diff options
10 files changed, 233 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/Compiler.cpp b/Compiler.cpp
index b094af19..25833691 100644
--- a/Compiler.cpp
+++ b/Compiler.cpp
@@ -109,8 +109,8 @@ void Compiler::appendFunctionSelector(ContractDefinition const& _contract)
m_context << eth::dupInstruction(2) << eth::dupInstruction(2) << eth::Instruction::EQ;
- m_context << eth::dupInstruction(4) << eth::Instruction::ADD;
- //@todo avoid the last ADD (or remove it in the optimizer)
+ if (funid < interfaceFunctions.size() - 1)
+ m_context << eth::dupInstruction(4) << eth::Instruction::ADD;
m_context << eth::Instruction::STOP; // function not found
@@ -130,21 +130,17 @@ unsigned Compiler::appendCalldataUnpacker(FunctionDefinition const& _function, b
// We do not check the calldata size, everything is zero-padded.
unsigned dataOffset = 1;
- eth::Instruction load = _fromMemory ? eth::Instruction::MLOAD : eth::Instruction::CALLDATALOAD;
//@todo this can be done more efficiently, saving some CALLDATALOAD calls
for (ASTPointer<VariableDeclaration> const& var: _function.getParameters())
unsigned const numBytes = var->getType()->getCalldataEncodedSize();
- if (numBytes == 0 || numBytes > 32)
+ if (numBytes > 32)
<< errinfo_sourceLocation(var->getLocation())
<< errinfo_comment("Type " + var->getType()->toString() + " not yet supported."));
- if (numBytes == 32)
- m_context << u256(dataOffset) << load;
- else
- m_context << (u256(1) << ((32 - numBytes) * 8)) << u256(dataOffset)
- << load << eth::Instruction::DIV;
+ bool leftAligned = var->getType()->getCategory() == Type::Category::STRING;
+ CompilerUtils(m_context).loadFromMemory(dataOffset, numBytes, leftAligned, !_fromMemory);
dataOffset += numBytes;
return dataOffset;
@@ -160,14 +156,13 @@ void Compiler::appendReturnValuePacker(FunctionDefinition const& _function)
Type const& paramType = *parameters[i]->getType();
unsigned numBytes = paramType.getCalldataEncodedSize();
- if (numBytes == 0 || numBytes > 32)
+ if (numBytes > 32)
<< errinfo_sourceLocation(parameters[i]->getLocation())
<< errinfo_comment("Type " + paramType.toString() + " not yet supported."));
CompilerUtils(m_context).copyToStackTop(stackDepth, paramType);
- if (numBytes != 32)
- m_context << (u256(1) << ((32 - numBytes) * 8)) << eth::Instruction::MUL;
- m_context << u256(dataOffset) << eth::Instruction::MSTORE;
+ bool const leftAligned = paramType.getCategory() == Type::Category::STRING;
+ CompilerUtils(m_context).storeInMemory(dataOffset, numBytes, leftAligned);
stackDepth -= paramType.getSizeOnStack();
dataOffset += numBytes;
@@ -246,7 +241,7 @@ bool Compiler::visit(FunctionDefinition const& _function)
bool Compiler::visit(IfStatement const& _ifStatement)
- ExpressionCompiler::compileExpression(m_context, _ifStatement.getCondition());
+ compileExpression(_ifStatement.getCondition());
eth::AssemblyItem trueTag = m_context.appendConditionalJump();
if (_ifStatement.getFalseStatement())
@@ -265,7 +260,7 @@ bool Compiler::visit(WhileStatement const& _whileStatement)
m_context << loopStart;
- ExpressionCompiler::compileExpression(m_context, _whileStatement.getCondition());
+ compileExpression(_whileStatement.getCondition());
m_context << eth::Instruction::ISZERO;
@@ -298,7 +293,7 @@ bool Compiler::visit(Return const& _return)
//@todo modifications are needed to make this work with functions returning multiple values
if (Expression const* expression = _return.getExpression())
- ExpressionCompiler::compileExpression(m_context, *expression);
+ compileExpression(*expression);
VariableDeclaration const& firstVariable = *_return.getFunctionReturnParameters().getParameters().front();
ExpressionCompiler::appendTypeConversion(m_context, *expression->getType(), *firstVariable.getType());
@@ -312,7 +307,7 @@ bool Compiler::visit(VariableDefinition const& _variableDefinition)
if (Expression const* expression = _variableDefinition.getExpression())
- ExpressionCompiler::compileExpression(m_context, *expression);
+ compileExpression(*expression);
@@ -324,10 +319,15 @@ bool Compiler::visit(VariableDefinition const& _variableDefinition)
bool Compiler::visit(ExpressionStatement const& _expressionStatement)
Expression const& expression = _expressionStatement.getExpression();
