path: root/libdevcore/FixedHash.h
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authorBob Summerwill <bob@summerwill.net>2016-08-01 13:25:37 +0800
committerBob Summerwill <bob@summerwill.net>2016-08-01 16:45:11 +0800
commit4ee2114127f87b08b76b3ca94cde80a49cdc056a (patch)
treeb680926d0da4aadfddae0db9567557802f2c2929 /libdevcore/FixedHash.h
parent56727d61a61e1485c8360f00700d766632ec7163 (diff)
Make the Solidity repository standalone.
This commit is the culmination of several months of work to decouple Solidity from the webthree-umbrella so that it can be developed in parallel with cpp-ethereum (the Ethereum C++ runtime) and so that even for the Solidity unit-tests there is no hard-dependency onto the C++ runtime. The Tests-over-IPC refactoring was a major step in the same process which was already committed. This commit contains the following changes: - A subset of the CMake functionality in webthree-helpers was extracted and tailored for Solidity into ./cmake. Further cleanup is certainly possible. - A subset of the libdevcore functionality in libweb3core was extracted and tailored for Solidity into ./libdevcore. Further cleanup is certainly possible - The gas price constants in EVMSchedule were orphaned into libevmasm. - Some other refactorings and cleanups were made to sever unnecessary EVM dependencies in the Solidity unit-tests. - TravisCI and Appveyor support was added, covering builds and running of the unit-tests (Linux and macOS only for now) - A bug-fix was made to get the Tests-over-IPC running on macOS. - There are still reliability issues in the unit-tests, which need immediate attention. The Travis build has been flipped to run the unit-tests 5 times, to try to flush these out. - The Emscripten automation which was previously in webthree-umbrella was merged into the TravisCI automation here. - The development ZIP deployment step has been commented out, but we will want to read that ONLY for release branch. Further iteration on these changes will definitely be needed, but I feel these have got to sufficient maturity than holding them back further isn't winning us anything. It is go time :-)
Diffstat (limited to 'libdevcore/FixedHash.h')
1 files changed, 306 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libdevcore/FixedHash.h b/libdevcore/FixedHash.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cf79bab0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libdevcore/FixedHash.h
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
+ This file is part of cpp-ethereum.
+ cpp-ethereum is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ cpp-ethereum is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with cpp-ethereum. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
+/** @file FixedHash.h
+ * @author Gav Wood <i@gavwood.com>
+ * @date 2014
+ *
+ * The FixedHash fixed-size "hash" container type.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <array>
+#include <cstdint>
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <boost/random/random_device.hpp>
+#include <boost/random/uniform_int_distribution.hpp>
+#include <boost/functional/hash.hpp>
+#include "CommonData.h"
+namespace dev
+/// Compile-time calculation of Log2 of constant values.
+template <unsigned N> struct StaticLog2 { enum { result = 1 + StaticLog2<N/2>::result }; };
+template <> struct StaticLog2<1> { enum { result = 0 }; };
+extern boost::random_device s_fixedHashEngine;
+/// Fixed-size raw-byte array container type, with an API optimised for storing hashes.
+/// Transparently converts to/from the corresponding arithmetic type; this will
+/// assume the data contained in the hash is big-endian.
+template <unsigned N>
+class FixedHash
+ /// The corresponding arithmetic type.
+ using Arith = boost::multiprecision::number<boost::multiprecision::cpp_int_backend<N * 8, N * 8, boost::multiprecision::unsigned_magnitude, boost::multiprecision::unchecked, void>>;
+ /// The size of the container.
+ enum { size = N };
+ /// A dummy flag to avoid accidental construction from pointer.
+ enum ConstructFromPointerType { ConstructFromPointer };
+ /// Method to convert from a string.
+ enum ConstructFromStringType { FromHex, FromBinary };
+ /// Method to convert from a string.
+ enum ConstructFromHashType { AlignLeft, AlignRight, FailIfDifferent };
+ /// Construct an empty hash.
+ FixedHash() { m_data.fill(0); }
+ /// Construct from another hash, filling with zeroes or cropping as necessary.
+ template <unsigned M> explicit FixedHash(FixedHash<M> const& _h, ConstructFromHashType _t = AlignLeft) { m_data.fill(0); unsigned c = std::min(M, N); for (unsigned i = 0; i < c; ++i) m_data[_t == AlignRight ? N - 1 - i : i] = _h[_t == AlignRight ? M - 1 - i : i]; }
+ /// Convert from the corresponding arithmetic type.
+ FixedHash(Arith const& _arith) { toBigEndian(_arith, m_data); }
+ /// Convert from unsigned
+ explicit FixedHash(unsigned _u) { toBigEndian(_u, m_data); }
+ /// Explicitly construct, copying from a byte array.
+ explicit FixedHash(bytes const& _b, ConstructFromHashType _t = FailIfDifferent) { if (_b.size() == N) memcpy(m_data.data(), _b.data(), std::min<unsigned>(_b.size(), N)); else { m_data.fill(0); if (_t != FailIfDifferent) { auto c = std::min<unsigned>(_b.size(), N); for (unsigned i = 0; i < c; ++i) m_data[_t == AlignRight ? N - 1 - i : i] = _b[_t == AlignRight ? _b.size() - 1 - i : i]; } } }
+ /// Explicitly construct, copying from a byte array.
