path: root/libjulia/backends
diff options
authorchriseth <chris@ethereum.org>2017-05-25 00:34:19 +0800
committerchriseth <chris@ethereum.org>2017-06-08 21:52:44 +0800
commit97cc968a133247e729ed1d189d35ef2b7b53b3d4 (patch)
treec2aa552abea75a732e36e0c6b357ea879f35de54 /libjulia/backends
parent21e0b69dcb189fb52ac4e38959801582e02ca8fd (diff)
Initial EVM1.5 assembly implementation.
Diffstat (limited to 'libjulia/backends')
5 files changed, 599 insertions, 117 deletions
diff --git a/libjulia/backends/evm/AbstractAssembly.h b/libjulia/backends/evm/AbstractAssembly.h
index de31be28..ba2c8e20 100644
--- a/libjulia/backends/evm/AbstractAssembly.h
+++ b/libjulia/backends/evm/AbstractAssembly.h
@@ -41,6 +41,9 @@ struct Identifier;
namespace julia
+/// Assembly class that abstracts both the libevmasm assembly and the new julia evm assembly.
class AbstractAssembly
@@ -66,6 +69,21 @@ public:
/// Append a reference to a to-be-linked symobl.
/// Currently, we assume that the value is always a 20 byte number.
virtual void appendLinkerSymbol(std::string const& _name) = 0;
+ /// Append a jump instruction.
+ /// @param _stackDiffAfter the stack adjustment after this instruction.
+ virtual void appendJump(int _stackDiffAfter) = 0;
+ /// Append a jump-to-immediate operation.
+ virtual void appendJumpTo(LabelID _label, int _stackDiffAfter = 0) = 0;
+ /// Append a jump-to-if-immediate operation.
+ virtual void appendJumpToIf(LabelID _label) = 0;
+ /// Start a subroutine.
+ virtual void appendBeginsub(LabelID _label, int _arguments) = 0;
+ /// Call a subroutine.
+ virtual void appendJumpsub(LabelID _label, int _arguments, int _returns) = 0;
+ /// Return from a subroutine.
+ virtual void appendReturnsub(int _returns) = 0;
enum class IdentifierContext { LValue, RValue };
@@ -74,7 +92,7 @@ enum class IdentifierContext { LValue, RValue };
/// to inline assembly (not used in standalone assembly mode).
struct ExternalIdentifierAccess
- using Resolver = std::function<size_t(solidity::assembly::Identifier const&, IdentifierContext)>;
+ using Resolver = std::function<size_t(solidity::assembly::Identifier const&, IdentifierContext, bool /*_crossesFunctionBoundary*/)>;
/// Resolve a an external reference given by the identifier in the given context.
/// @returns the size of the value (number of stack slots) or size_t(-1) if not found.
Resolver resolve;
diff --git a/libjulia/backends/evm/EVMAssembly.cpp b/libjulia/backends/evm/EVMAssembly.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a8019e86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjulia/backends/evm/EVMAssembly.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
+ This file is part of solidity.
+ solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with solidity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * Assembly interface for EVM and EVM1.5.
+ */
+#include <libjulia/backends/evm/EVMAssembly.h>
+#include <libevmasm/Instruction.h>
+#include <libsolidity/interface/Utils.h>
+using namespace std;
+using namespace dev;
+using namespace julia;
+size_t constexpr labelReferenceSize = 4;
+void EVMAssembly::setSourceLocation(SourceLocation const&)
+ // Ignored for now;
+void EVMAssembly::appendInstruction(solidity::Instruction _instr)
+ m_bytecode.push_back(byte(_instr));
+ m_stackHeight += solidity::instructionInfo(_instr).ret - solidity::instructionInfo(_instr).args;
+void EVMAssembly::appendConstant(u256 const& _constant)
+ bytes data = toCompactBigEndian(_constant, 1);
+ appendInstruction(solidity::pushInstruction(data.size()));
+ m_bytecode += data;
+void EVMAssembly::appendLabel(LabelID _labelId)
+ setLabelToCurrentPosition(_labelId);
+ appendInstruction(solidity::Instruction::JUMPDEST);
+void EVMAssembly::appendLabelReference(LabelID _labelId)
+ solAssert(!m_evm15, "Cannot use plain label references in EMV1.5 mode.");
+ // @TODO we now always use labelReferenceSize for all labels, it could be shortened
+ // for some of them.
