path: root/Token.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'Token.h')
1 files changed, 233 insertions, 238 deletions
diff --git a/Token.h b/Token.h
index b07fc46c..c0d23f13 100644
--- a/Token.h
+++ b/Token.h
@@ -47,11 +47,6 @@
#include <libsolidity/Utils.h>
#include <libsolidity/Exceptions.h>
-#if defined(DELETE)
-#undef DELETE
-//#error The macro "DELETE" from windows.h conflicts with this file. Please change the order of includes.
namespace dev
namespace solidity
@@ -77,101 +72,101 @@ namespace solidity
T(EOS, "EOS", 0) \
/* Punctuators (ECMA-262, section 7.7, page 15). */ \
- T(LPAREN, "(", 0) \
- T(RPAREN, ")", 0) \
- T(LBRACK, "[", 0) \
- T(RBRACK, "]", 0) \
- T(LBRACE, "{", 0) \
- T(RBRACE, "}", 0) \
- T(COLON, ":", 0) \
- T(SEMICOLON, ";", 0) \
- T(PERIOD, ".", 0) \
- T(CONDITIONAL, "?", 3) \
- T(ARROW, "=>", 0) \
+ T(LParen, "(", 0) \
+ T(RParen, ")", 0) \
+ T(LBrack, "[", 0) \
+ T(RBrack, "]", 0) \
+ T(LBrace, "{", 0) \
+ T(RBrace, "}", 0) \
+ T(Colon, ":", 0) \
+ T(Semicolon, ";", 0) \
+ T(Period, ".", 0) \
+ T(Conditional, "?", 3) \
+ T(Arrow, "=>", 0) \
/* Assignment operators. */ \
/* IsAssignmentOp() relies on this block of enum values being */ \
/* contiguous and sorted in the same order!*/ \
- T(ASSIGN, "=", 2) \
+ T(Assign, "=", 2) \
/* The following have to be in exactly the same order as the simple binary operators*/ \
- T(ASSIGN_BIT_OR, "|=", 2) \
- T(ASSIGN_BIT_XOR, "^=", 2) \
- T(ASSIGN_BIT_AND, "&=", 2) \
- T(ASSIGN_SHL, "<<=", 2) \
- T(ASSIGN_SAR, ">>=", 2) \
- T(ASSIGN_SHR, ">>>=", 2) \
- T(ASSIGN_ADD, "+=", 2) \
- T(ASSIGN_SUB, "-=", 2) \
- T(ASSIGN_MUL, "*=", 2) \
- T(ASSIGN_DIV, "/=", 2) \
- T(ASSIGN_MOD, "%=", 2) \
+ T(AssignBitOr, "|=", 2) \
+ T(AssignBitXor, "^=", 2) \
+ T(AssignBitAnd, "&=", 2) \
+ T(AssignShl, "<<=", 2) \
+ T(AssignSar, ">>=", 2) \
+ T(AssignShr, ">>>=", 2) \
+ T(AssignAdd, "+=", 2) \
+ T(AssignSub, "-=", 2) \
+ T(AssignMul, "*=", 2) \
+ T(AssignDiv, "/=", 2) \
+ T(AssignMod, "%=", 2) \
/* Binary operators sorted by precedence. */ \
/* IsBinaryOp() relies on this block of enum values */ \
/* being contiguous and sorted in the same order! */ \
- T(COMMA, ",", 1) \
- T(OR, "||", 4) \
- T(AND, "&&", 5) \
- T(BIT_OR, "|", 8) \
- T(BIT_XOR, "^", 9) \
- T(BIT_AND, "&", 10) \
+ T(Comma, ",", 1) \
+ T(Or, "||", 4) \
+ T(And, "&&", 5) \
+ T(BitOr, "|", 8) \
+ T(BitXor, "^", 9) \
+ T(BitAnd, "&", 10) \
T(SHL, "<<", 11) \
T(SAR, ">>", 11) \
T(SHR, ">>>", 11) \
- T(ADD, "+", 12) \
- T(SUB, "-", 12) \
- T(MUL, "*", 13) \
- T(DIV, "/", 13) \
- T(MOD, "%", 13) \
+ T(Add, "+", 12) \
+ T(Sub, "-", 12) \
+ T(Mul, "*", 13) \
+ T(Div, "/", 13) \
+ T(Mod, "%", 13) \
