path: root/ClientBase.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ClientBase.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 221 deletions
diff --git a/ClientBase.cpp b/ClientBase.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 7597b661..00000000
--- a/ClientBase.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,221 +0,0 @@
- This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
- cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
- */
-/** @file ClientBase.cpp
- * @author Marek Kotewicz <marek@ethdev.com>
- * @date 2015
- */
-#include <boost/test/unit_test.hpp>
-#include <libdevcore/CommonJS.h>
-#include "TestUtils.h"
-using namespace std;
-using namespace dev;
-using namespace dev::eth;
-using namespace dev::test;
-BOOST_FIXTURE_TEST_SUITE(ClientBase, ParallelClientBaseFixture)
- enumerateClients([](Json::Value const& _json, dev::eth::ClientBase& _client) -> void
- {
- auto compareState = [&_client](Json::Value const& _o, string const& _name, BlockNumber _blockNumber) -> void
- {
- Address address(_name);
- // balanceAt
- u256 expectedBalance = u256(_o["balance"].asString());
- u256 balance = _client.balanceAt(address, _blockNumber);
- ETH_CHECK_EQUAL(expectedBalance, balance);
- // countAt
- u256 expectedCount = u256(_o["nonce"].asString());
- u256 count = _client.countAt(address, _blockNumber);
- ETH_CHECK_EQUAL(expectedCount, count);
- // stateAt
- for (string const& pos: _o["storage"].getMemberNames())
- {
- u256 expectedState = u256(_o["storage"][pos].asString());
- u256 state = _client.stateAt(address, u256(pos), _blockNumber);
- ETH_CHECK_EQUAL(expectedState, state);
- }
- // codeAt
- bytes expectedCode = fromHex(_o["code"].asString());
- bytes code = _client.codeAt(address, _blockNumber);
- ETH_CHECK_EQUAL_COLLECTIONS(expectedCode.begin(), expectedCode.end(),
- code.begin(), code.end());
- };
- for (string const& name: _json["postState"].getMemberNames())
- {
- Json::Value o = _json["postState"][name];
- compareState(o, name, PendingBlock);
- }
- for (string const& name: _json["pre"].getMemberNames())
- {
- Json::Value o = _json["pre"][name];
- compareState(o, name, 0);
- }
- // number
- unsigned expectedNumber = _json["blocks"].size();
- unsigned number = _client.number();
- ETH_CHECK_EQUAL(expectedNumber, number);
- u256 totalDifficulty = u256(_json["genesisBlockHeader"]["difficulty"].asString());
- for (Json::Value const& block: _json["blocks"])
- {
- Json::Value blockHeader = block["blockHeader"];
- Json::Value uncles = block["uncleHeaders"];
- Json::Value transactions = block["transactions"];
- h256 blockHash = h256(fromHex(blockHeader["hash"].asString()));
- // just update the difficulty
- for (Json::Value const& uncle: uncles)
- {
- totalDifficulty += u256(uncle["difficulty"].asString());
- }
- // hashFromNumber
- h256 expectedHashFromNumber = h256(fromHex(blockHeader["hash"].asString()));
- h256 hashFromNumber = _client.hashFromNumber(jsToInt(blockHeader["number"].asString()));
- ETH_CHECK_EQUAL(expectedHashFromNumber, hashFromNumber);
- // blockInfo
- auto compareBlockInfos = [](Json::Value const& _b, BlockInfo _blockInfo) -> void
- {
- LogBloom expectedBlockInfoBloom = LogBloom(fromHex(_b["bloom"].asString()));
- Address expectedBlockInfoCoinbase = Address(fromHex(_b["coinbase"].asString()));
- u256 expectedBlockInfoDifficulty = u256(_b["difficulty"].asString());
- bytes expectedBlockInfoExtraData = fromHex(_b["extraData"].asString());
- u256 expectedBlockInfoGasLimit = u256(_b["gasLimit"].asString());
- u256 expectedBlockInfoGasUsed = u256(_b["gasUsed"].asString());
- h256 expectedBlockInfoHash = h256(fromHex(_b["hash"].asString()));
- h256 expectedBlockInfoMixHash = h256(fromHex(_b["mixHash"].asString()));
- Nonce expectedBlockInfoNonce = Nonce(fromHex(_b["nonce"].asString()));
- u256 expectedBlockInfoNumber = u256(_b["number"].asString());
- h256 expectedBlockInfoParentHash = h256(fromHex(_b["parentHash"].asString()));
- h256 expectedBlockInfoReceiptsRoot = h256(fromHex(_b["receiptTrie"].asString()));
- u256 expectedBlockInfoTimestamp = u256(_b["timestamp"].asString());