- ExpressionCompiler::compileExpression(m_context, expression);
+ compileExpression(expression);
return false;
+void Compiler::compileExpression(Expression const& _expression)
+ ExpressionCompiler::compileExpression(m_context, _expression, m_optimize);
diff --git a/Compiler.h b/Compiler.h
index 4b8f02c5..639e9841 100644
--- a/Compiler.h
+++ b/Compiler.h
@@ -30,10 +30,10 @@ namespace solidity {
class Compiler: private ASTConstVisitor
- Compiler(): m_returnTag(m_context.newTag()) {}
+ explicit Compiler(bool _optimize = false): m_optimize(_optimize), m_returnTag(m_context.newTag()) {}
void compileContract(ContractDefinition const& _contract, std::vector<MagicVariableDeclaration const*> const& _magicGlobals);
- bytes getAssembledBytecode(bool _optimize = false) { return m_context.getAssembledBytecode(_optimize); }
+ bytes getAssembledBytecode() { return m_context.getAssembledBytecode(m_optimize); }
void streamAssembly(std::ostream& _stream) const { m_context.streamAssembly(_stream); }
@@ -57,7 +57,9 @@ private:
virtual bool visit(VariableDefinition const& _variableDefinition) override;
virtual bool visit(ExpressionStatement const& _expressionStatement) override;
+ void compileExpression(Expression const& _expression);
+ bool const m_optimize;
CompilerContext m_context;
std::vector<eth::AssemblyItem> m_breakTags; ///< tag to jump to for a "break" statement
std::vector<eth::AssemblyItem> m_continueTags; ///< tag to jump to for a "continue" statement
diff --git a/CompilerStack.cpp b/CompilerStack.cpp
index d4675485..7aaa79b1 100644
--- a/CompilerStack.cpp
+++ b/CompilerStack.cpp
@@ -101,10 +101,10 @@ void CompilerStack::compile(bool _optimize)
if (ContractDefinition* contract = dynamic_cast<ContractDefinition*>(node.get()))
- shared_ptr<Compiler> compiler = make_shared<Compiler>();
+ shared_ptr<Compiler> compiler = make_shared<Compiler>(_optimize);
compiler->compileContract(*contract, m_globalContext->getMagicVariables());
Contract& compiledContract = m_contracts[contract->getName()];
- compiledContract.bytecode = compiler->getAssembledBytecode(_optimize);
+ compiledContract.bytecode = compiler->getAssembledBytecode();
compiledContract.compiler = move(compiler);
diff --git a/CompilerUtils.cpp b/CompilerUtils.cpp
index d4dfbe3c..9f474896 100644
--- a/CompilerUtils.cpp
+++ b/CompilerUtils.cpp
@@ -31,6 +31,46 @@ namespace dev
namespace solidity
+void CompilerUtils::loadFromMemory(unsigned _offset, unsigned _bytes, bool _leftAligned, bool _fromCalldata)
+ if (_bytes == 0)
+ {
+ m_context << u256(0);
+ return;
+ }
+ eth::Instruction load = _fromCalldata ? eth::Instruction::CALLDATALOAD : eth::Instruction::MLOAD;
+ if (asserts(_bytes <= 32))
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InternalCompilerError() << errinfo_comment("Memory load of more than 32 bytes requested."));
+ if (_bytes == 32)
+ m_context << u256(_offset) << load;
+ else
+ {
+ // load data and add leading or trailing zeros by dividing/multiplying depending on alignment
+ u256 shiftFactor = u256(1) << ((32 - _bytes) * 8);
+ m_context << shiftFactor;
+ if (_leftAligned)
+ m_context << eth::Instruction::DUP1;
+ m_context << u256(_offset) << load << eth::Instruction::DIV;
+ if (_leftAligned)
+ m_context << eth::Instruction::MUL;
+ }
+void CompilerUtils::storeInMemory(unsigned _offset, unsigned _bytes, bool _leftAligned)
+ if (_bytes == 0)
+ {
+ m_context << eth::Instruction::POP;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (asserts(_bytes <= 32))
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InternalCompilerError() << errinfo_comment("Memory store of more than 32 bytes requested."));
+ if (_bytes != 32 && !_leftAligned)
+ // shift the value accordingly before storing
+ m_context << (u256(1) << ((32 - _bytes) * 8)) << eth::Instruction::MUL;
+ m_context << u256(_offset) << eth::Instruction::MSTORE;
void CompilerUtils::moveToStackVariable(VariableDeclaration const& _variable)
unsigned const stackPosition = m_context.baseToCurrentStackOffset(m_context.getBaseStackOffsetOfVariable(_variable));
diff --git a/CompilerUtils.h b/CompilerUtils.h
index 4da53375..928f0e2d 100644
--- a/CompilerUtils.h
+++ b/CompilerUtils.h
@@ -35,6 +35,18 @@ class CompilerUtils
CompilerUtils(CompilerContext& _context): m_context(_context) {}
+ /// Loads data from memory to the stack.