/* Compare operators sorted by precedence. */ \
/* IsCompareOp() relies on this block of enum values */ \
/* being contiguous and sorted in the same order! */ \
- T(EQ, "==", 6) \
- T(NE, "!=", 6) \
- T(LT, "<", 7) \
- T(GT, ">", 7) \
- T(LTE, "<=", 7) \
- T(GTE, ">=", 7) \
- K(IN, "in", 7) \
+ T(Equals, "==", 6) \
+ T(NotEquals, "!=", 6) \
+ T(LessThan, "<", 7) \
+ T(GreaterThan, ">", 7) \
+ T(LessThanOrEquals, "<=", 7) \
+ T(GreaterThanOrEquals, ">=", 7) \
+ K(In, "in", 7) \
/* Unary operators. */ \
/* IsUnaryOp() relies on this block of enum values */ \
/* being contiguous and sorted in the same order! */ \
- T(NOT, "!", 0) \
- T(BIT_NOT, "~", 0) \
- T(INC, "++", 0) \
- T(DEC, "--", 0) \
- K(DELETE, "delete", 0) \
+ T(Not, "!", 0) \
+ T(BitNot, "~", 0) \
+ T(Inc, "++", 0) \
+ T(Dec, "--", 0) \
+ K(Delete, "delete", 0) \
/* Keywords */ \
- K(BREAK, "break", 0) \
- K(CASE, "case", 0) \
- K(CONST, "constant", 0) \
- K(CONTINUE, "continue", 0) \
- K(CONTRACT, "contract", 0) \
- K(DEFAULT, "default", 0) \
- K(DO, "do", 0) \
- K(ELSE, "else", 0) \
- K(EVENT, "event", 0) \
- K(IS, "is", 0) \
- K(INDEXED, "indexed", 0) \
- K(FOR, "for", 0) \
- K(FUNCTION, "function", 0) \
- K(IF, "if", 0) \
- K(IMPORT, "import", 0) \
- K(MAPPING, "mapping", 0) \
- K(MODIFIER, "modifier", 0) \
- K(NEW, "new", 0) \
- K(PUBLIC, "public", 0) \
- K(PRIVATE, "private", 0) \
- K(PROTECTED, "protected", 0) \
- K(RETURN, "return", 0) \
- K(RETURNS, "returns", 0) \
- K(STRUCT, "struct", 0) \
- K(SWITCH, "switch", 0) \
- K(VAR, "var", 0) \
- K(WHILE, "while", 0) \
+ K(Break, "break", 0) \
+ K(Case, "case", 0) \
+ K(Const, "constant", 0) \
+ K(Continue, "continue", 0) \
+ K(Contract, "contract", 0) \
+ K(Default, "default", 0) \
+ K(Do, "do", 0) \
+ K(Else, "else", 0) \
+ K(Event, "event", 0) \
+ K(Is, "is", 0) \
+ K(Indexed, "indexed", 0) \
+ K(For, "for", 0) \
+ K(Function, "function", 0) \
+ K(If, "if", 0) \
+ K(Import, "import", 0) \
+ K(Mapping, "mapping", 0) \
+ K(Modifier, "modifier", 0) \
+ K(New, "new", 0) \
+ K(Public, "public", 0) \
+ K(Private, "private", 0) \
+ K(Protected, "protected", 0) \
+ K(Return, "return", 0) \
+ K(Returns, "returns", 0) \
+ K(Struct, "struct", 0) \
+ K(Switch, "switch", 0) \
+ K(Var, "var", 0) \
+ K(While, "while", 0) \
/* Ether subdenominations */ \
@@ -182,162 +177,162 @@ namespace solidity
/* type keywords, keep them in this order, keep int as first keyword
* the implementation in Types.cpp has to be synced to this here
* TODO more to be added */ \
- K(INT, "int", 0) \
- K(INT8, "int8", 0) \
- K(INT16, "int16", 0) \
- K(INT24, "int24", 0) \
- K(INT32, "int32", 0) \
- K(INT40, "int40", 0) \
