path: root/test/compilationTests/milestonetracker/RLP.sol
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authorchriseth <chris@ethereum.org>2017-07-05 18:28:15 +0800
committerchriseth <chris@ethereum.org>2017-07-05 18:39:55 +0800
commitac84b36144f746662e5ddb984d283e053c7d06ba (patch)
treef50ee438a384e60574a4c28ea32d2b6ae2315795 /test/compilationTests/milestonetracker/RLP.sol
parent05a26fc98c1201057c618c536ca0537e456c9b15 (diff)
Added various contracts for testing.
Diffstat (limited to 'test/compilationTests/milestonetracker/RLP.sol')
1 files changed, 416 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/compilationTests/milestonetracker/RLP.sol b/test/compilationTests/milestonetracker/RLP.sol
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5bb27bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/compilationTests/milestonetracker/RLP.sol
@@ -0,0 +1,416 @@
+pragma solidity ^0.4.6;
+* @title RLPReader
+* RLPReader is used to read and parse RLP encoded data in memory.
+* @author Andreas Olofsson (androlo1980@gmail.com)
+library RLP {
+ uint constant DATA_SHORT_START = 0x80;
+ uint constant DATA_LONG_START = 0xB8;
+ uint constant LIST_SHORT_START = 0xC0;
+ uint constant LIST_LONG_START = 0xF8;
+ uint constant DATA_LONG_OFFSET = 0xB7;
+ uint constant LIST_LONG_OFFSET = 0xF7;
+ struct RLPItem {
+ uint _unsafe_memPtr; // Pointer to the RLP-encoded bytes.
+ uint _unsafe_length; // Number of bytes. This is the full length of the string.
+ }
+ struct Iterator {
+ RLPItem _unsafe_item; // Item that's being iterated over.
+ uint _unsafe_nextPtr; // Position of the next item in the list.
+ }
+ /* Iterator */
+ function next(Iterator memory self) internal constant returns (RLPItem memory subItem) {
+ if(hasNext(self)) {
+ var ptr = self._unsafe_nextPtr;
+ var itemLength = _itemLength(ptr);
+ subItem._unsafe_memPtr = ptr;
+ subItem._unsafe_length = itemLength;
+ self._unsafe_nextPtr = ptr + itemLength;
+ }
+ else
+ throw;
+ }
+ function next(Iterator memory self, bool strict) internal constant returns (RLPItem memory subItem) {
+ subItem = next(self);
+ if(strict && !_validate(subItem))
+ throw;
+ return;
+ }
+ function hasNext(Iterator memory self) internal constant returns (bool) {
+ var item = self._unsafe_item;
+ return self._unsafe_nextPtr < item._unsafe_memPtr + item._unsafe_length;
+ }
+ /* RLPItem */
+ /// @dev Creates an RLPItem from an array of RLP encoded bytes.
+ /// @param self The RLP encoded bytes.
+ /// @return An RLPItem
+ function toRLPItem(bytes memory self) internal constant returns (RLPItem memory) {
+ uint len = self.length;
+ if (len == 0) {
+ return RLPItem(0, 0);
+ }
+ uint memPtr;
+ assembly {
+ memPtr := add(self, 0x20)
+ }
+ return RLPItem(memPtr, len);
+ }
+ /// @dev Creates an RLPItem from an array of RLP encoded bytes.
+ /// @param self The RLP encoded bytes.
+ /// @param strict Will throw if the data is not RLP encoded.
+ /// @return An RLPItem
+ function toRLPItem(bytes memory self, bool strict) internal constant returns (RLPItem memory) {
+ var item = toRLPItem(self);
+ if(strict) {
+ uint len = self.length;
+ if(_payloadOffset(item) > len)
+ throw;
+ if(_itemLength(item._unsafe_memPtr) != len)
+ throw;
+ if(!_validate(item))
+ throw;
+ }
+ return item;
+ }
+ /// @dev Check if the RLP item is null.
+ /// @param self The RLP item.
+ /// @return 'true' if the item is null.
+ function isNull(RLPItem memory self) internal constant returns (bool ret) {
+ return self._unsafe_length == 0;
+ }
+ /// @dev Check if the RLP item is a list.
+ /// @param self The RLP item.
+ /// @return 'true' if the item is a list.
+ function isList(RLPItem memory self) internal constant returns (bool ret) {
+ if (self._unsafe_length == 0)
+ return false;
+ uint memPtr = self._unsafe_memPtr;
+ assembly {
+ ret := iszero(lt(byte(0, mload(memPtr)), 0xC0))
+ }
+ }
+ /// @dev Check if the RLP item is data.
+ /// @param self The RLP item.
+ /// @return 'true' if the item is data.
+ function isData(RLPItem memory self) internal constant returns (bool ret) {
+ if (self._unsafe_length == 0)
+ return false;
+ uint memPtr = self._unsafe_memPtr;
+ assembly {
+ ret := lt(byte(0, mload(memPtr)), 0xC0)
+ }
+ }
+ /// @dev Check if the RLP item is empty (string or list).
