path: root/docs
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authorchriseth <chris@ethereum.org>2018-09-18 22:16:42 +0800
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2018-09-18 22:16:42 +0800
commit48a3fe204f0e0865fb8f85349f196299c40b79ca (patch)
tree0bdb79ef61c171685ceb87d07cd39fde988f1756 /docs
parent64f55c13d40180e05f488d2def64561d20455807 (diff)
parent13d8645506e8c934e814e0909deb8aec94be7010 (diff)
Merge pull request #4892 from ethereum/docs_050_features
New docs section on "050 breaking changes"
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2 files changed, 407 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docs/050-breaking-changes.rst b/docs/050-breaking-changes.rst
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a28cc5ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/050-breaking-changes.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,406 @@
+Solidity v0.5.0 Breaking Changes
+This section highlights the main breaking changes introduced in Solidity
+version 0.5.0, along with the reasoning behind the changes and how to update
+affected code.
+For the full list check
+`the release changelog <https://github.com/ethereum/solidity/releases/tag/v0.5.0>`_.
+.. note::
+ Contracts compiled with Solidity v0.5.0 can still interface with contracts
+ and even libraries compiled with older versions without recompiling or
+ redeploying them. Changing the interfaces to include data locations and
+ visibility and mutability specifiers suffices.
+Semantic Only Changes
+This section lists the changes that are semantic-only, thus potentially
+hiding new and different behavior in existing code.
+* Signed right shift now uses proper arithmetic shift, i.e. rounding towards
+ negative infinity, instead of rounding towards zero. Signed and unsigned
+ shift will have dedicated opcodes in Constantinople, and are emulated by
+ Solidity for the moment.
+* The ``continue`` statement in a ``do...while`` loop now jumps to the
+ condition, which is the common behavior in such cases. It used to jump to the
+ loop body. Thus, if the condition is false, the loop terminates.
+* The functions ``.call()``, ``.delegatecall()`` and ``.staticcall()`` do not
+ pad anymore when given a single ``bytes`` parameter.
+* Pure and view functions are now called using the opcode ``STATICCALL``
+ instead of ``CALL`` if the EVM version is Byzantium or later. This
+ disallows state changes on the EVM level.
+* The ABI encoder now properly pads byte arrays and strings from calldata
+ (``msg.data`` and external function parameters) when used in external
+ function calls and in ``abi.encode``. For unpadded encoding, use
+ ``abi.encodePacked``.
+* The ABI decoder reverts in the beginning of functions and in
+ ``abi.decode()`` if passed calldata is too short or points out of bounds.
+ Note that dirty higher order bits are still simply ignored.
+* Forward all available gas with external function calls starting from
+ tangerine whistle.
+Semantic and Syntactic Changes
+This section highlights changes that affect syntax and semantics.
+* The functions ``.call()``, ``.delegatecall()`, ``staticcall()``,
+ ``keccak256()``, ``sha256()`` and ``ripemd160()`` now accept only a single
+ ``bytes`` argument. Moreover, the argument is not padded. This was changed to
+ make more explicit and clear how the arguments are concatenated. Change every
+ ``.call()`` (and family) to a ``.call("")`` and every ``.call(signature, a,
+ b, c)`` to use ``.call(abi.encodeWithSignature(signature, a, b, c))`` (the
+ last one only works for value types). Change every ``keccak256(a, b, c)`` to
+ ``keccak256(abi.encodePacked(a, b, c))``. Even though it is not a breaking
+ change, it is suggested that developers change
+ ``x.call(bytes4(keccak256("f(uint256)"), a, b)`` to
+ ``x.call(abi.encodeWithSignature("f(uint256)", a, b))``.
+* Functions ``.call()``, ``.delegatecall()`` and ``.staticcall()`` now return
+ ``(bool, bytes memory)`` to provide access to the return data. Change
+ ``bool success = otherContract.call("f")`` to ``(bool success, bytes memory
+ data) = otherContract.call("f")``.
+* Solidity now implements C99-style scoping rules for function local
+ variables, that is, variables can only be used after they have been
+ declared and only in the same or nested scopes. Variables declared in the
+ initialization block of a ``for`` loop are valid at any point inside the
+ loop.
+Explicitness Requirements
+This section lists changes where the code now needs to be more explicit.
+For most of the topics the compiler will provide suggestions.
+* Explicit function visibility is now mandatory. Add ``public`` to every
+ function and constructor, and ``external`` to every fallback or interface
+ function that does not specify its visibility already.
+* Explicit data location for all variables of struct, array or mapping types is
+ now mandatory. This is also applied to function parameters and return
+ variables. For example, change ``uint[] x = m_x`` to ``uint[] storage x =
+ m_x``, and ``function f(uint[][] x)`` to ``function f(uint[][] memory x)``
+ where ``memory`` is the data location and might be replaced by ``storage`` or
+ ``calldata`` accordingly. Note that ``external`` functions require
+ parameters with a data location of ``calldata``.