+ /// @param _offset offset in memory (or calldata)
+ /// @param _bytes number of bytes to load
+ /// @param _leftAligned if true, store left aligned on stack (otherwise right aligned)
+ /// @param _fromCalldata if true, load from calldata, not from memory
+ void loadFromMemory(unsigned _offset, unsigned _bytes = 32, bool _leftAligned = false, bool _fromCalldata = false);
+ /// Stores data from stack in memory.
+ /// @param _offset offset in memory
+ /// @param _bytes number of bytes to store
+ /// @param _leftAligned if true, data is left aligned on stack (otherwise right aligned)
+ void storeInMemory(unsigned _offset, unsigned _bytes = 32, bool _leftAligned = false);
/// Moves the value that is at the top of the stack to a stack variable.
void moveToStackVariable(VariableDeclaration const& _variable);
/// Copies a variable of type @a _type from a stack depth of @a _stackDepth to the top of the stack.
diff --git a/ExpressionCompiler.cpp b/ExpressionCompiler.cpp
index a0b0a54a..3beb423d 100644
--- a/ExpressionCompiler.cpp
+++ b/ExpressionCompiler.cpp
@@ -33,9 +33,9 @@ using namespace std;
namespace dev {
namespace solidity {
-void ExpressionCompiler::compileExpression(CompilerContext& _context, Expression const& _expression)
+void ExpressionCompiler::compileExpression(CompilerContext& _context, Expression const& _expression, bool _optimize)
- ExpressionCompiler compiler(_context);
+ ExpressionCompiler compiler(_context, _optimize);
@@ -145,10 +145,24 @@ bool ExpressionCompiler::visit(BinaryOperation const& _binaryOperation)
if (Token::isCompareOp(op) || op == Token::DIV || op == Token::MOD)
cleanupNeeded = true;
- rightExpression.accept(*this);
- appendTypeConversion(*rightExpression.getType(), commonType, cleanupNeeded);
- leftExpression.accept(*this);
- appendTypeConversion(*leftExpression.getType(), commonType, cleanupNeeded);
+ // for commutative operators, push the literal as late as possible to allow improved optimization
+ //@todo this has to be extended for literal expressions
+ bool swap = (m_optimize && Token::isCommutativeOp(op) && dynamic_cast<Literal const*>(&rightExpression)
+ && !dynamic_cast<Literal const*>(&leftExpression));
+ if (swap)
+ {
+ leftExpression.accept(*this);
+ appendTypeConversion(*leftExpression.getType(), commonType, cleanupNeeded);
+ rightExpression.accept(*this);
+ appendTypeConversion(*rightExpression.getType(), commonType, cleanupNeeded);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ rightExpression.accept(*this);
+ appendTypeConversion(*rightExpression.getType(), commonType, cleanupNeeded);
+ leftExpression.accept(*this);
+ appendTypeConversion(*leftExpression.getType(), commonType, cleanupNeeded);
+ }
if (Token::isCompareOp(op))
appendCompareOperatorCode(op, commonType);
@@ -225,14 +239,14 @@ bool ExpressionCompiler::visit(FunctionCall const& _functionCall)
<< errinfo_sourceLocation(arguments[i]->getLocation())
<< errinfo_comment("Type " + type.toString() + " not yet supported."));
- if (numBytes != 32)
- m_context << (u256(1) << ((32 - numBytes) * 8)) << eth::Instruction::MUL;
- m_context << u256(dataOffset) << eth::Instruction::MSTORE;
+ bool const leftAligned = type.getCategory() == Type::Category::STRING;
+ CompilerUtils(m_context).storeInMemory(dataOffset, numBytes, leftAligned);
dataOffset += numBytes;
//@todo only return the first return value for now
- unsigned retSize = function.getReturnParameterTypes().empty() ? 0
- : function.getReturnParameterTypes().front()->getCalldataEncodedSize();
+ Type const* firstType = function.getReturnParameterTypes().empty() ? nullptr :
+ function.getReturnParameterTypes().front().get();
+ unsigned retSize = firstType ? firstType->getCalldataEncodedSize() : 0;