+ appendInstruction(solidity::pushInstruction(labelReferenceSize));
+ m_labelReferences[m_bytecode.size()] = _labelId;
+ m_bytecode += bytes(labelReferenceSize);
+EVMAssembly::LabelID EVMAssembly::newLabelId()
+ m_labelPositions[m_nextLabelID] = size_t(-1);
+ return m_nextLabelID++;
+void EVMAssembly::appendLinkerSymbol(string const&)
+ solAssert(false, "Linker symbols not yet implemented.");
+void EVMAssembly::appendJump(int _stackDiffAfter)
+ solAssert(!m_evm15, "Plain JUMP used for EVM 1.5");
+ appendInstruction(solidity::Instruction::JUMP);
+ m_stackHeight += _stackDiffAfter;
+void EVMAssembly::appendJumpTo(AbstractAssembly::LabelID _labelId, int _stackDiffAfter)
+ if (m_evm15)
+ {
+ m_bytecode.push_back(byte(solidity::Instruction::JUMPTO));
+ appendLabelReferenceInternal(_labelId);
+ m_stackHeight += _stackDiffAfter;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ appendLabelReference(_labelId);
+ appendJump(_stackDiffAfter);
+ }
+void EVMAssembly::appendJumpToIf(AbstractAssembly::LabelID _labelId)
+ if (m_evm15)
+ {
+ m_bytecode.push_back(byte(solidity::Instruction::JUMPIF));
+ appendLabelReferenceInternal(_labelId);
+ m_stackHeight--;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ appendLabelReference(_labelId);
+ appendInstruction(solidity::Instruction::JUMPI);
+ }
+void EVMAssembly::appendBeginsub(AbstractAssembly::LabelID _labelId, int _arguments)
+ solAssert(m_evm15, "BEGINSUB used for EVM 1.0");
+ solAssert(_arguments >= 0, "");
+ setLabelToCurrentPosition(_labelId);
+ m_bytecode.push_back(byte(solidity::Instruction::BEGINSUB));
+ m_stackHeight += _arguments;
+void EVMAssembly::appendJumpsub(AbstractAssembly::LabelID _labelId, int _arguments, int _returns)
+ solAssert(m_evm15, "JUMPSUB used for EVM 1.0");
+ solAssert(_arguments >= 0 && _returns >= 0, "");
+ m_bytecode.push_back(byte(solidity::Instruction::JUMPSUB));
+ appendLabelReferenceInternal(_labelId);
+ m_stackHeight += _returns - _arguments;
+void EVMAssembly::appendReturnsub(int _returns)
+ solAssert(m_evm15, "RETURNSUB used for EVM 1.0");
+ solAssert(_returns >= 0, "");
+ m_bytecode.push_back(byte(solidity::Instruction::RETURNSUB));
+ m_stackHeight -= _returns;
+eth::LinkerObject EVMAssembly::finalize()
+ for (auto const& ref: m_labelReferences)
+ {
+ size_t referencePos = ref.first;
+ solAssert(m_labelPositions.count(ref.second), "");
+ size_t labelPos = m_labelPositions.at(ref.second);
+ solAssert(labelPos != size_t(-1), "Undefined but allocated label used.");
+ solAssert(m_bytecode.size() >= 4 && referencePos <= m_bytecode.size() - 4, "");
+ solAssert(labelPos < (uint64_t(1) << (8 * labelReferenceSize)), "");
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < labelReferenceSize; i++)
+ m_bytecode[referencePos + i] = byte((labelPos >> (8 * (labelReferenceSize - i - 1))) & 0xff);
+ }
+ eth::LinkerObject obj;
+ obj.bytecode = m_bytecode;
+ return obj;
+void EVMAssembly::setLabelToCurrentPosition(AbstractAssembly::LabelID _labelId)
+ solAssert(m_labelPositions.count(_labelId), "Label not found.");
+ solAssert(m_labelPositions[_labelId] == size_t(-1), "Label already set.");
+ m_labelPositions[_labelId] = m_bytecode.size();
+void EVMAssembly::appendLabelReferenceInternal(AbstractAssembly::LabelID _labelId)
+ m_labelReferences[m_bytecode.size()] = _labelId;
+ m_bytecode += bytes(labelReferenceSize);
diff --git a/libjulia/backends/evm/EVMAssembly.h b/libjulia/backends/evm/EVMAssembly.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..003eeaf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libjulia/backends/evm/EVMAssembly.h
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+ This file is part of solidity.
