diff options
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 105 deletions
diff --git a/trie.cpp b/trie.cpp
index 8a259821..bdb18865 100644
--- a/trie.cpp
+++ b/trie.cpp
@@ -196,48 +196,6 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(trie_test_anyorder)
- string testPath = test::getTestPath();
- testPath += "/TrieTests";
- cnote << "Testing Trie...";
- js::mValue v;
- string s = asString(contents(testPath + "/trieanyorder_secureTrie.json"));
- BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(s.length() > 0, "Contents of 'trieanyorder.json' is empty. Have you cloned the 'tests' repo branch develop?");
- js::read_string(s, v);
- for (auto& i: v.get_obj())
- {
- cnote << i.first;
- js::mObject& o = i.second.get_obj();
- vector<pair<string, string>> ss;
- for (auto i: o["in"].get_obj())
- {
- ss.push_back(make_pair(i.first, i.second.get_str()));
- if (!ss.back().first.find("0x"))
- ss.back().first = asString(fromHex(ss.back().first.substr(2)));
- if (!ss.back().second.find("0x"))
- ss.back().second = asString(fromHex(ss.back().second.substr(2)));
- }
- for (unsigned j = 0; j < min(1000u, dev::test::fac((unsigned)ss.size())); ++j)
- {
- next_permutation(ss.begin(), ss.end());
- MemoryDB m;
- SecureGenericTrieDB<MemoryDB> t(&m);
- t.init();
- BOOST_REQUIRE(t.check(true));
- for (auto const& k: ss)
- {
- t.insert(k.first, k.second);
- BOOST_REQUIRE(t.check(true));
- }
- BOOST_REQUIRE(!o["root"].is_null());
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(o["root"].get_str(), "0x" + toHex(t.root().asArray()));
- }
- }
string testPath = test::getTestPath();
@@ -319,69 +277,6 @@ BOOST_AUTO_TEST_CASE(trie_tests_ordered)
- string testPath = test::getTestPath();
- testPath += "/TrieTests";
- cnote << "Testing Trie...";
- js::mValue v;
- string s = asString(contents(testPath + "/trietest_secureTrie.json"));
- BOOST_REQUIRE_MESSAGE(s.length() > 0, "Contents of 'trietest.json' is empty. Have you cloned the 'tests' repo branch develop?");
- js::read_string(s, v);
- for (auto& i: v.get_obj())
- {
- cnote << i.first;
- js::mObject& o = i.second.get_obj();
- vector<pair<string, string>> ss;
- vector<string> keysToBeDeleted;
- for (auto& i: o["in"].get_array())
- {
- vector<string> values;
- for (auto& s: i.get_array())
- {
- if (s.type() == json_spirit::str_type)
- values.push_back(s.get_str());
- else if (s.type() == json_spirit::null_type)
- {
- // mark entry for deletion
- values.push_back("");
- if (!values[0].find("0x"))
- values[0] = asString(fromHex(values[0].substr(2)));
- keysToBeDeleted.push_back(values[0]);
- }
- else
- BOOST_FAIL("Bad type (expected string)");
- }
- BOOST_REQUIRE(values.size() == 2);
- ss.push_back(make_pair(values[0], values[1]));
- if (!ss.back().first.find("0x"))
- ss.back().first = asString(fromHex(ss.back().first.substr(2)));
- if (!ss.back().second.find("0x"))
- ss.back().second = asString(fromHex(ss.back().second.substr(2)));
- }
- MemoryDB m;
- SecureGenericTrieDB<MemoryDB> t(&m);
- t.init();
- BOOST_REQUIRE(t.check(true));
- for (auto const& k: ss)
- {
- if (find(keysToBeDeleted.begin(), keysToBeDeleted.end(), k.first) != keysToBeDeleted.end() && k.second.empty())
- t.remove(k.first);
- else
- t.insert(k.first, k.second);
- BOOST_REQUIRE(t.check(true));
- }
- BOOST_REQUIRE(!o["root"].is_null());
- BOOST_CHECK_EQUAL(o["root"].get_str(), "0x" + toHex(t.root().asArray()));
- }
inline h256 stringMapHash256(StringMap const& _s)
return hash256(_s);