path: root/docs/julia.rst
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authorchriseth <chris@ethereum.org>2018-06-06 01:43:23 +0800
committerAlex Beregszaszi <alex@rtfs.hu>2018-06-12 17:00:00 +0800
commitabfec6829dee0e667c653d7c0e52f761d8771242 (patch)
tree4a6fda00f7c9879962783158a35d4468c45bc9f0 /docs/julia.rst
parent8999a2f375410a29bae46b8e87a70c62036c880d (diff)
Rename julia/iulia to yul in documentation.
Diffstat (limited to 'docs/julia.rst')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 592 deletions
diff --git a/docs/julia.rst b/docs/julia.rst
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index 91b91df2..00000000
--- a/docs/julia.rst
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,592 +0,0 @@
-Joyfully Universal Language for (Inline) Assembly
-.. _julia:
-.. index:: ! assembly, ! asm, ! evmasm, ! julia
-JULIA is an intermediate language that can compile to various different backends
-(EVM 1.0, EVM 1.5 and eWASM are planned).
-Because of that, it is designed to be a usable common denominator of all three
-It can already be used for "inline assembly" inside Solidity and
-future versions of the Solidity compiler will even use JULIA as intermediate
-language. It should also be easy to build high-level optimizer stages for JULIA.
-.. note::
- Note that the flavour used for "inline assembly" does not have types
- (everything is ``u256``) and the built-in functions are identical
- to the EVM opcodes. Please resort to the inline assembly documentation
- for details.
-The core components of JULIA are functions, blocks, variables, literals,
-for-loops, if-statements, switch-statements, expressions and assignments to variables.
-JULIA is typed, both variables and literals must specify the type with postfix
-notation. The supported types are ``bool``, ``u8``, ``s8``, ``u32``, ``s32``,
-``u64``, ``s64``, ``u128``, ``s128``, ``u256`` and ``s256``.
-JULIA in itself does not even provide operators. If the EVM is targeted,
-opcodes will be available as built-in functions, but they can be reimplemented
-if the backend changes. For a list of mandatory built-in functions, see the section below.
-The following example program assumes that the EVM opcodes ``mul``, ``div``
-and ``mod`` are available either natively or as functions and computes exponentiation.
-.. code::
- {
- function power(base:u256, exponent:u256) -> result:u256
- {
- switch exponent
- case 0:u256 { result := 1:u256 }
- case 1:u256 { result := base }
- default:
- {
- result := power(mul(base, base), div(exponent, 2:u256))
- switch mod(exponent, 2:u256)
- case 1:u256 { result := mul(base, result) }
- }
- }
- }
-It is also possible to implement the same function using a for-loop
-instead of with recursion. Here, we need the EVM opcodes ``lt`` (less-than)
-and ``add`` to be available.
-.. code::
- {
- function power(base:u256, exponent:u256) -> result:u256
- {
- result := 1:u256
- for { let i := 0:u256 } lt(i, exponent) { i := add(i, 1:u256) }
- {
- result := mul(result, base)
- }
- }
- }
-Specification of JULIA
-JULIA code is described in this chapter. JULIA code is usually placed into a JULIA object, which is described in the following chapter.
- Block = '{' Statement* '}'
- Statement =
- Block |
- FunctionDefinition |
- VariableDeclaration |
- Assignment |
- Expression |
- Switch |
- ForLoop |
- BreakContinue
- FunctionDefinition =
- 'function' Identifier '(' TypedIdentifierList? ')'
- ( '->' TypedIdentifierList )? Block
- VariableDeclaration =
- 'let' TypedIdentifierList ( ':=' Expression )?
- Assignment =
- IdentifierList ':=' Expression
- Expression =
- FunctionCall | Identifier | Literal
- If =
- 'if' Expression Block
- Switch =
- 'switch' Expression Case* ( 'default' Block )?
- Case =
- 'case' Literal Block
- ForLoop =
- 'for' Block Expression Block Block
- BreakContinue =
- 'break' | 'continue'
- FunctionCall =
- Identifier '(' ( Expression ( ',' Expression )* )? ')'
- Identifier = [a-zA-Z_$] [a-zA-Z_0-9]*
- IdentifierList = Identifier ( ',' Identifier)*
- TypeName = Identifier | BuiltinTypeName
- BuiltinTypeName = 'bool' | [us] ( '8' | '32' | '64' | '128' | '256' )
- TypedIdentifierList = Identifier ':' TypeName ( ',' Identifier ':' TypeName )*
- Literal =
- (NumberLiteral | StringLiteral | HexLiteral | TrueLiteral | FalseLiteral) ':' TypeName
- NumberLiteral = HexNumber | DecimalNumber
- HexLiteral = 'hex' ('"' ([0-9a-fA-F]{2})* '"' | '\'' ([0-9a-fA-F]{2})* '\'')
- StringLiteral = '"' ([^"\r\n\\] | '\\' .)* '"'
- TrueLiteral = 'true'
- FalseLiteral = 'false'
- HexNumber = '0x' [0-9a-fA-F]+
- DecimalNumber = [0-9]+
-Restrictions on the Grammar
-Switches must have at least one case (including the default case).