+ explicit FixedHash(bytesConstRef _b, ConstructFromHashType _t = FailIfDifferent) { if (_b.size() == N) memcpy(m_data.data(), _b.data(), std::min<unsigned>(_b.size(), N)); else { m_data.fill(0); if (_t != FailIfDifferent) { auto c = std::min<unsigned>(_b.size(), N); for (unsigned i = 0; i < c; ++i) m_data[_t == AlignRight ? N - 1 - i : i] = _b[_t == AlignRight ? _b.size() - 1 - i : i]; } } }
+ /// Explicitly construct, copying from a bytes in memory with given pointer.
+ explicit FixedHash(byte const* _bs, ConstructFromPointerType) { memcpy(m_data.data(), _bs, N); }
+ /// Explicitly construct, copying from a string.
+ explicit FixedHash(std::string const& _s, ConstructFromStringType _t = FromHex, ConstructFromHashType _ht = FailIfDifferent): FixedHash(_t == FromHex ? fromHex(_s, WhenError::Throw) : dev::asBytes(_s), _ht) {}
+ /// Convert to arithmetic type.
+ operator Arith() const { return fromBigEndian<Arith>(m_data); }
+ /// @returns true iff this is the empty hash.
+ explicit operator bool() const { return std::any_of(m_data.begin(), m_data.end(), [](byte _b) { return _b != 0; }); }
+ // The obvious comparison operators.
+ bool operator==(FixedHash const& _c) const { return m_data == _c.m_data; }
+ bool operator!=(FixedHash const& _c) const { return m_data != _c.m_data; }
+ bool operator<(FixedHash const& _c) const { for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i) if (m_data[i] < _c.m_data[i]) return true; else if (m_data[i] > _c.m_data[i]) return false; return false; }
+ bool operator>=(FixedHash const& _c) const { return !operator<(_c); }
+ bool operator<=(FixedHash const& _c) const { return operator==(_c) || operator<(_c); }
+ bool operator>(FixedHash const& _c) const { return !operator<=(_c); }
+ // The obvious binary operators.
+ FixedHash& operator^=(FixedHash const& _c) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i) m_data[i] ^= _c.m_data[i]; return *this; }
+ FixedHash operator^(FixedHash const& _c) const { return FixedHash(*this) ^= _c; }
+ FixedHash& operator|=(FixedHash const& _c) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i) m_data[i] |= _c.m_data[i]; return *this; }
+ FixedHash operator|(FixedHash const& _c) const { return FixedHash(*this) |= _c; }
+ FixedHash& operator&=(FixedHash const& _c) { for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i) m_data[i] &= _c.m_data[i]; return *this; }
+ FixedHash operator&(FixedHash const& _c) const { return FixedHash(*this) &= _c; }
+ FixedHash operator~() const { FixedHash ret; for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i) ret[i] = ~m_data[i]; return ret; }
+ // Big-endian increment.
+ FixedHash& operator++() { for (unsigned i = size; i > 0 && !++m_data[--i]; ) {} return *this; }
+ /// @returns true if all one-bits in @a _c are set in this object.
+ bool contains(FixedHash const& _c) const { return (*this & _c) == _c; }
+ /// @returns a particular byte from the hash.
+ byte& operator[](unsigned _i) { return m_data[_i]; }
+ /// @returns a particular byte from the hash.
+ byte operator[](unsigned _i) const { return m_data[_i]; }
+ /// @returns an abridged version of the hash as a user-readable hex string.
+ std::string abridged() const { return toHex(ref().cropped(0, 4)) + "\342\200\246"; }
+ /// @returns a version of the hash as a user-readable hex string that leaves out the middle part.
+ std::string abridgedMiddle() const { return toHex(ref().cropped(0, 4)) + "\342\200\246" + toHex(ref().cropped(N - 4)); }
+ /// @returns the hash as a user-readable hex string.
+ std::string hex() const { return toHex(ref()); }
+ /// @returns a mutable byte vector_ref to the object's data.
+ bytesRef ref() { return bytesRef(m_data.data(), N); }
+ /// @returns a constant byte vector_ref to the object's data.
+ bytesConstRef ref() const { return bytesConstRef(m_data.data(), N); }
+ /// @returns a mutable byte pointer to the object's data.
+ byte* data() { return m_data.data(); }
+ /// @returns a constant byte pointer to the object's data.
+ byte const* data() const { return m_data.data(); }
+ /// @returns a copy of the object's data as a byte vector.
+ bytes asBytes() const { return bytes(data(), data() + N); }
+ /// @returns a mutable reference to the object's data as an STL array.
+ std::array<byte, N>& asArray() { return m_data; }
+ /// @returns a constant reference to the object's data as an STL array.
+ std::array<byte, N> const& asArray() const { return m_data; }
+ /// Populate with random data.