+ K(Int, "int", 0) \
+ K(Int8, "int8", 0) \
+ K(Int16, "int16", 0) \
+ K(Int24, "int24", 0) \
+ K(Int32, "int32", 0) \
+ K(Int40, "int40", 0) \
K(INT48, "int48", 0) \
- K(INT56, "int56", 0) \
- K(INT64, "int64", 0) \
- K(INT72, "int72", 0) \
- K(INT80, "int80", 0) \
- K(INT88, "int88", 0) \
- K(INT96, "int96", 0) \
- K(INT104, "int104", 0) \
- K(INT112, "int112", 0) \
- K(INT120, "int120", 0) \
- K(INT128, "int128", 0) \
- K(INT136, "int136", 0) \
- K(INT144, "int144", 0) \
- K(INT152, "int152", 0) \
- K(INT160, "int160", 0) \
- K(INT168, "int168", 0) \
- K(INT176, "int178", 0) \
- K(INT184, "int184", 0) \
- K(INT192, "int192", 0) \
- K(INT200, "int200", 0) \
- K(INT208, "int208", 0) \
- K(INT216, "int216", 0) \
- K(INT224, "int224", 0) \
- K(INT232, "int232", 0) \
- K(INT240, "int240", 0) \
- K(INT248, "int248", 0) \
- K(INT256, "int256", 0) \
- K(UINT, "uint", 0) \
- K(UINT8, "uint8", 0) \
- K(UINT16, "uint16", 0) \
- K(UINT24, "uint24", 0) \
- K(UINT32, "uint32", 0) \
- K(UINT40, "uint40", 0) \
- K(UINT48, "uint48", 0) \
- K(UINT56, "uint56", 0) \
- K(UINT64, "uint64", 0) \
- K(UINT72, "uint72", 0) \
- K(UINT80, "uint80", 0) \
- K(UINT88, "uint88", 0) \
- K(UINT96, "uint96", 0) \
- K(UINT104, "uint104", 0) \
- K(UINT112, "uint112", 0) \
- K(UINT120, "uint120", 0) \
- K(UINT128, "uint128", 0) \
- K(UINT136, "uint136", 0) \
- K(UINT144, "uint144", 0) \
- K(UINT152, "uint152", 0) \
- K(UINT160, "uint160", 0) \
- K(UINT168, "uint168", 0) \
- K(UINT176, "uint178", 0) \
- K(UINT184, "uint184", 0) \
- K(UINT192, "uint192", 0) \
- K(UINT200, "uint200", 0) \
- K(UINT208, "uint208", 0) \
- K(UINT216, "uint216", 0) \
- K(UINT224, "uint224", 0) \
- K(UINT232, "uint232", 0) \
- K(UINT240, "uint240", 0) \
- K(UINT248, "uint248", 0) \
- K(UINT256, "uint256", 0) \
- K(HASH, "hash", 0) \
- K(HASH8, "hash8", 0) \
- K(HASH16, "hash16", 0) \
- K(HASH24, "hash24", 0) \
- K(HASH32, "hash32", 0) \
- K(HASH40, "hash40", 0) \
- K(HASH48, "hash48", 0) \
- K(HASH56, "hash56", 0) \
- K(HASH64, "hash64", 0) \
- K(HASH72, "hash72", 0) \
- K(HASH80, "hash80", 0) \
- K(HASH88, "hash88", 0) \
- K(HASH96, "hash96", 0) \
- K(HASH104, "hash104", 0) \
- K(HASH112, "hash112", 0) \
- K(HASH120, "hash120", 0) \
- K(HASH128, "hash128", 0) \
- K(HASH136, "hash136", 0) \
- K(HASH144, "hash144", 0) \
- K(HASH152, "hash152", 0) \
- K(HASH160, "hash160", 0) \
- K(HASH168, "hash168", 0) \
- K(HASH176, "hash178", 0) \
- K(HASH184, "hash184", 0) \
- K(HASH192, "hash192", 0) \
- K(HASH200, "hash200", 0) \
- K(HASH208, "hash208", 0) \
- K(HASH216, "hash216", 0) \
- K(HASH224, "hash224", 0) \
- K(HASH232, "hash232", 0) \
- K(HASH240, "hash240", 0) \