+ solidity is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ solidity is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with solidity. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+ * Assembly interface for EVM and EVM1.5.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <libjulia/backends/evm/AbstractAssembly.h>
+#include <libevmasm/LinkerObject.h>
+#include <map>
+namespace dev
+namespace julia
+class EVMAssembly: public AbstractAssembly
+ explicit EVMAssembly(bool _evm15 = false): m_evm15(_evm15) { }
+ virtual ~EVMAssembly() {}
+ /// Set a new source location valid starting from the next instruction.
+ virtual void setSourceLocation(SourceLocation const& _location) override;
+ /// Retrieve the current height of the stack. This does not have to be zero
+ /// at the beginning.
+ virtual int stackHeight() const override { return m_stackHeight; }
+ /// Append an EVM instruction.
+ virtual void appendInstruction(solidity::Instruction _instruction) override;
+ /// Append a constant.
+ virtual void appendConstant(u256 const& _constant) override;
+ /// Append a label.
+ virtual void appendLabel(LabelID _labelId) override;
+ /// Append a label reference.
+ virtual void appendLabelReference(LabelID _labelId) override;
+ /// Generate a new unique label.
+ virtual LabelID newLabelId() override;
+ /// Append a reference to a to-be-linked symobl.
+ /// Currently, we assume that the value is always a 20 byte number.
+ virtual void appendLinkerSymbol(std::string const& _name) override;
+ /// Append a jump instruction.
+ /// @param _stackDiffAfter the stack adjustment after this instruction.
+ virtual void appendJump(int _stackDiffAfter) override;
+ /// Append a jump-to-immediate operation.
+ virtual void appendJumpTo(LabelID _label, int _stackDiffAfter) override;
+ /// Append a jump-to-if-immediate operation.
+ virtual void appendJumpToIf(LabelID _label) override;
+ /// Start a subroutine.
+ virtual void appendBeginsub(LabelID _label, int _arguments) override;
+ /// Call a subroutine.
+ virtual void appendJumpsub(LabelID _label, int _arguments, int _returns) override;
+ /// Return from a subroutine.
+ virtual void appendReturnsub(int _returns) override;
+ /// Resolves references inside the bytecode and returns the linker object.
+ eth::LinkerObject finalize();
+ void setLabelToCurrentPosition(AbstractAssembly::LabelID _labelId);
+ void appendLabelReferenceInternal(AbstractAssembly::LabelID _labelId);
+ bool m_evm15 = false; ///< if true, switch to evm1.5 mode
+ LabelID m_nextLabelID = 0;
+ int m_stackHeight = 0;
+ bytes m_bytecode;
+ std::map<LabelID, size_t> m_labelPositions;
+ std::map<size_t, LabelID> m_labelReferences;
diff --git a/libjulia/backends/evm/EVMCodeTransform.cpp b/libjulia/backends/evm/EVMCodeTransform.cpp
index 355a9595..853c4b78 100644
--- a/libjulia/backends/evm/EVMCodeTransform.cpp
+++ b/libjulia/backends/evm/EVMCodeTransform.cpp
@@ -25,122 +25,45 @@
#include <libsolidity/interface/Utils.h>
+#include <boost/range/adaptor/reversed.hpp>
using namespace std;
using namespace dev;
using namespace dev::julia;
using namespace dev::solidity;
using namespace dev::solidity::assembly;
- ErrorReporter& _errorReporter,
- AbstractAssembly& _assembly,
- Block const& _block,
- AsmAnalysisInfo& _analysisInfo,
- ExternalIdentifierAccess const& _identifierAccess,
- int _initialStackHeight
- m_errorReporter(_errorReporter),
- m_assembly(_assembly),
- m_info(_analysisInfo),
- m_scope(*_analysisInfo.scopes.at(&_block)),
- m_identifierAccess(_identifierAccess),
- m_initialStackHeight(_initialStackHeight)
+void CodeTransform::run(Block const& _block)
+ m_scope = m_info.scopes.at(&_block).get();
int blockStartStackHeight = m_assembly.stackHeight();
std::for_each(_block.statements.begin(), _block.statements.end(), boost::apply_visitor(*this));
// pop variables
- for (auto const& identifier: m_scope.identifiers)
+ for (auto const& identifier: m_scope->identifiers)
if (identifier.second.type() == typeid(Scope::Variable))
int deposit = m_assembly.stackHeight() - blockStartStackHeight;
solAssert(deposit == 0, "Invalid stack height at end of block.");
-void CodeTransform::operator()(const FunctionDefinition&)
- solAssert(false, "Function definition not removed during desugaring phase.");
-void CodeTransform::generateAssignment(Identifier const& _variableName, SourceLocation const& _location)
- auto var = m_scope.lookup(_variableName.name);
- if (var)
- {
- Scope::Variable const& _var = boost::get<Scope::Variable>(*var);
- if (int heightDiff = variableHeightDiff(_var, _location, true))
- m_assembly.appendInstruction(solidity::swapInstruction(heightDiff - 1));
- m_assembly.appendInstruction(solidity::Instruction::POP);
- }
- else
- {
- solAssert(
- m_identifierAccess.generateCode,
- "Identifier not found and no external access available."
