path: root/CompilerStack.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'CompilerStack.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 370 deletions
diff --git a/CompilerStack.cpp b/CompilerStack.cpp
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index ca9c75bc..00000000
--- a/CompilerStack.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,370 +0,0 @@
- This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
- cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- * @author Christian <c@ethdev.com>
- * @author Gav Wood <g@ethdev.com>
- * @date 2014
- * Full-stack compiler that converts a source code string to bytecode.
- */
-#include <boost/algorithm/string.hpp>
-#include <libsolidity/AST.h>
-#include <libsolidity/Scanner.h>
-#include <libsolidity/Parser.h>
-#include <libsolidity/GlobalContext.h>
-#include <libsolidity/NameAndTypeResolver.h>
-#include <libsolidity/Compiler.h>
-#include <libsolidity/CompilerStack.h>
-#include <libsolidity/InterfaceHandler.h>
-#include <libdevcrypto/SHA3.h>
-using namespace std;
-namespace dev
-namespace solidity
-const map<string, string> StandardSources = map<string, string>{
- {"coin", R"(import "CoinReg";import "Config";import "configUser";contract coin is configUser{function coin(string3 name, uint denom) {CoinReg(Config(configAddr()).lookup(3)).register(name, denom);}})"},
- {"Coin", R"(contract Coin{function isApprovedFor(address _target,address _proxy)constant returns(bool _r){}function isApproved(address _proxy)constant returns(bool _r){}function sendCoinFrom(address _from,uint256 _val,address _to){}function coinBalanceOf(address _a)constant returns(uint256 _r){}function sendCoin(uint256 _val,address _to){}function coinBalance()constant returns(uint256 _r){}function approve(address _a){}})"},
- {"CoinReg", R"(contract CoinReg{function count()constant returns(uint256 r){}function info(uint256 i)constant returns(address addr,string3 name,uint256 denom){}function register(string3 name,uint256 denom){}function unregister(){}})"},
- {"configUser", R"(contract configUser{function configAddr()constant returns(address a){ return 0xc6d9d2cd449a754c494264e1809c50e34d64562b;}})"},
- {"Config", R"(contract Config{function lookup(uint256 service)constant returns(address a){}function kill(){}function unregister(uint256 id){}function register(uint256 id,address service){}})"},
- {"mortal", R"(import "owned";contract mortal is owned {function kill() { if (msg.sender == owner) suicide(owner); }})"},
- {"named", R"(import "Config";import "NameReg";import "configUser";contract named is configUser {function named(string32 name) {NameReg(Config(configAddr()).lookup(1)).register(name);}})"},
- {"NameReg", R"(contract NameReg{function register(string32 name){}function addressOf(string32 name)constant returns(address addr){}function unregister(){}function nameOf(address addr)constant returns(string32 name){}})"},
- {"owned", R"(contract owned{function owned(){owner = msg.sender;}modifier onlyowner(){if(msg.sender==owner)_}address owner;})"},
- {"service", R"(import "Config";import "configUser";contract service is configUser{function service(uint _n){Config(configAddr()).register(_n, this);}})"},
- {"std", R"(import "owned";import "mortal";import "Config";import "configUser";import "NameReg";import "named";)"}
-CompilerStack::CompilerStack(bool _addStandardSources):
- m_addStandardSources(_addStandardSources), m_parseSuccessful(false)
- if (m_addStandardSources)
- addSources(StandardSources);
-bool CompilerStack::addSource(string const& _name, string const& _content)
- bool existed = m_sources.count(_name) != 0;
- reset(true);
- m_sources[_name].scanner = make_shared<Scanner>(CharStream(expanded(_content)), _name);
- return existed;
-void CompilerStack::setSource(string const& _sourceCode)
- reset();
- addSource("", expanded(_sourceCode));
-void CompilerStack::parse()
- for (auto& sourcePair: m_sources)
- {
- sourcePair.second.scanner->reset();
- sourcePair.second.ast = Parser().parse(sourcePair.second.scanner);
- }
- resolveImports();
- m_globalContext = make_shared<GlobalContext>();
- NameAndTypeResolver resolver(m_globalContext->getDeclarations());