+ /// @param self The RLP item.
+ /// @return 'true' if the item is null.
+ function isEmpty(RLPItem memory self) internal constant returns (bool ret) {
+ if(isNull(self))
+ return false;
+ uint b0;
+ uint memPtr = self._unsafe_memPtr;
+ assembly {
+ b0 := byte(0, mload(memPtr))
+ }
+ return (b0 == DATA_SHORT_START || b0 == LIST_SHORT_START);
+ }
+ /// @dev Get the number of items in an RLP encoded list.
+ /// @param self The RLP item.
+ /// @return The number of items.
+ function items(RLPItem memory self) internal constant returns (uint) {
+ if (!isList(self))
+ return 0;
+ uint b0;
+ uint memPtr = self._unsafe_memPtr;
+ assembly {
+ b0 := byte(0, mload(memPtr))
+ }
+ uint pos = memPtr + _payloadOffset(self);
+ uint last = memPtr + self._unsafe_length - 1;
+ uint itms;
+ while(pos <= last) {
+ pos += _itemLength(pos);
+ itms++;
+ }
+ return itms;
+ }
+ /// @dev Create an iterator.
+ /// @param self The RLP item.
+ /// @return An 'Iterator' over the item.
+ function iterator(RLPItem memory self) internal constant returns (Iterator memory it) {
+ if (!isList(self))
+ throw;
+ uint ptr = self._unsafe_memPtr + _payloadOffset(self);
+ it._unsafe_item = self;
+ it._unsafe_nextPtr = ptr;
+ }
+ /// @dev Return the RLP encoded bytes.
+ /// @param self The RLPItem.
+ /// @return The bytes.
+ function toBytes(RLPItem memory self) internal constant returns (bytes memory bts) {
+ var len = self._unsafe_length;
+ if (len == 0)
+ return;
+ bts = new bytes(len);
+ _copyToBytes(self._unsafe_memPtr, bts, len);
+ }
+ /// @dev Decode an RLPItem into bytes. This will not work if the
+ /// RLPItem is a list.
+ /// @param self The RLPItem.
+ /// @return The decoded string.
+ function toData(RLPItem memory self) internal constant returns (bytes memory bts) {
+ if(!isData(self))
+ throw;
+ var (rStartPos, len) = _decode(self);
+ bts = new bytes(len);
+ _copyToBytes(rStartPos, bts, len);
+ }
+ /// @dev Get the list of sub-items from an RLP encoded list.
+ /// Warning: This is inefficient, as it requires that the list is read twice.
+ /// @param self The RLP item.
+ /// @return Array of RLPItems.
+ function toList(RLPItem memory self) internal constant returns (RLPItem[] memory list) {
+ if(!isList(self))
+ throw;
+ var numItems = items(self);
+ list = new RLPItem[](numItems);
+ var it = iterator(self);
+ uint idx;
+ while(hasNext(it)) {
+ list[idx] = next(it);
+ idx++;
+ }
+ }
+ /// @dev Decode an RLPItem into an ascii string. This will not work if the
+ /// RLPItem is a list.
+ /// @param self The RLPItem.
+ /// @return The decoded string.
+ function toAscii(RLPItem memory self) internal constant returns (string memory str) {
+ if(!isData(self))
+ throw;
+ var (rStartPos, len) = _decode(self);
+ bytes memory bts = new bytes(len);
+ _copyToBytes(rStartPos, bts, len);
+ str = string(bts);
+ }
+ /// @dev Decode an RLPItem into a uint. This will not work if the
+ /// RLPItem is a list.
+ /// @param self The RLPItem.
+ /// @return The decoded string.
+ function toUint(RLPItem memory self) internal constant returns (uint data) {
+ if(!isData(self))
+ throw;
+ var (rStartPos, len) = _decode(self);
+ if (len > 32 || len == 0)
+ throw;
+ assembly {
+ data := div(mload(rStartPos), exp(256, sub(32, len)))
+ }
+ }
+ /// @dev Decode an RLPItem into a boolean. This will not work if the
+ /// RLPItem is a list.
+ /// @param self The RLPItem.
+ /// @return The decoded string.
+ function toBool(RLPItem memory self) internal constant returns (bool data) {
+ if(!isData(self))
+ throw;
+ var (rStartPos, len) = _decode(self);
+ if (len != 1)
+ throw;
+ uint temp;
+ assembly {
+ temp := byte(0, mload(rStartPos))
+ }
+ if (temp > 1)
+ throw;
+ return temp == 1 ? true : false;
+ }
+ /// @dev Decode an RLPItem into a byte. This will not work if the
+ /// RLPItem is a list.
+ /// @param self The RLPItem.
+ /// @return The decoded string.