- );
- m_identifierAccess.generateCode(_variableName, IdentifierContext::LValue, m_assembly);
- }
-int CodeTransform::variableHeightDiff(solidity::assembly::Scope::Variable const& _var, SourceLocation const& _location, bool _forSwap)
- int heightDiff = m_assembly.stackHeight() - _var.stackHeight;
- if (heightDiff <= (_forSwap ? 1 : 0) || heightDiff > (_forSwap ? 17 : 16))
- {
- //@TODO move this to analysis phase.
- m_errorReporter.typeError(
- _location,
- "Variable inaccessible, too deep inside stack (" + boost::lexical_cast<string>(heightDiff) + ")"
- );
- return 0;
- }
- else
- return heightDiff;
-void CodeTransform::expectDeposit(int _deposit, int _oldHeight)
- solAssert(m_assembly.stackHeight() == _oldHeight + _deposit, "Invalid stack deposit.");
-void CodeTransform::checkStackHeight(void const* _astElement)
- solAssert(m_info.stackHeightInfo.count(_astElement), "Stack height for AST element not found.");
- solAssert(
- m_info.stackHeightInfo.at(_astElement) == m_assembly.stackHeight() - m_initialStackHeight,
- "Stack height mismatch between analysis and code generation phase."
- );
-void CodeTransform::assignLabelIdIfUnset(Scope::Label& _label)
- if (!_label.id)
- _label.id.reset(m_assembly.newLabelId());
-void CodeTransform::operator()(Block const& _block)
- CodeTransform(m_errorReporter, m_assembly, _block, m_info, m_identifierAccess, m_initialStackHeight);
-void CodeTransform::operator()(Switch const&)
- solAssert(false, "Switch not removed during desugaring phase.");
void CodeTransform::operator()(VariableDeclaration const& _varDecl)
+ solAssert(m_scope, "");
int expectedItems = _varDecl.variables.size();
int height = m_assembly.stackHeight();
boost::apply_visitor(*this, *_varDecl.value);
expectDeposit(expectedItems, height);
for (auto const& variable: _varDecl.variables)
- auto& var = boost::get<Scope::Variable>(m_scope.identifiers.at(variable.name));
+ auto& var = boost::get<Scope::Variable>(m_scope->identifiers.at(variable.name));
var.stackHeight = height++;
var.active = true;
@@ -148,9 +71,7 @@ void CodeTransform::operator()(VariableDeclaration const& _varDecl)
void CodeTransform::operator()(Assignment const& _assignment)
- int height = m_assembly.stackHeight();
- boost::apply_visitor(*this, *_assignment.value);
- expectDeposit(1, height);
+ visitExpression(*_assignment.value);
generateAssignment(_assignment.variableName, _assignment.location);
@@ -166,35 +87,87 @@ void CodeTransform::operator()(StackAssignment const& _assignment)
void CodeTransform::operator()(Label const& _label)
- solAssert(m_scope.identifiers.count(_label.name), "");
- Scope::Label& label = boost::get<Scope::Label>(m_scope.identifiers.at(_label.name));
- assignLabelIdIfUnset(label);
+ solAssert(m_scope, "");
+ solAssert(m_scope->identifiers.count(_label.name), "");
+ Scope::Label& label = boost::get<Scope::Label>(m_scope->identifiers.at(_label.name));
+ assignLabelIdIfUnset(label.id);
-void CodeTransform::operator()(FunctionCall const&)
+void CodeTransform::operator()(FunctionCall const& _call)
- solAssert(false, "Function call not removed during desugaring phase.");
+ solAssert(m_scope, "");
+ m_assembly.setSourceLocation(_call.location);
+ EVMAssembly::LabelID returnLabel(-1); // only used for evm 1.0
+ if (!m_evm15)
+ {
+ returnLabel = m_assembly.newLabelId();