- K(HASH248, "hash248", 0) \
- K(HASH256, "hash256", 0) \
- K(ADDRESS, "address", 0) \
- K(BOOL, "bool", 0) \
- K(STRING_TYPE, "string", 0) \
- K(STRING0, "string0", 0) \
- K(STRING1, "string1", 0) \
- K(STRING2, "string2", 0) \
- K(STRING3, "string3", 0) \
- K(STRING4, "string4", 0) \
- K(STRING5, "string5", 0) \
- K(STRING6, "string6", 0) \
- K(STRING7, "string7", 0) \
- K(STRING8, "string8", 0) \
- K(STRING9, "string9", 0) \
- K(STRING10, "string10", 0) \
- K(STRING11, "string11", 0) \
- K(STRING12, "string12", 0) \
- K(STRING13, "string13", 0) \
- K(STRING14, "string14", 0) \
- K(STRING15, "string15", 0) \
- K(STRING16, "string16", 0) \
- K(STRING17, "string17", 0) \
- K(STRING18, "string18", 0) \
- K(STRING19, "string19", 0) \
- K(STRING20, "string20", 0) \
- K(STRING21, "string21", 0) \
- K(STRING22, "string22", 0) \
- K(STRING23, "string23", 0) \
- K(STRING24, "string24", 0) \
- K(STRING25, "string25", 0) \
- K(STRING26, "string26", 0) \
- K(STRING27, "string27", 0) \
- K(STRING28, "string28", 0) \
- K(STRING29, "string29", 0) \
- K(STRING30, "string30", 0) \
- K(STRING31, "string31", 0) \
- K(STRING32, "string32", 0) \
- K(TEXT, "text", 0) \
- K(REAL, "real", 0) \
- K(UREAL, "ureal", 0) \
- T(TYPES_END, NULL, 0) /* used as type enum end marker */ \
+ K(Int56, "int56", 0) \
+ K(Int64, "int64", 0) \
+ K(Int72, "int72", 0) \
+ K(Int80, "int80", 0) \
+ K(Int88, "int88", 0) \
+ K(Int96, "int96", 0) \
+ K(Int104, "int104", 0) \
+ K(Int112, "int112", 0) \
+ K(Int120, "int120", 0) \
+ K(Int128, "int128", 0) \
+ K(Int136, "int136", 0) \
+ K(Int144, "int144", 0) \
+ K(Int152, "int152", 0) \
+ K(Int160, "int160", 0) \
+ K(Int168, "int168", 0) \
+ K(Int176, "int178", 0) \
+ K(Int184, "int184", 0) \
+ K(Int192, "int192", 0) \
+ K(Int200, "int200", 0) \
+ K(Int208, "int208", 0) \
+ K(Int216, "int216", 0) \
+ K(Int224, "int224", 0) \
+ K(Int232, "int232", 0) \
+ K(Int240, "int240", 0) \
+ K(Int248, "int248", 0) \
+ K(Int256, "int256", 0) \
+ K(Uint, "uint", 0) \
+ K(Uint8, "uint8", 0) \
+ K(Uint16, "uint16", 0) \
+ K(Uint24, "uint24", 0) \
+ K(Uint32, "uint32", 0) \
+ K(Uint40, "uint40", 0) \
+ K(Uint48, "uint48", 0) \
+ K(Uint56, "uint56", 0) \
+ K(Uint64, "uint64", 0) \
+ K(Uint72, "uint72", 0) \
+ K(Uint80, "uint80", 0) \
+ K(Uint88, "uint88", 0) \
+ K(Uint96, "uint96", 0) \
+ K(Uint104, "uint104", 0) \
+ K(Uint112, "uint112", 0) \
+ K(Uint120, "uint120", 0) \
+ K(Uint128, "uint128", 0) \
+ K(Uint136, "uint136", 0) \
+ K(Uint144, "uint144", 0) \
+ K(Uint152, "uint152", 0) \
+ K(Uint160, "uint160", 0) \
+ K(Uint168, "uint168", 0) \
+ K(Uint176, "uint178", 0) \
+ K(Uint184, "uint184", 0) \
+ K(Uint192, "uint192", 0) \