+ template <class Engine>
+ void randomize(Engine& _eng)
+ {
+ for (auto& i: m_data)
+ i = (uint8_t)boost::random::uniform_int_distribution<uint16_t>(0, 255)(_eng);
+ }
+ /// @returns a random valued object.
+ static FixedHash random() { FixedHash ret; ret.randomize(s_fixedHashEngine); return ret; }
+ struct hash
+ {
+ /// Make a hash of the object's data.
+ size_t operator()(FixedHash const& _value) const { return boost::hash_range(_value.m_data.cbegin(), _value.m_data.cend()); }
+ };
+ template <unsigned P, unsigned M> inline FixedHash& shiftBloom(FixedHash<M> const& _h)
+ {
+ return (*this |= _h.template bloomPart<P, N>());
+ }
+ template <unsigned P, unsigned M> inline bool containsBloom(FixedHash<M> const& _h)
+ {
+ return contains(_h.template bloomPart<P, N>());
+ }
+ template <unsigned P, unsigned M> inline FixedHash<M> bloomPart() const
+ {
+ unsigned const c_bloomBits = M * 8;
+ unsigned const c_mask = c_bloomBits - 1;
+ unsigned const c_bloomBytes = (StaticLog2<c_bloomBits>::result + 7) / 8;
+ static_assert((M & (M - 1)) == 0, "M must be power-of-two");
+ static_assert(P * c_bloomBytes <= N, "out of range");
+ FixedHash<M> ret;
+ byte const* p = data();
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < P; ++i)
+ {
+ unsigned index = 0;
+ for (unsigned j = 0; j < c_bloomBytes; ++j, ++p)
+ index = (index << 8) | *p;
+ index &= c_mask;
+ ret[M - 1 - index / 8] |= (1 << (index % 8));
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
+ /// Returns the index of the first bit set to one, or size() * 8 if no bits are set.
+ inline unsigned firstBitSet() const
+ {
+ unsigned ret = 0;
+ for (auto d: m_data)
+ if (d)
+ for (;; ++ret, d <<= 1)
+ if (d & 0x80)
+ return ret;
+ else {}
+ else
+ ret += 8;
+ return ret;
+ }
+ void clear() { m_data.fill(0); }
+ std::array<byte, N> m_data; ///< The binary data.
+/// Fast equality operator for h256.
+template<> inline bool FixedHash<32>::operator==(FixedHash<32> const& _other) const
+ const uint64_t* hash1 = (const uint64_t*)data();
+ const uint64_t* hash2 = (const uint64_t*)_other.data();
+ return (hash1[0] == hash2[0]) && (hash1[1] == hash2[1]) && (hash1[2] == hash2[2]) && (hash1[3] == hash2[3]);
+/// Fast std::hash compatible hash function object for h256.
+template<> inline size_t FixedHash<32>::hash::operator()(FixedHash<32> const& value) const
+ uint64_t const* data = reinterpret_cast<uint64_t const*>(value.data());
+ return boost::hash_range(data, data + 4);
+/// Stream I/O for the FixedHash class.
+template <unsigned N>
+inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& _out, FixedHash<N> const& _h)
+ _out << std::noshowbase << std::hex << std::setfill('0');
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < N; ++i)
+ _out << std::setw(2) << (int)_h[i];
+ _out << std::dec;
+ return _out;
+// Common types of FixedHash.
+using h2048 = FixedHash<256>;
+using h1024 = FixedHash<128>;
+using h520 = FixedHash<65>;
+using h512 = FixedHash<64>;
+using h256 = FixedHash<32>;
+using h160 = FixedHash<20>;
+using h128 = FixedHash<16>;
+using h64 = FixedHash<8>;
+using h512s = std::vector<h512>;
+using h256s = std::vector<h256>;
+using h160s = std::vector<h160>;
+using h256Set = std::set<h256>;
+using h160Set = std::set<h160>;
+using h256Hash = std::unordered_set<h256>;
+using h160Hash = std::unordered_set<h160>;
+/// Convert the given value into h160 (160-bit unsigned integer) using the right 20 bytes.
+inline h160 right160(h256 const& _t)
+ h160 ret;
+ memcpy(ret.data(), _t.data() + 12, 20);
+ return ret;
+/// Convert the given value into h160 (160-bit unsigned integer) using the left 20 bytes.
+inline h160 left160(h256 const& _t)
+ h160 ret;
+ memcpy(&ret[0], _t.data(), 20);
+ return ret;
+h128 fromUUID(std::string const& _uuid);
+std::string toUUID(h128 const& _uuid);
+inline std::string toString(h256s const& _bs)
+ std::ostringstream out;
+ out << "[ ";
+ for (auto i: _bs)
+ out << i.abridged() << ", ";
+ out << "]";
+ return out.str();
+namespace std
+ /// Forward std::hash<dev::FixedHash> to dev::FixedHash::hash.
+ template<> struct hash<dev::h64>: dev::h64::hash {};
+ template<> struct hash<dev::h128>: dev::h128::hash {};
+ template<> struct hash<dev::h160>: dev::h160::hash {};
+ template<> struct hash<dev::h256>: dev::h256::hash {};
+ template<> struct hash<dev::h512>: dev::h512::hash {};