+ m_assembly.appendLabelReference(returnLabel);
+ }
+ Scope::Function* function = nullptr;
+ solAssert(m_scope->lookup(_call.functionName.name, Scope::NonconstVisitor(
+ [=](Scope::Variable&) { solAssert(false, "Expected function name."); },
+ [=](Scope::Label&) { solAssert(false, "Expected function name."); },
+ [&](Scope::Function& _function) { function = &_function; }
+ )), "Function name not found.");
+ solAssert(function, "");
+ solAssert(function->arguments.size() == _call.arguments.size(), "");
+ for (auto const& arg: _call.arguments | boost::adaptors::reversed)
+ visitExpression(arg);
+ m_assembly.setSourceLocation(_call.location);
+ assignLabelIdIfUnset(function->id);
+ if (m_evm15)
+ m_assembly.appendJumpsub(*function->id, function->arguments.size(), function->returns.size());
+ else
+ {
+ m_assembly.appendJumpTo(*function->id, function->returns.size() - function->arguments.size() - 1);
+ m_assembly.appendLabel(returnLabel);
+ }
+ checkStackHeight(&_call);
-void CodeTransform::operator()(FunctionalInstruction const& _instr)
+void CodeTransform::operator()(FunctionalInstruction const& _instruction)
- for (auto it = _instr.arguments.rbegin(); it != _instr.arguments.rend(); ++it)
+ if (m_evm15 && (
+ _instruction.instruction.instruction == solidity::Instruction::JUMP ||
+ _instruction.instruction.instruction == solidity::Instruction::JUMPI
+ ))
- int height = m_assembly.stackHeight();
- boost::apply_visitor(*this, *it);
- expectDeposit(1, height);
+ bool const isJumpI = _instruction.instruction.instruction == solidity::Instruction::JUMPI;
+ if (isJumpI)
+ {
+ solAssert(_instruction.arguments.size() == 2, "");
+ visitExpression(_instruction.arguments.at(1));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ solAssert(_instruction.arguments.size() == 1, "");
+ }
+ m_assembly.setSourceLocation(_instruction.location);
+ auto label = labelFromIdentifier(boost::get<assembly::Identifier>(_instruction.arguments.at(0)));
+ if (isJumpI)
+ m_assembly.appendJumpToIf(label);
+ else
+ m_assembly.appendJumpTo(label);
- (*this)(_instr.instruction);
- checkStackHeight(&_instr);
+ else
+ {
+ for (auto const& arg: _instruction.arguments | boost::adaptors::reversed)
+ visitExpression(arg);
+ (*this)(_instruction.instruction);
+ }
+ checkStackHeight(&_instruction);
void CodeTransform::operator()(assembly::Identifier const& _identifier)
// First search internals, then externals.
- if (m_scope.lookup(_identifier.name, Scope::NonconstVisitor(
+ solAssert(m_scope, "");
+ if (m_scope->lookup(_identifier.name, Scope::NonconstVisitor(
[=](Scope::Variable& _var)
if (int heightDiff = variableHeightDiff(_var, _identifier.location, false))
@@ -205,7 +178,7 @@ void CodeTransform::operator()(assembly::Identifier const& _identifier)
[=](Scope::Label& _label)
- assignLabelIdIfUnset(_label);
+ assignLabelIdIfUnset(_label.id);
@@ -246,7 +219,217 @@ void CodeTransform::operator()(assembly::Literal const& _literal)
void CodeTransform::operator()(assembly::Instruction const& _instruction)
+ solAssert(!m_evm15 || _instruction.instruction != solidity::Instruction::JUMP, "Bare JUMP instruction used for EVM1.5");
+ solAssert(!m_evm15 || _instruction.instruction != solidity::Instruction::JUMPI, "Bare JUMPI instruction used for EVM1.5");
+void CodeTransform::operator()(Switch const& _switch)
+ //@TODO use JUMPV in EVM1.5?