+ K(Uint200, "uint200", 0) \
+ K(Uint208, "uint208", 0) \
+ K(Uint216, "uint216", 0) \
+ K(Uint224, "uint224", 0) \
+ K(Uint232, "uint232", 0) \
+ K(Uint240, "uint240", 0) \
+ K(Uint248, "uint248", 0) \
+ K(Uint256, "uint256", 0) \
+ K(Hash, "hash", 0) \
+ K(Hash8, "hash8", 0) \
+ K(Hash16, "hash16", 0) \
+ K(Hash24, "hash24", 0) \
+ K(Hash32, "hash32", 0) \
+ K(Hash40, "hash40", 0) \
+ K(Hash48, "hash48", 0) \
+ K(Hash56, "hash56", 0) \
+ K(Hash64, "hash64", 0) \
+ K(Hash72, "hash72", 0) \
+ K(Hash80, "hash80", 0) \
+ K(Hash88, "hash88", 0) \
+ K(Hash96, "hash96", 0) \
+ K(Hash104, "hash104", 0) \
+ K(Hash112, "hash112", 0) \
+ K(Hash120, "hash120", 0) \
+ K(Hash128, "hash128", 0) \
+ K(Hash136, "hash136", 0) \
+ K(Hash144, "hash144", 0) \
+ K(Hash152, "hash152", 0) \
+ K(Hash160, "hash160", 0) \
+ K(Hash168, "hash168", 0) \
+ K(Hash176, "hash178", 0) \
+ K(Hash184, "hash184", 0) \
+ K(Hash192, "hash192", 0) \
+ K(Hash200, "hash200", 0) \
+ K(Hash208, "hash208", 0) \
+ K(Hash216, "hash216", 0) \
+ K(Hash224, "hash224", 0) \
+ K(Hash232, "hash232", 0) \
+ K(Hash240, "hash240", 0) \
+ K(Hash248, "hash248", 0) \
+ K(Hash256, "hash256", 0) \
+ K(Address, "address", 0) \
+ K(Bool, "bool", 0) \
+ K(StringType, "string", 0) \
+ K(String0, "string0", 0) \
+ K(String1, "string1", 0) \
+ K(String2, "string2", 0) \
+ K(String3, "string3", 0) \
+ K(String4, "string4", 0) \
+ K(String5, "string5", 0) \
+ K(String6, "string6", 0) \
+ K(String7, "string7", 0) \
+ K(String8, "string8", 0) \
+ K(String9, "string9", 0) \
+ K(String10, "string10", 0) \
+ K(String11, "string11", 0) \
+ K(String12, "string12", 0) \
+ K(String13, "string13", 0) \
+ K(String14, "string14", 0) \
+ K(String15, "string15", 0) \
+ K(String16, "string16", 0) \
+ K(String17, "string17", 0) \
+ K(String18, "string18", 0) \
+ K(String19, "string19", 0) \
+ K(String20, "string20", 0) \
+ K(String21, "string21", 0) \
+ K(String22, "string22", 0) \
+ K(String23, "string23", 0) \
+ K(String24, "string24", 0) \
+ K(String25, "string25", 0) \
+ K(String26, "string26", 0) \
+ K(String27, "string27", 0) \
+ K(String28, "string28", 0) \
+ K(String29, "string29", 0) \
+ K(String30, "string30", 0) \
+ K(String31, "string31", 0) \
+ K(String32, "string32", 0) \
+ K(Text, "text", 0) \
+ K(Real, "real", 0) \
+ K(UReal, "ureal", 0) \
+ T(TypesEnd, NULL, 0) /* used as type enum end marker */ \
/* Literals */ \
- K(NULL_LITERAL, "null", 0) \
- K(TRUE_LITERAL, "true", 0) \
- K(FALSE_LITERAL, "false", 0) \
- T(NUMBER, NULL, 0) \
+ K(NullLiteral, "null", 0) \
+ K(TrueLiteral, "true", 0) \
+ K(FalseLiteral, "false", 0) \
+ T(Number, NULL, 0) \
+ T(StringLiteral, NULL, 0) \