- for (Source const* source: m_sourceOrder)
- resolver.registerDeclarations(*source->ast);
- for (Source const* source: m_sourceOrder)
- for (ASTPointer<ASTNode> const& node: source->ast->getNodes())
- if (ContractDefinition* contract = dynamic_cast<ContractDefinition*>(node.get()))
- {
- m_globalContext->setCurrentContract(*contract);
- resolver.updateDeclaration(*m_globalContext->getCurrentThis());
- resolver.updateDeclaration(*m_globalContext->getCurrentSuper());
- resolver.resolveNamesAndTypes(*contract);
- m_contracts[contract->getName()].contract = contract;
- }
- for (Source const* source: m_sourceOrder)
- for (ASTPointer<ASTNode> const& node: source->ast->getNodes())
- if (ContractDefinition* contract = dynamic_cast<ContractDefinition*>(node.get()))
- {
- m_globalContext->setCurrentContract(*contract);
- resolver.updateDeclaration(*m_globalContext->getCurrentThis());
- resolver.checkTypeRequirements(*contract);
- m_contracts[contract->getName()].contract = contract;
- }
- m_parseSuccessful = true;
-void CompilerStack::parse(string const& _sourceCode)
- setSource(_sourceCode);
- parse();
-vector<string> CompilerStack::getContractNames() const
- if (!m_parseSuccessful)
- BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(CompilerError() << errinfo_comment("Parsing was not successful."));
- vector<string> contractNames;
- for (auto const& contract: m_contracts)
- contractNames.push_back(contract.first);
- return contractNames;
-/// remove once import works properly and we have genesis contracts
-string CompilerStack::expanded(string const& _sourceCode)
- const map<string, string> c_standardSources = map<string, string>{
- { "Config", "contract Config{function lookup(uint256 service)constant returns(address a){}function kill(){}function unregister(uint256 id){}function register(uint256 id,address service){}}" },
- { "Coin", "contract Coin{function isApprovedFor(address _target,address _proxy)constant returns(bool _r){}function isApproved(address _proxy)constant returns(bool _r){}function sendCoinFrom(address _from,uint256 _val,address _to){}function coinBalanceOf(address _a)constant returns(uint256 _r){}function sendCoin(uint256 _val,address _to){}function coinBalance()constant returns(uint256 _r){}function approve(address _a){}}"},
- { "CoinReg", "contract CoinReg{function count()constant returns(uint256 r){}function info(uint256 i)constant returns(address addr,string3 name,uint256 denom){}function register(string3 name,uint256 denom){}function unregister(){}}" },
- { "coin", "#require CoinReg\ncontract coin {function coin(string3 name, uint denom) {CoinReg(Config().lookup(3)).register(name, denom);}}" },
- { "service", "#require Config\ncontract service{function service(uint _n){Config().register(_n, this);}}" },
- { "owned", "contract owned{function owned(){owner = msg.sender;}modifier onlyowner(){if(msg.sender==owner)_}address owner;}" },
- { "mortal", "#require owned\ncontract mortal is owned {function kill() { if (msg.sender == owner) suicide(owner); }}" },
- { "NameReg", "contract NameReg{function register(string32 name){}function addressOf(string32 name)constant returns(address addr){}function unregister(){}function nameOf(address addr)constant returns(string32 name){}}" },
- { "named", "#require Config NameReg\ncontract named {function named(string32 name) {NameReg(Config().lookup(1)).register(name);}}" },
- { "std", "#require owned mortal Config NameReg named" },
- };
- string sub;
- set<string> got;
- function<string(string const&)> localExpanded;
- localExpanded = [&](string const& s) -> string
- {
- string ret = s;
- for (size_t p = 0; p != string::npos;)
- if ((p = ret.find("#require ")) != string::npos)
- {
- string n = ret.substr(p + 9, ret.find_first_of('\n', p + 9) - p - 9);
- ret.replace(p, n.size() + 9, "");
- vector<string> rs;
- boost::split(rs, n, boost::is_any_of(" \t,"), boost::token_compress_on);
- for (auto const& r: rs)
- if (!got.count(r))
- {
- if (c_standardSources.count(r))
- sub.append("\n" + localExpanded(c_standardSources.at(r)) + "\n");
- got.insert(r);
- }
- }
- // TODO: remove once we have genesis contracts.
