
- /// Contracts can be converted to themselves and to integers.
+ /// Contracts can only be explicitly converted to address types and base contracts.
virtual bool isExplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const override;
virtual TypePointer unaryOperatorResult(Token::Value _operator) const override;
virtual std::string richIdentifier() const override;
@@ -715,7 +762,7 @@ public:
if (isSuper())
return TypePointer{};
- return std::make_shared<IntegerType>(160, IntegerType::Modifier::Address);
+ return std::make_shared<AddressType>(isPayable() ? StateMutability::Payable : StateMutability::NonPayable);
virtual TypePointer interfaceType(bool _inLibrary) const override
@@ -739,8 +786,6 @@ public:
std::vector<std::tuple<VariableDeclaration const*, u256, unsigned>> stateVariables() const;
- static void addNonConflictingAddressMembers(MemberList::MemberMap& _members);
ContractDefinition const& m_contract;
/// If true, it is the "super" type of the current contract, i.e. it contains only inherited
/// members.
@@ -887,15 +932,15 @@ public:
Internal, ///< stack-call using plain JUMP
External, ///< external call using CALL
- CallCode, ///< external call using CALLCODE, i.e. not exchanging the storage
DelegateCall, ///< external call using DELEGATECALL, i.e. not exchanging the storage
BareCall, ///< CALL without function hash
BareCallCode, ///< CALLCODE without function hash
BareDelegateCall, ///< DELEGATECALL without function hash
+ BareStaticCall, ///< STATICCALL without function hash
Creation, ///< external call using CREATE
Send, ///< CALL, but without data and gas
Transfer, ///< CALL, but without data and throws on error
- SHA3, ///< SHA3
+ KECCAK256, ///< KECCAK256
Selfdestruct, ///< SELFDESTRUCT
Revert, ///< REVERT
ECRecover, ///< CALL to special contract for ecrecover
@@ -913,6 +958,7 @@ public:
AddMod, ///< ADDMOD
MulMod, ///< MULMOD
ArrayPush, ///< .push() to a dynamically sized array in storage
+ ArrayPop, ///< .pop() from a dynamically sized array in storage
ByteArrayPush, ///< .push() to a dynamically sized byte array in storage
ObjectCreation, ///< array creation using new
Assert, ///< assert()
@@ -921,7 +967,8 @@ public:
- GasLeft ///< gasleft()
+ ABIDecode,
+ GasLeft, ///< gasleft()
virtual Category category() const override { return Category::Function; }
@@ -1000,6 +1047,7 @@ public:
virtual std::string richIdentifier() const override;
virtual bool operator==(Type const& _other) const override;
+ virtual bool isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const override;
virtual bool isExplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const override;
virtual TypePointer unaryOperatorResult(Token::Value _operator) const override;
virtual TypePointer binaryOperatorResult(Token::Value, TypePointer const&) const override;
@@ -1029,10 +1077,14 @@ public:
/// @param _selfType if the function is bound, this has to be supplied and is the type of the
/// expression the function is called on.
bool canTakeArguments(TypePointers const& _arguments, TypePointer const& _selfType = TypePointer()) const;
- /// @returns true if the types of parameters are equal (does't check return parameter types)
- bool hasEqualArgumentTypes(FunctionType const& _other) const;
- /// @returns true if the ABI is used for this call (only meaningful for external calls)
+ /// @returns true if the types of parameters are equal (does not check return parameter types)
+ bool hasEqualParameterTypes(FunctionType const& _other) const;
+ /// @returns true iff the return types are equal (does not check parameter types)
+ bool hasEqualReturnTypes(FunctionType const& _other) const;
+ /// @returns true iff the function type is equal to the given type, ignoring state mutability differences.
+ bool equalExcludingStateMutability(FunctionType const& _other) const;
+ /// @returns true if the ABI is NOT used for this call (only meaningful for external calls)
bool isBareCall() const;
Kind const& kind() const { return m_kind; }
StateMutability stateMutability() const { return m_stateMutability; }
@@ -1056,18 +1108,22 @@ public:
ASTPointer<ASTString> documentation() const;
/// true iff arguments are to be padded to multiples of 32 bytes for external calls
- bool padArguments() const { return !(m_kind == Kind::SHA3 || m_kind == Kind::SHA256 || m_kind == Kind::RIPEMD160 || m_kind == Kind::ABIEncodePacked); }
+ /// The only functions that do not pad are hash functions, the low-level call functions
+ /// and abi.encodePacked.
+ bool padArguments() const;
bool takesArbitraryParameters() const { return m_arbitraryParameters; }
/// true iff the function takes a single bytes parameter and it is passed on without padding.
- /// @todo until 0.5.0, this is just a "recommendation".
bool takesSinglePackedBytesParameter() const
- // @todo add the call kinds here with 0.5.0 and perhaps also log0.
switch (m_kind)
- case FunctionType::Kind::SHA3:
+ case FunctionType::Kind::KECCAK256:
case FunctionType::Kind::SHA256:
case FunctionType::Kind::RIPEMD160:
+ case FunctionType::Kind::BareCall:
+ case FunctionType::Kind::BareCallCode:
+ case FunctionType::Kind::BareDelegateCall:
+ case FunctionType::Kind::BareStaticCall:
return true;
return false;