+ T(CommentLiteral, NULL, 0) \
/* Identifiers (not keywords or future reserved words). */ \
+ T(Identifier, NULL, 0) \
/* Illegal token - not able to scan. */ \
+ T(Illegal, "ILLEGAL", 0) \
/* Scanner-internal use only. */ \
+ T(Whitespace, NULL, 0)
class Token
@@ -364,25 +359,25 @@ public:
// Predicates
- static bool isElementaryTypeName(Value tok) { return INT <= tok && tok < TYPES_END; }
- static bool isAssignmentOp(Value tok) { return ASSIGN <= tok && tok <= ASSIGN_MOD; }
- static bool isBinaryOp(Value op) { return COMMA <= op && op <= MOD; }
- static bool isCommutativeOp(Value op) { return op == BIT_OR || op == BIT_XOR || op == BIT_AND ||
- op == ADD || op == MUL || op == EQ || op == NE; }
- static bool isArithmeticOp(Value op) { return ADD <= op && op <= MOD; }
- static bool isCompareOp(Value op) { return EQ <= op && op <= IN; }
+ static bool isElementaryTypeName(Value tok) { return Int <= tok && tok < TypesEnd; }
+ static bool isAssignmentOp(Value tok) { return Assign <= tok && tok <= AssignMod; }
+ static bool isBinaryOp(Value op) { return Comma <= op && op <= Mod; }
+ static bool isCommutativeOp(Value op) { return op == BitOr || op == BitXor || op == BitAnd ||
+ op == Add || op == Mul || op == Equals || op == NotEquals; }
+ static bool isArithmeticOp(Value op) { return Add <= op && op <= Mod; }
+ static bool isCompareOp(Value op) { return Equals <= op && op <= In; }
static Value AssignmentToBinaryOp(Value op)
- solAssert(isAssignmentOp(op) && op != ASSIGN, "");
- return Token::Value(op + (BIT_OR - ASSIGN_BIT_OR));
+ solAssert(isAssignmentOp(op) && op != Assign, "");
+ return Token::Value(op + (BitOr - AssignBitOr));
- static bool isBitOp(Value op) { return (BIT_OR <= op && op <= SHR) || op == BIT_NOT; }
- static bool isUnaryOp(Value op) { return (NOT <= op && op <= DELETE) || op == ADD || op == SUB; }
- static bool isCountOp(Value op) { return op == INC || op == DEC; }
+ static bool isBitOp(Value op) { return (BitOr <= op && op <= SHR) || op == BitNot; }
+ static bool isUnaryOp(Value op) { return (Not <= op && op <= Delete) || op == Add || op == Sub; }
+ static bool isCountOp(Value op) { return op == Inc || op == Dec; }
static bool isShiftOp(Value op) { return (SHL <= op) && (op <= SHR); }
- static bool isVisibilitySpecifier(Value op) { return op == PUBLIC || op == PRIVATE || op == PROTECTED; }
+ static bool isVisibilitySpecifier(Value op) { return op == Public || op == Private || op == Protected; }
static bool isEtherSubdenomination(Value op) { return op == SubWei || op == SubSzabo || op == SubFinney || op == Token::SubEther; }
// Returns a string corresponding to the JS token string