+* Contract types do not include ``address`` members anymore in
+ order to separate the namespaces. Therefore, it is now necessary to
+ explicitly convert values of contract type to addresses before using an
+ ``address`` member. Example: if ``c`` is a contract, change
+ ``c.transfer(...)`` to ``address(c).transfer(...)``,
+ and ``c.balance`` to ``address(c).balance``.
+* The ``address`` type was split into ``address`` and ``address payable``,
+ where only ``address payable`` provides the ``transfer`` function. An
+ ``address payable`` can be directly converted to an ``address``, but the
+ other way around is not allowed. Converting ``address`` to ``address
+ payable`` is possible via conversion through ``uint160``. If ``c`` is
+ a contract, ``address(c)`` results in ``address payable`` if ``c`` has a
+ payable fallback function.
+* Conversions between ``bytesX`` and ``uintY`` of different size are now
+ disallowed due to ``bytesX`` padding on the right and ``uintY`` padding on
+ the left which may cause unexpected conversion results. The size must now be
+ adjusted within the type before the conversion. For example, you can convert
+ a ``bytes4`` (4 bytes) to a ``uint64`` (8 bytes) by first converting the
+ ``bytes4`` variable to ``bytes8`` and then to ``uint64``. You get the
+ opposite padding when converting through ``uint32``.
+* Using ``msg.value`` in non-payable functions (or introducing it via a
+ modifier) is disallowed as a security feature. Turn the function into
+ ``payable`` or create a new internal function for the program logic that
+ uses ``msg.value``.
+* For clarity reasons, the command line interface now requires ``-`` if the
+ standard input is used as source.
+Deprecated Elements
+This section lists changes that deprecate prior features or syntax. Note that
+many of these changes were already enabled in the experimental mode
+Command Line and JSON Interfaces
+* The command line option ``--formal`` (used to generate Why3 output for
+ further formal verification) was deprecated and is now removed. A new
+ formal verification module, the SMTChecker, is enabled via ``pragma
+ experimental SMTChecker;``.
+* The command line option ``--julia`` was renamed to ``--yul`` due to the
+ renaming of the intermediate language ``Julia`` to ``Yul``.
+* The ``--clone-bin`` and ``--combined-json clone-bin`` command line options
+ were removed.
+* Remappings with empty prefix are disallowed.
+* The Json AST fields ``constant`` and ``payable`` were removed. The
+ information is now present in the ``stateMutability`` field.
+* Constructors must now be defined using the ``constructor`` keyword.
+* Calling base constructors without parentheses is now disallowed.
+* Specifying base constructor arguments multiple times in the same inheritance
+ hierarchy is now disallowed.
+* Calling a constructor with arguments but with wrong argument count is now
+ disallowed. If you only want to specify an inheritance relation without
+ giving arguments, do not provide parentheses at all.
+* Function ``callcode`` is now disallowed (in favor of ``delegatecall``). It
+ is still possible to use it via inline assembly.
+* ``suicide`` is now disallowed (in favor of ``selfdestruct``).
+* ``sha3`` is now disallowed (in favor of ``keccak256``).
+* ``throw`` is now disallowed (in favor of ``revert``, ``require`` and
+ ``assert``).
+* Explicit and implicit conversions from decimal literals to ``bytesXX`` types
+ is now disallowed.
+* Explicit and implicit conversions from hex literals to ``bytesXX`` types
+ of different size is now disallowed.
+Literals and Suffixes
+* The unit denomination ``years`` is now disallowed due to complications and
+ confusions about leap years.
+* Trailing dots that are not followed by a number are now disallowed.
+* Combining hex numbers with unit denominations (e.g. ``0x1e wei``) is now
+ disallowed.
+* Declaring empty structs is now disallowed for clarity.
+* The ``var`` keyword is now disallowed to favor explicitness.
+* Assignments between tuples with different number of components is now
+ disallowed.
+* Values for constants that are not compile-time constants are disallowed.
+* Multi-variable declarations with mismatching number of values are now
+ disallowed.
+* Uninitialized storage variables are now disallowed.
+* Empty tuple components are now disallowed.
+* Detecting cyclic dependencies in variables and structs is limited in
+ recursion to 256.
+* Using ``constant`` as function state mutability modifier is now disallowed.
+* Boolean expressions cannot use arithmetic operations.
+* The unary ``+`` operator is now disallowed.
+* Literals cannot anymore be used with ``abi.encodePacked`` without prior
+ conversion to an explicit type.
+* Empty return statements for functions with one or more return values are now
+ disallowed.
+* The "loose assembly" syntax is now disallowed entirely, that is, jump labels,
+ jumps and non-functional instructions cannot be used anymore. Use the new
+ ``while``, ``switch`` and ``if`` constructs instead.
+* Functions without implementation cannot use modifiers anymore.
+* Function types with named return values are now disallowed.
+* Single statement variable declarations inside if/while/for bodies that are
+ not blocks are now disallowed.
+* New keywords: ``calldata`` and ``constructor``.