-If all possible values of the expression is covered, the default case should
-not be allowed (i.e. a switch with a ``bool`` expression and having both a
-true and false case should not allow a default case).
-Every expression evaluates to zero or more values. Identifiers and Literals
-evaluate to exactly
-one value and function calls evaluate to a number of values equal to the
-number of return values of the function called.
-In variable declarations and assignments, the right-hand-side expression
-(if present) has to evaluate to a number of values equal to the number of
-variables on the left-hand-side.
-This is the only situation where an expression evaluating
-to more than one value is allowed.
-Expressions that are also statements (i.e. at the block level) have to
-evaluate to zero values.
-In all other situations, expressions have to evaluate to exactly one value.
-The ``continue`` and ``break`` statements can only be used inside loop bodies
-and have to be in the same function as the loop (or both have to be at the
-top level).
-The condition part of the for-loop has to evaluate to exactly one value.
-Literals cannot be larger than the their type. The largest type defined is 256-bit wide.
-Scoping Rules
-Scopes in JULIA are tied to Blocks (exceptions are functions and the for loop
-as explained below) and all declarations
-(``FunctionDefinition``, ``VariableDeclaration``)
-introduce new identifiers into these scopes.
-Identifiers are visible in
-the block they are defined in (including all sub-nodes and sub-blocks).
-As an exception, identifiers defined in the "init" part of the for-loop
-(the first block) are visible in all other parts of the for-loop
-(but not outside of the loop).
-Identifiers declared in the other parts of the for loop respect the regular
-syntatical scoping rules.
-The parameters and return parameters of functions are visible in the
-function body and their names cannot overlap.
-Variables can only be referenced after their declaration. In particular,
-variables cannot be referenced in the right hand side of their own variable
-Functions can be referenced already before their declaration (if they are visible).
-Shadowing is disallowed, i.e. you cannot declare an identifier at a point
-where another identifier with the same name is also visible, even if it is
-not accessible.
-Inside functions, it is not possible to access a variable that was declared
-outside of that function.
-Formal Specification
-We formally specify JULIA by providing an evaluation function E overloaded
-on the various nodes of the AST. Any functions can have side effects, so
-E takes two state objects and the AST node and returns two new
-state objects and a variable number of other values.
-The two state objects are the global state object
-(which in the context of the EVM is the memory, storage and state of the
-blockchain) and the local state object (the state of local variables, i.e. a
-segment of the stack in the EVM).
-If the AST node is a statement, E returns the two state objects and a "mode",
-which is used for the ``break`` and ``continue`` statements.
-If the AST node is an expression, E returns the two state objects and
-as many values as the expression evaluates to.
-The exact nature of the global state is unspecified for this high level
-description. The local state ``L`` is a mapping of identifiers ``i`` to values ``v``,
-denoted as ``L[i] = v``.
-For an identifier ``v``, let ``$v`` be the name of the identifier.
-We will use a destructuring notation for the AST nodes.