// CALL arguments: outSize, outOff, inSize, inOff, value, addr, gas (stack top)
m_context << u256(retSize) << u256(0) << u256(dataOffset) << u256(0) << u256(0);
_functionCall.getExpression().accept(*this); // pushes addr and function index
@@ -240,11 +254,11 @@ bool ExpressionCompiler::visit(FunctionCall const& _functionCall)
<< u256(25) << eth::Instruction::GAS << eth::Instruction::SUB
<< eth::Instruction::CALL
<< eth::Instruction::POP; // @todo do not ignore failure indicator
- if (retSize == 32)
- m_context << u256(0) << eth::Instruction::MLOAD;
- else if (retSize > 0)
- m_context << (u256(1) << ((32 - retSize) * 8))
- << u256(0) << eth::Instruction::MLOAD << eth::Instruction::DIV;
+ if (retSize > 0)
+ {
+ bool const leftAligned = firstType->getCategory() == Type::Category::STRING;
+ CompilerUtils(m_context).loadFromMemory(0, retSize, leftAligned);
+ }
case Location::SEND:
@@ -267,7 +281,8 @@ bool ExpressionCompiler::visit(FunctionCall const& _functionCall)
appendTypeConversion(*arguments.front()->getType(), *function.getParameterTypes().front(), true);
// @todo move this once we actually use memory
- m_context << u256(0) << eth::Instruction::MSTORE << u256(32) << u256(0) << eth::Instruction::SHA3;
+ CompilerUtils(m_context).storeInMemory(0);
+ m_context << u256(32) << u256(0) << eth::Instruction::SHA3;
case Location::ECRECOVER:
case Location::SHA256:
@@ -283,13 +298,13 @@ bool ExpressionCompiler::visit(FunctionCall const& _functionCall)
appendTypeConversion(*arguments[i]->getType(), *function.getParameterTypes()[i], true);
// @todo move this once we actually use memory
- m_context << u256(i * 32) << eth::Instruction::MSTORE;
+ CompilerUtils(m_context).storeInMemory(i * 32);
m_context << u256(32) << u256(0) << u256(arguments.size() * 32) << u256(0) << u256(0)
<< contractAddress << u256(500) //@todo determine actual gas requirement
<< eth::Instruction::CALL
- << eth::Instruction::POP
- << u256(0) << eth::Instruction::MLOAD;
+ << eth::Instruction::POP;
+ CompilerUtils(m_context).loadFromMemory(0);
@@ -373,7 +388,8 @@ bool ExpressionCompiler::visit(IndexAccess const& _indexAccess)
*dynamic_cast<MappingType const&>(*_indexAccess.getBaseExpression().getType()).getKeyType(),
// @todo move this once we actually use memory
- m_context << u256(32) << eth::Instruction::MSTORE << u256(0) << eth::Instruction::MSTORE;
+ CompilerUtils(m_context).storeInMemory(0);
+ CompilerUtils(m_context).storeInMemory(32);
m_context << u256(64) << u256(0) << eth::Instruction::SHA3;
m_currentLValue = LValue(m_context, LValue::STORAGE, *_indexAccess.getType());
@@ -411,10 +427,11 @@ void ExpressionCompiler::endVisit(Literal const& _literal)
case Type::Category::INTEGER:
case Type::Category::BOOL:
+ case Type::Category::STRING:
m_context << _literal.getType()->literalValue(_literal);
- BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InternalCompilerError() << errinfo_comment("Only integer and boolean literals implemented for now."));
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InternalCompilerError() << errinfo_comment("Only integer, boolean and string literals implemented for now."));
@@ -550,6 +567,11 @@ void ExpressionCompiler::appendTypeConversion(Type const& _typeOnStack, Type con
if (_typeOnStack.getCategory() == Type::Category::INTEGER)
appendHighBitsCleanup(dynamic_cast<IntegerType const&>(_typeOnStack));
+ else if (_typeOnStack.getCategory() == Type::Category::STRING)
+ {
+ // nothing to do, strings are high-order-bit-aligned
+ //@todo clear lower-order bytes if we allow explicit conversion to shorter strings
+ }
else if (_typeOnStack != _targetType)
// All other types should not be convertible to non-equal types.