+* New reserved keywords: ``alias``, ``apply``, ``auto``, ``copyof``,
+ ``define``, ``immutable``, ``implements``, ``macro``, ``mutable``,
+ ``override``, ``partial``, ``promise``, ``reference``, ``sealed``,
+ ``sizeof``, ``supports``, ``typedef`` and ``unchecked``.
+The following example shows a contract and its updated version for Solidity
+v0.5.0 with some of the changes listed in this section.
+Old version:
+ // This will not compile
+ pragma solidity ^0.4.25;
+ contract OtherContract {
+ uint x;
+ function f(uint y) external {
+ x = y;
+ }
+ function() payable external {}
+ }
+ contract Old {
+ OtherContract other;
+ uint myNumber;
+ // Function mutability not provided, not an error.
+ function someInteger() internal returns (uint) { return 2; }
+ // Function visibility not provided, not an error.
+ // Function mutability not provided, not an error.
+ function f(uint x) returns (bytes) {
+ // Var is fine in this version.
+ var z = someInteger();
+ x += z;
+ // Throw is fine in this version.
+ if (x > 100)
+ throw;
+ bytes b = new bytes(x);
+ y = -3 >> 1;
+ // y == -1 (wrong, should be -2)
+ do {
+ x += 1;
+ if (x > 10) continue;
+ // 'Continue' causes an infinite loop.
+ } while (x < 11);
+ // Call returns only a Bool.
+ bool success = address(other).call("f");
+ if (!success)
+ revert();
+ else {
+ // Local variables could be declared after their use.
+ int y;
+ }
+ return b;
+ }
+ // No need for an explicit data location for 'arr'
+ function g(uint[] arr, bytes8 x, OtherContract otherContract) public {
+ otherContract.transfer(1 ether);
+ // Since uint32 (4 bytes) is smaller than bytes8 (8 bytes),
+ // the first 4 bytes of x will be lost. This might lead to
+ // unexpected behavior since bytesX are right padded.
+ uint32 y = uint32(x);
+ myNumber += y + msg.value;
+ }
+ }
+New version:
+ pragma solidity >0.4.25;
+ contract OtherContract {
+ uint x;
+ function f(uint y) external {
+ x = y;
+ }
+ function() payable external {}
+ }
+ contract New {
+ OtherContract other;
+ uint myNumber;
+ // Function mutability must be specified.
+ function someInteger() internal pure returns (uint) { return 2; }
+ // Function visibility must be specified.
+ // Function mutability must be specified.
+ function f(uint x) public returns (bytes memory) {
+ // The type must now be explicitly given.
+ uint z = someInteger();
+ x += z;
+ // Throw is now disallowed.
+ require(x > 100);
+ int y = -3 >> 1;
+ // y == -2 (correct)
+ do {
+ x += 1;
+ if (x > 10) continue;
+ // 'Continue' jumps to the condition below.
+ } while (x < 11);
+ // Call returns (bool, bytes).
+ // Data location must be specified.
+ (bool success, bytes memory data) = address(other).call("f");
+ if (!success)
+ revert();
+ return data;
+ }
+ using address_make_payable for address;
+ // Data location for 'arr' must be specified
+ function g(uint[] memory arr, bytes8 x, OtherContract otherContract, address unknownContract) public payable {
+ // 'otherContract.transfer' is not provided.
+ // Since the code of 'OtherContract' is known and has the fallback
+ // function, address(otherContract) has type 'address payable'.
+ address(otherContract).transfer(1 ether);
+ // 'unknownContract.transfer' is not provided.
+ // 'address(unknownContract).transfer' is not provided
+ // since 'address(unknownContract)' is not 'address payable'.
+ // If the function takes an 'address' which you want to send
+ // funds to, you can convert it to 'address payable' via 'uint160'.
+ // Note: This is not recommended and the explicit type
+ // 'address payable' should be used whenever possible.
+ // To increase clarity, we suggest the use of a library for
+ // the conversion (provided after the contract in this example).
+ address payable addr = unknownContract.make_payable();
+ require(addr.send(1 ether));
+ // Since uint32 (4 bytes) is smaller than bytes8 (8 bytes),
+ // the conversion is not allowed.
+ // We need to convert to a common size first:
+ bytes4 x4 = bytes4(x); // Padding happens on the right
+ uint32 y = uint32(x4); // Conversion is consistent
+ // 'msg.value' cannot be used in a 'non-payable' function.
+ // We need to make the function payable
+ myNumber += y + msg.value;
+ }
+ }
+ // We can define a library for explicitly converting ``address``
+ // to ``address payable`` as a workaround.
+ library address_make_payable {
+ function make_payable(address x) internal pure returns (address payable) {
+ return address(uint160(x));
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/docs/solidity-in-depth.rst b/docs/solidity-in-depth.rst
index 4a10a5a7..ddfddb77 100644
--- a/docs/solidity-in-depth.rst
+++ b/docs/solidity-in-depth.rst
@@ -18,3 +18,4 @@ If something is missing here, please contact us on
+ 050-breaking-changes.rst