-.. code::
- E(G, L, <{St1, ..., Stn}>: Block) =
- let G1, L1, mode = E(G, L, St1, ..., Stn)
- let L2 be a restriction of L1 to the identifiers of L
- G1, L2, mode
- E(G, L, St1, ..., Stn: Statement) =
- if n is zero:
- G, L, regular
- else:
- let G1, L1, mode = E(G, L, St1)
- if mode is regular then
- E(G1, L1, St2, ..., Stn)
- otherwise
- G1, L1, mode
- E(G, L, FunctionDefinition) =
- G, L, regular
- E(G, L, <let var1, ..., varn := rhs>: VariableDeclaration) =
- E(G, L, <var1, ..., varn := rhs>: Assignment)
- E(G, L, <let var1, ..., varn>: VariableDeclaration) =
- let L1 be a copy of L where L1[$vari] = 0 for i = 1, ..., n
- G, L1, regular
- E(G, L, <var1, ..., varn := rhs>: Assignment) =
- let G1, L1, v1, ..., vn = E(G, L, rhs)
- let L2 be a copy of L1 where L2[$vari] = vi for i = 1, ..., n
- G, L2, regular
- E(G, L, <for { i1, ..., in } condition post body>: ForLoop) =
- if n >= 1:
- let G1, L1, mode = E(G, L, i1, ..., in)
- // mode has to be regular due to the syntactic restrictions
- let G2, L2, mode = E(G1, L1, for {} condition post body)
- // mode has to be regular due to the syntactic restrictions
- let L3 be the restriction of L2 to only variables of L
- G2, L3, regular
- else:
- let G1, L1, v = E(G, L, condition)
- if v is false:
- G1, L1, regular
- else:
- let G2, L2, mode = E(G1, L, body)
- if mode is break:
- G2, L2, regular
- else:
- G3, L3, mode = E(G2, L2, post)
- E(G3, L3, for {} condition post body)
- E(G, L, break: BreakContinue) =
- G, L, break
- E(G, L, continue: BreakContinue) =
- G, L, continue
- E(G, L, <if condition body>: If) =
- let G0, L0, v = E(G, L, condition)
- if v is true:
- E(G0, L0, body)
- else:
- G0, L0, regular
- E(G, L, <switch condition case l1:t1 st1 ... case ln:tn stn>: Switch) =
- E(G, L, switch condition case l1:t1 st1 ... case ln:tn stn default {})
- E(G, L, <switch condition case l1:t1 st1 ... case ln:tn stn default st'>: Switch) =
- let G0, L0, v = E(G, L, condition)
- // i = 1 .. n
- // Evaluate literals, context doesn't matter
- let _, _, v1 = E(G0, L0, l1)
- ...
- let _, _, vn = E(G0, L0, ln)
- if there exists smallest i such that vi = v:
- E(G0, L0, sti)
- else:
- E(G0, L0, st')
- E(G, L, <name>: Identifier) =
- G, L, L[$name]
- E(G, L, <fname(arg1, ..., argn)>: FunctionCall) =
- G1, L1, vn = E(G, L, argn)
- ...
- G(n-1), L(n-1), v2 = E(G(n-2), L(n-2), arg2)
- Gn, Ln, v1 = E(G(n-1), L(n-1), arg1)
- Let <function fname (param1, ..., paramn) -> ret1, ..., retm block>
- be the function of name $fname visible at the point of the call.
- Let L' be a new local state such that
- L'[$parami] = vi and L'[$reti] = 0 for all i.
- Let G'', L'', mode = E(Gn, L', block)
- G'', Ln, L''[$ret1], ..., L''[$retm]
- E(G, L, l: HexLiteral) = G, L, hexString(l),
- where hexString decodes l from hex and left-aligns it into 32 bytes
- E(G, L, l: StringLiteral) = G, L, utf8EncodeLeftAligned(l),
- where utf8EncodeLeftAligned performs a utf8 encoding of l
- and aligns it left into 32 bytes
- E(G, L, n: HexNumber) = G, L, hex(n)
- where hex is the hexadecimal decoding function
- E(G, L, n: DecimalNumber) = G, L, dec(n),
- where dec is the decimal decoding function
-Type Conversion Functions
-JULIA has no support for implicit type conversion and therefore functions exist to provide explicit conversion.
-When converting a larger type to a shorter type a runtime exception can occur in case of an overflow.
-Truncating conversions are supported between the following types:
- - ``bool``
- - ``u32``
- - ``u64``
- - ``u256``
- - ``s256``
-For each of these a type conversion function exists having the prototype in the form of ``<input_type>to<output_type>(x:<input_type>) -> y:<output_type>``,
-such as ``u32tobool(x:u32) -> y:bool``, ``u256tou32(x:u256) -> y:u32`` or ``s256tou256(x:s256) -> y:u256``.