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InternalCompilerError() << errinfo_comment("Invalid type conversion requested."));
diff --git a/ExpressionCompiler.h b/ExpressionCompiler.h
index 41cb6676..c0b173d4 100644
--- a/ExpressionCompiler.h
+++ b/ExpressionCompiler.h
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ namespace solidity {
class CompilerContext;
class Type;
class IntegerType;
+class StaticStringType;
* Compiler for expressions, i.e. converts an AST tree whose root is an Expression into a stream
@@ -45,14 +46,14 @@ class ExpressionCompiler: private ASTConstVisitor
/// Compile the given @a _expression into the @a _context.
- static void compileExpression(CompilerContext& _context, Expression const& _expression);
+ static void compileExpression(CompilerContext& _context, Expression const& _expression, bool _optimize = false);
/// Appends code to remove dirty higher order bits in case of an implicit promotion to a wider type.
static void appendTypeConversion(CompilerContext& _context, Type const& _typeOnStack, Type const& _targetType);
- ExpressionCompiler(CompilerContext& _compilerContext):
- m_context(_compilerContext), m_currentLValue(m_context) {}
+ explicit ExpressionCompiler(CompilerContext& _compilerContext, bool _optimize = false):
+ m_optimize(_optimize), m_context(_compilerContext), m_currentLValue(m_context) {}
virtual bool visit(Assignment const& _assignment) override;
virtual void endVisit(UnaryOperation const& _unaryOperation) override;
@@ -75,7 +76,7 @@ private:
/// @}
/// Appends an implicit or explicit type conversion. For now this comprises only erasing
- /// higher-order bits (@see appendHighBitCleanup) when widening integer types.
+ /// higher-order bits (@see appendHighBitCleanup) when widening integer.
/// If @a _cleanupNeeded, high order bits cleanup is also done if no type conversion would be
/// necessary.
void appendTypeConversion(Type const& _typeOnStack, Type const& _targetType, bool _cleanupNeeded = false);
@@ -132,6 +133,7 @@ private:
unsigned m_stackSize;
+ bool m_optimize;
CompilerContext& m_context;
LValue m_currentLValue;
diff --git a/Token.h b/Token.h
index eb9b4d42..22378ae0 100644
--- a/Token.h
+++ b/Token.h
@@ -269,6 +269,39 @@ namespace solidity
K(ADDRESS, "address", 0) \
K(BOOL, "bool", 0) \
K(STRING_TYPE, "string", 0) \
+ K(STRING0, "string0", 0) \
+ K(STRING1, "string1", 0) \
+ K(STRING2, "string2", 0) \
+ K(STRING3, "string3", 0) \
+ K(STRING4, "string4", 0) \
+ K(STRING5, "string5", 0) \
+ K(STRING6, "string6", 0) \
+ K(STRING7, "string7", 0) \
+ K(STRING8, "string8", 0) \
+ K(STRING9, "string9", 0) \
+ K(STRING10, "string10", 0) \
+ K(STRING11, "string11", 0) \
+ K(STRING12, "string12", 0) \
+ K(STRING13, "string13", 0) \
+ K(STRING14, "string14", 0) \
+ K(STRING15, "string15", 0) \
+ K(STRING16, "string16", 0) \
+ K(STRING17, "string17", 0) \
+ K(STRING18, "string18", 0) \
+ K(STRING19, "string19", 0) \
+ K(STRING20, "string20", 0) \
+ K(STRING21, "string21", 0) \
+ K(STRING22, "string22", 0) \
+ K(STRING23, "string23", 0) \
+ K(STRING24, "string24", 0) \
+ K(STRING25, "string25", 0) \
+ K(STRING26, "string26", 0) \
+ K(STRING27, "string27", 0) \
+ K(STRING28, "string28", 0) \
+ K(STRING29, "string29", 0) \
+ K(STRING30, "string30", 0) \
+ K(STRING31, "string31", 0) \
+ K(STRING32, "string32", 0) \
K(TEXT, "text", 0) \
K(REAL, "real", 0) \
K(UREAL, "ureal", 0) \
@@ -320,6 +353,8 @@ public:
static bool isElementaryTypeName(Value tok) { return INT <= tok && tok < TYPES_END; }
static bool isAssignmentOp(Value tok) { return ASSIGN <= tok && tok <= ASSIGN_MOD; }
static bool isBinaryOp(Value op) { return COMMA <= op && op <= MOD; }
+ static bool isCommutativeOp(Value op) { return op == BIT_OR || op == BIT_XOR || op == BIT_AND ||
+ op == ADD || op == MUL || op == EQ || op == NE; }
static bool isArithmeticOp(Value op) { return ADD <= op && op <= MOD; }
static bool isCompareOp(Value op) { return EQ <= op && op <= IN; }
diff --git a/Types.cpp b/Types.cpp