- h256 expectedBlockInfoTransactionsRoot = h256(fromHex(_b["transactionsTrie"].asString()));
- h256 expectedBlockInfoUncldeHash = h256(fromHex(_b["uncleHash"].asString()));
- ETH_CHECK_EQUAL(expectedBlockInfoBloom, _blockInfo.logBloom);
- ETH_CHECK_EQUAL(expectedBlockInfoCoinbase, _blockInfo.coinbaseAddress);
- ETH_CHECK_EQUAL(expectedBlockInfoDifficulty, _blockInfo.difficulty);
- expectedBlockInfoExtraData.begin(),
- expectedBlockInfoExtraData.end(),
- _blockInfo.extraData.begin(),
- _blockInfo.extraData.end()
- );
- ETH_CHECK_EQUAL(expectedBlockInfoGasLimit, _blockInfo.gasLimit);
- ETH_CHECK_EQUAL(expectedBlockInfoGasUsed, _blockInfo.gasUsed);
- ETH_CHECK_EQUAL(expectedBlockInfoHash, _blockInfo.hash());
- ETH_CHECK_EQUAL(expectedBlockInfoMixHash, _blockInfo.mixHash);
- ETH_CHECK_EQUAL(expectedBlockInfoNonce, _blockInfo.nonce);
- ETH_CHECK_EQUAL(expectedBlockInfoNumber, _blockInfo.number);
- ETH_CHECK_EQUAL(expectedBlockInfoParentHash, _blockInfo.parentHash);
- ETH_CHECK_EQUAL(expectedBlockInfoReceiptsRoot, _blockInfo.receiptsRoot);
- ETH_CHECK_EQUAL(expectedBlockInfoTimestamp, _blockInfo.timestamp);
- ETH_CHECK_EQUAL(expectedBlockInfoTransactionsRoot, _blockInfo.transactionsRoot);
- ETH_CHECK_EQUAL(expectedBlockInfoUncldeHash, _blockInfo.sha3Uncles);
- };
- BlockInfo blockInfo = _client.blockInfo(blockHash);
- compareBlockInfos(blockHeader, blockInfo);
- // blockDetails
- unsigned expectedBlockDetailsNumber = jsToInt(blockHeader["number"].asString());
- totalDifficulty += u256(blockHeader["difficulty"].asString());
- BlockDetails blockDetails = _client.blockDetails(blockHash);
- ETH_CHECK_EQUAL(expectedBlockDetailsNumber, blockDetails.number);
- ETH_CHECK_EQUAL(totalDifficulty, blockDetails.totalDifficulty);
- auto compareTransactions = [](Json::Value const& _t, Transaction _transaction) -> void
- {
- bytes expectedTransactionData = fromHex(_t["data"].asString());
- u256 expectedTransactionGasLimit = u256(_t["gasLimit"].asString());
- u256 expectedTransactionGasPrice = u256(_t["gasPrice"].asString());
- u256 expectedTransactionNonce = u256(_t["nonce"].asString());
- u256 expectedTransactionSignatureR = h256(fromHex(_t["r"].asString()));
- u256 expectedTransactionSignatureS = h256(fromHex(_t["s"].asString()));
-// unsigned expectedTransactionSignatureV = jsToInt(t["v"].asString());
- expectedTransactionData.begin(),
- expectedTransactionData.end(),
- _transaction.data().begin(),
- _transaction.data().end()
- );
- ETH_CHECK_EQUAL(expectedTransactionGasLimit, _transaction.gas());
- ETH_CHECK_EQUAL(expectedTransactionGasPrice, _transaction.gasPrice());
- ETH_CHECK_EQUAL(expectedTransactionNonce, _transaction.nonce());
- ETH_CHECK_EQUAL(expectedTransactionSignatureR, _transaction.signature().r);
- ETH_CHECK_EQUAL(expectedTransactionSignatureS, _transaction.signature().s);
-// ETH_CHECK_EQUAL(expectedTransactionSignatureV, _transaction.signature().v); // 27 === 0x0, 28 === 0x1, not sure why
- };
- Transactions ts = _client.transactions(blockHash);
- TransactionHashes tHashes = _client.transactionHashes(blockHash);
- unsigned tsCount = _client.transactionCount(blockHash);
- ETH_REQUIRE(transactions.size() == ts.size());
- ETH_REQUIRE(transactions.size() == tHashes.size());
- // transactionCount
- ETH_CHECK_EQUAL(transactions.size(), tsCount);
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < tsCount; i++)
- {
- Json::Value t = transactions[i];
- // transaction (by block hash and transaction index)
- Transaction transaction = _client.transaction(blockHash, i);
- compareTransactions(t, transaction);
- // transaction (by hash)
- Transaction transactionByHash = _client.transaction(transaction.sha3());
- compareTransactions(t, transactionByHash);
- // transactions
- compareTransactions(t, ts[i]);
- // transactionHashes
- ETH_CHECK_EQUAL(transaction.sha3(), tHashes[i]);
- }
- // uncleCount
- unsigned usCount = _client.uncleCount(blockHash);
- ETH_CHECK_EQUAL(uncles.size(), usCount);
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < usCount; i++)
- {
- Json::Value u = uncles[i];
- // uncle (by hash)
- BlockInfo uncle = _client.uncle(blockHash, i);
- compareBlockInfos(u, uncle);
- }
- }
- });