-.. note::
- ``u32tobool(x:u32) -> y:bool`` can be implemented as ``y := not(iszerou256(x))`` and
- ``booltou32(x:bool) -> y:u32`` can be implemented as ``switch x case true:bool { y := 1:u32 } case false:bool { y := 0:u32 }``
-Low-level Functions
-The following functions must be available:
-| *Logic* |
-| not(x:bool) -> z:bool | logical not |
-| and(x:bool, y:bool) -> z:bool | logical and |
-| or(x:bool, y:bool) -> z:bool | logical or |
-| xor(x:bool, y:bool) -> z:bool | xor |
-| *Arithmetics* |
-| addu256(x:u256, y:u256) -> z:u256 | x + y |
-| subu256(x:u256, y:u256) -> z:u256 | x - y |
-| mulu256(x:u256, y:u256) -> z:u256 | x * y |
-| divu256(x:u256, y:u256) -> z:u256 | x / y |
-| divs256(x:s256, y:s256) -> z:s256 | x / y, for signed numbers in two's complement |
-| modu256(x:u256, y:u256) -> z:u256 | x % y |
-| mods256(x:s256, y:s256) -> z:s256 | x % y, for signed numbers in two's complement |
-| signextendu256(i:u256, x:u256) -> z:u256 | sign extend from (i*8+7)th bit counting from least significant |
-| expu256(x:u256, y:u256) -> z:u256 | x to the power of y |
-| addmodu256(x:u256, y:u256, m:u256) -> z:u256| (x + y) % m with arbitrary precision arithmetics |
-| mulmodu256(x:u256, y:u256, m:u256) -> z:u256| (x * y) % m with arbitrary precision arithmetics |
-| ltu256(x:u256, y:u256) -> z:bool | true if x < y, false otherwise |
-| gtu256(x:u256, y:u256) -> z:bool | true if x > y, false otherwise |
-| sltu256(x:s256, y:s256) -> z:bool | true if x < y, false otherwise |
-| | (for signed numbers in two's complement) |
-| sgtu256(x:s256, y:s256) -> z:bool | true if x > y, false otherwise |
-| | (for signed numbers in two's complement) |
-| equ256(x:u256, y:u256) -> z:bool | true if x == y, false otherwise |
-| iszerou256(x:u256) -> z:bool | true if x == 0, false otherwise |
-| notu256(x:u256) -> z:u256 | ~x, every bit of x is negated |
-| andu256(x:u256, y:u256) -> z:u256 | bitwise and of x and y |
-| oru256(x:u256, y:u256) -> z:u256 | bitwise or of x and y |
-| xoru256(x:u256, y:u256) -> z:u256 | bitwise xor of x and y |
-| shlu256(x:u256, y:u256) -> z:u256 | logical left shift of x by y |
-| shru256(x:u256, y:u256) -> z:u256 | logical right shift of x by y |
-| saru256(x:u256, y:u256) -> z:u256 | arithmetic right shift of x by y |
-| byte(n:u256, x:u256) -> v:u256 | nth byte of x, where the most significant byte is the 0th byte |
-| | Cannot this be just replaced by and256(shr256(n, x), 0xff) and |
-| | let it be optimised out by the EVM backend? |
-| *Memory and storage* |
-| mload(p:u256) -> v:u256 | mem[p..(p+32)) |
-| mstore(p:u256, v:u256) | mem[p..(p+32)) := v |
-| mstore8(p:u256, v:u256) | mem[p] := v & 0xff - only modifies a single byte |
-| sload(p:u256) -> v:u256 | storage[p] |
-| sstore(p:u256, v:u256) | storage[p] := v |
-| msize() -> size:u256 | size of memory, i.e. largest accessed memory index, albeit due |
-| | due to the memory extension function, which extends by words, |
-| | this will always be a multiple of 32 bytes |
-| *Execution control* |
-| create(v:u256, p:u256, s:u256) | create new contract with code mem[p..(p+s)) and send v wei |
-| | and return the new address |
-| call(g:u256, a:u256, v:u256, in:u256, | call contract at address a with input mem[in..(in+insize)) |
-| insize:u256, out:u256, | providing g gas and v wei and output area |
-| outsize:u256) | mem[out..(out+outsize)) returning 0 on error (eg. out of gas) |
-| -> r:u256 | and 1 on success |
-| callcode(g:u256, a:u256, v:u256, in:u256, | identical to ``call`` but only use the code from a |
-| insize:u256, out:u256, | and stay in the context of the |
-| outsize:u256) -> r:u256 | current contract otherwise |
-| delegatecall(g:u256, a:u256, in:u256, | identical to ``callcode``, |
-| insize:u256, out:u256, | but also keep ``caller`` |
-| outsize:u256) -> r:u256 | and ``callvalue`` |
-| abort() | abort (equals to invalid instruction on EVM) |
-| return(p:u256, s:u256) | end execution, return data mem[p..(p+s)) |
-| revert(p:u256, s:u256) | end execution, revert state changes, return data mem[p..(p+s)) |
-| selfdestruct(a:u256) | end execution, destroy current contract and send funds to a |
-| log0(p:u256, s:u256) | log without topics and data mem[p..(p+s)) |
-| log1(p:u256, s:u256, t1:u256) | log with topic t1 and data mem[p..(p+s)) |