index 6c971a74..00e530c3 100644
--- a/Types.cpp
+++ b/Types.cpp
@@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ shared_ptr<Type const> Type::fromElementaryTypeName(Token::Value _typeToken)
return make_shared<IntegerType const>(0, IntegerType::Modifier::ADDRESS);
else if (_typeToken == Token::BOOL)
return make_shared<BoolType const>();
+ else if (Token::STRING0 <= _typeToken && _typeToken <= Token::STRING32)
+ return make_shared<StaticStringType const>(int(_typeToken) - int(Token::STRING0));
BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InternalCompilerError() << errinfo_comment("Unable to convert elementary typename " +
std::string(Token::toString(_typeToken)) + " to type."));
@@ -91,7 +93,8 @@ shared_ptr<Type const> Type::forLiteral(Literal const& _literal)
case Token::NUMBER:
return IntegerType::smallestTypeForLiteral(_literal.getValue());
- return shared_ptr<Type const>(); // @todo add string literals
+ //@todo put larger strings into dynamic strings
+ return StaticStringType::smallestTypeForLiteral(_literal.getValue());
return shared_ptr<Type const>();
@@ -194,6 +197,44 @@ const MemberList IntegerType::AddressMemberList =
{"send", make_shared<FunctionType const>(TypePointers({make_shared<IntegerType const>(256)}),
TypePointers(), FunctionType::Location::SEND)}});
+shared_ptr<StaticStringType> StaticStringType::smallestTypeForLiteral(string const& _literal)
+ if (_literal.length() <= 32)
+ return make_shared<StaticStringType>(_literal.length());
+ return shared_ptr<StaticStringType>();
+StaticStringType::StaticStringType(int _bytes): m_bytes(_bytes)
+ if (asserts(m_bytes >= 0 && m_bytes <= 32))
+ BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(InternalCompilerError() << errinfo_comment("Invalid byte number for static string type: " +
+ dev::toString(m_bytes)));
+bool StaticStringType::isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
+ if (_convertTo.getCategory() != getCategory())
+ return false;
+ StaticStringType const& convertTo = dynamic_cast<StaticStringType const&>(_convertTo);
+ return convertTo.m_bytes >= m_bytes;
+bool StaticStringType::operator==(Type const& _other) const
+ if (_other.getCategory() != getCategory())
+ return false;
+ StaticStringType const& other = dynamic_cast<StaticStringType const&>(_other);
+ return other.m_bytes == m_bytes;
+u256 StaticStringType::literalValue(const Literal& _literal) const
+ u256 value = 0;
+ for (char c: _literal.getValue())
+ value = (value << 8) | byte(c);
+ return value << ((32 - _literal.getValue().length()) * 8);
bool BoolType::isExplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const
// conversion to integer is fine, but not to address
diff --git a/Types.h b/Types.h
index dd89f311..8e93bd31 100644
--- a/Types.h
+++ b/Types.h
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ namespace dev
namespace solidity
-// @todo realMxN, string<N>
+// @todo realMxN, dynamic strings, text, arrays
class Type; // forward
using TypePointer = std::shared_ptr<Type const>;
@@ -179,6 +179,35 @@ private:
+ * String type with fixed length, up to 32 bytes.
+ */
+class StaticStringType: public Type
+ virtual Category getCategory() const override { return Category::STRING; }
+ /// @returns the smallest string type for the given literal or an empty pointer
+ /// if no type fits.
+ static std::shared_ptr<StaticStringType> smallestTypeForLiteral(std::string const& _literal);
+ StaticStringType(int _bytes);
+ virtual bool isImplicitlyConvertibleTo(Type const& _convertTo) const override;
+ virtual bool operator==(Type const& _other) const override;
+ virtual unsigned getCalldataEncodedSize() const override { return m_bytes; }
+ virtual bool isValueType() const override { return true; }
+ virtual std::string toString() const override { return "string" + dev::toString(m_bytes); }
+ virtual u256 literalValue(Literal const& _literal) const override;
+ int getNumBytes() const { return m_bytes; }
+ int m_bytes;
* The boolean type.
class BoolType: public Type