+ function toByte(RLPItem memory self) internal constant returns (byte data) {
+ if(!isData(self))
+ throw;
+ var (rStartPos, len) = _decode(self);
+ if (len != 1)
+ throw;
+ uint temp;
+ assembly {
+ temp := byte(0, mload(rStartPos))
+ }
+ return byte(temp);
+ }
+ /// @dev Decode an RLPItem into an int. This will not work if the
+ /// RLPItem is a list.
+ /// @param self The RLPItem.
+ /// @return The decoded string.
+ function toInt(RLPItem memory self) internal constant returns (int data) {
+ return int(toUint(self));
+ }
+ /// @dev Decode an RLPItem into a bytes32. This will not work if the
+ /// RLPItem is a list.
+ /// @param self The RLPItem.
+ /// @return The decoded string.
+ function toBytes32(RLPItem memory self) internal constant returns (bytes32 data) {
+ return bytes32(toUint(self));
+ }
+ /// @dev Decode an RLPItem into an address. This will not work if the
+ /// RLPItem is a list.
+ /// @param self The RLPItem.
+ /// @return The decoded string.
+ function toAddress(RLPItem memory self) internal constant returns (address data) {
+ if(!isData(self))
+ throw;
+ var (rStartPos, len) = _decode(self);
+ if (len != 20)
+ throw;
+ assembly {
+ data := div(mload(rStartPos), exp(256, 12))
+ }
+ }
+ // Get the payload offset.
+ function _payloadOffset(RLPItem memory self) private constant returns (uint) {
+ if(self._unsafe_length == 0)
+ return 0;
+ uint b0;
+ uint memPtr = self._unsafe_memPtr;
+ assembly {
+ b0 := byte(0, mload(memPtr))
+ }
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
+ return b0 - DATA_LONG_OFFSET + 1;
+ return b0 - LIST_LONG_OFFSET + 1;
+ }
+ // Get the full length of an RLP item.
+ function _itemLength(uint memPtr) private constant returns (uint len) {
+ uint b0;
+ assembly {
+ b0 := byte(0, mload(memPtr))
+ }
+ if (b0 < DATA_SHORT_START)
+ len = 1;
+ else if (b0 < DATA_LONG_START)
+ len = b0 - DATA_SHORT_START + 1;
+ else if (b0 < LIST_SHORT_START) {
+ assembly {
+ let bLen := sub(b0, 0xB7) // bytes length (DATA_LONG_OFFSET)
+ let dLen := div(mload(add(memPtr, 1)), exp(256, sub(32, bLen))) // data length
+ len := add(1, add(bLen, dLen)) // total length
+ }
+ }
+ else if (b0 < LIST_LONG_START)
+ len = b0 - LIST_SHORT_START + 1;
+ else {
+ assembly {
+ let bLen := sub(b0, 0xF7) // bytes length (LIST_LONG_OFFSET)
+ let dLen := div(mload(add(memPtr, 1)), exp(256, sub(32, bLen))) // data length
+ len := add(1, add(bLen, dLen)) // total length
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Get start position and length of the data.
+ function _decode(RLPItem memory self) private constant returns (uint memPtr, uint len) {
+ if(!isData(self))
+ throw;
+ uint b0;
+ uint start = self._unsafe_memPtr;
+ assembly {
+ b0 := byte(0, mload(start))
+ }
+ if (b0 < DATA_SHORT_START) {
+ memPtr = start;
+ len = 1;
+ return;
+ }
+ if (b0 < DATA_LONG_START) {
+ len = self._unsafe_length - 1;
+ memPtr = start + 1;
+ } else {
+ uint bLen;
+ assembly {
+ bLen := sub(b0, 0xB7) // DATA_LONG_OFFSET
+ }
+ len = self._unsafe_length - 1 - bLen;
+ memPtr = start + bLen + 1;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // Assumes that enough memory has been allocated to store in target.
+ function _copyToBytes(uint btsPtr, bytes memory tgt, uint btsLen) private constant {
+ // Exploiting the fact that 'tgt' was the last thing to be allocated,
+ // we can write entire words, and just overwrite any excess.
+ assembly {
+ {
+ let i := 0 // Start at arr + 0x20
+ let words := div(add(btsLen, 31), 32)
+ let rOffset := btsPtr
+ let wOffset := add(tgt, 0x20)
+ tag_loop:
+ jumpi(end, eq(i, words))
+ {
+ let offset := mul(i, 0x20)
+ mstore(add(wOffset, offset), mload(add(rOffset, offset)))
+ i := add(i, 1)
+ }
+ jump(tag_loop)
+ end:
+ mstore(add(tgt, add(0x20, mload(tgt))), 0)
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Check that an RLP item is valid.
+ function _validate(RLPItem memory self) private constant returns (bool ret) {
+ // Check that RLP is well-formed.
+ uint b0;
+ uint b1;
+ uint memPtr = self._unsafe_memPtr;
+ assembly {
+ b0 := byte(0, mload(memPtr))
+ b1 := byte(1, mload(memPtr))
+ }
+ if(b0 == DATA_SHORT_START + 1 && b1 < DATA_SHORT_START)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+ }