-| log2(p:u256, s:u256, t1:u256, t2:u256) | log with topics t1, t2 and data mem[p..(p+s)) |
-| log3(p:u256, s:u256, t1:u256, t2:u256, | log with topics t, t2, t3 and data mem[p..(p+s)) |
-| t3:u256) | |
-| log4(p:u256, s:u256, t1:u256, t2:u256, | log with topics t1, t2, t3, t4 and data mem[p..(p+s)) |
-| t3:u256, t4:u256) | |
-| *State queries* |
-| blockcoinbase() -> address:u256 | current mining beneficiary |
-| blockdifficulty() -> difficulty:u256 | difficulty of the current block |
-| blockgaslimit() -> limit:u256 | block gas limit of the current block |
-| blockhash(b:u256) -> hash:u256 | hash of block nr b - only for last 256 blocks excluding current |
-| blocknumber() -> block:u256 | current block number |
-| blocktimestamp() -> timestamp:u256 | timestamp of the current block in seconds since the epoch |
-| txorigin() -> address:u256 | transaction sender |
-| txgasprice() -> price:u256 | gas price of the transaction |
-| gasleft() -> gas:u256 | gas still available to execution |
-| balance(a:u256) -> v:u256 | wei balance at address a |
-| this() -> address:u256 | address of the current contract / execution context |
-| caller() -> address:u256 | call sender (excluding delegatecall) |
-| callvalue() -> v:u256 | wei sent together with the current call |
-| calldataload(p:u256) -> v:u256 | call data starting from position p (32 bytes) |
-| calldatasize() -> v:u256 | size of call data in bytes |
-| calldatacopy(t:u256, f:u256, s:u256) | copy s bytes from calldata at position f to mem at position t |
-| codesize() -> size:u256 | size of the code of the current contract / execution context |
-| codecopy(t:u256, f:u256, s:u256) | copy s bytes from code at position f to mem at position t |
-| extcodesize(a:u256) -> size:u256 | size of the code at address a |
-| extcodecopy(a:u256, t:u256, f:u256, s:u256) | like codecopy(t, f, s) but take code at address a |
-| *Others* |
-| discard(unused:bool) | discard value |
-| discardu256(unused:u256) | discard value |
-| splitu256tou64(x:u256) -> (x1:u64, x2:u64, | split u256 to four u64's |
-| x3:u64, x4:u64) | |
-| combineu64tou256(x1:u64, x2:u64, x3:u64, | combine four u64's into a single u256 |
-| x4:u64) -> (x:u256) | |
-| keccak256(p:u256, s:u256) -> v:u256 | keccak(mem[p...(p+s))) |
-Backends or targets are the translators from JULIA to a specific bytecode. Each of the backends can expose functions
-prefixed with the name of the backend. We reserve ``evm_`` and ``ewasm_`` prefixes for the two proposed backends.
-Backend: EVM
-The EVM target will have all the underlying EVM opcodes exposed with the `evm_` prefix.
-Backend: "EVM 1.5"
-Backend: eWASM
-Specification of JULIA Object
- TopLevelObject = 'object' '{' Code? ( Object | Data )* '}'
- Object = 'object' StringLiteral '{' Code? ( Object | Data )* '}'
- Code = 'code' Block
- Data = 'data' StringLiteral HexLiteral
- HexLiteral = 'hex' ('"' ([0-9a-fA-F]{2})* '"' | '\'' ([0-9a-fA-F]{2})* '\'')
- StringLiteral = '"' ([^"\r\n\\] | '\\' .)* '"'
-Above, ``Block`` refers to ``Block`` in the JULIA code grammar explained in the previous chapter.
-An example JULIA Object is shown below:
-.. code::
- // Code consists of a single object. A single "code" node is the code of the object.
- // Every (other) named object or data section is serialized and
- // made accessible to the special built-in functions datacopy / dataoffset / datasize
- object {
- code {
- let size = datasize("runtime")
- let offset = allocate(size)
- // This will turn into a memory->memory copy for eWASM and
- // a codecopy for EVM
- datacopy(dataoffset("runtime"), offset, size)
- // this is a constructor and the runtime code is returned
- return(offset, size)
- }
- data "Table2" hex"4123"
- object "runtime" {
- code {
- // runtime code
- let size = datasize("Contract2")
- let offset = allocate(size)
- // This will turn into a memory->memory copy for eWASM and
- // a codecopy for EVM
- datacopy(dataoffset("Contract2"), offset, size)
- // constructor parameter is a single number 0x1234
- mstore(add(offset, size), 0x1234)
- create(offset, add(size, 32))
- }
- // Embedded object. Use case is that the outside is a factory contract,
- // and Contract2 is the code to be created by the factory
- object "Contract2" {
- code {
- // code here ...
- }
- object "runtime" {
- code {
- // code here ...
- }
- }
- data "Table1" hex"4123"
- }
- }
- }