- else if ((p = ret.find("Config()")) != string::npos)
- ret.replace(p, 8, "Config(0xc6d9d2cd449a754c494264e1809c50e34d64562b)");
- return ret;
- };
- return sub + localExpanded(_sourceCode);
-void CompilerStack::compile(bool _optimize)
- if (!m_parseSuccessful)
- parse();
- map<ContractDefinition const*, bytes const*> contractBytecode;
- for (Source const* source: m_sourceOrder)
- for (ASTPointer<ASTNode> const& node: source->ast->getNodes())
- if (ContractDefinition* contract = dynamic_cast<ContractDefinition*>(node.get()))
- {
- shared_ptr<Compiler> compiler = make_shared<Compiler>(_optimize);
- compiler->compileContract(*contract, contractBytecode);
- Contract& compiledContract = m_contracts[contract->getName()];
- compiledContract.bytecode = compiler->getAssembledBytecode();
- compiledContract.runtimeBytecode = compiler->getRuntimeBytecode();
- compiledContract.compiler = move(compiler);
- contractBytecode[compiledContract.contract] = &compiledContract.bytecode;
- }
-bytes const& CompilerStack::compile(string const& _sourceCode, bool _optimize)
- parse(_sourceCode);
- compile(_optimize);
- return getBytecode();
-bytes const& CompilerStack::getBytecode(string const& _contractName) const
- return getContract(_contractName).bytecode;
-bytes const& CompilerStack::getRuntimeBytecode(string const& _contractName) const
- return getContract(_contractName).runtimeBytecode;
-dev::h256 CompilerStack::getContractCodeHash(string const& _contractName) const
- return dev::sha3(getRuntimeBytecode(_contractName));
-void CompilerStack::streamAssembly(ostream& _outStream, string const& _contractName) const
- getContract(_contractName).compiler->streamAssembly(_outStream);
-string const& CompilerStack::getInterface(string const& _contractName) const
- return getMetadata(_contractName, DocumentationType::ABIInterface);
-string const& CompilerStack::getSolidityInterface(string const& _contractName) const
- return getMetadata(_contractName, DocumentationType::ABISolidityInterface);
-string const& CompilerStack::getMetadata(string const& _contractName, DocumentationType _type) const
- if (!m_parseSuccessful)
- BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(CompilerError() << errinfo_comment("Parsing was not successful."));
- Contract const& contract = getContract(_contractName);
- std::unique_ptr<string const>* doc;
- switch (_type)
- {
- case DocumentationType::NatspecUser:
- doc = &contract.userDocumentation;
- break;
- case DocumentationType::NatspecDev:
- doc = &contract.devDocumentation;
- break;
- case DocumentationType::ABIInterface:
- doc = &contract.interface;
- break;
- case DocumentationType::ABISolidityInterface:
- doc = &contract.solidityInterface;
- break;
- default:
- BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InternalCompilerError() << errinfo_comment("Illegal documentation type."));
- }
- if (!*doc)
- *doc = contract.interfaceHandler->getDocumentation(*contract.contract, _type);
- return *(*doc);
-Scanner const& CompilerStack::getScanner(string const& _sourceName) const
- return *getSource(_sourceName).scanner;
-SourceUnit const& CompilerStack::getAST(string const& _sourceName) const
- return *getSource(_sourceName).ast;
-ContractDefinition const& CompilerStack::getContractDefinition(string const& _contractName) const
- return *getContract(_contractName).contract;
-bytes CompilerStack::staticCompile(std::string const& _sourceCode, bool _optimize)
- CompilerStack stack;
- return stack.compile(_sourceCode, _optimize);
-void CompilerStack::reset(bool _keepSources)
- m_parseSuccessful = false;
- if (_keepSources)
- for (auto sourcePair: m_sources)
- sourcePair.second.reset();
- else
- {
- m_sources.clear();
- if (m_addStandardSources)
- addSources(StandardSources);
- }
- m_globalContext.reset();
- m_sourceOrder.clear();
- m_contracts.clear();
-void CompilerStack::resolveImports()
- // topological sorting (depth first search) of the import graph, cutting potential cycles
- vector<Source const*> sourceOrder;
- set<Source const*> sourcesSeen;
- function<void(Source const*)> toposort = [&](Source const* _source)
- {
- if (sourcesSeen.count(_source))
- return;
- sourcesSeen.insert(_source);
- for (ASTPointer<ASTNode> const& node: _source->ast->getNodes())
- if (ImportDirective const* import = dynamic_cast<ImportDirective*>(node.get()))
- {
- string const& id = import->getIdentifier();
- if (!m_sources.count(id))
- << errinfo_sourceLocation(import->getLocation())
- << errinfo_comment("Source not found."));
- toposort(&m_sources[id]);
- }
- sourceOrder.push_back(_source);
- };
- for (auto const& sourcePair: m_sources)
- toposort(&sourcePair.second);
- swap(m_sourceOrder, sourceOrder);
-std::string CompilerStack::defaultContractName() const
- return getContract("").contract->getName();
-CompilerStack::Contract const& CompilerStack::getContract(string const& _contractName) const
- if (m_contracts.empty())
- BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(CompilerError() << errinfo_comment("No compiled contracts found."));
- string contractName = _contractName;
- if (_contractName.empty())
- // try to find some user-supplied contract
- for (auto const& it: m_sources)
- if (!StandardSources.count(it.first))
- for (ASTPointer<ASTNode> const& node: it.second.ast->getNodes())
- if (auto contract = dynamic_cast<ContractDefinition const*>(node.get()))
- contractName = contract->getName();
- auto it = m_contracts.find(contractName);
- if (it == m_contracts.end())
- BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(CompilerError() << errinfo_comment("Contract " + _contractName + " not found."));
- return it->second;
-CompilerStack::Source const& CompilerStack::getSource(string const& _sourceName) const
- auto it = m_sources.find(_sourceName);
- if (it == m_sources.end())
- BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(CompilerError() << errinfo_comment("Given source file not found."));
- return it->second;
-CompilerStack::Contract::Contract(): interfaceHandler(make_shared<InterfaceHandler>()) {}