+ visitExpression(*_switch.expression);
+ int expressionHeight = m_assembly.stackHeight();
+ map<Case const*, AbstractAssembly::LabelID> caseBodies;
+ AbstractAssembly::LabelID end = m_assembly.newLabelId();
+ for (Case const& c: _switch.cases)
+ {
+ if (c.value)
+ {
+ (*this)(*c.value);
+ m_assembly.setSourceLocation(c.location);
+ AbstractAssembly::LabelID bodyLabel = m_assembly.newLabelId();
+ caseBodies[&c] = bodyLabel;
+ solAssert(m_assembly.stackHeight() == expressionHeight + 1, "");
+ m_assembly.appendInstruction(solidity::dupInstruction(2));
+ m_assembly.appendInstruction(solidity::Instruction::EQ);
+ m_assembly.appendJumpToIf(bodyLabel);
+ }
+ else
+ // default case
+ (*this)(c.body);
+ }
+ m_assembly.setSourceLocation(_switch.location);
+ m_assembly.appendJumpTo(end);
+ size_t numCases = caseBodies.size();
+ for (auto const& c: caseBodies)
+ {
+ m_assembly.setSourceLocation(c.first->location);
+ m_assembly.appendLabel(c.second);
+ (*this)(c.first->body);
+ if (--numCases > 0)
+ {
+ m_assembly.setSourceLocation(c.first->location);
+ m_assembly.appendJumpTo(end);
+ }
+ }
+ m_assembly.setSourceLocation(_switch.location);
+ m_assembly.appendLabel(end);
+ m_assembly.appendInstruction(solidity::Instruction::POP);
+ checkStackHeight(&_switch);
+void CodeTransform::operator()(FunctionDefinition const& _function)
+ solAssert(m_scope, "");
+ solAssert(m_scope->identifiers.count(_function.name), "");
+ Scope::Function& function = boost::get<Scope::Function>(m_scope->identifiers.at(_function.name));
+ assignLabelIdIfUnset(function.id);
+ int height = m_evm15 ? 0 : 1;
+ solAssert(m_info.scopes.at(&_function.body), "");
+ Scope* varScope = m_info.scopes.at(m_info.virtualBlocks.at(&_function).get()).get();
+ solAssert(varScope, "");
+ for (auto const& v: _function.arguments | boost::adaptors::reversed)
+ {
+ auto& var = boost::get<Scope::Variable>(varScope->identifiers.at(v.name));
+ var.stackHeight = height++;
+ var.active = true;
+ }
+ m_assembly.setSourceLocation(_function.location);
+ int stackHeightBefore = m_assembly.stackHeight();
+ AbstractAssembly::LabelID afterFunction = m_assembly.newLabelId();
+ m_assembly.appendJumpTo(afterFunction, -stackHeightBefore + height);
+ if (m_evm15)
+ m_assembly.appendBeginsub(*function.id, _function.arguments.size());
+ else
+ m_assembly.appendLabel(*function.id);
+ for (auto const& v: _function.returns)
+ {
+ auto& var = boost::get<Scope::Variable>(varScope->identifiers.at(v.name));
+ var.stackHeight = height++;
+ var.active = true;
+ m_assembly.appendConstant(u256(0));
+ }
+ CodeTransform(m_errorReporter, m_assembly, m_info, m_evm15, m_identifierAccess, 0).run(_function.body);
+ if (_function.arguments.size() > 0)
+ {
+ vector<int> stackLayout;
+ if (!m_evm15)
+ stackLayout.push_back(_function.returns.size()); // Move return label to the top
+ stackLayout += vector<int>(_function.arguments.size(), -1); // discard all arguments
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < _function.returns.size(); ++i)
+ stackLayout.push_back(i);
+ solAssert(stackLayout.size() <= 17, "Stack too deep");
+ while (stackLayout.back() != int(stackLayout.size() - 1))
+ if (stackLayout.back() < 0)
+ {
+ m_assembly.appendInstruction(solidity::Instruction::POP);
+ stackLayout.pop_back();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_assembly.appendInstruction(swapInstruction(stackLayout.size() - stackLayout.back() - 1));
+ swap(stackLayout[stackLayout.back()], stackLayout.back());
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; size_t(i) < stackLayout.size(); ++i)
+ solAssert(i == stackLayout[i], "Error reshuffling stack.");
+ }
+ if (m_evm15)
+ m_assembly.appendReturnsub(_function.returns.size());
+ else
+ m_assembly.appendJump(stackHeightBefore - _function.returns.size());
+ m_assembly.appendLabel(afterFunction);
+ checkStackHeight(&_function);
+void CodeTransform::operator()(Block const& _block)
+ CodeTransform(m_errorReporter, m_assembly, m_info, m_evm15, m_identifierAccess, m_initialStackHeight).run(_block);
+AbstractAssembly::LabelID CodeTransform::labelFromIdentifier(Identifier const& _identifier)
+ AbstractAssembly::LabelID label = AbstractAssembly::LabelID(-1);
+ if (!m_scope->lookup(_identifier.name, Scope::NonconstVisitor(
+ [=](Scope::Variable&) { solAssert(false, "Expected label"); },
+ [&](Scope::Label& _label)
+ {
+ assignLabelIdIfUnset(_label.id);
+ label = *_label.id;
+ },
+ [=](Scope::Function&) { solAssert(false, "Expected label"); }
+ )))
+ {
+ solAssert(false, "Identifier not found.");
+ }
+ return label;
+void CodeTransform::visitExpression(Statement const& _expression)
+ int height = m_assembly.stackHeight();
+ boost::apply_visitor(*this, _expression);
+ expectDeposit(1, height);
+void CodeTransform::generateAssignment(Identifier const& _variableName, SourceLocation const& _location)
+ solAssert(m_scope, "");
+ auto var = m_scope->lookup(_variableName.name);
+ if (var)
+ {
+ Scope::Variable const& _var = boost::get<Scope::Variable>(*var);
+ if (int heightDiff = variableHeightDiff(_var, _location, true))
+ m_assembly.appendInstruction(solidity::swapInstruction(heightDiff - 1));
+ m_assembly.appendInstruction(solidity::Instruction::POP);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ solAssert(
+ m_identifierAccess.generateCode,
+ "Identifier not found and no external access available."
+ );
+ m_identifierAccess.generateCode(_variableName, IdentifierContext::LValue, m_assembly);
+ }
+int CodeTransform::variableHeightDiff(solidity::assembly::Scope::Variable const& _var, SourceLocation const& _location, bool _forSwap)
+ int heightDiff = m_assembly.stackHeight() - _var.stackHeight;
+ if (heightDiff <= (_forSwap ? 1 : 0) || heightDiff > (_forSwap ? 17 : 16))
+ {
+ //@TODO move this to analysis phase.
+ m_errorReporter.typeError(
+ _location,
+ "Variable inaccessible, too deep inside stack (" + boost::lexical_cast<string>(heightDiff) + ")"
+ );
+ return 0;
+ }
+ else
+ return heightDiff;
+void CodeTransform::expectDeposit(int _deposit, int _oldHeight)
+ solAssert(m_assembly.stackHeight() == _oldHeight + _deposit, "Invalid stack deposit.");
+void CodeTransform::checkStackHeight(void const* _astElement)
+ solAssert(m_info.stackHeightInfo.count(_astElement), "Stack height for AST element not found.");
+ solAssert(
+ m_info.stackHeightInfo.at(_astElement) == m_assembly.stackHeight() - m_initialStackHeight,
+ "Stack height mismatch between analysis and code generation phase: Analysis: " +
+ to_string(m_info.stackHeightInfo.at(_astElement)) +
+ " code gen: " +
+ to_string(m_assembly.stackHeight() - m_initialStackHeight)
+ );
+void CodeTransform::assignLabelIdIfUnset(boost::optional<AbstractAssembly::LabelID>& _labelId)
+ if (!_labelId)
+ _labelId.reset(m_assembly.newLabelId());
diff --git a/libjulia/backends/evm/EVMCodeTransform.h b/libjulia/backends/evm/EVMCodeTransform.h
index 64e76246..d82462a7 100644
--- a/libjulia/backends/evm/EVMCodeTransform.h
+++ b/libjulia/backends/evm/EVMCodeTransform.h
@@ -18,12 +18,13 @@
* Common code generator for translating Julia / inline assembly to EVM and EVM1.5.
-#include <libjulia/backends/evm/AbstractAssembly.h>
+#include <libjulia/backends/evm/EVMAssembly.h>
#include <libsolidity/inlineasm/AsmStack.h>
#include <libsolidity/inlineasm/AsmScope.h>
#include <boost/variant.hpp>
+#include <boost/optional.hpp>
namespace dev
@@ -45,37 +46,49 @@ struct StackAssignment;
struct FunctionDefinition;
struct FunctionCall;
+using Statement = boost::variant<Instruction, Literal, Label, StackAssignment, Identifier, Assignment, FunctionCall, FunctionalInstruction, VariableDeclaration, FunctionDefinition, Switch, Block>;
struct AsmAnalysisInfo;
namespace julia
+class EVMAssembly;
class CodeTransform: public boost::static_visitor<>
- /// Create the code transformer which appends assembly to _assembly as a side-effect
- /// of its creation.
+ /// Create the code transformer.
/// @param _identifierAccess used to resolve identifiers external to the inline assembly
solidity::ErrorReporter& _errorReporter,
julia::AbstractAssembly& _assembly,
- solidity::assembly::Block const& _block,
solidity::assembly::AsmAnalysisInfo& _analysisInfo,
+ bool _evm15 = false,
ExternalIdentifierAccess const& _identifierAccess = ExternalIdentifierAccess()
- ): CodeTransform(_errorReporter, _assembly, _block, _analysisInfo, _identifierAccess, _assembly.stackHeight())
+ ): CodeTransform(_errorReporter, _assembly, _analysisInfo, _evm15, _identifierAccess, _assembly.stackHeight())
+ /// Processes the block and appends the resulting code to the assembly.
+ void run(solidity::assembly::Block const& _block);
solidity::ErrorReporter& _errorReporter,
julia::AbstractAssembly& _assembly,
- solidity::assembly::Block const& _block,
solidity::assembly::AsmAnalysisInfo& _analysisInfo,
+ bool _evm15,
ExternalIdentifierAccess const& _identifierAccess,
int _initialStackHeight
- );
+ ):
+ m_errorReporter(_errorReporter),
+ m_assembly(_assembly),
+ m_info(_analysisInfo),
+ m_evm15(_evm15),
+ m_identifierAccess(_identifierAccess),
+ m_initialStackHeight(_initialStackHeight)
+ {}
void operator()(solidity::assembly::Instruction const& _instruction);
@@ -87,11 +100,14 @@ public:
void operator()(solidity::assembly::StackAssignment const& _assignment);
void operator()(solidity::assembly::Assignment const& _assignment);
void operator()(solidity::assembly::VariableDeclaration const& _varDecl);
- void operator()(solidity::assembly::Block const& _block);
void operator()(solidity::assembly::Switch const& _switch);
void operator()(solidity::assembly::FunctionDefinition const&);
+ void operator()(solidity::assembly::Block const& _block);
+ AbstractAssembly::LabelID labelFromIdentifier(solidity::assembly::Identifier const& _identifier);
+ /// Generates code for an expression that is supposed to return a single value.
+ void visitExpression(solidity::assembly::Statement const& _expression);
void generateAssignment(solidity::assembly::Identifier const& _variableName, SourceLocation const& _location);
/// Determines the stack height difference to the given variables. Automatically generates
@@ -103,13 +119,14 @@ private:
void checkStackHeight(void const* _astElement);
- /// Assigns the label's id to a value taken from eth::Assembly if it has not yet been set.
- void assignLabelIdIfUnset(solidity::assembly::Scope::Label& _label);
+ /// Assigns the label's or function's id to a value taken from eth::Assembly if it has not yet been set.
+ void assignLabelIdIfUnset(boost::optional<AbstractAssembly::LabelID>& _labelId);
solidity::ErrorReporter& m_errorReporter;
julia::AbstractAssembly& m_assembly;
solidity::assembly::AsmAnalysisInfo& m_info;
- solidity::assembly::Scope& m_scope;
+ solidity::assembly::Scope* m_scope = nullptr;
+ bool m_evm15 = false;
ExternalIdentifierAccess m_identifierAccess;
int const m_initialStackHeight;